Signed on In force on Title
16 May 1703 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Great Britain and Portugal
27 December 1703 Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Portugal
3 September 1783 12 May 1784 The Definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship, between his Britannic Majesty, and the United States of America
19 November 1794 28 October 1795 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation with the United States of America (Jay Treaty)
21 January 1815 16 June 1815 Convention between Great Britain and Portugal, relative to the Indemnification of Portuguese Subjects for certain detained Slave Trade Vessels
22 January 1815 Convention between Great Britain and Portugal, for the restriction of the Portuguese Slave-Trade: and for the annulment of the Convention of loan of 21 April 1809, and Treat of Alliance of 19 February 1810, with Additional Article.
25 March 1815 25 March 1815 Treaty of Alliance against Bonaparte between Her Britannic Majesty and the Emperor of Austria, His Majesty the Emperor of the Russia�s and His Majesty the King of Prussia.
7 April 1815 8 December 1815 Treaty of Accession of Hanover to the Treaty of Alliance of 25 March 1815
15 April 1815 22 February 1816 Treaty of Accession of Bavaria to the Treaty of Alliance of 25 March 1815
28 April 1815 15 August 1815 Treaty of Accession of Netherlands to the Treaty of Alliance of 25 March 1815
30 April 1815 Convention of Alliance and Subsidy between Her Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, His Majesty the Emperor of the Russia and His Majesty the King of Prussia (Additional Convention).
13 May 1815 19 August 1815 Treaty of Accession of Baden to Treaty of Alliance Signed At Vienna, 25 March 1815
19 May 1815 23 January 1816 Treaty of Subsidy between Great Britain and Baden.
20 May 1815 27 June 1815 Treaty of Accession of Switzerland to the Treaty of Alliance of 25 March 1815
23 May 1815 22 August 1815 Treaty of Accession of Hess-Darmstadt to the Treaty of Alliance of 25 March 1815
7 June 1815 11 July 1815 Treaty of Subsidy between Great Britain and Bavaria
9 June 1815 General Treaty Signed In Congress At Vienna, June 9, 1815 ; With The Acts Thereunto Annexed (Act of Congress of Vienna)
3 July 1815 3 July 1815 Convention of Commerce between Great Britain and the United States of America
10 July 1815 Treaty of Subsidy between Great Britain and Anhalt-Dessau, Anhalt-Bernbourg and Anhalt-Coethen
14 July 1815 24 January 1816 Treaty of Subsidy between Great Britain and Denmark.
2 August 1815 Convention between Great Britain and Austria, Prussia and Russia, concerning the custody of Napoleon Bonaparte
1 September 1815 31 January 1816 Treaty of Accession of Denmark to Treaty of Alliance Signed At Vienna, 25th March 1815
28 July 1817 27 November 1817 Convention between His Britannic Majesty and His Most Faithful Majesty for the Prevention of Slave Trade.
11 September 1817 10 December 1817 Separate Article to the Convention between His Britannic Majesty and His Most Faithful Majesty for the Prevention of Slave Trade, signed July 28, 1817.
23 September 1817 22 November 1817 Treaty between His Britannic Majesty and His Catholic Majesty for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
23 October 1817 11 October 1820 Treaty with Radama, King of Madagascar, for the final Abolition of the Slave Trade through the whole extent of Radama�s Dominions, with Additional Articles
4 May 1818 25 May 1818 Treaty Between His Britannic Majesty and His Majesty The King Of The Netherlands for preventing their subjects from engaging in any traffic in Slaves.
20 October 1818 30 January 1819 Convention of Commerce between Great Britain and the United States of America (Newfoundland Fishery)
8 January 1820 8 April 1820 Treaty with the Arab Tribes / Treaty between Great Britain and Arab Chieftains of Persian Gulf, relative to Piracy, the Slave Trade
11 October 1820 11 October 1820 Additional Articles to the Treaty of 1817, October 23, with Madagascar for the final Abolition Of The Slave Trade.
10 September 1822 10 September 1822 Treaty With The Imaum Of Muscat For Abolishing The Slave Trade Traffic With Foreign Powers Through His Highness�s Dominions And Dependencies.
10 December 1822 23 February 1823 Explanatory and Additional Articles to the Treaty concluded at Madrid, September 23, 1817, between His Majesty and the King of Spain, for the prevention of the Traffic in Slaves
31 December 1822 11 February 1823 Explanatory And Additional Articles to the Treaty Concluded at The Hague, May 4, 1818, Between His Majesty and the King of the Nederland�s, For the Prevention of the Traffic in Slaves.
15 March 1823 19 August 1823 Additional Articles To The Convention Concluded At London, July 28, 1817, Between His Majesty And His Most Faithful Majesty For The Prevention Of The Illicit Traffic In Slaves.
31 May 1823 Additional Articles to the Treaties of 1817,October 23, and 1820, October 11, with Radama, King of Madagascar, for the prevention of the Slave Trade
17 November 1823 11 December 1823 Convention between His Majesty and the Emperor of Austria, for the Definitive Settlement of the Austria Loan.
19 January 1824 19 January 1824 Treaty Of Peace and Commerce, with Morocco
16 June 1824 16 June 1824 Convention of Commerce Between His Britannic Majesty and the King of Denmark, Together with a Separate and an Additional Article Thereunto Annexed.
6 November 1824 26 February 1825 Treaty between His Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway for preventing their subjects from engaging in any traffic in slaves
2 February 1825 12 May 1825 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation with the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata [ARGENTINA]
23 November 1826 13 March 1830 Convention between His Majesty and the Emperor of Brazil, For the Abolition of the African Slave Trade.
17 August 1827 10 November 1827 Treaty of Amity and Commerce between His Majesty and the Emperor of Brazil.
21 December 1829 26 February 1830 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between His Britannic Majesty and the Emperor of Austria.
30 November 1831 16 December 1831 Convention Between His Majesty And The King Of The French, For The More Effectual Suppression Of The Traffic In Slaves.
22 March 1833 12 April 1833 Supplementary Convention Between His Majesty And The King Of The French, For The More Effectual Suppression Of The Traffic In Slaves.
21 May 1833 Convention between the His Majesty and the King of the French on the One Part, and the King of the Netherlands, on the Other Part ; Together with an Explanatory Article thereunto annexed
22 April 1834 Treaty between Great Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal, for the Pacification of the Peninsula
26 July 1834 Treaty between Great Britain and France and Denmark, containing the Accession of Denmark to the Conventions of 1831 and 1833, between Great Britain and France, for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade
8 August 1834 8 August 1834 Treaty between Great Britain and France, and Sardinia, for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade. Signed at Turin, August 8, 1834 ; with an Additional Article thereto, signed at Turin, December 8, 1834.
18 August 1834 Additional Articles to the Treaty between Great Britain, France, Spain and Portugal for the Pacification of the Peninsula signed at London on 22 April 1834.
29 October 1834 7 August 1835 Convention of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and Venezuela
8 December 1834 Additional Article, signed at Turin, December 8, 1834, to the Treaty between Great Britain and France, and Sardinia, for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade, signed at Turin, August 8, 1834 ; modifying Article IV thereof.
15 June 1835 27 July 1835 Additional Article to the Treaty concluded at Stockholm, November 6, 1824, between Great Britain and Sweden, for the Prevention of the Traffic in Slaves
28 June 1835 27 August 1835 Treaty between His Majesty and the Queen Regent of Spain, during the Minority of her Daughter, Donna Isabella the Second, Queen of Spain, for the Abolition of the Slave Trade
29 December 1835 Treaty between His Majesty and the Free City of Frankfort
14 January 1836 Additional Resolution to the Constitutional Charter of the United States of the Ionian Islands
30 March 1836 Convention between His Britannic Majesty and the King of the French, for extending the facilities of Communication by Post between their respective Dominions
7 February 1837 27 February 1837 Additional Article to the Treaty concluded at The Hague, May 4,1818, between Great Britain and the Netherlands, for the Prevention of the Traffic in Slaves
16 April 1837 Treaty between His Majesty and the Mexican Republic, for the abolition of the Traffic in Slaves, together with an additional Article, and three forms of Instruction and Regulations thereunto annexed
19 May 1837 Treaty between His Majesty and the Republic of Venezuela, for the abolition of the Traffic in Slaves together with a form of Instruction to Cruizers thereunto annexed
5 June 1837 18 November 1837 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Peru-Bolivian Confederation
9 June 1837 12 July 1937 Convention between Great Britain France and The Hans Towns containing the accession of The Hans Towns to 2 Conventions between Great Britain and France, for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade
4 October 1837 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Greece
27 October 1837 27 October 1837 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and the Netherlands
24 November 1837 Convention between Great Britain and France and Tuscany containing the Accession of the Grand Duke of Tuscany to Two Conventions between Great Britain and France, for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade
14 February 1838 4 May 1838 Convention between Great Britain and France, and the Two Sicilies, for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade
3 July 1838 14 September 1838 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Austria
16 August 1838 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and the Ottoman Empire
19 January 1839 6 August 1842 Treaty between Great Britain and Chile , for the abolition of the Traffic in Slaves
15 March 1839 Treaty between Great Britain and Venezuela, for the Abolition of the Slave Trade
19 April 1839 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, and Russia, on the one Part, and The Netherlands on the other, relative to the Netherlands and Belgium
19 April 1839 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, and Russia, on the one part, and Belgium, on the other, relative to the Netherlands and Belgium
10 May 1839 Additional Post Office Convention between Great Britain and France
24 May 1839 16 May 1840 Treaty between Great Britain and the Argentine Confederation, for the abolition of the Slave Trade
31 May 1839 22 July 1840 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat
13 July 1839 21 January 1842 Treaty between Great Britain and the Uruguay , for the Abolition of the Traffic in Slaves
2 August 1839 2 August 1839 Convention between Great Britain and France, for defining and regulating the Limits of the Exclusive Right of the Oyster and other Fishery on the Coasts of Great Britain and of France
23 December 1839 Convention between Great Britain and Haiti, for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade
7 February 1840 Treaty between Great Britain and Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, for the Marriage of Her Majesty Queen Victoria with the Prince Albert of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha
15 July 1840 Convention between Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia, on the one part, and Turkey on the other, for the Pacification of the Levant
22 July 1840 22 July 1840 Declarations Made On Part of Her Majesty and His Highness the Imaum of Muscat
25 September 1840 Treaty between Great Britain and Bolivia,for the abolition of the Traffic in Slaves
29 September 1840 27 December 1842 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and Bolivia
13 November 1840 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and Texas
14 November 1840 Convention between Great Britain and Texas, relative to the Public Debt of Mexico
16 November 1840 28 June 1842 Treaty between Great Britain and Texas, for the suppression of the African Slave Trade
24 February 1841 29 July 1842 Treaty between Great Britain and Mexico, for the abolition of the Traffic in Slaves
2 March 1841 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain, on the one part, and Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, Wurtemburg, Baden, the Electorate of Hesse, the Grand Duchy of Hesse, the States forming the Customs and Commercial Union of Thuringia, Nassau, and Frankfort, on the other part
20 March 1841 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Her Majesty and the Free Hanseatic Cities of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburgh ; Supplementary to the Convention signed at London, September 29, 1825
24 May 1841 5 July 1847 Treaty between Great Britain and the Equator, for the Abolition of the Traffic in Slaves
13 July 1841 Convention between Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia, Russia, and Turkey, respecting the Dardanelles and Bosphorus
3 August 1841 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and the Hans Towns
7 August 1841 Additional and Explanatory Convention between Great Britain and Chile, for the Abolition of the Traffic in Slaves
13 August 1841 15 June 1841 Agreement with Denmark relative to the Sound Dues
30 August 1841 30 August 1841 Postage Agreement with Bremen
6 September 1841 Treaty of Navigation between Great Britain and Sardinia
7 October 1841 7 October 1841 Declaration with Denmark confirming the Agreement of 13 August 1841 respecting the Sound Dues
28 October 1841 Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Persia
16 November 1841 16 November 1841 Treaty of Amity and Commerce made with and concluded with His Majesty Sahela Selassie, King of Shoa, Efat, and the Galla (Abyssinia)
20 December 1841 19 February 1842 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, and Russia, for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade
13 April 1842 Further Additional Article to the Treaty Between Great Britain and Mexico, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade, signed at Mexico February 24, 1841
12 May 1842 Additional Resolution to the Constitutional Charter of the United States of the Ionian Islands
3 July 1842 30 July 1842 Treaty between Great Britain and Portugal, for the Suppression of the Traffic in Slaves
3 July 1842 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Portugal
15 July 1842 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation between Her Majesty and the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay
9 August 1842 13 October 1842 Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America, to settle and define the Boundary between the British Possessions in North America and the territories of the United States
9 August 1842 13 October 1842 Treaty between Great Britain and the United States, to settle and define the Boundaries between the Possessions of Her Britannic Majesty in North America, and the Territories of the United States ; for the final Suppression of the African Slave Trade ; and for the giving up of Criminals, fugitive from Justice, in certain Cases
9 August 1842 13 October 1842 Convention between Her Majesty and the United States of America, for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade, and for the mutual surrender of Criminals fugitive from Justice
26 August 1842 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay
29 August 1842 29 August 1842 Treaty between Great Britain and China
22 October 1842 24 November 1842 Additional Article to the Slave Trade Treaty between Great Britain and Portugal of July 3, 1842
11 January 1843 31 January 1843 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain, and Russia
13 February 1843 13 March 1843 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the mutual Surrender, in certain Cases, of Persons fugitive from Justice
8 March 1843 Second Additional Article to the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, concluded at London on 26 August 1842, between Great Britain and the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay
3 April 1843 Convention between Great Britain and France, regulating the Communications by Post between their respective Dominions
24 May 1843 23 June 1843 Regulations For The Guidance Of The Fishermen Or Great Britain And Of France, In The Seas Lying Between The Coasts Of The Two Countries, Prepared In Pursuance Of The Provisions Of The Eleventh Article Of The Convention, Concluded At Paris On The 2nd Of August, 1839, Between Her Majesty And The King Of The French.
23 June 1843 Treaty for the Marriage of the Princess Augusta of Cambridge with the Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
8 October 1843 8 October 1843 Supplementary Treaty between Great Britain and China
28 November 1843 Declaration of Great Britain and France, relative to the Independence of the Sandwich Islands
4 April 1844 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Oldenburg
1 May 1844 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and Mecklenburg-Schwerin
22 July 1844 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Hanover
19 October 1844 1 December 1844 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium, for regulating the Communications by Post between their respective Dominions
6 November 1844 1 December 1844 Articles Agreed Upon Between The Post Office Of Great Britain And Post Office Of Belgium For Carrying Into Execution The Convention Of October, 19 1844.
8 November 1844 8 November 1844 Treaty Between Her Majesty The Queen Of England And The Sultan Of Johanna, for the Suppression Of The Slave Trade.
28 December 1844 Treaty between the Post Offices of Great Britain and the United States, relative to Transmission of British Mails between Boston and Canada
29 April 1845 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Her Majesty and the King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
29 May 1845 6 March 1846 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Suppression of the Traffic in Slaves
6 June 1845 1 July 1845 Additional Articles between Great Britain and Belgium for Carrying Into Effect the Postage Convention of 1844.
2 October 1845 1 January 1847 Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and His Highness Saeed Saeed bin Sultan, the Sultan of Muscat, for the termination of the export of slaves from the African dominions of his Highness the Sultan of Muscat
15 January 1846 15 January 1846 Further Additional Article To The Treaty Between Her Majesty And The Republic Of The Equator, For The Abolition Of The Traffic In Slaves, Of May 24, 1841.
26 March 1846 Convention of Peace, Amity, and Commerce, between Great Britain and the Sandwich Islands
4 April 1846 Convention between Great Britain and China, relative to the admission of Foreigners into the City of Canton, and the evacuation of the Island of Chusan by the British Forces
13 May 1846 Convention between Great Britain and Prussia, for the Establishment of International Copyright
15 June 1846 Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America, for the Settlement of the Oregon Boundary
26 June 1846 1 December 1846 Convention between Great Britain and Denmark, regulating the Communication by Post between the British and Danish Dominions
5 April 1847 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and Tuscany
27 May 1847 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce and for the Suppression of the Slave Trade between Great Britain and Borneo.
19 June 1847 Declaration of the Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain and France, acknowledging the Independence of the Islands of Huahine, Raiatea and Borabora, and of the small Islands adjacent thereto, in the Pacific Ocean
25 June 1847 Treaty of Amity , Commerce and Navigation between Her Majesty and the Republic of Guatemala , with an Additional Article thereunto annexed
4 August 1847 Convention between Great Britain and Hanover, for the Establishment of International Copyright
20 August 1847 1 November 1847 Additional Agreement Between The General Post Office Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Ireland And The Post Office Of The Free Hanseatic Republic Of Bremen.
8 December 1847 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Establishment of Two Daily Mails, between Great Britain and France
24 February 1848 23 June 1849 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia, on the one part, and Belgium on the other, containing the Accession of Belgium to the Treaty signed at London, December 20,1841, for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade
8 April 1848 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation between Her Majesty and the Republic of the Equator, with Additional Article thereto annexed
22 May 1848 Additional Resolution to the Constitution of the United States of the Ionian Islands
31 August 1848 24 January 1849 Additional Articles to the Treaty concluded at the Hague, May 4, 1818, between Great Britain and the Netherlands, for the suppression of the Slave Trade
21 November 1848 1 August 1849 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between Great Britain and Liberia
15 December 1848 Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America , for the Improvement of the communication by Post between their respective Territories
20 February 1849 16 June 1849 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and Guatemala
8 May 1849 Additional Resolution to the Constitutional Charter of the United States of the Ionian Islands
29 May 1849 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between Her Majesty and the Sultan of Suloo
2 November 1849 2 November 1849 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce, between Great Britain and Abyssinia
24 November 1849 15 May 1850 Convention between Great Britain and the Argentine Confederation for the Settlement of existing Differences and the re-establishment of Friendship
27 November 1849 17 January 1850 Additional Convention between Great Britain and Belgium, reducing the Rates of Postage between the British Dominions and Belgium.
27 November 1849 20 February 1850 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and Costa Rica
18 December 1849 Additional Resolution to the Constitutional Charter of the United States of the Ionian Islands
26 December 1849 Additional Resolution to the Constitutional Charter of the United States of the Ionian Islands
6 March 1850 Treaty of Peace, Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Dominican Republic
10 April 1850 15 October 1852 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and Peru
19 April 1850 Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America, relative to the establishment of a Communication by Ship-Canal between Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
1 June 1850 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and the Republic of Ecuador
3 June 1850 Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Commerce, between Great Britain and Johanna
18 July 1850 Convention between Great Britain and Greece, for the Settlement of British Claims upon the Greek Government
17 August 1850 11 September 1850 Convention between Great Britain and Denmark, for the Cession of the Danish Possessions on the Coast of Africa to Great Britain
24 August 1850 Convention between Great Britain and Sweden and Norway, for the regulation and improvement of the Communication by Post
23 January 1851 Convention of Navigation between Great Britain and Sardinia, additional to the Treaty of September 6, 1841
27 February 1851 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Sardinia
27 March 1851 16 April 1851 Convention of Navigation between Great Britain and the Netherlands, additional to the Treaty of October 27, 1837
2 April 1851 16 December 1851 Treaty between Great Britain and New Granada, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade
3 May 1851 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Equator
10 July 1851 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Sandwich Islands
13 August 1851 1 June 1852 Convention between Great Britain and Peru, for the Regulation of the Mail Communication between Great Britain and Peru
27 October 1851 10 April 1852 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Belgium
3 November 1851 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Establishment of International Copyright
14 January 1852 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands relative to the Commercial Intercourse between the Netherlands and the Ionian Islands
22 March 1852 10 April 1852 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium, relative to Fishery
8 May 1852 19 June 1852 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sweden and Norway, on the one part, and Denmark on the other part, relative to the Succession to the Crown of Denmark
10 May 1852 Convention between Great Britain and Chile, for the reciprocal Abrogration of Differential Duties
28 May 1852 Convention between Great Britain and France for the Mutual Surrender of Criminals
4 August 1852 27 August 1852 Agreement with Sweden and Norway respecting the surrender of seamen deserters.
20 November 1852 Treaty between Great Britain, Bavaria, France, Greece and Russia, relative to the Succession to the Crown of Greece
8 February 1853 8 February 1853 Accession of the Dukes of Anhalt to the Convention Concluded May 13, 1846, Between Great Britain and Prussia, For the Establishment of International Copyright
8 February 1853 Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America, for the Settlement of Outstanding Claims by a Mixed Commission
17 February 1853 Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America, for the establishment of International Copyright
4 March 1853 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Republic of Paraguay
31 March 1853 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to the Manufacture and Sale of Spirituous Liquors by the French within the British Cantonment of Masulipatam
31 March 1853 Agreement between Great Britain and France for fixing the Limits of Jurisdiction and other Rights of the French Government on the Territory of the French Settlement of Chandernagore in Bengal
10 July 1853 11 March 1854 Treaty between Great Britain and the Argentine Confederation for the free Navigation of the Rivers Parana and Uruguay
16 August 1853 Convention between Great Britain and the free Hanseatic city of Hamburgh, for the establishment of International Copyright
17 November 1853 Declarations exchanged between the Governments of Great Britain and of the Roman States, for securing National Treatment to the Vessels and Commerce of the one Country in the Ports of the other
12 March 1854 Treaty between Great Britain , France , and Turkey , relative to Military Aid to be given to Turkey
31 March 1854 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Sweden and Norway in regard to Coasting Trade
10 April 1854 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to Military Aid to be given to Turkey
10 May 1854 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to Joint Captures
10 May 1854 Convention between Great Britain and France, respecting Prisoners of War
5 June 1854 9 September 1854 Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America, relative to Fisheries, Commerce, and Navigation
14 June 1854 14 June 1854 Deed of Cession of the Koria Moria Islands executed by His Highness the Imaum of Muscat
23 June 1854 23 June 1854 Agreement between Great Britain and France, relative to Merchant Seamen Deserters
25 July 1854 Declaration between Great Britain and France, relative to the Coal Mines at Heraclea
3 August 1854 Agreement between Great Britain and France, relative to the Coal Mines at Heraclea
9 August 1854 Convention between Great Britain and Sardinia, for the Reciprocal Opening of the Coasting Trade
12 August 1854 24 January 1855 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium, for the Establishment of International Copyright
4 October 1854 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and Chile
14 October 1854 9 October 1855 Convention between Great Britain and Japan, for regulating the Admission of British Ships into the Ports of Japan
2 December 1854 Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain, Austria, and France
12 December 1854 Convention between Great Britain and France, additional to the Convention of April 3, 1843, relative to Post Office Arrangements
30 December 1854 Convention between Great Britain and Tuscany, for the Reciprocal Opening of the Coasting Trade
24 January 1855 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to Supplies to be furnished to the Turkish Army.
26 January 1855 Convention between Great Britain and Sardinia, supplementary to the Military Convention of January 26, 1855
26 January 1855 Military Convention between Great Britain, France and Sardinia
1 February 1855 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to the Establishment of a line of Electric Telegraph between Bucharest and Varna
3 February 1855 Convention between Great Britain and Turkey, for the Employment of a body of Turkish Troops in the British Service
10 February 1855 10 February 1855 Treaty between the East India Company and the Rajah of Nepal [Extradition]
18 April 1855 6 April 1856 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce, between Great Britain and Siam
14 June 1855 Convention between Great Britain and Prussia,additional to the Convention of May 13, 1846, for the Establishment of International Copyright
27 June 1855 Convention between Great Britain, France and Turkey, for the Guarantee of a Loan to be raised by the Sultan
10 July 1855 Declaration between Great Britain and France, relative to the Division of Trophies and Booty
27 July 1855 Declaration between Great Britain and France, relative to the Turkish Loan
6 September 1855 6 March 1856 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Reciprocal Establishment, between Great Britain and Switzerland
15 November 1855 Convention of Accession of the Ottoman Porte and Sardina to the Convention concluded between Great Britain and France, May 10, 1854, relative to Joint Captures
21 November 1855 Treaty between Great Britain, France, and Sweden and Norway, for securing the Integrity of the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway
3 December 1855 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Uruguay
10 December 1855 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to the reciprocal transmission of Printed Papers by Post
6 March 1856 29 April 1856 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands, for the reciprocal Admission of Consuls of the one party to the Colonies and Foreign Possessions of the Other
30 March 1856 Convention between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, and Sardinia on the one part, and Turkey on the other part, respecting the Straits of the Dardanelles and of the Bosphorus
30 March 1856 General Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and Turkey, for the Re-establishment of Peace
30 March 1856 Convention between Great Britain, France, and Russia respecting the Aland Islands
15 April 1856 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, and France, guaranteeing the Independence and Integrity of the Ottoman Empire
16 April 1856 Declaration respecting Maritime Law, signed by the Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and Turkey, assembled in Congress at Paris - April 16, 1856
13 May 1856 Convention between Great Britain, France, and Sardinia, on the one part, and Turkey, on the other, extending the Term previously stipulated for the Evacuation of the Ottoman Territory
3 June 1856 Convention between Great Britain and Sardinia, respecting the advance of a Million Sterling contemplated by the Convention of January 26, 1855
27 August 1856 Convention between Great Britain and Honduras, relative to British rights and Claims, and to the Mosquito Indians
27 August 1856 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and Honduras
27 August 1856 Convention between Great Britain and Honduras, relative to the Bay Islands
24 September 1856 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to Communication by Post
17 October 1856 Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America, relative to Central America, with Three Separate Articles thereunto annexed
9 December 1856 8 April 1857 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Morocco
9 December 1856 8 April 1857 General Treaty between Great Britain and Morocco
8 January 1857 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium, enabling their respective Post Offices to make Postal Arrangements
14 January 1857 16 January 1857 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to the Rights of Fishery on the Coast of Newfoundland and the neighbouring Coasts
4 March 1857 2 May 1857 Treaty of Peace between Great Britain and Persia [IRAN]
7 March 1857 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to Portendic and Albreda
14 March 1857 31 March 1857 Convention between Great Britain and Denmark, to complete the Arrangements for the Redemption of the Sound Dues
14 March 1857 31 March 1857 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, Belgium, France, Hanover, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Oldenburg, Netherlands, Prussia, Russia, Sweden and Norway, and the Hanse Towns, on the one part, and Denmark, on the other part, for the Redemption of the Sound Dues
26 May 1857 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, and Switzerland, relative to Neuchatel
19 June 1857 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and Turkey, relative to the Frontier in Bessarabia, the Isle of Serpents, and the Delta of the Danube
7 July 1857 Convention between Great Britain and Spain, for the Establishment of International Copyrights
11 November 1857 Declaration between Great Britain and Prussia, relative to Commerce and Navigation between the Ionian Islands and the States of the Zollverein
12 December 1857 Convention between Great Britain and Sardinia, relative to Post-Office Arrangements
18 December 1857 Treaty between Great Britain and Prussia, for the Marriage of Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal with His Royal Highness the Prince Frederick William Nicholas Charles of Prussia
6 February 1858 Declaration respecting Commercial Intercourse between the Hanse Towns and the Ionian Islands
21 May 1858 Convention between Great Britain and Spain, relative to Communication by Post
2 June 1858 9 September 1858 Convention between Great Britain and Brazil, for the Settlement of Outstanding Claims by a Mixed Commission
11 June 1858 Agreement between the Governments of Great Britain and of New Granada, for the settlement of the claims of Mr Mackintosh
21 June 1858 Declaration respecting commercial intercourse between Denmark and the Ionian Islands
26 June 1858 24 October 1860 Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Commerce, between Great Britain and China
31 July 1858 Declaration respecting commercial intercourse between Mecklenburg-Schwerin and the Ionian Islands
19 August 1858 Convention between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia and Turkey, relative to the Organisation of the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, with two Annexes thereto
21 August 1858 27 March 1860 Convention between Great Britain and the Argentine Confederation for the Settlement of British Claims (and additional Articles thereto)
26 August 1858 Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Commerce, between Great Britain and Japan
8 November 1858 8 November 1858 Agreement, Containing Rules For Trade, Made in Pursuance of Article XXVI of the Treaty Of June, 26 1858.
12 January 1859 1 February 1859 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and Russia
18 January 1859 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Her Majesty and the Republic of Nicaragua
27 January 1859 Convention between Great Britain and Nicaragua, for the regulation of Communication by Post
15 March 1859 Convention between Her Majesty and the Emperor of Austria, for the establishment of a line of Telegraph between Ragusa and Alexandria
6 April 1859 Convention between Great Britain and Portugal, relative to Communication by Post
30 April 1859 Convention between Great Britain and Guatemala, relative to the Boundary of British Honduras
28 November 1859 18 April 1860 Treaty between Great Britain and Honduras, respecting the Bay Islands, the Mosquito Indians, and the Rights and Claims of British Subjects
3 January 1860 Declaration respecting Commercial Intercourse between Spain and the Ionian Islands
23 January 1860 Treaty of Commerce, between Great Britain and France
28 January 1860 Treaty between Great Britain and Nicaragua, relative to the Mosquito Indians, and to the Rights and Claims of British Subjects
11 February 1860 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and Nicaragua
22 February 1860 Convention between Great Britain and France relative to Joint Captures in China
25 February 1860 Additional Article to the Treaty of Commerce concluded at Paris, Janaury 23, 1860, between Great Britain and France
14 June 1860 Declaration of the Austrian Government respecting Passenger Traffic
27 June 1860 Second Additional Article to the Treaty of Commerce concluded at Paris, January 23, 1860, between Great Britain and France
29 June 1860 Convention Between Great Britain, Austria and Turkey, relative to the establishment of a Line of Telegraph between Ragusa and Alexandria
25 July 1860 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to the Emigration of Labourers from India to the Colony of Reunion
5 September 1860 Convention between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, and Turkey, respecting Measures to be taken for the Pacification of Syria
12 October 1860 Convention between Great Britain and France, supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce of January 23, 1860, with a Tariff annexed thereto
24 October 1860 24 October 1860 Convention of Friendship, between Great Britain and China
16 November 1860 Convention between Great Britain and France, supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce of January 23, 1860, with a Tariff annexed thereto
30 November 1860 Convention between Great Britain and Sardinia, for the Establishment of International Copyright
19 March 1861 Convention between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, and Turkey, prolonging the occupation of Syria to June 5, 1861
2 April 1861 2 April 1861 Arrangement for the Settlement of Differences between the Sultan of Muscat and the Sultan of Zanzibar, and the Independence of their respective States.
21 April 1861 Convention between Great Britain and Turkey, for the establishment of a Telegraphic Cable between Malta and Alexandria
29 April 1861 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Turkey
22 June 1861 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Spain, France, Mecklenburg-Schwerin the Netherlands, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, Sweden and Norway, and the Hanse Towns, on the one part, and Hanover on the other part, for the Redemption of the Stade Toll
1 July 1861 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to the Emigration of Labourers from India to the French Colonies
2 July 1861 Convention between Great Britain and France, additional to the Convention of September 24, 1856 relative to Communication by Post
14 August 1861 Treaty between Great Britain and Hesse, for the Marriage of Her Royal Highness the Princess Alice Maud Mary with His Grand Ducal Highness the Prince Frederick William Lewis Charles of Hesse
24 October 1861 20 December 1861 Convention between Great Britain and Morocco, relative to a Loan to be raised in London by Morocco
31 October 1861 Convention between Great Britain, Spain and France, relative to Combined Operations against Mexico
14 November 1861 Agreement between Great Britain and France, respecting the conveyance to France, and to other Countries through France, of Letters from Halifax, Huddersfield, Leeds, and Bradford
18 January 1862 19 February 1862 Supplementary Convention between Great Britain and Morocco, relative to a Loan to be raised in London by the Emperor
10 March 1862 Declaration between Great Britain and France, engaging reciprocally to respect Independence of the Sultans of Muscat and Zanzibar
7 April 1862 20 May 1862 Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America, for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade
15 April 1862 Convention between Great Britain and Denmark for the Mutual Surrender of Criminals
28 April 1862 Convention between Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland and the Republic of Mexico, for the final Settlement of those Questions, Claims, and Differences which have given rise to a Suspension of Diplomatic Relations between the two Governments
30 April 1862 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to Joint Stock Companies
22 May 1862 Additional Article to the Treaty between Great Britain and Mexico of April 28, 1862
6 June 1862 Memorandum agreed upon between the British and Japanese Governments, deferring for a period of 5 years from the 1st January, 1863, the Opening of the Japanese Ports of Neegata and Hiogo to British Subjects, and the Residence of British Subjects at Osaca and Yeddo
5 July 1862 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium, additional to the Convention of October 19, 1844, relative to Communication by Post
23 July 1862 9 September 1862 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Belgium with Protocol annexed thereto
24 October 1862 Treaty of Friendship , Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and Salvador
4 November 1862 Declarations exchanged between the British and Bavarian Governments, relative to the Droit d'aubaine et de detraction
13 November 1862 8 December 1862 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium, relative to Joint Stock Companies
5 December 1862 Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Commerce, between Her Majesty and the King of Madagascar
15 January 1863 4 February 1863 Treaty between Great Britain and Denmark, for the Marriage of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, with Her Royal Highness the Princess Alexandria, Daughter of Prince Christian of Denmark
16 February 1863 Notes Exchanged concerning the Extradition of Non-Nationals between Italy and Malta
17 February 1863 1 April 1863 Additional Article To The Treaty Between Her Britannic Majesty And The United States Of America, For The Suppression Of The African Slave Trade.
1 July 1863 Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America, for the Settlement of the Claims of the Hudson Bay and Puget's Sound Agricultural Companies
13 July 1863 3 August 1863 Treaty between Great Britain, France and Russia on the one part, and Denmark on the other part, relative to the Accession of Prince William of Denmark to the Throne of Greece
16 July 1863 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, Spain, France, Hanover, Italy, Oldenburg, Peru, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, Sweden, and Norway, Turkey, and the Hanse Towns, on the one part, and Belgium on the other part, for the Redemption of the Scheldt Toll
3 August 1863 25 August 1963 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium, to complete the Arrangements for the Redemption of the Scheldt Toll
5 August 1863 Convention between Her Majesty and the Republic of Guatemala, relative to the constitution of a road from Guatemala to the Atlantic Ocean
6 August 1863 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation , between Great Britain and Italy
10 October 1863 Convention between Great Britain and Tunis, relative to the holding of Real Property by British Subjects in Tunis
14 November 1863 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, and Russia, relative to the Ionian Islands
5 March 1864 11 April 1864 Convention between Great Britain and Prussia, for the Mutual Surrender of Criminals
29 March 1864 Treaty between Great Britain, France, and Russia, on the one part, and Greece on the other part, respecting the Union of the Ionian Islands to the Kingdom of Greece
29 March 1864 Convention between Great Britain and Greece, respecting the Claims of British Subjects and others for Services in the Ionian Islands
28 May 1864 Protocol defining the manner and form in which the Ionian Islands shall be transferred from the British to the Greek Authorities
22 August 1864 22 June 1865 Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field
3 September 1864 Convention between Great Britain and Turkey, for the Establishment of Telegraphic Communication between India and the Ottoman Territory
22 October 1864 Convention between Great Britain, France, The United States, the Netherlands, and the Tycoon of Japan, relative to the Indemnity to be paid by Japan on account of the destruction of Foreign Vessels and the Stoppage of Trade by the Prince of Nagato, in the Straits of Shimonasaki.
8 November 1864 Convention between Great Britain, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, regulating the Drawbacks on Sugar
17 November 1864 17 November 1864 Articles of Agreement with the Sultan of Muscat (telegraphic communication)
19 January 1865 19 January 1865 Convention with His Highness of the Sultan of Muscat for the Extension of the Electronic Telegraph through the Dominions Subject to the Sovereignty of His Highness in Arabia and Mekran
18 February 1865 Act of Accession of the British Government to the Convention between Switzerland, Baden, Belgium,etc , of August 22, 1864, for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field.
2 March 1865 Declaration of the British and Spanish Governments for the Abolition of the Practice of Firing on Merchant Vessels from British and Spanish Forts in the Straits of Gibraltar
8 April 1865 Act of Accession of the Sultan to the Treaty between Great Britain, France, Russia, and Greece of March 29, 1864, for the Union of the Ionian Islands to Greece ; and Acceptance thereof by the Contracting Parties to that Treaty
20 May 1865 Additional Convention to the Postal Convention Concluded Between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Belgium, August 14-28, 1857
30 May 1865 1 July 1865 Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and the Zollverein
31 May 1865 14 February 1867 Convention between Great Britain, Austria, Belgium, Spain, the United States, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Sweden, on the one part ; and Morocco, on the other Part ; relative to the Establishment and Maintenance of a Lighthouse on Cape Spartel
27 June 1865 Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Commerce, between Great Britain and Madagascar
14 July 1865 Convention between Her Majesty and the King of Hellenes for carrying into effect British Judgments in Ionian Suits given before annexation of Ionian Islands to Greece
16 August 1865 Treaty of Navigation between Great Britain and Prussia
23 November 1865 1 May 1866 Convention between Great Britain and Persia, relative to Telegraphic Communication between Europe and India
16 December 1865 1 January 1867 Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Austria
16 February 1866 17 October 1866 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and the United States of Colombia
7 May 1866 Convention between the British Government and the Government of Hamburgh, for regulating the Postal Communications with Heligoland
11 June 1866 Agreement for the Marriage of the Princess Mary of Cambridge with the Prince Francis of Teck
20 June 1866 6 February 1867 Arrangement with the French Government relative to the disposal of property, under the value of �50, of seamen belonging to the Royal Navy or Merchant Fleet, dying on board British or French vessels, or on shore upon British or French territories.
26 June 1866 Convention between Great Britain and Mexico, for the Investigation and Settlement of British Claims by a Mixed Commission
2 July 1866 Agreement for the Marriage of The Princess Helena with The Prince Frederick Christian Charles Augustus of Schleswig - Holstein - Sonderburg - Augustenburg
23 July 1866 23 July 1866 Memorandum Supplemental Treaty with the State of Nepal of 10 February 1855 for the mutual surrender of heinous criminals
27 October 1866 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and Mexico
27 October 1866 Convention between Great Britain and Mexico Supplementary to the Convention of June 26, 1866 for the settlement of British Claims
5 March 1867 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands for an Interchange of Territory on the Gold Coast of Africa
11 May 1867 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands, Prussia, and Russia, relative to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
21 May 1867 Convention between the British Government and the Government of Bremen, for regulating the Postal Communications with Heligoland
18 July 1867 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to Fisheries with an Additional Article, a Schedule, and a Chart thereto
8 September 1867 8 September 1867 Protocol respecting Tariff of duties to be levied in Austria in conformity with Article IV of Treaty of Commerce of December 16, 1865
11 November 1867 13 July 1868 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to Fisheries in the Seas between Great Britain and France
26 November 1867 Declaration exchanged between Great Britain and Italy relative to Joint Stock Companies
4 March 1868 Agreement between Great Britain and Spain to refer the Mermaid claim to a Mixed Commission
2 April 1868 Convention between Great Britain and Persia for extending and securing Telegraphic Communication between Europe and India
30 April 1868 26 June 1868 Treaty of Navigation between Great Britain and Austria
30 April 1868 Convention between Great Britain, Austria, France, Italy, Prussia, in the name of the North German Confederation, and Turkey, for the Guarantee of a Loan to complete the Works at the Sulina Mouth and Branches of the Danube
1 July 1868 Convention supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Austria of December 16, 1865
20 July 1868 10 November 1868 Arrangement between the British and Swedish Governments, relative to the disposal of Property under the value of 50/., of Seamen belonging to the Royal Navy or Merchant Service, dying on board British or Swedish Vessels, or on shore, on British, Swedish, Norwegian, or Foreign Territory
28 July 1868 Protocol of the Conference between Great Britain and Turkey, relative to the Admission of British Subjects in Turkey to the Right of Holding Real Property
12 September 1868 12 September 1868 Agreement of the Chief of El-Kutr (Guttur) engaging not to commit any breach of the Maritime Pearce
9 October 1868 Protocol showing the Prinicples agreed upon by the British and United States Government on the Question of Naturalization
17 October 1868 Protocol recording desire of his Majesty's and the United States' Governments to close Discussions respecting Water Boundary
4 November 1868 Declaration signed by the Representatives of Great Britain, Belgium, France and the Netherlands, confirming the Arrangement made at the Hague, August 21, 1868, relative to Sugar Drawbacks
10 November 1868 Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America, for the settlement of all outstanding Claims
10 November 1868 Protocol recording the Agreement of Her Majesty's Government and The United States to refer the disputed Question of Boundary to the decision of the President of the Swiss Confederation
23 November 1868 Additional Article to the Convention on November 10, 1868 between Great Britain and the United States of America, for the Settlement of all Outstanding Claims
11 December 1868 Declaration between Great Britain, Austria, etc., renouncing the use, in time of War, of Explosive Projectiles under 400 Grammes Weight
13 January 1869 Declaration exchanged between Great Britain and Denmark as to exemption of British Subjects in Denmark and Danish Subjects in Great Britain, from Military Service, and from forced Loans
13 January 1869 Protocol of Conference between Great Britain and Portugal, agreeing to refer to Arbitration their respective Claims to the Islands of Bulama
14 January 1869 Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America, for the Settlement of all Outstanding Claims
14 January 1869 Convention between Her Majesty and the United States of America, for referring to Arbitration the Water Boundary under Article I of the Treaty of June 15, 1846
1 April 1869 Declaration between Great Britain and Prussia, for the Admission Duty Free into Great Britain and the Zollverein, of Patterns and Samples imported by Commercial Travellers
6 May 1869 Treaty between Great Britain and Siam, respecting Quedah
31 May 1869 1 July 1869 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium, for the Establishment of a System of Post Office Money Orders
14 June 1869 14 June 1869 Declaration between Great Britain and Denmark, for the Exemption of British Subjects in Denmark, and Danish Subjects in Great Britain, from Forced Loans and Compulsory Military Service
29 June 1869 Declaration between Great Britain and the Sandwich Islands, cancelling part of Art.VII of the Treaty of July 10, 1851, relative to British Whale Ships, and continuing the remaining Articles of the Treaty for 7 Years
21 September 1869 Additional Convention to the Postal Convention between Great Britain and France
27 December 1869 Declaration signed by the Representatives of Great Britain, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, confirming the Arrangements made at the Hague, October 5, 1869
30 December 1869 23 December 1870 Convention of Commerce between Great Britain and Austria
24 February 1870 Declaration between Great Britain and the United States, approving the Boundary Maps, prepared by the Joint Comissioners appointed under Article 1 of the Treaty of 15th June, 1846 (Oregon Territory)
21 April 1870 Decision and Award of the President of the United States on the Claims of Great Britain and Portugal to the Island of Bulama on the Western Coast of Africa, and to a certain portion of territory opposite to that Island on the Mainland
30 April 1870 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Establishment of a System of Post Office Money Orders
13 May 1870 Convention between Great Britain and The United States of America, relative to Naturalization
3 June 1870 10 August 1870 Convention between Great Britain and the United States, additional to the Treaty signed at Washington, April 7, 1862, for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade
9 August 1870 Treaty between Great Britain and Prussia, relative to the Independence and Neutrality of Belgium
11 August 1870 Treaty between Great Britain and France, relative to the Independence and Neutrality of Belgium
8 September 1870 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands relative to the treatment of British Subjects in the Kingdom of Siak Sree Indrapoora, in the Island of Sumatra
8 September 1870 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands, relative to the Emigration of Labourers from India to the Dutch Colony of Surinam
21 October 1870 Agreement respecting telegraphic Communication between British India and Netherland India
7 December 1870 Convention between Great Britain and Italy, Additional to the Postal Convention of December 12, 1857 between Great Britain and Sardinia
19 December 1870 Regulations between Great Britain and the Netherlands for the conduct of Telegraphic Correspondence between the two Countries
23 February 1871 Convention between Great Britain and The United States of America, Supplementary to the Convention of May 13, 1870, respecting Naturalization
25 February 1871 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands, for the transfer to Great Britain of the Dutch Possessions on the Coast of Guinea
13 March 1871 Treaty between Great Britain, Germany, Prussia, Austria, France, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, for the Revision of certain Stipulations of the Treaty of March 30, 1856 (Navigation of the Black Sea and the Danube)
8 May 1871 1 July 1873 Treaty between Great Britain and The United States of America, for the amicable settlement of all causes of difference between the two Countries ['Alabama' Claims, Fisheries, Claims of Corporation, Companies, or Private Individuals, Navigation of Rivers and Lakes, San Juan Water Boundary, and Rules defining Duties of a Neutral Government during War]
11 July 1871 Declaration between Great Britain and Russia, respecting Protection to British and Russian Trade Marks
12 July 1871 Protocol relative to the Jurisdiction of the British Consul General in Tripoli in Africa
18 July 1871 12 February 1872 Convention between Great Britain and Portugal, additional to the Treaty signed at Lisbon, July 3, 1842, for the Suppression of the Traffic in Slaves
2 November 1871 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands, for the Settlement of their Mutual Relations in the Island of Sumatra
2 November 1871 Protocol additional to the Convention of February 25, 1871 between Great Britain and the Netherlands for the transfer to Great Britain of the Dutch Possessions on the Gold Coast, [Recruitment of Free Labourers]
4 March 1872 Convention between Great Britain and Italy, for the Establishment of a System of Post Office Money Orders between Great Britain and Italy
14 May 1872 11 June 1872 Treaty between Great Britain and Germany, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
14 May 1872 8 July 1872 Protocol cancelling the Extradition Convention with Prussia of March 5, 1864 from the time when the Treaty of May 14, 1872 shall come into operation
31 July 1872 28 October 1872 Treaty between Great Britain and Belgium, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
27 August 1872 Declaration exchanged between the Government of Her Britannic Majesty and the Federal Council of the Swiss Confederation, relative to the Succession or Legacy Duties to be levied on the Property of Subjects of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or of Citizens of the Canton of Vaud
25 September 1872 Protocol of Conference between Great Britain and Portugal, relative to their respective Claims to certain Territories formerly belonging to the Kings of Tembe and Mapoota, on the Eastern Coast of Africa, including the Islands of Imyack and Elephant, and agreeing to refer the same to Arbitration
5 November 1872 Declaration exchanged between the British and French Governments as to the Annual Time of Emigration from India to the French Colonies west of the Cape of Good Hope
5 November 1872 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Her Majesty and the French Republic, with a Protocol and two Tariffs thereunto annexed
13 November 1872 1 December 1873 Treaty between Great Britain and Brazil, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
2 December 1872 Convention between Great Britain and Persia for continuing the System of Telegraphic Communications between Europe and India through Persia
18 January 1873 Additional Article to the Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of May 8, 1871
29 January 1873 Declaration amending Tariff annexed to Treaty of November 5, 1872
5 February 1873 11 April 1873 Treaty between Great Britain and Italy, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
12 February 1873 Protocol between Great Britain, France, Italy and Turkey respecting Consular Jurisdiction in Tripoli
8 March 1873 Engagement of the Sultan of Johanna, as to Protection to be afforded to Immigrants in the Island of Johanna
10 March 1873 Protocol between Great Britain and The United States, defining the Boundary Line through the Canal de Haro, in accordance with the Award of the Emperor of Germany of October 21, 1872
31 March 1873 7 July 1873 Treaty between Great Britain and Denmark, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
7 April 1873 7 April 1873 Engagement of the Mukeeb of Maculla for the Abolition of the Slave Trade in his Dominions
11 April 1873 Declaration correcting errors made in Tariff annexed to the Declaration of January 29, 1873
14 April 1873 14 April 1873 Treaty between Great Britain and Muscat for the Abolition of the Slave Trade
22 April 1873 19 January 1874 Convention between Great Britain and Brazil, respecting Consular Rights and the Mutual Surrender of Deserters
7 May 1873 7 May 1873 Declaration rectifying the error in Article XVIII of the Treaty Between Great Britain and Italy of February 5, 1873, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
18 May 1873 1 July 1873 Postal Convention between Her Britannic Majesty's Government, and the Government of His Highness the Khedive of Egypt, regulating the Communications by Post between the two Countries
5 June 1873 Treaty between Great Britain and Zanzibar for the Suppression of the Slave Trade
7 June 1873 7 June 1873 Protocol of Conference between Great Britain and the United States, relative to Articles XVIII to XXV, and Article XXX, of the Treaty of May 8, 1871 (Fisheries)
26 June 1873 17 October 1873 Treaty between Great Britain and Sweden and Norway for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
23 July 1873 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and France
17 November 1873 Engagement of the Jemadar of Shuhr, for the Abolition of the Slave Trade in his Dominions
3 December 1873 19 March 1873 Treaty between Great Britain and Austria, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
6 December 1873 1 January 1874 Convention between the General Post Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the General Post Office of Egypt
6 January 1874 21 February 1876 Treaty between Great Britain and Honduras, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
22 January 1874 Treaty between Great Britain and Russia, for the Marriage of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh with Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrowna of Russia
24 January 1874 24 January 1874 Declaration between Great Britain and France, respecting the Commercial Convention of July 23, 1873 (Expertise Proceedings and Consular Privileges)
24 January 1874 Convention between Great Britain and France, Supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation July 23, 1873
13 February 1874 Treaty of Peace between Great Britain and Ashantee [Treaty of Fommanah]
27 March 1874 Declaration exchanged between the British and German Governments, relative to Joint Stock Companies
31 March 1874 1 March 1875 Treaty between Great Britain and Switzerland for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals.
28 May 1874 28 May 1874 Protocol of a Conference between Great Britain and The United States, relative to the Newfoundland Fisheries
19 June 1874 17 August 1874 Treaty between Great Britain and the Netherlands, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
11 August 1874 Additional Convention between Her Britannic Majesty's Government and the Government of His Highness the Khedive of Egypt, for the Conveyance of the British Mails to and from the East Indies and Australia
9 October 1874 9 October 1874 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Servia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and The United States, relative to the formation of a General Postal Union
28 November 1874 28 November 1874 Protocol relative to Article XVI of the treaty between Great Britain and Switzerland for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals.
7 December 1874 21 February 1876 Treaty between Great Britain and Hayti [Haiti], for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
15 January 1875 Treaty between Great Britain and Ecuador for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
14 April 1875 Declaration between Great Britain and Germany, for extending to the whole German Empire the Stipulations contained in Article VI of the Commercial Treaty between Great Britain and the Zollverein of May 8, 1865, for the Protection of Trade Marks
20 May 1875 20 December 1875 Convention on the International Uniformity and Perfection of the Metric System
2 June 1875 Protocol signed between the Delegates of Great Britain, Belgium, France and the Netherlands submitting Draft International Project for taking the place of Sugar Convention of 1864
14 July 1875 20 September 1875 Treaty between Great Britain and Zanzibar, supplementary to the Treaty for the Suppression of the Slave Trade of June 5, 1873
19 July 1875 General Convention of Commerce, &c., between Great Britain and Tunis (Confirmation of Convention of October 10, 1863, respecting Real Property, and of Tunisian Declaration of January 23, 1846, abolishing Slavery)
31 July 1875 31 July 1875 Agreement between Great Britain and Egypt, respecting Judicial Reforms in Egypt (Extension to Great Britain and to British Subjects of Convention between France and Egypt of November 10, 1874, and between Germany and Egypt of May 5, 1875, as well as of any other arrangements which the Egyptian Government has made or may hereafter make with any Foreign Power respecting Judicial Reforms or Consular Tribunals)
7 August 1875 Agreement between Great Britain and Greece, relative to Merchant Seamen Deserters
11 August 1875 Convention between Great Britain, Belgium, France and the Netherlands, modifying the Convention of November 8, 1864 regulating Drawbacks on Sugar
16 August 1875 1 September 1875 Postal Convention between Great Britain and Brazil
11 September 1875 Postal Agreement between Great Britain and the United States of Colombia
25 November 1875 Additional Postal Convention between Great Britain and Spain - additional to the Postal Convention of 21 May 1858
11 December 1875 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between the South African Republic ( now the Transvaal State ) and the King of Portugal with Protocol relative to the construction of the Lorenzo Marques Railway
14 December 1875 Declaration between Great Britain and Spain , for the Protection of Trade Marks
25 December 1875 Declaration between Great Britain and Spain , respecting Telegraphic Messages between Gibraltar and Spain
29 January 1876 Protocol for extending the time for the Exchange of the Ratifications of the Sugar Convention of August 11, 1875, between Her Majesty, the King of the Belgians, President of the French Republic, and King of the Netherlands
17 February 1876 24 March 1876 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium , regulating the Communications by Post between the British and Belgian Dominions
20 May 1876 4 August 1876 Treaty between Great Britain and Belgium for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
13 July 1876 Postal Convention between British and Argentine Post Offices
14 August 1876 31 May 1878 Treaty between Her Majesty and the French Republic for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals [France]
13 September 1876 6 May 1886 Agreement between the Governments of Great Britain and China for the Settlement of the Yunnan Case, Official Intercourse, and Trade between the Two Countries.
6 October 1876 Postal Agreement between Great Britain and the United States
30 November 1876 Declaration between Great Britain and Roumania, for regulating provisionally the Commercial Relations between the Two Countries
5 December 1876 1 January 1877 Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Austria [with Protocol respecting the Principality of Liechtenstein under Article IV of this Treaty]
11 March 1877 Protocol between Great Britain, Spain and Germany, respecting the Freedom of Commerce and Navigation in the Sulu Archipelago
31 March 1877 Protocol of Conference between the Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, and Russia, relative to the Affairs of Turkey. (Christian Populations. Reforms in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Bulgaria. Servia. Montenegro, &c.)
11 April 1877 11 April 1877 Declaration between Great Britain and Denmark, relative to the disposal of the Estates of Deceased Seamen of both countries
17 April 1877 Declaration between Great Britain and Italy, relative to the Disposal of the Estates of Deceased Seamen of both countries
30 April 1877 Protocol between Great Britain and Roumania, prolonging for Nine Months the Duration of the Declaration between the British and Roumanian Governments of the 30th November, 1876
12 May 1877 Treaty with the King of Dahomey, Peace, Commerce, Slave Trade, Human Sacrifices
23 July 1877 27 August 1877 Declaration with Belgium extending the Extradition Treaty of 20 May 1876 to certain additional crimes.
25 July 1877 Declaration between Great Britain and Swiss Governments for the Reciprocal Protection of Trade Marks
4 August 1877 4 August 1877 Convention between Great Britain and Egypt for the Suppression of the Slave Trade
7 September 1877 7 September 1877 Convention between Great Britain and Egypt respecting the recognition by Great Britain of The Khedive of Egypts' Jurisdiction over the Somali Coast as far as Ras Hafoun
24 October 1877 Declaration between Great Britain and the United States, for the Protection of Trade Marks
14 November 1877 1 April 1878 Agreement between British and Egyptian Post Offices, Money Orders, Transit of Closed Mails, Abolition of British Post Offices in Egypt
26 November 1877 26 November 1877 Declaration Prolonging The Duration Of The Treaty Of Commerce Between Great Britain And Austria, Dated December 5, 1876.
1 June 1878 Convention for the formation of the Universal Postal Union
4 June 1878 9 December 1878 Treaty between Great Britain and Spain for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
4 June 1878 Convention of Defensive Alliance between Great Britain and Turkey. ( Russian Aggressions in Asia : Reforms and Protection of Christians in Turkey in Asia ; Occupation and Administration of Cyprus by England. )
19 June 1878 22 June 1878 Convention between Great Britain and Switzerland, prolonging the Duration of the Extradition Treaty of March 31, 1874
12 July 1878 Agreement between Great Britain and Russia, respecting the Tracing of the Line of the Alaschkerd
13 July 1878 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, for the Settlement of Affairs in the East. (Bulgaria, Eastern Roumelia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Servia, Roumania, Danube, Batoum, Armenia, Religion, &c.)
17 August 1878 17 August 1878 Declaration by the Sultan Of Borneo Extending the Provisions of Clause VIII of the Treaty with Great Britain of May 27, 1847, to the case off Wrecked Vessels Belonging to States in Amity with Great Britain
28 September 1878 Agreement between Her Majesty and the King of Tonga for securing the same privileges to British Subjects as are now or may be given to Subjects of other States ; also giving jurisdiction to Her Majesty's High Commission Court ; and containing Extradition Clauses (to remain in force for one year unless a Treaty is concluded before that time)
13 December 1878 22 December 1878 Convention between Great Britain and Switzerland, prolonging the Duration of the Extradition Treaty of March 31, 1874
17 December 1878 Act of the European Commission (Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Turkey) for defining the Boundary between Roumania and Bulgaria
26 December 1878 16 November 1879 Treaty of Commerce and Extradition between Great Britain and Portugal, with reference to their Indian Possessions
31 December 1878 1 January 1879 Agreement between Great Britain and Belgium, for facilitating the application of a Word Tariff for Telegraphic Correspondence exchanged, by way of Belgium, between Great Britain and Germany
22 January 1879 Agreement between Great Britain and Turkey, for Commuting the Ottoman Crown Property, Revenues, &c., of Cyprus for a fixed Annual Payment of �5,000
26 February 1879 Treaty between Great Britain and Germany, for the Marriage of His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught with Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia
5 March 1879 17 March 1979 Declaration between Great Britain and Servia, for regulating provisionally the Commercial Relations between the two Countries
7 March 1879 Agreement between Great Britain and the Netherlands, amending the Telegraphic Regulations of December 19, 1870
29 March 1879 27 March 1880 Convention between Great Britain and Germany, extending to the German Empire the provisions of the Treaty between Great Britain, Prussia, Austria, France, and Russia, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade, of the 20th December 1841
29 April 1879 Protocol respecting the Renewal of Diplomatic Relations between Great Britain and the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay
26 May 1879 Treaty of Pearce with Afghanistan
27 May 1879 Agreement between Great Britain and Germany, for the Mutual Relief of Distressed Seamen
30 May 1879 Protocol for guaranteeing the importation of materials and stock of any kind for making British Section of Lourenco Marques Railway free of customs duties
30 May 1879 Treaty between Her Majesty and the King of Portugal for extending commercial intercourse between their adjacent dominions in Southern and Eastern Africa, and for the abolition of Slave Traffic, Lourenco Marques Railway, Port and Harbour
16 June 1879 Declaration between Great Britain and France, for regulating the Mode of Dealing with the Proceeds of Vessels wrecked upon the Coasts of the two States
6 August 1879 6 August 1879 Declaration between Great Britain and Portugal, with reference to the Treaty of Commerce and Extradition (India) of December 26, 1878 (Reforms in Portuguese Colonies in India, Payment of First British Instalment)
14 August 1879 Act of the European Commission (Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey) for defining the Boundary between Bulgaria and Eastern Roumelia
19 August 1879 Act of the European Commission (Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Servia, and Turkey) for defining the new Frontier of Servia
28 August 1879 Treaty of Friendship, and Commerce between Great Britain and the King and Government (Malo) of Samoa
2 September 1879 Convention between Great Britain [Germany, the United States] and the King and Government of Samoa for the government of the Town and District of Apia
20 September 1879 Act of the European Commission (Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey) for defining: (1) the Danubian Frontier of Bulgaria ; (2) the Frontier between Bulgaria and Turkey (Macedonia) ; and (3) the Frontier between Bulgaria and Servia
10 October 1879 Declaration between Great Britain and France, prolonging the Duration of the existing Treaties of Commerce and Navigation between the two Countries
25 October 1879 Act of the European Commission (Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey) for defining the Southern Boundary of Eastern Roumelia
5 November 1879 Agreement between Great Britain and Germany, relative to Merchant Seamen Deserters
5 November 1879 Declaration between Great Britain and France, for the Mutual Relief of Distressed Seamen
11 November 1879 Declaration between Great Britain and Italy, prolonging the Duration of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of August 6, 1863, until December 31, 1880
28 November 1879 28 November 1879 Declaration between Great Britain and Denmark, for the Protection of Trade marks
29 November 1879 3 July 1882 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce, between Great Britain and Tonga
2 December 1879 1 April 1880 Amended Convention Between The General Post Office Of The United Kingdom And Ireland And The Post Office Department Of The United States Of America, for the Exchange of Money Orders.
