HC Deb 14 March 1901 vol 90 cc1547-8
MR. G. T. KENYON (Denbigh)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether the assent of the subscribers to the fund for the Welsh Hospital in South Africa to its absorption in another hospital was asked for or obtained, and whether he is aware that a considerable amount of the money originally subscribed still remains unexpended.


The absorption was arranged by the authorities in South Africa in communication with *See page 1328 of this volume. those in charge of the hospital there. I am not aware of the details of that arrangement, or of the conditions on which it was made; nor do I know the position of the funds. Lord Kitchener has given instructions that full information as to the circumstances of the absorption shall be reported.

MR. BRYNMOR JONES (Swansea District)

May I ask the noble Lord whether the gentleman to whom he alluded on Tuesday last was authorised to speak only for the executive committee? Has the general secretary expressed satisfaction at, or acquiescence in, the action of the military authorities?


The gentleman I referred to represented the executive committee. I thought, wrongly, it seems, that he represented the views of the whole committee. I do not exactly know what are the objections now being raised, but if the hon. Member will see me privately I shall be most happy to give the matter my attention.