HC Deb 12 May 1902 vol 107 c1332

To ask the Secretary to the Admiralty if he will give the number and names of ships of all classes of the Royal Navy that are now under repair, owing to defects in their water-tube boilers.

(Answer.) The following vessels are at present, or will shortly be, under repair, owing to defects in their water-tube boilers:—

Battleships: None.

Armed Cruisers: None.

Protected Cruisers:

First class: Three, viz.:— Powerful" and "Europa," undergoing general refit, including repairs to boilers. Diadem," about to undergo general refit, including boiler repairs. Second Class: Two, viz.:— Arrogant," about to undergo general refit, including boiler repairs. Hermes," about to be fitted with, new boilers. Third Class: One, viz.:— Pelorus," boilers about to be re-tubed.


First class: Two, viz.:— Salamander," about to be fitted with new boilers. Sharpshooter," boilers being re-tubed as opportunities offer, ship remaining in commission.

In addition to the above, seventeen Torpedo Boat Destroyers, with small tube water-tube boilers of various types are, or shortly will be, under repair, viz.:—

Torpedo Boat Destroyers: Seventeen,— Sunfish," to be completed 24th May. Bat," "Osprey," "Seal," "Sylvia," "Violet," "Boxer," "Janus," "Lightning," "Spitfire," and "Ferret," boilers being re-tubed. Salmon," boilers damaged by having been in collision. Defects being made good. Fairy," "Leopard," "Leven," "Teazer" and "Lynx," boilers require re-tubing. Work not yet commenced.—(Admiralty.)