8 December 1879 8 December 1979 Convention between Great Britain and Switzerland, prolonging the Duration of the Extradition Treaty of March 31, 1874
28 December 1879 Additional Act to the Public Act of November 2, 1865 relative to the Navigation of the Mouths of the Danube signed by the delegates of Great Britain, France, Italy and Turkey
6 January 1880 Declaration between Great Britain and Portugal for the Protection of Trade Marks
25 January 1880 25 July 1880 Convention between Great Britain and Turkey for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade
28 January 1880 Agreement between Great Britain and France, for increasing the Limits of Weight and the Dimensions of Packets of Patterns of Merchandize exchanged through the Post between the two Countries
7 February 1880 18 May 1880 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between Great Britain and Servia
15 March 1880 Agreement between Great Britain and the Netherlands, respecting Telegraphic Communication and Correspondence between the two Countries
19 March 1880 1 April 1880 Agreement between Great Britain and Belgium, respecting Telegraphic Correspondence exchanged between the two Countries (World Tariff)
20 March 1880 Agreement between Great Britain and Spain, respecting Telegraphic Messages between Gibraltar and Spain
24 March 1880 Treaty and Protocol of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Roumania
31 March 1880 Declaration between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, and Italy, respecting the Appointment of a Commission of Liquidation of the Egyptian Debt
18 April 1880 Protocol between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, respecting the Boundary between Turkey and Montenegro
21 April 1880 Agreement between Great Britain and Luxemburg, for increasing the Limits of Weight and the Dimensions of Packets of Patterns of Merchandize exchanged through the Post between the two Countries
27 May 1880 1 April 1880 Agreement between Great Britain and Belgium, in respect of Anglo-Dutch Telegrams transmitted over Belgium
27 May 1880 1 June 1880 Agreement between Great Britain and Belgium, for increasing the Limits of Weight and the Dimensions of Packets of Patterns of Merchandize exchanged through the Post between the two Countries
31 May 1880 1 June 1880 Agreement between Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands, fixing the Rates for Telegraphic Messages between Great Britain and Germany
8 June 1880 Agreement between Great Britain and Italy, for the Mutual Relief of Distressed Seamen
18 June 1880 Agreement between Great Britain and the United States, for increasing the Limits of Weight and the Dimensions of Packets of Patterns of Merchandize exchanged through the Post between the two Countries
3 July 1880 3 July 1880 Convention between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Norway, and the United States, for the Settlement of the Right of Protection in Morocco
15 July 1880 Protocol relative to the delimitation of the territory of Kotoun, signed by the Commissioners of Great Britain and Russia, under Article LX of the Treaty of Berlin, with map annexed, and recommending that the frontier should be fixed by a Turco-Persian Commission assisted if thought advisable by British and Russian Officers
30 July 1880 Act fixing the Russia - Turkish Frontier in Asia, signed by the Military Commissioners of Great Britain, Russia and Turkey under Article LVIII of the Treaty of Berlin
9 August 1880 Notes recording the sanction of the Governments of Great Britain, German Empire, Austria, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey to (1) Act of 14.8.1879. (2) Act of 20.9.1879, (3) Act of 17.12.1878 fixing the Bulgarian Boundaries and (4) Act of 19.8.1879. Descriptive of Serbian Boundary. (N.B Notes signed by the several Ministers for Foreign Affairs)
9 August 1880 Declaration between Great Britain and Russia, relative to the Disposal of the Estates of Deceased Seamen of the two Countries
9 August 1880 Agreement between Great Britain and Russia for the Mutual Relief of Distressed Seamen
11 August 1880 Convention between Great Britain and Spain for the Establishment of International Copyright with Declaration, relative to Place of Publication
11 August 1880 Laws for the Vilayets of Turkey in Europe (Roumelia) signed by the Commissioners of Great Britain, German Empire, Austria, France, Italy, Russia, and Turkey under Article XXIII of the Treaty of Berlin
20 September 1880 19 February 1886 Treaty between Great Britain and the Republic of the Equator [Ecuador], for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
21 September 1880 Self-denying Protocol between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy and Russia, with reference to the Settlement of the Questions respecting Greece and Montenegro
18 October 1880 19 February 1886 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Republic of the Equator
23 October 1880 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal, for increasing the Limits of Weight and Dimensions of Packets of Patterns of Merchandize exchanged through the Post between the two Countries
6 November 1880 Declaration between Great Britain and Switzerland, for the Reciprocal Protection of Manufacturing and Trade Marks
10 November 1880 10 November 1880 Declarations between Great Britain and Tonga, respecting the Delay in Exchange of Ratifications of the Treaty of Friendship, &c, of November 29, 1879
24 November 1880 15 March 1881 Treaty between Great Britain and Luxemburg, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
26 November 1880 30 May 1881 Treaty between Great Britain and Switzerland, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
26 November 1880 1 July 1882 Agreement between Great Britain and Austria-Hungary for the Mutual Relief of Distressed Seamen
11 December 1880 11 December 1880 Convention prolonging the Duration of the Extradition Treaty between Great Britain and Switzerland of the 31st March, 1874, till the Treaty signed on the 26th November, 1880, comes into force
21 March 1881 Agreement between Great Britain, Spain, and France, for facilitating Telegraphic Intercourse between Gibraltar and France
10 May 1881 1 October 1881 Convention Between The General Post Office Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Ireland And The Post Office Of The Empire Of Japan For An Exchange Of Money Orders.
24 May 1881 Convention between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, for the settlement of the Frontier between Greece and Turkey
28 May 1881 Additional Act to the Public Act of the European Commission of the Danube of the 2nd November, 1865, relative to the Navigation of the Mouths of the Danube
21 June 1881 21 June 1881 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark, relative to Merchant Seamen Deserters
23 June 1881 13 January 1883 Treaty between Great Britain and [El] Salvador, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
23 June 1881 Agreement between Great Britain and Greece, for increasing the Limits of Weight and the Dimensions of Packets of Patterns of Merchandize exchanged through the Post between the two Countries
24 June 1881 24 June 1881 Memorandum Supplemental Treaty with the State of Nepal dated 10 February 1855 and to Memorandum Supplemental Treaty with the State of Nepal dated 23 July 1866 for the mutual surrender of fugitive criminals.
25 June 1881 Protocol for prolonging period of exchange of the Ratifications of the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce with the Republic of Equator signed 25th June 1880, till 8th December 1881
25 June 1881 Protocol for prolonging period for the exchange of the Ratifications of the Extradition Treaty with the Equator of September 20, 1880 till December 8, 1881
6 July 1881 Final Act for the Evacuation by the Turks and the Occupation by the Greeks of the First Section (Arta) under the Annex to the Convention of May 24, 1881, for the Settlement of the Frontier between Greece and Turkey
12 July 1881 Agreement between Great Britain and Sweden and Norway, for the Mutual Relief of Distressed Seamen
3 August 1881 Convention between Her Majesty's Royal Commissioners and the Representatives of the Transvaal Burghers, for the Settlement of the Transvaal Territory
7 September 1881 1 November 1881 Convention between Great Britain and Sweden, for the Exchange of Money Orders
18 September 1881 Final Act for the Evacuation by the Turks and the Occupation by the Greeks of the Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Sections, and of the Punta Territory, under the Annex to the Convention of May 24 1881, for the Settlement of the Frontier between Greece and Turkey
21 September 1881 Declaration between Great Britain and France, prolonging till 8th February, 1882, the Commercial Treaties, &c., between Great Britain and France
14 November 1881 Final Act of the Operations of the International Military Commission, constituted in execution of Article III of the Annex to the Convention of Constantinople of May 24, 1881, for the Settlement of the Frontier between Greece and Turkey
15 November 1881 Final Act fixing the new Turco-Greek Frontier under the Convention of May 24, 1881
29 November 1881 Declaration between Great Britain and Italy, for prolonging till 31st May, 1882, the Duration of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Italy of 6th August, 1863
16 January 1882 1 April 1882 Additional Articles, Dated The 16th Of January - 27th Of February, 1882, To The Money Order Convention Between The General Post Office Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Ireland And The General Post Office Of The Kingdom Of Denmark, Dated The 22nd Of April - 16th Of May 1871.
21 January 1882 14 May 1882 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and Montenegro with Protocol relating to Import Duties under Article III
4 February 1882 Declaration between Great Britain and France, prolonging to the 1st March, 1882, the Declaration of the 21st September, 1881, for the prologation of the existing Commercial Treaties between the two Countries
28 February 1882 Convention between Great Britain and France, to regulate the Commercial and Maritime Relations between the two Countries
28 February 1882 Declaration between Great Britain and France, prolonging till the 15th May, 1882, the Commercial Treaties between the two Countries, except as regards Tariff Stipulations
2 March 1882 1 May 1882 Convention between Great Britain and Persia, for the Suppression of the Traffic in Slaves
20 April 1882 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America concerning the Prolongation of Agreement of 10 November 1941, for raising the level of Lake St Francis
20 April 1882 Exchange of Notes between the United States of America and Canada for the continuation of agreements of November 10, 1941 regarding Lake St Francis
20 April 1882 Treaty between Her Majesty and the Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont, for the Marriage of His Royal Highness Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, with Her Serene Highness the Princess Helen Frederica Augusta of Waldeck and Pyrmont
6 May 1882 15 March 1884 Convention between Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, and the Netherlands, for regulating the Police of the North Sea Fisheries
15 May 1882 Agreement between Great Britain and Switzerland, for increasing the Limits of Weight and the Dimensions of Packets of Patterns of Merchandize exchanged through the Post between the two Countries
22 May 1882 Convention between Great Britain and Portugal, supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation signed at Lisbon on the 3rd July, 1842
31 May 1882 Declaration between Great Britain and Italy, for prolonging till the 30th June, 1883, the Duration of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of the 6th August, 1863
6 June 1882 Treaty of Peace and Friendship and Commerce between Her Majesty and the King of Corea [Korea] with Protocol containing Supplementary Articles (3) relative to open Ports, man of war ships and charts of Corean Coasts
9 June 1882 Declaration between Great Britain and Russia, on the subject of Tonnage Measurement
28 June 1882 28 June 1882 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the settlement of Territorial Limits to the North of Sierra Leone
3 July 1882 3 July 1882 Protocol between Great Britain and Tonga, on the Exchange of Ratifications of the Treaty of Friendship &c. of the 29th November, 1879 (Extradition)
10 October 1882 28 February 1883 Convention between Great Britain and Johanna, for the Suppression of Slavery and the Slave Trade
13 October 1882 Treaty between Her Majesty and Abdullah bin Hamya, Sultan of Bambao ( Grand Comoro ) for the Suppression of the Traffic in Slaves
13 October 1882 Treaty between Her Majesty and Moosa Fum bin Fifum, Sultan of Itsaanda ( Grand Comoro ) for the Suppression of the traffic in Slaves with Annexes
24 October 1882 28 February 1883 Convention between Great Britain and Mohilla, for the Suppression of Slavery and the Slave Trade
21 November 1882 1 January 1883 Declaration between Great Britain and Belgium, relative to the Exchange of Money Orders
27 November 1882 Additional Articles to the Convention between Great Britain and North Germany of the 10th and 18th January 1871, respecting Money Orders
8 December 1882 1 January 1883 Convention between Her Majesty and the President of the French Republic for the Exchange of Post Office Money Orders
9 December 1882 Detailed Regulations for the execution of the Convention between Great Britain and France of the 8th December, 1882, for the Exchange of Money Orders
4 January 1883 Convention between Great Britain and the Republic of Chile, for the Settlement of Claims of British Subjects
17 January 1883 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal, for the Exchange of Post Office Money Orders
29 January 1883 Declaration between Great Britain and Spain, respecting Joint Stock Companies
3 March 1883 3 March 1883 Declaration Between Great Britain And Turkey Amending The Convention Of The 25th January, 1880, Between Her Majesty And The Sultan For The Suppression Of The Slave Trade.
8 March 1883 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Exchange of Postal Money Orders between British India and France
10 March 1883 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, relative to the Navigation of the Danube ; with Regulations for the Navigation, River Police, and Superintendence, applicable to that part of the River which is situated between the Iron Gates and Braila
20 March 1883 6 July 1884 Convention between Belgium, Brazil, France, Guatemala, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Salvador, Servia, Spain and Switzerland, for the Protection of Industrial Property [Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property]
6 April 1883 Agreement between Great Britain and Siam, for regulating the Traffic in Spirituous Liquors
26 April 1883 Agreement between Great Britain and France, to regulate the Postal Relations between France and the Australasian Colonies by means of English and French Packets
8 May 1883 Protocol of Conference between the Representatives of the Six Powers ( Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia ) and Turkey, relative to the Administration of the Lebanon ( Appointment of Wassa Pasha to be Governor for a term of ten years ).
25 May 1883 Agreement between Great Britain and Madagascar, for regulating the Traffic in Spirituous Liquors
6 June 1883 Declaration recording Accession of Bosnia and Herezgovina to the International Telegraph Convention
15 June 1883 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Italy with Protocol for referring to Arbitration any Disputes arising under the Treaty
25 July 1883 1 November 1883 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark for the Mutual Relief of Distressed Seamen
3 September 1883 7 May 1884 Treaty between Great Britain and Siam, for the Prevention of Crime in the Territiories of Chiengmai, Lakon, and Lampoonchi, and for the Promotion of Commerce between British Burmah and the Territories aforesaid
29 September 1883 Convention between Great Britain, Germany, the United States, and Samoa, for the Prolongation of the Convention of September 2, 1879, relative to the Municipal Board of Apia
13 October 1883 Declaration between Great Britain and Sweden and Norway, Respecting the Privileges of Commercial Travellers
25 October 1883 Telegraphic Convention between the Cape of Good Hope, Natal and the Orange Free State
26 November 1883 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between Great Britain and Corea [Korea] with Protocols
1 December 1883 Protocol of Agreement and Declaration between Great Britain and Spain, respecting the Commercial Relations of the two Countries
14 December 1883 1 April 1884 Additional Articles to the Money Order Convention between the General Post Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the General Post Office of the Kingdom of Denmark, of the 22 April and 16 May, 1871 (Money Orders, Iceland)
10 January 1884 10 January 1884 Agreement between Her Majesty's Government, the Egyptian Government, and the Eastern Telegraph Company, respecting the Construction of a Submarine Cable between Suez and Suakin
26 February 1884 Treaty between Great Britain and Portugal, respecting the Rivers Congo and Zambesi, and the Territory on the West Coast of Africa between 8 (degrees) and 5 (degrees) 12' of South Latitude
27 February 1884 Convention between Great Britain and the Southern African Republic, in substitution of the Convention of the 3rd August, 1881, for the Settlement of the Transvaal Territory
3 March 1884 3 March 1884 Agreement between Great Britain and Egypt, securing Most-favoured-nation Treatment to the Commerce and Navigation of the two Countries.
14 March 1884 1 May 1888 Convention between Great Britain, the Argentine Republic, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Italy, Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Salvador, Servia, Spain, Sweden and Norway, Turkey, United States, and Uruguay, for the Protection of Submarine Cables
26 March 1884 20 March 1885 Treaty between Great Britain and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
8 April 1884 Note signed by the Egyptian President to the Council, Minister for Foreign Affairs Stating that any commercial privileges are accorded henceforth by Egypt to any other Power shall be at once granted to Great Britain
9 April 1884 Convention between the United States and the Cape of Good Hope, for the Exchange of Money Orders
17 April 1884 Agreement between the Governments of Great Britain and Persia for fixing the place of residence in Persia of Eyoub Khan and other Afghan chiefs.
26 April 1884 Arrangement between the British and French Commissioners containing regulations for preventing and regulating disputes relative to the exercise of the fishery on the coasts of Newfoundland, without touching the treaties at present in force.
3 June 1884 12 July 1884 Treaty between Great Britain and Abyssinia, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade
3 June 1884 Treaty between Great Britain, Egypt and Abyssinia, for the Settlement of Differences between Egypt and Abyssinia (Transit of Goods to and from Abyssinia through Massowah ; Restoration of Bogos to Abyssinia ; Withdrawal of Egyptian Garrisons from Kassala , Amedib , and Sanhit ; Extradition ; &c.)
10 June 1884 Agreement between Great Britain and the Argentine Republic, for increasing the Limits of Weight and the Dimensions of Packets of Patterns of Merchandize exchanged through the Post between the two Countries
20 June 1884 Convention between Great Britain and the French Republic, for the Exchange of Postal Money Orders between the Dominion of Canada and France
1 July 1884 Agreement between the Governments of Great Britain and Madagascar respecting British Witnesses in Malagasy Courts and Malagasy Witnesses in Her Majesty's Consular Court
1 July 1884 Treaties Between Her Majesty and Native Chiefs, West Coast Africa, occupying Territory between Benin River and Ambos Bay
6 August 1884 Preliminary Agreement between Great Britain and Mexico, for the Renewal of Relations between the two Countries
1 September 1884 Treaties (39) between Her Majesty and Various Tribes on or near the Niger an Binue Rivers - sent home in Consul Hewetts Despatch of November 15, 1884
7 October 1884 Agreement between the British and French Governments, respecting Mixed Marriages in the United Kingdom between British and French Citizens
16 October 1884 10 May 1886 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and the Republic of Paraguay
16 December 1884 Convention between Her Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the King of the Belgians, acting as Founder of, and in the name of, the International Association of the Congo, relative to Commerce, Navigation, Jurisdiction, &c.
21 December 1884 Declaration between Great Britain and Spain, respecting Commercial Relations between the two Countries
31 December 1884 10 January 1885 Notes Exchanged between Great Britain and Siam Extending the Operation in Siam of the Treaty of September 3, 1883
26 February 1885 19 April 1886 General Act of the Conference at Berlin of the Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Norway, Turkey, and the United States, respecting (1) Freedom of Trade in the Basin of the Congo, (2) the Slave Trade, (3) Neutrality of the Territories in the Basin of the Congo, (4) Navigation of the Congo (5) Navigation of the Niger ; and (6) Rules for future Occupation on the Coasts of the African Continent.
7 March 1885 Protocol between Great Britain, Germany and Spain, respecting the Sovereignty of Spain over the Sulu Archipelago (Renunciation by Spain of Claims to Sovereignty in Borneo ; British North Borneo Company ; &c.)
17 March 1885 Declaration between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, respecting the Finances of Egypt ; House, Stamp, and Licence Taxes ; and the Free Navigation of the Suez Canal.
18 March 1885 Convention between the Governments of Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Turkey, relative to the Finances of Egypt
21 March 1885 Additional Act to the Convention of June 1, 1878 establishing a Universal Postal Union with Final Protocol
25 April 1885 Arrangement between Great Britain and Germany relative to their respective Spheres of Action in Portions of New Guinea
29 April 1885 16 June 1885 Arrangement between Great Britain and Germany, relative to their respective Spheres of Action in portions of Africa (Coast of Guinea, Cameroons, Victoria, Ambas Bay, Santa Lucia, Coast between Natal and Delagoa Bay, Customs, &c)
6 May 1885 Declaration between Great Britain and Italy, prolonging the Duration of the Copyright Convention of the 30th November, 1860 till the 31st December, 1885
3 June 1885 1 July 1885 Convention between the General Post Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the General Post Offices of Austria and of Hungary, for the Exchange of Money Orders
4 July 1885 13 December 1886 Treaty between Great Britain and Guatemala, for the Mutual Surrender of Criminals
10 July 1885 Articles for the Marriage of Her Royal Highness the Princess Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore and His Serene Highness the Prince Henry Maurice of Batternberg, Son of His Grand Ducal Highness Prince Alexander of Hesse
17 July 1885 Protocol to the Treaty of October 18, 1880 concerning Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and the Republic of the Equator relative to Colonies and Foreign Possessions of Her Britannic Majesty
18 July 1885 6 May 1886 Additional Article to the Agreement between Great Britain and China signed at Chefoo, September 13, 1876 (Regulation of Traffic in Opium) With Exchange of Notes laying down conditions under which Ariticle is to be Binding on Her Majesty's Government
21 July 1885 Protocol to the Treaty of October 18, 1880 concerning Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and the Republic of the Equator relative to Article XVI
10 September 1885 Protocol between Great Britain and Russia for the Delimitation of the Afghan Frontier
11 September 1885 1 April 1886 Additional Articles to the Postal Convention between Great Britain and Eygpt of November 14, 1877
16 September 1885 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Exchange of Post Office money Orders between the Island of Malta and France
17 September 1885 1 July 1886 Regulations in execution of the International Telegraph Convention of July 22, 1875 (Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cochin China, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, Montenegro, Netherlands and Netherlands Indies, New South Wales, Norway, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Senegal, Servia, Siam, South Australia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tasmania, Tunis and Turkey)
16 October 1885 Declaration between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Turkey, explanatory of Article 23 of the Draft Decree annexed to the Declaration respecting the Finances of Egypt of March 17, 1885.
24 October 1885 24 November 1885 Convention between Egypt and Turkey, relative to Egyptian Affairs (Dispatch of British and Turkish High Commissioners to Egypt)
11 November 1885 27 April 1888 Convention between Great Britain and Liberia, for the Settlement of certain Claims preferred by British Subjects against the Republic of Liberia, and for the Settlement of the North-Western Boundaries of the Republic
13 November 1885 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay
14 November 1885 Arrangement between the Governments of Great Britain and France for preventing and regulating disputes relative to the exercise of fishing on the coasts of Newfoundland, with map annexed, Statement annexed respecting Article II of Arrangement, Proces-Verbal declaring that arrangement is to replace that signed at Paris April 26, 1884
30 November 1885 30 May 1885 Supplementary Article to the Treaty between Great Britain and Siam of September 3, 1883 relative to Extradition
1 December 1885 Agreement between the Governor of the Straits Settlements and certain Inland Petty Malacca States for placing them under Engish Protection - Extradition Article
11 December 1885 Agreement between Great Britain and Johore, for the regulation of the Relations between Johore and the Straits Settlements
21 December 1885 21 December 1885 Declaration Recording The Accession Of Italy To The Convention Concluded Between The Governments Of Great Britain And Egypt On The 4th August, 1877, For The Suppression Of The Slave Trade.
8 January 1886 Protocol between Great Britain and Spain, respecting the Sovereignty of Spain over the Caroline and Pelew Islands
19 January 1886 Declaration between the Governments of Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Greece, The Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden and Norway, accepting the Khedivial Decree dated July 27, 1885 relative to the Loan of #9,000,000 under the Convention signed at London on March 18, 1885 respecting the finances of Egypt
9 March 1886 Convention between the General Post Office of Great Britain and the Postal Administration of the Netherlands for the Exchange of Postal Parcels
6 April 1886 Declaration between Great Britain and Germany, relating to the Demarcation of the British and German Spheres of Influence in the Western Pacific
10 April 1886 Declaration between Great Britain and Germany, relating to the Reciprocal Freedom of Trade and Commerce in the British and German Possessions and Protectorates in the Western Pacific
26 April 1886 Convention between Great Britain and Spain, respecting the Commercial Relations between the two Countries [With Exchange of Notes]
30 April 1886 17 August 1886 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Zanzibar
5 May 1886 Declaration respecting the Extent of the Town and Territory of Badagry referred to in the Treaty of July 7, 1863
10 May 1886 Protocol (not applicable to India) to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 16 October 1884
11 May 1886 Arrangement between Great Britain and France Post Offices prolonging duration of Telegraph Agreement of July 25, 1879
24 May 1886 Declaration between the Colonial Government of Gibraltar and the General Post Office of Spain, confirming the Postal Convention between Great Britain and Spain of November 25, 1875
2 June 1886 Convention between Great Britain and Germany, respecting Copyright
18 June 1886 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Exchange of Uninsured Postal Parcels
23 June 1886 8 July 1886 Agreement between Great Britain and Salvador, prolonging for 20 years the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, of the 24th October, 1862
25 June 1886 Convention between Her Majesty and the United States of America, Supplementary to Article X of the Treaty Concluded August 9, 1842, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
26 June 1886 26 June 1886 Declaration between the Governments of Great Britain and Belgium for prolonging the Duration of the Telegraphic Convention of the 19th March, 1880, till the 2nd January, 1889
24 July 1886 25 August 1887 Convention between Great Britain and China, relative to Burmah and Thibet
26 July 1886 Convention between Great Britain and Italy, for the Exchange of Postal Parcels
27 July 1886 Arrangement between Great Britain and Germany, supplementary to the Arrangement of April-June 1885, relative to the respective Spheres of Action of the two Countries in the Gulf of Guinea
16 August 1886 Protocol between Great Britain and Chile, extending the Duration of the Claims Commission appointed under the Convetion of January 4, 1883, for a period of Six months
7 September 1886 19 April 1889 Treaty between Great Britain and Mexico, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
9 September 1886 5 September 1887 Convention between Great Britain, Belgium, France, Germany, Hayti, Italy, Liberia, Spain, Switzerland and Tunis, for the creation of an International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works [Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works ]
10 November 1886 21 April 1887 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Greece
14 November 1886 Additional Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Roumania
24 November 1886 21 March 1887 Treaty between Great Britain and Russia for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
1 December 1886 1 May 1888 Declaration of the Plenipotentiaries of the Signatory Governments of the Convention of the 14 March, 1884, for the Protection of Submarine Cables, explanatory of Articles II and IV of the Convention
28 December 1886 Declaration between Great Britain and Italy, prolonging the Duration of the Copyright Convention of the 30th November 1860, till the International Copyright Convention, signed at Berne, September 9, 1886 comes into force
8 January 1887 8 January 1887 Additional Article to the Postal Convention Op The 17th February, 1876, between Great Britain and Belgium.
21 January 1887 3 February 1900 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between the United kingdom and the Republic of Honduras With Explanatory Protocol
21 January 1887 Treaty between Great Britain and the Republic of Honduras for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
15 February 1887 15 February 1887 Declaration between the Governments of Great Britain and Austria-Hungary for the Admission Duty Free Of Patterns and Samples Imported By Commercial Travellers.
21 April 1887 30 May 1887 Declaration between Great Britain and Belgium, amending Article I of the Extradition Treaty of 20 May 1876
2 July 1887 1 January 1888 Agreement between the British and Portuguese Governments, for the Exchange of Postal Parcels
3 July 1887 3 July 1887 Agreement Between The British And Persian Government For Prolonging, Until January 31, 1905, The Convention Between Her Majesty And The Shah Of Persia of December 2, 1872, Relative To Telegraphic Communication Between Europe And India.
3 July 1887 3 July 1887 Agreement Between The British And Persian Government For Prolonging, Until January 31, 1905, The Convention Between Her Majesty And The Shah Of Persia Of April 2, 1868, Relative To Telegraphic Communication Between Europe And India.
7 July 1887 7 July 1887 Protocol signed by the Plenipotentiaries of the Signatory Governments of the Convention of March 14, 1884 for the Protection of Submarine Cables, respecting the date on which the Convention should be put into force.
10 July 1887 Afghan Boundary, Delimitation Protocol No.4
13 July 1887 5 December 1887 Declaration between Great Britain and France for the Purpose Of Terminating the Literary and Artistic Convention of November 3, 1851, and the Additional Act of August 11, 1875.
21 September 1887 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Exchange of Postal Money Orders between France and certain British Colonies
27 September 1887 15 December 1887 Convention with the Postal Administration of the Republic of Costa Rica for the exchange of postal parcels, with Detailed Regulations
28 September 1887 Agreement with German Telegraph Administration ( made by Post Office )
2 October 1887 1 March 1888 Convention with the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Colombia for the exchange of postal parcels, with Detailed Regulations
31 October 1887 Agreement between Great Britain and Japan, for increasing the Limits of Weight and the Dimensions of Packets of Patterns of Merchandize exchanged through the Post between the two Countries
8 November 1887 Protocols of the Commission instituted by the Protocol of July 22, 1887, for the Delimitation of the North-West Boundary of Afghanistan
16 November 1887 Convention between Great Britain and France regarding the New Hebrides
16 November 1887 Convention between Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, and The Netherlands, respecting the Liquor Traffic in the North Sea.
19 December 1887 Protocol Respecting the Suppression of Bounties on the Exportation of Sugar.
21 December 1887 1 January 1888 Detailed Regulations Annexed To The Agreement With The Portuguese Government For The Exchange Of Postal Parcels Of 2 July 1887.
26 January 1888 Declaration regarding Regulations for the Guidance of the Joint Naval Commission with respect to Declaration of 19 June 1847
28 January 1888 1 August 1888 Additional Articles Dated The 28th January�15th Of February 1888 To The Money Order Convention Between The General Post Office Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Ireland And The Post Office Department Of The United States Of America Of The 2nd-18th Of December 1879.
2 February 1888 Agreement between the British and French Governments with regard to the Gulf of Tajourra and the Somali Coast
15 February 1888 Treaty between Great Britain and the United States, for the settlement of the Fishery Question on the Atlantic Coast of North America
11 April 1888 Protocol between Great Britain and Chile, creditors of Peru 'Grace' Contract
12 May 1888 12 May 1888 Agreement between the British Government and the British North Borneo Company, for the establishment of a British Protectorate
12 May 1888 Protocol between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, and Spain, respecting the Suppression of Bounties on the Exportation of Sugar
17 May 1888 Treaty with Kings and Chiefs of Okrika (extending British Protection)
29 May 1888 Declaration between the Government of Spain respecting Extradition
30 May 1888 Declaration between Great Britain and France, for the Abrogation of the Declaration of the 19th June 1847, respecting the Islands to the leeward of Tahiti
31 May 1888 Agreement between Great Britain and Italy, respecting Postal Communications with Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, and the Fiji Islands
11 June 1888 Convention between Great Britain and the South African Republic, defining the new Boundary of the South African Republic, and providing for the Renunciation by the South African Republic on behalf of the New Republic of claim to exercise a Protectorate over Zululand, &c
14 June 1888 Agreement between the British Government and the Rajah of Sarawak, for the establishment of a British Protectorate
30 July 1888 Agreement between Great Britain and Brazil, relative to Merchant Seamen Deserters
4 August 1888 Agreement between Great Britain and Greece, for regulating the position of Joint Stock Companies
17 August 1888 Declaration, British Consular Officers not to claim Privileges under the Capitulations at Massowah
30 August 1888 Convention between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, and Russia, for the Suppression of Bounties on the Exportation of Sugar With Protocol and Declaration
7 September 1888 Agreement between Great Britain and France, for the Exchange of Postal Parcels between the Island of Mauritius and France
17 September 1888 17 September 1888 Agreement between the British Government and the Sultan of Brunei, for the establishment of a British Protectorate
27 October 1888 16 December 1899 Treaty between Great Britain and Colombia, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
29 October 1888 Convention between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Russia, Spain, and Turkey, respecting the Free Navigation of the Suez Maritime Canal
30 October 1888 Agreement between Great Britain and Germany, respecting Telegraphic Correspondence exchanged between the two countries
15 November 1888 23 November 1888 Agreement between the British and Belgian Governments, respecting Mixed Marriages in the United Kingdom between British Subjects and Belgians
27 November 1888 11 February 1889 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Mexico
11 December 1888 Declaration between Great Britain and France, respecting Telegraphic Correspondence exchanged between the two Countries
18 December 1888 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium, for the Exchange of Money Orders
1 January 1889 1 January 1889 Agreement between Great Britain and Belgium respecting Telelgraphic Correspondence between the two Countries
29 January 1889 Agreement with German Telegraph Administration ( made by Post Office )
1 February 1889 21 February 1890 Declaration between Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, and The Netherlands modifying paragraph 5 of Article VIII of the North Sea Fisheries Convention of May 6, 1882 (Marking of Sails of Fishing Boats)
2 February 1889 Proces-verbal of arrangement with Belgian, Dutch, and German Telegraph Administrations ( signed by Post Office Officials )
2 February 1889 Agreement with Dutch Telegraph Administration ( made by Post Office )
15 February 1889 Convention between Great Britain and Mexico, for the Exchange of Uninsured Postal Parcels
19 February 1889 10 June 1889 Declaration between Great Britain and Spain, amending the Treaty of the 4th June, 1878, for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
26 March 1889 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Her Majesty and the President of the Republic of Nicaragua
28 March 1889 1 April 1889 Agreement between Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands, respecting Telegrams exchanged between Great Britain and Germany
30 March 1889 Agreement between Great Britain, Belgium and the Netherlands, respecting Telegraphic Correspondence
30 March 1889 Agreement between Great Britain and the Netherlands respecting the Telegraphic Correspondence
3 April 1889 Convention for the Exchange of Postal Parcels between the United States and the Leeward Islands
22 May 1889 9 February 1894 Treaty between Great Britain and the Argentine Republic for the Mutual Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
1 June 1889 Report of the Special Commission created by the Declaration of August 30, 1888, respecting Sugar Bounties. Signed by the Representatives of Germany, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Spain, Great Britain, Italy, The Netherlands and Russia.
14 June 1889 Final Act of the Conference on the Affairs of Samoa
28 June 1889 28 June 1889 Convention between Great Britain and the Argentine Republic, for the Exchange of Postal Parcels
1 July 1889 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Exchange of Uninsured Postal Parcels between France and the Island of Malta
9 July 1889 Agreement between Great Britain and Italy, for increasing the Limits of Weight and the Dimensions of Packets of Patterns of Merchandize exchanged through the Post between the two Countries
12 July 1889 11 March 1890 Supplementary Convention between Great Britain and the United States, to Article X of the Treaty Concluded August 9, 1842 for the Extradition of Criminals
10 August 1889 Arrangement between Great Britain and France, respecting the Delimitation of the English and French Possessions on the West Coast of Africa
15 August 1889 23 May 1891 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands, modifying the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of October 27, 1837, as regards Customs Regulations
24 August 1889 Convention between Great Britain and the Regency of Tunis, for the Exchange of Postal Money Orders
13 September 1889 Agreement between Great Britain and Zanzibar, respecting the Right of Search in Zanzibar Waters, Slavery, &c.
14 September 1889 24 October 1889 Treaty between Great Britain and Italy, for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade
12 October 1889 Convention between Great Britain and Norway, for the Exchange of Money Orders
23 October 1889 23 January 1890 Declaration between Great Britain and France, respecting the Disposal of the Proceeds of Wrecks on their respective Coasts
29 October 1889 1 January 1890 Commercial Convention between Great Britain and Egypt
4 November 1889 Notes exchanged between Great Britain and Bulgaria, establishing a Provisional Commercial Agreement between the two Countries.
4 December 1889 Agreement between Great Britain, Belgium, and France, respecting Telegraphic Correspondence
31 December 1889 16 May 1890 Arrangement between Great Britain and France, extending to Tunis the Provisions of the Extradition Treaty between Great Britain and France of August 14, 1876
1 January 1890 Treaties between Great Britain and Native Chiefs and States on the West Coast of Africa
2 February 1890 18 May 1890 Provisional Commercial Agreement between Great Britain and Servia
17 February 1890 Treaty with Chief Chikuse of Angoniland
17 March 1890 27 August 1890 Convention between Great Britain and China relating to Sikkim and Tibet (With Regulations Appended Thereto, Signed at Darjeeling, December, 5 1893)
21 March 1890 1 July 1890 Amended Agreement between the Post Office of Great Britain and the Department of Communications of the Empire of Japan, for an Exchange of Money Orders
28 March 1890 28 March 1890 Commercial Agreement between Great Britain and Greece
31 March 1890 18 January 1891 Additional Article to the Agreement between Great Britain and China of September 13,1876 (Chungking opened to Trade)
18 April 1890 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and the Sultan of Muscat
25 April 1890 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and France, prolonging the Postal Convention of September 24 1856 until August 31, 1890
8 May 1890 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Exchange of Uninsured Postal Parcels between France and the Island of Cyprus
5 June 1890 1 July 1890 Agreement between the Post Office of Great Britain and the Post Office of Roumania, for the Exchange of Money Orders
14 June 1890 Agreement between the Sultan of Zanzibar and Colonel Euan-Smith, Her Majesty's Agent and Consul- General, placing the Dominions of Zanzibar under the Protection of Great Britain
16 June 1890 16 June 1890 Declaration Between The Governments Of Great Britain And Greece Correcting An Error In The Annex To The Commercial Agreement Between The Two Countries Of March 28, 1890.
17 June 1890 Agreement between Great Britain and Germany respecting Eastern Africa, South West Africa, Togo, Vitu and Somalia, Zanzibar, Heligoland, &c
20 June 1890 6 April 1891 Convention Between Great Britain and the Orange Free State , for the Mutual Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
21 June 1890 Regulations annexed to the International Telegraph Convention of St. Petersburg of 22 July 1875 (Revision)
1 July 1890 Agreement between Great Britain and Germany, respecting Zanzibar, Heligoland, and the Spheres of Influence of the two Countries in Africa
2 July 1890 23 December 1890 Treaty between Great Britain and Spain for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade
2 July 1890 31 August 1891 General Act of the Brussels Conference relative to the African Slave Trade (Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Congo, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Norway, Turkey, United States, and Zanzibar). (with annexed Declaration of the same date.)
5 July 1890 1 April 1891 International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs
19 July 1890 19 July 1890 Agreement between Great Britain and Paraguay, respecting the Accession of certain British Colonies to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the two Countries of October 16, 1884, with the exception of Article VIII
24 July 1890 7 August 1890 Convention with the South African Republic respecting Swaziland.
5 August 1890 5 August 1890 Declarations between Great Britain and France, respecting Territories in Africa (French recognition of British Protectorate over Zanaibar and Pemba, British Recognition of French Protectorate over Madagascar, Spheres of Influence)
20 August 1890 Convention Between Great Britain and Portugal with respect to Territories in Africa
30 August 1890 23 March 1891 Convention between Great Britain and France respecting Postal Communications
14 October 1890 Note of H.M. Minister at Lisbon denouncing Goa Treaty of December 26, 1878
14 November 1890 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal regarding a Modus Vivendi Spheres in Africa
12 December 1890 9 February 1894 Protocol amending Article 5 of the Treaty between Great Britain and the Argentine Republic for the Mutual Extradition of Fugitive Criminals signed a Buenos Ayres on 22 May 1889
18 December 1890 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and France, prolonging the Postal Convention between the two Countries of September 24, 1856, until March 31, 1891
22 December 1890 Agreement respecting the Tariff of the Eastern Zone of the Conventional Basin of the Congo
22 January 1891 1 April 1891 Agreement between the Post Office of Great Britain and the Postal Administration of Uruguay, for the Exchange of Postal Parcels
2 February 1891 2 February 1891 Declaration between Great Britain and Zanzibar, relative to the Exercise of Judicial Powers in Zanzibar
26 February 1891 Declaration between Great Britain and Germany, respecting the claims of Mr Hoenigsberg against the Royal Niger Company
11 March 1891 11 March 1991 Agreement between Great Britain and France Respecting the Newfoundland Fisheries.
19 March 1891 20 March 1892 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muskat
20 March 1891 20 March 1891 Declaration between Great Britain and the Sultan of Muskat and Oman providing for the Non-cession of Territory except to Great Britain
20 March 1891 7 December 1891 Protocol between Great Britain and Uruguay Amending the Treaty of March 26, 1884, for the Mutual Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
24 March 1891 15 July 1893 Protocols between the Governments of Her Britannic Majesty and Of His Majesty the King of Italy, For the Demarcation of Their Respective Spheres Of Influence in Eastern Africa.
10 April 1891 1 May 1891 Additional Articles to the Convention of 7-12th September 1881 between the United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Ireland and the Kingdom of Sweden for an Exchange of Post Office Money Orders.
14 April 1891 15 July 1892 Arrangement between Great Britain, Spain, France, Switzerland and Tunis for the Prevention of False Indications of Origin in Goods
14 April 1891 Arrangement concerning the International Registration of Trade Marks between Belgium, Spain, France, Guatemala, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland and Tunisia
15 April 1891 15 July 1893 Protocol between Great Britain, Belgium, Spain, the United States of America, France, Sweden and Norway, Switzerland, and Tunis respecting the Expenses of the International Office. (Industrial Property.)
2 May 1891 15 September 1891 Declaration between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Belgium respecting the North Sea Fisheries
13 May 1891 Declaration between Great Britain and Portugal, prolonging the Duration of the Agreement of November 14, 1890, respecting Spheres of Influence in Africa, until the 14th June, 1891
28 May 1891 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal, respecting Territories in Africa, as finally settled in London
2 June 1891 2 June 1891 Agreement between Great Britain and Tonga relative to the Trial of British Subjects by the Tongan Courts
11 June 1891 3 July 1891 Treaty between Great Britain and Portugal, defining the Spheres of Influence of the two Countries in Africa
15 June 1891 15 June 1891 Agreement between Great Britain and the United States for a Modus Vivendi in relation to the Fur-seal Fisheries in Behring Sea
20 June 1891 11 August 1892 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands defining Boundaries in Borneo
26 June 1891 26 June 1891 Agreement between Great Britain and France, for the Demarcation of Spheres of Influence in Africa (Niger Districts)
4 July 1891 1 July 1892 Final Protocol to the Universal Postal Convention, signed at Vienna, July 4, 1891.
4 July 1891 1 July 1892 Universal Postal Convention concluded between Argentine Republic, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Republic of Colombia, Congo Free State, Republic of Costa Rica, Denmark and Danish Colonies, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Equator, France and French Colonies, Germany and the German Protectorates, Great Britain and various British Colonies, British Colonies of Australasia, Canada, British India, Greece, Guatemala, Kingdom of Hawaii, Republic of Hayti, Republic of Honduras, CONTINUED...
29 July 1891 Protocol between Great Britain and Austria-Hungary respecting the Regulations of the Sanitary, Maritime and Quarantine Council of Egypt
26 August 1891 26 August 1891 Protocol with Belgium concerning the date upon which the Declaration of 02 May 1891 respecting the North Sea Fisheries shall come into force.
19 November 1891 19 November 1891 Declaration between the Governments of Great Britain and France for the Execution of the Agreement signed at Paris May 17, 1891, and at London June 16, 1891, for the Regulation of the Telephonic Service between the Two Countries
7 December 1891 Convention between Great Britain and Equator for the Exchange of Postal Parcels
17 December 1891 23 May 1892 Treaty between Great Britain and Monaco for the Extradition of Criminals
18 December 1891 Agreement between Great Britain and the United States, Behring Sea Arbitration and Joint Commission
7 January 1892 7 January 1892 Agreements between the British and Persian Governments prolonging existing Conventions between Her Majesty and the Shah of Persia relative to Telegraphic Communication between Europe and India
30 January 1892 International Sanitary Convention (1892)
22 February 1892 4 November 1898 Treaty between Great Britain and Bolivia for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
29 February 1892 7 May 1892 Treaty and Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America relating to Behring's Sea
7 March 1892 7 March 1892 Treaty with Shargah
8 March 1892 8 March 1892 Treaty with Ras al Khaimah
8 March 1892 Treaty with Umm al Kawain
13 March 1892 Treaty with the Chief of Bahrain
26 March 1892 26 March 1892 Treaty with King of Benin
18 April 1892 7 May 1892 Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America relating to Behring's Sea
4 May 1892 3 July 1892 Convention between Great Britain and Roumania relative to Trade Marks
3 June 1892 31 August 1892 Treaty between Great Britain and the United States respecting Merchant Seamen Deserters
9 June 1892 Proces-Verbal relative to the Sanitary Conference of Venice of January 30, 1892. Signed by Great Britain, France and Austria
22 July 1892 23 August 1892 Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America respecting the Boundary between the two Countries (Alaska and Passamaquoddy Bay)
13 August 1892 Commercial Convention between Great Britain and Roumania
15 August 1892 Protocol relative to the Administration of the Lebanon
26 August 1892 Convention between Great Britain and Ecuador relative to Trade Marks
4 October 1892 Agreement between the Post Offices of Great Britain and Salvador , for the Exchange of Postal Parcels
17 October 1892 19 March 1894 Treaty between Great Britain and Portugal for the mutual surrender of fugitive criminals
27 October 1892 Protocols between the British and German Commissioners for the Delimitation of the Anglo-German Boundary on East Equatorial Africa
26 November 1892 Notes between Great Britain and Bulgaria extending the Commercial Agreement of 1889 to December 31, 1893
30 November 1892 30 November 1892 Protocol attached to the Extradition Treaty between Great Britain and Portugal of the 17th October, 1892.
15 December 1892 27 December 1892 Treaty between Great Britain and Roumania for the Marriage of Her Royal Highness Princess Marie of Great Britain and Ireland with His Royal Highness the Prince Ferdinand of Roumania
16 December 1892 31 January 1894 Treaty between Great Britain and Liberia for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
16 December 1892 Declaration between Great Britain and Zanzibar respecting the Judicial Powers on Zanzibar
4 January 1893 Notes exchanged between Great Britain and Servia , Prolonging the Provisional Commercial Agreement of February 14, 1890, for 6 months from January 1, 1893
23 January 1893 Agreement between the Post Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Post Office of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, for the Exchange of Money Orders
6 February 1893 Agreement regulating the Commercial relations between Canada and France in respect of Customs Tariffs
27 February 1893 Agreement between Great Britain and France for the Establishment of an Express Delivery Service
9 March 1893 21 May 1894 Treaty between Great Britain and Roumania [Romania] for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals [with Protocols]
14 March 1893 Agreement between the Post Ofice of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Post Office of Liberia, for the Exchange of Postal Parcels uninsured and without collection of value on delivery
20 March 1893 13 April 1893 Convention between Great Britain and Roumania respecting False Indications of Origin on Goods [ROMANIA]
14 April 1893 Agreement between Great Britain and Germany, respecting the Rio del Rey on the West Coast of Africa
15 April 1893 1 February 1894 International Sanitary Convention (1893)
24 April 1893 Convention between Great Britain and Austria-Hungary for the Establishment of International Copyright
31 May 1893 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal relative to Spheres of Influence North of the Zambesi
28 June 1893 Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Servia
4 July 1893 Provisional Agreement between Great Britain and Servia respecting Commercial Relations
8 July 1893 Treaty and Additional Article between Great Britain and Mexico respecting the Boundary between Mexico and British Honduras [with a Map]
12 July 1893 Arrangement between Great Britain and France fixing the Boundary between the British and French Possessions on the Gold Coast
18 July 1893 Commercial Agreement between Great Britain and Spain
25 July 1893 Agreement between Great Britain and Germany respecting Boundaries in East Africa
31 July 1893 Protocols and Agreement between Great Britain and France respecting Territories in the Region of the Upper Mekong
26 September 1893 Convention between Great Britain and Chile for the Settlement of Claims arising out of the Civl War of 1891
31 October 1893 Notes Exchange between Great Britain and Bulgaria , prolonging the Commercial Arrangement between the two Countries of 1889 to the 31st December 1894/12th January 1895
1 November 1893 Convention between Great Britain and the South African Republic, relative to the Affairs of Swaziland
12 November 1893 12 November 1893 Agreement between His Highness Amir Abdur Rahman Khan and Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, respecting the frontiers between India and Afghanistan.
15 November 1893 Agreement between Great Britain and Germany respecting Boundaries in Africa
5 December 1893 Regulations appended to the Convention between Great Britain and China relating to Sikkim and Tibet, signed at Calcutta on 17 March 1890
3 February 1894 Convention between Great Britain and the United States supplementary to the Convention respecting Boundaries of July 22, 1892 (Alaska and Passamaquoddy Bay)
24 February 1894 Convention between Great Britain and Germany establishing a Customs Union between the Gold Coast Colony, East of the Volta, and Togoland
1 March 1894 Convention between Great Britain and China, giving effect to Article III of the Convention of July 24, 1886, relative to Burmah and Thibet
10 March 1894 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal for the Insurance of Postal Parcels
3 April 1894 International Sanitary Convention (1894) [with Declaration]
12 April 1894 Agreement between Great Britain and the Independent State of the Congo respecting leases of territories in the Basins of the Rivers Nile and Congo
5 May 1894 3 February 1895 Treaty between Great Britain and Germany for the Extradition of Criminals between the Territories of Her Majesty and Certain Dependencies of Germany
5 May 1894 Protocol between Great Britain and Italy respecting the Demarcation of their respective Spheres of Influence in Eastern Africa
12 May 1894 Agreement between Great Britain and His Majesty King Leopold II, Sovereign of the Independent State of the Congo, relating to the Spheres of Influence of Great Britain and the Independent State of the Congo in East and Central Africa
22 June 1894 Declaration as to Withdrawal of Article III of the Agreement of May 12, 1894, between Great Britain and His Majesty King Leopold II of the Independent State of the Congo relating to the Spheres of Influence of Great Britain and the Independent State of the Congo in East and Central Africa
16 July 1894 17 July 1899 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japan
27 July 1894 Declaration between Great Britain and Greece respecting Trade-Marks, Industrial Designs and Patterns
2 August 1894 2 August 1894 Treaty Between Great Britain and the Chiefs of Benin River and Jakeri Country
6 September 1894 Convention between Great Britain and China respecting the Junction of the Chinese and Burmese Telegraph Lines
3 November 1894 Agreement between Great Britain and Germany, respecting the Parcel Post between the two Countries
6 November 1894 Agreement between the Post Offices of Great Britain and France, for Increasing the Limit of Weight of Parcels exchanged by Parcel Post
10 December 1894 Convention between Great Britain and the South African Republic, relative to the Affairs of Swaziland, in substitution of the Convention of 1890 and 1893.
18 December 1894 Agreement between the Post Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Postal Administration of the Netherlands, respecting the Maximum Compensation payable for the Loss or Damage of an Uninsured Postal Parcel
20 December 1894 Notes Exchanged Between Great Britain and Japan Extending for Six Months the Term for the Conclusion of a Convention Supplementary to the Treaty of July 16, 1894
21 January 1895 Agreement between Great Britain and France fixing the Boundary between the British and French Possessions to the North and East of Sierra Leone
11 March 1895 Agreement between the Governments of Great Britain and Russia with regard to the Spheres of Influence of the two Countries in the Region of the Pamirs
16 May 1895 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands defining the Boundaries between the British and Netherland Possessions in the Island of New Guinea
16 May 1895 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands Submitting to Arbitration the Claims Arising out of the Arrest of the Captain of the 'Costa Rica Packet' of Sydney
25 May 1895 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Denmark relating to tonnage measurement of ships
29 May 1895 1 July 1895 Agreement between the British and Egyptian Post Offices, concerning the Exchange of Parcels by Parcel Post
29 June 1895 Protocol respecting proposed International Convention for Protection of Wild Birds useful to Agriculture
9 July 1895 Additional Convention supplementary to the Convention of June 18, 1886, respecting the Exchange of Postal Parcels between Great Britain and France
16 July 1895 Supplementary Convention between Great Britain and Japan respecting the Duties to be Charged on British Goods Imported into Japan
3 October 1895 2 January 1896 Exchange of Note with Egypt supplementary to the Convention of 21 November 1895 for the Suppression of Slavery and the Slave Trade
1 November 1895 Parcel Post Convention between Great Britain and Italy
1 November 1895 Convention and Protocol between Great Britain and Nicaragua for the Settlement of Certain Claims arising out of the Disturbances in the Mosquito Reserve in 1894
12 November 1895 Additional Articles to the Parcel Post Convention of June 28,1889, between Great Britain and the Argentine Republic
21 November 1895 Convention between Great Britain and Egypt for the Suppression of Slavery and the Slave Trade
28 December 1895 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal respecting lease by former of Extra Concession on right bank of the Chinde River (Mozambique)
15 January 1896 Declaration between Great Britain and France with regard to the Kingdom of Siam and Other Matters
20 January 1896 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal prolonging the 'Modus Vivendi' of 1893, respecting the Boundaries of their respective Spheres of Influence to the North of the Zambezi
8 February 1896 3 June 1896 Convention between Great Britain and the United States for the Submission to Arbitration of British Claims in Connection with the Behring Sea Seal Fishery
13 February 1896 6 March 1896 Convention between Great Britain and France, Amending Articles VII and IX of the Extradition Treaty of the 14th August, 1876
4 May 1896 Additional Act Modifying the International Copyright Convention of September 9, 1886
4 May 1896 Declaration of certain provisions (Convention of Berne of 09.09.1886, and of the Additional Act of 04.05.1896)
2 June 1896 Parcel Post Convention with detailed Regulations between Great Britain and Chile
11 July 1896 Parcel Post Convention between Great Britain and Italy
31 July 1896 Great Britain and Colombia referring to Arbitration certain questions connection with the Antioquia Railway
12 August 1896 Agreement between Great Britain and Russia respecting Commercial Relations between Russia and Zanzibar
27 August 1896 11 December 1896 Convention Between Great Britain and Belgium amending the Extradition Treaty of May 20, 1876
24 September 1896 Notes exchanged between Great Britain and Portugal respecting the Boundary between the British Protectorate of Tongaland and the neighbouring Portuguese Possessions
29 September 1896 28 October 1896 Notes Exchanged between Great Britain and Siam Extending the Operation in Siam of the Treaty of September 3, 1883
4 November 1896 26 November 1897 Note from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Costa Rican Republic denouncing Articles V,VI and VII of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Republic of Costa Rica concluded on the 27th November, 1849
11 January 1897 Treaty between Great Britain and the United States providing for settlement by Arbitration of questions in difference between them which they may fail to adjust by diplomatic negotiation
26 January 1897 14 April 1898 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Chile for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
2 February 1897 Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of Venezuela respecting the Boundary between the Colony of British Guiana and the United States of Venezuela
4 February 1897 Agreement between Great Britain and China, modifying the Convention of March 1, 1894, relative to Burmah and Thibet [with a map]
25 February 1897 Convention between Great Britain and Mexico Supplementary to the Parcel Post Convention of February 15, 1889
19 March 1897 International Sanitary Convention (1897)
30 March 1897 Protocol between Great Britain, Germany, and Spain, explanatory of Article IV of the Protocol of March 7, 1885, respecting the importation of Fire-arms, Munitions of War, and Alcohol into the Sulu Archipelago
6 April 1897 Convention between Great Britain and Siam undertaking on the part of Siam not to alienate certain Siamese Territories or grant Special Facilities without the consent of Great Britain
14 May 1897 14 May 1897 Treaty between Great Britain and Ethiopia (including Exchange of Notes concerning Somali Protectorate).
15 June 1897 Universal Postal Convention
12 July 1897 Commercial Agreement between Great Britain and Bulgaria
18 September 1897 Convention between Great Britain and France relative to Tunis
20 October 1897 Protocol between Great Britain and Japan respecting Patents, Trade Marks, and Designs
1 December 1897 Convention between Great Britain and France for the Exchange of Postal Parcels between India and France
1 December 1897 Convention between Great Britain and France for the Exchange of Postal Parcels between Australia and France
24 December 1897 Convention Between Great Britain and France respecting the Employment in Reunion of Indian Labourers
3 February 1898 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal, Modifying the Postal Money Order Agreement of January 17, 1898
5 March 1898 Convention between Great Britain and the Republic of Costa Rica for the Reciprocal Protection of Trade Marks, &c
19 March 1898 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium, referring to Arbitration the Case of Mr Ben Tillet
29 March 1898 Convention between the United Kingdom, France, Greece, and Russia to facilitate the Conclusion of a Loan by the Greek Government
5 April 1898 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands providing that Submarine Cables connecting the two Countries shall be their Joint Property
13 April 1898 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Express Delivery of Parcels
9 June 1898 Convention between the United Kingdom and China respecting an Extension of Hong Kong Territory
14 June 1898 Convention between the United Kingdom and France for the Delimitation of their Respective Prossessions to the West of the Niger, and of their Respective Possessions and Spheres of Influence to the East of that River [together with a Declaration completing the Same]
1 July 1898 Agreement between the British Commissioner for the East Africa Protectorate and the Sultan of Witu, defining the Boundaries of the Sultanate of Witu
1 July 1898 Convention between the United Kingdom and China respecting Wei Hai Wei
16 July 1898 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Chile
20 July 1898 Convention between the United Kingdom and Guatemala relative to Trade Marks
27 July 1898 Exchange of Notes establishing a Provisional Modus Vivendi between the United Kingdom and Belgium pending the Conclusion of a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the Two Countries
3 August 1898 Convention between the United Kingdom and Turkey to effect a Convention of the Turkish Guaranteed Loan of 1855
30 August 1898 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany regarding concessions, etc, in Portuguese Africa and Timor
30 August 1898 Exchange of Notes extending to British India the Provisional Modus Vivendi between the United Kingdom and Belgium pending the Conclusion of a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the Two Countries
26 September 1898 14 March 1899 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
5 November 1898 Exchange of Notes extending to Malta the Provisional Modus Vivendi between the United Kingdom and Belgium pending the Conclusion of a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the Two Countries
25 November 1898 Exchange of Notes extending to Cyprus the Provisional Modus Vivendi between the United Kingdom and Belgium pending the Conclusion of a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the Two Countries
6 December 1898 Exchange of Notes extending to Newfoundland the Provisional 'Modus Vivendi' between the United Kingdom and Belgium pending the Conclusion of a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the Two Countries
24 December 1898 Additional Convention to the Convention of December 1, 1897, between the United Kingdom and France for the Exchange of Postal Parcels between Australia and France
29 December 1898 25 January 1899 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Portugal relative to the Delimitation of the Frontier between the British and Portuguese Possessions in Amatongaland
5 January 1899 5 January 1899 Exchange of Notes extending to Ceylon and Lagos the Provisional 'Modus Vivendi' between the United Kingdom and Belgium pending the Conclusion of a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the Two Countries
19 January 1899 19 January 1899 Agreement between Her Britannic Majesty's Government and the Government of the Khedive of Egypt, relative to the future Administration of the Soudan
23 January 1899 23 January 1899 Agreement between the British Government and the Sheikh of Koweit
6 February 1899 6 February 1899 Exchange of Notes extending to Queensland the Provisional 'Modus Vivendi' between the United Kingdom and Belgium pending the conclusion of a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the Two Countries
20 February 1899 1 April 1899 Convention for the Exchange of Money Orders between the United States of America and the Colony of British Honduras
2 March 1899 28 July 1900 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America relative to the Disposal of Real and Personal Property
20 March 1899 Declaration between the United Kingdom and France prolonging for One Year the Declaration of December 11, 1888, regulating Telegraphic Communication between the Two Countries
21 March 1899 Convention between the United Kingdom and France for the Delimitation of the respective Possessions to the West of the Niger, and of their respective Possessions and Spheres of Influence to the East of that River. Together With a Declaration completing the same
16 April 1899 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Russia with regard to their respective Railway Interests in China
8 June 1899 International Convention respecting the Liquor Traffic in Africa
16 June 1899 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America with a view to reciprocity of trade between the United States and the Colony of Barbados ( with a Protocol ) as amended
10 July 1899 10 July 1899 Agreement between Her Britannic Majesty's Government and the Government of the Khedive of Egypt, relative to the Inclusion of Suakin in the Agreement of January 19, 1899
15 July 1899 Convention between the United Kingdom and Uruguay renewing the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation of November 13, 1885
18 July 1899 Reciprocity Convention between the United States and the Colony of British Guiana (with Additional Article)
21 July 1899 Reciprocity Convention between the United States and the British Colony of Turks and Caicos Islands
22 July 1899 Reciprocity Convention between the United States and the British Colony of Jamaica
24 July 1899 Reciprocity Convention between the United States and the British Colony of Bermuda (with Additional Article)
29 July 1899 International Convention with respect to the Laws and Customs of War by Land
29 July 1899 International Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
29 July 1899 International Convention for Adapting to Maritime Warfare the Principles of the Geneva Convention of August 22, 1864
15 September 1899 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium reative to the Remmittance of Money Orders by Telegraph between the two Countries
1 October 1899 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Waiver of Consular Fees on the Issue of Certificates of Origin
7 October 1899 1 October 1899 Agreement between with Egyptian Post Office concerning the exchange of parcels by parcel post, with detailed regulations.
