HC Deb 12 May 1890 vol 344 c692

I bog to ask the Attorney General if, having regard to the view he expressed last Session that offences against "The Merchandise Marks Act, 1887," come without fresh legislation under the provisions of "The Prosecution of Offences Act. 1879," he will authorise the Director of Public Prosecutions to take legal charge of any special case brought by a responsible body under his cognisance, in which the ends of justice and of commercial morality are otherwise likely to be defeated either from lack of funds or other causes?


In reply to my hon. and learned Friend, it is not possible for me to give a general undertaking of the kind indicated in his question. The conditions under which prosecutions are undertaken by the Public Prosecutor are prescribed by Acts of Parliament and the rules made thereunder. If a case is one in which a prosecution is required in the public interest I should certainly consider the question of giving directions for the Director of Public Prosecutions to undertake it; but every case must depend upon the particular circumstance.