§ SIR EDWARD STRACHEY (Somerset-shire, S.)To ask the Secretary of State for War whether, considering the 865 fact that a number of old volunteers, many of them the best shots in their battalions, cannot comply with the new regulations respecting attendance at camp, he will consider the advisability of making some concession to men who have served for a period, say, of ten or fifteen years, allowing attendance at camp in their case to be optional.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Brodrick.) If the hon. Member will kindly refer to Army Order 119 of 1902 lie will find that the regulations therein set forth apply to these cases. The selection of the officers and volunteers to be exempted from attendance at camp rests with the commanding officer. It is not held practicable to make length of service, apart from other conditions, a definite qualification for exemption in the manner suggested by the hon. Member.