§ MR. MINCH (Kildare, S.)I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that John Lalor, of Ballybarney, county Kildare, Ireland, enlisted in the Royal Dublin Fusiliers in April, 1900, being at the time under eighteen years of age, that his mother, Margaret Lalor, who is a widow, has since made repeated applications for his discharge, and that she was informed that on the payment of the sum of £10 her son would be discharged from the Army when the war was over, on the grounds he was under age at the time of enlistment; and whether he will now order the discharge of this boy on the payment of the sum of money already mentioned in order that he may be at liberty to return home.
LORD STANLEYThe facts are mainly as stated in the question. If this man registered his name to purchase his discharge, and did so within three months of his enlistment, he will be allowed to go on payment of £10 when demobilisation is ordered, but not before.