§ CAPTAIN DONELAN (Cork, E.)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he is aware that some of the labourers employed at Haulbow-line Dockyard were dismissed on Saturday last; and if he can state how many have been discharged from the Engineer's and Chief Carpenter's departments since 447 1st July 1894; and, whether, in view of the acute distress at present prevailing at Queenstown through dearth of employment, and the undertaking given by the Admiralty that provision would be made to avoid the dismissal of workmen during the winter months, steps will be taken to re-instate without delay all labourers thus discharged?
§ Mr. E. ROBERTSONNone of the regular hands, either established or hired, have been discharged from Haulbowline. In certain cases it has been found necessary to dispense with the services of men who were temporarily employed on specific work, and on the distinct understanding that their employment would cease when such work was completed. Six men were discharged in this way on Saturday week. Including these six men, there are only 23 men less employed at Haulbowline at present than on September 1st last, the date on which returns of numbers employed were instituted. I regret that at present the requirements of the Haul-bowline Dockyard do not enable the Admiralty to engage the services of any more workmen for temporary employment.
§ MR. KEARLEY (Devonport)asked whether there was not a wholesale discharge at many English dockyards just before Christmas?
§ MR. ROBERTSONThat is a totally different subject, and I must have notice of the question.