§ MR. MAINS (Donegal, N.)I beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he is aware that the Revenue Authorities have refused to allow any more spirits or other goods to be bonded in the Excise warehouse in Ballymoney; (2.) how many years has this warehouse been in existence, and if the traders presented a Memorial against it being closed; (3.) and if the annual saving in expenditure is estimated to be only a few shillings for stationery, or what are the advantages to be gained by shutting up the one warehouse in that town?
§ *SIR J. T. HIBBERTPerhaps the hon. Member will allow me to answer this question. (1.) The fact is as stated. (2.) The warehouse has been in existence for many years. A Memorial has been presented to the Inland Revenue against its being closed. (3.) No immediate saving to the Revenue was effected, but it is anticipated that there will be one on any general re-arrangement of business. On the death of the late proprietor, his widow refused to continue the warehouse. Although a company was desirous of doing so, it was considered that the extent of the business was not sufficient to justify its continuance. The late proprietor's widow has been allowed more than 12 months to clear the small stock of spirits.