16 October 1899 10 March 1900 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Republic of San Marino for the Mutual Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
20 October 1899 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the United States of America providing for the Establishment of a Provisional Boundary between the Dominion of Canada and the Territory of Alaska in the Region about the Head of Lynn Canal
28 October 1899 Additional Articles to the Convention of July 11, 1896, between Great Britain and Italy respecting the exchange of Parcels by Post
7 November 1899 Convention between the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States of America relating to the Settlement of certain Claims in Samoa by Arbitration
8 November 1899 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France for the exchange of Press Telegrams by night at reduced rates
14 November 1899 Convention and Declaration between the United Kingdom and Germany for the Settlement of the Samoan and other Questions
29 November 1899 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Siam relative to the Registration of British Subjects in Siam
29 November 1899 Boundary Agreement
29 November 1899 Agreement between the Government of Her Britannic Majesty, on behalf of the Sultans of Perak and Pahang, and the Government of His Siamese Majesty for the definition of Boundaries
2 December 1899 Convention between the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States of America for the Adjustment of Questions relating to Samoa
17 January 1900 1 February 1900 Additional Articles to the Convention with Roumania, dated 5-9 June 1890, relative to Telegraphic Money Orders
24 January 1900 20 August 1900 Declaration modifying Article 35 of the Special Regulations of the Venice International Sanitary Convention of the 19th March, 1897.
25 January 1900 Declaration between the United Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg respecting the Reciprocal Protection of Trade Marks
5 February 1900 Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America, supplementary to the Convention of April 19, 1850 relative to the Establishment of a Communication by Ship-Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
13 February 1900 Reciprocity Convention between the United States of America and the British Colony of Trinidad and Tobago
17 February 1900 Convention between the United Kingdom and France regulating the Telegraphic Communication between the Two Countries
4 April 1900 Convention between the United Kingdom and France for the Establishment of a Parcel Post Service between France and the British Colonies of Ceylon, Kong Kong, and the Straits Settlements
26 April 1900 Convention between the United Kingdom and Japan for the Protection of the Estates of Deceased Persons
2 May 1900 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Honduras relative to Trade Marks
5 May 1900 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America prolonging the time period fixed for the ratification of the Convention of the 5th of February 1900, relating to the Construction of a Ship Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, for a period of 7 months from the 5th of August 1900
16 May 1900 Additional Convention supplementary to the Convention of September 7, 1888 respecting the Exchange of Parcels by Parcel Post between France and Mauritius
18 May 1900 18 May 1900 Treaty of Amity between the United Kingdom and the King of Tonga
19 May 1900 Convention between the United Kingdom, Congo Free State, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain for the preservation of Wild Animals, Birds and Fish in Africa
24 May 1900 Agreement by the Chief of Koweit for the suppression of the Arms Trade in his territories.
20 September 1900 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Siam relative to Taxation on Land Held or Owned by British Subjects in Siam
10 October 1900 Agreement Additional to the Convention between the United Kingdom and France of December 8, 1882, relative to the Exchange of Telegraph Money Orders between the Two Countries
16 October 1900 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany relative to China
6 December 1900 10 December 1901 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Servia for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
13 December 1900 13 July 1901 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Mutual Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
14 December 1900 Additional Act modifying the Industrial Property Convention of March 20, 1883
23 February 1901 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany relative to the Boundary of the British and German Spheres of interest between Lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika
3 April 1901 Convention between the United Kingdom and France referring to Arbitration the Settlement of Differences in connection with the Waima and 'Sergent Malamine' Incidents
24 June 1901 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark for Regulating the Fisheries Outside Territorial Waters in the Ocean Surrounding the Faroe Islands and Iceland
26 June 1901 6 October 1902 Declaration amending Article XI to the Treaty between the United Kingdom and Austria-Hungary of December 3, 1873, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
26 June 1901 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands respecting the Indentification of Witnesses in Fishery Cases under North Sea Fisheries Convention of 1882
27 June 1901 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Relations between France and Zanzibar
15 August 1901 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark for the Exchange of Press Telegrams at reduced rates
16 August 1901 Convention between the United Kingdom and Persia extending the System of Telegraphic Communication between Europe and India through Persia
7 September 1901 Final Protocol between the Foreign Powers and China for the Resumption of Friendly Relations
26 September 1901 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany : Interpretation of Article V of the Convention of November 14, 1899, and of Article IV of the Agreement of July 1, 1890
29 October 1901 6 December 1901 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Belgium for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
6 November 1901 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the United States of Brazil relative to the Boundary between Brazil and British Guiana
18 November 1901 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the United States of America relative to the establishment of a Communication by Ship Canal between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans
11 December 1901 Agreement additional to the Postal Convention between the United Kingdom and France of August 30, 1890
13 January 1902 Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the United States of America extending the period for Accession of British Colonies and Possessions to the Convention of March 2, 1899, relative to the Disposal of Real and Personal Property
30 January 1902 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Japan relative to China and Corea
5 March 1902 1 April 1902 Agreement additional to the Convention of December 18, 1888, relative to the Exchange of Money Orders between the United Kingdom and Belgium
5 March 1902 International Convention relative to Bounties on Sugar
16 April 1902 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Relations between France and the Seychelles Islands
26 April 1902 22 June 1903 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regulating the Allowances to Witnesses in Fishery Cases
15 May 1902 Treaties between the United Kingdom and Ethiopia and between the United Kingdom, Italy, and Ethiopia relative to the Frontiers between the Soudan, Ethiopia, and Eritrea
31 May 1902 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting Import Duties in Zanzibar
29 July 1902 Convention regulating the Telephone Service between Great Britain and France
8 August 1902 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Relations between France and Jamaica
28 August 1902 Protocol for Submitting to Arbitration certain questions as to the Interpretation of Treaties with Japan with regard to Leases Held in Perpetuity
29 August 1902 Agreement between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, and China, respecting the new Chinese Customs Tariff, and Rules for application thereof.
5 September 1902 Treaty between the United Kingdom and China respecting Commercial Relations, &c.
6 October 1902 Declaration between the United Kingdom and Siam relative to the States of Kelantan and Terengganu (to which is annexed the Draft of an Agreement to be concluded between Siam and the Rajahs of those States). Also an Exchange of Notes relative to the appointment of Advisers and Assistant Advisers of the Rajahs of Kelantan and Terengganu
21 October 1902 Parcel Post Convention with Detailed Regulations, between the United Kingdom and Chile
22 October 1902 Convention between the United Kingdom and France for the Exchange of Insured and Uninsured Parcels between France and the British Colony of Gibraltar
8 November 1902 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States for improving the Commercial relations between Newfoundland and the United States
21 November 1902 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium regulating Telephonic Communication between the United Kingdom and Belgium
24 January 1903 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Adjustment of the Boundary between the Dominion of Canada and the Territory of Alaska
9 February 1903 27 May 1903 Commercial Convention between the United Kingdom and Persia [IRAN]
13 February 1903 13 February 1903 Protocol between the United Kingdom and the United States of Venezuela relating to the Settlement of the British Claims and Other Matters
19 February 1903 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Relations between France and India
19 February 1903 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Relations between France and Ceylon
23 February 1903 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Relations between France and the British Protectorates of East Africa, Central Africa, and Uganda
7 May 1903 Agreements for the reference of certain Questions to the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, and for the Decision of the Claims by a Mixed Commission
20 May 1903 Agreement between Great Britain and France, respecting the Lease of a Piece of Land situated at the Junction of the Doko with Niger (Badjibo)
20 May 1903 Agreement between Great Britain and France, respecting the Lease of a Piece of Land situated on the Mouth of the Niger known as the Forcados River
5 June 1903 Convention respecting Payment of Light and Harbour Dues by Vessels of the United States (of America) in Zanzibar
15 July 1903 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Liberia concerning Delimitation of Anglo-Liberian and Franco-Liberia frontiers:- Survey of Kroo Coast, Open Ports
12 August 1903 Declaration between the United Kingdom and Portugal respecting Boundaries in Central Africa (Barotseland)
14 October 1903 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of Certain Classes of Questions which may arise between the Two Governments
21 November 1903 Convention for the Establishment of a Parcel Post Service between the United States and Hong Kong
3 December 1903 International Sanitary Convention (1903)
26 January 1904 20 May 1907 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Peru for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
1 February 1904 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of Certain Classes of Questions which may arise between the two Governments
1 February 1904 Convention between the United Kingdom and Mexico respecting Postal Rates upon Letters passing between New Zealand and Mexico
27 February 1904 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of certain classes of questions which may arise between the two Governments
8 April 1904 Declaration between the United Kingdom and France concerning Siam, Madagascar, and the New Hebrides
8 April 1904 Declaration between the United Kingdom and France respecting Egypt and Morocco
8 April 1904 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Newfoundland, and West and Central Africa
20 April 1904 Agreement Additional to the Money Order Convention of December 8, 1882, between the United Kingdom and France
13 May 1904 Convention between the United Kingdom and China respecting the employment of Chinese Labour in British Colonies and Protectorates
18 May 1904 International Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic
29 June 1904 29 March 1905 Convention between the United Kingdom and Switzerland supplementing Article XVIII of the Treaty of Extradition of November 26, 1880
12 July 1904 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany providing for the settlement by Arbitration of certain classes of questions which may arise between the two Governments
11 August 1904 Convention between the United Kingdom and Sweden and Norway providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of certain classes of questions which may arise between the respective Governments
29 August 1904 Convention between the United Kingdom and Japan respecting Commercial relations between Japan and India
3 October 1904 22 May 1905 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Cuba for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
13 October 1904 Agreements between the United Kingdom and France refering to Arbitration the Question of the Grant of the French Flag to Muscat Dhows
17 October 1904 Agreement between British & Russian Post Offices respecting Money Orders
10 November 1904 25 July 1905 Declaration between the United Kingdom and Greece With Respect To Commercial Matters (November 1904).
16 November 1904 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of certain classes of questions which may arise between the two Governments
16 November 1904 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Switzerland providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of certain classes of questions which may arise between the two Governments
25 November 1904 Declaration between the United Kingdom and Russia relating to the Constitution of an International Commission of Inquiry on the subject of the North Sea Incident
12 December 1904 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America providing for the settlement by Arbitration of certain classes of questions which may arise between the two Governments
16 December 1904 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Russia respecting Joint-Stock Companies and other Commercial, Industrial, and Financial Associations
11 January 1905 17 May 1905 Convention between the United Kingdom and Austria-Hungary providing for the settlement by Arbitration of certain of questions which may arise between the respective Governments
2 February 1905 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Norway respecting Telegraphic Communications between the two Countries
15 February 1905 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of certain classes of questions which may arise between the two Governments
25 February 1905 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in Zanzibar
7 April 1905 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France relative to the Arbitral Tribunal contemplated by Article II of the Convention of April 8, 1904, respecting Newfoundland
12 April 1905 22 February 1907 Supplementary Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
19 April 1905 25 May 1906 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Nicaragua for the Mutual Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
19 April 1905 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Nicaragua with regard to the Mosquito Territory
4 May 1905 17 May 1905 Declaration between the United Kingdom and Greece With Respect To Commercial Matters (May 1905).
4 May 1905 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Cuba
19 May 1905 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France extending the period for delivery of the Agreements to the Arbitral Tribunal on the Subject of Muscat Dhows
20 May 1905 Treaty between Great Britain and Sweden and Norway for the Marriage of Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret of Great Britain and Ireland with His Royal Highness Prince Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden and Norway
23 May 1905 Convention between the United Kingdom and China respecting the Junction of the Chinese and Burmese Telegraph Lines, being a Revision of the Convention of September 6, 1894
7 June 1905 International Convention for the Creation of an International Agricultural Institute
28 July 1905 3 September 1906 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Nicaragua
28 July 1905 Parcel Post Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal
12 August 1905 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Japan
25 October 1905 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of Certain Classes of Questions which may arise between the Two Governments
31 October 1905 17 March 1906 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Roumania
16 November 1905 Exchange of notes between the British and the Norwegian Governments respecting the Validity of Treaties concluded in common by Sweden and Norway.
6 December 1905 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Telegraphic Communication between Mauritius and Reunion
9 December 1905 26 November 1907 Commercial Convention, Protocol, and Declaration between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria
18 December 1905 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Denmark respecting the Protection of Industrial Designs
31 January 1906 Convention between the United Kingdom and Japan respecting Commercial Relations between Canada and Japan
19 March 1906 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany respecting the Boundary between British and German Territories from Yola to Lake Chad
6 April 1906 Convention between the United Kingdom and Hayti respecting Nationality
7 April 1906 General Act of the International Conference at Algeciras relating to the Affairs of Morocco
21 April 1906 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the Boundary between the Dominion of Canada and Alaska
27 April 1906 Convention between the United Kingdom and China respecting Tibet. (To which is annexed the Convention between the United Kingdom and Tibet, signed at Lhasa, September 7, 1904.)
7 May 1906 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Spain for the Marriage of His Majesty the King of Spain with Her Royal Highness Princess Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena
9 May 1906 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Independent State of the Congo modifying the Agreement signed at Brussels, May 12, 1894
26 May 1906 Convention between the United Kingdom and other Powers. Postal Union Convention
29 May 1906 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Delimitation of the Frontier between the British and French Possessions to the East of the Niger
30 June 1906 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France supplementary to Money Order Convention of September 21, 1887
30 June 1906 Convention between the United Kingdom and France for the Exchange of Money Orders between the United Kingdom and various French Colonies
6 July 1906 International Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field [with Final Protocol]
6 July 1906 Final Protocol Of The Conference For The Revision Of The Geneva Convention
19 July 1906 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France relative to the Boundary between the Gold Coast and the French Soudan
30 July 1906 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Chile for the Exchange of Money Orders
25 August 1906 26 August 1907 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Panama for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
15 September 1906 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal for Provisional Settlement of Boundary between British Central African Protectorate and Portuguese Territory
26 September 1906 14 January 1912 International Convention respecting the Prohibition of Night Work for Women in Industrial Employment
26 September 1906 International Convention respecting the Prohibition of the Use of White (Yellow) Phosphorus in the Manufacture of Matches
19 October 1906 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France relative to the Frontier between the British and French Possessions from the Gulf of Guinea to Niger
20 October 1906 Convention between the United Kingdom and France concerning the New Hebrides
3 November 1906 1 July 1908 International Radiotelegraphic Convention.(With Final Protocol and Service Regulations)
3 November 1906 Service regulations to the International Radiotelegraphic Convention
3 November 1906 International Convention respecting the Liquor Traffic in Africa
3 November 1906 Final Protocol to the International Radiotelegraphic Convention.
3 November 1906 Additional Agreement to the International Radiotelegraphic Convention
10 November 1906 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium respecting Commercial Travellers' Samples
29 November 1906 International Agreement respecting the Unification of the Pharmacopoeial Formulas For Potent Drugs
13 December 1906 Agreement between the United Kingdom, France and Italy respecting the importation of Arms and Ammunition into Abyssina
13 December 1906 Agreement between the United Kingdom, France, and Italy respecting Abyssinia
22 December 1906 Convention between the United Kingdom and Colombia respecting Industrial Property
9 January 1907 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial France and Barbados
18 January 1907 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Denmark respecting the Protection of Industrial Designs in Iceland
1 February 1907 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Spain respecting Protection of Patents in Morocco
14 February 1907 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Russia respecting Protection of Trade Marks and Patents in Morocco
16 February 1907 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Germany respecting the Estates of Deceased Seamen
17 February 1907 Treaty of Commerce between the United Kingdom and Servia
18 February 1907 18 February 1907 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Norway respecting the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
20 February 1907 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Switzerland respecting Commercial Travellers' Samples
5 March 1907 19 July 1907 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium supplementing Article XIV of the Treaty of Extradition of October 29, 1901
30 March 1907 1 April 1907 Additional Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Parcel Post Service between British India and France
25 April 1907 Protocol between the United Kingdom, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Turkey respecting Turkish Customs Duties
26 April 1907 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Costa Rica for the Exchange of Postal Money Orders
3 June 1907 Exchange of Notes between the British and Portuguese Governments adopting as definitive the Boundary as demarcated between their respective Possessions in East Africa from Parallel 18 degrees 30 minutes South to the Limpopo
14 June 1907 Protocol for the Accession of Non-Signatory Powers to the Convention of July 29, 1899, for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
24 June 1907 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting Protection of Patents in Morocco
2 July 1907 2 July 1907 Supplementary Agreement between the United Kingdom and Sweden for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
3 July 1907 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the United States Government. Arrangement respecting Administration of certain Islands on East Coast of Borneo
9 July 1907 9 July 1907 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting the Importation of Drugs and Medical Preparations
28 August 1907 Additional Act to the International Sugar Convention of March 5, 1902 [with Protocol of signature and Declaration]
29 August 1907 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France, Arrangements Under Article X, 4, of the Convention of October 20, 1906, respecting the New Hebrides
30 August 1907 Accession of the United Kingdom to the Declarations signed at The Hague, Jul 29, 1899, Respecting (1) Expanding Bullets, (2) Asphyxiating Gases
31 August 1907 Convention between the United Kingdom and Russia relating to Persia, Afghanistan, and Thibet
4 September 1907 4 September 1907 Exchange of Notes establishing a Modus Vivendi between the United Kingdom and the United States of America with regard to the Newfoundland Fisheries
17 September 1907 5 October 1907 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium for the Exchange of Money Orders
19 September 1907 Supplementary Convention to the Convention regulating the Commercial Relations between Canada and France
19 September 1907 Convention regulating the Commercial Relations between Canada and France
5 October 1907 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Sweden respecting the Estates of Deceased Seamen
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 International Convention relative to certain Restrictions on the Exercise of the Right of Capture in Maritime War
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 Convention respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers in Maritime War
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 International Declaration Prohibiting the Discharge of Projectiles and Explosives from Balloons
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 International Convention respecting the Limitation of the Employment of Force for the Recovery of Contract Debts
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 International Convention respecting Bombardments by Naval Forces in Time of War
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 Convention respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers, and Persons in War on Land
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 International Convention relative to the Status of Enemy Merchant Ships at the Outbreak of Hostilities
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 International Convention relative to the Conversion of Merchant-Ships into War-Ships
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 International Convention relative to the Laying of Automatic Submarine Contact Mines
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 International Convention concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 Convention for the Adaptation of the Principles of the Geneva Convention to Maritime War
18 October 1907 Convention for the Establishment of an International Prize Court [with Additional Protocol]
18 October 1907 Final Act of the Second International Peace Conference held at The Hague in 1907
18 October 1907 International Convention relative to the Opening of Hostilities
18 October 1907 Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
23 October 1907 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Travellers Samples
29 October 1907 1 November 1908 Agreement between the Post Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Post Office of the Argentine Republic concerning the Exchange of Parcels by Parcel Post.
2 November 1907 Declarations between the United Kingdom, France and Norway concerning the Abrogation of the Treaty of November 21, 1855, relative to the Integrity of Norway and Sweden
2 November 1907 Treaty between the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Norway, and Russia, respecting the Independence and Territorial Integrity of Norway
15 November 1907 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting Death Duties
19 November 1907 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting (1) Commercial Travellers' samples entering the United Kingdom, (2) Import duties on British Works of Art entering the United States
28 November 1907 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Sweden and Norway relative to the Agreement of July 12, 1881, for the mutual relief of distressed Seamen
6 December 1907 6 December 1907 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Ethiopia relative to the Frontiers between British East Africa, Uganda, and Ethiopia
9 December 1907 15 November 1908 International Agreement respecting the Creation of an International Office of Public Health
16 December 1907 16 December 1907 Agreement additional to the Commercial Convention between the United Kingdom and Egypt of October 29, 1889
19 December 1907 Protocol recording Accession of Russia to the International Sugar Convention of March 5, 1902 and Additional Act of August 28, 1907
25 January 1908 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Exchange of Post Office Money Orders between France and the Transvaal
5 February 1908 Agreement between Postal Administrations of Southern Nigeria and German Protectorates of Western Africa respecting Exchange of Money Orders
10 March 1908 Supplementary Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany respecting Commercial Travellers Samples
14 March 1908 Declaration between the United Kingdom and Paraguay amending the Treaty of Commerce of October 16, 1884
4 April 1908 Abitration Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, together with an Exchange of Notes as to the Interpretation of Article 2
9 April 1908 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain amending Article 5 of the Agreement of November 25, 1875, respecting the Postal Service between Gibraltar and Spain
11 April 1908 4 June 1908 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the Protection, Preservation, and Propagation of Food Fishes in the Waters Contiguous to the United States and the Dominion of Canada
11 April 1908 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the Demarcation of the International Boundary between the United States and the Dominion of Canada
13 April 1908 Parcel Post Agreement between the United Kingdom and Panama
20 April 1908 Regulations respecting Trade in Tibet (amending those of December 5, 1893) concluded between the United Kingdom, China, and Tibet
23 April 1908 Declarations between the United Kingdom, France and Sweden concerning the Abrogation of the Treaty of November 21, 1855, relative to the Integrity of Norway and Sweden
23 April 1908 Declaration and Memorandum between the United Kingdom, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden concerning the maintenance of the Status Quo in the Territories bordering upon the North Sea
30 April 1908 Convention amending Article I of Supplementary Convention respecting Parcel Post between the United Kingdom and Mexico of February 25, 1897
18 May 1908 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the United States of America providing (1) For the Conveyance of Persons in custody for trial either in the Dominion of Canada or the United States through the territory of the other ; and (2) for reciprocal rights in wrecking and salvage in the waters contiguous to the boundary between the dominion of Canada and the United States
30 May 1908 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting Commercial Travellers' Samples
22 July 1908 Protocol between the United Kingdom, the Independent State of the Congo, France, Germany, Portugal, and Spain, prohibiting the Importation of Fire-arms, Ammunition, &c., within a certain Zone in Western Equatorial Africa.
23 July 1908 23 July 1908 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Liberia modifying the Treaty of Commerce of November 21, 1848
28 July 1908 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium concerning the exchange of insured letters and boxes
12 September 1908 17 July 1911 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Paraguay for the mutual surrender of Fugitive Criminals
14 October 1908 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France renewing for a further period of five years the arbitration Agreement signed at London, October 14, 1903
17 October 1908 29 July 1909 Convention between the United Kingdom and France modifying Article 2 of the Extradition Treaty of August 14, 1876
27 October 1908 Agreement and Protocol between the United Kingdom and Germany with regard to Sleeping Sickness
31 October 1908 Proces-verbal between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria respecting Customs Duties Supplementary to the Commercial Convention of December 9, 1905
4 November 1908 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Zanzibar Abrogating the Treaty of April 30, 1886
4 November 1908 Agreement Between The General Post Office Of Great Britain and the Department of Communications of Japan for the Service of Money Orders.
13 November 1908 International Convention relative to the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, revising that signed at Berne, September 9, 1886,
1 December 1908 Convention between the United Kingdom and Mexico supplementary to the Parcel Post Convention of February 25, 1897
1 December 1908 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands respecting the Exchange of Insured Letters and Boxes
30 December 1908 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Colombia providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of Certain Classes of Questions which may arise between the Two Governments
4 January 1909 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Italy renewing for a further period of five years the Arbitration Agreement signed at Rome, February 1, 1904
11 January 1909 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the United States of America relating to Boundary Waters and Questions arising along the Boundary between Canada and the United States
11 January 1909 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Spain renewing for a further period of five years the arbitration Agreement signed at London, February 27, 1904
27 January 1909 4 March 1909 Agreement between the United Kingdom and United States of America for the Submission to Arbitration of Questions relating to Fisheries on the North Atlantic Coast
30 January 1909 30 January 1909 Declaration between the United Kingdom and Germany referring the Delimitation of the Southern Boundary of the British Territory of Walfish Bay to Arbitration
9 February 1909 Additional Agreement between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria modifying the Convention of Commerce, Customs Duties, and Navigation of December 9, 1905
22 February 1909 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Germany confirming Protocols defining Boundaries between British and German Territories in Africa: (1) Gorege to Lake Chad (Kofa - 12 February 1907) (2) Uba to the Maio Tiel (11 March 1907)
26 February 1909 Final Protocol of the International Naval Conference, with Declaration annexed
10 March 1909 9 July 1909 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Siam (With Annexes of 10 March 1909)
1 April 1909 Convention between the Governments of the Transvaal and the Portuguese Province of Mozambique relating to Natives, Railways and Port, and Commerce and Customs
1 April 1909 Abrogation of the Convention between the United Kingdom and Hayti of April 6, 1906, Respecting Nationality
13 April 1909 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Ethiopia with regard to Import Duties in Ethiopia
19 May 1909 Protocols (2) between the United Kingdom and Germany respecting the delimitation of the Boundary between German East Africa and Uganda ( Mfumbrio District )
7 June 1909 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Germany renewing for a further period of one year the Arbitration Agreement signed at London, July 12, 1904
18 June 1909 Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and Brazil
3 July 1909 Convention between the United Kingdom and France in regard to Workmen's Compensation for Accidents
29 July 1909 17 October 1909 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France Applying to Tunis the Supplementary Extradition Convention of October 17, 1908
31 August 1909 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Germany. Mutual Protection of British and German Trade-Marks in Corea
13 September 1909 Additional Articles to the Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal of January 17, 1883 (money orders)
11 October 1909 Convention with respect to the International Circulation of Motor Vehicles
12 October 1909 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France confirming the Protocol of the Conference held at Paris March 11 - 23, 1909, respecting the Laws and Regulations for the Security of Navigation
18 October 1909 18 October 1909 Extension of the Treaty between Great Britain and the Argentine Republic for the Mutual Extradition of Fugitive Criminals signed at Buenos Aires on 22 May 1889 to certain British African Protectorates
3 November 1909 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Switzerland, renewing for a further period of five years the Arbitration Agreement signed at London, November 16, 1904
9 November 1909 Convention between the United Kingdom and Sweden renewing for a further period of five years the Arbitration Convention of August 11, 1904
9 November 1909 Convention between the United Kingdom and Norway renewing for a further period of five years the Arbitration Convention of August 11, 1904
16 November 1909 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal, renewing for a further period of five years the Arbitration Agreement signed at Windsor, November 16, 1904
23 November 1909 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Germany, extending the renewal of the Arbitration Agreement of July 12, 1904, for a further period of four years
1 December 1909 Convention concerning the Exchange of Post Office Money Orders between New Zealand and France
11 December 1909 Agreement between Great Britain and Colombia extending the Extradition Treaty of 27 October 1888 to Bechuanaland Protectorate, East Africa Protectorate, Gambia Protectorate, N.E.Rhodesia, N.W.Rhodesia, N.Nigeria, Northern territories of the Gold Coast, Nyasaland, Sierra Leone Protectorate, S.Nigeria Protectorate, S. Rhodesia, Swaziland and the Uganda Protectorate.
16 December 1909 16 December 1909 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands renewing for a further period of five years the Arbitration Convention of February 15, 1905
29 December 1909 21 June 1910 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Montenegro
11 January 1910 Declaration between the United Kingdom and France Abrogating the Agreement of November 8, 1899, respecting the Exchange of Press Telegrams
13 January 1910 13 January 1910 Agreement between Great Britain and San Marino extending the Extradition Treaty of 1899 to the Bechuanaland Protectorate, the East Africa Protectorate the Gambia Protectorate, N.E. Rhodesia, N.W. Rhodesia, Northern Nigeria, Northern Territories of Gold , Nyasaland, Sierra Leone Protectorate, Southern Nigeria Protectorate, Southern Rhodesia, Swaziland and the Uganda Protectorate.
19 February 1910 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Delimitation of the Frontier between the British and French Possessions East of the Niger
31 March 1910 Convention between Great Britain and Argentina concerning Settlement by Arbitration of Certain Classes of Questions which may arise
22 April 1910 Agreement between Great Britain and Trengganu establishing a British Protectorate over Trengganu
4 May 1910 8 August 1912 International Convention for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic
4 May 1910 International Agreement for the Suppression of Obscene Publications
5 May 1910 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Honduras
14 May 1910 Protocol to which is annexed the three following Projects of Conventions relating to British, Belgian and German Frontiers in the region of the Great African Lakes
21 May 1910 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the Boundary between Canada and the United States in Passamaquoddy Bay & c
27 May 1910 Convention between the United Kingdom and Mexico respecting Telegraphic Communication between Mexico and British Honduras
10 June 1910 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Honduras Extending the Operation of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the Two Countries of January 21, 1887, for a Period of Six Months from October 6, 1910
15 June 1910 Declaration modifying Paragraph 5 of the Declaration annexed to the General Act signed at Brussels, July 2, 1890
16 July 1910 Convention between the United Kingdom and Austria-Hungary providing for the Settlement of Arbitration of Certain Classes of Questions Which May Arise between the Two Governments
18 August 1910 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Settlement of certain Pecunary Claims Outstanding between the Two Countries
23 September 1910 1 March 1913 International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law respecting Collisions between Vessels
23 September 1910 1 March 1913 International Conventions for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law respecting Assistance and Salvage at Sea
24 September 1910 26 February 1912 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Greece for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
22 October 1910 Agreement between Great Britain and Kelantan respecting the Administration of Kelantan and the Position of the Raja
25 October 1910 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France Referring to Arbitration the Case of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
3 December 1910 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting Commercial Travellers Samples
22 December 1910 Additional Articles to the Convention of August 24, 1889, for the Exchange of Money Orders between the United Kingdom and Tunis
30 December 1910 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Norway providing for the Telegraph Service between the Two Countries
31 December 1910 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands respecting Commercial Travellers Samples
21 January 1911 13 May 1911 Convention between the United Kingdom and Liberia respecting the Boundary between Sierra Leone and Liberia
30 January 1911 1 June 1911 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Germany respecting Extradition between British and German Protectorates
7 February 1911 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting Measures for the Preservation and Protection of the Fur-Seals
3 March 1911 25 August 1911 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium amending Article 6 of the Extradition Treaty of October 29, 1901
3 March 1911 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark renewing for a Further Period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention of October 25, 1905
4 March 1911 24 November 1911 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Siam respecting the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
3 April 1911 Declaration Abrogating, so far as Regards Zanzibar, the Treaty of May 31, 1839, between the United Kingdom and Muscat
3 April 1911 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Japan [with Exchange of Notes Terminating the Agreement of December 4/5, 1878, respecting Expenses Incurred for Shipwrecked Subjects]
8 May 1911 Agreement between the United Kingdom and China relating to Opium [together with Exchange of Notes]
2 June 1911 1 May 1913 International Agreement for the Prevention of False Indications of Origin on Goods
2 June 1911 1 May 1913 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Washington)
6 July 1911 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France respecting Boundaries between Sierra Leone and French Guinea
7 July 1911 Convention between the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, and Russia, respecting Measures for the Preservation and Protection of the Fur Seals in the North Pacific Ocean
7 July 1911 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Japan Prolonging for a Period of Two Years Article 5 of the Anglo-Japanese Commercial Treaty of July 16,1894 as regards the Dominion of Canada
8 July 1911 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Italy respecting the boundary between British East Africa and Italian Somaliland at the Mouth of the Juba River
13 July 1911 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Japan
19 July 1911 Protocol between the United Kingdom and France respecting Exemption from compulsory pilotage
25 July 1911 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Liberia respecting the Navigation of the Manoh River
1 August 1911 15 July 1912 Treaty of Commerce between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Bolivia
3 August 1911 General Arbitration Treaty between the United Kingdom and the United States of America
17 August 1911 20 March 1912 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Germany relating to Extradition between certain British Protectorates and Germany
17 August 1911 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany with regard to Sleeping Sickness
21 October 1911 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal respecting the Boundary between British and Portuguese Possessions North and South of the Zambesi [With map]
30 October 1911 Protocol between Great Britain and Germany describing the Frontier between the Uganda Protectorate and German East Africa
4 November 1911 Convention concerning the Spheres of Influence in Morocco
6 November 1911 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal respecting the Boundary between British and Portuguese Possessions on the Ruo and Shire Rivers [With Map]
29 December 1911 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Postal Rates between New Zealand and French Oceania
17 January 1912 International Sanitary Convention (1912)
23 January 1912 The International Opium Convention and Subsequent Relative Papers
5 February 1912 Agreement between United Kingdom and France regulating the Telephone Service between the two Countries
12 February 1912 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Bolivia for the Exchange of Postal Money Orders
12 March 1912 Exchange of Notes concerning the registration of Lunatics
3 April 1912 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Honduras Extending until April 6, 1913, the Operation of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the Two Countries of January 21, 1887
4 April 1912 Exchange of Notes extending the Extradition Treaty of September 24, 1910 to the British Protectorate
27 April 1912 Parcel Post Agreement between the United Kingdom and Venezuela
9 May 1912 9 May 1912 Declaration between The United Kingdom and Denmark respecting the Application of Existing Treaties of Commerce to Certain Parts of His Britannic Majesty's Dominions (Amendment of the Treaties of Commerce of February 13,1660-61,and July 11, 1670)
5 July 1912 International Radiotelegraph Convention
6 July 1912 Protocol between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Application of the Additional Articles of the Commercial Convention of 1826 to Certain Parts of His Britannic Majesty's Dominions
20 July 1912 15 November 1912 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the North Atlantic Fisheries
22 July 1912 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal respecting Boundaries in East Africa (Barue Section - from the Mazoe River to Latitude 18 degrees 30 minutes South)
20 August 1912 20 August 1912 Protocol between the United Kingdom and Colombia respecting the Application of the Treaty of Commerce of February 16, 1866, to Certain Parts of His Britannic Majesty's Dominions
24 September 1912 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Spain respecting the Issue of Certificates of Tonnage
26 October 1912 Convention concerning International Exhibitions [with Protocol]
26 October 1912 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Japan for the Reciprocal Waiver of Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin Relating to Exports
6 November 1912 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Turkey respecting Commercial Travellers' Samples
20 November 1912 20 November 1912 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Siam respecting the Rendition of Fugitive Criminals between Certain States in the Malay Peninsula and Siam
13 February 1913 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Honduras Extending unitil April 6, 1915 the Operation of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the Two Countries of January 21, 1887
11 March 1913 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany respecting (1) the Settlement of the Frontier between Nigeria and the Cameroons, from Yola to the Sea, and (2) the Regulation of Navigation on the Cross River
25 March 1913 Declaration additional to the Agreement of March 27, 1874, between the United Kingdom and Germany respecting the Recognition of Joint Stock Companies, &c.
10 April 1913 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Liberia respecting the Navigation of the Manoh River
12 April 1913 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany concerning the Nigeria Cameroons Boundary (Yola to Cross River)
16 May 1913 Convention between the United Kingdom and Norway respecting the Application of the Convention of Commerce and Navigation of March 18, 1826, to Certain Parts of His Britannic Majesty's Dominions
30 May 1913 Convention Between Great Britain and Mexico concerning River Hondo Navigation
31 May 1913 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America renewing for a Further Period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention signed at Washington on April 4, 1908
14 June 1913 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal for the Regulation of the Opium Monopolies in the Colonies of Hong Kong and Macao
1 July 1913 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Germany concerning the Repatriation of Pauper Lunatics
16 July 1913 16 July 1913 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Paraguay relating to Extradition between certain British Protectorates and Paraguay (Supplementary to the Extradition Treaty of September 12, 1908)
29 July 1913 Declaration between the United Kingdom and Turkey concerning (1) Duties on Entering Turkey (2) Ad valoum duties convention (3) 'Temeltu' (4) Abolition of British Post Offices (5) Capitulations
29 July 1913 Declaration between the United Kingdom and Turkey concerning Navigation of the Tigris and Euphrates (Turkish Concession) [with Annex concerning British Ships and 2 further Declarations)
29 July 1913 Declaration between the United Kingdom and Turkey concerning Persian and Turkish Boundaries. Region of Haouize to the Sea (with 3 Maps)
29 July 1913 Convention between the United Kingdom and Turkey regarding Navigation of Chatt-el-Arab [With Declaration concerning the Sheikh of Mohammerah]
29 July 1913 Convention between the United Kingdom and Turkey concerning (1) Koweit (2) El Katr (3) Bahrein (4) Persian Gulf (5) Commission of Delimitation
18 August 1913 Protocol between the United Kingdom and Costa Rica respecting the application of the Treaty of Commerce of November 27, 1849, to certain parts of His Britannic Majesty's Dominions
1 September 1913 23 September 1913 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the rendition of fugitive criminals between the State of North Borneo and the Philippine Islands or Guam
4 September 1913 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Boundary between Sierra Leone and French Guinea
18 September 1913 18 September 1913 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Siam respecting the Rendition of Fugitive Criminals between the State of North Borneo and Siam
14 October 1913 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France Renewing for a Further Period of Five Years the Arbitration Agreement signed at London, October 14, 1903
25 October 1913 Convention regarding Creation of an International Association 'de l'Heure'
27 October 1913 Agreement by the Ruler of Kuwait, regarding oil.
28 October 1913 Agreement with the Post Office of Egypt for the exchange of money orders
4 November 1913 Protocol concerning Frontiers - Persian and Turkish
17 November 1913 Protocol concerning the Delimitation of the Turco-Persian Frontier
22 November 1913 Parcel Post Agreement between the United Kingdom and France
25 November 1913 Proces-verbal concerning Anglo-Liberian Boundary Commission (Boundary between Sierra-Leone and and Liberia)
31 December 1913 Convention respecting the Compilation of International Commercial Statistics
20 January 1914 1 July 1915 Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
31 January 1914 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Italy renewing for a further period of five years the Arbitration Agreement signed at Rome, February 1, 1904
4 February 1914 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the French Republic respecting the Trade in Arms and Ammunition at Muscat
11 February 1914 11 February 1914 Agreement Prolonging for a period of five year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
15 February 1914 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Spain renewing for a further period of five years the Arbitration Agreement signed at London, February 27, 1904
18 February 1914 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Delimitation of the Frontier between the British and French Possessions from the Gulf of Guinea to the Okpara River
4 March 1914 Convention concerning Plant Diseases (Phytopathology)
9 March 1914 Boundaries of Aden etc and 5 Maps
20 March 1914 Additional Protocol to the International Copyright Convention of November 13, 1908
3 April 1914 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Greece recording an Agreement between the respective Governments relating to Commercial Traveller' Samples
4 April 1914 Arrangement between the United Kingdom and Honduras referring to Arbitration Matters relating to the Masica Incident
15 April 1914 Agreement between the United Kingdom and San Domingo respecting Parcel Post
30 May 1914 30 May 1914 Additional Protocol to the Treaty of Extradition between Great Britain and Guatemala, signed at Guatemala on 4 July 1885
10 June 1914 Convention between the United Kingdom and Switzerland providing for the settlement by Arbitration of certain classes of questions which may arise between the two Governments
15 June 1914 Convention between the United Kingdom and Italy for the Extension to British India of the Anglo-Italian Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of June 15, 1883
3 July 1914 Convention between the United Kingdom and Tibet concerning interests in Asia and regulation of relations
9 July 1914 Pecuniary Claims against Turkey
6 August 1914 Protocol respecting the New Hebrides by Representatives of the British and French Governments
12 August 1914 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Portugal
17 August 1914 20 February 1915 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands relating to the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals between Certain British Protectorates and the Netherlands
5 September 1914 Declaration between the United Kingdom, France and Russia, Engaging not to Conclude Peace Separately during the Present European War
11 September 1914 11 September 1915 United Kingdom notification of withdrawal of the Commonwealth of Australia,Papua, and Norfolk Island from the Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Costa Rica signed at San Jose on November 27, 1849
15 September 1914 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the United States of America with regard to the establishment of a Peace Commission
9 November 1914 21 December 1914 Convention between the United Kingdom and France relating to Prizes Captured during the Present European War
9 November 1914 Convention between the United Kingdom and Sweden Renewing for a Further Period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention of August 11, 1904
9 November 1914 Convention between the United Kingdom and Norway Renewing for a Further Period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention of August 11, 1904
16 November 1914 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of Certain Classes of Questions which may arise between the Two Governments
3 February 1915 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium respecting Boundaries in East Africa (Mount Sabinio to the Congo-Nile Watershed)
15 February 1915 27 April 1915 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France and Russia modifying Article 2 of the Convention of November 9, 1914, relating to Prizes Captured During the Present War
23 March 1915 Agreement prolonging for 1 year the period which under the Agreement of January 13, 1905 provides for length of Lease of Khisimayu
25 March 1915 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands renewing for a further period of five years the Arbitration Convention of February 15, 1905
26 April 1915 Agreement between Great Britain, France, Russia and Italy providing for Italian Naval and Military Co-operation with the Allied Powers in the European War, and making certain Territorial and other arrangements
26 April 1915 Declaration between Great Britain, France, Italy and Russia, engaging not to Conclude a Separate Peace during the Course of the European War
26 April 1915 Declaration between Great Britain, France, Italy and Russia, declaring that the Declaration of the same date engaging not to Conclude a Separate Peace during the course of the European War shall remain secret
3 July 1915 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Russia for the reciprocal waiver of Consular fees on certificates of Origin relating to exports
8 July 1915 Financial Agreement with Italy
17 September 1915 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Russia respecting Financial Arrangements with regard to purchases by His Majesty's Government on behalf of Russia
22 September 1915 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France concerning the Exchange of Money Orders between the British and French Possessions and Protectorates in West Africa
28 September 1915 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands relating to the Boundary between the State of North Borneo and the Netherland Possessions in Borneo [With Map]
30 November 1915 Declaration between the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, and Russia engaging not to conclude peace separately during the present war
18 December 1915 Compensation for damage caused by British Army in France - Procedure on case of disagreement
21 December 1915 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting the Exchange of Parcels between Italy and the Straits Settlements
21 December 1915 Financial Agreement supplementary to the Agreement of Juy 8, 1915
24 December 1915 Administration of the Juba River - Jubaland
31 January 1916 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France concerning the Exchange of Money Orders between the Seychelles and Madagascar
3 May 1916 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark renewing for a Further Period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention of October 25, 1905
5 May 1916 Declaration between the United Kingdom and Russia regarding Transport of Munitions to Russia. Procedure to be Followed
6 May 1916 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Nicaragua for the Regulation of the Turtle Fishing Industry in the Territorial Waters of Nicaragua as regards Fishing Vessels Belonging to Cayman Islanders
14 July 1916 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Russia regarding War Contracts in the United States of America
31 July 1916 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Italy defining the Agreement between the two Countries as to their Relations with regard to the 'Senoussia'
16 August 1916 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Protection of Migratory Birds in Canada and the United States
24 August 1916 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting Trade with Morocco and Egypt in Transit Through British and French Territories in Africa
27 October 1916 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Russia supplementary to the Agreement of September 30, 1915 (which However Was Not Diplomatically Concluded) regarding Finance
28 October 1916 Accession of States of Johore, Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Trengganu to Extradition Treaty between the United Kingdom and Siam of March 4, 1911
3 November 1916 23 March 1918 Treaty between the British Government and the Sheikh of Qatar
15 November 1916 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France regarding Supply of Timber for Military Uses
23 December 1916 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France concerning the Exchange of Post Office Money Orders between Mauritius and Madagascar
23 December 1916 Declaration between the United Kingdom and France concerning the Exchange of Parcels by Post between New Zealand and the French Settlements of Oceania
15 January 1917 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America concerning Extradition (Supplementary)
6 February 1917 Declaration Approval of Memo of Agreement between the Commission for Relief in Belgium and the Comite national de Secours et d'Alimentation, dated Dec. 1916
28 March 1917 Declaration - Operations against the Senoussi
30 March 1917 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France regarding Supply of Timber for Military Uses Modifications in Constitution of the War Timber Committee
31 March 1917 Agreement between Great Britain and Roumania regarding Financial Agreements between the two Countries for Compensation for Destruction of Roumanian Oil Wells
12 April 1917 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain regarding Mutual Interchange of Commodities during t The War
14 April 1917 Agreement Negotiations between Anglo-Italian Mission and Mohammed Idris -el- Mahdi -el- Senussi
19 June 1917 31 March 1921 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Liberia respecting the Boundary between Sierra Leone and Liberia from the River Makona or Moa in the North to the River Magowi in the South
25 June 1917 31 March 1921 Convention between the United Kingdom and Liberia Supplementary to the Convention of January 21, 1911
20 July 1917 Declaration between the United Kingdom and Serbia concerning the Compentency of the Military Tribunals of the British and Serbian Armies in the Field
4 October 1917 Agreement between Great Britain and France respecting the Liability to Military Service of British Subjects in France and French Citizens in Great Britain
11 December 1917 Agreement between Great Britain and Italy respecting the Liability to Military Service of British Subjects in Italy and Italian Subjects in Great Britain
28 December 1917 Agreement between the British and Turkish Governments respecting Prisoners of War and Civilians
14 January 1918 Convention concerning the purchase of Cereals in Argentina by British and French Governments
15 January 1918 Exchange of Notes between United Kingdom and France concerning Supply of Timber for Military Uses Convention to supersede that of November 15, 1916
22 January 1918 Agreement concerning the Construction of Tanks in France
15 February 1918 Convention between United Kingdom and Uruguay concerning Finance
19 February 1918 Convention between United Kingdom and United States of America concerning Liability to Military Service of Canadian BSS in U.S. and U.S. citizens in Canada
19 February 1918 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America concerning Liability to Military Service of BSS in the U.S. and U.S. citizens in Great Britain [with Exchange of Notes concerning Operation of Agreement]
11 March 1918 Exchange of Notes concerning Seditionists in French Indian Settlements
18 April 1918 Arbitration Treaty between the United Kingdom and Uruguay
3 June 1918 Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America respecting the Liability to Military Service of Canadians in the United States and of United States Citizens in Canada
3 June 1918 Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States
3 June 1918 Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America respecting the Liability to Military Service of British Subjects in the United States and of United States Citizens in Great Britain [with Exchange of Notes concerning Operation of Article 1]
16 July 1918 Treaty between United Kingdom and Peru regarding Establishment of a Peace Commission to adjust disputes
8 August 1918 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Greece concerning Liability to Military Service of BSS in Greece and of Greek subjects in Great Britain
28 September 1918 Agreement between the British and Danish Governments respecting Matters of Wreck
8 October 1918 Exchange of Notes concerning the Renewal of the Existing Arbitration Agreements between the United Kingdom and France
26 November 1918 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting British War Graves in France
27 January 1919 Exchange of Notes Extending Extradition Treaties [with Norway] to the Federated Malay States
31 January 1919 Renewal of the Existing Arbitration Agreements between the United Kingdom and France, Italy and Spain, and of the Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States
1 February 1919 Exchange of Notes concerning the Renewal of the Existing Arbitration Agreements between the United Kingdom and Spain
3 February 1919 Exchange of Notes Extending Extradition Treaties [with Greece] to the Federated Malay States
4 February 1919 Exchange of Notes Extending Extradition Treaties [with France] to the Federated Malay States
11 February 1919 11 February 1919 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
28 March 1919 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Chile for the Establishment of a Peace Commission
4 April 1919 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Brazil providing for the Establishment of a Peace Commission
14 May 1919 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Greece respecting Additional Articles to the Agreement of 14/30 April 1908 concerning Telegraph Money Orders
13 June 1919 Exchange of Notes Extending Extradition Treaties [with Denmark] to the Federated Malay States
13 June 1919 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium respecting British War Graves in Belgian Territory
20 June 1919 22 February 1920 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Spain Respecting Extradition Between Certain British Protected States in the Malay Peninsula and Spain
20 June 1919 ERROR - Exchange of Notes Extending Extradition Treaties [with Spain] to the Federated Malay States
28 June 1919 10 January 1920 Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany
28 June 1919 Treaty of Peace between the United States of America, the British Empire, France, Italy and Japan and Poland
28 June 1919 Treaty respecting Assistance to France in the event of unprovoked Aggression by Germany
28 June 1919 Agreement between the United States of America, Belgium, the British Empire and France and Germany with regard to the Military Occupation of the Territories of the Rhine
9 August 1919 Notes respecting the British Co-operation with Persia relative to the Revision of Anglo-Persian Treaties, to War Claims, and to the Rectification to the Persian Frontier
19 August 1919 Parcel Post Agreement between the United Kingdom and France
22 August 1919 Convention, Creation of Direct and Rapid Communication between certain European Countries and the East ('Simplon - Orient Express Convention')
2 September 1919 Convention respecting Sockeye Salmon Fisheries
8 September 1919 Convention between the United Kingdom and France supplementary to the Declaration of March 21, 1899, and the Convention of June 14, 1898, respecting the Boundaries West and East of the Niger [with map]
10 September 1919 Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Austria together with the Protocol and Declarations Annexed thereto
10 September 1919 Convention for the control of the Trade in Arms and Ammunition
10 September 1919 Convention relating to the Liquor Traffic in Africa and Protocol
10 September 1919 Convention Revising the General Act of Berlin, February 26, 1885, and the General Act and Declaration of Brussels, July 2, 1890
10 September 1919 Agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers with regard to the Contributions to the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
10 September 1919 Agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers with regard to the Italian reparation Payments
10 September 1919 Treaty between the principal Allied and Associated Powers and Czecho-Slovakia
10 September 1919 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State
24 September 1919 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and France respecting the Restoration of Property and Payment of Debts due by Enemy Businesses in Liquidation
25 September 1919 Agreement respecting disposal of Austro-Hungarian Merchant Ships
13 October 1919 Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation
6 November 1919 Convention and additional Protocol between the United Kingdom and Switzerland respecting Air Navigation
8 November 1919 Renewal of the existing Arbitration Conventions between the United Kingdom and Norway and Sweden and of the Arbitration Agreement between the United kingdom and Portugal
10 November 1919 Agreement respecting the disposal of Austro-Hungarian Merchant Ships
12 November 1919 Agreement between Great Britain and Sweden regarding Claims of Swedish Subjects in respect of Ships and Goods Forfeited as Enemy Property during the War
27 November 1919 Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Bulgaria, and Protocol.
28 November 1919 13 June 1921 Convention concerning Limiting hours of work in industrial undertakings to 8 in the day and 48 in the week [ILO No.1]
28 November 1919 13 June 1921 Convention concerning Night Work of Young Persons Employed in Industry [ILO No.6]
28 November 1919 13 June 1921 Convention concerning the Employment of Women during the Night [ILO No.4]
28 November 1919 13 July 1921 Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission of Children to Industrial Employment [ILO No.5]
28 November 1919 14 July 1921 Convention concerning Unemployment [ILO No.2]
29 November 1919 13 June 1921 Convention concerning Employment of Women before and After Childbirth [ILO No.3]
9 December 1919 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Roumania
22 January 1920 Agreement between Great Britain and Roumania respecting the Transfer to the Roumanian State of the Contracts for Corn made between the British Corn Bureau at Bucharest and various Roumanian Agriculturists
9 February 1920 Treaty regulating the Status of Spitsbergen and Conferring the Sovereignty on Norway
11 February 1920 11 February 1920 Agreement Prolonging For One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
12 February 1920 Agreement between Great Britain and Russia (Soviet Government) for the Exchange of Prisoners
21 March 1920 21 March 1920 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Persia modifying the Commercial Convention of February 9, 1903
5 April 1920 Convention between the United Kingdom and Bolivia for the Prevention of False Indications of Origin on Goods
13 April 1920 4 November 1920 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands respecting Extradition between certain British-protected States in the Malay Peninsular and the Netherlands
24 April 1920 25 April 1920 Agreement between Great Britain and France regards oil (petroleum) interest of the two countries
25 April 1920 MEMORANDUM OP AGREEMENT between M. Philippe Berthelot, Directeur des Affaires politiques et commerciales an Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, and Professor Sir John Cadman, K.C.M.G., Director in Charge of His Majesty�s Petroleum Department.[Agreement between Great Britain and France regarding the Oil (Petroleum) Interests of the two Countries]
26 April 1920 Convention between the Government of India and the French Government concerning the French Lodge at Balasore
1 May 1920 Addditional Protocol to the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of October 13, 1919
6 May 1920 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal respecting Boundaries in South-east Africa [from beacon No.1 on the left bank of the Malosa River to beacon No.17 on the shore of Lake Nyasa] [with map]
25 May 1920 Convention respecting the Sockeye Salmon Fisheries
1 June 1920 Convention between the United kingdom and the Netherlands renewing for a further period of five years the Arbitration Convention of February 15, 1905
4 June 1920 26 July 1921 Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Hungary and Protocol and Declaration
21 June 1920 International Convention for the Creation at Paris of an International Institute of Refrigeration
30 June 1920 30 September 1920 Agreement respecting the Preservation or the Restoration of the Rights of Industrial Property Affected by the World War
2 July 1920 Exchange of Notes Extending Extradition Treaties [with Switzerland] to the Federated Malay States
5 July 1920 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal regarding Delimitation of the Boundary between Angola and South West African Protectorate
5 July 1920 Treaty between the Principal Allied Powers and Denmark relative to Slesvig
9 July 1920 Convention concerning Unemployment Indemnity in Case of Loss or Foundering of Ships [ILO No.8]
9 July 1920 Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission of Children to Employment at Sea [ILO No.7]
20 July 1920 Agreement between the British and Esthonian [sic] Governments respecting Commercial Relations
10 August 1920 Treaty between the Allied Powers and Greece Relative to Thrace
10 August 1920 Tripartite Agreement between the British Empire, France and Italy respecting Anatolia
10 August 1920 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Greece
10 August 1920 Treaty of Peace between the British Empire and Allied Powers and Turkey
10 August 1920 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Poland, Roumania, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State and the Czech-Slovak State relative to Certain Frontiers of those States
10 August 1920 Treaty Between the British Empire and the Principal Allied Powers and Armenia
22 August 1920 Agreement between Great Britain and Greece relating to the Suppression of the Capitulations in Egypt
27 August 1920 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Austrian Government respecting the Settlement of Enemy Debts referred to in Section III of Part X of the Treaty of Saint-Germain of September 10, 1919
20 October 1920 Provisional Agreement between Great Britain and France relative to Air Navigation
22 October 1920 Agreement between Great Britain and France regarding the Assessment and Payment of Claims etc in Connection with the use of Land in France for British Military Railway Installations
26 October 1920 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Roumania regarding Compensation in respect of Property of British Landowners Expropriated in virtue of Roumanian Expropriation Law to be Paid Direct to H.M.G
27 October 1920 Decision [of Ambassadors' Conference] constituting DANZIG a Free City
28 October 1920 Treaty between the Principal Allied Powers and Roumania respecting Bessarabia
31 October 1920 Convention concerning the Organisation of Combat against Locusts
12 November 1920 Treaty between Italy and the Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom relative to the Territories, Frontiers, &c., of the two Countries
30 November 1920 Universal Postal Convention (Revision of Convention of May 26, 1906)
9 December 1920 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal relating to the Suppression of the Capitulations in Egypt
16 December 1920 Protocol Establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice
16 December 1920 Optional Clause to the Protocol Establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice
20 December 1920 Agreement between the British and Hungarian Governments respecting the Settlement of Enemy Debts referred to in Section III of Part X of the Treaty of the Trianon of June 4, 1920
23 December 1920 23 December 1920 Convention between Great Britain and France for the settlement of certain points connected with the Mandates for Syria and the Lebanon, Palestine and Mesopotamia
23 December 1920 Provisional Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark relating to Air Navigation
31 December 1920 6 October 1921 Amended Agreement between the British and German Governments respecting Article 297 of the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919 (Property, Rights and Interests) [with Protocol and Certificate of Exchange of Ratifications]
31 December 1920 Agreement between the British and German Governments respecting Article 297 of the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919 (Property, Rights and Interests) [with Protocol]
10 January 1921 29 November 1921 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Portugal relating to the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals between Certain British Protectorates and the Territories of the Portuguese Republic
10 January 1921 29 December 1921 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Portugal relating to the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals between the Federated Malay States and the Territories of the Portuguese Republic
21 January 1921 Protocol relative to the Accession of the Netherlands to the Modifications introduced by the Treaty of Versailles into the Mannheim Convention of 1868
29 January 1921 Trade Agreement between France and Canada
11 February 1921 11 February 1921 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
16 February 1921 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Sweden relating to Air Navigation between Sweden and Great Britain
1 March 1921 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Brazil for the Exchange of Money Orders
9 March 1921 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Norway relative to the Importation from Great Britain into Norway of Opium and Similar Drugs
15 March 1921 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium with a view to Facilitating Belgian Traffic through the Territories of East Africa
16 March 1921 16 March 1921 Agreement between Great Britain and Russia for the Resumption of Trade and Commerce between the two Countries
21 March 1921 4 August 1921 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Czechoslovakia relative to the Importation from Great Britain into Czechoslovakia of Opium and similar Drugs
21 March 1921 Exchange of Notes to control the export of Narcotics from the United Kingdom
22 March 1921 Agreement between Great Britain and Venezeula respecting the Claims of certain British Subjects against the Government of Venezuela
28 March 1921 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Greece relative to the Importation from Great Britain into Greece of Opium and Similar Drugs
2 April 1921 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Finland relative to the Importation from Great Britain into Finland of Opium and Similar Drugs
20 April 1921 31 October 1922 Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern
20 April 1921 31 October 1922 Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit
20 April 1921 31 October 1922 Additional Protocol to the Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern
20 April 1921 Declaration recognising the Right to a Flag of States having no Sea-Coast
22 April 1921 Agreement between Great Britain and Norway relating to the Suppression of the Capitulations in Egypt
25 April 1921 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Esthonia regarding Notes Exchanged between British and Esthonian Governments on July 20, 1920 respecting Commercial Relations
5 May 1921 Protocol modifying Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919
5 May 1921 Protocol Modifying Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919
6 May 1921 Provisional Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal relating to Air Navigation
6 May 1921 Exchange of Notes to control the export of Narcotics from the United Kingdom
7 May 1921 Exchange of Notes with Bulgaria to control exports of Narcotics from the United Kingdom
23 May 1921 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Costa Rica relative to the Importation from Great Britain into Costa Rica of Opium and similar Drugs
25 May 1921 Exchange of Notes With regard to Persons of unsound mind
1 June 1921 Supplementary Agreement between Great Britain and Italy in regard to Ex-Enemy Ships
4 June 1921 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Hayti concerning Control of Export of Narcotics from the United Kingdom
10 June 1921 Agreement for the Extension of Period for Presentation of Claims
27 June 1921 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and France confirming Agreements concluded on April 22 and December 14, 1920, between Sir J. Maclay, His Majesty's Shipping Controller and M. Paul Bigon, Minister of Shipping of the French Republic, with regard to the ultimate Disposal of Enemy Tonnage
29 June 1921 Denunciation of Slave Trade
8 July 1921 Agreement between Great Britain and Sweden relating to the Suppression of the Capitulations in Egypt
14 July 1921 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark relating to the Suppression of the Capitulations in Egypt
14 July 1921 Denunciation of Slave Trade Treaty of 1841 and Additional Articles Therto of 1846
15 July 1921 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Norway respecting Air Navigation
20 July 1921 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium relative to Article 296 of the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919 (Enemy Debts)
20 July 1921 Convention between the United Kingdom and France relative to the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919 (Enemy Debts)
21 July 1921 Exchange of Notes establishing an Agreement for the Exemption of Aircraft Crews from British and Greek Passport and Visa Regulations during the year 1921
23 July 1921 Convention instituting the Definitive Statute of the Danube
27 August 1921 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Peru respecting the Mineral Property 'La Brea y Parinas'
27 August 1921 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Greece respecting British War Graves in Greece
3 September 1921 Agreement Additional to the Convention between Great Britain and France of December 1, 1909, respecting the Exchange of Post Office Money Orders between New Zealand and France
3 September 1921 Agreement Additional to the Convention between Great Britain and France of March 8, 1883, respecting the Exchange of Postal Money Orders between British India and France
3 September 1921 Agreement Additional to the Convention between Great Britain and France of September 16, 1885, respecting the Exchange of Postal Money Orders between Malta and France
30 September 1921 1 October 1921 Agreement between the Post Office of Iceland and the Post Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland relative to the exchange of Money Orders
30 September 1921 International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women and Children
5 October 1921 Exchange of Notes regarding the Disposal of ex-Austrian and ex-Hungarian tonnage (Covering Technical Agreement of 29 July 1921)
6 October 1921 International Convention of October 6, 1921, modifying the International Convention of May 20, 1875, for assuring The International Uniformity and Perfection of the Metric System, Together with the International Convention of 1875
20 October 1921 Convention respecting the Non-Fortification and Neutralisation of the Aaland Islands
21 October 1921 17 June 1922 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America providing for the Accession of Canada to the Real and Personal Property Convention of March 2, 1899
24 October 1921 Revives (1) Treaty for the Mutual Extradition of Fugitive Criminals [with Hungary] signed at Vienna on December 3, 1873 (2) Declaration made at London on June 26, 1901 amending article II of above
9 November 1921 Declaration concerning Frontiers of Albania, recognition of special interest of Italy
11 November 1921 20 November 1922 Convention concerning Compulsory Medical Examination of Children Employed at Sea [ILO No.16]
11 November 1921 20 November 1922 Convention concerning the Minimum Age for the Admission of Young Persons to Employment as Trimmers and Stokers [ILO No.15]
12 November 1921 26 February 1923 Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation in Agriculture [ILO No.12]
12 November 1921 11 May 1923 Convention concerning the Right of Association and Combination of Agricultural Workers [ILO No.11]
16 November 1921 31 August 1923 International Labour Convention No.10 adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Third Session concerning the Age for Admission of Children to Employment in Agriculture [ILO No.10]
17 November 1921 19 June 1923 Convention concerning the Application of Weekly Rest Day in Industrial Undertakings [ILO No.14]
22 November 1921 Treaty between the British and Afghan Governments
23 November 1921 Agreement between the British and German Governments respecting Article 297(e) of the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919, (Payment of Compensation in respect of damage &c. to property, rights or interests)
27 November 1921 Exchange of Notes to control the Export of Narcotics from the United Kingdom
6 December 1921 31 March 1922 Articles of Agreement for a Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland.
7 December 1921 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and France relative to the Amendment of Article XII of the Provisional Agreement respecting Air Navigation of October 20, 1920
13 December 1921 17 August 1923 Treaty between the British Empire, France, Japan, and the United States of America relating to Their Insular Possessions and Insular Dominions in the Pacific Ocean, and accompanying Declaration, together with Treaty Supplementary to the above Treaty and Identic Communication to Netherlands and Portuguese Governments respecting the above Treaty.
