HC Deb 11 February 1895 vol 30 c446

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland how many jurors were ordered by the Crown to stand aside in the recent trial of the convict Twiss at the Cork Assizes, and on what grounds they were challenged?


Twenty jurors were ordered to stand by. The accused challenged 16. His right to challenge extended to 20. Four of his challengers were unused, which is some evidence of the fairness of the election of jurors in the case. The Crown Solicitor ordered those jurors alone to stand by who, on grounds known to him, were not fit to serve; but he did so under positive directions to order no juror to stand aside on the ground of politics or religion, which he carefully observed. I do not know from what point of view the hon. Member puts this question. But I may tell him that the case was tried by a Roman Catholic Judge, the three prosecuting counsel were Catholic, and I am told, though I have no official knowledge of the fact, that a considerable majority of the jurors were Catholics.

MR. T. W. RUSSELL (Tyrone, S.)

Can the right, hon. Gentleman give us any information as to the grounds on which these jurors were ordered to stand by?


No; the matter is in the discretion of the Crown Solicitor; but he received instruction that no juror should be ordered to stand by on the ground of religion or political opinion.