§ MR. A. J. BALFOURI have further to announce that the following telegram from Lord Roberts has been received at the War Office:—
Osfontein, March 7, 4.30 p.m.March 7.—Our operations to-day promise to be a great success.The enemy occupied position four miles north and eleven miles south of Modder River.I placed Colvile's Division on north bank, Kelly-Kenny's and Tucker's, with Cavalry Division, on south bank.The Cavalry Division succeeded in turning the left flank, opening the road for 6th Division, which is advancing without having been obliged to fire a shot up to present time—12 noon.Enemy are in full retreat toward north and east, being closely fallowed by cavalry, horse artillery, and mounted infantry, while the 7th (Tucker's) and 9th (Colvile's Division) and Guards Brigade, under Pole-Carew, are making their way across the river at Poplar's Drift, where I propose to place my headquarters this evening.Our casualties will, I trust, be few, as the enemy were quite unprepared for being attacked by the flank and having their communications with Bloemfontein threatened.
§ Adjourned at a quarter before Six of the clock.