HC Deb 06 February 1893 vol 8 c524
MR. BOUSFIELD (Hackney, N.)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether, in or about the year 1855, a Proclamation was issued stating in effect that all five years' men who volunteered for 10 years would become entitled under certain conditions to a pension of 6d. per day; whether he can lay upon the Table of the House a Copy of such Proclamation; and whether the terms of such Proclamation, as to grant of pensions, have been adhered to by the Admiralty in all eases; and, if not, on what principle have pensions been refused to those entitled to them under the terms of the Proclamation?


No such Proclamation can be traced, but the hon. and learned Member perhaps refers to a Fleet Circular of June 14, 1853, in which a passage occurs that the Admiralty reserve to themselves a discretionary power of awarding pensions of 6d. a day after 10 years' service, to all men in or who may hereafter enter the Navy, whenever their Lordships may think proper to do so. This discretionary power has been very rarely exercised.