§ 1. In order that the Comparative Statement of the Population of the several Counties in 1801 and 1811 might be made as perfect as the present state of the Returns of 1811 permits, the few outstanding deficiencies have been supplied from the Returns of 1801; and it is supposed that the uncertainty thence arising Can scarcely amount to a Thousand Persons in any one of the few Incomplete Counties, excepting Only in Monmouthshire. The apparent Diminution in Banffshire chiefly arises from three Parishes being now returned wholly in neighbouring Counties, which Parishes in 1801 were returned partly or wholly in Banffshire.—2. The Number of Males composing the Army, Navy, &c. includes the Regular Army, the Artillery, and the British Regular Militia, all according to the latest Returns to Parliament: Sal the Regiments of total Militia, which Were embodied for Training and Exercise on the 27th May 1611, have been ascribed to their respective Counties. With the Navy are included the Royal Marines: and to all these are added the Seamen employed in navigating Registered Vessels.—3. The larger Abstracts, both of the Enumeration and Parish Register Returns, will be presented to Parliament when the respective Returns shall have been completed; in furtherance of which purpose, Letters and Blank Schedules have been dispatched to all the Places where any Deficiency is supposed to exist.—10'th January 1812. Jxo. Ricxman.