§ SIR JOHN LENGI beg to ask the ‡ President of the Board of Agriculture whether his attention has been called to a statement made by Mr. Colmer, Secretary to the High Commissioner for Canada, that during the last ten years not a single case of pleuro-pneumonia has been discovered among cattle in the Dominion, and that about 1,000,000 Canadian cattle have been imported into this country in that period, and that Mr. Sewell Bead has pronounced Canadian cattle the healthiest in the world; whether, in view of the diminution in the supply of British stores he will take steps to abrogate the embargo on the sale of Canadian live stores in English and Scottish markets.
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE (Mr. HANBURY, Preston)The answer to the first paragraph is in the affirmative. Not only Canadian stores, but those of all countries alike are prohibited from entering this country by the provisions of the Act of 1896, and I have no intention of proposing to repeal them.
§ MR. ARCHDALE (Fermanagh, N.)Can the right hon. Gentleman say what is the estimated amount of loss suffered by the farmers of this country through 1398 the last attack of foot and mouth disease caused by the importation of cattle from abroad?
§ MR. SPEAKEROrder, order: That does not arise out of the Question.