HC Deb 24 February 1902 vol 103 c899
SIR CHARLES DILKE (Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether preparations are now in progress for another punitive expedition against the followers of the Mullah Haji Mohammed Abdullah, in British Somaliland; and if so, whether he will inform the House as to the nature and extent of these preparations; and whether the expedition is being entered upon in conjunction with or with the approval of the Negus of Abyssinia.


My noble friend the Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs has asked me to reply in his absence. Towards the end of December last the Acting Consul General at Berbera telegraphed that the Mullah had resumed offensive operations against the friendly tribes in British Somaliland. Six British officers of the King's African Rifles, under Colonel Swayne, who conducted the recent operations, were at once despatched, and other precautions taken, of which details will be given in Papers about to be laid. It has not been necessary as yet to consider the propriety of making any communication on the subject to Abyssinia.