HC Deb 04 July 1902 vol 110 c821

To ask the. Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is -aware that a soldier who has served twelve months in South Africa in Kitchener's Horse, after serving his time in the 20th Hussars, and holding the Egyptian medal, and aged thirty-eight, and in robust health, has been refused a. permit for himself, wife, and children to land in Cape Town, though anxious to settle in South Africa, because he has not £100 in cash, and can only take £60 with him; whether such regulations are sanctioned by the Colonial Office; and whether it is the wish of the Government to encourage this class of immigrant to the new Colonies.

(Answer.) All applicants are required to show that they have some definite business or prospect of employment in South Africa. In the case of men who served during the war in South Africa a monetary qualification of,£100 has been considered sufficient. The whole question, however, of the admission of settlers is now under consideration, the only object in view being to prevent intending settlers finding themselves penniless before securing employment.—(War Office.)