HC Deb 13 March 1902 vol 104 c1284
MR. P. A. M'HUGH (Leitrim, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the Board of Works have advanced a sum of £55 on the security of his farm to a tenant named James Fox, Aughavanny, on the Tottenham Estate, County Leitrim; can he state how much has been repaid to the Board of Works on account of this loan; how much still is due to the Board of Works; and by whom have the instalments of principal and interest been paid to the Board since the eviction of Fox in 1892.


The loan of £55 was advanced in 1883 to Charles Fox. The repayments amount to £23 18s. 11d. No further payment has been made since 1892. The balance has not been remitted as against the borrower.


Has the right hon. Gentleman taken the Board of Works under his charge?


If the hon. Member means that the Question should have been answered by the Secretary to the Treasury, I may explain that the information was sent to me, and I therefore replied.