HC Deb 16 April 1847 vol 91 cc874-5

wished to ask the hon. Gentleman opposite, the Member for Winchester, whether he intended to persevere with the Motion of which he had given notice, for the abolition of the duties on butter and cheese.


said, since he had given notice of a Motion for the abrogation of these duties, he thought it necessary to calculate a little on the sinews of war by which he would be able to support it, as he did not wish to proceed with it unless he thought it would be effectual. He was not aware, in the present state of the House, that it was likely he would be able to carry his Motion; but if the hon. Member would promise him his support, or if the hon. Member for Stamford, or any other powerful section in the House, would come forward to his assistance, he would alter his view and proceed with the Motion, as he believed the butter and cheese duties were seriously detrimental to the great mass of the population of this country.