20 December 1921 Convention between the United kingdom and Siam respecting the Settlement of Enemy Debts referred to in Section III of Part X of the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919
12 January 1922 Convention between Her Majesty's Government and the Government of Costa Rica for the Submission to Arbitration of Certain Claims against the Government of Costa Rica
2 February 1922 2 May 1922 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Legal Proceedings on Civil and Commercial Matters
3 February 1922 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Greece relative to the Liquidation of Enemy Concerns in the United Kingdom and in Greece
6 February 1922 17 August 1923 Treaty between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan and the United States of America for the Limitation of Naval Armament
6 February 1922 17 August 1923 Treaty between the British Empire, France, Japan and the United States of America, supplementary to the Quadruple Pacific Treaty of the 13th December, 1921.
6 February 1922 5 August 1925 Treaty between the United States of America, Belgium, the British Empire, China, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and Portugal relating to the Chinese Customs Tariff
6 February 1922 Treaty concerning the Protection of neutrals and non-combatants in naval warfare and the prevention of the use of poisonous gas and chemicals
6 February 1922 Treaty between the United States of America, Belgium, the British Empire, China, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and Portugal relating to Principles and Policies to be followed in Matters concerning China
11 February 1922 11 February 1922 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
22 February 1922 Convention instituting the Statute of Navigation of the Elbe
31 March 1922 Additional Protocol signed at Paris dated 31.03.1922 to the Convention instituting the Definitive Statute of the Danube, signed at Paris July 23, 1921, Prolonging the period for the deposit of ratifications until June 30, 1922
21 April 1922 Denunciation by H.M.G of Treaty of 1824 for the suppression of the Slave Trade
26 April 1922 Denunciation by H.M.G of treaty for the Abolition of the Slave Trade signed at Stockholm, November 6, 1824 & Additional Articles of June 15, 1835
1 May 1922 Convention between the United Kingdom and Iceland Renewing for a further period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention of October 25, 1905
1 May 1922 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark Renewing for a further period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention of October 25, 1905
5 May 1922 Treaty of Friendship between Iraq and Nejd
6 May 1922 Agreement between the British and Lithuanian Governments respecting commercial relations
9 May 1922 Denuciation by Her Majesty's Government of Treaty signed at the Hague May 4, 1818 for the Abolition of the Slave Trade together with additional articles of December 31, 1822
11 May 1922 Agreement between the British and Italian Governments respecting the Graves of British Soldiers in Italy
12 May 1922 Withdrawal of Nyasaland Protectorate from Anglo-Estonian Commercial of July 20,1920, with effect from six months from May 12,1922
13 May 1922 Exchange of Notes concerning Transmission of Diplomatic Bags between the United Kingdom and Mexico
15 May 1922 3 November 1922 Supplementary Extradition Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States.
21 June 1922 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium respecting Legal Proceedings on Civil and Commercial Matters
3 July 1922 Application to Canada of the Anglo-Russian trade agreement of 16 March 1921
5 July 1922 Agreement concerning the Issue of Certificates of Identity to Russian Refugees
29 July 1922 Treaty Regulating the question of dual nationality and exemption for military service between Great Britain and the United States of Brazil
7 August 1922 1 October 1922 Provisional Agreement between the Governments of Egypt and Palestine with regard to the Extradition of Fugitive Offenders
4 October 1922 Protocol No.III concerning Obligations Accepted by Austria as result of Protocols I and II
4 October 1922 Protocol No.I concerning the Declaration respecting the Political Independence &c. of Austria
4 October 1922 Protocol No.II concerning Economic and Financial Restoration of Austria
10 October 1922 Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain and Iraq and Protocol together with Agreements subsidary
19 October 1922 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Uruguay relative to the Importation from Great Britain into Uruguay of Opium and similar Drugs
27 October 1922 14 December 1926 Protocol Amending Article 5 of the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of October 13, 1919.
31 October 1922 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Spain
6 November 1922 Agreement with Siam and the Malay States respecting Customs
23 November 1922 Interpretation of Agreement of September 28 1918 - January 21, 1921 concerning matters of Weck
30 November 1922 Agreement between the British and Japanese Governments respecting the Tonnage Measurement of Ships
2 December 1922 Kuwait/Nejd Boundary Agreement Convention
2 December 1922 Boundary Protocol (No.1) between Iraq and Nejd
2 December 1922 Boundary Protocol (No.2) between Iraq and Nejd
14 December 1922 Convention and Additional Protocol Drawn up by the Central Commission of the Rhine to replace certain Articles of the Convention of October 17, 1868, and the Convention of June 4, 1898, regarding Rhine Navigation Certificates
15 December 1922 Notes Exchanged between the British and French Governments respecting the New Hebrides Protocol of August 6, 1914
15 December 1922 Commercial Convention between Canada and France
16 December 1922 Interpretation of Article 22 of the Protocol of August 6, 1914 respecting the New Hebrides
1 January 1923 Exchange of Notes Extending Extradition Treaties [with United States of America] to the Federated Malay States
1 January 1923 Exchange of Notes Extending Extradition Treaties [with Sweden] to the Federated Malay States
1 January 1923 Exchange of Notes Extending Extradition Treaties [with Italy] to the Federated Malay States
4 January 1923 Commercial Convention between Canada and Italy
10 January 1923 10 January 1923 Undertaking by the Sultan of Muscat regarding oil
18 January 1923 11 February 1923 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands for the Reciprocal Abolition of Visa System
19 January 1923 31 March 1923 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Italy for the Reciprocal Abolition of Visa System
23 January 1923 Agreement between British and Netherlands Governments regulating the Telephone Service between Great Britain and the Netherlands
27 January 1923 Convention Supplementary to the Statute of Navigation of the Elbe
31 January 1923 15 April 1923 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Switzerland for the Reciprocal Abolition of Visa System
31 January 1923 Agreement between Great Britain and the Czechoslovak Republic respecting Commercial Travellers' Samples
11 February 1923 11 February 1923 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
22 February 1923 Agreement between Great Britain and Norway supplementary to the Temporary Agreement of July 15, 1921 relating to Air Navigation between the two Countries
2 March 1923 Treaty between Canada and the United States of America for Securing the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the North Pacific Ocean
6 March 1923 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Colombia relative to the Importation from Great Britain into Colombia of Opium and similar Drugs
7 March 1923 Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Boundary Line between Syria and Palestine from the Mediterranean to El Hamme
8 March 1923 Reciprocal agreements (A+B) respecting enemy business in liquidation
16 March 1923 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Belgium concluding Reciprocal Agreements in respect of Businesses wound up under Trading with the Enemy Legislation
21 March 1923 Protocol recording the Arrangements for Reparation Payments by Bulgaria.
28 March 1923 Notes Exchanged between the British and Austrian Governments respecting the Customs Clearance of Commercial Travellers' Samples
29 March 1923 Additional Protocol relative to the Accession of the Netherlands to the Modifications introduced by the Treaty of Versailles into the Mannheim Convention of 1868
31 March 1923 Agreement between Her Majesty's Government and the Portuguese Government for the Renewal of Part I of the Mozambique Transvaal Convention of April 1, 1909
5 April 1923 Agreement between the British and German Governments relating to German Debts and Property in China
3 May 1923 Convention relative to the Cession of German Public Property situated in Danzig, and also to the Transfer of a Part of this Property to the Harbour Board of the Free City
4 May 1923 Convention between France and India for the Renewal of the Lease of the French Loge at Balasore
10 May 1923 Agreement between Syria and Transjordan concerning Customs
11 May 1923 Notes Exchanged between the British and Roumanian Governments relative to the Commercial Relations between the British Empire and Roumania
24 May 1923 Notes Exchanged between the British and French Governments relative to Certain Nationality Decrees promulgated in Tunis and Morocco (French Zone) on November 8, 1921
25 May 1923 Agreement regarding the Reimbursement of Costs of American Army of Occupation
28 May 1923 Exchange of Notes regarding Goods imported into Spain from India, Union of South Africa, New Zealand and Colonies etc.. shown of annexed list to be granted as from November 6, 1922 benefits of 2nd Column rates of duty in Spanish tariff in exchange for most favoured nation treatment
5 June 1923 Anglo-Afghan Trade Convention
14 June 1923 4 June 1934 Protocol of an Amendment to Article 393 of the Treaty of Versailles and the corresponding Articles of the other Treaties of Peace
18 June 1923 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Funding of the British Debt to the United States
20 June 1923 Palestine-Syria 'Bon Voisinage' (addendum to Palestine Syria boundary Agreement of February 03, 1922 which was confirmed by notes of 7/3/1923- See Folio 90 No 51)
22 June 1923 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Latvia
23 June 1923 Agreement between The United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Renewal of the Arbitration Convention between the two Countries of April 4, 1908, together with Notes Exchanged at the Time of Signature
30 June 1923 14 December 1926 Protocol Amending Article 34 of the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of October 13, 1919.
4 July 1923 8 December 1923 Agreement between Great Britain and the United States of America for the Exchange of Money Orders between the two Countries.
5 July 1923 Despatch from His Majesty's High Commissioner in Egypt enclosing The Decision of the Council of Ministers relative to the Indemnity Act, Text of the Indemnity Act and Notes exchanged with the Egyptian Government
10 July 1923 1 August 1923 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Sweden for the Reciprocal Abolition of Visa System
11 July 1923 Provisional Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands relating to Air Navigation
14 July 1923 1 September 1923 Treaty of Commerce between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic and Accompanying Declaration
18 July 1923 18 July 1923 Egyptian Law relating to the Conditions of Service, Retirement and Dismissal of Officials, Employees and Agents of Foreign Nationality (Law No.28 of 1923) together with Notes exchanged between the British and Egyptian Governments
24 July 1923 6 August 1924 Convention relating to the Regime of the Straits
24 July 1923 6 August 1924 Treaty of Peace with Turkey, and Other Instruments, together with Agreements between Greece and Turkey signed on January 30, 1923, and Subsidiary Documents forming part of the Turkish Peace Settlement. [With Map.]
24 July 1923 6 August 1924 Protocol relating to the Treaty concluded at Sevres between the Principal Allied Powers and Greece on the 10th August, 1920, concerning the Protection of Minorities in Greece, and to the Treaty concluded on the same day between the same Powers relating to Thrace.
24 July 1923 6 August 1924 Convention respecting the Thracian Frontier
24 July 1923 Protocol relating to the Karagatch Territory and the Islands of Imbros and Tenedos, signed by the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, Greece and Turkey.
24 July 1923 Protocol relating to Certain Concessions granted in the Ottoman Empire.
24 July 1923 Declaration and Protocol of Amnesty
24 July 1923 Protocol relating to the Accession of Belgium and Portugal to certain Provisions of Instruments signed at Lausanne.
24 July 1923 Protocol relating to the Evacuation of the Turkish Territory occupied by the British, French and Italian Forces.
24 July 1923 Protocol relating to Signature by the Serb-Croat-Slovene State.
24 July 1923 Commercial Convention [Part of 1923 Turkish Peace Settlement]
24 July 1923 Convention respecting Conditions of Residence and Business and Jurisdiction
24 July 1923 Exchange of Notes concerning the Position of Messrs Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. Ltd. and Vickers Ltd. under Article 2 of Protocol relating to concessions granted in Ottoman Empire
24 July 1923 Exchange of Letters respecting the exemption of Allied nationals, who suffered from the Smyrna fire, from the payment of the arrears of temettu tax due for the financial year 1922-1923
24 July 1923 Exchange of Notes respecting Treatment to be accorded by Turkish Government to British religious, scholastic and medical establishments and charitable institutions in Turkey
24 July 1923 Exchange of Notes respecting cabotage
24 July 1923 Convention regarding compensation payable by Greece to Allied nationals
24 July 1923 Agreement between the British and French Delegations regarding Article 34 of the Treaty of Lausanne of July 24, 1923 (Egyptian Nationality)
24 July 1923 Notes exchanged between the British and French Delegates at Lausanne regarding Certain Concessions in Territories detached from Turkey
8 August 1923 23 August 1934 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium Extending to the Belgian Congo and certain British Protectorates existing Extradition Conventions between the United Kingdom and Belgium
14 August 1923 Notes Exchanged Further renewing the Anglo-Italian Arbitration Agreement of February 1, 1904
17 August 1923 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia concerning Temporary Air Traffic
29 August 1923 Renewal of the Existing Arbitration Agreement between Great Britain and France
1 September 1923 5 September 1923 Exchange of Notes with Egypt relative to foreign officials in Egypt.
1 September 1923 15 October 1923 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Norway for the Reciprocal Abolition of Visa System
12 September 1923 7 August 1924 International Convention for the Suppression of the Circulation of and Traffic in Obscene Publications
21 September 1923 13 November 1923 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and France extending the Provisions of the Extradition Treaty between Great Britain and France of August 14, 1876, and the Additional Convention of October 17, 1908 to the Mandated Territories of the Cameroons, Togoland and Tanganyika so far as Great Britain is concerned, and Mandated Territories of the Cameroons and Togoland so far as France is concerned.
24 September 1923 28 July 1924 Protocol on Arbitration Clauses
25 September 1923 Agreement of Friendship and regarding the Appointment of Officials (with additional Notes)
29 September 1923 Declaration by the British and French Governments respecting Oyster Fisheries outside Territorial Waters in the Seas lying between the Coasts of Great Britain and those of France
29 September 1923 Declaration relating to the Settlement of Refugees in Greece and the creation for this purpose of a Refugees Settlement Commission and the Duties of the International Financial Commission
29 September 1923 Protocol relating to the Settlement of Refugees in Greece and the creation for this Purpose of a Refugees Settlement Commission
23 October 1923 Memorandum. Germans in the Mandated Territory of South-West Africa
27 October 1923 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Sweden for the Marriage of Lady Louise Mountbatten with His Royal Highness Prince Gustaf Adolf Crown Prince of Sweden
31 October 1923 Proces-Verbal concerning the Delimitation of Frontier between the Austrian Republic and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
3 November 1923 27 November 1924 International Convention relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities and Protocol of Signature
3 November 1923 Final Act of the International Conference on Customs and Similar Formalities
23 November 1923 6 August 1924 Protocol permitting Roumania to sign the Convention relative to the Assessment and Reparation of Damage suffered in Turkey by the Nationals of the Contracting Powers, so long as the Treaty of Peace with Turkey, dated 24 July 1923, shall not have come into force.
23 November 1923 Convention between the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Japan relative to The Assessment and Reparation of Damage suffered in Turkey by the Nationals of the Contracting Powers together with Protocol providing for Signature by Roumania and Protocol 01:08:1928 Permitting Roumania to sign the above Protocol before 1 October 1928
26 November 1923 1 July 1924 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and the Polish Republic
9 December 1923 23 March 1926 Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Railways and Protocol of Signature
9 December 1923 26 July 1926 Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Maritime Ports and Protocol of Signature
9 December 1923 26 July 1926 Convention relative to the Transmission in Transit of Electric Power and Protocol of Signature
9 December 1923 Convention relative to the Development of Hydraulic Power affecting more than one State and Protocol of Signature.
11 December 1923 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Hungary Modifying the Convention between the British and Hungarian Governments of Dec. 20, 1921, in so far as it relates to the Periodical Instalments payable by the Hungarian Government thereunder
14 December 1923 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland in regard to the Disposal of the Estates of Deceased Seamen
14 December 1923 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Finland
17 December 1923 1 January 1924 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France Extending to the French Zone of Morocco the Provisions of the Anglo-French Agreement of October-November 1899 relative to Consular Visas for Certificates of Origin
18 December 1923 Convention regarding the Organisation of the Statute of the Tangier Zone
18 December 1923 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Denmark respecting the reciprocal abolition of visas on passports
19 December 1923 Agreement of Good Neighbourship between Palestine and Syria and the Lebanon
21 December 1923 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Nepal together with Note with Note respecting the Importation of Arms and Ammunition into Nepal
27 December 1923 Agreement between Canada, Greece and the United Kingdom respecting Credits to Greece
5 January 1924 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany concerning the Liquidation of Germanys Restitution Obligations [with Protocol]
8 January 1924 Declaration that pending the entry into force on February 6, 1928 of the denunciation by Norway on January 8 1924 of the Treaty concerning the integrity of Norway, signed at Christiania , November 2,1907 neither the Norwegian Government nor H.M.G intend herefowarded to avail themselves of the provisions of the Treaty
21 January 1924 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Japan on the Mutual Recognition of Loadline Certificates
21 January 1924 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and France Agreeing to the Ratification of the Protocol refining the Boundary between French Equatorial Africa and the Anglo-Egyptian Soudan together with the Protocol [with two maps]
23 January 1924 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the Regulation of the Liquor Traffic
25 January 1924 International Agreement for the Creation at Paris of an International Office for dealing with Contagious Diseases of Animals [ EPIZOOTICS ]
9 February 1924 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Spain further renewing the Arbitration Agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain of February 27, 1904
11 February 1924 11 February 1924 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
25 February 1924 Exchange of Notes concerning Modification of Dutch Text of Article IV of the Agreement between the British and Netherlands Governments regulating the Telephone Service between Great Britain and the Netherlands
5 March 1924 Relative to articles 11 & 12 of Provisional Air Traffic Agreement, signed at Stockholm, February 16 1921
14 March 1924 Protocol I concerning Financial Reconstruction of Hungary
14 March 1924 Protocol II concerning Obligations of Hungary
28 March 1924 Protocol recording the Arrangements for the Recovery of the Cost of the Armies of Occupation in Bulgaria.
28 March 1924 Protocol providing for the Division of any Sums recovered from Bulgaria for Reimbursement of the Cost of Military Occupation.
28 March 1924 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Switzerland respecting the Application to the Principality of Liechtenstein of Commercial Agreements in force between Great Britain and Switzerland
8 May 1924 Convention between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan and Lithuania respecting the Memel Territory and the Statute of the Memel Territory.
19 May 1924 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy Approving an Agreement for the Rectification of a Section of the Eritrea-Sudan Frontier [with map]
22 May 1924 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Austria, Together with accompanying Declaration
30 May 1924 23 May 1925 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Finland for the Extradition of Criminals
2 June 1924 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Norway concerning Reciprocal Exchange of Information concerning Lunatics
6 June 1924 27 July 1925 Convention between Canada and the United States of America to aid in Suppressing Smuggling Operations along the Border between the Dominion of Canada and the United States and in the Arrest and Prosecution of Persons Violating the Narcotics Laws of either Government
21 June 1924 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland in regard to the Reciprocal Recognition of Tonnage Measurement Certificates of British and Finnish Ships, and Notes exchanged with regard to exclusion of Irak from Scope of the Agreement
27 June 1924 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Switzerland Approving annexed Agreement respecting the Exchange of Hotel Employees
27 June 1924 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain regulating the Treatment of Companies
3 July 1924 Commercial Convention between Canada and the Economic Union of Belgium and Luxembourg
11 July 1924 Commercial Convention between Canada and the Netherlands
14 July 1924 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Japan respecting the Abrogation of Article 8 of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japan of April 3, 1911, and the Schedule annexed thereto
15 July 1924 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy Approving an Agreement for the Rectification of a Section of the Eritrea-Sudan Frontier
15 July 1924 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Italy regulating Certain Questions concerning the Boundaries of their respective Territories in East Afica
16 July 1924 30 October 1925 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Latvian Republic for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
24 July 1924 Agreements between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Austrian Government respecting the Settlement of Enemy Debts referred to in Section III of Part X of the Treaty of Saint-Germain of September 10, 1919
29 July 1924 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Belgium Accepting the Conditions for the Agreement providing for Direct telegraphic Communication between the Uganda Protectorate, and the Agreement
5 August 1924 Protocol respecting the Boundary between Tanganyika Territory and the Belgian Mandated Territory of Ruanda-Urundi Signed at Kigoma, August 5, 1924 and Notes Exchanged between the British and Belgian Governments Brussels, May 17, 1926
8 August 1924 Treaty respecting General Relations with Protocol
8 August 1924 Treaty (with the Soviet Union) respecting Commerce & Navigation with additional protocols and Declaration
11 August 1924 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping
13 August 1924 13 November 1924 Protocol and Exchange of Notes respecting Air Navigation
25 August 1924 3 June 1931 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Sea-Going Ships
25 August 1924 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading (the 'Hague Rules').
28 August 1924 1 October 1925 Convention and Protocol revising Universal Postal Convention of November 30, 1920
30 August 1924 The Allied Governments and the German Government concerning the Agreement of August 9, 1924, between the German Government and the Reparation Commission
30 August 1924 The Agreement between the Governments represented on the Reparation Commission to modify Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles
30 August 1924 The Inter-Allied Agreement to carry out the Experts' Plan of April 9, 1924
30 August 1924 The Allied Governments and the German Government to carry out the Experts' Plan of April 9, 1924
6 September 1924 Denunciation as from 6 December,1924 of Devawongse-Satow agreement of 28/1-2/2/1987 relating to trade across the Siam-Burma frontier
13 September 1924 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany respecting Clearing Office and Mixed Arbitral Tribunal procedure
19 September 1924 Protocol modifying the Protocol relating to the Settlement of Refugees in Greece and the Creation for this Purpose of a Refugees Settlement Commission
25 September 1924 Declaration modifying the Protocol relating to the Settlement of Refugees in Greece and the Creation for this Purpose of a Refugees Settlement Commission
2 October 1924 Protocol concerning the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
9 November 1924 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom & Sweden further renewing the Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom & Sweden of August 11, 1904
11 November 1924 29 March 1926 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic relative to Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
11 November 1924 5 November 1926 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic for the Extradition of Criminals signed at London, November 11, 1924, and Protocol signed at London , June 4, 1926
22 November 1924 Protocol Amending Paragraph 13 of Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919.
29 November 1924 29 October 1927 Agreement for the Establishment, in Paris, of an International Wine Office, with Protocol of Signature
1 December 1924 Agreement respecting Facilities to be given to Merchant Seamen for the Treatment of Venereal Disease
2 December 1924 Treaty of Commerce & Navigation between the United Kingdom and Germany and Additional Protocol signed at London December 2, 1924, with other relevant documents
3 December 1924 3 December 1925 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the Rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in Palestine
18 December 1924 Agreement between Great Britain and Norway for the reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping
18 December 1924 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark for the Mutual Recognition of Load-Line certificates
18 December 1924 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain Cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping
19 December 1924 19 December 1924 Agreement between Great Britain and Sweden for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping
19 December 1924 Agreement between Canada and the Soviet Union regarding mutual Aid
19 December 1924 Exchange of Notes Agreeing that the following instruments shall remain in force until March 1, 1925 not-withstanding Greek denunciation as from December 10, 1924 : 1. Treaty of Commerce & Navigation of November 10, 1886 2. Commercial Agreement of March 28, 1890 3. Declaration of June 16, 1890 4 Declaration of November 23, 1904 5. Supplementary Declaration of May 17, 1905
5 January 1925 Exchange of Notes for Reciprocal facilities to be granted to British and French Naval Ratings passing respectively through French and British territory
8 January 1925 27 July 1925 Supplementary Convention between Canada and the United States of America To provide for Extradition on account of Crimes or Offences committed against the Laws for the Suppression of the Traffic in Narcotics
14 January 1925 Agreement with Protocols respecting the distribution of the Dawes Annuities
10 February 1925 8 July 1926 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the Rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in part of the former German Protectorate of the Cameroons
10 February 1925 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the Rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in the former German Colony of East Africa
10 February 1925 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the Rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in part of the former German Protectorate of Togoland
11 February 1925 11 February 1925 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
11 February 1925 28 July 1926 Agreement concerning the Manufacture of, the Internal Trade in, and the Use of Prepared Opium with Protocol and Final Act
18 February 1925 Exchange of Motes Confirming provisional Money Order and Parcel Post Agreements signed at Nairobi, August 19, 1922 between Post Office of Kenya and Uganda on one hand and Post Office of Belgium Congo on the other
19 February 1925 25 September 1928 International Convention relating to Dangerous Drugs with Protocol
24 February 1925 Convention, Protocol and Agreement between Canada and the United States of America To regulate the Level of the Lake of the Woods
24 February 1925 Treaty between Canada and the United States of America To define more accurately and to complete the International Boundary between the two Countries
5 March 1925 LIST of Treaties, &c., between Great Britain and China (1842-1922), including International Treaties,and Treaties between Great Britain and Foreign Powers relating to China
3 April 1925 Agreement between Great Britain and Germany for Amending the Method of Administering 'The German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921'
10 April 1925 Commercial Modus Vivendi between Spain and Canada
23 April 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Denmark respecting the Treatment of British Subjects, Companies and Vessels in Eastern Greenland
13 May 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom & Norway further renewing the Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and Norway of August 11, 1904
19 May 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom & Portugal regarding the Cancellation of the British Concession at Chinde and the Portuguese Concession at Chipoli
21 May 1925 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy To Regulate the Professional Practice of Medical Practioners in their respective Territories
10 June 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Albania respecting the Commercial Relations between the two Countries
12 June 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting the Regulation of the Utilisation of the Waters of the River Gash
17 June 1925 8 February 1928 Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare
17 June 1925 Convention respecting the Suppression of Trade in Arms, Ammunitions etc..
18 June 1925 Exchange of Notes Extending the Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France for Reciprocal facilities to be granted to British and French Naval Ratings passing respectively through French and British territory, signed in London January 5/28, 1925, to small military parties
18 June 1925 Agreement between the Post Offices of the United Kingdom and of Austria concerning the Exchange of Money Orders
12 July 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Providing for the Prolongation of the Arbitration Convention between the two countries of February 15, 1905
14 July 1925 30 March 1926 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Siam for the Revision of their Mutual Treaty Arrangements and Protocol concerning Jurisdiction applicable in Siam to British Subjects, &c.
14 July 1925 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Siam
14 July 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Siam in Connection with the General and Commercial Treaties between the United Kingdom and Siam, signed at London on July 14, 1925
24 July 1925 Agreement respecting Repayment of Debt for War Supplies
25 July 1925 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Germany Approving Agreement signed July 2, 1925 at Cologne fixing amount of lump sum representing costs of services rendered to British Army of Occupation between September 1, 1924 and March 31, 1925
30 July 1925 Supplementary Convention to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Japan together with Minutes of a Meeting between the British and Japanese Representatives at the Foreign Office on July 30, 1925
31 July 1925 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Italy concerning the Termination of Money Order Convention of March 4, 1872
3 August 1925 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Germany Approving Agreement signed at Coblenz, June 22, 1925 determining amount of lump sum representing cost of services rendered to the British section of the Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission under Articles 8-12 of Rhineland Agreement during period September 1, 1924 to March 31, 1925
13 August 1925 Agreement respecting Repayment of Debt for War Supplies
18 August 1925 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal Confirming Postal Agreement between Tanganyida Territory and Mozambique, signed at Lourenco Marques, July 7, 1923 and at Dar-es-Salaam, August 30, 1924
29 August 1925 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Portugal Extending until November 16, 1926, the Operation of the Agreement providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of certain classes of questions which may arise between the two Governments
31 August 1925 Exchange of Notes Agreeing as to method of settling Claims of British subjects arising from other than revolutionary causes
31 August 1925 Settlement of Greek War Debt
8 September 1925 1 October 1925 Exchange of Notes Agreeing to prohibition of use of certain wavelengths by ships registered in Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America to prevent interference with wireless broadcasting
21 September 1925 Agreement respecting Amounts to be allocated out of 2nd. Dawes Annuity for Armies of Occupation, Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission and Inter-Allied Military Commission of Control in Germany
23 September 1925 3 October 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands extending the Provisions of the Extradition Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands of April 13, 1920, to the States of Johore and Kedah
8 October 1925 Substitution of Articles 2 and 7 of War Debt Agreement of August 31, 1925
16 October 1925 Treaty of Mutual Guarantee between the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Germany and Italy
17 October 1925 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Hungary modifying the Agreement between the British and Hungarian Governments of December 11, 1923, relating to the Periodical Instalments payable by the Hungarian Government thereunder
19 October 1925 Agreement for the Settlement of the War Debt of Roumania to Great Britain
2 November 1925 Certain questions relating to the Nejd-Transjordan Frontier (Hadda Agreement)
3 November 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal confirming the Protocol, signed at Cape Town on March 5, 1915, defining a Section of the Frontier Line between the Portuguese Colony of Angola and Rhodesia [with a map]
6 November 1925 1 June 1928 International Agreement regarding False Indications of Origin on Goods
6 November 1925 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (The Hague)
12 November 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria providing for the Provisional Regulation of Commercial Relations between the two Countries
18 November 1925 12 July 1926 Convention between the United Kingdom and Estonia for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
18 November 1925 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping
18 November 1925 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark respecting compensation to Workmen for Accidents arising out of their employment
20 November 1925 Settlement of Claims arising out of presence of British troops in Greek territory before the entry of Greece into the War
25 November 1925 Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and Siam
27 November 1925 1 October 1927 Convention regarding the Measurement of Vessels employed in Inland Navigation [with Protocol of signature]
3 December 1925 1 April 1926 Agreement Amending and Supplementing the Articles of Agreement for a Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland
14 December 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting the Deportation of British Somali Subjects expelled from Italian Somaliland expelled from Aden
14 December 1925 Exchange of Notes respecting flight of British Aircraft over Finland to be granted by Finnish representative in London on basis of reciprocity
14 December 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting Lake Tsana
31 December 1925 Agreement regarding funding of debt to Great Britain
13 January 1926 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Irak regarding the Duration of the Treaty between the United Kingdom and Irak of October 10, 1922
18 January 1926 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Estonia
27 January 1926 Agreement for the Settlement of the War Debt of Italy to Great Britain
1 February 1926 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia relative to the Reduced Rate of Customs Duty to be Levied on Printed Matter in English Advertising Products of British Industry imported into Czechoslovakia
2 February 1926 Agreement between Palestine and Syria and the Lebanon to Facilitate Good Neighbourly Relations in Connection with Frontier Questions
6 February 1926 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Albania recording the Renunciation by His Britannic Majesty's Government of Extra-territorial Judicial Rights in Albania
11 February 1926 11 February 1926 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
27 February 1926 Treaty respecting Commercial Relations
3 March 1926 Mutual recognition of load-line certificates, Application of Agreement of December 18, 1924 to certain British possessions
15 March 1926 Agreement between India and French Indo-China respecting the direct supply of Indian Opium
10 April 1926 2 June 1931 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to Maritime Liens and Mortgages
10 April 1926 8 January 1937 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules concerning the Immunity of State-owned Ships
21 April 1926 1 January 1927 Protocol regarding the International Convention of June 7, 1905, for the Creation of the International Institute of Agriculture
22 April 1926 Treaty and Convention between His Majesty and the President of the Brazilian Republic for the settlement of the Boundary between British Guiana and Brazil
24 April 1926 24 October 1930 International Convention relative to Motor Traffic
3 May 1926 10 December 1926 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Estonian Republic relative to the Clearance of Commercial Travellers' Samples
5 May 1926 Agreement between the United Kingdom, Belgium and France relative to Customs Regulations applicable to Air Traffic
7 May 1926 Protocol constituting an Agreement for the application of Article 198 of the Treaty of Versailles concerning Control of Aerial Navigation on Germany
18 May 1926 11 June 1927 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Lithuania for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
20 May 1926 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal in regard to Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships, together with Notes exchanged
20 May 1926 International Agreement for the establishment of an International Bureau of Intelligence on Locusts
20 May 1926 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping
22 May 1926 Protocol concerning Articles 108 to 117 of General Act of Congress of Vienna of June 9, 1815 to continue to govern regime of Belgium and Netherlands waterways
22 May 1926 Treaty replacing Treaties signed at London, April 19, 1839 concerning the Status of Belgium
4 June 1926 15 March 1927 Convention between the United Kingdom and Iceland renewing as far as Iceland is concerned, the Anglo-Danish Arbitration Convention of October 25, 1905
4 June 1926 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark renewing the Anglo-Danish Arbitration Convention of October 25, 1905
5 June 1926 Convention regarding the Simplification of Inspection of Emigrants on board ship [ILO No.21]
5 June 1926 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq and Turkey regarding the Settlement of the Frontier between Turkey and Iraq together with Notes exchanged [with a map]
16 June 1926 Final Act concerning Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters
18 June 1926 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and the Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom to regulate the Commercial Relations between the two Countries
19 June 1926 1 January 1927 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regarding the Sanitary Control over Mecca Pilgrims at Kamaran Islands
19 June 1926 Convention between India and France concerning the French Loge at Balasore (Between India & French Dependencies in India)
21 June 1926 31 May 1928 International Sanitary Convention (1926)
22 June 1926 Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the Republic of Portugal in relation to the Boundary between the Mandated Territory of South-West Africa and Angola
24 June 1926 Seamen's Articles of Agreement Convention [ILO No.22]
24 June 1926 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Estonia regarding tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships, together with Notes exchanged
24 June 1926 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy for the Reciprocal Recognition of Proof Marks
1 July 1926 Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the Republic of Portugal regulating the Use of the Water of the Kunene River for the purposes of the generating Hydraulic Power and of Inundation and Irrigation in the Mandated Territory of South-West Africa
12 July 1926 Agreement respecting Settlement of the War Debt of France to Great Britain with Exchange of Letters between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the French Minister of Finance regarding the partial or total failure of receipts from Germany under the Dawes Plan
16 July 1926 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Greece and accompanying Declaration
22 July 1926 22 July 1926 Extradition Treaty between the United Kingdom and Albania
23 July 1926 26 July 1927 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Hungary
1 September 1926 Exchange of Notes respecting reciprocal facilities to be granted to British and Italian Naval Ratings and Marines passing respectively through Italian and British Territory
11 September 1926 Exchange of Notes (Modus Vivendi) regulating Commercial Relations between India and Greece
16 September 1926 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting Administrative Co-operation by British Authorities and Suggestions of Conference at London
18 September 1926 Agreement to request Council of League of Nations to submit question of competence of European Danube Commission to Permanent Court of Internal Justice
25 September 1926 9 March 1927 International Convention with object of Securing the Abolition of Slavery and the Slave Trade
30 September 1926 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Siam Respecting Drawbacks and the Method of Computing 'Ad Valorem' Rates under the Siamese Customs Law
9 October 1926 Exchange of Notes respecting Modus vivendi governing import of Greek currants into Newfoundland codfish into Greece pending conclusion of formal agreement on lines of Declaration of November 23, 1904
11 October 1926 Agreement between Syria and Iraq on the Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Antiques
18 October 1926 Agreement between Austria and Canada respecting Surplus Austrian Property in Canada
19 October 1926 1 November 1926 Exchange of Notes between the British and German Governments agreeing to prohibition of use of certain wavelengths by ships registered in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada and Newfoundland, and in Germany to prevent interference with broadcasting
22 October 1926 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Spain respecting the Duration of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Spain of October 31, 1922
2 November 1926 Disposal of German Vessels seized by Uruguay during the war
4 November 1926 Exchange of Notes modus vivendi regulating Commercial relations between Straits Settlements and Greece
13 November 1926 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Greek Government establishing a Commercial 'Mondus Vivendi' between New Zealand and Greece.
13 November 1926 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Greek Government establishing a Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' between New Zealand and Greece
17 November 1926 Exchange of Notes 'Modus Vivendi' regulating Commercial Relations between Windward Islands and Greece
19 November 1926 8 March 1928 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the United Mexican States for the Settlement of British Pecuniary Claims in Mexico arising from Loss or Damage from Revolutionary Acts between November 20, 1910 and May 31, 1920
22 November 1926 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Mexico Postponing denunciation of Anglo-Mexican Commercial Treaty of 27 November 1888 from 22 December 1926 until 22 June 1927
26 November 1926 26 November 1926 Exchange of Notes between the British and Hellenic Governments constituting a `modus vivendi' regulating the commercial relations between Greece, one the one part, and Ceylon, of the other part
30 November 1926 30 November 1926 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Greece respecting the Measurement of Tonnage of Merchant Ships and Notes Exchanged
12 December 1926 Agreement concerning the Withdrawal of Inter-Allied Military Control Commissions application of Article 213 of Versailles Treaty by Council of League of Nations
18 December 1926 1 January 1926 Agreement between the Sudan Government and the Hejaz Government His Majesty's Government assenting relating to the Port Sudan-Jeddah Telegraph Cable
20 December 1926 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia concerning Importing Licensing System not to be worked unfavourably
20 December 1926 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia Regulating Commercial Relations between Canada and Czechoslovakia, pending Conclusion of Commercial Treaty
31 December 1926 31 December 1926 Agreement with Portugal for the Settlement of the War Debt of Portugal to Great Britain
4 January 1927 4 January 1927 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal renewing the Arbitration Convention between the two countries of 16 November 1914
4 January 1927 Exchange of Notes Between His Majesty's Government of Great Britain and the United States of America respecting the Reciprocal Release of Property sequestrated in both Countries under Trading with the Enemy Acts
7 January 1927 Protocol Correcting the Convention relating to the Cession for German Public Property situated in Danzig, and also to the Transfer of a Part of this Property to the Harbour Board of the Free City
13 January 1927 Agreement relating to Regulating amounts to be allocated out of Anmities of Experts' Plan for Armies of Occupation, the Rhineland High Commission and the Military Commission of Control for period April 1, 1926 - January 10, 1930
7 February 1927 Agreement (Record of Conversation) concerning British and Italian interests in Southern Arabia and Red Sea
11 February 1927 11 February 1927 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
16 February 1927 Exchange of Notes prolonging operation of Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation of October 16, 1884 for one year from February 25, 1927 and agreeing to abrogation of Article 8
17 February 1927 17 February 1927 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Greek Government regarding the Expropriation of Landed Properties held by British Subjects
17 February 1927 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and France regarding certain amendments to be made in the New Hebrides Protocol of 6 August 1924
19 February 1927 Agreement with China relative to the British concession at Hankow
20 February 1927 Agreement with China relative to the British concession at Kiukiang
31 March 1927 Agreement and Notes concerning Aerial Navigation in Bulgaria - application of Aritcle 89 of Treaty of Neuilly
4 April 1927 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government in regard to the Delimitation of the Boundary between Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo
5 April 1927 Convention between His Britannic Majesty and His majesty the King of Spain Revising Certain Provisions of the Anglo-Spanish Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of October 31, 1922 and Notes Exchanged concerning Prohibition and Restrictions on Imports &c.
6 April 1927 Agreement (Provisional) between Iraq and Syria concerning Regulation of affairs of Frontier Tribes
9 April 1927 9 April 1927 Agreement with Greece for the settlement of the Greek war debt to Great Britain, with Exchange of Notes
6 May 1927 Exchange of Notes with the Belgian Government constituting an Agreement regarding the exchange of information relative to persons of unsound mind
12 May 1927 9 February 1928 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in Respect of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes together with Notes exchanged
18 May 1927 Exchange of Notes regulating commercial relations between Newfoundland and Spain
19 May 1927 15 August 1927 Agreement and Protocol concerning Aerial Navigation in Hungary - application of Article 128 of Trianon Treaty
19 May 1927 Notes exchanged between His Britannic Majesty's Government and the Government of the United States of America regarding the Disposal of certain Pecuniary Claims arising out of the recent War
20 May 1927 Treaty between His Majesty and the King of the Hejaz and of Nejd and its Dependencies together with Notes exchanged
17 June 1927 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria relating to the Provisional Dissolution of the Anglo-Bulgarian Mixed Arbitrational Tribunal (includes Note from Secretary of State to Bulgarian Minister)
24 June 1927 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Latvian Republic relating to Tonnage Measurement Certificates
29 June 1927 Agreement between His Majesty in respect of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the German Reich relating to Air Navigation together with Notes Exchanged
4 July 1927 M.F.N Treatment for goods imported into India & Spain
12 July 1927 27 December 1932 International Convention and Statute establishing an International Relief Union
16 July 1927 Agreement concerning Anti-Diphtheritic Serum
17 July 1927 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Siam regarding the Navigation of the River Mekong
18 July 1927 1 August 1927 Exchange of Notes respecting Visa Abolition
8 August 1927 Agreement concerning Settlement of Relief Debts Contracted by Serb-Croat-Slovene Government towards 'Creditor Powers' (Great Britain, Australia, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland)
9 August 1927 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom for the Settlement of the Serb-Croat-Slovene War Debt to Great Britain
11 August 1927 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Austrian Government respecting the Settlement of Enemy Debts Referred to in Section III of Part X of the Treaty of Saint-Germain of September 10, 1919
12 August 1927 12 August 1927 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Tonga concerning Amending Article V of Treaty of Friendship of May 18, 1900
31 August 1927 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government confirming the Agreement of August 18, 1927, regarding the Administration of the New Hebrides (No card)
8 September 1927 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Spanish Government [Spain] respecting the Reciprocal Recognition of Proof Marks on Firearms
15 September 1927 12 January 1927 Protocol to Declaration Agreeing to International Financial commissions discharging duties under Greek Stabilisation and Refugee Loan
23 September 1927 Exchange of Notes concerning Commercial Relations with South Africa, New Zealand, Western Samoa concerning Treatment of Goods
26 September 1927 25 July 1929 International Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards
6 October 1927 Notes Exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Portugal for the settlement of the Boundary between Swaziland and the Province of Mozambique
6 October 1927 Notes Exchanged between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Government of Portugal for the settlement of the Boundary between the Union of South Africa and the Province of Mozambique
27 October 1927 Agreement and Notes concerning Aerial Navigation in Austria - application of Article 144 of St. Germain Treaty
8 November 1927 International Convention for the abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions with Protocol and annexed Declaration
16 November 1927 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the Latvian Republic regarding the Customs Treatment of Commercial Travellers Samples
21 November 1927 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Cuba establishing a Commercial Modus Vivendi
25 November 1927 1 January 1929 Convention regarding Radiotelegraphy [with General Regulations and Supplementary Regulation]
1 December 1927 27 January 1928 Exchange of Notes Extending the Extradition Treaty of 26 September 1898 to British Mandated Territories [with the Netherlands]
1 December 1927 28 January 1928 Extension of Extradition Treaty of 1880 to British Mandated Territories
1 December 1927 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Cuban Government regarding Parcel Post with Cuba with Detailed Regulations
2 December 1927 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Austrian Government respecting the reciprocal protection of Trade-Marks in Austria and Palestine
3 December 1927 1 January 1928 Exchange of Notes respecting Visa Abolition
3 December 1927 13 February 1928 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Spain concerning extension of Extradition Treaty of 4 June 1878 to British Mandated Territories
5 December 1927 23 January 1928 Extension of Extradition Treaty of December 3 1873 to British Mandated Territories [with Austria]
5 December 1927 10 February 1928 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Denmark concerning extension of Extradition Treaty of 31 March 1873 to British Mandated Territories
5 December 1927 19 April 1928 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Greece concerning extension to Extradition Treaty of 24 September 1910 to British Mandated Territories
7 December 1927 1 November 1928 Extension of Extradition Treaty signed at Belgrade December 6 (Nov 23) 1900 to Mandated Territories of Palestine (Excluding Transjordan), British Cameroons,British Togoland,Tanganyika Territory,New Guinea, Western Samoa, South West Africa & Nauru
8 December 1927 12 January 1928 Declaration Agreeing to International Financial Commission discharging duties under Greek Stabilisation and Refugee Loan
8 December 1927 13 December 1929 Extension of Extradition Treaty of 26 June 1873 and Supplementary Agreement of 18 February 1907 [Norway]
14 December 1927 Treaty of Alliance between the United Kingdom and Iraq
15 December 1927 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Mexico Postponing denunciation of Anglo-Mexican Commercial Treaty of 27 November 1888 from 31 December 1927 until 30 June 1928
19 December 1927 12 January 1928 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Nicaragua concerning extension of the Extradition Treaty of 19 April 1905 to British Mandated Territories
19 December 1927 16 October 1928 Extension of Extradition treaty signed at London, December 16,1892 to Mandated Territories of Palestine (Excluding Transjordan) British Cameroons, British Togoland, Tanganyika Territory, New Guinea, Western Samoa, South-West Africa & Naura
22 December 1927 Exchange of Notes confirming Parcel Post Agreement of May 11, 1926 and Telegraph Agreement of October 22, 1924 and November 26, 1925, between the Belgian Congo and North Rhodesia.
24 December 1927 19 January 1928 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Ecuador concerning extension to Extradition Treaty of 20 September 1880 to British Mandated Territories
26 December 1927 16 January 1928 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Peru concerning extension of Extradition Treaty of 26 January 1904 to British Mandated Territories
28 December 1927 25 April 1928 Exchange of Notes concerning the Extension of the Extradition Treaty of 3 December 1873, as amended by the declaration of 26 July 1901, to the Mandated Territories of Palestine (excluding Transjordan) Cameroons (British Sphere), Togoland (British Sphere), Tanganyika Territory, New Guinea, Western Samoa, South West Africa and Nauru
29 December 1927 13 January 1928 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Hayti concerning extension to Extradition Treaty of 7 December 1874 to British Mandated Territories
29 December 1927 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Chile concerning extension to Extradition Treaty of 26 January 1897 to British Mandated Territories
30 December 1927 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Panama concerning extension of Extradition Treaty of 25 August 1906 to British Mandated Territories
3 January 1928 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Paraguay concerning extension of Extradition Treaty of 12 September 1908 to British Mandated Territories
4 January 1928 Notes Exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of San Salvador for the establishment of a Commercial ' Modus Vivendi '
5 January 1928 27 February 1928 Exchange of Notes Extending the Extradition Treaty of 4 March 1911 to British Mandated Territories
8 January 1928 18 February 1928 Extension of Extradition Treaty signed at Lima, February 22, 1892 to Mandated Territories
17 January 1928 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the German Government for the Exemption of Shipping Profits for Double Taxation together with Notes Exchanged
27 January 1928 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Portuguese Government for the Mutual Recognition of Load-Line Certificates together with Notes Exchanged
6 February 1928 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Spanish Government [Spain] regarding the interpretation of the Anglo-Spanish Commercial Treaty of 31 October 1922 as revised by the Convention of 5 April 1927
11 February 1928 11 February 1928 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
13 February 1928 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the Republic of Haiti concerning the Direct Exchange of Parcels by Parcel Post
16 February 1928 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Paraguay prolonging operation of Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation of October 16, 1884 for further period of one year from February 25, 1928 with modifications agreed to in Exchange of Notes of February 16/22, 1927
20 February 1928 Agreement between His Majesty and the Amir of Trans-Jordan
22 February 1928 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Guatemala (with Exchanges of Notes)
25 February 1928 Notes Exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Haytian Government for the establishment of a Commercial 'Modus Vivendi'
8 March 1928 Reciprocal Agreements (A+B) respecting enemy business in liquidation
15 March 1928 Convention of Commerce between His Majesty in respect of the Dominion of Canada and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic
20 March 1928 15 March 1929 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the German Reich regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
26 March 1928 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands respecting the Delimitation of the Frontier between the States in Borneo under British Protection and Netherlands Territory in that Island [with a map]
27 April 1928 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Icelandic Government for the Exemption of Shipping Profits from Double Taxation
5 May 1928 Exchange of Notes between Hong Kong and Denmark concerning Mutual Recognition of Passenger Ship Certificates
10 May 1928 Treaty between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and India and His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Persia in regard to the Tariff Autonomy of Persia
15 May 1928 Agreement to regulate relations between Mozambique and Union of South Africa pending conclusion of Convention of 11 September 1928 of which it is to form basis
16 May 1928 Arrangement respecting the Admission of Student Employees into France and Great Britain with additional Exchanges of Notes respecting other employees and Confirming the Arrangement
31 May 1928 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Spain for a modification of the Anglo-Spanish Commercial Treaty of October 31, 1922 as revised by the Convention of April 5, 1927
2 June 1928 1 August 1931 International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
6 June 1928 Exchange of Notes recording a Provisional Commercial Agreement between Egypt and Palestine
7 June 1928 Exchange of Notes respecting the Exchange of Diplomatic Correspondence in closed Bags
12 June 1928 1 January 1928 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government for the Exchange of Money Orders between Britain and Northern Ireland and Syria, the Lebanon, etc.
14 June 1928 Protocol Disposal of unused balances of sums allocated to Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission under Article 2 of the Agreement of 13 January 1927 concerning Regulating amounts to be allocated out of Annuities of Experts' Plan for Armies of Occupation
28 June 1928 1 August 1928 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Governments in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa and the Government of Belgium regarding the Extension of the Extradition Convention of 08:08:1923, to certain British and Belgium Mandated Territories.
11 July 1928 1 October 1929 International Convention relating to the Exportation of Hides and Skins with Protocol
11 July 1928 1 October 1929 International Agreement relating to the Exportation of Bones with Protocol
11 July 1928 International Convention for the abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions with Protocol and annexed Declaration Geneva, November 8, 1927 Supplementary Agreement Geneva, July 11 1928 Protocol Paris, December 20, 1929
12 July 1928 Application to Canada as from 1 August 1928 of Anglo-Spanish Commercial Treaty of 31 October 1922 as modified by Convention of 5 April 1927 of Anglo Spanish Agreement relating to Treatment of Companies of 27 June 1924 of termination of Canadian-Spanish modus vivendi of 10 April 1925
16 July 1928 Convention between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Paraguayan Government respecting Commercial Travellers
25 July 1928 Final Protocol of the Conference for the Amendment of the Tangier Statute with Agreements and Special Provisions, together with Exchanges of Notes
26 July 1928 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the German Reich relating to the Surplus of German Property in China
1 August 1928 Protocol permitting signature by Romania of Turkish Reparation Convention of November 23, 1923
1 August 1928 Protocol permitting Roumania to sign under the Protocol, signed at Paris on 23.11.1923, permitting Roumania to sign the Convention relative to the Assessment and Reparation of Damage suffered in Turkey by the Nationals of the Contracting Powers, before 01.10.1928.
2 August 1928 Exchange of Notes between the United States of America and Canada concerning Exemption from Income Tax of Shipping Profits
9 August 1928 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and China on the Terms of settlement of Nanking incident of March 24, 1927
27 August 1928 24 July 1929 International Treaty for the Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy
1 September 1928 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and the and the President of the German Reich with Protocol
11 September 1928 Convention between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Republic regarding Native Labour from Mozambique, Railway Matters and Commercial Intercourse
25 September 1928 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty on respect of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the Republic of Panama with Protocols and Exchange of Notes
26 September 1928 16 August 1929 General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
26 September 1928 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Panama regarding the Treatment of Commercial Travellers and their Samples
27 September 1928 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Canada regarding Wireless Telegraphy. Private Experimental Stations
2 October 1928 1 January 1929 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America concerning Arrangement governing Radio Communications between Private Experimental Stations
8 October 1928 Exchange of Notes on the Reciprocal Agreement for free transmission of Diplomatic Bags through Postal Channels.
30 October 1928 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Germany, Denmark, France, Sweden and Czechoslovakia and the Government of Poland to submit the question of the Territorial Limits of the Jurisdiction of the International Commission of the Order to the Decision of the Permanent Court of International Justice
7 November 1928 Visa Abolition - Extension of agreement of 3/12/1927 to British Protected Firms and to all British Colonies except Malta and Gibraltar, Indian Native States, Aden Protectorate, New Guinea, Nauru, Palestine, Transjordan, and Tanganyika
9 November 1928 Settlement of Tribal claims
22 November 1928 17 January 1931 International Convention relating to International Exhibitions
24 November 1928 Exchange of Notes Commerce and Navigation, amendment of Tariff Schedules annexed to Treaty of July, 16, 1926
30 November 1928 1 January 1929 Exchange of Notes on the Reciprocal Agreement for free transmission of Diplomatic Bags through Postal Channels
30 November 1928 Exchange of Diplomatic Correspondence in closed Bags
7 December 1928 Agreement regarding the exchange of postal parcels between Bolivia and Great Britain and Northern Ireland (with Detailed Regulations).
10 December 1928 17 August 1930 Extension of Extradition Treaty, Signed at London, May 14 1872 to Mandated Territories of Palestine (Excluding Transjordan) British Cameroons, British Togoland, Tanganyika Territory, New Guinea, Western Samoa, South West Africa Naura
14 December 1928 International Convention relating to Economic Statistics with Protocol
20 December 1928 20 January 1929 Agreement between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State and the French Government regarding the Limits of the French Fisheries in Granville Bay
20 December 1928 1 February 1929 Treaty between His Majesty and the President of the Chinese Republic together with other Documents relating to Chinese Tariff, etc. Including Protocol regarding Entry into Force
21 December 1928 21 January 1929 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Belgian Government to dispense with the Legalisation of certain Official Documents
27 December 1928 Convention between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Costa Rica respecting Commercial Travellers
31 December 1928 Agreement between His Majesty's Government on the United Kingdom and the Peruvian Government relating to the Treatment of Commercial Travellers and their Samples
2 January 1929 Convention between Canada and the United States of America concerning Niagara Falls with Protocol
12 January 1929 27 January 1929 Convention between Palestine and Egypt concerning the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments
12 January 1929 Extension of Extradition Treaty signed at Bucharest, March 21,1893, to Mandated Territories
15 January 1929 Convention between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Commercial Travellers and Samples
25 January 1929 25 January 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of India and the Italian Government concerning the Reciprocal Recognition of Passenger Ships' Certificates and Emigrant Ship Regulations
11 February 1929 11 February 1929 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
18 February 1929 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Paraguay prolonging operation of Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation of October 16, 1884, for further period of one year from February 25, 1929
26 February 1929 Exchange of Notes concerning the Assignment of Radio Frequencies on the North American continent
28 February 1929 Exchange of Notes concerning Settlement of Claims Against Hungarian Government in respect of Prisoners of War
8 March 1929 Trade (Reciprocal Trade Agreement)
13 March 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government Modifying the Agreement of August 18, 1927, in regard to the New Hebrides
17 March 1929 17 March 1929 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Egypt concerning Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855 With Letter to Egyptian Government and Two Exchanges of Letters
22 March 1929 Notes Exchanged between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands for the Settlement of Claims of the Dutch Fishing Industry arising out of the War
27 March 1929 Convention between the United States of America and Canada concerning Sockeye Salmon Fisheries
2 April 1929 Convention between the Irish Free State and France regarding Money Orders
9 April 1929 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Italy concerning Commerce and Navigation Indefinite prolongation of Treaty of June 15, 1883 pending conclusion of new Treaty
20 April 1929 22 February 1931 International Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency (with Protocols)
2 May 1929 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Norway respecting Exemption from Income Tax in Shipping Profits
4 May 1929 Agreement between Palestine, Syria and Lebanon concerning Commerce (Customs Agreement)
6 May 1929 Provisional Convention between Iraq and Syria concerning Extradition
6 May 1929 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France Confirming reports signed between January 30 and February 20, 1925 determining Senegal and Gambia Boundary
6 May 1929 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of France respecting the Delimitation of certain portions of the Boundary between Senegal and Gambia [with four diagrams]
7 May 1929 7 May 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government in regard to the Use of the Waters of the River Nile for Irrigation Purposes
15 May 1929 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of France for the Exchange of Money Orders with France and Algeria With Detailed Regulations
21 May 1929 Extradition Treaty of 04 July 1885 & Protocol of 30 May 1914, application to Mandated Territories [with GUATEMALA]
21 May 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government in regard to the Laws of Landlord and Tenant
30 May 1929 Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Bolivia on an Arbitration Clause in respect of a Commercial Treaty.
31 May 1929 1 January 1933 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1929
1 June 1929 Convention between India and France concerning the Lease of the French Loge at Balasore (Between Indian Government & French Establishments in India)
14 June 1929 12 November 1929 International Agreement concerning the Preparation of a Transit Card for Emigrants
15 June 1929 17 May 1933 Protocol relating to Amendments to Articles 3, 5, 7, 15, 37, 41 and 42 and to the Final Clauses of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of October 13, 1919
18 June 1929 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Denmark respecting the Exemption from Income Tax on Shipping Profits
20 June 1929 Contract for British Naval Mission to China and for training of Chinese Offices
21 June 1929 9 March 1932 Convention concerning the marking of the weight on heavy packages transported by Vessels.[ILO No.27]
21 June 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Greek Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin
27 June 1929 9 May 1930 Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Spain regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
28 June 1929 Postal Union Agreement regarding Parcel Post
28 June 1929 Universal Postal Convention
28 June 1929 Postal Union Agreement regarding Insured Letters and Boxes
2 July 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government for the establishment of a Commercial 'Modus Vivendi'
17 July 1929 Exchange of Notes concerning Demilitarisation of the Rhineland Railways
27 July 1929 19 June 1931 International Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War
27 July 1929 19 June 1931 International Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field
31 July 1929 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Greek Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Shipping Profits from Income Tax, &c.
