HC Deb 13 June 1902 vol 109 c610
MR. KIMBER (Wandsworth)

To ask the Secretary of State for War whether it is proposed that any of the land held by the Royal Patriotic Fund Commissioners on Wandsworth Common, from which it was originally taken, shall be sold or leased for building purposes; and, if so, whether he can induce the Commissioners to abstain from committing themselves to any engagements in that respect until they have given the local authorities or the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association the opportunity of submitting proposals for the acquisition of the land as an open space.

(Answer.) My hon. friend presumably refers to a proposal made by the Joint Committee of both Houses in regard to the Royal Victoria Patriotic Orphanage Estate. I must point out that this estate is partly in the parish of Wandsworth, but is not part of Wandsworth Common. The Commissioners are fully alive to the many-sided public interests involved in this recommendation, but they have as yet come to no decision on the matter.—(War Office.)