HC Deb 29 June 1900 vol 85 cc83-4
MR. MACALEESE (Monaghan, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if his attention has been drawn to the particulars of an inquest held in the Belfast Lunatic Asylum on the 15th ultimo, on the remains of an inmate named Eliza Clingin, who was an inmate of the asylum from 1892, and died after long suffering from phthisis; and would he make known to the House the nature of the communication made to the coroner which induced that gentleman to hold an inquest in this case where the cause of death was within the knowledge of the medical and nursing staff of the asylum.


I have seen a copy of the verdict of the coroner's jury in this case. As regards the second paragraph, the only communication made to the coroner which induced him to hold the inquest was the ordinary notification sent to the coroner in the case of every death in a district asylum in Ireland within forty-eight hours of the death.