2 August 1929 Agreement between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and in the Irish Free State and the French Government for the Compensation of War Damage
10 August 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Japanese Government in regard to the Exemption from Income - Tax of Shipping Profits
20 August 1929 1 September 1929 Internatonal Agreement revising the Agreement of 1906 respecting the Unification of Pharmacopoeial Formulas for Potent Drugs
29 August 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the United States Government regarding Civil Aircraft
30 August 1929 International Agreement for the Evacuation of the Rhineland Territory
14 September 1929 1 February 1936 Protocol for the Revision of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice
14 September 1929 Protocol Accession of the United States of America to the Protocol of signature of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice
21 September 1929 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Japan regarding Exemption from Income Tax on Shipping Profits
23 September 1929 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the Netherlands respecting Exemption from income tax on shipping
30 September 1929 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Greece concerning Exemption from Income Tax as Shipping Profits
2 October 1929 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Greece respecting Consular Officers
3 October 1929 Protocol concerning Procedure for Settlement of Outstanding Questions between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Soviet Union, such Procedure to become Operative after the Resumption of Diplomatic Relations
9 October 1929 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and China concerning Additional Articles to Contract for British Naval Mission of 20 June 1929
10 October 1929 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America concerning Unified Quarantine Inspection
12 October 1929 13 February 1933 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air
25 October 1929 Exchange of Notes respecting the abolition of passport visas
29 October 1929 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty, in respect of the Irish Free State, and the President of the Portuguese Republic
31 October 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the Rendition of the British Concession at Chinkiang
4 November 1929 Agreement between Germany and Canada regarding Disposal for Outstanding Clearing Office Matters (Claims)
8 November 1929 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Argentina concerning Trade (Reciprocal Credit)
9 November 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding Claims for Losses sustained by British Subjects at Chinkiang in 1927
15 November 1929 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the Argentine Republic in regard to Compensation for Accidents to Workmen
19 November 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Swiss Government respecting Unemployment Insurance
21 November 1929 Exchange of Notes respecting Reciprocal exemption from Income Tax of Shipping Profits
28 November 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State and the Lithuanian Government in regard to Commercial Relations
2 December 1929 5 December 1930 Convention between His Majesty in Respect of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa and the President of Colombia supplementary to the Treaty of October 27, 1888 in regard to Extradition
5 December 1929 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Ecuador regarding the Treatment of Commercial Travellers and their Samples
11 December 1929 1 January 1930 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Argentina concerning the exchange of Diplomatic Bags
11 December 1929 17 May 1933 Protocol relating to Amendments to Articles 34 and 40 of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of October 13, 1919
14 December 1929 Agreement regarding Air Navigation - Development of Commercial Air Services in Africa, Iraq, India and America
20 December 1929 Notes Exchanged on the occasion of the Resumption of Diplomatic Relations with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
20 December 1929 Protocol to the International Convention for the abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions
21 December 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Turkish Government in regard to Commercial Relations
28 December 1929 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties With an Exchange of Notes on the subject
31 December 1929 Convention between Syria and Trans-Jordan regarding Settlement of Tribal Disputes
2 January 1930 Agreement for Amending the Method of Administering ' The German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921
2 January 1930 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America regarding the Boundary between the Philippine Archipelago and the State of North Borneo
4 January 1930 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and China concerning Naval Contract - Amplification of contract of June 20, 1929
9 January 1930 Convention between His Majesty and the King of Iraq and the President of the United States of America regarding the Rights of the United States and of its Nationals in Iraq with Protocol and Exchanges of Notes
14 January 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties
16 January 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Liberian Government regarding the Boundary between Sierra Leone and Liberia
17 January 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia and the German Government regarding the Release of Property, Rights and Interests of German Nationals With Exchange of Notes
17 January 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the German Government regarding the Release of Property, Rights and Interests of German Nationals With Exchange of Notes
18 January 1930 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria respecting the Anglo-Bulgarian Mixed Tribunal for the Maintenance of the Agreement of June 17, 1927 for Provisional Dissolution (not affected by Bulgarian Reparations Agreement of Jan 20, 1930)
20 January 1930 26 February 1930 International Convention respecting the Bank for International Settlements
20 January 1930 28 June 1930 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Austria resulting from the Treaty of St. Germain, &c.
20 January 1930 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Czechoslovakia resulting from the Peace Treaties of 1919, &c.
20 January 1930 Arrangement concerning Division of German Payments under New Plan (Reparations) (Creditor Powers re Germany)
20 January 1930 Arrangement as to the Financial Mobilisation of the German Annuities
20 January 1930 Arrangement concerning German Reparation and inter-Allied War Debts ('Current Memorandum')
20 January 1930 German reparations the 'New Plan' for final settlement of financial questions resulting from the War
20 January 1930 International Agreement between the Creditor Powers respecting State Properties ceded by Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria, the Liberation Debts and the Distribution of non-German Reparations
20 January 1930 Agreement concerning Hungarian Obligations under The Hague Treaty
20 January 1930 Agreement regarding Settlement of Polish Debt in Connection with Costs of Occupation of Upper Silesia and Allinstein Plebiacite Areas
20 January 1930 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Bulgaria resulting from the Treaty of Neuilly, &c.
30 January 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding the Boundary between the British and French Mandated Territories of Togoland (with Joint Note of September 23, 1930, to the Secretary General of the League of Nations)[with map]
8 February 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Guatemalan Government in regard to Commercial Relations
11 February 1930 11 February 1930 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
13 February 1930 Commercial Agreement between the High Commissioner for South Africa and the Governor-General of Mozambique regulating the Commercial Relations between Swaziland, Basutoland and the Bechuanaland Protectorate and the Portuguese Colony of Mozambique
15 February 1930 Protocol Memel Territory - Settlement of Expenditure connected with Occupation
17 February 1930 1 April 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Brazilian, Netherlands, Norwegian and United States Governments and the Chinese Government relating to the Chinese Courts in the International Settlement at Shanghai, with relative Exchange of Notes and Declaration
21 February 1930 Exchange of Notes (with Brazil) regarding Transmission for Correspondence for Consular Officers by Special Bags
1 March 1930 3 September 1930 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Turkey
4 March 1930 Agreement for Submission to Arbitration of Claim by Madame Julien Cherveau in respect of Husband
7 March 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government respecting the recognition of Certificates of Airworthiness
14 March 1930 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia concerning Reciprocal Abolition of Visas on Passports
15 March 1930 28 June 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and in New Zealand and the Government of India and the Austrian Government in regard to the Liquidation of Austrian Properties With an Exchange of Notes on the subject
17 March 1930 Agreement with the Post Office of Roumania for the regulation of the Money Order Service
18 March 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government for the demarcation of the Boundary between British Guiana and Brazil
20 March 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in India and the German Government respecting the Release of unliquidated German Property
24 March 1930 General Convention signed at the Preliminary Conference with a view to concerted economic action ('Tariff Truce')
24 March 1930 Protocol concerning Commercial Convention Programme of Future Negotiations
7 April 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Netherlands Government respecting Air Mail Services to the East Indies and Australia
8 April 1930 Exchange of Notes regarding Reciprocal Customs Facilities for Diplomatic and Consular Representatives
12 April 1930 25 May 1937 International Protocol relating to Military Obligations in certain cases of Double Nationality
12 April 1930 1 July 1937 International Protocol relating to a certain Case of Statelessness
12 April 1930 1 July 1937 International Convention on certain questions relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws
12 April 1930 15 March 2004 Special Protocol concerning Statelessness
16 April 1930 Temporary Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [With Protocols and Declarations]
17 April 1930 12 December 1931 Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa and the President of the Cuban Republic for the Extension of the Extradition Treaty of October 3, 1904, to certain Protectorates and Mandated Territories.
17 April 1930 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Germany regarding Reciprocal Exemption of Shipping From Double Taxation
18 April 1930 1 October 1930 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the National Government of the Republic of China for the Rendition of Weihaiwei and Agreement regarding certain Facilities for His Majesty's Navy after Rendition [With Map and Two Plans]
22 April 1930 31 December 1930 International Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament
23 April 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the German Government respecting the registration of Patents, Models and Designs
28 April 1930 Agreement No. II concerning the settlement of questions relating to the agrarian reforms and Mixed Arbitral Tribunals
28 April 1930 Agreement No. I concerning the arrangements between Hungary and the Creditor Powers
28 April 1930 Agreement No. IV - Agreement between France, Great Britain, Italy, Roumania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia concerning the constitution of a special fund entitled 'Fund B'
28 April 1930 Agreement No. III concerning the Organisation and Working of an Agrarian Fund entitled 'Fund A'. With Annexes A, B, C and D
6 May 1930 6 May 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Afghanistan regarding Treaty Relations with Afghanistan
8 May 1930 8 May 1930 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Canada for the Exemption of Shipping Profits from Double Taxation
9 May 1930 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the Dominion of Canada, and the President of the United States of America for the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea
9 May 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government for a Mutual Amnesty on the Termination of the Occupation of German Territory
10 May 1930 Exchange of Notes between Hs Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Italian Government concerning the Reciprocal Recognition of Passenger Ships' Certificates and Emigrant Ship Regulations
12 May 1930 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty, in respect of the Irish Free State, and the President of the German Reich With Protocol
15 May 1930 15 May 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Greek Government in regard to Commercial Relations
22 May 1930 22 May 1930 Temporary Fisheries Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic
26 May 1930 28 July 1937 Convention between His Majesty in Respect of the Dominion of Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding the Sockeye Salmon Fisheries in the Fraser River System
5 June 1930 7 June 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government establishing a Commercial 'Modus Vivendi'
5 June 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the United States Government regarding the Interpretation of Article 19 of the London Naval Treaty of 22 April 1930
7 June 1930 1 January 1934 International Convention on the Stamp Laws in Connexion with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes (With Protocols)
10 June 1930 International Agreement in regard to the German 5.5 per Cent. Loan, 1930
26 June 1930 Exchange of Notes regarding Naval Visits.
28 June 1930 1 May 1932 Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour (ILO Convention No.29)
30 June 1930 3 October 1932 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of 'Iraq, with Exchange of Notes
1 July 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and New Zealand and the Government of India and the Government of Hungary in regard to the Liquidation of Hungarian Property with Exchange of Notes
5 July 1930 1 January 1933 International Convention respecting Load Lines with Final Protocol and Maps
5 July 1930 Agreement between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the German Reich amending the Agreement of June 29, 1927 relating to Air Navigation
17 July 1930 Extension of Extradition treaty of 23 June 1881 to Palestine (Including Trans-Jordan), Cameroons (British Mandate) Togoland (British Mandate) Tanganyika Territory, New Guinea, Nauru, Western Samoa, and South West Africa (With Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa)
24 July 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Latvian Government respecting the Estates of Deceased Seaman
25 July 1930 28 July 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government establishing a Commercial 'Modus Vivendi'
1 August 1930 Convention concerning Anti-Diphtheritic Serum
1 August 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government in for the Arbitration of Major Campbell's Claim for Damages suffered in Mozambique
6 August 1930 12 May 1931 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and His Majesty the King of Roumania with Protocol, Protocol of signature and Exchange of Notes
8 August 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Norwegian Government respecting Sovereignty over the Otto Sverdrup Islands
18 August 1930 15 October 1930 Exchange of Notes on the Reciprocal Agreements for the Transmission of Diplomatic Bags by Post
19 August 1930 Exchanges of Notes regarding (a) Administration of Iraq Railways (b) Tax Exemption (c) Claim of Ottowan Regie des Tabacs
19 August 1930 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and 'Iraq Embodying a Separate Financial Agreement
21 August 1930 Treaty between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, His Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia, the President of the French Republic, and His Majesty the King of Italy regulating the Importation into Ethiopia of Arms, Ammunition and Implements of War with Declaration and Protocol of Signature
28 August 1930 16 February 1931 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and His Majesty the King of Sweden regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
2 September 1930 Agreement concerning Claims of Certain British and Italian Protected Persons and Colonial Subjects arising out of Raids and Incidents on the Anglo-Italian Frontier in Somaliland
3 September 1930 Exchange of Notes between the Government of India and the Turkish Government regarding Commercial relations between India and Turkey
4 September 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government for the amendment of the Protocol of August 6, 1914, in regard to the New Hebrides
17 September 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the Rendition of the British Concession at Amoy
19 September 1930 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the disposal of the British Share of the China Indemnity of 1901
1 October 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Roumanian Government in regard to Commercial Relations
2 October 1930 Convention concerning War - Financial Assistance with Reservations
16 October 1930 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Japan concerning Temporary Admission of Japanese Students Tourists and Merchants to the Union of South Africa
21 October 1930 Agreement between the Irish Free State and Norway concerning Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation of Business Shipping Profits
23 October 1930 21 January 1931 International Agreement concerning Manned Lightships not on their Stations
23 October 1930 22 November 1931 Agreement concerning Maritime Signals
3 November 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Swiss Government respecting Unemployment Insurance
18 November 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government respecting the Recognition of Norwegian Sovereignty over Jan Mayen Island
27 November 1930 5 July 1931 Convention between His Majesty in Respect of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa and the Prince of Monaco for the extension to certain Protectorates and Mandated Territories of the Treaty of December 17, 1891 in regard to Extradition
5 December 1930 Declaration concerning the Danube River (European Commission)
5 December 1930 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the United Mexican States supplementary to the Convention of November 19, 1926 respecting British Pecuniary Claims in Mexico owing to Revolutionary Acts
16 December 1930 Convention concerning Maintenance of certain Lights in the Red Sea
17 December 1930 7 July 1932 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and His Majesty the King of Italy regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
9 January 1931 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the French Government respecting the Boundary between British and French Cameroons [with map]
12 January 1931 Exchange of Notes regarding Admission of Netherlands Student Employees
30 January 1931 7 September 1931 Convention between His Majesty, in Respect of the United Kingdom, and His Majesty the King of Norway regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
11 February 1931 11 February 1931 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
14 February 1931 22 February 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1932).
14 February 1931 22 February 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1932).
4 March 1931 Judicial Agreement between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and the King of Iraq
16 March 1931 Notes concerning Consular Visas on Bills of Health
18 March 1931 Protocol regarding Commercial Convention of March 24, 1930
19 March 1931 29 November 1933 International Convention on Stamp Laws in connexion with Cheques (With Protocol)
26 March 1931 Treaty of Friendship between Iraq and the Trans-jordan
28 March 1931 26 June 1931 Agreement between Customs Authorities to facilitate Procedure in case of undischarged or lost Triptychs
30 March 1931 9 May 1933 International Convention regarding the Taxation of Foreign Motor Vehicles (With Protocol-Annex)
31 March 1931 12 February 1932 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
7 April 1931 Treaty and Protocol between Iraq and Hejaz regarding Friendship and Arbitration
8 April 1931 Treaty with Exchange of Notes between Hejaz and Iraq regarding Extradition
13 April 1931 Exchange of Notes Between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa and the Government of India, and the Italian Government respecting Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
17 April 1931 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and the President of the Hellenic Republic respecting Air Transport Services
29 April 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government respecting the Boundaries between the Mandated Territory of South-West Africa and Angola
8 May 1931 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of India and the President of the Polish Republic concerning the Commercial Relations between India and Poland
8 May 1931 Contract for British Naval Mission to Greece
11 May 1931 Treaty of Friendship [with Yemen]
12 May 1931 Exchange of Notes Extending the Period for Examination of Claims of the Convention of 5 December 1930 concerning Pecuniary Claims in Mexico owing to Revolutionary Acts
16 May 1931 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom and of India, and the King of Italy respecting Air Transport Services
21 May 1931 Convention regarding Creation of an International Agricultural Mortgage Credit Company
6 June 1931 Convention between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Guatemala respecting Commercial Travellers and their Samples
6 June 1931 Agreement between Australia and Canada regarding Trade
23 June 1931 Treaty between France and the Irish Free State regarding Commerce and Navigation
6 July 1931 6 July 1931 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Swedish Government for Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax on Profits of Gains Arising Through an Agency
9 July 1931 13 May 1932 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and the President of the Portuguese Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
13 July 1931 9 July 1933 International Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs with Protocol of Signature
14 July 1931 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Austrian Government relating to the Provisional Dissolution of the Anglo-Austrian Tribunal
26 July 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties
31 July 1931 Exchange of Notes and Protocol between the United Kingdom and Albania respecting Commerce and Navigation
8 August 1931 15 September 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Salvador in regard to Commercial Relations
11 August 1931 Protocol between the United Kingdom and Greece concerning War Debt due to Great Britain With Supplementary Protocol of 28 June 1932 done at Athens amending the rate of Interest
11 August 1931 Protocol between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning War Debt due to Great Britain With Supplementary Protocol of 29 June 1932 done at Lausanne amending the rate of Interest
11 August 1931 Protocols between the United Kingdom and France regarding the War Debt and Hague Annuities due by France to Great Britain
11 August 1931 Protocol between the United Kingdom and Roumania concerning War Debt due to Great Britain With Supplementary Protocol of 28 June 1932 done at Lausanne amending rate of Interest
11 August 1931 Protocol between the United Kingdom and Italy concerning War Debt and Hague Annuities due by Italy to Great Britain With Supplementary Protocol of 30 June 1932 done at Lausanne amending the rate of Interest
11 August 1931 Protocol between the United Kingdom and Belgium concerning Hague Annuities due by Belgium to Great Britain With Supplementary Protocol of 5 July 1932 done at Lausanne amending rate of Interest
11 August 1931 Protocol regarding Suspension of Inter-Governmental Debts and Separations : Protocol concerning Czechoslovakia
11 August 1931 Protocol suspension of Inter-Governmental Debts and Separations: Protocol concerning Germany
16 August 1931 Agreement between Portugal and the Union of South Africa and Northern Rhodesia regarding the Boundary between Capriri Zipfel, Angola and Northern Rhodesia
21 August 1931 28 December 1931 International Convention for the Establishment of Fund B under the Agreements of Paris of April 28, 1930 respecting Financial Obligations of Hungary
21 August 1931 28 December 1931 International Convention for the Establishment of Fund A under the Agreements of Paris of April 28, 1930 respecting Financial Obligations of Hungary
25 August 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Guatemala respecting the Boundary between British Honduras and Guatemala
26 August 1931 31 May 1932 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and the President of the Polish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
27 August 1931 Agreement and Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United kingdom and the Government of Siam regulating the Boundary between Burma (Kengtung) and Siam
11 September 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations
12 September 1931 30 September 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Government of Salvador regarding Commercial Relations between the Irish Free State and Salvador
21 September 1931 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and the United States of America concerning Load Line Certificates
24 September 1931 16 January 1935 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling [1931]
8 October 1931 8 October 1931 Agreement between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Swedish Government for the Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation of the Business of Shipping.
12 October 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Government of the United States of America respecting Certificates of Airworthiness for Air for Aircraft
15 October 1931 Provisional Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Chile
16 October 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Government of Brazil regarding Commercial Relations
17 October 1931 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Swiss Council for Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency [With Exchange of Notes]
31 October 1931 Frontier between Trans-Jordan and Syria & Jebel Druze.
31 October 1931 Protocol and Exchange of Notes regarding the Frontier between Transjordan and Syria and Jebel Druze
27 November 1931 22 April 1937 Agreement for the Control of Opium Smoking in the Far East supplementary to the Geneva Agreement of February 11, 1925
28 November 1931 12 April 1933 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the Turkish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
4 December 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Government of Brazil regarding Commercial Relations between Canada and Brazil
10 December 1931 10 December 1931 British Commonwealth Merchant Shipping Agreement
10 December 1931 Treaty between New Zealand and Belgium regarding Commerce and Navigation with Exchange of Notes
14 December 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Lithuanian Government respecting Commercial Relations between Tanganyika Territory and Lithuania
15 December 1931 Exchange of Notes between the Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government amending the Regulations Approved by the Exchange of Notes of August 29, 1907, in regard to the New Hebrides
22 December 1931 24 June 1935 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and the President of the United States of America
22 December 1931 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom, and the Chief of State of the Republic of Estonia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
22 December 1931 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Estonia respecting the Estates of Deceased Seamen
9 January 1932 Convention between Iraq and Turkey regarding Residence
9 January 1932 Treaty between Iraq and Turkey regarding Extradition
10 January 1932 Treaty between Iraq and Turkey regarding Commerce
11 January 1932 12 March 1934 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and the President of the Polish Republic (With Polish Full Powers)
14 January 1932 Exchange of Notes between India and Brazil respecting Commerce
20 January 1932 10 July 1933 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India and the President of the Portuguese Republic Supplementary to the Extradition Treaty of October 17, 1892 With Exchange of Notes
21 January 1932 Exchange of Notes respecting Commercial Relations between Brazil and Newfoundland
21 January 1932 Protocol regarding the Suspension of Certain Payments due by Bulgaria under International Agreement of January 20, 1930
21 January 1932 Protocol regarding the Suspension of Certain Payments due by Hungary under International Agreement (Reparation) of April 28, 1930 (Agreement No.1)
22 January 1932 Exchange of Notes regarding a Reciprocal Agreement for Free Transmission of Diplomatic Bags by Post
23 January 1932 26 January 1932 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial ' Modus Vivendi ' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1933)
23 January 1932 26 January 1932 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1933).
28 January 1932 5 April 1932 Exchange of Notes Extending the Extradition Treaty of 26 September 1898 to Transjordan
2 February 1932 30 June 1932 Extension of Extradition Treaty of 03 December 1873 and Declaration of 26 June 1901 to Trans-Jordan.
2 February 1932 20 September 1932 Exchange of Notes Extending the Extradition Treaty of 26 June 1873 and the Agreement of 18 February 1907 to Transjordan.
3 February 1932 22 April 1932 Extension of Extradition treaty of 24 September, 1910 to Trans-Jordan
11 February 1932 11 February 1932 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
11 February 1932 Exchange of Notes between India and Denmark concerning Reciprocal Recognition of Passenger Ships' Certificates
12 February 1932 24 February 1932 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Hayti Extending the Extradition Treaty of December 7, 1874 to Trans-Jordan
12 February 1932 3 March 1932 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Roumania Extending the Extradition Treaty of 9 and 21 March 1893 to Trans-Jordan
17 February 1932 Agreement between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom and of India, and His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Persia in regard to the Withdrawal of the Indo-European Telegraph Department from Persia
19 February 1932 3 March 1932 Extension of Extradition Treaty of February 22, 1892 to Trans-Jordan
23 February 1932 18 March 1932 Extension to Transjordan of Extradition Treaty of January 26 1897
24 February 1932 2 March 1932 Extension of Extradition Treaty of 26 January 1904 to Trans-Jordan
8 March 1932 1 April 1932 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Belgium Extending the Extradition Treaty of 29 October 1901 and Supplementary Convention of 5 March 1907, and 3 March 1911 under Convention of 8 August 1923 to Trans-Jordan
14 March 1932 7 April 1932 Exchange of Notes Extending the Extradition Treaty of 4 March 1911 to Transjordan.
15 March 1932 Exchange of Notes regarding Interchange of Hotel Student Employees
15 March 1932 Exchange of Notes between New Zealand and Brazil respecting Commerce
17 March 1932 Exchange of Notes regarding Payment of Compensation by the Egyptian Government to the Sudan Government in respect of damages arising out of construction of the Gebel Aulia Dam
29 March 1932 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Italy regarding the Reciprocal Exemption form Income Tax of Shipping Profits
7 April 1932 Exchange of Notes between the Union of South Africa and Brazil respecting Commerce
7 April 1932 Treaty regarding Commerce and Navigation
2 May 1932 5 May 1933 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Iraq
3 May 1932 Convention between India and France respecting the French Loge at Balasore
26 May 1932 Exchange of Notes between the Government in the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government [Spain] in regard to the Reciprocal Recognition of Load-Line Certificates
30 May 1932 Declaration made by Iraq on the Termination of the Mandatory regime in Iraq [Between Iraq and all members of the League of Nations]
31 May 1932 29 July 1933 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
4 June 1932 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United States of America respecting Payments due from the United Kingdom to the United States
7 July 1932 Bulgaria Reparations
7 July 1932 Hungary Reparations
13 July 1932 Declaration made by the Republic of France regarding Future European Co-operation, including (4) no discrimination in commercial matters
15 July 1932 31 December 1932 Agreement for Guaranteeing a further Loan to Austria
16 July 1932 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria respecting Air Navigation
18 July 1932 Treaty between Canada and the United States of America regarding Construction of Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Deep Waterway
21 July 1932 Exchange of Notes between the Government of India and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations
22 July 1932 Agreement with Letter between the United Kingdom and the Sheikh of Shargah regarding the Establishment of an Air Station at Shargah
26 July 1932 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties
26 July 1932 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Dissolution of the Anglo-German Mixed Arbitral Tribunal With Exchange of Notes
29 July 1932 Convention regarding the Act of Navigation of the Oder
31 July 1932 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Iraq concerning the Boundary between Iraq and Transjordan
1 August 1932 Exchange of Notes regarding Reciprocal Agreement for Free Transmission of Diplomatic Bags by Post
5 August 1932 Reciprocal agreement for free transmission of Diplomatic Bags by post
8 August 1932 Agreement regarding Termination of the Contract for a British Naval Mission to Greece
12 August 1932 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Yugoslavia Extending the Extradition Treaty of December 6, 1900 to Transjordan
9 September 1932 Exchange of Notes regarding Naval Visits - Division into Formal and Informal Categories
10 September 1932 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Albania concerning Commercial Relations
14 September 1932 14 September 1932 Exchange of Notes Extending until September 15, 1933 the Provisional Commercial Agreement of August 8, 1931
15 September 1932 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America regarding Military Aircraft Flights
19 September 1932 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and China regard to the British Naval Mission amendment of Article 11 of the contract of June 20, 1929
22 September 1932 18 October 1932 Extension to Trans-Jordan of Extradition Treaty of 23 June 1891
26 September 1932 Exchange of Notes regarding the Exchange of Diplomatic Bags without Payment of Postal Charges
30 September 1932 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland for the Submission to Arbitration of a question connected with a claim on respect of certain Finnish vessels used during the War
1 October 1932 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government in regard to the Exemption from Income Tax of Shipping Profits
2 October 1932 Agreement between Syria and Iraq regarding Points to be covered in forthcoming agreement respecting Frontier and Bon Voisinage
10 October 1932 10 October 1932 Protocol between the Governments of the United Kingdom, France and Iraq for the Transfer from the United Kingdom to Iraq of Certain Rights and Obligations under the San Remo Oil Agreement of April 24, 1920, and the Convention between the United Kingdom and France of December 23, 1920, relating to Mandates in the Middle East
13 October 1932 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the German Government amending the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of September 1, 1928
19 October 1932 Exchange of Notes between Canada and France concerning Reciprocal Exemption from Income of Shipping Profits
25 October 1932 Exchange of Notes regarding Appointment of ' Chinese Invoice Officer ' to Certify Invoices in Hong Kong
26 October 1932 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and El Salvador prolonging the Commercial agreement of 12 and 30 September 1931 for one year
27 October 1932 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Brazil concerning the Delimitation of the Riverain Areas
31 October 1932 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America concerning Naval Visits - Division into formal and informal categories
4 November 1932 18 July 1934 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of the Belgians Supplementary to the Convention of June 21, 1922 to Facilitate the Conduct of Legal Proceedings
20 November 1932 Agreement between the Belgian Congo and Sudan regarding the Exchange of Information regarding public health
26 November 1932 Exchange of Notes between the His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and Italian Government regarding the control of Traffic in Game Trophies across the Frontier between Kenya and Italian Somaliland
29 November 1932 12 June 1933 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom, and His Majesty the King of Denmark regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
9 December 1932 1 January 1934 Convention concerning International Telecommunications
14 December 1932 Agreement between the Air Ministry of the United Kingdom and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Commerce and Communications regarding Air Communications
20 December 1932 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the German Government regarding Commercial Relations between Canada and Germany
28 December 1932 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Colombia regarding a Reciprocal Agreement for the Free Transmission of Diplomatic Bags by Post
28 December 1932 Agreement between India and France regarding the Sale of Opium on Chandernagore
8 February 1933 1 April 1930 Exchanges of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Brazil, France, Netherlands, Norway and the United States and the Chinese Government renewing the Agreement and Exchange of Notes of February 17, 1930 relating to the Chinese Courts in the International Settlement at Shanghai
11 February 1933 11 February 1933 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
16 February 1933 19 February 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1934).
16 February 1933 19 February 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1934).
17 March 1933 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the Union of South Africa and the United States of America regarding Air Navigation
17 March 1933 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the Union of South Africa and the United States of America regarding the Issue of Licences to Pilot Civil Aircraft
21 March 1933 Exchange of Notes between Transjordan and Hejaz and Nejd concerning Mutual recognition of Sovereignty
29 March 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the German Government regarding Commercial Relations between Canada and Germany
7 April 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Belgium Government relating to the Boundary between Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo
12 April 1933 1 August 1935 International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation
13 April 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich regarding Commercial Relations
13 April 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Greece in regards to Passports for Seamen
24 April 1933 20 June 1933 Agreement and Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark relating to Trade and Commerce (With Exchange of Notes of May 17, 1933)
1 May 1933 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce with Protocol
12 May 1933 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Government of France relating to Trade
12 May 1933 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the Dominion of Canada and the President of the French Republic regarding Commerce and Navigation
15 May 1933 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom an the Government of Sweden relating to Trade and Commerce with Protocol and Exchanges of Notes
15 May 1933 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government relating to Trade and Commerce with Protocol and Exchanges of Notes
19 May 1933 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Iceland relating to Trade and Commerce (with Protocol)
29 May 1933 12 January 1937 Convention for the Unification of Rules relating to the precautionary seizure of Aircraft
29 May 1933 13 February 1942 Convention for the Unification of Rules relating to damage of aircraft caused by third parties on surface
7 June 1933 Agreement of Understanding and Co-Operation (four Power Pact)
19 June 1933 15 January 1934 Convention Wireless Telegraphy (European Broadcasting frequencies)
29 June 1933 18 July 1937 Convention concerning compulsory Old-age Insurance for persons employed in agricultural Undertakings [ILO No.36]
29 June 1933 18 July 1937 Convention concerning Compulsory Old Age Insurance for persons employed in industrial or commercial undertakings in liberal professions and for outworkers and domestic servants [ILO No.35]
29 June 1933 18 July 1937 Convention concerning Compulsory Invalidity insurance for persons employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Out-workers and Domestic servants [ILO No.37]
29 June 1933 18 July 1937 Convention concerning Compulsory Invalidity Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Under-takings [ILO No.38]
29 June 1933 8 November 1946 Convention concerning Compulsory Widows' and Orphans' Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions and for Outworkers and Domestic Servants [ILO No.39]
6 July 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Austrian Government regarding Commercial Relations between Canada and Austria
6 July 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and The Latvian Government relating to Commercial Relations
7 July 1933 7 July 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Regulation of Supplies of Fish to the United Kingdom Market
15 July 1933 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Esthonia regarding Commercial Relations
18 July 1933 Agreement regarding Loan of Non-Commissioned Officers to Egyptian Army Airforce
22 July 1933 24 April 1934 Silver Agreement between the Governments of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, India, China, Mexico, Peru, Spain and the United States with Supplementary undertakings signed July 24 and 26, 1933
27 July 1933 Treaty of Friendship and Neighbourship between Transjordan and Saudi Arabia, with Protocol on Arbitration
27 July 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Austrian Government respecting the Reciprocal Recognition of Proof Marks on Firearms
29 July 1933 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Government of India, and the French regarding Deportations from Certain British and French Territories
2 August 1933 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Costa Rican Government in regard to Commercial Relations
11 August 1933 23 February 1934 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of Finland regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
23 August 1933 Exchange of Notes Extending Until September 15, 1934 the Provisional Commercial Agreement of August 8, 1931
25 August 1933 25 August 1933 Final Act of the Wheat Conference with Appendices and Minutes of Final Meeting
25 September 1933 10 October 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin [ROMANIA]
26 September 1933 Supplementary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce (With Protocol)
29 September 1933 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland with Protocol
30 September 1933 22 November 1942 Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in Respect of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa and the President of Paraguay to the Treaty of September 12, 1908 regarding extradition
2 October 1933 Exchange of Notes regarding British Guiana Brazil Boundary
11 October 1933 24 August 1934 Convention for the Suppression of Traffic in Women of Full Age
11 October 1933 15 January 1935 Convention for facilitating the international circulation of Films of an Educational Character
13 October 1933 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of Finland regarding the Suppression of Illicit Importation of Alcoholic Liquors into Finland (With Declaration)
14 October 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding Flag Discrimination in Portuguese Ports
20 October 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Norwegian Government in regard to Commercial Relations
23 October 1933 Exchange of Notes between Irish Free State concerning Prolongation of Modus Vivendi of 12 and 30 September 1931 for one year from 1 March 1933
26 October 1933 Agreement between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to Commercial Travellers
28 October 1933 13 June 1935 Convention relating to the International Status of Refugees
8 November 1933 14 January 1936 International Convention for the Protection of Fauna and Flora [with Protocol]
22 November 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the Boundary between Kenya and Italian Somaliland with the Agreement of the Boundary Commission, Appendices and Map
5 December 1933 Trade Arrangement between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Economic Union of Belgium and Luxembourg
9 December 1933 Convention between His Majesty in respect of Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding Load Lines
14 December 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations
21 December 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the German Government Extending the Exchange of Notes of 20/27 December 1932 regarding Commerce
18 January 1934 16 May 1936 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters with Protocol
3 February 1934 3 February 1934 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Government of Afghanistan in regard to the Boundary between India and Afghanistan in the neighbourhood of Arnawai and Dokalim [With a Map]
11 February 1934 11 February 1934 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
11 February 1934 Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Co-operation between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and of India and the King of Yemen (with Exchange of Notes)
13 February 1934 15 February 1934 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1935).
16 February 1934 21 March 1934 Temporary Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
17 February 1934 19 February 1934 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1935).
17 February 1934 Declaration concerning Independence and Integrity of Austria
11 March 1934 Extradition Agreement between Palestine and Transjordan
20 March 1934 Universal Postal Convention
20 March 1934 Universal Postal Union Agreement concerning Parcel Post
20 March 1934 Universal Postal Union Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes
13 April 1934 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government for the submission of the Claim of Mr. Oscar Chinn for the decision of the Permanent Court of International Justice
16 April 1934 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and India and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships
19 April 1934 Convention regarding Parcel Post with Notes regarding Interpretation
23 April 1934 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America regarding Wireless Telegraph - Communication between Private Experimental Stations and between Amateur Stations
24 April 1934 7 May 1936 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of Lithuania regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
25 April 1934 Agreement between the Irish Free State and Denmark for the Reciprocal Exemptions of Shipping Profits from Taxation
2 May 1934 26 October 1936 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Belgians providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (with Protocol)
7 May 1934 Agreement between the Governments of France, the United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands and Siam to Regulate Production and Export of Rubber
8 May 1934 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Republic respecting Commercial Relations
23 May 1934 Agreement (with Kulwait) regarding Civil Aircraft
23 May 1934 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Greece concerning Trade between Greece and Sudan
24 May 1934 8 January 1937 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules concerning the Immunity of State-owned Ships Brussels, 10 April 1926 with Supplementary Protocol
24 May 1934 Exchange of Notes Extending the Extradition Treaty of 21 March 1893 to the Federated and Unfederated Malay States and Brunei
25 May 1934 16 July 1934 Exchange of Notes concerning the Extension of the Extradition Treaty of 03 December 1873, as amended by the declaration of 26 July 1901, to the Federated and Unfederated Malay States.
2 June 1934 22 June 1935 Agreement between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Highness the Amir of Trans-jordan Supplementary to the Agreement signed on 20th February, 1928
2 June 1934 1 August 1938 International Agreement regarding False Indications of Origin on Goods
2 June 1934 1 August 1938 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (London)
4 June 1934 8 November 1934 Supplementary Convention between Her Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa and the Acting President of Ecuador to the Treaty of September 20, 1880 regarding Extradition
6 June 1934 Agreement with Perak regarding Retrocession of the Windings territory to Perak
6 June 1934 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Bahrain regarding Civil Aviation
8 June 1934 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning Recruitment of Native Labourers in District of Tete (Mozambique and Southern Rhodesia)
12 June 1934 12 June 1934 International Convention relating to the Salvage of Torpedoes
19 June 1934 19 June 1934 International Agreement relating to the Statistics of Causes of Death with Protocol of signature
19 June 1934 22 November 1936 Convention concerning Employment of Women during the Night (revised)
21 June 1934 17 June 1936 Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation for Occupational Diseases [ILO No.42]
21 June 1934 13 January 1938 Convention concerning the Regulation of Hours of work in Automatic Sheet Glass Works [ILO No.43]
21 June 1934 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Spanish Government [Spain] in regard to Commercial Relations
23 June 1934 10 June 1938 Convention concerning Benefit and Allowances to Involuntarily Unemployed
27 June 1934 Agreement regarding Trade and Commerce with Protocol
4 July 1934 Agreement with Exchange of Notes regarding Commerce
6 July 1934 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Lithuanian Government relating to Trade and Commerce with Protocol
9 July 1934 Agreement between Palestine and Transjordan for the Transit of Goods
10 July 1934 Exchange of Notes Prolonging the Modus Vivendi between the United Kingdom and Salvador of August 8, 1931, til September 16, 1935
11 July 1934 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Estonia Supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of January 18, 1926
12 July 1934 Convention between His Majesty in respect of India and the Emperor of Japan regarding Commercial Relations between India and Japan With Protocol
17 July 1934 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Latvia with Protocol and Notes
19 July 1934 Extension of the Extradition Treaty of December 6, 1900 to Malay Federated and Unfederated States (Yugoslavia)
20 July 1934 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government and the Italian Government respecting the Boundary between the Sudan and Libya
20 July 1934 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands regarding Commercial Relations
25 July 1934 25 March 1935 International Convention for Mutual Protection against Dengue Fever
27 July 1934 27 July 1934 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Romanian Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin
10 August 1934 Anglo-German Exchange Agreement relating to Commercial Payments together with Notes Exchanged
11 September 1934 17 October 1934 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States for the reciprocal validation of Certificates of Airworthiness
13 September 1934 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and El Salvador concerning Prolongation of Modus Vivendi of September 12 and 30, 1931 for one year from November 1, 1934
13 September 1934 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich for the reciprocal validation of Certificates of Airworthiness
14 September 1934 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the German Government in regard to the Release of German Property.
17 September 1934 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government for the reciprocal validation of Certificates of Airworthiness
27 September 1934 Declaration of Independence and Integrity of Austria reaffirmations of declaration of February 17, 1934
29 September 1934 Exchange of Notes between Canada and France Supplementary to the Agreement of May 12, 1933 regarding Trade
19 October 1934 Agreement between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Polish Government regarding the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships
25 October 1934 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Muscat regarding Civil Aircraft
27 October 1934 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the National Government of the Republic of China relating to Land Tenure and Taxation in the Former British Concessions at Hankiw and Kiudiang.
29 October 1934 30 July 1935 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of Austria Supplementary to the Convention of December 3, 1873, regarding Extradition
1 November 1934 Anglo-German Payments Agreement together with an Exchange of Letters between the Representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the German Reich (with further Exchange of Letters of November 12, 1934)
5 November 1934 5 November 1934 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government regarding Claims in respect of Damage to Fishing Gear
17 November 1934 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government revising the Convention of September 11, 1928, relating to Native Labour from Mozambique, Railway Matters and Commercial Intercourse
19 November 1934 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations
22 November 1934 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government regarding Water Rights on the Boundary between Tanganyika and Ruanda-Urundi
22 November 1934 Treaty between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of the Belgians regarding the Boundary between Tanganyika and Ruanda-Urundi
28 November 1934 Agreement between Transjordan and Palestine concerning Regulation of Service of Judicial Documents
7 December 1934 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and of India and His Majesty the King of Italy relating to the Establishment of Air Transport Lines
19 December 1934 6 September 1935 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council Supplementary to the Convention of November 26, 1880 regarding Extradition
20 December 1934 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Iraq concerning British Military Missions - Revised regulations for Contracts of Officers
22 December 1934 1 January 1934 International Agreements for dispensing with Bills of Health and Consular Visas on Bills of Health
31 December 1934 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and India, and the Netherlands, renewing the Agreement regarding the Sanitary Control over Mecca Pilgrims at Kamaran Island
28 January 1935 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the German Government in regard to Commercial Relations
31 January 1935 3 January 1935 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Hungarian Government for the provisional Dissolution of the Anglo-Hungarian Mixed Arbitral Tribunal
31 January 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding certain matters affecting the Administration of the New Hebrides
5 February 1935 11 February 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1936).
5 February 1935 11 February 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1936).
6 February 1935 Exchange of Notes regarding an Amendment to Part II of the First Schedule of the Agreement on Trade and Commerce of July 6, 1934
8 February 1935 Agreement with Romania regarding Commercial Payments with Protocol
11 February 1935 11 February 1935 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
11 February 1935 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the French Republic.
13 February 1935 4 March 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Czechoslovakia in regard to Passports for Seamen
15 February 1935 30 August 1935 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic Supplementary to the Convention of November 11, 1924 to Facilitate the Conduct of Legal Proceedings
15 February 1935 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations
19 February 1935 Exchange of Notes regarding Cases between Frontier Tribes - Decisions of Kurran-Khott Commission
20 February 1935 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Netherlands regarding Commerce and Navigation [with Proces Verbal]
21 February 1935 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland for Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency.
26 February 1935 Additional Protocol and Protocol of Signature between Canada and France concerning Trade Supplementary to Agreement of May 12, 1933
27 February 1935 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government in regard to Trade and Commerce (with Protocol and Notes)
15 March 1935 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand the Union of South Africa and of India and the Government of Iraq regarding British War Cemeteries, &c., in Iraq [With Exchange of Notes]
18 March 1935 Provisional Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regulating Imports from the United Kingdom into Italy
27 March 1935 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government respecting Commercial Payments
28 March 1935 5 May 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States respecting Air Pilots' Licences.
28 March 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America respecting Air Navigation
29 March 1935 19 July 1935 Exchange of Notes Extending the Extradition Treaties 26 September 1898 and 13 April 1920, to the Un-federated Malay States.
1 April 1935 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Spanish Government [Spain] regarding Commercial Relations
9 April 1935 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax of Air Transport Profits
9 April 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government in India and the Chinese Government regarding the Establishment of a commission to determine the Southern Section of the Boundary between Burma and Yunnan
12 April 1935 Exchange of Notes constituting a Commercial Modus Vivendi between Canada and Hayti
14 April 1935 Joint Resolution and Final Declaration concerning Independence of Austria
15 April 1935 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the Dominion of Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding Claims arising from the Operation of the Smelter at Trail, British Colombia
27 April 1935 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Trade and Payments
3 May 1935 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland for the Reciprocal Recognition of Load Line Certificates
4 May 1935 Exchange of Notes between Palestine and Syria and Lebanon concerning Commerce - Modification of Agreement of May 4 and 18, 1929
7 May 1935 Exchange of Notes regarding Commerce
15 May 1935 Convention between India and France concerning the Lease of the French Loge at Balasore
21 May 1935 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Italian Government [With Supplementary Exchange of Notes of January 23, 1936]
24 May 1935 24 May 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Swedish Government regarding Commerce, Customs and Navigation
27 May 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Swedish Government Supplementary to the Commercial Agreement of May 15, 1933
1 June 1935 Protocol amendments to Articles 4,6,7,9,12,13,14,16,19,25,26,34,35 and 39 and addition of new article 25A of the International Air Navigation Convention of 13 October 1919
1 June 1935 Protocol Amendments to Annex H of the International Air Navigation Agreement of October 13, 1919
4 June 1935 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Trade and Payments With Protocol and Protocol of Signature
6 June 1935 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands for Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation on Profits or gains arising through an Agency [with Exchange of Notes]
7 June 1935 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Germany regarding Reciprocal recognition of Load-line certificates
11 June 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin in Palestine and Roumania
18 June 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Limitation of Naval Armaments
21 June 1935 30 May 1937 Convention concerning Employment of Women on underground Work in Mines [ILO No.45]
26 June 1935 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Uruguayan Government regarding Trade and Payments [with Protocol, Supplementary Agreement and Notes]
27 June 1935 27 June 1935 Protocol signed for the Governments of France, United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands and Siam amending the Agreement of May 7, 1934, for the Regulation of the Production and Export of Rubbers
3 July 1935 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the Dominion of Canada and the President of the Republic of Poland regarding Commercial Relations
25 July 1935 18 December 1936 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Iraq regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
3 August 1935 Agreement regarding Payments with Annex
12 August 1935 Agreement between Palestine, Syria and Lebanon regarding Grazing and Watering Facilities for Cattle in Frontier Regions
24 August 1935 Agreement between Canada and Japan regarding Exchange of Money Orders
27 August 1935 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the French Republic
18 September 1935 Agreement between Palestine, Syria and the Lebanon regarding Motor Vehicles
25 September 1935 7 June 1936 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters (With a Note)
10 October 1935 10 October 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the Government of Iceland for the further Renewal of the Arbitration Convention of October 25, 1905
10 October 1935 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Salvador Extending Until November 1, 1936 the Provisional Commercial Agreement of September 12/30, 1931
15 October 1935 30 June 1936 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Denmark and Iceland in respect of Denmark Supplementary to the Treaty of March 31, 1873 regarding Extradition
24 October 1935 24 October 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the Operation of Air Services over Territories in Africa
30 October 1935 African Postal Union Agreement with regulations
30 October 1935 African Telecommunications Agreement with Regulations
31 October 1935 Exchange of Notes Extending Until December 16, 1936 the Provisional Commercial Agreement of August 8, 1931
2 November 1935 Exchange of Notes between the Union of South Africa and Belgium regarding a Provisional Commercial Agreement
7 November 1935 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government regarding the Mutual Recognition of Load Line Certificates
15 November 1935 Agreement between His Majesty in respect of the Dominion of Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding Commercial Relations
16 November 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Saudi Arabia regarding Transit Dues at Bahrein.
7 December 1935 Exchange of Notes between the Union of South Africa and Belgium Prolonging until May 31, 1936 the Provisional Commercial Agreement of November 2/7, 1935
16 December 1935 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Spain regarding the Exchange of Diplomatic Bags
18 December 1935 1 January 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government regarding Trade between the Netherlands and Newfoundland, British Colonies and Protectorates and United Kingdom Mandated Territories
18 December 1935 Exchange of Notes Between South Africa and Germany regarding Exchange Clearing Agreement
20 December 1935 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa and India and the German and French Governments in regard to War Graves
26 December 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Japanese Government respecting the Customs Treatment of Imports.
30 December 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Aircraft From Duties on Fuel and Lubricants
31 December 1935 Exchange of Notes regarding Form of Payment of Sums Due under Claims Convention of November 19, 1926
4 January 1936 Convention between India and France relating to the Sale of Opium in Chandernagore
6 January 1936 Payments Agreement between the Government of United Kingdom and Spanish Government [Spain]
18 January 1936 Exchange of Notes regarding the Payments due to British Subjects in respect of the Expropriation of Landed Properties in Greece
11 February 1936 11 February 1936 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
15 February 1936 15 February 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1937).
15 February 1936 15 February 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1937).
27 February 1936 18 August 1937 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Yugoslavia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
27 February 1936 16 December 1937 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of the Hellenes regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
11 March 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government Modifying the Agreement of November 17, 1934 in regard to Native Labour from Mozambique
12 March 1936 Exchange of Notes between regarding the Suppression of illicit importation of alcoholic liquors into Finland - Interpretation of Article 2 of the Convention of October 13, 1933
20 March 1936 Exchange of notes between Canada and France Supplementary to Additional Protocol of February 26, 1935
25 March 1936 Treaty between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great of the United Kingdom, Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and India, the President of the United States of America and the President of the French Republic for the Limitation of Naval Armament [with Protocol of Signature and Additional Protocol]
30 March 1936 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, India (including Burma) and Japan concerning Co-operation in Control of Illicit Traffic in Drugs
31 March 1936 Agreement between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Iraq regarding the Railway System of Iraq including the Transfer of the Railways to the Government of Iraq [With Exchange of Notes]
11 April 1936 Exchange of Notes between Palestine, Syria and Lebanon regarding Modification and Prolongation of the Exchanges of Notes of April 26, May 4/18, 1935 concerning Commerce
15 April 1936 4 May 1940 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic Supplementary to the Convention of February 2, 1922 to facilitate the conduct of Legal Proceedings [With Protocol of Signature]
22 April 1936 Exchange of Notes regarding Diplomatic Bags
22 April 1936 Exchange of Notes regarding Reciprocal Agreement for Transmission Free of Charge of Diplomatic Bags Through Postal Channels
29 April 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Germany regarding Modification and Prolongation of Exchange of Notes concerning Commercial Relations of January 28, 1935
30 April 1936 30 July 1936 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Swedish Government regarding the Mutual Recognition of Load Line Certificates.
2 May 1936 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Commercial Payments [With Supplementary Agreement of December 5, 1936]
4 May 1936 Modus Vivendi Rhine Navigation
6 May 1936 Exchange of Notes regarding the Convention and Protocol between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, signed in London on May 1, 1933
8 May 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Commonwealth of Australia and France regarding Exemption of Consular Visas for Bill of Health
11 May 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the Boundary between Tanganyika Territory and Mozambique
13 May 1936 Agreement concerning Uniform System of Maritime Buoyage and Annex (Rules)
14 May 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Union of South Africa and Belgium further Prolonging until May 31, 1937 the Provisional Commercial Agreement of November 2/7, 1935
22 May 1936 22 May 1936 Protocol signed for the Governments of France, United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands and Siam amending the Agreement of May 7, 1934, for the Regulation of the Production and Export of Rubber
27 May 1936 10 March 1941 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand, and the President of the United States of America amending the Convention of March 2, 1899 concerning the Disposal of Real and Personal Property
6 June 1936 6 June 1936 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government [Spain] amending the Payments Agreement of January 6, 1936
19 June 1936 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark Supplementary to the Agreement of April 24, 1933 relating to Trade and Commerce [With Protocol and Exchange of Notes]
21 June 1936 8 September 1939 Convention concerning the Regulation of certain Special Systems of Recruiting Workers (ILO No.50)
24 June 1936 22 September 1939 Convention concerning Annual Holidays with Pay [ILO No.52]
26 June 1936 26 October 1939 Convention for the Suppression of the Illicit Traffic in Dangerous Drugs
26 June 1936 Proces-Verbal concerning Limitation of Manufacture and Regulation of Distribution of Narcotic Drugs
26 June 1936 Exchange of Notes regarding Modification of Article 7(ii) of Payments Agreement of November 1, 1934
26 June 1936 Extension of No 399 to Danzig
4 July 1936 4 August 1936 Provisional Arrangement concerning the Status of Refugees from Germany
11 July 1936 Exchange of Notes regarding the Convention and Protocol between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, signed in London on May 1, 1936
20 July 1936 9 November 1936 Convention regarding the Regime of the Straits
22 July 1936 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Salvador concerning Commerce - Prolongation of Modus Vivendi of August 8, 1931 until December 16, 1937
24 July 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Brazil prolonging the Agreement concerning Commercial Relations of October 16, 1931
25 July 1936 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Brazil concerning Commerce - Prolongation of Exchange of Notes of December 4, 1931
28 July 1936 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union concerning Finance - Export Credit Guarantees
29 July 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Netherlands Government regarding Commercial Relations
30 July 1936 Protocol regarding the Immunities of the Bank of International Settlements
30 July 1936 Exchange of Notes between India and Brazil prolonging the Agreement concerning Commercial Relations of July 21, 1932
3 August 1936 Treaty of Commerce between His Majesty in respect of the Commonwealth of Australia and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic (with Final Protocol and Exchange of Notes)
6 August 1936 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Union of South Africa, New Zealand India and Italy concerning War Graves - Interpretation of Article 7 of Agreement of May 11, 1922
10 August 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Belgian Government Modifying the Trade Arrangement of December 5, 1933
10 August 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations
10 August 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, on behalf of Newfoundland, and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations
10 August 1936 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Brazil concerning Treatment of British Shipping and Goods of United Kingdom Origins
12 August 1936 12 August 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Telecommunications
12 August 1936 9 September 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding the Taxation, &c., of Pensions of Retired Foreign Officials
12 August 1936 Trade Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Uruguay
12 August 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Uruguayan Government regarding Commercial Relations
18 August 1936 18 August 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Commercial Relations between Palestine and Egypt
26 August 1936 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and His Majesty the King of Egypt [with an Agreed Minute thereto, three Notes, Notes exchanged in Egypt on August 12, 1936, and an Oral Declaration made by the President of the Egyptian Council of Minister on August 10, 1936] AND a Convention concerning the Immunities and Privileges to be enjoyed by the British Forces in Egypt
27 August 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government for the Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation of Air Transport Profits
2 September 1936 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Trade and Clearing [With Protocol]
17 September 1936 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Greece for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax on Certain Profits or Gains Arising from an Agency
18 September 1936 13 October 1937 Treaty between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Serene Highness the Regent of Hungary Supplementary to the Treaty of December 3, 1873, regarding Extradition
23 September 1936 2 April 1938 International Convention concerning the Use of Broadcasting in the Cause of Peace
1 October 1936 Exchange of Notes constituting a Trade and Payments Agreement between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Turkish Government
3 October 1936 Provisional Commercial Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and Belgium [With Exchange of Notes]
3 October 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Saudi Arabia for the Modification of the Treaty of Jedda of the 20th May, 1927
6 October 1936 Agreement, Protocol of Signature, Additional Protocol and Exchanges of Notes between the United Kingdom and Peru concerning Commerce and Navigation
8 October 1936 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Finland concerning Commerce - Modification of Protocol to Agreement of September 29, 1933
22 October 1936 Provisional Trade Agreement between Canada and Germany
22 October 1936 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Government of the German Reich to Facilitate Payments for the Exchange of Goods.
24 October 1936 11 April 1939 Convention regarding the Fixing of a Minimum Age for the Admission of Children to Employment at Sea (ILO No.58)
24 October 1936 9 December 1949 Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Seamen [ILO No.56]
24 October 1936 Convention regarding Hours of Work and Manning on Board Ships (ILO No. 57)
30 October 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government regarding Identity Documents for Aircraft Personnel
6 November 1936 6 November 1936 Proces-Verbal relating to the Rules of Submarine Warfare set forth in Part IV of the Treaty of London of April 22, 1930
6 November 1936 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Commercial Exchanges and Payments
6 November 1936 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government
14 November 1936 Exchange of Notes regarding the Boundary between the Australian Mandated and Dutch Territory in New Guinea
18 November 1936 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government for the Reciprocal Recognition of Load Line Certificates
19 November 1936 21 August 1936 Exchange of Notes prolonging the Agreement concerning Regulation of the Supplies of Fish to United Kingdom Market July 7, 1933
27 November 1936 18 June 1937 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding Trade and Payments
27 November 1936 Exchange of Notes constituting a Commercial Agreement between Australia and France
1 December 1936 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol
12 December 1936 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and China concerning Commerce - Trade with Burma Modification of Convention of March 1, 1894
14 December 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Iraq regarding Commercial Relations between Palestine and Iraq
16 December 1936 Exchange of Notes further Modifying Article 7(ii) of the Payments Agreement of November 1, 1934
18 December 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Germany concerning Commerce - Prolongation and Modification of Exchange of Notes of April 29, 1936
18 December 1936 Convention between India and France relating to the Sale of Opium in Chandernagore
21 December 1936 Exchange of Notes between Germany and South Africa - Exchange Clearing Agreement
28 December 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations
30 December 1936 13 August 1937 Convention between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the United States Government regarding Income Tax on Non-Resident Individuals and Corporations
2 January 1937 Declaration by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the Mediterranean
23 January 1937 1 August 1938 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg supplementary to the Treaty of November 24, 1880, regarding Extradition
27 January 1937 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic
29 January 1937 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the Dominion of Canada and the President of the United States of America for the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea
5 February 1937 5 February 1937 Protocol between the Governments of France, United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands and Siam amending the Agreement of May 7, 1934, for the Regulation of the Production and Export of Rubber
9 February 1937 24 April 1937 Exchange of Notes on the Extension to the British Solomon Islands and the Zanzibar Protectorates of the Extradition Treaty with Yugoslavia, of December 6, 1900
9 February 1937 7 May 1937 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and Austria concerning extension of Extradition Treaty of 3 December 1873, Declaration of 26 June 1901 and Supplementary Convention of 29 October 1934 to Zanzibar and British Solomon Islands
11 February 1937 11 February 1937 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
11 February 1937 10 June 1937 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Norway concerning the extension of Treaty of June 26, 1873 and Supplementary Agreement of February 18, 1907 on Extradition to Zanzibar and British Solomon Islands
13 February 1937 14 February 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1938).
15 February 1937 15 February 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1938).
15 February 1937 17 March 1937 Extradition, Application of Treaty of 1880 and Supplementary Conventions of 1904 and 1934 [with Switzerland] to Zanzibar Protectorate and British Solomon Islands Protectorate
19 February 1937 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Cuba [With Protocol of signature and Exchange of Notes regarding Navigation]
23 February 1937 13 March 1937 Extradition [with Haiti], application of Treaty of December 7 1874 to Zanzibar Protectorate and British Solomon Islands Protectorate
23 February 1937 Agreement regarding Trade - to facilitate and develop trade and Commerce
27 February 1937 1 March 1937 Extradition application of Treaty of December 16,1892 to Zanzibar Protectorate and British Solomon Islands Protectorate
5 March 1937 17 March 1937 Exchange of Notes relating to the Extradition Treaty of January 26, 1904 and its extension to the British Solomon Islands and Zanzibar Protectorates.
5 March 1937 6 September 1937 Exchange of Notes concerning the application of the Extradition Treaty of March 4, 1911 to Zanzibar Protectorate and British Solomon Islands Protectorate.
11 March 1937 16 April 1937 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and Paraguay on the Extension of Agreement of 16 July 1913 and Treaty of 12 September 1908 concerning Extradition to the British Solomon Islands
12 March 1937 29 March 1937 Exchange of notes on the Extension to the British Solomom Islands and the Zanzibar Protectorate of the Extradition Treaty of June 26, 1897
12 March 1937 1 April 1937 Exchange of Notes regarding reciprocal Reduction of Visa Fees
12 March 1937 8 April 1937 Exchange of Notes on the Extension to the British Solomon Islands and Zanzibar of the Extradition Treaty of June 23, 1881
16 March 1937 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Government of the German Reich regarding the Reciprocal Recognition of Efficiency Certificates for Aircraft and Aircraft Motors
22 March 1937 10 October 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Polish Government regarding the Customs Classification of certain Pneumatic Tyres
22 March 1937 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Serene Highness the Regent of Hungary relating to Air Navigation
22 March 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the Government of Iceland for the Further Renewal of the Arbitration Convention of October 25, 1905
23 March 1937 6 April 1937 Extradition application of Treaty of 1885 and Additional Protocol of 1914 to British Solomon Islands Protectorate and Zanzibar Protectorate
23 March 1937 Convention regarding Regulation of the Meshes of Fishing Nets and Size Limits for Fish
24 March 1937 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Panama concerning extension of the Treaty of August 25, 1906 on Extradition to British Solomon Islands and Zanzibar
24 March 1937 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the United States Government for the Reduction of Non-Immigrant Passport Visa Fees
24 March 1937 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Danish Government for the Reciprocal Recognition of Load-Line Certificates
25 March 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Japanese Government regarding the Termination of Perpetual Leases in Japan
31 March 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Government of Siam regarding the Nationality of Persons Affected by the Re-delimitation of the Boundary between Burma (Tenasserim) and Siam
3 April 1937 21 April 1937 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Bolivia concerning extension of Treaty of February 22, 1892 on Extradition to British Solomon Islands and Zanzibar
3 April 1937 3 June 1937 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government to dispense with the Legalisation of certain Official Documents
14 April 1937 10 May 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland regarding the Importation of Wheaten Flour into Finland
23 April 1937 Trade Agreement between Canada and Hayti
24 April 1937 Joint Communication and Notes concerning the International Position of Belgium
5 May 1937 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Nicaragua concerning extension of Treaty of April 19, 1905 on Extradition to British Solomon Islands and Zanzibar
6 May 1937 International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar, with Protocol of Signature
8 May 1937 15 October 1937 Final Act, Convention and other Documents regarding the Abolition of the Capitulations in Egypt
13 May 1937 Exchange of Notes between the Union of South Africa and Belgium further Prolonging until July 31, 1937 the Provisional Commercial Agreement of November 2/7, 1935
21 May 1937 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands concerning Legal Proceedings Supplementary to the Convention of May 31, 1932
27 May 1937 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government supplementary to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement of May 2, 1936
31 May 1937 International Agreement modifying the International Convention of June 21, 1920 for the establishment of an International Institute of Refrigeration
31 May 1937 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Uruguay concerning Exchange of Diplomatic Bags
1 June 1937 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium on the Taxation of Motor Vehicles
2 June 1937 29 November 1937 Agreement between His Majesty,s Governments in the United Kingdom, Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa and the Government of India and the Egyptian Government regarding British War Memorial Cemeteries and Graves in Egypt (With Exchange of Notes, June 2/5, 1937)
7 June 1937 12 October 1937 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Emperor of Japan regarding Trade and Commerce between Burma and Japan [With Protocol of Signature]
7 June 1937 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America concerning Flights of Military Aircraft - Prolongation of Arrangement of 15 and 16 September, 1932
8 June 1937 7 May 1938 International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling [1937]
12 June 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations
18 June 1937 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Germany concerning Payments - Modification of Agreement of 1 November 1934
18 June 1937 Agreement between the His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government for Air Services between South Africa and Portuguese East Africa
22 June 1937 21 February 1941 Convention on the Minimum Age for Admission of Children to Industrial Employment (ILO No. 59)
22 June 1937 29 December 1950 Convention Admission of Children to Non-industrious employment (ILO No.60)
28 June 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic regarding the Regulation of Beef Imports in the United Kingdom
2 July 1937 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Denmark concerning extension of Treaty of March 31, 1873 as amended by Convention of October 15, 1935 on Extradition to British Solomon Islands and Zanzibar
13 July 1937 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Belgian Government
14 July 1937 Exchange of Notes regarding Reciprocal Notification of Arrest and Imprisonment
16 July 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding the Importation of Raffia of French origin and of British East African Coffee and New Zealand Kauri Gum
17 July 1937 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction [With Declaration, Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes]
17 July 1937 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government if the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction [With Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes of November 12/19, 1937 regarding the Russian Text ]
21 July 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the Government of India and the Government of Denmark regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
29 July 1937 1 January 1938 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic for the Abolition of Capitulations in Morocco and Zanzibar (with Protocol of Signature, Minute and Exchange of Notes).
