HC Deb 26 March 1900 vol 81 cc323-4
COLONEL DALBIAC (Camberwell, N.)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Trea- sury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether any steps will be taken to carry out the scheme introduced by Mr. Fawcett, and recommended by the Tweedmouth Committee, with reference to the abolition of classification, whereby the many hundreds of telegraphists now only receiving £160 per annum, with no hope of advancement, will be permitted to rise to a salary of £190 per annum, which was the prospect held out to many of them when entering the service.


The hon. Member appears to be under a misapprehension regarding Mr. Fawcett's scheme and the recommendations of the Tweedmouth Committee in reference to abolition of classification. So far from recommending abolition of classification, Mr. Fawcett provided in his scheme for first and second classes of telegraphists in London with a maximum of £140 a year for the first class, which subsequently—in 1890—was raised to £160 a year. Lord Tweedmouth's Committee recommended the combination of the first and second classes, but distinctly limited amalgamation to those two classes, and expressed an opinion that the maximum salary of £160 a year affords an adequate remuneration for the work entrusted to a telegraphist in London—an opinion which was subsequently endorsed by the Postmaster General and myself. The prospect of advancement to the class of overseers and senior telegraphists which has a maximum of £190 has not been altered in any respect.