HC Deb 06 May 1901 vol 93 cc759-60

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board if he is aware that for years past the children of the Barrack Schools at Sutton are arrayed along the public highway for the purpose of attracting alms from persons going to and from the Derby Race at Epsom; that police are employed to keep the path between the children and the road clear of passers-by, so that the money flung from the carriages falling short of the arrayed children may be picked up by lads belonging to the school; that the school band is kept playing to attract attention, and the infants are exposed in a field by the railway to draw money from the passengers, and that many of these scholars are the children of respectable widows and others who object to this proceeding, which is also condemned by a strong minority of the Sutton guardians and a number of the ratepayers, and will he instruct the guardians to discontinue the practice.


This subject was on several occasions brought before my predecessor in office, who declined to interfere, and stated that he thought the matter must be left to the judgment of the managers. I see no reason to dissent from the view which he took with regard to it.