30 July 1937 Exchange of Notes between Canada and France Commerce - Modification of Additional Protocol of February 26, 1935
31 July 1937 13 October 1938 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Polish Government regarding amendments of the Commercial Agreement of February 27, 1935
2 August 1937 Exchange of Notes Prolonging the Agreement concerning Admission of Student Employees into Great Britain and France of May 16, 1928
3 August 1937 3 August 1937 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom of Great Britain, India and Afghanistan on the supply of Aircraft.
10 August 1937 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Uruguay Commerce Prolongation of Arrangement of August 12, 1936
13 August 1937 Treaty with Exchange of Notes with Shihr and Mukalla regarding Friendship and Protection
4 September 1937 1 October 1937 Exchange of Notes regarding Visa Fees
10 September 1937 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Germany regarding Commerce 4th Payments Agreement
14 September 1937 International Agreement for Collective Measures Against Piratical Attacks in the Mediterranean by Submarines
17 September 1937 International Agreement for Collective Measures Against Piratical Acts in the Mediterranean by Surface Vessels and Aircraft (Supplementary to the Nyon Arrangement)
28 September 1937 Trade Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Guatemala Government
28 September 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Guatemala Government regarding Commercial Relations
29 September 1937 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the United States Government regarding Air Navigation
30 September 1937 Payments Agreement between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Government of the German Reich
30 September 1937 Agreement Piracy in the Mediterranean (Supplementary to the Nyon Arrangement)
30 September 1937 Trade Agreement between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Government of the German Reich
2 October 1937 24 November 1937 Declaration regarding the Teaching of History (Revision of School Text Books)
7 October 1937 17 September 1936 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Turkey concerning Trade and Clearing - Additions to Fourth Schedule of Agreement of 2 September 1936
11 October 1937 11 October 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the Government of India and the Government of Norway regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
12 October 1937 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Egypt concerning Privileges and Immunities for Members of British Military Mission
12 October 1937 Protocol relating to Commercial Relations between India and Japan [with Exchange of Notes regarding the prolongation of the Convention of July 12, 1934]
14 October 1937 15 October 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding Commercial Relations with Tunis
14 October 1937 Exchanges of Notes between the United Kingdom and Austria regarding Tourist Traffic
14 October 1937 Exchange of Notes between the Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding Commercial Relations with Tunis
14 October 1937 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Poland concerning Trade and Commerce Agreement of 27 February 1935 - Import into Poland of ring spinning travellers (textile machinery)
19 October 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government extending and modifying the Agreement of November 17, 1934, concerning Native Labour from Mozambique
2 November 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Government of Salvador regarding Commercial Relations
2 November 1937 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Salvador concerning Commercial Modus Vivendi - Extension from December 16, 1937 until June 15, 1939
5 November 1937 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Uruguay concerning Commerce - Prolongation of Arrangement of 12 August 1936
8 November 1937 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Germany amending the Commercial Agreement of December 21, 1936
10 November 1937 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich regarding the Exemption from Taxation of certain Profits arising from Air Transport
12 November 1937 1 October 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Romanian Government modifying the Anglo-Romanian Payments (Amendment) Agreement of May 27, 1937
13 November 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Siamese Government for the Temporary Continuance of Rights Under the Treaties with Siam of 14 July 1937
17 November 1937 5 October 1938 Exchange of Notes concerning the Extension of the Extradition Treaty of 03 December 1873, as amended by the declaration of 26 July 1901 and the Supplementary Convention of 18 September 1936, to Zanzibar and the British Solomon Islands.
23 November 1937 23 November 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Siam regarding the Right of Evocation from Siamese Courts under the Treaty of 14 July 1937
23 November 1937 19 November 1938 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Siam [With Protocol and Exchanges of Notes]
25 November 1937 Exchange of Notes concerning the Extension of the Treaty of 31 March 1873 between the United Kingdom and Denmark to British Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated Territories
25 November 1937 Exchange of Notes between Eire and the Netherlands prolonging for 12 months Agreement concerning Commercial Relations of July 29, 1936 [With addition to Annex] One year from 1 August 1937
26 November 1937 26 November 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chilean Government constituting a Temporary Commercial Agreement
27 November 1937 11 February 1938 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
3 December 1937 3 December 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Royal Siamese Government for the operation of regular Air Services over Siam and over India and Burma
3 December 1937 Convention between his Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council in regard to Legal Proceedings
3 December 1937 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium concerning Anglo-Belgian Telephone Service
3 December 1937 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America regarding Patent Office Practices
6 December 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Romanian Government regarding the Acceptance of Seaman's Discharge Books in Lieu of Passports
13 December 1937 Agreement regarding North American Regional Broadcasting
13 December 1937 Arrangement regarding Radiocommunications, and Annex
13 December 1937 Exchange of Notes between Eire and Belgium concerning Commerce - Prolongation of Arrangement of 28 December 1936 and 6 January 1937 for 12 months from 1 December 1937
13 December 1937 Convention on Radiocommunications and 3 Annexes
14 December 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government supplementary to the Convention of December 7, 1934 regarding the Establishment of Air Transport Lines
15 December 1937 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Brazil regarding the Regulation of Beef Imports into the United Kingdom
18 December 1937 18 December 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding Air Services Over China.
18 December 1937 Supply of Salt to Pondicherry (France & India)
22 December 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Netherlands Government regarding Commercial Relations between New Zealand and the Netherlands.
24 December 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government on the United Kingdom and the Italian Government modifying the Agreement of November 6, 1936 regarding Commercial Exchanges and Payments
28 December 1937 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America regarding Appendix Certificates of Tonnage
30 December 1937 Commerce (Payments Prolongation of 4 per cent funding Bond arrangement for six months (Modification of Arrangements of 1 November 1934)
30 December 1937 Exchange of Notes prolonging Commercial Agreement of November 1, 1934
30 December 1937 Commerce (Payments) Prolongation of 4 Funding Bond arrangement for six months (Modification of agreements of 1 November 1934)
30 December 1937 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Finland regarding Visa Fees
12 January 1938 12 January 1938 Additional Protocol to the Convention of June 12, 1934 relating to the Salvage of Torpedoes
10 February 1938 26 October 1938 Convention concerning the Status of Refugees coming from Germany
14 February 1938 16 February 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1939, with special provision regarding Burma and Aden).
15 February 1938 16 February 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1939).
18 February 1938 Exchange of Notes regarding Commerce
22 February 1938 Notes from Soviet Union concerning Change of Address of Soviet Trade Delegation and Transfer of Diplomatic Immunity thereto (Modifying Agreement of 16 February 1934)
25 February 1938 Supplementary Agreement to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments (Amendment) Agreements
26 February 1938 Exchange of Notes between the Government of India and the Government of French Indo-China for the reciprocal Abolition of Consular Visas on Bills of Health
28 February 1938 Declaration concerning Hamumi (Beit Ali Tribe) and Indemnities for entrages by tribes
1 March 1938 Declaration by Hamumi (Beit Ali Tribe) regarding guarantee of pledges on submission
1 March 1938 Declaration concerning Hamumi (Beit Ali Tribe) and Protection by Her Majesty's Government
14 March 1938 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Germany regarding Commerce, Extension of allocation of 4th Butter Agreement
18 March 1938 28 March 1938 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United kingdom and the Italian Government.
18 March 1938 28 March 1938 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government modifying the Agreement of November 6, 1936, regarding Commercial Exchanges and Payments [with Exchange of Notes]
21 March 1938 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Italy concerning Diplomatic Bags
2 April 1938 Exchange of Notes regarding an arrangement between Canada and the Netherlands East Indies for the prevention of Double Taxation of Income
13 April 1938 Exchange of Notes regarding modifications to certain Items in the Annex to the Agreement concerning Commercial Payments (Amendment) May 27, 1937
16 April 1938 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy consisting of a Protocol with Annexes and Exchange of Notes
16 April 1938 Bon Voisinage Agreement and Exchanges of Notes between the United Kingdom, Egypt and Italy
27 April 1938 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Polish Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction [with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes]
29 April 1938 29 April 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the Government of India and the Government of Belgium regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
6 May 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich regarding the Application of Treaties between the United Kingdom, Germany and Austria
11 May 1938 11 May 1938 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Portuguese Republic regulating the Commercial Relations between Swaziland, Basutoland and the Bechuanaland Protectorate and the Portuguese Colony of Mozambique.
17 May 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
27 May 1938 1 October 1938 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic supplementary to the Agreement of September 2, 1936 regarding Trade and Clearing [With Agreed Minute]
27 May 1938 17 May 1939 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic regarding an Armaments Credit for Turkey.
30 May 1938 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Chilean Government on the prolongation of the Provisional Commercial Agreement of 26 November 1937 until 31 July 1938. If not replaced by a new treaty of Commerce and Navigation, it will be prolonged until 30 September 1938
30 May 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the Government of India and the Government of Sweden respecting Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
14 June 1938 1 June 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Romanian Government approving the Supplementary Agreement of 11 June 1938 to the Anglo-Romanian Payments Technical (amendment) Agreements of 30 May 1936 and 27 May 1937
15 June 1938 6 July 1939 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Poland concerning Commercial Relations - Customs rebates on Chemical Products
18 June 1938 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America Prolonging the Agreement concerning Flights of Military Aircraft of September 15/16, 1932 as amended in 1935, from July 1, 1938 Until June 30, 1939
20 June 1938 22 June 1940 Convention on Statistics of Wages and Hours of Work in the Principal Mining and Manufacturing Industries, including Building and Construction, and in Agriculture (ILO No.63)
23 June 1938 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Poland amending the provisions of the Exchange of Notes of July 31, 1937 concerning Commerce
24 June 1938 30 December 1938 Protocol amending the International Agreement of June 8, 1937 for the Regulation of Whaling
29 June 1938 Protocol extending the duration of the Whaling Agreement of 8 June 1937 to after 30 June 1938
30 June 1938 30 June 1938 Protocol modifying the Treaty of the 25th March, 1936 for the Limitation of Naval Armament
30 June 1938 30 June 1938 Protocol modifying the Anglo-German Agreement of 17 July 1937 for the Limitation of Naval Armament
1 July 1938 1 July 1938 Anglo-German Transfer Agreement
1 July 1938 1 July 1938 Trade Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia and the Japanese Government
1 July 1938 1 July 1938 Anglo-German Payments (Amendment) Agreement With Exchange of Letters between Representatives of the Governments of the United Kingdom and the German Reich regarding negotiations for Mutual Trade Relations with Germany
6 July 1938 6 July 1938 Protocol modifying the Anglo-Soviet Agreement of 17 July 1937 for the Limitation of Naval Armament With Exchange of Notes regarding the Russian text
15 July 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the French Government regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
18 July 1938 Treaty, Protocol and Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France (Morocco) concerning Commercial Relations between the United Kingdom and the French and Tangier Zones of Morocco
22 July 1938 12 September 1938 Protocol modifying the Anglo-Polish Agreement of 27 April 1938 for the Limitation of Naval Armament
26 July 1938 26 July 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Swiss Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Aircraft form Duties of Fuel Lubricants
28 July 1938 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America recording the Agreement relating to Certificates of Airworthiness for Exported Aircraft
28 July 1938 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America relating to Certificates of Competency or Licences for Piloting Civil Aircraft
28 July 1938 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America relating to Air Navigation
29 July 1938 Parcel Post Agreement
9 August 1938 Exchange of Notes between India and France concerning French Loge at Balasore - Renewal of lease for one year from April 1, 1938
12 August 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Bulgarian Government regarding the Military, Naval and Air Clauses of the Treaty of Neuilly, &c.
13 August 1938 Supplementary Agreement for the execution of Article 2 of the Anglo-German Transfer Agreement of 1 July 1938
18 August 1938 13 May 1939 Arrangement and Final Protocol relative to the Exercise of the Powers of the European Commission of the Danube together with an Agreement regarding the Privileges and Immunities of the Personnel of the Commission
23 August 1938 Declaration modifying Annex II to the Load Lines Convention of July 5, 1930
2 September 1938 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Commercial Payments
8 September 1938 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Poland amending the Commercial Agreement of February 27, 1935
12 September 1938 28 August 1939 Proces-Verbal concerning the application of certain Articles of the Convention of October 11, 1933, for Facilitating the International Circulation of Films of an Educational Character
15 September 1938 1 January 1939 Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Poland in relation to Parcel Post. (and detailed regulations)
15 September 1938 3 October 1940 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the Dominion of Canada and the President of the United States of America providing for Emergency Regulation of the Level of Rainy Lake and of other Boundary Waters in the Rainy Lake Watershed.
19 September 1938 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Germany regarding Commerce and the 5th Payments Agreement
22 September 1938 Protocol and Agreed Minute between the United Kingdom and Egypt regarding Alliance, the cost of accommodation for British Armed Forces in the Suez Canal Zone and modification of Annex to Article 8 of the Treaty of August 26, 1936
27 September 1938 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Chilean Government on the prolongation of Agreement of 26.11.1937 until 30.11.1938, unless replaced by a New Treaty on Commerce and Navagation
29 September 1938 Agreement for the Cession by Czechoslovakia to Germany of Sudeten German Territory, with Declarations
29 September 1938 Convention relating to Assistance to, and Salvage of, Aeroplanes, or by Aeroplanes at Sea
29 September 1938 Protocol concerning the Unification of Regulations regarding Damage caused by Aeroplanes to Third Parties on the Surface
30 September 1938 Protocol Amendments to Preamble and Articles 1, 4, 5 and Annex to the League of Nations Covenant
30 September 1938 Prolongation of the Commercial Agreement between South Africa and France signed on August 27, 1935 until June 30, 1939
6 October 1938 Protocol and Annex regarding the International List of Causes of Death - Revision of Arrangement of 19 June 1934
6 October 1938 Declaration by His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs recording the Acceptance of a Recommendation by the International Rubber Regulation Committee by the States parties to the Agreement of May 7,1934 regarding the Regulation of the Production and Export of Rubber
14 October 1938 Exchange of Notes amending the Commercial Agreement of September 2, 1936 and amended by the Exchange of Notes of October 7, 1937
25 October 1938 15 September 1939 Supplementary Convention to the Extradition Treaty of 31 March 1873 [with Iceland]
25 October 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the French Government regarding Aerial Navigation on the Antarctic
28 October 1938 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Uruguay further prolonging the Agreement concerning Commercial Relations of August 20, 1936
28 October 1938 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government relating to the Air Services between the Union of South Africa and Angola
31 October 1938 24 July 1939 International Sanitary Convention (1938) modifying the International Sanitary Convention of June 21, 1926
3 November 1938 Agreement between Palestine and Syria and the Lebanon amending the Agreement of 2 February 1926 regarding Frontier Questions
3 November 1938 Exchange of Notes between Eire and Germany Prolonging for One Year as from January 1, 1939 the Agreement concerning Commercial Relations of December 18, 1936
4 November 1938 30 December 1938 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia and the Swiss Federal Council (with Exchanges of Notes)
4 November 1938 Abrogation of Commercial Convention of 9 December, 1856 (Morocco) & new Customs Regulations in French Zone of Morocco
7 November 1938 Commercial Agreement between the United Kingdom and Poland
8 November 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Military Aircraft from Duties on Fuel and Lubricants
14 November 1938 Commerce - Addition of Flower Bulbs to 4th Schedule attached to agreement of 29/9/1936, as amended by batch of Notes of 7/10/1937 and Supplementary Agreement of 27/5/1938
16 November 1938 16 November 1938 Declaration by the Governments of the United Kingdom and Italy bringing into force the Protocol of April 16, 1938 and Annexed Agreements and Declarations [With Exchanges of Notes with the Egyptian Government regarding Lake Tsana and the Suez Canal]
17 November 1938 Trade Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America [with Schedules and Exchanges of Notes]
17 November 1938 Trade Agreement between His Majesty in respect of the Dominion of Canada and the President of the United States of America (and related documents).
21 November 1938 Protocol regarding the German / Czechoslovak Frontier
29 November 1938 Exchange of Notes (with Chile) regarding Military Service and Dual Nationality
3 December 1938 31 January 1940 International Act concerning Intellectual Co-operation
9 December 1938 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Chilean Government on the Extension, from December 1, 1938 until December 21, 1938 of Provisional Commercial Agreement of November 26, 1937unless previously replaced by a new Treaty of commerce and Navigation under negotiation
20 December 1938 Exchange of Notes between Canada and France regarding Conditional Agreement to Abrogation of (i) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of December 9, 1856 as between French and Tangier Zones of Morocco and Canada and (ii) Chapter V of Act of Algeciras of April 7, 1906
21 December 1938 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government for the Exemption from Taxation of Profits or Gains Arising Through An Agency [with Exchanges of Notes]
21 December 1938 Agreement and Protocol of Signature for the Limitation of Naval Armament and Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction
21 December 1938 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Danish Government modifying the Commercial Agreement of April 24, 1933 [With Exchange of Notes]
22 December 1938 Exchange of Notes concerning Commerce, Coal quotas under Commercial Agreement of June 27, 1934
23 December 1938 1 December 1938 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom and Roumania modifying the Annex to the Agreement of September 2, 1938, regarding Commercial Payments
28 December 1938 Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the Government of the French Republic regarding the Transfer to the French State of the Property in the Sites of British War Memorials
30 December 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Colombian Government regarding the prolongation of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation of 16 February 1866
6 January 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Governments of the Argentine Republic, Brazil and Uruguay regarding the Regulation of Beef Imports into the United Kingdom London, June 28, 1937, December 15, 1937, and January 6, 1939
9 January 1939 22 December 1938 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Chilean Government constituting a Temporary Commerical Agreement
14 January 1939 25 February 1939 Exchange of Notes on the Reciprocal recognition of documents of Identity for Aircraft personnel.
24 January 1939 24 January 1939 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the Air Service between South-West China and British Ports
25 January 1939 25 January 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the Air Service between London and Lisbon
26 January 1939 Exchange of Notes regarding Commerce - Modification of Greek Customs Duties on Tea
27 January 1939 Agreements between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Czecho-slovak Republic regarding Financial Assistance to Czechoslovakia [with Exchange of Letters with the Plenipotentiary of Czechoslovakia]
5 February 1939 11 February 1939 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and the Sultan of Muscat and Oman
6 February 1939 16 February 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1940)
9 February 1939 6 March 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Polish Government modifying the Commercial Agreement of February 27, 1935
10 February 1939 25 June 1941 Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the Turkish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
14 February 1939 Exchange of Notes regarding Commerce - Free Entry of Tourist Propaganda Material
20 February 1939 20 February 1939 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Tonnage Measurement (with Exchange of Notes regarding its application to India).
20 February 1939 Arrangement between the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada for the Use of Radio for Aeronautical Services
1 March 1939 13 May 1939 Agreement relative to the entry of Germany into the European Commission of the Danube the accession of Germany and Italy to the Sinai Arrangement of August 18, 1938 and the Amendment of Articles 4 and 23 of that Arrangement
1 March 1939 Convention and Annex concerning Exemption from Taxation for Liquid Fuel and Lubricants for used in Air Traffic
1 March 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government supplementary to the Trade and Clearing Agreement of September 2, 1936.
7 March 1939 16 March 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1940).
7 March 1939 Notes Great Britain, United States of America and Canada, Visits in Uniform by Members of Defence Forces
7 March 1939 Exchange of Notes between Turkey and Eire Amending the Trade and Payments Agreement of October 1, 1936
10 March 1939 Exchange of Notes on Currency Stabilisation Bill
14 March 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Quotas for Imports into Italy
16 March 1939 Exchange of Notes between France and South Africa, concerning additions to the Intermediate Tariff in Paragraph 1 of the Agreement for Commercial Relations between France and South Africa of August 27, 1935
20 March 1939 15 August 1939 Trade Agreement between His Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India
22 March 1939 Convention between France and India concerning the Sale of Opium in Chandernagore
31 March 1939 Declarations concerning Mutual Assistance in Event of Aggression
4 April 1939 Exchange of Notes concerning the Exchange of Diplomatic Bags through the Post
6 April 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the United States Government regarding the Administration of the Islands of Canton and Enderbury
13 April 1939 Unilateral Declaration concerning Assistance in Event of Aggression
13 April 1939 Unilateral Declaration concerning Assistance in event of Aggression
15 April 1939 Convention regarding European Broadcasting
17 April 1939 Exchange of Notes Concerning Commerce - Bacon and Ham Quotas
17 April 1939 Exchange of Notes extending the Exchange of Notes concerning Provisional Commercial Agreement of 8 August 1931 until 15 December 1940
18 April 1939 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Brazilian Government
21 April 1939 Exchange of Notes prolongs for 5 years (and thereafter will be subject to 12 months notice) the Convention of 11 September 1928, amended by the Agreement of 17 November 1934, concerning Railways, Commercial Intercourse, Native Labour &C (Union of South Africa and Mozambique)
22 April 1939 Exchange of Notes Concerning Commerce - Quotas under Trade Agreement of 27 February 1935
8 May 1939 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Egyptian Government regarding Commercial Relations
11 May 1939 Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Commercial and Economic Relations with Roumania
12 May 1939 Declaration concerning Mutual Assistance in Event of Aggression
22 May 1939 Exchange of Notes prolonging the Exchange of Notes of 12 August 1936 concerning Commercial Relations with Canada until 30 April 1940
23 May 1939 1 July 1940 Universal Postal Convention, with Final Protocol, Regulations of Execution and Provisions concerning the Transportation of Regular Mails by Air, with Final Protocol.
23 May 1939 Convention and Final Protocol regarding the Universal Postal Union (with Regulations and Airmail Provisions)
29 May 1939 3 November 1949 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg amending the Treaty of 24 November 1880 regarding Extradition
30 May 1939 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of the Hellenes regarding Air Transport Services [With Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes]
8 June 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government extending to Burma the Agreement of July 15, 1938 regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
9 June 1939 Exchange of Letters between Canada and the United States of America regarding Interpretation of Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817 respecting the Maintenance of Naval Vessels on the Great Lakes
13 June 1939 1 January 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Netherlands Government amending the Agreement of June 19, 1926, regarding the Sanitary Control over Mecca Pilgrims at Kamaran Island
16 June 1939 Agreement regarding the Extension to the Sudetenland Anglo-German Transfer Agreement of July 1, 1938 and the Supplementary Agreement of August 13, 1938
19 June 1939 Sanitary Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom and Belgium relating to Uganda and the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi
22 June 1939 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Canada concerning Air Traffic - Flights of Military Aircraft Prolongation of Agreement of September 15/16, 1932, as amended in 1935, for 1 year from July 1, 1939
23 June 1939 25 August 1939 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the United States Government for Exchange of Cotton and Rubber
23 June 1939 Convention between India and France renewing the Lease of the French Loge at Balasore
23 June 1939 Exchange of Notes prolonging the Exchange of Notes of 29 July 1936 concerning Commercial Relations with Eire, for 2 years, from 1 August 1938
27 June 1939 1 July 1939 Exchange of Notes prolonging Commercial modus vivendi of 9 January 1939 until 31 December 1939
27 June 1939 8 July 1948 Convention for the Regulation of Written Contracts of Employment of Indigenous Workers (ILO 64)
27 June 1939 8 July 1948 Convention concerning Penal Sanctions for Breaches of Contracts of Employment by Indigenous Workers (ILO No.65)
28 June 1939 Denunciation of Boundary between Province Wellesley and State of Perak
30 June 1939 Exchange of Notes between France and the Union of South Africa, Prolonging until December 31, 1939 and thereafter for 6-Monthly Periods the Agreement for Commercial Relations of August 27, 1935
12 July 1939 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and Roumania regarding Trade and Payments [With Protocol]
15 July 1939 Exchange of Notes concerning Mutual Recognition of Passenger Number Certificates
19 July 1939 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations
20 July 1939 20 July 1939 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and His Majesty's Government in the Union for Reciprocal Exemption of Certain Agency Profits from Income Tax with Exchange of Letters of Provincial Taxation in the Union
18 August 1939 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America relating to Air Transport Services
19 August 1939 Agreement between South Africa and Germany concerning Commerce - Payments
20 August 1939 Exchange of Notes concerning Disposal of Property of Interstate Nationals in Afghanistan and India
21 August 1939 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kinlgdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and India and the Netherlands Government regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
23 August 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government for the Amendment of the Agreement of September 2, 1936 regarding Trade and Clearing
23 August 1939 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of Latvia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
25 August 1939 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government regarding Mutual Assistance
7 September 1939 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom, France and Poland for a Loan to Poland
8 September 1939 Interim Agreement between the United Kingdom and France concerning Non-Governmental Finance
13 September 1939 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding the French Telegraph Cable between Mauritius and Reunion
14 September 1939 14 September 1939 Protocol regarding Status of Refugees from Germany additional to Arrangement of July 4, 1936 and Convention of February 10, 1938
6 October 1939 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Greece concerning Commerce, Temporary War Trade Agreement
7 October 1939 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Cuba Modifying the Anglo-Cuban Commercial Agreement of February 19, 1937
8 October 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government respecting the Abolition of Consular Visas on Bills of Health
10 October 1939 1 January 1939 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government amending the Agreement of May 27, 1938, regarding Trade and Clearing.
11 October 1939 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the USSR concerning Barter of USSR Timber for UK Tin and Rubber
12 October 1939 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Poland regulating the Utilisation of Units of the Polish Mercantile Marine in the Prosecution of the War against Germany
19 October 1939 16 November 1939 Treaty of Mutual Assistance between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom, the President of the French Republic and the President of the Turkish Republic (With Special Agreement and Subsidiary Agreements)
19 October 1939 Special Agreement concerning Financial and Economic Questions and Exchange of Notes of 16 November 1939 (See also Treaty of Mutual Assistance of 19 October 1939)
24 October 1939 Exchange of Notes Prolonging Commercial Relations with Canada of 12 August 1936 until 30 April 1940 unless previously replaced by Trade Agreement
27 October 1939 Agreement concerning the Establishment of Joint Standing Committee for commercial questions interesting the two countries.
1 November 1939 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Ecuador concerning Reciprocal Agreement for free transmission of Diplomatic Bags by Post
8 November 1939 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria concerning Commerce (Payments)
18 November 1939 Agreement and Protocol concerning Formation of a Detachment of the Polish Navy in Great Britain
22 November 1939 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government regarding Commercial Relations
24 November 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government modifying the Protocol respecting the New Hebrides signed at London on August 6, 1914
24 November 1939 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government respecting the Sale Prices in Norway of Whisky Produced in the United Kingdom
27 November 1939 Exchange of Notes between Palestine, Syria and Lebanon regarding Commerce
1 December 1939 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Iraq concerning a Loan
7 December 1939 Protocol between the United Kingdom and Sweden concerning War Trade Agreement
11 December 1939 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Belgium concerning War Trade Agreement
12 December 1939 Agreement Finances - Exchange Rates, Loans &c
27 December 1939 1 January 1940 Exchange of Notes prolonging the Commercial Modus Vivendi of 9 January 1939 until 30 June 1940
4 January 1940 Exchange of Notes, Credits for Turkey
8 January 1940 8 February 1940 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand, and the Government of India and the Portuguese Government respecting Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
8 January 1940 a) Arrangement relating to the Loan of #25.0 Million Sterling at 4 per cent., 1939, and b) Arrangement relating to the Loan of #15.0 Million Sterling at 3 per cent., 1939, and c) Agreement regarding a Loan of #2.0 Million, and d) Agreement Additional to the Agreement of September 2, 1936 regarding Trade and Clearing
11 January 1940 Agreement Commerce (Minerals)
11 January 1940 Agreement and Exchange of Notes concerning Credits for Yugoslavia for Purchase of Defence Material
26 January 1940 Agreement and Exchange of Notes concerning War Trade
27 January 1940 Notes, Finance Interest on 1898 Loan &c
31 January 1940 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Thailand amending the Exchange of Notes concerning Air Services over Thailand and over India and Burma of December 3, 1937
3 February 1940 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Trade and Payments (with Agreed Minutes and Agreement amending the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of March 1, 1930)
13 February 1940 22 February 1940 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1941)
14 February 1940 Exchange of Notes respecting Trade and Payments
16 February 1940 Agreement Financing of Iranian Purchases in the United Kingdom
16 February 1940 Agreement, Commerce, Import Restrictions
17 February 1940 Correspondence between the United Kingdom and Norway concerning German Steamer 'Altmask'
29 February 1940 Exchange of Notes between the Government of Canada and the United States of America regarding the Establishment of a Board of Enquiry for the Great Lakes Fisheries
1 March 1940 Exchange of Notes, Commerce (Belg-Luxembourg Economic Union)
8 March 1940 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Dominican Republic respecting Trade
9 March 1940 Exchange of Notes between Ceylon and Japan respecting Judicial Assistance
11 March 1940 Protocol concerning Trade with Instructions to Commission and Norwegian Declaration also Letters I-XXI
15 March 1940 21 April 1940 Statute of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law [UNIDROIT]
15 March 1940 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Brazil approving the General Report of the Special Commissioners appointed to demarcate the Boundary-line between British Guiana and Brazil (with General Report)
15 March 1940 Exchange of Notes Lease of Property at Liukungtao Island for the use of H.M Navy
16 March 1940 Exchange of Notes relating to Commercial Relations between Newfoundland and the Dominican Republic
16 March 1940 Agreement between Palestine and Lebanon concerning Commerce
16 March 1940 Agreement between Palestine and Syria regarding Commerce
18 March 1940 Loan Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government [Spain]
18 March 1940 Trade and Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Spanish Government [Spain]
21 March 1940 Agreement respecting the Importation of Medical Products
28 March 1940 Declaration undertaking not to negotiate nor to conclude a Separate Armistice or Treaty of Peace
2 April 1940 Protocol, Declaration and Notes - War Trade
2 April 1940 Treaty between the Union of South Africa and the United States of America amending the Treaty of September 15, 1914 between the United Kingdom and the United States for the Advancement of Peace
17 April 1940 17 April 1940 Agreement Claims arising out of Accidents to Vehicles and Animals (with Proccess Verbal of Signature)
18 April 1940 Exchange of Notes between Dominican Republic and Jamaica regarding Duties on Cattle Imported into Turks and Caicos Islands
22 April 1940 9 May 1940 Exchange of Notes between Eire and Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial ' Modus Vivendi ' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1941).
25 April 1940 Declaration and Notes, War Trade
30 April 1940 Agreement Commercial Payments
30 April 1940 Convention between France and South Africa regarding the Transfer to France of 1914/18 War Memorial site at Bois-Delville
2 May 1940 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union on South Africa and the Portuguese Government relative to the Mozambique Convention of September 11, 1928 as amended on November 17, 1934, and Extended on April 21, 1939
21 May 1940 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Government of Paraguay regarding Commercial Relations
24 May 1940 Agreement Financial Advances of respective Currencies for Payment in Territories of other Party
4 June 1940 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium concerning the Transfer to H.M.G. of Administration and Control of Tug on Danube
4 June 1940 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium concerning Transfer to H.M.G. of Administration and Control of Elevators on Danube
6 June 1940 Agreement and Protocol Transfer of Payments
6 June 1940 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government terminating the Agreement of July 12, 1939, regarding Trade and Payments
7 June 1940 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning Coal-Pitwood Exports
7 June 1940 Financial Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium [and Anglo-Franco-Belgian Protocol]
12 June 1940 Treaty of Non-Aggression between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the King of Thailand
14 June 1940 14 June 1940 Financial Agreement with Protocol and Exchange of Notes
14 June 1940 1 July 1940 Exchange of Notes renewing Modus Vivendi of 9 January 1939 for 1 year from 1 July 1940
17 June 1940 Exchange of Notes between United Kingdom respecting the Transfer to the United Kingdom of French Contracts with the United States of America
18 June 1940 Exchange of Notes between the Government of Canada and the United States Government constituting an Agreement regarding Exemptions from Exchange Control Measures
19 June 1940 Arrangement between the United Kingdom and Japan concerning Local issues at Tientsin
24 June 1940 Exchange of Notes between Thailand and Certain Malay States regarding Frontier Traffic - To Facilitate Crossing by Residents
17 July 1940 17 July 1940 Convention relative to the Abolition of the 'Caisse de la Dette Publique Egyptienne'
20 July 1940 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium concerning Shipping with Exchange of Notes of 3 and 6 August 1940
24 July 1940 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal respecting Commerce
25 July 1940 Financial Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
25 July 1940 Exchange of Notes regarding Disposal of Belgian Cargoes
30 July 1940 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Denmark respecting the Transfer of S.S. 'Julius Thomsen' from the United Kingdom to Greenland Registry
2 August 1940 Exchange of Notes respecting Payment of #2000.00 to Norwegian Shipping & Trade Mission by Ministry of Shipping in respect of Danish Ships as 'Flynderborg' captured by Norwegian Forces during operations in Norway brought to the United Kingdom as Prize
3 August 1940 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the Utilization of Belgian Shipping Tonnage, approving of the Agreement of July 20, 1940
5 August 1940 Agreement with Appendices, Protocol and Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Poland for the Co-operation of Polish Armed Forces with Allied Armed Forces
7 August 1940 Agreement with Exchange of Notes respecting Organisation of the French Volunteer Force
14 August 1940 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Sweden respecting Repatriation of Swedish Nationals
18 August 1940 Declaration between Canada and the United States of America regarding the Establishment of a Permanent Joint Board of Defence
30 August 1940 Exchange of Notes Suspension of Article VII of Trade and Payments Agreement of June 26, 1935 for the Duration of Payments Agreement of September 11, 1940 between the Bank of England and the Bank of Uruguay
2 September 1940 Exchange of Notes regarding United States Destroyers and Naval Air Facilities for the United States in British Transatlantic Territories
6 September 1940 Treaty between Canada and the United States of America amending the Treaty of September 15, 1914 between the United Kingdom and the United States for the Advancement of Peace
6 September 1940 Treaty between Australia and the United States of America amending in their application to Australia certain provisions of the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace between the United States of America and Great Britain signed September 15, 1914
23 September 1940 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and Poland concerning Polish Armed Forces - Death Sentences
23 September 1940 Exchange of Notes Extending the Provisional Commercial Agreement of August 8, 1931 until December 15, 1941
1 October 1940 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Thailand regarding the boundary between Burma and Thailand
1 October 1940 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Thailand regarding the Boundary between Burma and Thailand
7 October 1940 Exchange of Notes regarding Addition of Egypt and Iraq to List of Countries mentioned in CLASSIFIED Protocol to Trade and Payments Agreement of February 3, 1940
11 October 1940 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Turkey concerning Chrome - Resale to the United States of America - Amendment of Agreement of January 8, 1940
14 October 1940 Exchange of Notes between the Government of Canada and the United States Government relating to the Great Lakes - St Lawrence Basin (with Supplementary Notes of October 31 and November 7, 1940)
21 October 1940 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Turkey concerning Commerce - Purchase of Dried Fruits by the United Kingdom Commercial Corporation
25 October 1940 Agreement regarding Organisation and Control of Czechoslovakian Armed Forces
29 October 1940 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the Delimitation of the Southern Rhodesia-Portuguese East Africa Frontier
1 November 1940 Exchange of Notes regarding Disposal of Netherlands Cargoes
8 November 1940 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Yugoslavia concerning Credit for Purchases in the United Kingdom of Material for Defence Purposes Modification of Agreement of January 11, 1940
20 November 1940 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning Financial and Commercial Exchanges - Consultations regarding balances
22 November 1940 Protocol between the United Kingdom and Poland concerning Jurisdiction over the Polish Armed Forces
29 November 1940 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain regarding Commerce
2 December 1940 Agreement and Protocol between the United Kingdom and Spain concerning Financial Agreement
2 December 1940 Agreement, Protocol and two Exchanges of Notes between the United Kingdom and Turkey concerning Commercial and other Payments Premiums Financial and Commercial Facilities
3 December 1940 Additional Protocol between the United Kingdom and Poland concerning Loan by United Kingdom to Poland of British Warships for Incorporation in Polish Naval Detachment
6 December 1940 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Brazil respecting Payments
10 December 1940 Agreement and Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia concerning Financial Agreement
13 December 1940 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America regarding Trade
30 December 1940 Convention between the United Kingdom and Greece respecting Cultural and Learning Relations
31 December 1940 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Spain respecting the Rights of British Subjects and the non-fortification of the Tangier Zone
15 January 1941 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and General de Gaulle respecting Jurisdiction over personnel of the Free French Forces
21 January 1941 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Belgium Government relating to the Belgian Congo in respect of Finance and the Purchase of Commodities
21 January 1941 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France regarding Commercial Relations in the Cameroons
28 January 1941 Agreement between India and France regarding Customs Union
16 February 1941 16 February 1941 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1942).
25 February 1941 Protocol between the United Kingdom and Poland concerning provision of Funds for the Polish Land Forces
4 March 1941 Agreement regarding Use of Belgian Gold by His Majesty's Government for Prosecution of the War
14 March 1941 Exchange of Notes regarding Control of Icelandic Exchange, and regulation of Imports and Exports
19 March 1941 Exchange of Letters and Agreements regarding Credits and Finances
27 March 1941 Exchange of Notes regarding Regulation of Financial Relations between the United Kingdom and the Faroe Islands
27 March 1941 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America relating to the Bases Leased to the United States of America (and Exchanges of Notes) together with Protocol between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States of America concerning the defence of Newfoundland
31 March 1941 Exchange of Notes regarding Naval Bases Leased to the United States of America - Exclusion of Certain Areas in Trinidad
5 April 1941 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Afghanistan respecting Customs Privileges for staff of Legation
7 April 1941 Supplementary Loan Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government [Spain]
16 April 1941 Exchange of Notes regarding Additions to the List of Territories in ' Sterling Area ' in Article 8 of the Protocol to the Payments Agreement of December 2, 1940
25 April 1941 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and China concerning Chinese Currency Stabilisation Fund
20 May 1941 Agreement regarding Shipping (with Three Letters and 2 Schedules)
20 May 1941 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America regarding the Niagra Falls and additional diversion of water for power purposes
20 May 1941 Exchange of Letters regarding Commercial and Economic Relations with French Equatorial Africa
21 May 1941 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Bolivia respecting the Supply of Tin Ore to the United Kingdom and the United States of America
24 May 1941 Exchange of Notes supplementary to the Tin Agreement between the United Kingdom and Bolivia of May 21, 1941
26 May 1941 1 July 1941 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Trade between Cyprus and Egypt
28 May 1941 Agreement and Notes concerning the Organisation and Employment of Norwegian Armed Forces in the United Kingdom
29 May 1941 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Brazil respecting the purchase of Brazilian Cotton by His Majesty's Government
5 June 1941 Agreement between the United Kingdom and China concerning Grant of #5,000,000 credit to Chinese Government for use in Sterling Area
9 June 1941 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Peru concerning the Purchase of Peruvian Commodities by the United Kingdom in Connection with Import Policy from September 1, 1940 to August 31, 1941
11 June 1941 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Egypt respecting Contributions by His Majesty's Government towards Air Raid Precaution reorganisation in Egypt
18 June 1941 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Burma and the National Government of the Republic of China concerning the Burma-Yunnan Boundary
28 June 1941 1 July 1941 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Chilean Government constituting a Temporary Commercial Agreement
12 July 1941 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics providing for Joint Action in the War Against Germany [ With Protocol ]
19 July 1941 Agreement between His Britannic Majesty and His Highness the Amir of Trans-Jordan respecting the Trans-Jordan Oil Mining Law (No.18 of 1940)
19 July 1941 Agreement concerning Defence of Trans-Jordan - Replacement of Article 10 of Agreement of February 20, 1928
19 July 1941 Agreement between His Britannic Majesty and His Highness the Amir of Trans-Jordan respecting the part of the Haifa-Baghdad Road which passes through Trans-Jordan
24 July 1941 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and General de Gaulle concerning Interpretation of Syrian Armistice Convention
24 July 1941 Convention between India and France respecting the French Loge at Balasore
25 July 1941 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and General de Gaulle concerning Collaboration between British and Free French Authorities in the Middle East
30 July 1941 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Chile concerning Governmental Approval of a Payments Agreement concluded between the Bank of England and Banco Central de Chile
7 August 1941 Exchange of Letters and Memo of Agreement between the United Kingdom and General de Gaulle concerning Pensions for Members of the Free French Forces and Dependants
8 August 1941 Arrangement between Yemen and Aden regarding Procedure for Settlement of Frontier Cases
10 August 1941 Declaration concerning Anglo-Soviet Declaration to Turkey regarding the Montreux Convention and the Straits
10 August 1941 Assurances by His Majesty's Government to the Turkish Government regarding Non-Aggressive intentions respecting the Straits and assistance in the event of attack by any European Power
11 August 1941 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and Egypt concerning Disposal of 1941 Cotton Crop
14 August 1941 Declaration of Principles. Known as the Atlantic Charter, Issued by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America
16 August 1941 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning Mutual Deliveries, Credit and Methods of Payment
20 August 1941 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America concerning the Niagara Falls - Additional Diversion of Water for Power Purposes
23 August 1941 Convention between India and France renewing the lease of the French Loge at Balasore
26 August 1941 Exchange of Notes between the Government of Canada and the Government of Euador constituting a Commercial Modus Vivendi
1 September 1941 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Soviet Union Supplementary to Agreement of 16 August 1941 concerning Mutual Deliveries, Credit and Methods of Payment
12 September 1941 Exchange of Notes regarding Suspension of Para (g) (Sugar for Soviet Union) of Arrangement of June 9, 1941
1 October 1941 Protocol between the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the United States of America and the Soviet Union regarding Provision of War Supplies for the Soviet Union
10 October 1941 Agreement on Shipping (with Annexes)
14 October 1941 Exchange of Notes further extending until December 15, 1942 the Provisional Commercial Agreement of August 8, 1931
17 October 1941 Convention regarding Taxation of Defence Transactions and Property
10 November 1941 Exchange of Notes Constituting an Agreement relating to the Temporary Raising of the Level of Lake St. Francis during Low Water Periods
25 November 1941 Exchange of Notes regarding Disposal of Certain Medical Stores, &c
1 January 1942 Declaration by United Nations Related Documents: i) Declaration of Principles, known as the Atlantic Charter, by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America: ii) [Text of] Tripartite Pact (Germany, Italy, Japan) signed at Berlin September 27, 1940, and referred to in the Declaration by United Nations
12 January 1942 Agreement regarding Shipping (with Schedule)
21 January 1942 Exchange of Letters concerning Amendments of Agreement of December 10, 1940 regarding Finances
22 January 1942 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning Reinforcements for Timor and Withdrawal of Allied Troops
29 January 1942 29 January 1942 Treaty of Alliance between the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union and Iran, with Notes
29 January 1942 Exchange of Notes regarding Financial Agreement replacing that of March 14, 1941
31 January 1942 31 January 1942 Agreement between His Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Emperor of Ethiopia (with Annexes)
31 January 1942 31 January 1942 Military Convention between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Emperor of Ethiopia.
31 January 1942 28 February 1942 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1943).
5 February 1942 Agreement between Canada and the Soviet Union providing for the Exchange of Consuls
11 February 1942 Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Notes regarding the Disposal of Cargoes on Vessels at the Time of German Occupation of Greece
16 February 1942 10 March 1942 Exchange of Notes between Eire and Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial ' Modus Vivendi ' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1943).
23 February 1942 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America on the Principles applying to Mutual Aid in the Prosecution of the War against Aggression
26 February 1942 22 September 1942 Treaty between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of Venezuela concerning the status of the Island of Patos
26 February 1942 Treaty between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of Venezuela relating to the Submarine Areas of the Gulf of Paria
26 February 1942 Exchange of Notes regarding the Application and Interpretation of the (Rush-Bagot) Agreement of 1817 concerning Naval Forces on the Great Lakes
26 February 1942 Notes between the United Kingdom and Venezuela concerning the British Title to Soldado Rock
6 March 1942 Exchange of Notes between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America recording an Agreement respecting Unemployment Insurance
9 March 1942 Exchange of Notes regarding the Accession of India to the Extradition Treaty of December 22, 1931
9 March 1942 Agreement regarding Organisation and Employment of Greek Armed Forces
13 March 1942 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Iceland suspending Agreement and Protocol concerning Trade and Commerce of 19 May 1933 for the Duration of the War as from 13 March 1942
17 March 1942 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between Canada and the United States of America concerning a Military Highway to Alaska
18 March 1942 Exchange of Letters (with Agreement) between the United Kingdom and General de Gaulle concerning Commercial and Economic Relations between the United Kingdom and French Equatorial Africa
18 March 1942 Exchange of Letters (with Agreement) between the United Kingdom and General de Gaulle concerning Commercial and Economic Relations between the United Kingdom and the Cameroons under French Mandate
26 March 1942 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium Replacing Shipping Agreement of July 20, 1940
27 March 1942 Exchange of Notes concerning Air Services between India and China
30 March 1942 Exchange of Notes between India and the United States concerning Military Service of Nationals
30 March 1942 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the United States concerning service in the respective armed forces of British subjects and of American citizens
30 March 1942 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and United States of America concerning Postal Correspondence of United States Army Forces in the United Kingdom Reciprocity
16 April 1942 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and Poland concerning further Credit to Polish Government
20 April 1942 1 May 1943 Agreement for the Extradition of Offenders between the Government of the United Kingdom (acting on behalf of His Highness the Sheikh of Koweit) and the Government of Saudi Arabia [With Exchange of Notes relating to Smuggling Offences]
20 April 1942 Agreement for Friendship and Neighbourly Relations between the Government of the United Kingdom (acting on behalf of His Highness the Sheikh of Koweit) and the Government of Saudi Arabia [with Schedule and Exchange of Notes containing Lists of Tribes]
20 April 1942 Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom (acting on behalf of His Highness the Sheikh of Koweit) and the Government of Saudi Arabia
24 April 1942 27 June 1942 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America approving the provisions of a Memorandum of Agreement following upon the conclusion of the wheat discussions at Washington
24 April 1942 Agreement regarding Employment Conditions for Chinese Seamen on British Ocean-going Ships
29 April 1942 Treaty [with the United States] regarding Extradition
30 April 1942 Exchange of Notes regarding the Jurisdiction over members of the Free French Forces in British Colonial Territory
5 May 1942 Agreement between the United Kingdom and The Netherlands regarding the Netherlands Armed Forces and their Organisation and Employment with Appendix I (Netherlands Land Forces), Appendix II (Netherlands Naval Forces), Appendix III (Netherlands Air Forces) & Appendix IV (Jurisdiction over Members of Armed Forces)
21 May 1942 Exchange of Notes regarding Air Mail Services
21 May 1942 Exchange of Notes regarding Development of Itabira Property
26 May 1942 Treaty for an Alliance in the War against Hitlerite Germany and Her Associates in Europe also providing for Collaboration and Mutual Assistance thereafter concluded between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
26 May 1942 Convention between India and France renewing the Lease of French Loge at Balasore
26 May 1942 Financial Agreement and Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Persia
2 June 1942 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Brazil concerning Transfer of Itabira Properties to the Brazilian Government (also Deed of January 8, 1943)
4 June 1942 Agreement with Appendices and Notes regarding Belgian Armed Forces
4 June 1942 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government renewing the arrangements for the Regulation of Purchases of Commodities from the Belgian Congo and Ruanda Urundi
17 June 1942 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Chile Prolonging Provisional Commercial Agreement of 15 October 1931, until 30 June 1943
22 June 1942 Exchange of Letters concerning Ships' Expenses and Freights
27 June 1942 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Soviet Union concerning Financing of Military Supplies and Other Military Assistance to the U.S.S.R.
18 July 1942 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the United States of America concerning Reciprocal Aid by Government of the United Kingdom to Forces of the United States
22 July 1942 Protocol for the Prolongation of the International Agreement of 6th May, 1937, regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar [with Appendices]
25 July 1942 Exchange of Notes regarding United Kingdom - Sweden Air Service - Use of two Aircraft purchased by the Norwegian Government from the United States Government
27 July 1942 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the United States of America concerning Jurisdiction over members of the United States Armed Forces in the United Kingdom
5 August 1942 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic concerning the Policy of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom in regard to Czechoslovakia
7 August 1942 Exchange of Notes between India and China amending the Exchange of Notes of March 27, 1942 concerning Air Services between India and China
24 August 1942 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning Allocation of Wolfram to the United Nations
24 August 1942 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America concerning Interchange of Patent Rights and Information
3 September 1942 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America on the Principles Applying to Reciprocal Aid in the Prosecution of the War Against Aggression
4 September 1942 Exchange of Notes Extending until December 15, 1943 the Provisional Commercial Agreement of August 8, 1931
8 September 1942 Tripartite Agreement between the United Kingdom, Canada and the Soviet Union regarding Procedure and Prices for Supplies of Canadian Wheat and Flour to the Soviet Union
9 September 1942 1 January 1942 Agreement between the Governments of Belgium, Bolivia, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands for the International Control of the Production and Export of Tin [With Protocol of Signature]
26 September 1942 Exchange of Letters regarding Recruitment of French and Non-French Volunteers for Free French Forces
29 September 1942 26 October 1942 Exchange of Notes between India and the United States of America concerning Jurisdiction over Criminal Offences by Armed Forces
29 September 1942 Exchange of Notes [with the Soviet Union] regarding Exchange of Information relating to War-Like Weapons
1 October 1942 Exchange of Notes regarding Jurisdiction over Prizes
5 October 1942 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement extending the Exchange of Notes of 10 November 1941 concerning the Temporary Raising of the Level of Lake St. Francis during Low Water Periods to be continued until October 1, 1943
6 October 1942 Protocol between the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the Soviet Union regarding Supplies for Russia ('Second Protocol') [with three Annexes]
8 October 1942 Exchange of Notes regarding Anglo-Persian Financial Agreement (Outstanding Formalities)
19 October 1942 Protocol regarding Armed Forces of Yugoslavia in the Middle East
24 October 1942 Exchange of Letters further Credit following Financial Agreement of December 10, 1940, modified in January 1942
23 November 1942 Exchange of Notes regarding Exchange of Goods with the United Kingdom and the United States of America ('Supply - Purchase Agreement' for Period July 1, 1942 to June 30, 1943)
28 November 1942 Agreement regarding War Trade
4 December 1942 4 December 1942 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the United States Government for the Provision of Mutual Aid concerning certain Problems of Marine Transportation and Litigation [with Exchanges of Notes]
4 December 1942 Agreement between the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Persia regarding Food for Persia
7 December 1942 Exchange of Notes Supplementary to the Agreement of July 25, 1940 concerning the Disposal of Belgian Cargoes
8 December 1942 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America regarding Fur Seals
9 December 1942 9 March 1943 Treaty between Nigeria and Spanish Guinea Regarding Recruitment of Labour in Nigeria for Employment in Spanish Guinea
14 December 1942 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the French National Committee on the Defence of the Island of Madagascar and its Dependencies and the Island of Reunion
4 January 1943 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgian Government concerning the Disposal of the Property of Belgian and British Seamen Who Die While Serving in British and Belgian Ships
5 January 1943 Declaration regarding Acts of Dispossession committed in Territories under Enemy Occupation or Control
11 January 1943 20 May 1943 Treaty between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and India and His Excellency the President of the National Government of the Republic of China for the Relinquishment of Extra - Territorial Rights in China and the Regulation of Related Matters (with Exchange of Notes and Agreed Minute)
21 January 1943 Protocol Amending Article 5 of the Agreement of October 25, 1940 concerning Reciprocal Aid (Lease-Lend)
25 January 1943 Agreement Supplelmentary to the Financial Agreement of May 26, 1942
16 February 1943 22 March 1943 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1944).
16 March 1943 Agreement between the Bahamas and the United States of America regarding the Importation of Bahamian Agricultural Workers into the United States of America
5 April 1943 Exchange of Notes between Jamaica and the United States of America regarding the Importation of Jamaican Agricultural Workers into the United States of America
16 April 1943 8 January 1943 Agreement regarding Contract with Eti Bank for Purchase by the United Kingdom of Turkish Chrome during the Years 1943 and 1944
10 May 1943 1 February 1945 Parcel Post Agreement between Palestine and the United States (Post Offices) with Detailed Regulations
12 May 1943 Exchange of Notes regarding the Transfer of Certain Axis Ships to Portugal
18 May 1943 1 September 1939 Protocol regarding Pensions for Members of Polish Armed Forces
3 June 1943 Final Act of the United Nations Conference, May 13 - June 3, 1943 on Food and Agriculture, with Summary of Work of Conference and Resolutions
9 June 1943 Exchange of Letters regarding Further Credit to Polish Government
10 June 1943 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the United States of America concerning Jurisdiction over Prizes in India
19 June 1943 Exchange of Notes further Prolonging the Validity and Modifying the Agreement of August 24, 1942 concerning the Supplies of Wolfram to the United Kingdom and the United States of America
28 June 1943 1 July 1943 Exchange of Notes constituting a Temporary Commercial Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Government of Chile
8 July 1943 25 November 1942 Exchange of Notes (with Mexico) regarding Reciprocal Exemption from Compulsory Military Service
20 July 1943 Convention between France and India regarding the French Loge at Balasore
17 August 1943 Agreement with Exchanges of Notes regarding the Azores
17 August 1943 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal for the use by the United Kingdom of facilities in the Azores
19 August 1943 19 August 1943 Articles of agreement governing collaboration between the authorities of the United States of America and the United Kingdom in the matter of tube alloys.
26 August 1943 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Iran regarding Financial Agreements
28 August 1943 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the United States of America concerning Reciprocal Agreement, Diplomatic Bags by Post
1 September 1943 Agreement between the United Kingdom, Sweden and the United States of America regarding War Trade
3 October 1943 Exchange of notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Saudi Arabia prolonging the Treaty of Jedda of 20th May, 1927 as modified by the Exchange of Notes of 3rd October, 1936
4 October 1943 Convention First Conference of Ministers and Directors of Education of the American Republics [With Final Act]
19 October 1943 Protocols with Schedules regarding Military Supplies, Raw Materials, Industrial Equipment, Food, etc.
22 October 1943 Final Act of the International Fisheries Conference and Draft Convention for Policing of Fisheries and Measures for the Protection of Immature Fish
1 November 1943 Protocol and Annexes - Tripartite Conference held at Moscow, October 19 - 30, 1943
3 November 1943 Exchange of Letters and Memorandum of Agreement (bewteen Sir John Anderson, Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom and M. Couve de Murville, of the French Committee of National Liberation) regarding the Settlement of debts between persons in the United Kingdom and persons in territories under the control of the F.C.N.L.
