HC Deb 11 June 1888 vol 326 c1690
MR. NEVILLE (Liverpool, Exchange)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether any further steps have been taken with regard to the sentence passed on Alice Durrant at the last Liverpool Assizes?


Yes, Sir; I have received a Report from the Judge and from the Liverpool Police Authorities as to this case. It appears that this woman was an habitual receiver of stolen property. Besides the articles in respect of which she was convicted, and which were the proceeds of a burglary, there were various other articles found at her house which were identified as having been stolen from other houses at different times; but the indictments in respect of them were not proceeded with. I am informed that the woman had for several years been leading an immoral life, and had also at one time kept a brothel. I see nothing in the circumstances of the case which would justify my interference with the sentence.