HC Deb 29 June 1900 vol 85 c83
MR. T. J. FARRELL (Kerry, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that a family named Hussey was evicted on the Warden property on 6th June, 1900; and that Johanna Hussey, the wife of the evicted tenant, was also evicted on the same day by the sheriff, bailiffs, and police, notwithstanding the fact that the local dispensary officer stated that this woman was under his medical care, and had given certificates as to her unfitness to be removed or evicted, and also certified that she was a case of quiet mania, and in a debilitated condition; and can he state on what grounds and by whose authority was Johanna Hussey evicted, and whether he proposes to take any steps in the matter.


The eviction of Hussey and his family on the date mentioned was carried out not by the police but by the sub-sheriff, in pursuance of a decree for possession obtained at petty session in April. Prior to the eviction Hussey had obtained a certificate from a doctor that his wife was not in a fit state for removal. The sub-sheriff, however, was accompanied on the occasion by a doctor who examined the woman and certified that she could with safety be re-moved. Upon the approach of the eviction party it appears that Mrs. Hussey, although fully dressed, was put into bed by one of her daughters, and after the eviction was carried out she ran away from the doctor who had boon speaking to her. There is no doubt, I believe, that she is a woman of weak intellect. There is nothing in the matter calling for action on the part of the Government.


put a further question.


If the hon. Member wishes further information he must put down his question.