HC Deb 05 June 1902 vol 108 cc1529-30

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if his attention has been called to the conditions of application for appointment required from candidates for the West Riding of Yorkshire Constabulary: Whether he is aware that it is stated therein that an applicant is to serve and reside in whatever part of the Riding he may be stationed, suitable houses being provided at low rents for married men where rents are high: And, seeing that, in parts, houses are not provided for married constables where rents are high, and that dissatisfaction exists amongst the constabulary in this regard, whether he will call the attention of the Standing Joint Committee and the Chief Constable to the matter, with a view to the fulfilment of the inducements held out to constables.

(Answer.) The conditions, of which I have seen a copy, state that constables are to serve and reside in whatever part of the Riding they are sent, suitable houses being liberally provided at low rents for married men where rents are high. The authorised strength of the force is 1,232; of these 190 are unmarried and live in lodgings; for the remainder 510 houses are provided, accommodating about 50 per cent. of the number. I am informed that where rents are high applications for houses are almost invariably granted by the Standing Joint Committee if the sanitary and other conditions are found to be satisfactory, but that in many cases, when sergeants or constables have large families, they prefer to reside in localities where suitable employment can be obtained for their children, even if they have to pay their own rents, rather than in houses rented for them elsewhere. Under these circumstances I do not think that any interference on my part is called for.—(Home Office.)