9 November 1943 Agreement for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
11 November 1943 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia regarding Civil Claims against Czechoslovak armed Forces
1 December 1943 Declaration regarding the Cairo Conference
1 December 1943 Military Conclusions of the Tehran Conference, December, 1943
1 December 1943 Declaration Relations with Iran (Persia) (War and Post-War)
3 December 1943 3 December 1943 Agreement with respect to the Loan to the United Kingdom of Vessels owned by CANADA
9 December 1943 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and El Salvador concerning Commerce - Renewal of Modus Vivendi until December 15, 1944
16 December 1943 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Belgium regarding the Settlement of Claims against members of respective Armed Forces
19 December 1943 Exchange of Letters and Memorandum of Agreement between the United Kingdom, Switzerland and the United States of America regarding the reduction of Exports to Axis and Satellite Countries
21 December 1943 Exchange of Notes and Schedules with Brazil concerning Purchase of Brazilian Rice by the United Kingdom and the United States of America
22 December 1943 22 December 1943 Agreement concerning Regulation of Production and Export of Rubber
16 January 1944 29 February 1944 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1945).
7 February 1944 Protocol on the International Regulation of Whaling
8 February 1944 Protocol and two Annexes between the United Kingdom and the French Committee of National Liberation concerning Mutual Aid
8 February 1944 Agreement and Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and the French Committee of National Liberation concerning Finance
9 February 1944 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy concerning Terms of Restoration of Italian Territory
11 February 1944 Agreement between Canada and the Soviet Union concerning Deliveries of War Supplies to the Soviet Union
15 February 1944 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Norway concerning Armed Forces - Norwegian Air Force Personnel attached to Norwegian Naval Squadrons subject to Norwegian Law
21 February 1944 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and the French Committee of National Liberation concerning Use of France Account and Implementing Article V of Mutual Aid Protocol of 8 February 1944
24 February 1944 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and Poland concerning Credit of #5,000,000 for Civil Expenditure (Chancellor of Exchequer and Polish Minister of Finance)
25 February 1944 Exchange of Notes between the United States of America and Canada regarding the Upper Colombia River Basin
29 February 1944 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Mexico concerning Reciprocal Exemption from Military Service
29 February 1944 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America for Mutual Forearance concerning Claims against Members and Civilian Employees of their respective Armed Forces [With Annex and Appendix]
1 March 1944 Agreement between the United Kingdom, France, and the United States of America regarding Shipping - the management of French ships and Control of French Seaman
1 March 1944 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Belgium concerning Financial Arrangements - Equipment and Maintenance of Belgian Land Forces in the United Kingdom
1 March 1944 Exchange of Notes between the United States of America and Canada regarding Claims on Traffic Accidents involving Vehicles of the United States and Canadian Armed Forces
3 March 1944 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia concerning Financial Extension of Credit
3 March 1944 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the United States regarding Pre-emptive purchases in Spain, Portugal and Turkey
10 March 1944 10 March 1944 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United concerning the United States Copyright Laws
23 March 1944 Exchange of Notes between Newfoundland and the United States of America regarding Agricultural Workers
23 March 1944 Exchange of Notes between the Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic concerning the Liquidation of Unexecuted Judgments of the Anglo-Turkish Mixed Arbitral Tribunal
30 March 1944 Protocol and Annex between the United Kingdom and Belgium concerning Organisation and Employment of Personnel of Belgian Air Force (Supplementing provisions of Agreement of June 4, 1942)
6 April 1944 Protocol and Annex between the United Kingdom and Poland concerning Organisation and Employment of, and Jurisdiction over, Personnel of Polish Air Force
13 April 1944 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regarding British Credit to the Netherlands Government
1 May 1944 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and Spain regarding the Limitation of Exports to Germany ; German and Japanese officials at Tangier ; Disposal of Italian warships and merchant ships ; withdrawal of Spanish units from Eastern Front
2 May 1944 Agreement with Exchange of Notes regarding Financial Aid
2 May 1944 Agreement between the United Kingdom and China regarding Lending and Leases
3 May 1944 Exchange of Notes between the United States of America and Canada regarding the diversion of water from the Niagara River for power purposes
16 May 1944 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgian Government concerning Civil Administration and Jurisdiction in Belgian Territory liberated by an Allied Expeditionary Force
16 May 1944 Exchange of Notes regarding the Administration and Jurisdiction of liberated territory
16 May 1944 Exchange of Notes regarding the Administration and Jurisdiction of liberated (metropolitan) territory
19 May 1944 Agreement with Protocol regarding Conditions of employment of Chinese Seamen in British Ocean Going Ships
24 May 1944 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Brazil regarding Cultural Relations
24 May 1944 Exchange of Notes between the United States of America and Canada regarding Jurisdiction over Prizes
26 May 1944 Agreement regarding Oil Installations on Faroe Islands
27 May 1944 27 May 1944 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Brazil on Military Service of Dual Nationals
8 June 1944 Agreement between the United States of America and India regarding Silver
23 June 1944 1 July 1944 Exchange of Notes prolonging the Temporary Commercial Agreement of 28 June 1943 until 30 June 1945
29 June 1944 Protocol with Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Poland regarding Mutual Aid
1 July 1944 Final Act and Annexes of the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
15 July 1944 Exchange of Notes. Silver: Security in the event of default by India in India/United States Agreement of June 8, 1944 (X-66-393)
18 July 1944 Convention between India and France regarding the French Loge at Balasore
24 July 1944 Exchange of Notes regarding Liquidation of British Held Share of Ottoman Debt - Transfer of Annuities of 1909 City of Istanbul Loan
27 July 1944 Exchange of Notes regarding Civil Administration and Jurisdiction in Liberated Territory (with Notes and Memorandum of Agreement)
5 August 1944 Agreement concerning Principles for Continuance of Co-ordinated Control of Merchant Shipping (and Annex)
8 August 1944 Agreement regarding Petroleum: Development of Resources on World-Wide Basis: Preliminary to International Conference
22 August 1944 1 June 1944 Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government regarding Mutual Aid
22 August 1944 Protocol between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regarding Mutual Aid and Currency
25 August 1944 Exchange of Notes regarding Arrangements to be Made in French Continental Territory Liberated by Allied forces Under Supreme Allied Commander (I. Administration and Jurisdiction, II. Currencey and Mutual Aid, III. Property, IV. Publicity and V. Distribution of Relief Supplies for Civilian Population)
31 August 1944 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America extending the Exchange of Notes of 5 to 9 October 1942 concerning the Temporary Raising of Lake St. Francis water level
31 August 1944 Protocol Prolonging the International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar Signed in London on 6th May, 1937
12 September 1944 6 February 1945 Protocol on the Zones of Occupation in Germany and the administration of 'Greater Berlin' [with annexed maps]
12 September 1944 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Romania concerning Armistice
19 September 1944 Armistice Agreement between the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, &c., and Finland, with Annexes and Protocols
23 September 1944 25 August 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the Establishment of a Direct Radiotelephone Service between their respective Territories [with Protocol]
25 September 1944 Agreement between France and S.H.A.E.F. regarding Labour
28 September 1944 Proposals for the Establishment of a General International Organisation ('United Nations') to maintain International Peace and Security (Dumbarton Oaks Conversations)
2 October 1944 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regarding Property in United Kingdom of Persons resident in Netherlands
2 October 1944 Exchange of Notes regarding Mutual Aid
3 October 1944 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Spain concerning Air Services between the United Kingdom and Spain
4 October 1944 1 June 1944 Protocol between the United Kingdom and Norway concerning Mutual Aid and Currency
5 October 1944 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium concerning Monetary Matters
6 October 1944 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government relating to Property in the United Kingdom belonging to Persons resident in Belgium
7 October 1944 Proposals for the Establishment of a General International Organisation ('United Nations') to maintain International Peace and Security (Dumbarton Oaks Conversations)
7 October 1944 Exchange of Notes between regarding U.S. release of land in Montserrat, Couva Ward, Trinidad
12 October 1944 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Iceland concerning the Reversion of the Reykjavik Airfield to the Icelandic Government
17 October 1944 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and Greece concerning Currency
19 October 1944 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and Poland concerning Further Credit for Polish Government
20 October 1944 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands concerning Further Credit for the Netherlands
28 October 1944 Agreement between the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the Soviet Union on behalf of the United Nations, and Bulgaria, regarding Armistice
31 October 1944 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Norway concerning Property in United Kingdom of Persons Resident in Norway
8 November 1944 Exchange of Notes regarding Liquidation of British held share of Ottoman Debt
10 November 1944 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Greece regarding Currency Conversion
13 November 1944 Protocol and Exchange of Notes regarding the Organisation and Employment of Armed Forces, and mutual aid
14 November 1944 6 February 1945 Agreement regarding Amendments to the Protocol of 12 September 1944 between the Governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the Zones of Occupation in Germany and the Administration of 'Greater Berlin'
22 November 1944 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America regarding Defence Installations and Facilities
24 November 1944 Exchange of Notes between Jamaica and the United States of America concerning Employment of Agricultural Workers - approved by Memorandum of Understanding
24 November 1944 Exchange of Notes and Memo of agreement between the United Kingdom and Greece concerning Civil Administration, Jurisdiction and relief arising out of Military Operations
28 November 1944 Exchange of Notes regarding Participation of Portugal in Pacific operations
7 December 1944 30 January 1945 International Air Services Transit Agreement ('Two Freedoms')
7 December 1944 6 June 1945 Interim Agreement on International Civil Aviation
7 December 1944 4 April 1947 Agreement on International Air Transport (' Five Freedoms ')
7 December 1944 4 April 1947 Convention on International Civil Aviation
7 December 1944 Final Act of the International Air Navigation Conference [with appendices]
15 December 1944 15 January 1945 International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation, 1944 modifying the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation of 12th April, 1933 with Declarations by the Governments of Egypt and France
15 December 1944 15 January 1945 International Sanitary Convention, 1944 modifying the International Sanitary Convention of 21st June, 1926, with Declarations by the Governments of Egypt and France
15 December 1944 Exchange of Notes regarding Air and Seaplane Base at Vaago
19 December 1944 Agreement between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia for the Regulation of Mutual Relations [With Annexure, Schedule and Exchanges of Letters]
20 December 1944 Exchange of Notes regarding Jurisdiction over Merchant Seamen not subject to Allied Service Law
29 December 1944 Exchange of Notes. Silver - Indian requirements.
31 December 1944 Agreement with Schedule and Supplementary Agreement regarding the Royal Aircraft Factory at Doshan Tappeh (Shabaz)
3 January 1945 6 January 1945 Exchange of Notes concerning Egyptian Foreign Exchange Requirements for 1945
20 January 1945 Agreement (with annex and protocol) between the United States of America, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Hungary concerning an Armistice
26 January 1945 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Portugal regarding Exchange of Goods
3 February 1945 15 February 1945 Agreement between Eire and the United States of America regarding Reciprocal Air Transport Facilities with Exchange of Notes
8 February 1945 Exchange of Notes between the Bahamas and the United States of America concerning Employment of Agricultural Workers - approves Memorandum of Understanding amending agreement of 16 March 1943
9 February 1945 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Brazil regarding Military Service, &c
11 February 1945 Agreement between the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Union of South Africa and India on the one hand and the Soviet Union on the other hand, relating to Prisoners of War and Civilians Liberated by Forces operating under Soviet Command and Forces operating under British Command
11 February 1945 Agreement concerning the Soviet participation in War against Japan
11 February 1945 Protocol to the Proceedings of the Crimea Conference
11 February 1945 Report on the Crimea Conference
11 February 1945 Agreement regarding Treatment of Liberated Soviet Citizens in the United Kingdom with 2 Annexes and Exchange of Notes
16 February 1945 14 March 1945 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1946).
16 February 1945 14 May 1945 Exchange of Notes between Eire and Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial ' Modus Vivendi ' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1946).
26 February 1945 Agreement between Canada and the United States of America concerning Canol Project - Evaluation of Facilities
1 March 1945 Agreement Turkish Chrome Ore Joint cost and loss-sharing agreement (between Ministry of Supply representing HM Government and United States Commercial Company representing United States of America.
6 March 1945 1 January 1945 Monetary Agreement
8 March 1945 Agreement between Australia and the United States of America regarding Marine Transportation and Litigation
15 March 1945 Memorandum of Agreement and Understanding Mediterranean submarine cables. Seized Italian cable- Horta-Gibraltar-Fiurnicino-Rome. Maintenance costs. Charges for US Government traffic.
27 March 1945 1 March 1945 Financial Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and France with Annex
29 March 1945 1 April 1945 Exchange of Notes Amending for 1 year, from 01:04:1945, the Trade Agreement, signed in Ottawa on 20:08:1932
31 March 1945 Exchange of Notes (Financial)
31 March 1945 Exchange of Notes regarding Trade and Payments
9 April 1945 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Venezuela concerning Commercial Relations - Renewal until April 9, 1946 of Modus Vivendi of March 26, 1941
14 April 1945 14 April 1945 Exchange of Notes and Memorandum of Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning Jurisdictional Immunities of H.M. Forces in the Azores
16 April 1945 25 June 1946 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
16 April 1945 25 July 1946 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on the Estates of Deceased Persons
17 April 1945 Protocol between the United Kingdom, Canada, United States of America and the Soviet Union concerning Mutual Aid - Fourth Protocol of Supplies for period July 1, 1944 - June 30, 1945
17 April 1945 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and the United States of America concerning Mutual Aid on Cash Basis
18 April 1945 Agreement. Frontier Affairs. Joint control of the Danish-German frontier. Provision by Denmark of Frontier Guards. Principles governing the disposition of persons attempting to cross the frontier without authority who are apprehended.
30 April 1945 Exchange of Notes concerning Trade and Payments
30 April 1945 Exchange of Notes. Silver for Indian Coinage
4 May 1945 21 May 1945 Trade and Payments Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic
7 May 1945 22 October 1943 Exchange of Notes and Memorandum between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America relating to the Use and Disposal of United Nations Vessels Captured or Found by Their Forces in the Course of Operations for the Liberation of Europe
7 May 1945 Instrument German Act of Military Surrender
8 May 1945 Agreement Concerning a Provisional Organisation for European Inland Transport
8 May 1945 Instrument, German Act of Military Surrender
8 May 1945 Exchange of Notes - British Mission to re-organise Greek gendarmerie, police and prisons services
14 May 1945 14 May 1945 Agreement. Censorship. Imposition and maintenance by Danish Government of a censorship over civilian postal correspondence and telecommunications into and out of Denmark, and control of transmission of correspondence, documents, books, maps, etc or any article conveying information
23 May 1945 Exchange of Notes. Disposal of British military buildings in Iceland
28 May 1945 23 May 1985 Exchange of Notes Amending for a period of 6 months, from 23:05:1945, the Trade Agreement, signed at Ottawa on 20:08:1932
28 May 1945 Agreement concerning Foreign Exchange Requirements for 1945
28 May 1945 Protocol confirming the validity of the Turkish translation of the Agreement of 4 May 1945
1 June 1945 25 June 1945 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government Regarding Claims Arising Out of Incidents Involving Members of His Majesty's Forces
1 June 1945 Exchange of Notes concerning Jurisdiction over Merchant Seaman in French Territory
5 June 1945 5 June 1945 Declaration and three Statements concerning the Defeat of Germany, Assumption of Supreme Authority, Zones of Occupation, Control Machinery and Consultation with other Governments of the United Nations
9 June 1945 Agreement between the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Yugoslavia regarding Military Control and Civil Administration in Venezia Giulia Region
20 June 1945 Agreement regarding Determination of Details Arising out of Agreement of June 9, 1945 concerning Military Control and Civil Administration on Venezia Giulia Region
23 June 1945 1 July 1945 Exchange of Notes prolonging the Temporary Commercial Agreement of 1931 until 20 June 1946
26 June 1945 24 October 1945 Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice
26 June 1945 United Nations Agreement for the Interim Arrangements of Peace and Security and the Establishment of a Preparatory Commission
30 June 1945 Rules between the United Kingdom and China concerning Seamens Pool in Bombay
4 July 1945 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Provisional Government of the French Republic on Control Machinery in Austria
5 July 1945 5 July 1942 Memorandum of Agreement. British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. Adjustment of Liabilities under Commonwealth Agreement of 05:06:1942 (See Intra-Commonwealth Agreements - CANADA No 21)
5 July 1945 5 July 1945 Memorandum of Agreement. Air training of crews in CANADA and certain related matters
7 July 1945 Agreement regarding Jurisdiction over British Armed Forces in Chinese Territory and Chinese Forces in India and Burma
9 July 1945 9 July 1945 Agreements between the Governments of the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Provisional Government of the French Republic on Zones of Occupation in Austria and the Administration of the City of Vienna
9 July 1945 Exchange of Notes [between SHAEF Mission and Netherlands Military Mission] concerning Termination by Allied Forces of First Military Phase of Operations in Netherlands
14 July 1945 Agreement concerning the Control of Travel across German Frontiers in and out of the United Kingdom, the United States and French Zones of Ocupation in Germany
17 July 1945 Potsdam Conference (Protocol of the Proceedings of the Berlin Tri-partite Conference)
18 July 1945 22 October 1943 Exchange of Notes concerning the Use and Disposal of United Nations Vessels captured or found in the course of Operations for the Liberation of Europe.
19 July 1945 Exchange of Notes - Silver for India
19 July 1945 Exchange of Notes regarding the Prolongation of Various Military Agreements as Amended
20 July 1945 20 July 1945 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom, United States of America and Brazil concerning the price to be paid by the UK and US for exportable surplus from the 1944-5 crop and percentage of broken rice
25 July 1945 Agreement and Report concerning additional Requirements to be imposed on Germany (European Advisory Commission Agreement)
26 July 1945 Agreement concerning Zones of Occupation in Germany and Administration of 'Greater Berlin'
30 July 1945 Convention between India and France regarding the French Loge at Balasore
31 July 1945 Proces-verbal regarding German Embassy and Consulates in the United Kingdom
2 August 1945 17 August 1945 Exchange of Letters, Memo of Agreement and subsidiary Exchange of Letters concerning Payments and Liquidation of Outstanding Indebtedness between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Finland
6 August 1945 General Protocol regarding Cessation of Swiss Protection of British interests in France
8 August 1945 8 August 1945 Agreement by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of the United States of America, the Provisional Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for the Prosecution and Punishment of the Major War Criminals of the European Axis [and Charter of the International Military Tribunal]
8 August 1945 Exchange of Notes Terminating the Payments Agreement of 20 November 1940
16 August 1945 20 August 1945 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark
17 August 1945 Agreement supplemental to an Agreement with respect to the loan to the United Kingdom of Vessels owned by CANADA
20 August 1945 Exchange of Notes regarding Diplomatic Relations, arrangements pending conclusion of Peace Treaty
21 August 1945 Agreement on Parcel Post between Mauritius and Mozambique.
24 August 1945 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands concerning Civil Administration and Jurisdiction in the Netherlands Indies territory in the South-East Asia Command, with Exchange of Notes
29 August 1945 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Provisional Government of the French Republic relating to Certain Rights in respect of Industrial, Literary and Artistic Property which have been affected by War
29 August 1945 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Provisional Government of the French Republic relating to Money and Property situated in France and the United Kingdom which have been subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of France
31 August 1945 Anglo-French Agreement for the Re-establishment of the International Administration of Tangier
31 August 1945 Final Act of Conference concerning Tangier (Re-establishment of International Regime) and Annex - Anglo-French Agreement for the Re-establishment of the International Administration of Tangier
31 August 1945 Protocol Prolonging the International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar Signed in London on 6th May, 1937
1 September 1945 22 October 1943 Use of Disposal of United Nations Vessels captured or found in the course of Operations for the Liberation of Europe - Exchange of Notes and Memorandum of Agreement
2 September 1945 Unconditional Surrender of Japan to General McArthur (Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers) supported by representatives of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, China, USSR, Australia, Canada, France, Netherlands and New Zealand
7 September 1945 7 September 1945 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Netherlands Government
24 September 1945 Petroleum Agreement
24 September 1945 Exchange of Notes regarding Disposal of Property falling into hands of Allied Forces in Norway
27 September 1945 Convention concerning Inter-American Telecommunications
27 September 1945 Agreement concerning the Establishment of an European Central Inland Transport Organisation with Annex comprising Protocol relating to Traffic on Inland Waterways and Protocol relating to the Transfer from the Provisional Organisation for European Inland Transport to the European Central Inland Transport Organisation
4 October 1945 Notes on the Central Commission of the Rhine ( resumption of functions and arrangements for U.S. participation)
5 October 1945 Supplementary Protocols concerning the International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling of 8th June, 1937, as Amended by the Protocols of 24th June, 1938 and 7th February, 1944
6 October 1945 Protocol amending the Agreement for the Prosecution and Punishment of Major War Criminals of the European Axis signed in London on 8 August, 1945
8 October 1945 Exchange of Notes and Annexes between the United Kingdom and France concerning Civil Administration and Jurisdiction in Indo-China liberated by British Forces and Currency for British Authorities
11 October 1945 22 October 1943 Exchange of Notes concerning the Use and Disposal of United Nations Vessels captured or found in operations for the liberation of Europe
11 October 1945 22 October 1943 Exchange of Notes and Memorandum of Principles concerning the Use and Disposal of United Nations Vessels captured or found by their forces in the course of Operations for the Liberation of Europe
16 October 1945 16 October 1945 Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
19 October 1945 14 November 1946 Agreement between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Head of the Provisional Government of the French Republic for Relief from Double Taxation in certain circumstances of Individuals in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and in France respectively
24 October 1945 1 May 1945 Protocol respecting Mutual Aid
24 October 1945 16 December 1945 Renewal of the Commercial Modus Vivendi of 8 August, 1931 between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Salvador
24 October 1945 Exchange of Notes. Telegraphs and Telephones. Use of Danish service by British Military Authorities.
26 October 1945 26 October 1945 Agreement in connection with the establishment of Civil Air Services between the Union of South Africa and the United Kingdom plus Annex
26 October 1945 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France concerning the Application of Mutual Aid Protocol of 8 February 1944 and Agreements of 25 August 1944 to expenditure incurred in ports in France and the United Kingdom in connection with ships under the control of the Ministry of War Transport and French Government respectively
30 October 1945 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regarding the disposal of enemy war material and other property falling into the hands of Allied Forces in the Netherlands East Indies
31 October 1945 9 October 1945 Memorandum of Agreement. Military Supplies. Conditions for new arrangements for the attribution of expenditure incurred in the provision of local supplies, accommodation and facilities to the British Forces in Norway
1 November 1945 1 November 1945 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic relating to Money and Property situated in Czechoslovakia and the United Kingdom which have been subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of Czechoslovakia
1 November 1945 5 November 1945 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic
1 November 1945 Exchanges of Letters concerning the present position of the Commercial Treaty of 14 July 1923
2 November 1945 Exchange of Notes concerning Credit of #500,000 under Agreement of 10 December 1940 (X 31)
5 November 1945 5 November 1945 Exchange of Notes constituting an Arrangement providing for participation by the United States in the Central Commission of the Rhine.
5 November 1945 26 September 1946 Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
8 November 1945 8 November 1945 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Norwegian Government
14 November 1945 22 October 1943 Exchange of Notes concerning the use and disposal of United Nations Vessels captured or found in the course of operations for the Liberation of Europe.
15 November 1945 15 November 1945 Agreed Declaration regarding Atomic Energy
16 November 1945 4 November 1946 Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation [as later amended]
16 November 1945 Final Act of the United Nations Conference for the Establishment of an Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation [with related documents]
16 November 1945 Instrument Establishing the Preparatory Educational, Scientific and Cultural Commission
20 November 1945 24 November 1945 Exchange of Notes providing for the further suspension until 31:03:1946, of the 10% preference on fresh Hake, which is Guaranteed to the Union under the Trade Agreement concluded at Ottawa on 20:08:1932
22 November 1945 Agreement and Annex concerning the International Organisation for Clearance of Mines in European Waters after the Defeat of Germany
24 November 1945 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government concerning the Supply of certain Aircraft and Equipment to France
26 November 1945 26 November 1945 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Greece for Air Services in Europe
26 November 1945 3 March 1947 Protocol Amending the International Agreement of 8th June, 1937, and the Protocol of 24th June, 1938 for the Regulation of Whaling
26 November 1945 Final Act concerning International Whaling Conference 20th - 23rd November 1945
28 November 1945 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France concerning pensions for Free French Forces - Termination of Agreement of 7 August 1941, with effect from 31 December 1945
30 November 1945 30 November 1945 Exchange of Letters constituting an Agreement supplementing the Agreement of 11 October 1945 concerning the Use and Disposal of United Nations Vessels captured or found by their forces in the course of Operations for the Liberation of Europe
4 December 1945 29 March 1946 Agreement between the Governments represented at the Bermuda Telecommunications Conference
4 December 1945 Protocol between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of the United States of America covering Exclusive Telecommunications Arrangements
5 December 1945 Exchange of Notes-interpretation of Part II, paragraph 1 of the Memorandum annexed to the Agreement of 1 September 1945 concerning 'Liberated Ships'.
6 December 1945 16 August 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Portugal for Air Services between British and Portuguese Territories [With Annex and Exchange of Notes]
6 December 1945 16 August 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Portugal for Air Services traversing British and Portuguese Territories [With Annex and Exchange of Notes]
6 December 1945 15 December 1946 Financial Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the United States
6 December 1945 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Danish Government relating to Money and Property situated in Denmark and the United Kingdom which have been subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of Denmark
10 December 1945 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America regarding the Constitution of a Joint Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry into the Problems of European Jewry and Palestine
10 December 1945 Exchange of Notes and Agreed Minute concerning Contract for purchase of Italian Products
13 December 1945 Exchange of Notes, two Annexes and Agreed Communique between the United Kingdom and France regarding Withdrawal of Troops from Levant States (Syria and Lebanon), Situation in Middle East
20 December 1945 1 June 1944 Protocol and Exchange of Notes concerning Currency and Mutual Aid and the Attribution of Expenditure in the Netherlands West Indies in connexion with the War Against Japan
21 December 1945 21 December 1945 Agreement for Air Services between the United Kingdom and Canada (Bermuda)
21 December 1945 Final Act and Draft Agreement concerning Reparation Conference, Paris 9th Nov. - 21st Dec. 1945
21 December 1945 Exchange of Notes regarding 'Band Project'. Oil Pipe-line and disposal of storage loading facilities at Prince Rupert
22 December 1945 23 December 1945 Exchange of Notes Prolonging the Egyptian Foreign Exchange Requirement Agreement of January 3/6 1945, with revision, to March 31, 1946
27 December 1945 27 December 1945 Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
27 December 1945 27 December 1945 Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
27 December 1945 Report and Communique on the Moscow Conference of the Three Foreign Ministers, 16th - 26th December 1945
28 December 1945 Exchange of Notes concerning the disposal of Enemy War Material and other property falling into the hands of Allied Forces in Indo-China
1 January 1946 1 January 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of India on the one hand and the Siamese Government on the other for the Termination of the State of War [With Exchanges of Notes and Memoranda between January 1, 1946 and May 8, 1947 concerning Property, Rights and Interests of Allied nationals in Siam]
4 January 1946 1 January 1946 Agreement for the Establishment of the European Coal Organisation
14 January 1946 24 January 1946 Agreement on Reparation from Germany, on the Establishment of an Inter-Allied Reparation Agency and on the Restitution of Monetary Gold
17 January 1946 Exchange of Notes Extending the Agreement for Foreign Exchange Requirements of May 28, 1945
18 January 1946 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Free Importation of Goods into the Leased Bases in Bermuda, in the Caribbean and in British Guiana
24 January 1946 24 January 1946 Financial and Economic Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Greek Government
25 January 1946 1 December 1943 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America on the Principles applying to the Exchange of Information relating to the Synthesis of Pencillin
26 January 1946 22 October 1943 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement relating to the Use and Disposal of United Nations Vessels captured or found by their forces in the course of operations for the Liberation of Europe (with Supplementary Exchange of Notes concerning extension of application of term 'vessels belonging to that State' in memorandum attached to the Agreement)
28 January 1946 1 March 1946 Exchange of Notes concerning the Purchase of Natural Rubber allocated from British Areas in the Far East
7 February 1946 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Mexico regarding Compensation in respect of Expropriated Petroleum Industrial Properties
7 February 1946 Arrangement regarding Radio Distance Indicators
8 February 1946 Trade Agreement between Canada and Mexico
8 February 1946 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement for the continued Application to New Zealand of the Extradition Treaty of March 4, 1911 as renewed in 1928.
11 February 1946 11 February 1946 Final Act of the Civil Aviation Conference held at Bermuda, 15th January - 11th February, 1946 and Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America relating to Air Services between their Respective Territories [With Annex]
11 February 1946 Recomendations regarding arrangements to be set up on expiry of the Agreement concerning Principles for Continuance of Co-ordinated Control of Merchant Shipping done at London August 5th 1944, for the Limited Transitional Period March 3 - October 31, 1946
12 February 1946 2 April 1946 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1947).
12 February 1946 21 June 1946 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic for Air Services between the United Kingdom and Turkey [With Annex and Exchange of Notes]
20 February 1946 Agreement between Canada and Colombia regarding Trade
21 February 1946 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and Argentine Republic concerning Commerce - Prolongation for 6 months by 'Gentlemen's Agreement' of Trade Agreement of 1 December 1936
25 February 1946 29 March 1946 Interim Agreement concerning North American Regional Broadcasting [and 3 Annexes]
28 February 1946 28 February 1946 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Provisional Government of the French Republic relating to Air Transport between British and French Territories [With Annex, &c., and Exchanges of Notes]
4 March 1946 4 March 1946 Protocol regarding the transfer from Switzerland to the United Kingdom of responsibility for Protection of Iraqi interests in Belgium
5 March 1946 1 April 1947 Assisted Passage Migration Agreement between the United Kingdom and Australia
6 March 1946 Financial Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United Kingdom
6 March 1946 Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United Kingdom on the Settlement of War Claims
7 March 1946 Notes concerning Leased Air Bases in Caribbean Area and arrangements for temporary commercial (civil) use
11 March 1946 8 May 1945 Treaty between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Royal Highness the Prince Regent in the name of His Majesty The King of the Belgians regarding Privileges and Facilities for British Forces in Belgium in connection with the Occupation of Germany and Austria
11 March 1946 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the Argentine Republic concerning Commerce - Formal Prolongation of Agreement of 1 December 1936
12 March 1946 12 March 1946 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government
13 March 1946 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government concerning the Supply of certain Aircraft and Equipment to France [Agreement of 12 November 1945 and Appendices]
15 March 1946 Supplementary Protocol concerning the International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling of 8th June, 1937, as amended by the Protocols of 24th June, 1938 and 7th February, 1944
18 March 1946 3 June 1946 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement amending the Wheat Agreement of 22 April 1942 done at Washington, Notes dated - 18:03:1946, 20:03:1946, 25:03:1946, 09:04:1946, 03:05:1946 & 03:06:1946
21 March 1946 21 March 1946 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Royal Hellenic Government relating to Money and Property situated in Greece and the United Kingdom which have been subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of Greece
21 March 1946 Exchange of Notes - Modification of Exchange of Notes of May 8/12, 1945 concerning the British Mission to reorganise the Greek Gendarmerie, police and prisons services (U/N X-91-601)
22 March 1946 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Highness the Amir of Trans-Jordan [With Annex and Exchange of Notes]
25 March 1946 7 May 1946 Exchange of Notes between the His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America extending the Marine Transportation and Litigation Agreement of the 4th December, 1942
27 March 1946 27 March 1946 Joint Memorandum and Agreements between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America regarding Supplement for Lend-Lease, Reciprocal Aid, Surplus War Property and Claims
27 March 1946 Protocol and Inventory between the United Kingdom and Switzerland concerning Transfer from Switzerland to United Kingdom of responsibility for Protection of Iraqi Interests in France
27 March 1946 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Interchange of Patent Rights and Information
28 March 1946 1 April 1946 Exchange of Notes providing for the further suspension for a period of 6 months from 01:04:1946 of the 10% preference on Fresh Hake, which is Guaranteed to the Union under the Trade Agreement concluded at Ottawa on 20:08:1932
29 March 1946 29 March 1946 Proces Verbal concerning Japanese Embassy Property, Archives etc in the United Kingdom Transfer to United Kingdom
30 March 1946 31 March 1946 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America concerning Transfer of Defence Installations and Equipment
30 March 1946 28 January 1948 Protocol for the Dissolution of the International Institute of Agriculture and the Transfer of its Functions and Assets to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations [with Annex]
1 April 1946 3 April 1946 Signed Notes-verbales concerning Foreign Exchange Requirements
2 April 1946 16 May 1944 Exchange of Notes and Annex concerning the Disposal of War Material and other Property falling into the hands of Allied Forces in Belgium
2 April 1946 Agreement supplemental to Agreement of 27th May, 1943, with respect to acquisition by Canada of United Kingdom interest in Canadian Munition Plants (with Schedules, I, II, and III) (See CRO No.25)
4 April 1946 Exchange of Letters (between M. Clavet, Financial Attache, French Embassy and Mr Penton (Treasury) Conditions of Cessation of Mutual Aid in Europe and Application of Mutual Aid in Indo-China, and termination of Protocol of 8 February 1944
5 April 1946 4 June 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Ireland (Eire) Relating To Air Services To, In and Through Their Respective Territories (with Annex)
5 April 1946 5 April 1953 Convention for the Regulation of Meshes of Fishing Nets and Size Limits of Fish
5 April 1946 Final Act to the International Overfishing Conference 25th March - 5th April, 1946
8 April 1946 31 March 1946 Agreement between the Governments of Canada, Newfoundland and the United Kingdom Respecting Defence Installations in Newfoundland
8 April 1946 Exchange of Notes Prolonging and Modifying the Agreements of May 28, 1945 and January 17, 1946 concerning Foreign Exchange Requirements of Iraq
16 April 1946 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government
17 April 1946 Convention between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government for the Promotion of Mutual Understanding of Intellectual, Artistic and Scientific Activities [With Exchange of Notes]
19 April 1946 25 August 1946 Exchange of Notes concerning Modification of Agreement concerning the Establishment of a Direct Radiotelephone Service between their respective territories, Moscow 23 September 1944
23 April 1946 30 April 1946 Protocol to Prolong the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation, 1944, Modifying the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation of the 12th April, 1933
23 April 1946 30 April 1946 Protocol to Prolong the International Sanitary Convention, 1944, Modifying the International Sanitary Convention of the 21st June, 1926
29 April 1946 29 April 1946 Agreement Supplementary to the Anglo/French Financial Agreement of the 27th March 1945
30 April 1946 Air Traffic Agreement and Schedule (Formation of Anglo/Egyptian Civil Air Transport Company 'Egyptian Airways S.A.E.')
1 May 1946 6 May 1946 Agreement between the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Siam, concerning the Export of Siamese Rice and other Commodities in short world supply: With Exchanges of Notes and memorandum of Understanding (with United Kingdom and United States of America) dated 24:12:1946 [X-97-650]
8 May 1946 Protocol regarding Egyptian Interests in Roumania
8 May 1946 Exchange of Letters between Mr Harriman and the United Kingdom Minister for Civil Aviation concerning Conditions relating to air service faclilities with respect to the transfer and maintenance of radio range and SCS 51 equipment.
8 May 1946 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government concerning the Supply of certain Aircraft and Equipment to France (and Appendices)
15 May 1946 16 May 1944 Exchange of Notes and Annex between the United Kingdom and Luxembourg concerning the Disposal of War Material and other Property falling into the hands of Allied Forces in Luxembourg
16 May 1946 Agreement between India and the United States of America regarding Settlement of Lend-Lease, Reciprocal Aid etc
16 May 1946 Protocol concerning Revision of Italian Armistice Terms
17 May 1946 21 February 1952 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic for Air Services between their respective territories (With Exchanges of Notes)
25 May 1946 Exchange of Letters, Accord, and Annex concerning the Liquidation of German Property in Switzerland
27 May 1946 Agreement. Regulation of landings of fish by Icelandic vessels in United Kingdom ports
30 May 1946 Exchanges of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning the Azores and the Pacific - Arrangements for termination of facilities provided in the Agreement of 17 August 1943 and 28 November 1944
5 June 1946 6 November 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Canada for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Duties on Estates of Deceased Persons
6 June 1946 Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
7 June 1946 Agreement between Australia and the United States of America regarding the Settlement of Lend-Lease, Reciprocal Aid etc
12 June 1946 Exchange of Notes Amending the Anglo-Netherlands Monetary Agreement of 07:09:1945
19 June 1946 21 June 1946 Exchange of Notes terminating the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the French National Committee on the Defence of the Island of Madagascar and its Dependencies and the Island of Reunion signed at London on 14 December 1942
20 June 1946 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Yugoslavia concerning the Re-delivery of SS 'Nikola Pasic' (now 'Radcombe') to Yugoslavia
24 June 1946 19 June 1947 Agreement and Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity for the Settlement of Outstanding Financial Questions (with Exchange of Notes)
25 June 1946 1 July 1946 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Chile concerning the Commercial Modus Vivendi of Memorandum of Understanding treatment stipulated in Exchange of Notes of 15 October 1931 and extended by 23 June 1945 - Renewal for a further 12 months until 30 June 1947
26 June 1946 Contract between the United Kingdom and the United States of America regarding the use by the United States Government of information, drawings, designs and inventions relating to Jet Propulsion Engines
27 June 1946 24 March 1957 Convention regarding Food and Catering for Crews on Board Ship (ILO No.68)
28 June 1946 28 June 1946 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the French Republic on the Machinery of Control in Austria.
28 June 1946 10 October 1962 Seafarers' Pensions Convention (ILO No. 71)
28 June 1946 Convention concerning Social Security for Seafarers [ILO No.70]
28 June 1946 Convention on Vacation Holidays with Pay for Seafarers (ILO No.72)
29 June 1946 14 July 1951 Convention concerning the Certification of Able Seamen (ILO No. 74)
29 June 1946 International Convention concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship (ILO No.75)
2 July 1946 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Yugoslavia concerning the Re-delivery of SS 'Federiko Glavic' ('Radport') and 'Durmitor' ('Radwinter') to Yugoslavia
3 July 1946 Non Governmental Agreement between HM Procurator General and Association d'Assurances Mutuelles Maritimes ecutre les Risques de Guerre regarding Settlement of Prize Court Claims
4 July 1946 4 July 1946 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Iceland concerning the Transfer of Reykjavil Airfield to the Icelandic Government (with Exchange of Notes)
6 July 1946 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Yugoslavia concerning settlement of Claims in respect of Vessels 'Supetar', 'Franka' (or 'Toboga') and 'Ivan'.
10 July 1946 Agreement between New Zealand and the United States of America regarding the Settlement for Lend Lease, Reciprocal Aid, Surplus War Property and Claims
11 July 1946 Exchange of Notes between the Canada and the United States of America amending the Exchange of Notes of March 30, 1946 concerning Defense Installations
11 July 1946 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Siam concerning Joint Claims Committee, under Articles II and III of Peace Agreement of 1 January 1946
15 July 1946 Final Act of Conference on Treatment of German-owned Patents
18 July 1946 28 March 1947 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America and France on the one hand, and the Government of Sweden on the other hand, regarding the Liquidation of German Assets in Sweden
19 July 1946 16 May 1944 Exchange of Notes and Annex concerning the Disposal of War Material and other Property falling into the hands of the Allied Forces in the Netherlands (Supplementary to the Agreement concerning Civil Administration and Jurisdiction in Liberated Territory of May 16, 1944)
19 July 1946 Notes Verbales. Sales of RAF equipment at Lagens (Azores) airfield to Portugal
22 July 1946 22 July 1946 World Health Organisation Final Act of International Conference, Constitution of Organisation, Arrangement Establishing Interim Commission, and Protocol relating to the International Office of Public Health
22 July 1946 20 October 1947 World Health Organisation, Protocol relating to the International Office of Public Health [with Annex]
22 July 1946 7 April 1948 World Health Organisation, Constitution of Organisation
22 July 1946 25 October 1960 Amendments to Articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the World Health Organisation signed at New York on July 22, 1946 Adopted by the Twelfth World Health Assembly
22 July 1946 World Health Organisation Final Act of International Conference 19th June to 22nd July, 1946
23 July 1946 Exchange of Letters between the Department of Trade and the Swiss Minister in London concerning Swiss Watchmaking Machinery and Watch Parts etc for the United Kingdom
27 July 1946 30 November 1946 International Accord Treatment of German-owned Patents
29 July 1946 1 August 1946 Exchange of Notes and Annex concerning Payments
30 July 1946 Exchange of Notes Abrogating the Financial Agreement of 14 June 1940
31 July 1946 Protocol regarding British Purchases of Butter, Bacon and Eggs from Denmark 1946 - 49 (With Appendices)
2 August 1946 1 August 1946 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Southern Rhodesia Amending the Trade Agreement of 13:02:1935 and 18:02:1935
2 August 1946 Exchange of Notes regarding Iraqi Representation in London and Precedence of HM Ambassador at Bagdad (Terminates Understanding in Exchange of Notes of 30 June 1930)
6 August 1946 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Hungary concerning Financial Payments (with Annex)
13 August 1946 13 August 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Brtain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Netherlands for Certain Air Services (With Annex and Exchange of Notes)
16 August 1946 16 August 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Royal Danish Government concerning the Supply of Certain Aircraft and Equipment to Denmark
28 August 1946 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic extending the Time-Limit in Article 1 of the Anglo-French Agreement of the 29th August ,1945, Concerning Industrial, Literary and Artistic Property.
30 August 1946 Protocol Prolonging the International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar signed in London on 6th May, 1937
31 August 1946 31 August 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Norwegian Government concerning Air Communications to, through and from Great Britain and Norway
3 September 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Southern Rhodesia for the Avoidance fo Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
4 September 1946 1 September 1946 Exchange of Notes Agreeing to the re-imposition as from 01:09:1946, of the 10% preference on Fresh Hake and Crawfish which is Guaranteed to the Union under the Trade Agreement of 20:08:1932
5 September 1946 Agreement between India and France concerning French Loge at Balasore - Further renewal of lease
10 September 1946 1 September 1946 Agreement for the regulation of the exchange of telegraph money orders between St Helena and South Africa.
11 September 1946 Exchange of Notes between Eire and Sweden regarding Trade for the Year Ending 30th April, 1947
12 September 1946 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Netherlands Government amending the Anglo-Nethelands Monetary Agreement of the 7th September 1945
17 September 1946 17 September 1946 Economic Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Argentine Government
19 September 1946 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines regarding the transfer of the administration of the Turtle and Mangsee Islands to the Philippine Republic Done at Manila on 19 Sep.1946, 7 July 1947, 24 Sep.1947, 11 Oct.1947, 16 Dec.1947 and 20 Apr.1948
21 September 1946 Economic and Commercial Matters of Mutual Concern - Exchange of Notes and Agreed Record of Conclusions
25 September 1946 International Agreement on North Atlantic Ocean Weather Stations [With Annexes]
25 September 1946 Final Act of Ocean Weather Stations (Air Navigation) Conference 17th-25th September, 1946
26 September 1946 Exchange of Notes between Canada and China concerning Commercial Modus Vivendi
26 September 1946 Protocol regarding Egyptian Interests in Japan
27 September 1946 27 September 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Royal Norwegian Government for the Supply of Certain Aircraft and Equipment to Norway
27 September 1946 1 October 1946 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Mexico on Diplomatic Bags
27 September 1946 Agreement between India and Argentina concerning Indian hessians - Argentine Maize, Wheat &c.
28 September 1946 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America constituting and Agreement for waiver of claims involving Government Vessels
8 October 1946 Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine: Agreement between the British and American Zones of Germany concerning an Anglo-American Rhine Transport Control Committee
9 October 1946 20 April 1948 Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
9 October 1946 29 December 1950 Convention concerning the Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons for fitness for Employment in non-industrial occupations [ILO No. 78]
14 October 1946 13 February 1947 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
14 October 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of South Africa for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Estate Duty
15 October 1946 13 January 1947 Agreement of the Intergovernmental Conference on the Adoption of a Travel Document for Refugees
15 October 1946 Final Act of the Intergovernmental Conference on the Adoption of a Travel Document for Refugees (8th - 15th October 1946)
18 October 1946 Exchange of Notes between the Government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Cuba regarding the Reciprocal Notification of the Imprisonment or Death in Prison of British and Cuban Nationals
23 October 1946 6 June 1944 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America for Mutual Forbearance concerning Claims against Members and Civilian Employees of their respective Armed Forces [With Annex and Appendix]
28 October 1946 28 October 1946 Protocol regarding the Transfer from Switzerland to the United Kingdom of responsibility for protection of Iraqi interests in Japan
28 October 1946 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government for the Recognition of the Assumption by the Allied Control Council of Powers of Disposal in regard to German Enemy Assets in Spain [with Annex]
30 October 1946 6 August 1948 Agreement between the Governments of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the French Republic, of the Netherlands and of the United States of America for the Establishment of the Caribbean Commission
31 October 1946 30 November 1946 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Brazil concerning Air Transport
1 November 1946 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Syria concerning the Settlement of Pending Cases before the Syrian Mixed Courts
7 November 1946 Agreement. Telecommunications. Distance indicator systems at specific US gateways. Interim use of certain wavelengths by Comm. & Empire. [Not implemented]
7 November 1946 Supplementary Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America concerning Canol Project
14 November 1946 Agreement with Exchange of Notes between India and the United States of America regarding Air Transport Serivices
16 November 1946 17 June 1946 Exchange of Notes terminating the Agreement respecting the Trans-Jordan Oil Mining Law done at Amman on 19 July 1941
18 November 1946 9 November 1945 Agreement and Annex. Settlement of Compensation Claims arising from acts committed after November 8, 1945 by British Forces in Belgium
18 November 1946 Exchange of Notes between the Canada and the United States of America regarding the Interpretation of Rush Bagot Agreement of 1817 - Naval Forces i American Lakes
19 November 1946 Agreement regarding Disposal of W.D ( British Army and Air Force ) Surplus Property in Austria
22 November 1946 Exchange of Notes concerning Trade and Payments
27 November 1946 27 November 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Royal Swedish Government relating to Air Services
2 December 1946 1 January 1947 Memorandum of Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States concerning the British and American Zones of Occupation in Germany
2 December 1946 5 February 1948 Protocol for the Regulation of Whaling for the 1947-48 Season
2 December 1946 10 November 1948 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (with Annexes)
2 December 1946 Final Act, Annex and Addendum to the International Whaling Conference (20th November - 2nd December 1946)
3 December 1946 29 November 1946 Financial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic
3 December 1946 3 December 1946 Agreement and Annex between New Zealand and the United States of America concerning Air Transport Services, Routes etc.
3 December 1946 3 December 1946 Agreement between Canada and the United States of America regarding Air Transport between respective Territories
3 December 1946 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic concerning War Damage Compensation
4 December 1946 4 December 1946 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Royal Netherlands Government concerning the Supply of certain Aircraft and Equipment
5 December 1946 Exchange of Notes regarding Commerce: Sale of Oil Cakes and Meal by Argentine to British Territories in the Caribbean
7 December 1946 7 December 1946 Exchange of Notes and Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Export of Tin
7 December 1946 10 December 1946 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government regarding the Utilisation of Profits form the 1940 British Government Cotton Buying Commission and the 1941 Joint Anglo-Egyptian Cotton Buying Commission to Finance Schemes for Village Water Supplies
11 December 1946 Protocol amending the Agreements, Conventions and Protocols on Narcotic Drugs concluded at The Hague on 23rd January, 1912 at Geneva on 11th February, 1925, and 19th February, 1925, and 13th July, 1931 at Bangkok on 27th November, 1931, and at Geneva on 26th June, 1936
11 December 1946 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Grand Ducal Government of Luxembourg relating to Money and Property situated in Luxembourg and the United Kingdom which has been subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of Luxembourg [With Exchange of Notes]
12 December 1946 Protocol for the Prolongation of the European Coal Organisation Agreement of 4th January, 1946
12 December 1946 Protocol for the Designation of a Governor of the Free Territory of Trieste
13 December 1946 1 July 1946 Convention between South Africa and the United States of America concerning Double Taxation - Income Tax
13 December 1946 13 December 1946 Togoland under United Kingdom Trusteeship text of Trusteeship Agreement as approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations
13 December 1946 Ruanda-Urundi Text of Trusteeship Agreement as Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations
13 December 1946 The Cameroons under French Administration Text of Trusteeship Agreement as Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations
13 December 1946 Togoland under French Administration Text of Trusteeship Agreement as Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations
13 December 1946 Tanganyika Text of Trusteeship Agreement as approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations
13 December 1946 New Guinea Text of Trusteeship Agreement as Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations
14 December 1946 14 December 1946 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Government concerning the Purchase of Surplus Stores by Czechoslovakia
15 December 1946 31 December 1946 Agreement on Interim Measures to be taken in respect of Refugees and Displaced Persons
15 December 1946 20 August 1948 Constitution of the International Refugee Organisation (with Annexes)
18 December 1946 18 December 1946 Exchange of Notes concerning Grants & Credits for relief & reconstruction purposes
20 December 1946 27 January 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States amending the Air Services Agreement of 11th February, 1946
20 December 1946 Agreement between India and Denmark regarding Money and Property affected by Enemy Occupation of Denmark
21 December 1946 Exchange of Notes and Agreement. Restoration of property, rights and interests of British Companies owning Teak leases in Siam
23 December 1946 15 January 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Norway concerning the Transmission by Post of Diplomatic Correspondence
23 December 1946 Notes. Brazilian Rice. Modification of Agreement of 21 December 1943 (Also with United States of America) (See X-62-No. 344)
24 December 1946 1 January 1947 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic concerning the Mutual Abolition of Visas
30 December 1946 Agreement modifying Exchange of Notes of 7 December 1946 concerning Export of Tin
31 December 1946 Agreement on the Chartering of Ships
3 January 1947 3 January 1947 Agreement on Settlement of Claims arising out of the use during the War of French Merchant Shipping by Great Britain and of British Ships by France during the period 3 September 1939 - 3 January 1947
6 January 1947 Exchange of Notes. Payment by British Military Authorities for telephone and telegraph circuits and Appendix
6 January 1947 Exchanges of Notes and Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Establishment of a British Commonwealth (United Kingdom, Australia and India) and Siamese Claims Committee for the settlement of War Claims Against Siam in respect of Loss or Damage to Property Rights and Interests
8 January 1947 15 October 1947 Agreement between Canada and the United States of America regarding Radio Broadcasting
8 January 1947 Exchange of Notes supplementary to Air Services Agreement of 12 February 1946 concerning the designated Airline of United Kingdom, Load Factor, total capacity and frequency of service.
9 January 1947 9 January 1947 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America rgarding the Disposal of Surplus War Property
11 January 1947 16 January 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government for the Recruitment of Italian Workers for Employment in Foundries in the United Kingdom
16 January 1947 16 January 1947 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government for the Supply of certain Aircraft and Equipment
21 January 1947 Exchange of Notes. Brazilian Rice. Modification of Agreements of 21.12.1943 and 20.07.1945 (See X-62-344 and X-79-514A)
22 January 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Lebanese Government concerning the Settlement of Pending Cases before the Lebanese Mixed Courts
29 January 1947 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America Modifying the Air Transport Agreement of 17 February 1945
1 February 1947 1 February 1947 Exchange of Letters constituting an Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Fiji concerning Grant to Airlines of Traffic Rights in Fiji and Canton Island
5 February 1947 15 February 1947 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government for the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas on British and Belgian Passports
6 February 1947 29 July 1948 Agreement Establishing the South Pacific Commission with Agreement extending the Territorial Scope of the South Pacific Commission to Guam and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
8 February 1947 15 February 1947 Notes-verbales concerning Egyptian Hard Currency Requirements
8 February 1947 23 May 1947 Agreement for the Preservation or Restoration of Industrial Property Rights affected by the Second World War [With Final Protocol, Additional Final Protocol and Annexes]
10 February 1947 10 February 1947 Protocol on the Establishment of a Four-Power Naval Commission, the Disposal of Excess Units of the Italian Fleet, and the Return by the Soviet Union of Warships on Loan [with Annex]
10 February 1947 15 September 1947 Treaty of Peace with Italy
10 February 1947 15 September 1947 Treaty of Peace with Bulgaria
10 February 1947 15 September 1947 Treaty of Peace with Finland
10 February 1947 15 September 1947 Treaty of Peace with Hungary
10 February 1947 15 September 1947 Treaty of Peace with Roumania
10 February 1947 Exchange of Notes Extending the Agreement for Foreign Exchange Requirements of May 28, 1945 until July 15, 1947
13 February 1947 1 July 1946 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Argentine Government accepting the Agreement of Sale of the British Owned Railways in Agentina
13 February 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Argentine Government accepting the Agreement of Sale of the British-owned Railways in Agentina
14 February 1947 15 February 1947 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Luxembourg for the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas on British and Luxembourg Passports
14 February 1947 22 March 1947 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1948).
14 February 1947 22 March 1947 Exchange of Notes between Eire and Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial ' Modus Vivendi ' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1948).
19 February 1947 19 February 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic for the Supply of certain Aircraft and Equipment to Czechoslovakia [With Annex]
19 February 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the United States Government regarding the Interpretation of Paragraph 6 of the Agreement on the Settlement of Intergovernmental Claims of 27th March, 1946
19 February 1947 Exchange of Notes Terminating the Armed Forces Agreement of October 25, 1940 and the Armed Forces (Expenditure) Protocol of January 21, 1943
20 February 1947 20 February 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic for the settlement of Differences regarding the Application of French Nationality to British Subjects in Tunisia
20 February 1947 Agreement concerning the Redelivery of SS 'Kostrena' (now 'Radfield') to Yugoslav ownership
21 February 1947 25 April 1946 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Greek Government for the Establishment of an Air Service between Athens and Cairo
21 February 1947 Agreement between the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France and Portugal regarding German Arrests in Portuguese Territory 21st February 1947 ('Safehaven')
21 February 1947 Exchange of Notes modifying Schedule I (Routes) of Annex to the Air Traffic Agreement of November 26, 1945
22 February 1947 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Denmark regarding Fish Landing Arrangements at British ports for Faroese fishing vessels
24 February 1947 31 March 1947 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Southern Rhodesia providing for the continuation in force of the Trade Agreement of 18:02:1935, subject to 1 month's notice of Termination
26 February 1947 27 February 1947 Agreement supplementary to the Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Belgium dated 5th October, 1944
26 February 1947 27 February 1947 Agreement Supplementary to the Anglo-Portuguese Monetary Agreement dated 16th April, 1946
26 February 1947 27 February 1947 Agreement Supplementary to the Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Netherlands Government dated 7th September, 1945
26 February 1947 1 March 1947 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Norway concerning the Mutual Abolition of Visas
28 February 1947 28 February 1947 Agreement with Exchange of Notes concerning Settlement for Lend-Lease Equipment & Surplus Property between the Burma and the United States of America
3 March 1947 Supplementary Protocol regarding the Entry into Force of the Whaling Protocol of 26th November, 1945
4 March 1947 8 September 1947 Treaty of Alliance and Mutual Assistance between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the French Republic
7 March 1947 Agreement by Exchanges of Letters between Swedish Board of Civil Aviation and United Kingdom Ministry of Civil Aviation concerning a modification of Schedule II of the Annex to the Air Services Agreement of November 27, 1946 which relates to a new route Athens-Lydda-Teheran
10 March 1947 Agreement between Australia and the United States of America concerning Aerodrome Facilities
11 March 1947 3 March 1947 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Southern Rhodesia concerning the provision for the Suspension of certain Restrictions upon the Importation of Chilled and Frozen Beef imposed by the Trade Agreement of 18:02:1935
13 March 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Argentine Government prolonging the Commercial Agreement of 1st December, 1936
17 March 1947 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Siam regarding Elevation of Legations to Embassies London and Bangkok
20 March 1947 22 March 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark concerning the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
20 March 1947 1 April 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Sweden regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
21 March 1947 15 April 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
21 March 1947 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and the United States of America regarding Final Settlement for Lend Lease, Reciprocal Aid, Surplus War Property and Claims
25 March 1947 25 March 1947 Agreement relating to Settlement of Claims in respect of Netherlands Merchant Ships chartered by the United Kingdom.
26 March 1947 Agreement between and the United Kingdom regarding the transfer to Greece of British Army and Royal Air Force Surplus Stores and Equipment
27 March 1947 27 March 1947 Agreement & Schedules concerning Settlement of Claims in connection with Norwegian ships chartered to HMG during the War between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Norway
27 March 1947 27 March 1947 Agreement relating to Settlement of Claims in respect of Norwegian Ships chartered by HMG during the 1939-45 War.
28 March 1947 8 April 1947 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Spanish State [Spain] with Protocol
28 March 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government amending the Air Services Agreement of 13 August 1946
31 March 1947 31 March 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Royal Hellenic Government concerning the Transfer of the Responsibility for the Administration of the Dodecanese Islands
31 March 1947 Agreement extending by 3 months the Memorandum of Understanding of 7 December 1946 concerning the Export of Tin
2 April 1947 29 April 1947 [Memorandum of] Agreement [between the Ministery of Food and the Icelandic Foreign Trade Commission] regarding the Regulation of landings of fish by Icelandic vessels in United Kingdom ports
2 April 1947 18 July 1947 Pacific Islands Text of Trusteeship Agreement as Approved by the Security Council of the United Nations
5 April 1947 5 April 1947 Civil Air Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman
5 April 1947 5 April 1947 Agreement, Appendix and Plans for the Sale or Lease of Property and Rights
7 April 1947 Supplementary Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Royal Hellenic Government concerning the Transfer of the Responsibility for the Administration of the Dodecanese Islands
9 April 1947 Convention between South Africa and the United States of America concerning Double Taxation - Estates of Deceased Persons
10 April 1947 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America concerning Air Traffic - substitution of new Annex to Agreement of 17 February 1945
11 April 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the French Government modifying the Provisions of the Supplementary Agreement of 29th April, 1946
16 April 1947 30 January 1949 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Brazil
17 April 1947 17 April 1947 Financial Agreements
17 April 1947 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Austrian Federal Government regarding the Deferment of certain Claims
17 April 1947 Financial Agreements between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government
19 April 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom, the United States of America and France for the Regulation of Coal Exports from the three Western Zones of Germany
22 April 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Danish Government regarding the Participation of a Danish Contingent in the Occupation of Germany
24 April 1947 Exchange of Notes between New Zealand and United States of America concerning Copyright - extension of time for fulfilment of conditions and formalities owing to World War difficulties
30 April 1947 Finance Agreement concerning United Kingdom contribution to budget deficit (see notes)
7 May 1947 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Greece concerning Police Mission - Prolongation of Agreement of 8 and 12 May 1945 and 21 March 1946 concerning the British Mission to reorganise the Greek gendermerie, police and prisons services for six months from 11 July 1947
8 May 1947 Exchanges of Notes concerning Desequestration of Allied Banking and Commercial Concerns
8 May 1947 Exchange of Notes concerning Property, Rights and Interests of Allied Nationals in Siam
8 May 1947 Exchange of Notes concerning Property, Rights and Interests of Allied Nationals in Siam
13 May 1947 Exchange of Letters concerning amendment to Route 5 in Schedule II of Annex to Air Service Agreement of 13th August 1946
17 May 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands on War Damage Compensation
21 May 1947 23 May 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding the Use of Gander Airport by United States Airlines
22 May 1947 1 May 1947 Agreement (Minister of Food and Foreign Trade Commission of Iceland) - United Kingdom purchase of Icelandic Herring Oil and Frozen White Fish (Valid until date when deliveries under present Agreement are completed)
23 May 1947 23 May 1947 Agreement with Exchange of Notes between South Africa and the United States of America regarding Air Transport Services
27 May 1947 20 March 1961 Protocol relating to an Amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on December 7, 1944 [Article 93 bis]
29 May 1947 Agreement between the United States and United Kingdom Military Governments in Germany concerning Reorganisation of Bi-zonal Economic Agencies (United Kingdom and United States Zones of Occupation in Germany) pending Creation of Administrative and Governmental Institutions for Germany as a whole
2 June 1947 Agreement between Eire and the United States of America regarding Air Traffic (Air Transport Services)
5 June 1947 1 March 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Royal Norwegian Government relating to the Participation of a Norwegian Brigade Group in the Occupation of the British Zone in Germany
5 June 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Greek Government for the maintenance of a Royal Air Force Communications Flight in Greece
5 June 1947 Agreement between United Kingdom Minister of Defence and Minister of Defence, Norway. Maintenance of Norwegian Brigade Group in the occupation of the British Zone in Germany [With Annexes]
6 June 1947 10 June 1949 Agreement concerning the Establishment of an International Patents Bureau
6 June 1947 Agreement. Norwegian Brigade Group in the Occupation of the British Zone in Germany. Settlement of certain claims outstanding in respect of the Royal Norwegian Air Force.
6 June 1947 Agreement (between United Kingdom Secretary of State for War and Minister of Defence, Norway). Norwegian Brigade Group in the occupation of the British Zone in Germany. Settlement of Claims with Annex.
