HC Deb 13 December 1900 vol 88 cc678-9
* MR. KEIR HARDIE (Merthyr Tydvil)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called by the Belfast Trades Council to a violation of the Fair Wages Resolution by Messrs. Musgrave and Co., Limited, St. Ann's Ironworks, Belfast, in connection with a War Office contract; whether parts of the contract were given to the Cleonard Foundry, the Union Foundry, and to Messrs. Ritchie, Hart, and Co., all of them sweating firms, paying less than trade union wages; and, what steps he proposes taking to prevent a recurrence of such sub-letting to firms which do not comply with the regulations under which contracts are granted.


A communication has been received from the Belfast Trades Council. Messrs. Musgrave sublet the preparation of some materials for a War Office contract to the three firms named, but on the distinct condition that the current rate of wages should be paid. The three firms on enquiry all assert that they are paying the current rate. The sub-letting in question was not contrary to the terms of the contract. Any complaints relative to reported infringements of the conditions of contract are carefully investigated.


I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called by the Belfast Trade Council to a violation of the Fair Wages Clause by Messrs. Wilson, of Belfast, in connection with a contract for the manufacture of tents for the War Office; whether workmen were dismissed for refusing to accept less than the trade union rates of pay whilst engaged on the contract; what is the penalty incurred for such violation, and whether he proposes to enforce it; and, as a warning to others, will he cause the name of Messrs. Wilson to be removed from the list of contractors to the War Office.


A communication from the Belfast Trades Council has been received. It is considered that the Council have not made out their case that tent-making is exclusively sail-makers' work. So long as the persons employed by Messrs. Wilson are not receiving less than the current rate of wages there is no ground for the interference of the War Department.


Was not the complaint made that the rate of wages paid was not the rate current in the district?


The result of inquiries was that the current rate of wages in the district for this class of work was being paid.


If I can prove that the information supplied to the Governmena is incorrect will the right hon. Gentleman impose the usual penalty in these cases?


Order, order!