HC Deb 01 June 1896 vol 41 c219
MR. W. F. B. MASSEY-MAIN-WARING (Finsbury, Central)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade, if he has any information as to whether the accident on the Snowdon Railway was caused by a depression or settlement in the permanent way; who certified before the line was opened that it was safe for traffic; when any reports relating to the above will be published; and, will the line be thoroughly tested before being used in the holiday traffic, and by whom?


The engineers are of opinion that the accident was caused by the locomotive mounting the rack probably in consequence of a subsidence of the permanent way caused by the melting of snow in a cutting. As the line was not constructed under any statutory authority the provisions of the Railway Acts as to inspection do not apply. On the recommendation of the Company's engineers, no passenger traffic has been carried since the date of the accident, and none will be carried pending the adoption of certain additional precautions suggested by the engineers to prevent the engine mounting the rack.