§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Admiral Gordon and other Hon. Members, from several places, against the Marriage (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Hudson, from York, against the Roman Catholic Relief Bill.—By Lord J. Manners, from several places, in favour of the Roman Catholic Relief Bill.—By Sir C. Napier, from Marylebone, and Mr. Wakley, from Finsbury, for Inquiry respecting the Rajah of Sattara.—By Mr. Pusey, from Owners and Occupiers of Land attending Wantage Market, in favour of the Agricultural Tenant-right Bill.—From Horton, for Repeal of the Anatomy Act.—By Sir J. Hobhouse, from Nottingham, for Alteration of the proposed Plan of Education.—By several Hon. Members, from a great many places, against the proposed Plan of Education.—By Sir W. Clay and other Hon. Members, from several places, in favour of the proposed Plan of Education—By Mr. Wakley, from Factory Workers of Calton, Glasgow, for the Ten Hours Factories Bill—By Mr. Aglionby, from Samuel Gordon, Esquire, of Aungier Street, Dublin, for Inquiry.—By Mr. J. Bailey, from Worcester, and Mr. Wakley, from London, against the Health of Towns Bill.—By Mr. M. Gibson, from Manufacturers of Hosiery in the County of Leicester, against the Hosiery Manufacture Bill.—By Mr. Brotherton, from James Haughton, 35 Eccles Street, Dublin, against deriving Revenue from Intoxicating Drinks.—By Lord C. Hamilton, from Aughaloo (Tyrone), for Alteration of the Law of Landlord and Tenant (Ireland).—By Mr. J. Bailey, from Devynnock, for Repeal or Alteration of the Lunatic Asylums and Pauper Lunatics Act, and Lunatics Act.—By Sir P. Egerton, from Guardians of the Congleton Union, and Mr. Wakley, from London, for an Efficient Poor Law (Ireland).—By Mr. W. Miles, from Bruton, for Repeal or Alteration of the Poor Removal Act.—By Mr. R. Hodgson, from the Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Carlisle Railway Company, against the Railways Bill.—By Admiral Gordon and other Hon. Members, from several places, against the Registering of Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill.—By Colonel Mure, from several places, against the Registering of Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill; and the Marriage (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Osborne, from Kilmurry (Clare), for Inquiry into certain Charges respecting Captain Wynne.