§ MR. NEWDEGATEcomplained of the delay which had taken place in furnishing the returns for which he had moved now 874 three months since. These returns when obtained would put the House in possession of the alterations made since January 1, 1844, in the tariffs of foreign States, and of the terms upon which raw produce, goods or merchandise were imported into or exported from such foreign States, specifying the date of such alterations; also of any alterations of customs duties affecting the commerce of the British possessions under the 9th and 10th Vict., c. 93; of the declared value of manufactured cotton, woollen, silk, leather, hardware, pottery, and glass exported from this country, specifying the countries to which such importation should have taken place in the years 1844, 1845, and 1846; of the corn, grain, flour, butter, cheese, biscuit, and cured or fresh meat imported into this country in the years 1843, 1844, 1845, and 1846; and of the foreign States the Governments of which had either prohibited the exportation of, or imposed additional export duties on, corn, grain, flour, meal, potatoes, or other provisions, with the date of such prohibition or additional duty, in 1844, 1845, 1846, and 1847. After what had taken place last year, it must be obvious that the subject to which those returns related, must be one of considerable public anxiety; and he hoped therefore that no unnecessary delay would be interposed in their production.
§ MR. M. GIBSONsaid, that immediately after the order had been received by the Board of Trade, application was made to the proper quarter for the desired information; but to procure this involved so much labour that he regretted to say he was not yet able to lay the returns on the Table. It was also necessary to communicate with the agents of the British Government in foreign countries: and in these cases the hon. Member must see that it would be impossible to have obtained the information at so early a period as the hon. Member seemed to desire.
§ MR. BANKEScomplained that the right hon. Gentleman had assigned no probable or definite time for the production of the documents.
§ MR. M. GIBSONsaid, all the returns in the possession of the Government should be laid before the House.