HC Deb 19 July 1894 vol 27 c358
MR. M. KENNY (Tyrone, Mid)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he can state whether a bequest by one John M'Evoy, to found and endow a school at Knockmoyle for the education of children born on the Mountjoy Forest Estate, County Tyrone, is now being applied, so far as the endowment is concerned, to the use of a school at Dunmullen not on the estate; and whether the proper body exercising control in the matter of educational endowments will inquire into the facts of the case and correct any abuse that may be found to exist?


I am informed by the Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests that the bequest referred to does not contain any provision for the endowment of a school at Knockmoyle. The will made provision for the education of boys born on the Mountjoy Demesne, and the annual interest on the endowment, amounting to less than £8, is remitted for this purpose to the rector of the parish. The demesne, as such, has ceased to exist, and the rector has let it be known that he would devote the income to the instruction at the Omagh Model School of boys born on the estate, or, failing applicants for instruction at this school, to the general purposes of primary education in a school in the neighbourhood of of the demesne.