HC Deb 12 March 1901 vol 90 cc1336-7
MR. JOHN ELLIS (Nottinghamshire, Rushcliffe)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what has been the total trade (exports and imports) of each of the following protectorates, namely, Uganda, East Africa, Central Africa, and Somaliland, since their creation up to 31st December, 1900; and whether he can state approximately the figures of the trade in each case from and to Great Britain and Ireland.


The statistics available are to be found in the "Statistical Abstract for the Colonies and other Possessions of the United Kingdom." presented to Parliament in 1899 and 1900. As regards Uganda, figures are not available for the years after 1896, owing to the protracted disturbances in that protectorate. The trade, however, has been comparatively small, and, such as it is, it may be considered to be practically included in the figures representing the imports and exports of the East Africa Protectorate, through which they must have passed. Even with regard to the remaining protectorates, in consequence of the recent character of their creations there has been a want of uniformity in the method of computing the statistics, both as between the several protectorates and in respect of the basis of computation in any one protectorate. Omitting Uganda, for the reasons stated, the totals of exports and imports are:—For East Africa, from 1895 to 31st March, 1900, excluding "administration" imports and imports of material for railway construction and of provision for those engaged thereon, the figures are: Imports, R.24,711,876; exports, R.6,200,215; total, R.30,972,091 (£1,970,091). For British Central Africa, from 1895 to 31st March, 1900, including "administration" imports, the figures are: Imports, £580,001; exports, £187,718; total, £777,779. For Somaliland, from 1892 to 31st March, 1900, the figures are: Imports, R.42,160,470; exports, R,42,501,390; total, R.84,661,860 (£5,157,559). The proportion of British trade to total trade can only be given to a very limited degree. As regards the East Africa Protectorate, the imports from the United Kingdom are approximately from 25 to 30 per cent. of the total. The exports to the United Kingdom were about 25 per cent. of the total in 1896–7. Later information is not available. As regards British Central Africa, nothing can be stated as to the proportion of the exports going to the United Kingdom. Of the imports, between 80 and 90 per cent. came from the United Kingdom in 1899–1900. In regard to Somaliland, no particulars can be given of the share of the United Kingdom in the total trade.

MR. LOUGH (Islington, W.)

Will Papers giving further information be presented before the Supplementary Estimates are taken?


The hon. Member forgets that at the beginning of my answer I said that this information was given in Papers presented to Parliament in 1899–1900.


But will the figures be brought up to date before the Supplementary Vote is taken?


I cannot promise.