HC Deb 28 May 1900 vol 83 cc1503-4

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, having regard to the fact that Port Hamilton was evacuated by Her Majesty's Government in 1887, in consequence of a formal pledge given by the Russian Government on 5th November, 1886, that Russia would under no circumstances occupy Korean territory, and that this pledge was formally quoted by the then Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to this House on 10th July, 1894, as binding, and, again, as holding good on 13th June, 1895, whether he can state what events have occurred since these dates to diminish the binding character of the Russian promise of 1886; whether the Russian Government have offered any explanations of their breach of this pledge to Her Majesty's Government either directly or indirectly; whether a Russian armed force is now in occupation of the Korean territory recently ceded to Russia at Mesampho, and whether Russia intends to fortify this land.


I have already explained to the House that the recent agreement between the Russian and Korean Governments has no reference to sovereign rights, but to a concession simi- lar to that which the Japanese Government has obtained within the area of the treaty port of Masampho. We have no information as to the presence of any armed force on the site granted for a coal depot or of any intention on the part of the Russian Government to erect fortifications there. The assurance given by Russia in 1886 was not an assurance with Her Majesty's Government, but to another Power. What steps Her Majesty's Government would think it right to take in case of the policy indicated by this assurance being abandoned is a question which cannot be answered until circumstances arise affecting the rights or interests of Great Britain.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware, or has he forgotten, that it was expressly on the faith of the guarantees given by the Russian Government that Her Majesty's Government evacuated Port Hamilton?


Order, order!


gave notice that he should, as early as possible, call attention to the matter.


Go to war with Russia.