§ MR. LOUGHOn behalf of the hon. Member for East Northamptonshire, I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether he can state the number of the reservists who have been recently called out again after being allowed to return to their avocations on working furlough; whether he is aware of the loss inflicted on many of these men in having to break up their homes a second time within two years; 178 and whether, seeing that in many such cases employers who had after the first calling out been in a position to reinstate the reservists in their employ are now declining to keep their posts open for them, the special exemption granted to these men when in the employ of the Post Office can be extended to other cases.
§ MR. BRODRICKI am afraid that it is not possible to accede to the hon. Member's request. The exigencies of the war must necessarily override other considerations, and while admitting the desirability of meeting the needs of the employers and men where possible, I cannot see my way to permit any further extension of the furlough. This is one of the hardships which are unfortunately inseparable from war. All consideration which can be shown to the reservists has been shown. The case of the Post Office employees is quite exceptional, they have been re-transferred to the reserve.