§ DR. THOMPSONTo ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he is aware of the increasing 867 prevalence of consumption in Ireland; and if he will direct the Local Government Board to point out to the local authorities the importance of providing in each county a properly equipped sanatorium for the treatment of such cases.
(Answered by Mr. Wyndham.) The reply to the first inquiry is in the affirmative. The matter has engaged the most careful consideration of the Local Government Board, who have repeatedly directed the attention of sanitary authorities to the best means of preventing the further spread of this disease. In their Circular Letter of 16th September, 1901, the Board strongly urged upon boards of guardians the advisability of either making special arrangements with the managers of existing sanatoria for consumptives, or themselves erecting such sanatoria for the curative treatment of this disease. The Board have recently called upon their medical inspectors to furnish Reports as to the action taken in each district.