HC Deb 21 June 1855 vol 138 c2310

said, he had two questions which he wished to put to the hon. Gentleman the Under Secretary for War. The first related to a subject to which he had six times previously called the attention of the House since February last. His first question was, whether any arrangements had been made for payment of the arrears due to those sick or wounded soldiers who had returned from the Crimea? And the second was, whether it was intended to place invalid soldiers on board the hospital-ship Britannia before the hospitals on shore were filled? It was well known that the soldier disliked nothing more than to remain on board ship.


said, that the reason why the back claims of the soldiers had not been settled was, because the Government were not yet aware of the amount of money due to the men up to the period at which they left the headquarters of their regiments in the Crimea, and they were also not aware of the amount due to the men for the period they were in the hospital at Scutari. These returns had been delayed in consequence of the state of confusion which the accounts of the paymasters in the Crimea had been in. Three months ago peremptory instructions were sent to the paymasters to furnish the required returns, and additional paymasters were also sent out to bring up the arrears. Several lists had been already sent in showing the amounts due; the returns from Scutari were still wanting, but were expected shortly, when all arrears would be filled up before the men were sent to the ship referred to by the hon. Gentleman.