HC Deb 15 June 1857 vol 145 cc1757-8

said, he wished to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the Government intended to introduce a measure this Session to carry into effect the alterations in the Superannuation of the Civil Service recommended by the Commissioners in their Report lately presented to this House? The right hon. Gentleman stated the other day that the Commissioners had referred certain questions to the actuaries in order to see what relation the sums deducted from salaries bore upon the question to be settled. The right hon. Gentleman at the same time stated that the Report of the actuaries would not be laid on the table for some months, and therefore there seemed a prospect that the Session would pass over without anything being done for the relief of the Civil Service.


said, he had nothing to add or alter with regard to the answer he gave to a similar question a few days since.