§ MR JOYCE (Limerick)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether he is aware that the extra attendance of the officers at the Limerick Post Office in the case brought under his notice was necessary, owing to the increased clerical labour entailed by the Jubilee concessions, and the introduction of the amalgamated system. Whether it is usual to accept the services of officers gratuitously, and whether he is aware that a claim for overtime was previously lodged by one of the men; whether, seeing that necessary services, were rendered, he will now undertake to make further inquiries with a view to having the claim allowed. And, having regard to the fact that provision was made in the recent revision for one chief clerk, two superintendents, one clerk, and four sorting clerks and telegraphists in the postmaster's enquiry office, will he state whether their absence from their different departments is provided for; and is he aware that previous to the 11th March dual officers had ceased to be employed in the telegraph office.
§ MR. AUSTEN CHAMBERLAINThe Postmaster General is not aware that the extra attendance of the officers referred to at Limerick was due to the cause stated, or that any claim for overtime has been made by one of those officers. Any such claim, if made, will receive duo-consideration. In the event of any of the officers mentioned in the last paragraph being temporarily absent from the office, the usual provision would be made for their duties. As regards his inquiry 21 respecting "dual officers." the hon. Member is referred to the reply given to him on the subject on the 24th ultimo.†