HC Deb 11 February 1902 vol 102 cc977-9

reported from the Committee of Selection; That they had nominated the following Members to serve on the Standing Committee for the consideration of all Bills relating to Trade (including Agriculture and Fishing), Shipping, and Manufactures, which may, by Order of the House, be committed to such Standing Committee:—Mr. Attorney General, Mr. Baird, Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Gerald Balfour, Mr. Beckett, Mr. Boland, Mr. Griffith-Boscawen, Mr. Broadhurst, Mr. John Burns, Mr. Burt, Sir Charles Cayzer, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Channing, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Jesse Collings, Sir John Colomb, Mr. Crombie, Mr. Dillon, Sir Frederick Dixon-Hartland, Mr. Doughty, Mr. J. P. Farrell, Mr. Fenwick, Sir Robert Penrose-FitzGerald, Sir Fortescue Flannery, Sir Henry Fowler, Mr. Galloway, Mr. Garfit, Sir Alfred Hickman, Sir William Hornby, Sir William Houldsworth, Mr. Jeffreys, Sir James Joicey, Mr. Lambert, Sir Elliott Lees, Mr. Lloyd-George, Colonel Long, Mr. Walter Long, Dr. MacDonnell, Mr. Macartney, Mr. William M'Killop, Mr. Mather, Mr. W. J. Maxwell, Mr. T. P. O'Connor, Mr. Parkes, Mr. Pike Pease, Colonel Pilkington, Sir James Rankin, Mr. Renshaw, Mr. Herbert Roberts, Sir Albert Rollit, Mr. Round, Mr. T. W. Russell, Mr. Stuart Samuel, Mr. Seton-Karr, Mr. Thomas Shaw, Sir Barrington Simeon, Sir Edward Strachey, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Tennant, Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Whitley Thomson, Mr. Tully, Mr. George Whitley, Colonel Williams, Sir Frederick Wills, Mr. John Wilson (Durham), Mr. Wolff, and Mr. Samuel Young.


further reported from the Committee of Selection, That they had nominated the following Members to serve on the Standing Committee for the consideration of all Bills relating to Law, and Courts of Justice, and Legal Procedure which may, by order of the House, be committed to such Standing Committee:—The Lord Advocate, Mr. Asquith, Mr. Atherley-Jones, Mr. Atkinson, Mr. Barlow, Mr. Bartley, Mr. Butcher, Mr. Carew, Lord Hugh Cecil, Mr. Clancy, Mr. Coghill, Mr. Colston, Mr. Cripps, Sir Savile Crossley, Mr. Bromley-Davenport, Sir Charles Dilke, Mr. Dillon, Mr. Tatton Egerton, Mr. Arthur Elliot, Mr. Samuel Evans, Mr. George Faber, Sir George Fardell, Mr. Flynn, Mr. Vicary Gibbs, Sir Frederick Godson, Mr. Goulding, Mr. Graham, Mr. H. D. Greene, Mr. Haldane, Mr. Harwood, Mr. T. M. Healy, Mr. James Heath, Mr. Helder, Mr. Hemphill, Mr. Henry Hobhouse, Mr. Jacoby, Mr. Brynmor Jones, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Lees Knowles, Mr. W. F. Lawrence, Sir Joseph Leese, Mr. Lloyd Morgan, Mr. Loder, Mr. A. K. Loyd, Mr. Lyttleton, Dr. Macnamara, Mr. MacNeill, Sir Henry Meysey-Thompson, Mr. William Moore, Mr. Arthur Morton, Mr. Newdigate, Captain Norton, Sir Francis Powell, Lieutenant-Colonel Pryce-Jones, Sir Robert Reid, Mr. Secretary Ritchie, Mr. Bryn Roberts, Mr. Parker Smith, Mr. Soames, Mr. Solicitor General, Sir Earnest Spencer, Mr. Stevenson, Sir Benjamin Stone, Mr. Ure, Sir Howard Vincent, Mr. Robert Wallace, Mr. Warr, and Sir James Woodhouse.

Reports to lie upon the Table.