§ MR. COLLINSsaid, he wished to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will introduce into a schedule in the Savings Banks (No. 2) Bill the regulations which he stated he had prepared for the future management of Savings Banks; and, if not, before proceeding further with the Bill he would lay these regulations on the table of the House?
THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERSir, the regulations to which the hon. Gentleman refers have been prepared, and I shall be willing, if the House should desire it, to append them as a schedule to the Bill now on the table. But I ought to state that these regulations are framed with a view to banks that are not now in existence; and in order to enable the measure to work in practice it will consequently be necessary not only to give the Government power of making such alterations in them as experience may dictate, but also of adapting them to the circumstances of existing banks, as they may be brought within the operation of the Bill. If the House approve this course I shall propose that we go into Committee on the Bill pro formâ, to introduce a clause for the object which I have stated.