9 June 1947 1 June 1947 Exchange of Letters between the President of the Board of Trade and the Polish Ambassador concerning Provisions for the Development of a Prosperous and Continuing Trade between the Two countries during the period June 1, 1947 and May 31, 1950
9 June 1947 Exchange of Notes between Eire and Switzerland concerning Visa Abolition
10 June 1947 24 June 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Swiss Government regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
10 June 1947 Agreement (with Exchange of Letters) between the United Kingdom and France concerning the Recruitment of Displaced Persons of non-German origin in Germany and Austria and application of Agreement to Displaced Persons of German origin residing in British and French zones in Austria
11 June 1947 Exchange of Notes regarding Regulation of Landings of Fish by Faroese Vessels in United Kingdom Ports for the period 1 June to 31 August 1947
13 June 1947 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Venezuela concerning Commercial Relations - renewal until 9 April 1948 of Modus Vivendi of March 26, 1941
14 June 1947 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the Withdrawal of British Forces from Italy and the Transfer of Responsibility from the Allied Military Government to the Italian Government
14 June 1947 Agreement between the Governments of the United States of America, France, the United Kingdom, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia on a Plan for Allocation of a Reparation Share to non-repatriable Victims of German Action
15 June 1947 Memorandum of Agreement with Schedule and Agreed Minute between Trinidad and the United States of America regarding the Lease of Dockland Areas in Trinidad to the United States of America
16 June 1947 15 October 1947 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Czechoslovak Government [With Exchange of Notes]
17 June 1947 27 June 1947 Exchange of Notes further modifying the Marine Transport and Litigation Agreement of 4 December 1942
18 June 1947 18 June 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the French Government regarding the Mutual Application of the Chicago Air Transit Agreement of 6th December, 1944
18 June 1947 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Venezuela regarding Renewal Until 9th April, 1948 and Modification of Modus Videndi concerning Commercial Relations of March 26, 1941
20 June 1947 1 July 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Iceland regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
23 June 1947 1 July 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Chilean Government Renewing the Commercial Agreement of 15th October, 1931
24 June 1947 Exchange of Notes, Financial. Termination of (Banks) Payments Agreement of 17th November 1941, Extension to Peru of American System of Accounts. Exchange Facilities for Remittances to Sterling Area
26 June 1947 1 July 1947 Agreement Supplementary to the Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Spanish Government [Spain] dated 28th March 1947
27 June 1947 1 July 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Norway Supplementary to the Monetary Agreement of 8th November 1945 [with Exchange of Letters]
30 June 1947 14 July 1947 Financial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Egypt [With Annex]
30 June 1947 Agreement relating to Tin
30 June 1947 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement concerning the Termination, as from 15/07/1947, (i) of the Payments Agreement of 31/03/1941 between the Bank of England and the Banco Central de Bolivia, (ii) Articles 6 & 7 of the Tin Agreement of 21/05/1941, (iii) the subsidiary provisions of the Agreement of 24/05/1941. (Includes the insertion of a new Article 8 in Tin Agreement of 21/05/1941)
1 July 1947 8 July 1947 Exchange of Notes concerning Finance with Memo of Agreement and Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Finland
3 July 1947 27 August 1946 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Hungarian Government amending the Anglo-Hungarian Payments Agreement of 6th-12th August, 1946
3 July 1947 8 July 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic supplementary to the Monetary Agreement of 1st November,1945
4 July 1947 Exchange of Letters between Belgium and the Union of South Africa constituting an Agreement for the release of Assets
5 July 1947 1 July 1948 Arrangement, with Final Protocol. Regulations and Forms, concerning Postal Parcels, including Dispositions, Final Protocol and Annex concerning Postal Parcels by Air Mail
5 July 1947 1 July 1948 Universal Postal Convention [With Final Protocol and Annex, and Provisions for Letters by Air Mail and Final Protocol to Provisions]
5 July 1947 1 July 1948 Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes [With Final Protocol]
11 July 1947 15 June 1974 International Labour Convention No.83 concerning the Application of International Labour Standards to Non-Metropolitan Territories adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Thirtieth Session
11 July 1947 Exchange of Notes concerning the Termination of the Agreement with Governmental Approval between the Bank of England and Banco Central of Chile of 30/10/1940 and Extending to Chile, as from 15/07/1947 the System of American Accounts
14 July 1947 15 July 1947 Agreement Supplementary to the Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swedish Government dated 6th March, 1945 [With Exchange of Letters]
15 July 1947 12 February 1948 Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Uruguay With Exchange of Notes concerning the British Railway Delegation to Urugauy
16 July 1947 Agreement with Annex between India and France regarding Air Traffic
17 July 1947 17 July 1947 Protocol of Amendment to the Accord regarding the Treatment of German-owned Patents
17 July 1947 17 July 1947 Agreement Between The United Kingdom And Canada Concerning The Establishment Of Air Communications Between United Kingdom Territories In The West Atlantic And Caribbean Areas And The Territory Of Canada
18 July 1947 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and France concerning Release of Funds and Property held by Custodian of Enemy Property on behalf of French Citizens
21 July 1947 21 July 1947 Agreement amending the Agreement of 1926 (as amended by the Agreement of 1928) in respect of Double Income Tax
22 July 1947 Agreement between South Africa and the Netherlands regarding Air Traffic - Civil Aviation Routes and Services
23 July 1947 23 July 1947 Air Transport Agreement between the Government the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of China [With Exchange of Notes]
23 July 1947 Exchange of Notes correcting certain errors on Spanish text of Payments Agreement of 15th July 1947
25 July 1947 Exchange of Notes. Aid to Greece (military equipment and supplies).
29 July 1947 Agreement between Canada and Greece regarding Commercial Modus Vivendi
30 July 1947 13 August 1947 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France concerning the Recruitment of Polish Labour for France
31 July 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Yugoslavia concerning War-time Debts Settlement
31 July 1947 Agreement concerning the Redelivery to Yugoslav ownership of SS 'Rosina Topic' (now 'Picotee')
31 July 1947 Agreement relating to Settlement of Claims in respect of Yugoslav Ships chartered to His Majesty's Government during the War 1939-1945.
4 August 1947 Agreement for the purpose of Establishing, Operating and Developing Trans-Pacific Air Services between Australia and North America and between New Zealand and North America
8 August 1947 The Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Seychelles) Order, 1947
8 August 1947 Arrangement between the United Kingdom and Cyprus for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
13 August 1947 15 July 1947 Financial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Iraq
13 August 1947 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the United States Government relating to the United States Leased Base at Argentia, Newfoundland
14 August 1947 14 August 1947 Financial Agreement and Exchange of Letters
14 August 1947 14 August 1947 Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, France and the United States of America on the one hand, and the Government of Italy on the other hand regarding German Assets in Italy [with Annexes]
14 August 1947 Convention between India and Iran regarding Control of Desert Locusts
15 August 1947 Memorandum of Agreement and Exchanges of Notes between Central Bank of China and Government of Hong Kong concerning Smuggling, Customs & Finance
19 August 1947 19 August 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark relating to certain rights in respect of Industrial Property which have been affected by the War
28 August 1947 1 September 1947 Memorandum of Agreement (Ministry of Food and Foreign Trade Commission of Iceland). Regulation of Landings of Fish by Icelandic vessels at United Kingdom Ports (period 01/09/1947 to 29/02/1948) (Valid until 29/02/1948)
29 August 1947 11 September 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Mexico on Compensation for expropriated Oil Properties
29 August 1947 Exchange of Notes regarding Regulation of Landings of Fish by Faroese Vessels at United Kingdom Ports for the Period September 1, 1947 to February 29, 1948
29 August 1947 Protocol prolonging the International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar signed in London on 6th May, 1937
1 September 1947 Agreement between the United Kingdom Hotels and Restaurants Association and the French Hotel Association regarding the exchange of Student Employees
2 September 1947 1 November 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Norway concerning the Transmission of Diplomatic Correspondence by Air Mail
3 September 1947 Agreement and Exchange of Notes between Ireland and Spain concerning Trade Relations and Payments
8 September 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Yugoslavia concerning Yugoslav Displaced Persons
10 September 1947 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Argentina regarding Diplomatic Relations
16 September 1947 3 April 1952 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Chile regarding Air Services
26 September 1947 Air Services Agreement and Protocol concerning the Air Services between and beyond respective territories of United Kingdom and Uruguay, laws and regulations and Arbitration Clause.
29 September 1947 29 September 1947 Exchange of Notes constituting an between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Ethiopia amending the description of the Kenya/Ethiopia Boundary
29 September 1947 Protocol between Canada and the Soviet Union regarding compensation for Nickel Mines
29 September 1947 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between His Majesty's Government on the United Kingdom and the Belgium Government for the Application of the Mutual Aid Agreement to Merchant Shipping Expenditure [ with Annex ]
29 September 1947 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France regarding the Recruitment of free German Labour in British zone of Germany for work in France
2 October 1947 1 January 1949 International Convention on Telecommunications [With Annexes, Final Protocol of Signature and Additional Protocols]
7 October 1947 Agreement by Exchange of Notes. Settlement of Financial claims arising out of the Merchant Shipping Agreement of 3 January 1947.
9 October 1947 11 February 1948 Financial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Union of South Africa
9 October 1947 Exchange of Letters concerning the addition of route: Amsterdam-Geneva or Marseilles-Rome-Lydda to Schedule II and also route: Lydda-Rome-Geneva or Marseilles-Amsterdam to Schedule I of Annex of Air Services Agreement of 13th August 1946.
10 October 1947 15 September 1947 Protocol between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the United States Government and the Government of Italy relating to the Return to Italy of the Gold captured at Fortezza by the Allied Forces
11 October 1947 11 October 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government regarding the Appointment of Doctors to Hospitals
11 October 1947 23 March 1950 Convention of the World Meteorological Organization
11 October 1947 Final Act to the International Meteorological Conference, 22nd September - 11th October 1947
11 October 1947 Protocol concerning Spain as regards accession to the Convention of the World Meteorological Organisation
13 October 1947 13 October 1947 Agreement on Radio Frequencies and Standardisation of Distance Measuring Equipment used as an Aid to the Safety of Air Navigation
13 October 1947 13 October 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America on the Radio Frequencies and Standardisation of Distance Meassuring Equipment used as an Aid to the Safety of Air Navigation
16 October 1947 4 September 1952 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Colombia for Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories [with Exchange of Notes]
17 October 1947 4 January 1948 Treaty between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Provisional Government of Burma regarding the Recognition of Burmese Independence and Related Matters [With Exchange of Notes and Annex]
27 October 1947 8 October 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Chile concerning Military Service
30 October 1947 Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America Supplementary to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
30 October 1947 Final Act to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment
30 October 1947 Protocol concerning the Provisional Application of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
30 October 1947 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
31 October 1947 24 January 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Polish Republic concerning Compensation for British Interests affected by the Polish Nationalisation Law of 3rd January, 1946
31 October 1947 Exchange of Letters regarding the Sale of Scrap to His Majesty's Government
31 October 1947 Exchange of Letters regarding the Allocation of Italian Ships to United Kingdom - Retention for Scrapping by Italy
1 November 1947 Nauru Text of Trusteeship Agreement as approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations
4 November 1947 4 November 1947 Protocol between the Governments of the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the French Republic and the Republic of Austria relating to the Restitution to Austria of Monetary Gold looted by Germany
7 November 1947 Memorandum of Agreement. Transfer of certain Gurkha regiments to HM British Army
9 November 1947 Memorandum of Agreement and Annexes concerning the Employment of Gurkhas in the Armies of the United Kingdom and of India
10 November 1947 Air Traffic Agreement with Annexes and Schedules
11 November 1947 4 February 1948 Agreement on Defence
11 November 1947 4 February 1948 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Ceylon
12 November 1947 12 November 1947 Protocol on the Suppression of Traffic in Women and Children
12 November 1947 12 November 1947 Protocol amending the Convention of 12th September, 1923, for the Suppression of the Circulation of and Traffic in Obscene Publications.
14 November 1947 5 October 1947 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Belgium
17 November 1947 15 July 1947 Financial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Iraq Supplementary to the Agreement of 13th August, 1947
21 November 1947 21 November 1947 Agreement and Annex between Ireland and Italy concerning Air Services
22 November 1947 1 December 1947 Exchange of Notes between New Zealand and France concerning Mutual Abolition of Visas
24 November 1947 25 November 1947 Agreement Supplementary to the Monetary Agreement of 06:03:1945
1 December 1947 1 June 1944 Exchange of Notes constituting and Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Danish Government for the Settlement of Claims arising out of Incidents involving the British Forces in Denmark
2 December 1947 Exchange of Letters between Ministry of Civil Aviation and Swedish Board of Civil Aviation concerning Modification of Schedule I of Air Services Agreement of November 11, 1946
5 December 1947 25 January 1951 International Agreement relating to the Resolution of Conflicting Claims to German Enemy Assets
6 December 1947 1 January 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Italy for the Mutual Abolition of Visas
8 December 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Ministry of Transport and the Norwegian Trade Mission in respect of claims arising out of the seizure and detention after 20:06:1940 of certain Norwegian Ships
10 December 1947 Exchange of Notes concerning Waiver of Certain Shipping Claims by the Minister of Transport (Ministry of Transport and Norwegian Shipping and Trade Mission).
12 December 1947 Exchange of Notes further extending the term of service of the British Police and Prisons Mission to Greece
15 December 1947 Exchange of Letters and annexes. British Forces in Trieste. Overland and air transport facilities and leave in Italy
15 December 1947 Agreement between the United Kingdom and French Zone Commanders in Germany concerning Technicalities involved in the Recruitment of Labour from zone of British occupation in Germany for France, in accordance with the Exchange of Notes of 29/30.09.1947
16 December 1947 1 January 1948 Exchange of Notes between Ireland and Norway concerning Visa Abolition
16 December 1947 Protocol between the Governments of the United Kingdom, the United States and France, and Italy relating to the Restitution to Italy of Monetary Gold looted by Germany
17 December 1947 17 December 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending certain terms of the Bizonal Fusion Agreement signed at New York on 2nd December, 1946
18 December 1947 30 April 1951 Extradition Treaty between the United States of America and South Africa
18 December 1947 Exchange of Letters concerning Food Purchases (Library Original Agreements No.60)
22 December 1947 22 December 1947 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Peru for Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories
24 December 1947 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America concerning Radio Broadcasting
26 December 1947 Agreement and Annexes and plans concerning the Liquidation of Official Assets, Obligations and Liabilities of the Peiping (Peking) Legation Quarter
26 December 1947 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America regarding the continuance of provisional Agreement of 8 & 19 December 1942 concerning Fur Seals
27 December 1947 15 January 1948 Exchange of Notes constituting a Payments Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
30 December 1947 Exchange of Notes regarding British Military Fixed Assets in Italy (With Memorandum of Agreement)
1 January 1948 Agreement between Canada and Finland regarding Trade
4 January 1948 4 January 1948 Agreement. Jurisdictional and Fiscal Immunities to be accorded to Personnel of United Kingdom Forces in Burma. With Exchange of Letters dated at Rangoon 04.01.1948 & 24.01.1948
5 January 1948 1 January 1948 Financial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Egypt
7 January 1948 15 July 1947 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Settlement of the Lend-Lease Interest in Future Sales of Surplus Stores in the Middle East (with Appendix)
7 January 1948 7 January 1948 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Philippine Republic for Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories [with Schedules]
8 January 1948 1 January 1948 Agreement and Appendices concerning Military Permit Offices in Zones of Occupation in Germany
9 January 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government abrogating the Supplementary Monetary Agreement dated 26th February, 1947
12 January 1948 20 October 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Chinese Republic for the Prevention of Smuggling between Hong Kong and Chinese Ports
14 January 1948 14 January 1948 Exchange of Notes amending the Air Services Agreement of 11.02.1946 in order to formalize the right of designated United States Airlines to enjoy first, second, third, fourth and fifth freedom rights in Ceylon.
15 January 1948 Treaty of Alliance between the United Kingdom and Iraq
20 January 1948 Agreement between Lebanon and Palestine concerning Exchange of Money Orders
24 January 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Polish Republic concerning Compensation for British Interests affected by the Polish Nationalisation Law of 3rd January, 1946 (with Minute and Annex)
26 January 1948 26 January 1948 Agreement between the Ministry of Labour of Great Britain and the Danish Refugee Administration concerning the Recruitment of Displaced Persons from Denmark for Voluntary Employment in Great Britain
30 January 1948 Agreed Minute concerning Trade and Payments and Tourist Traffic
1 February 1948 Agreed Minute, Exchange of Notes and Lists concerning Commerce and Exchange of Goods during 1948
11 February 1948 Protocol between the United Kingdom and Egypt concerning Egyptian interests in Roumania
12 February 1948 Agreement on Trade and Payments between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic [with Exchanges of Notes dated 19 February 1948 concerning enforcement and other provisions]
13 February 1948 Exchange of Letters Extending the Financial Agreement of 14:08:1947
14 February 1948 8 March 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1949).
19 February 1948 28 February 1949 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Norwegian Government and Exchanges of Notes of 28th February, 1949
19 February 1948 Exchange of Letters Extending the Financial Agreement of 14:08:1947
20 February 1948 Agreed Minute with Appendices concerning Technical Problems arising from economic attachment of Saar to France
21 February 1948 1 January 1948 Exchange of Letters Extending the Financial Agreement of 14:08:1947
24 February 1948 24 February 1948 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Opening of Certain Military Air Bases in the Caribbean Area and Bermuda to use by Civil Aircraft
24 February 1948 24 February 1948 Exchange of Notes supplementing the Air Services Agreement of 24 February 1948 concerning the non-application to Canada of provisions of paragraph 2 of Article IV of the above Agreement
26 February 1948 9 November 1948 Agreement for the Establishment of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council
2 March 1948 10 March 1948 Sterling Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Poland
2 March 1948 30 June 1948 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic
2 March 1948 Minute of Agreement concerning Trade and Finance
2 March 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Uruguayan Government accepting the Agreement of Sale of the British-owned Railways in Uruguay
2 March 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Uruguayan Government accepting the Agreement of Sale of the British-owned Railways in Uruguay
4 March 1948 4 March 1948 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Royal Danish Government making Further Provision for the Supply of certain Aircraft and Equipment to Denmark [with Appendix]
6 March 1948 17 March 1958 Convention on the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization [with Appendices]
6 March 1948 Wheat Agreement
9 March 1948 15 September 1947 Agreement between the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Italy regarding Military Command in Free Territory of Trieste, of certain financial questions in the zone arising from execution of Peace Treaty with Italy and pending association of office by Governor of Free Territory
11 March 1948 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government for the Settlement of War-time Debts
11 March 1948 Non-Governmental Memo of Agreement between the Motion Picture Export Association and Society of Independent Motion Picture Producers and the President of the Board of Trade regarding American Films - Import duties etc.
12 March 1948 12 March 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government abrogating the Supplementary Monetary Agreement of 26th February 1947 and Regulating the Availability of Sterling
12 March 1948 Agreed Minute Prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 14.11.1947 until 30.06.1949
12 March 1948 Exchange of Notes. Currency. Terminating the 'Angellopoulos Agreement' of 17:10:1944 (Greece No. 60 X-69-422)
13 March 1948 United Kingdom Note concerning the continuance in force of the Agreement for the Exchange of Money Orders signed London/Sofia on 07:05 and 07:06:1925 [Bulgaria No.12. LNTS Vol. 38 p 154]
15 March 1948 Additional Protocol to the Paris Agreement of 14th January, 1946 on Reparation from Germany, on the Establishment of an Inter-Allied Reparation Agency and on the Restitution of Monetary Gold
15 March 1948 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of the Hashimite Kingdom of Transjordan [with Exchanges of Letters]
17 March 1948 Exchange of Notes and Annexes in the form of an Agreement concerning the Settlement of Financial Claims in connection with Shipping and Accounts between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of France
17 March 1948 Treaty of Economic, Social and Cultural Collaboration and Collective Self-Defence between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Belgium, the President of the French Republic, Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands
18 March 1948 Agreed Minute and Appendices (Lists of Goods) with Belgium and Luxembourg Economic Union.
19 March 1948 28 May 1953 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Cuba for Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories [with Protocol]
20 March 1948 Decision of Customs Union between France and Italy
23 March 1948 23 March 1948 Agreement and Schedules on Settlement of Claims in respect of the Charter of Netherlands Vessels
24 March 1948 24 March 1948 Protocol of Rectifications to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
24 March 1948 15 April 1948 Protocol modifying certain provisions of G.A.T.T. (see Vol.XI,No.180,folio 193)
24 March 1948 7 June 1948 Special Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, amending article XXIV thereof
24 March 1948 1 January 1950 Special Protocol modifying Artilce XIV of G.A.T.T. (see Vol.XI,No.180,folio 193)
24 March 1948 Havana Charter for an International Trade Organisation
24 March 1948 Declaration of Supersession of certain parts of G.A.T.T. (see Vol.XI,No.180,folio 193) by the Havana Charter (see Vol.XI,No.190,folio 203)
29 March 1948 1 April 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government amending the Air Services Agreement of 12 February 1946
2 April 1948 1 March 1948 Agreement (between British Ministry of Food and Government of Iceland). Regulation of Icelandic fish landings at United Kingdom Ports (period 1 March 1948 to 31 August 1948) (Superceded X-111-767 Memorandum of Agreement of 28 August 1947) Valid until 31 August 1948
8 April 1948 26 March 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the Exclusion of Syria from the Franc Area as defined in the Anglo-French Financial Agreement of 27th March 1945
14 April 1948 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government to prolong the Monetary Agreement of 16th April, 1946 (for one year from 15 April 1948)
16 April 1948 28 July 1948 Final Act of the Second Session of the Committee of European Economic Co-operation together with the Convention, Annex and Supplementary Protocols Nos. I and II
19 April 1948 19 April 1948 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic regarding Facilities, etc., for British Armed Forces pending their Final Withdrawal from French Territory [With Annex and Exchanges of Notes]
19 April 1948 19 April 1948 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic regarding Reciprocal Military Air Transit Facilities [with Annexes and Exchanges of Notes]
20 April 1948 Trade: Agreed Minute concerning Imports and Exports for 1948
20 April 1948 Agreed Minute concerning the Sale of Icelandic fish and herring oil to Germany (up to 31 Dec.1948)
21 April 1948 26 May 1948 Agreement by Exchange of Notes concerning the division of #8.5 million sterling British Assistance Fund into credit and grant
30 April 1948 Exchange of Letters concerning Ceylon's Sterling Assets and Monetary Co-operation
1 May 1948 Letters concerning: (1) United Kingdom licences for importation of Hungarian Industrial Goods during 1948 ; (2) United Kingdom purchase of Foodstuffs for period August 1848/July 1949 ; (3) Regulations of Service of Pre-War Loand held in the United Kingdom
2 May 1948 Exchange of Notes between Pakistan and the Soviet Union concerning Establishment of Diplomatic Relations
5 May 1948 Exchange of Notes between Canada and Venezuela concerning Commercial Relations - renewal until April 9, 1949 of the Modus Vivendi of March 26, 1941 as amended by Exchange of Notes of June 13, 1947
10 May 1948 10 May 1948 Accord between the Governments of the United Kingdom, France and the United States of America and the Spanish Government for the Expropriation of German Enemy Property in Spain and the Liquidation of Balances and Payments between Spain and Germany [with related documents]
10 May 1948 Protocol modifying the International Convention relating to Exhibitions of 22nd November, 1928
11 May 1948 18 September 1957 Commonwealth Telegraphs Agreement (with Protocol)
11 May 1948 Agreement and Schedule concerning Settlement of Norwegian claims in respect of wartime use of certain Norwegian vessels between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Norway
13 May 1948 13 May 1948 Exchanges of Letters between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America and France and the Bank for International Settlements constituting an Agreement for the Return to those Governments of Gold looted by Germany
13 May 1948 Exchange of Letters between Swedish Board of Civil Aviation and the Ministry of Civil Aviation concerning Modification of Schedule II of Air Services Agreement of November 27, 1946
18 May 1948 18 May 1948 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of China for the Transfer of certain British Naval Vessels to China and the Mutual Waiver of Claims in respect of the Loss of other Vessels [with Annex]
21 May 1948 21 May 1948 Trade and Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of Brazil
24 May 1948 27 May 1948 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Luxembourg Government for Reciprocal Facilities for the Operation of a Commercial Air Service
25 May 1948 25 May 1948 Exchange of notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Portugal for the Extension of Transit Facilities in the Azores to British Military Aircraft
1 June 1948 1 June 1948 Financial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic
7 June 1948 7 June 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom and Belgium constituting an Agreement for Reciprocal Compensation in respect of War Damage
10 June 1948 19 February 1952 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1948
10 June 1948 Final Act of the International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea, 1948 and annexed International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1948
11 June 1948 23 March 1948 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands concerning the Regulation of Trade and Payments between Singapore and the Federation of Malaya and the Netherlands Indies
11 June 1948 5 July 1948 Agreement on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic [with Protocols and Exchanges of Notes] [Does Not Apply to Northern Ireland]
14 June 1948 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government for the Recruitment of Italian Skilled Workers for Employment in Kenya [With Annexes]
18 June 1948 18 June 1948 Claims Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America with Annexes
19 June 1948 17 September 1953 Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft
21 June 1948 21 June 1948 Agreement between Ireland and Norway concerning Air Services
21 June 1948 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 21, 1947 [Annex III - International Civil Aviation Organisation]
23 June 1948 23 June 1985 Trade and Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government [Spain]
24 June 1948 24 June 1948 Payments Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and of the Republic of Chile [With Exchanges of Notes]
25 June 1948 24 October 1950 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Italian Republic relating to Air Services between their Respective Territories [with Schedule]
26 June 1948 1 August 1951 International Convention revising the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works signed on September 9, 1886, completed at Paris, May 4, 1896 ; revised at Berlin, November 13, 1908, completed at Berne, March 20, 1914 and revised at Rome, June 2, 1928
26 June 1948 Agreement between HM Government and American Independent Oil Company concerning the responsibilities devolving on HM Government upon conclusion of an Agreement between the Company and the Shaikh of Kuwait
27 June 1948 30 June 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom and Iraq prolonging the Supplementary Financial Agreement of 17 November 1947
28 June 1948 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Greece concerning Settlement of Accounts due to Greece in regard to Expenditure of British Military Forces in Greece from 1 April 1947 to 28 October 1947
30 June 1948 Contract [between British Ministry of Food and Government of Iceland] covering the sale and purchase of Herring Oil 1947/48
1 July 1948 1 July 1948 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Chile concerning the prolonging of the Provisional Commercial Agreement of 15 October 1931 until 30 June 1949
6 July 1948 6 July 1948 Economic Co-operation Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America [with Annex and Note]
6 July 1948 6 July 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America on the Application of Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment to Western Germany and the Free Territory of Trieste
7 July 1948 26 February 1950 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Netherlands Government [With Exchange of Notes]
7 July 1948 Exchange of Notes extending the Air Traffic Agreement of 17 July 1947 to provide for a Canadian air service to the Bahamas
9 July 1948 9 July 1948 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Norway Supplementary to the Monetary Agreement of 8th November, 1945
9 July 1948 4 July 1950 Freedom of Association and Protection of the right to organise Convention, 1948 [ILO No.87]
9 July 1948 10 August 1950 Convention concerning Organisation of the Employment Service [ILO No.88]
9 July 1948 Exchange of Letters Extending the Financial Agreement of 14:08:1947
9 July 1948 Exchange of Letters between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Finance Minister of India Extending the Financial Agreement of 14:08:1947 and making certain Financial Provisions in respect of Defence Stores and Installations taken over from the United Kingdom and of the Sterling Pensions Liabilities of the Dominion and Provinces of India
9 July 1948 Convention concerning the Night work of Women employed in Industry (Revised 1948) [ILO No. 89]
10 July 1948 Convention concerning the Night Work of Young Persons employed in industry (revised 1948)
10 July 1948 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 21, 1947 [Annex I - International Labour Organization]
12 July 1948 12 July 1948 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America for a Settlement of Claims under the Specific Agreements of 27 March 1946
12 July 1948 12 July 1948 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Settlement of Interests in Joint Installations in the Middle East [with Appendices]
12 July 1948 Agreement between India and the Soviet Union concerning Soviet Wheat for Indian Jea
14 July 1948 Exchange of Letters between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Finance Minister of Pakistan Extending the Financial Agreement of 14:08:1947 and making certain Financial Provisions in respect of Defence Stores and Installations taken over from the Government of the United Kingdom and of Sterling Pensions Liabilities of the Dominion and Provinces of Pakistan
15 July 1948 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic for the Settlement of inter-Custodial Conflicts relating to German Enemy Assets [with Annex and Declaration]
20 July 1948 1 August 1948 Payments Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and of the Republic of Peru
24 July 1948 24 July 1948 Protocol, Annex and Letters on the handover of OGADEN to Ethiopia.
28 July 1948 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Greece regarding Release of Funds and Property held by Custodian of Enemy Property on behalf of Greek Citizens
30 July 1948 1 August 1948 Exchange of Notes between New Zealand and Switzerland (Applies also to Liechtenstein) concerning Mutual Abolition of Visas
31 July 1948 12 April 1948 A Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Eire
31 July 1948 31 July 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Norweigian Government prolonging the Agreement of 5 June 1947 for the Participation of a Norweigian Bridge Group in the Occupation of Germany [with Agreed Minute]
2 August 1948 2 August 1948 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government for the Settlement of Debts due to Italy under the Anglo-Italian Clearing Agreement
3 August 1948 Exchange of Notes extending the period of Service of the British Police and Prisons Mission to Greece (See Greece No. 75 - Exchange of Notes of 12 December 1947 (Register X-115-798)
6 August 1948 1 December 1948 Memorandum of reciprocal arrangements relating to family allowances in Great Britain and family benefits in New Zealand (NZ Family Benefits Act 1948)
11 August 1948 Exchange of Notes. Provision of ships, equipment, etc for the Persian Navy
28 August 1948 1 January 1939 Agreement (between the Post Office of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and the Sheriefiau Post and Telegraph Administration at Rabat) and Detailed regulations concerning the Postal money order service between UK (including Channel Islands and Isle of Man) and French Zone of Morocco and telegraphic money order service between UK and Tangier Zone of Morocco.
31 August 1948 1 May 1948 Agreement. Purchase of Icelandic Frozen Fish
31 August 1948 1 September 1948 Agreement concerning the Regulation of Icelandic fish landings at United Kingdom ports September 1 1948 to February 2 1949
31 August 1948 Protocol for the Prolongation of the International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar signed in London on 6th May, 1937
5 September 1948 Agreement between Eire and the Netherlands regarding Trade
6 September 1948 7 September 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands prolonging the Anglo-Netherlands Monetary Agreement of 7th September 1945
6 September 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Norway extending the Agreement of 26th February, 1947 for the abolition of visas to Norwegian Overseas Territories
7 September 1948 7 September 1948 Exchange Of Notes Constituting An Agreement' Between Greece And The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland Concerning Financial Burdens Involved In The Maintenance Of The British Military Mission, The British Naval Mission And The Royal Air Force Delegation In Greece.
10 September 1948 Declaration of Human Rights
14 September 1948 14 October 1948 Agreement on Most Favoured Nation Treatment for Areas of Western Germany Under Military Occupation [With Annex]
14 September 1948 14 December 1948 Protocol modifying Part II Article XXVI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
14 September 1948 24 September 1952 Protocol modifying Part I and Article XXIX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
14 September 1948 Second Protocol of Rectifications to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
14 September 1948 Protocol of Accession of Signatories to the Final Act of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30th October 1947
15 September 1948 15 March 1950 European Broadcasting Convention [With Copenhagen Plan, Protocols, Statements, Recommendation, Resolutions and Opinion]
15 September 1948 Agreed Minute regarding Regulation of Trade and Financial Relations
17 September 1948 15 March 1950 European Regional Convention for the Maritime Mobile Radio Service [With Copenhagen Plan, Statements, Resolution and Recommendations]
22 September 1948 22 September 1948 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America for the Establishment of the United States Educational Commission in the United Kingdom
30 September 1948 30 September 1948 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America relating to Ferrous Scrap Exports
11 October 1948 Agreed Minute concerning Trade and Payments
12 October 1948 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Burma to control Burmas Expenditure in Hard Currency Areas
15 October 1948 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands in respect of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with respect to Duties on the Estates of Deceased Persons [With Exchange of Notes]
15 October 1948 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands in respect of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
16 October 1948 Protocol of Provisional Application of Agreement of 16th October 1948 regarding Intra European Payments and Compensations
16 October 1948 Agreement and Annexes regarding Intra European Payments and Compensations
18 October 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Chinese Republic for the Prevention of Smuggling between Hong Kong and Chinese Ports [with Annexes and Maps]
26 October 1948 10 November 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iceland extending the Visa Abolition Agreement of 20th June, 1947 to certain British Overseas Territories (with Annex)
26 October 1948 10 November 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden extending the Visa Abolition Agreement of 20th March, 1947 to certain British Overseas Territories [With Annex]
26 October 1948 10 November 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark extending the Visa Abolition Agreement of 20th March, 1947 to certain British Overseas Territories (with Annex)
26 October 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy extending the Visa Abolition Agreement of 6th December, 1947 to certain British Overseas Territories (with Annex)
26 October 1948 Loan Agreements between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Export-Import Bank ( EXIMBANK ) of Washington [With Annexes]
26 October 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Luxembourg extending the Visa Abolition Agreement of 14th February, 1947 to certain British Overseas Territories (with Annex)
26 October 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Switzerland extending the Visa Abolition Agreement of 10th June, 1947 to certain British Overseas Territories (with Annex)
26 October 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Norway extending the Visa Abolition Agreement of 26th February, 1947 to certain British Overseas Territories (with Annex)
27 October 1948 8 November 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Principality of Monaco constituting an Agreement for the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
28 October 1948 12 November 1948 Exchange of Notes constituting a Defence Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (acting on behalf of Fiji) and New Zealand
1 November 1948 4 January 1949 International Rice Commission Constitution approved by the Conference of the Food and Agricuture Organisation of the United Nations
4 November 1948 13 November 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Danish Government extending the time-limit for the renewal of the Agreement for the Participation of a Danish Contingent in the Occupation of Germany of 22nd April, 1947
4 November 1948 Exchange of Notes prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 1st November, 1945 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic
9 November 1948 12 November 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America Regarding Visas
9 November 1948 Exchange of Notes regarding Termination of Anglo-Faroese Agreement
10 November 1948 10 November 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Danish Government extending the Anglo-Danish Monetary Agreement of 16th August, 1945 to the Faroe Islands
19 November 1948 1 December 1949 Protocol bringing under International Control Drugs outside the scope of the Convention of 13th July, 1931 for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs as amended by the Protocol of 11th December, 1946
24 November 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government relating to the Release of Netherlands Money and Property held by the United Kingdom Custodian of Enemy Property [With Annexes]
26 November 1948 26 November 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government abrogating and replacing the Sterling Payments Agreement of 17th April, 1947 [with Annex]
29 November 1948 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 21, 1947 [Annex II - Food & Agricultural Organization]
30 November 1948 Exchange of Notes Prolonging the Commercial Treaty of 06:10:1936
1 December 1948 1 December 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States Government for the Duty-Free Treatment of American Relief Goods
1 December 1948 Meat Agreement and Protocol
7 December 1948 United Kingdom/Norway Payments and Trade arrangements
9 December 1948 9 December 1948 Protocol amending the International Convention relating to Economic Statistics, signed at Geneva on 14 December 1928 (with Annex)
9 December 1948 12 January 1951 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
10 December 1948 15 December 1948 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Danish Government prolonging the Agreement for the Participation of a Danish Contingent in the Occupation of Germany 22nd April, 1947
14 December 1948 Agreed Minute on Trade and Payments Relations
15 December 1948 15 December 1948 Sterling Payments Agreement between the Government of the United KIngdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Spanish State [Spain]
16 December 1948 Agreed Minute between the United Kingdom and Sweden concerning Trade
17 December 1948 Agreed Minute between the United Kingdom and Norway concerning Payments and Trade Arrangements
17 December 1948 Exchange of Notes Extending the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 1937
18 December 1948 Exchange of Notes. Privileges and Facilities for British Forces in Belgium in connexion with the Occupation of Germany and Austria. Modification of Article 19 (a) of Treaty of 11 March 1946
21 December 1948 Exchange of Notes between Ireland and the Netherlands regarding an amendment to the Air Transport Agreement of May 10, 1948
21 December 1948 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Mexico on Compensation for expropriated Oil Properties
23 December 1948 23 December 1948 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding Compensation for British Property, Rights and Interests affected by Yugoslav Measures of Nationalisation, Expropriation, Dispossession and Liquidation
23 December 1948 23 December 1948 Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia
23 December 1948 23 December 1948 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding Money and Property subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of Yugoslavia [With Exchange of Notes]
24 December 1948 Exchange of Notes regarding Amendments to the Annex of the Payments Agreement of July 29/31, 1946
31 December 1948 31 December 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America prolonging the Bizonal Fusion Agreement of 2nd December, 1946 as amended by the Agreement of 17th December, 1947
31 December 1948 Exchange of Notes further Prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 1 November 1945 between the Government of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic
4 January 1949 31 January 1949 Exchange of Notes between the United States of America and Ceylon constituting an Agreement relating to the Exchange of Official Publications
14 January 1949 14 January 1949 Trade and Finance Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland [with Annexes]
14 January 1949 14 January 1949 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government relating to Money and Property subjected to Special Measures since 1st September 1939 [With Annex]
18 January 1949 Exchange of Declarations Concerning Vessels of War in the Antarctic
21 January 1949 Exchange of Notes with (Southern) Rhodesia & Nyasaland concerning reciprocal arrangements for the payment of workmen's compensation
25 January 1949 20 April 1949 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic to establish Drawing Rights in favour of Turkey for the purpose of the European Payments Agreement of 16th October, 1948 [With Exchange of Notes]
25 January 1949 Trade and Payments. Agreed Minute with Belgium and Luxembourg Economic Union. (Records the results of discussions on Trade and Payments for the first six months of 1949.
26 January 1949 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland concerning Trade
1 February 1949 Exchange of Notes. Contributions to the cost of the three British Service Missions in Greece. Arrangements for the six months ending 29 June 1949
2 February 1949 16 February 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1950).
2 February 1949 Exchanges of Letters concerning Monetary Co-operation between the two Governments
3 February 1949 1 January 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of Brazil prolonging the Trade and Payments Agreement of 21st May 1948
3 February 1949 Additional Protocol to Agreement of 5th December 1947, concerning German Enemy Assets - resolution of conflicting Claims
5 February 1949 Agreed Minute between the United Kingdom and Italy concerning Commercial and Financial Relations (Conclusions of Anglo-Italian Economic Committee)
7 February 1949 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 21, 1947 [Annex IV - Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization]
8 February 1949 3 July 1950 International Convention for the North-West Atlantic Fisheries
12 February 1949 Exchange of Notes between Eire and Egypt regarding Commerce - Prolongation of Modus Vivendi of 25/28 July, 1930
15 February 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and South Africa about transfer to South Africa of the Marion and Prince Edward Islands
16 February 1949 Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the United States of America concerning Consular Convention
16 February 1949 Economic Co-operation Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Export-Import Bank ( EXIMBANK ) of Washington, Supplementary to the Agreement of 26:10:1948
19 February 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irleand the Norwegian Government regarding the Appointment of a British Council Representative to Oslo, in Acccordance with Cultural Convention of February 19, 1949
22 February 1949 30 June 1949 International Convention for the Permanent Control of Outbreak Areas of Red Locust
25 February 1949 3 March 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government prolonging the Monetary Agreement of the 12th March, 1946
25 February 1949 Agreed Minutes concerning Economic Discussions
25 February 1949 Exchange of Notes amending the Agreement of 22nd September, 1948 between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Establishment of the United States Educational Commission in the United Kingdom
28 February 1949 1 March 1949 Exchange of Notes concerning the Transfer of Radio Ceylon to Ceylon Government ownership.
28 February 1949 Agreed Minute and Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands concerning Trade Talks
28 February 1949 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Norway and Sweden relating to a Joint Ocean Weather Station in the North Atlantic
28 February 1949 Exchange of Notes further Prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 1 November 1945 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic
28 February 1949 Agreed Minute, Appendices and Exchange of Letters concerning Commerce
3 March 1949 3 March 1949 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic for the Mutual Upkeep of War Graves
8 March 1949 Agreed Minutes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning Trade and Payments in the United Kingdom, French and United States Zones
14 March 1949 14 March 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Argentine Government for the Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income derived from Sea and Air Transport
18 March 1949 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United Nations concerning the United Nations Appeal for Children
21 March 1949 26 November 1945 Exchange of Notes between the Governemnt of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Greece further modifying the Agreement of the 26th November 1945, regarding Air Services in Europe
22 March 1949 23 April 1949 Protocol on the Rectification of Western German Frontiers
23 March 1949 International Wheat Agreement
25 March 1949 Agreement concerning Railways and Payment by Argentine Government to the Trustees ( River Plate Trust Loan and Agency Company Limited, Law Debenture Corporation Limited and British Trusts Association Limited ) the sum of # 950,000 on 26:09:1946 ( Subject to Ratification by Argentine Government )
25 March 1949 Agreement regarding Settlement of Shipping Claims
30 March 1949 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of Sweden for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
31 March 1949 1 January 1949 Financial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government
31 March 1949 Supplementary Protocol No.2 amending the Intra-European Payments and Compensation Agreement of 16th October 1948
31 March 1949 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Norwegian Government Supplementary to the Monetary Agreement of November 8, 1945
31 March 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain an Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America prolonging the Bizonal Fusion Agreement of 2nd December, 1946 as amended by the Agreement of 17th December, 1947 [UK Drawing Rights - 'Bissell Formula']
1 April 1949 1 April 1949 Agreement and Annex. Regulation of Icelandic fish landings at United Kingdom ports April 1, 1949 to August 31, 1949
1 April 1949 Agreement between New Zealand and the Netherlands for the Mutual Abolition of Visas
1 April 1949 Trade and Payments Agreed Minute and Annexes
2 April 1949 Agreements and Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Canada for Air Services between and beyond their Respective Territories (Exchange of Notes modifying the Exchange of Notes of 31 January & 1 February 1947 concerning the grant to airlines of traffic rights in Fiji and Canton Island)
4 April 1949 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 21, 1947 [Annex X - International Refugee Organization]
4 April 1949 North Atlantic Treaty
6 April 1949 7 April 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Spanish Government [Spain] prolonging the Trade and Payments Agreement of the 23rd June, 1948
6 April 1949 17 April 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government establishing Equality of Treatment in regard to War Damage Compensation
6 April 1949 Memorandum on the Agreed Measures by the United Kingdom, United States and the French Foreign Ministers on the Programme for Germany [with Annexes]
12 April 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the Exclusion of the French Somali Coast from the Franc Area as defined in the Anglo-French Financial Agreement of 27th March, 1945
14 April 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government further prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 16th April, 1946
14 April 1949 Record of Discussion regrading Trade and Monetary
14 April 1949 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom Labour Attache and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Emigration Department concerning the Recruitment of an Experimental party of 50 Women for Employment for 2 years at least in the Cotton Textile Industry in the United Kingdom
14 April 1949 Agreed Memo Balance of Payments with Sterling Area for 1949/50
25 April 1949 Exchange of Notes deleting Newfoundland from the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Danish, Icelandic, Italian, Luxembourg, Norwegian, Swedish and Swiss Governments
25 April 1949 Exchanges of Notes deleting Newfoundland from the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Icelandic Government
25 April 1949 Exchange of Notes deleting Newfoundland from the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Danish, Icelandic, Italian, Luxembourg, Norwegian, Swedish and Swiss Governments
25 April 1949 Exchanges of Notes deleting Newfoundland from the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Danish, Icelandic, Italian, Luxembourg, Norwegian, Swedish and Swiss Governments
25 April 1949 Exchanges of Notes deleting Newfoundland from the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Danish, Icelandic, Italian, Luxembourg, Norwegian, Swedish and Swiss Governments
25 April 1949 Exchanges of Notes deleting Newfoundland from the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Danish, Icelandic, Italian, Luxembourg, Norwegian, Swedish and Swiss Governments
25 April 1949 Exchanges of Notes deleting Newfoundland from the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Danish, Icelandic, Italian, Luxembourg, Norwegian, Swedish and Swiss Governments
26 April 1949 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Lebanon concerning Aviation Fuel and Oil Exemption from Taxation
27 April 1949 Exchange of Notes further Prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 1 November 1945 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic
28 April 1949 20 September 1950 Revised General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
28 April 1949 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands and the United States of America for the Establishment of an International Authority for the Ruhr
29 April 1949 29 April 1949 Agreement further Amending the Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swedish Government dated 6th March, 1945 [with Exchange of Notes]
29 April 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands on War Damage Compensation
4 May 1949 4 May 1949 Protocol amending the International Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic of the 18th of May, 1904 and the International Convention of the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic of the 4th of May, 1910
4 May 1949 4 May 1949 Protocol amending the Agreement for the Suppression of the Circulation of Obscene Publications signed at Paris on 4th May, 1910
4 May 1949 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Turkey regarding balance of Payments
5 May 1949 5 May 1949 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden for the Establishment of a Preparatory Commission of the Council of Europe.
5 May 1949 3 August 1949 Statute of the Council of Europe
5 May 1949 Agreed Memorandum and Exchange of Letters concerning Commerce and Finance Payments
5 May 1949 Agreemed Memorandum and Exchange of Letters regarding Sterling Balances 1949/50
9 May 1949 I.C.A.O Conference on Air Navigation Services : Greece
10 May 1949 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding a proposed Cession of Territory in the Zeila area to Ethiopia (with Record of Conversations, Annex and Supplementary Note)
12 May 1949 13 January 1950 North Atlantic Ocean Weather Stations Agreement (With Annexes)
12 May 1949 I.C.A.O. Conference on Air Navigation Services : Greenland and Faroe Islands
12 May 1949 Final Act and Annex to the Second Conference on ICAO North Atlantic Ocean Weather Stations
18 May 1949 28 July 1949 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland for the Reciprocal relief of Double Taxation in respect of United Kingdom profits Tax and Irish Corporation profits Tax
20 May 1949 Interim Veterinary Agreement
21 May 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Philippine Republic for the Reciprocal Exemption from Stamp Duty of Leases &c., in respect of property occupied for diplomatic purposes
22 May 1949 Agreement (with Schedules and Exchange of Notes) between Egypt and Pakistan concerning Trade
25 May 1949 Agreements signed on behalf of the Secretary of State for Colonies with: The British Borneo Timber Company Limited, The Bakau and Kenya Extract Company Limited, The Shell Company of British North Borneo Limited, The British Borneo Petroleum Syndicate Limited (no other details).
25 May 1949 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 21, 1947 [Annex VIII - Universal Postal Union]
30 May 1949 31 May 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Governemnt of Egypt regarding the construction of the Owen Falls Dam, Uganda [With Notes-Verbales]
31 May 1949 Transport Central African Conference
2 June 1949 Memorandum regarding Estimates of Balance of Payments between France and Sterling Payments Areas for July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1949
9 June 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy regarding the disposal of Italian submarine cables which were captured or diverted during the war and subsequently returned voluntarily to Italian ownership
16 June 1949 1 January 1950 Agreement for the Provisional Application of the Draft International Customs Conventions on Touring, on Commercial Road Vehicles and on International Transport of Goods by Road [with Additional Protocol]
20 June 1949 1 October 1949 Agreement and Exchange of Notes between the Postal Administrations. Exchange of Money Orders.
20 June 1949 Charter Allied High Commission for Germany
21 June 1949 Air Traffic Agreement, Annexes and Exchanges of Letters - (United Kingdom : Kuwait)
22 June 1949 Agreed Minute concerning Trade and Payments
23 June 1949 Agreement between Norway and Pakistan relating to Air Services (with Annex)
27 June 1949 1 July 1949 Agreement on Trade and Payments between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Argentine Government [with Schedules, Annex and Exchanges of Notes]
27 June 1949 Agreed Minute and Annexes between the United Kingdom and Spain regarding Trade and Payments
28 June 1949 Exchanges of Notes Prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of 26:11:1948
29 June 1949 4 July 1949 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Greek Government establishing additional drawing rights in favour of Greece for the Purpose of the European Payments Agreement of 16th October, 1948 (with decision of the Council of European Economic Co-operation on 4th July, 1949)
30 June 1949 30 June 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America, further prolonging the Bizonal Fusion Agreement of 2nd December 1946 as amended by the Agreement of 17th December 1947
30 June 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgian Government prolonging until 31st October, 1949 the Monetary Agreement of 14th November, 1947
1 July 1949 1 July 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America amending the Agreement of the 30th September, 1948, relating to Ferrous Scrap Exports
4 July 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic further prolonging the Monetary Agreement of the 1st November, 1945
6 July 1949 1 January 1949 Exchange of Notes regarding Suspension of Margin of Preference on Unmanufactured Logs
6 July 1949 Protocol between the Governments of the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the French Republic and the Polish Republic relating to the Restitution to Poland of Monetary Gold looted by Germany.
7 July 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Royal Netherlands Government regarding Settlement for United Kingdom purchases from the Netherlands under long-term contracts
11 July 1949 11 July 1949 Agreement concerning Uranium Mining and Export of Ore.
12 July 1949 30 June 1949 Trade & Payments. Agreed Minute with Belgo/Luxembourg Economic Unit
14 July 1949 Agreement between HM Government and the Central Mining and Investment Corporation Ltd and the Superior Oil Company concerning the responsibilities devolving on HM Government upon conclusion of an Agreement between the Central Mining and Investment Corporation Ltd and the Superior Oil Company and the Sheikh of Qatar.
15 July 1949 Agreed Minute between the United Kingdom and Italy concerning Trade and Payments for the period July 1949 - June 1950
17 July 1949 30 June 1949 Exchange of Notes: Agreement that the Commercial Modus Vivendi which was renewed for 1 year on 1 July 1948 should not be renewed again as the GATT, to which both Governments are signatories, amply covers the provisions of the Modus Vivendi.
27 July 1949 27 July 1949 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Pakistan relating to Air Services
29 July 1949 13 May 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of France deleting the Lebanon from the list of French Franc Area Territories contained in the Annex to the Anglo-French Financial Agreement of 27th March, 1945
29 July 1949 Claims Agreement. Declaration of intent by Austrian Government that British Nationals may claim for relief for War damaged property in Austria
1 August 1949 Exchange of Letters Extending the Financial Agreement of 14:08:1947
2 August 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Yugoslavia regarding Claims against the United Kingdom concerning Disposal of Certain Medical Stores diverted by reason of German occupation of Yugoslavia
3 August 1949 1 January 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of Brazil constituting a Trade Agreement [with Schedules]
5 August 1949 5 August 1949 Agreement between the government of the United Kingdom and the government of Ceylon for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories (with exchange of notes).
5 August 1949 Exchange of Letters regarding Extended Application of the Exchange of Letters of 30 April 1948
5 August 1949 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States, United Kingdom and French Military Governors of Germany for the Regulation of Payments
5 August 1949 Exchange of Letters between the Economic Secretary to the Treasury and the Finance Minister of Pakistan regarding Extended Application of the Financial Agreement of 14:08:1947
12 August 1949 24 January 1950 Final Act and Agreement for the revision of the Telecommunications Agreement signed at Bermuda on 4th December, 1945
12 August 1949 21 October 1950 Convention relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War
12 August 1949 21 October 1950 Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field
12 August 1949 21 October 1950 Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea
12 August 1949 21 October 1950 Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War
12 August 1949 Diplomatic Conference for the Revision of (1) The 10th Hague Convention of 18th October, 1907 (Maritime Warfare) (2) The Geneva Convention of 27th July 1929 (Red Cross Convention) (3) The Geneva Convention of 27 July 1929 (Prisioners of War Convention) and the establishment of (4) Convention relative to Protection of Civilians in Time of War
12 August 1949 Conventions for the Protection of War Victims (Consolidated publication of the text of the four Conventions signed at Geneva on 12 August, 1949)
13 August 1949 28 March 1950 Protocol on General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [Modifies Aritcle XXVI of the GATT so that acceptance of the Agreement by a government constitutes acceptance in respcet of that government's metropolitan territories]
13 August 1949 9 June 1950 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark relating to Trade and Commerce [with Exchange of Letters]
13 August 1949 21 October 1951 Protocol to General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [Replaces Schedule I (Australia) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade to conform with the amended customs law of Australia and to give effect to certain rectifications]
13 August 1949 21 October 1951 Protocol on the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade [Third Protocol of rectifications to the GATT]
13 August 1949 24 September 1952 Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [First Protocol of modifications to the GATT : modifying Schedule VII - Chile]
13 August 1949 24 September 1952 Protocol to General Agreement on Tariff and Trade [Replaces Schedule VI (Ceylon) of GATT to conform with the amended customs tariffs of Ceylon]
13 August 1949 MISC Memorandum of Understanding relative to the application to the Western Sectors of Berlin of the Agreement on Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment for the Areas of Western Germany under Military Occupation
17 August 1949 17 August 1949 Exchange of Letters between Belgium and Canada constituting a reciprocal Agreement relating to Compensation for War Damage to Private Property
17 August 1949 22 August 1949 Exchange of Notes concerning winding up of Social Insurance Committee of the Polish Merchant Navy
18 August 1949 Agreed Minute on Trade, valid 01 July 1949 - 30 June 1950 (United Kingdom, United States and French Military Zones): Protocol and lists.
18 August 1949 Sterling Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic
19 August 1949 19 August 1949 Agreement Between The Government Of The United Kingdom And The Government Of Canada For Air Services Between And Beyond Their Respective Territories (with Schedule and Exchange of Notes)
24 August 1949 Air Traffic Agreement between Ministry of Civil Aviation of United Kingdom and Ministry of Transport of Luxembourg concerning Reciprocal Recognition of permits issued by either Party in respect of the carriage of dangerous goods in aircraft registered in one country flying into or over the territory of the other, with the exception of the carriage of munitions (see notes)
29 August 1949 1 January 1949 Agreement between the United Kingdom Minister of Food and the Director of Fisheries for Norway regarding Regulation of Norwegian fish landings at United Kingdom ports. Annex of conditions and specifications
30 August 1949 Agreement between Canada and Belgium concerning Air Traffic
31 August 1949 31 August 1949 Protocol for the Prolongation of the International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar signed in London on 6th May, 1937
2 September 1949 10 September 1952 General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe [ETS No. 2]
5 September 1949 1 September 1949 Agreement and Annex. Regulation of Icelandic fish landings at United Kingdom ports from 01:09:1949 September 1, 1949 to February 2, 1950
6 September 1949 7 September 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands further extending the Anglo-Netherlands Monetary Agreement of 7th September, 1945
7 September 1949 Loan Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium [with Annexes and Protocol]
7 September 1949 Agreement for Intra-European Payments and Compensations for 1949-50, with Protocol of Provisional Application
12 September 1949 1 October 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of San Marino for the Mutual Abolition of Visas (With Annex)
19 September 1949 19 September 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America for the settlement of certain outstanding matters relating to the Establishment of the United States Air Force Base in Trinidad [with Agreement, Schedules, Maps and Agreed Minutes]
19 September 1949 26 March 1952 Protocol to the Convention on Road Traffic done at Geneva on 19th September 1949
19 September 1949 26 March 1952 Convention on Road Traffic
19 September 1949 Protocol on Road Signs and Signals with Amendments adopted at Geneva on 25 July 1963
20 September 1949 27 March 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Netherlands for the Settlement of conflicting claims to German Enemy Assets in their respective territories (with Annex)
24 September 1949 20 February 1952 Agreement for the Establishment of a General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean as amended on May 22, 1963 by the First Special Session of the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean
24 September 1949 Exchange of Notes further Extending, for 3 months, the Supplementary Financial Agreement of November 17, 1947 as Extended by the Exchange of Notes of June 27, 1948
28 September 1949 28 September 1949 Trade and Financial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic
28 September 1949 28 September 1949 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic regarding Compensation for British Property, Rights and Interests affected by Czechoslovak measures of Nationalisation, Expropriation and Dispossession (With Interpretative minute)
28 September 1949 28 September 1949 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic relating to the Settlement of certain Inter-Governmental Debts
28 September 1949 28 September 1949 Exchange of Notes concerning Modification of Annex to Air Services Agreement of 27:11:1946
28 September 1949 28 September 1949 Exchange of Notes concerning Modification of Annex to Air Services Agreement of 27:11:1946
28 September 1949 Agreement with Exchange of Notes between India and Austria regarding Exchanges of specified goods
10 October 1949 1 January 1950 Protocol and Annexes on the Terms of Accession to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
17 October 1949 1 January 1950 Agreement between the Postal Administration of the United Kingdom and the Postal Adminstration of Greece
25 October 1949 1 November 1949 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic supplementary to the General Agreement on Social Security of the 11th June, 1948
25 October 1949 Agreement between British Minister of Food and the Faroese Export Committee Conditions for the landing of fresh white fish at United Kingdom ports between September 1, 1949 and February 28, 1950
27 October 1949 21 September 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Netherlands Government further amending the Anglo-Netherlands Monetary Agreement of 7th September, 1945
31 October 1949 1 December 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for the Abolition of the Visa requirement concerning Malta (See Summary of Provisions)
7 November 1949 27 April 1951 Convention on Social and Medical Assistance between the Brussels Treaty Powers Paris, 7th November, 1949 and the Supplementary Agreement to give effect to the Convention - With Annexes Brussels, 17th April, 1950
7 November 1949 15 May 1951 Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands to Extend and Co-ordinate Social Security Schemes in their application to Nationals of the Parties to the Brussels Treaty
11 November 1949 18 November 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Swiss Government adding Kenya to the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
11 November 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Luxembourg Government adding Kenya to the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
11 November 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government adding Kenya to the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
11 November 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Swedish Government adding Kenya to the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
11 November 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Icelandic Government adding Kenya to the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
11 November 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Danish Government adding Kenya to the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
11 November 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government adding Kenya to the List of Territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
18 November 1949 18 November 1949 Agreed Minute on Trade and Payments during the period ending 31 March 1950
18 November 1949 Exchange of Declaration concerning Vessels of War in the Antarctic
22 November 1949 1 January 1950 Exchange of Notes between Norway and New Zealand constituting an Agreement concerning the Mutual Abolition of Visas
23 November 1949 7 December 1949 Exchange of Notes concerning Most Favoured Nation Treatment until negotiations for a new Commercial Treaty takes place with list of Permissible Imports
24 November 1949 1 December 1949 Exchange of Notes between Luxembourg and Canada regarding Visa requirements
28 November 1949 Record of discussions concerning Commerce and Finance ( Trade and Payments ) between the Portuguese Monetary Area and the Sterling Area for 1950
30 November 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgian Government further prolonging until 31st March, 1950, the Monetary Agreement of 14th November, 1947
1 December 1949 1 January 1950 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Royal Netherlands Government extending the Visa Abolition Agreement of 21st March, 1947 to certain British Overseas Territories
1 December 1949 Memorandum regarding the disposal of unused drawing rights for France established under the Agreement for Intra-European Payments and Compensations of 16th October 1948
5 December 1949 5 December 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Egypt regarding the construction of the Owen Falls Dam, Uganda [With Notes-Verbales]
7 December 1949 Agreed Minute and Annexes regarding Commerce and Finance: Trade and payments programme for 1950
7 December 1949 Supplement to the Arrangement for an Exchange of money orders between the Post Office of India and the Post Office of the Somaliland Protectorate.
10 December 1949 Exchange of Notes. Further extension of the terms of services of the British Police and Prisons Mission to Greece to January 11, 1951
12 December 1949 Exchange of Notes. Contributions to the cost of the three British Service Missions in Greece. Arrangements for the year ending 30 June 1950
12 December 1949 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom Labour Attache and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Emigration Department concerning the possibility of engaging 500 Italian Women Workers in the British Woolen Industry
13 December 1949 1 May 1950 Money Order Agreement between the Postal Administration of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Postal Administration of the Republic of Colombia (with appendices).
14 December 1949 1 January 1950 Exchange of Notes between Ceylon and the Maldive Islands constituting an Understanding concerning Commerce
14 December 1949 Agreed Minute concerning Trade and Payments : record of understandings for position in 1950
15 December 1949 Memorandum regarding the disposal of unused drawing rights for the Bizone and French Zone of Germany established under the Agreement for Intra-European Payments and Compensations Agreement of the 16th October, 1948
16 December 1949 5 May 1950 Protocol modifying the Convention of 5th July, 1890 concerning the creation of an International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs, the Regulations for the Execution of the Convention instituting an International Bureau for the Publication of Customs Tariffs and Memorandum of Signature
16 December 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government further extending the Sterling Payments Agreement of 26th November, 1948
17 December 1949 Agreed Minute concerning Trade and Payments (with Minutes of First Plenary Session of the Joint Economic Committee held on 12 December 1949)
21 December 1949 12 May 1956 Military Service Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic
21 December 1949 Agreement on the Status of Members of the Armed Forces of the Brussels Treaty Powers
23 December 1949 Convention between ther Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Belgium regarding the Status of Belgian Forces in Germany [with Annex]
23 December 1949 Exchange of Notes and Contract concerning the Conditions for the Supply of Bulk Meat from Uruguay
24 December 1949 4 January 1950 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United kingdom and the Government of the Union of Burma regulating Commercial Relations pending the conclusion of a new Treaty of Commerce and Navigation
26 December 1949 26 December 1949 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia regarding the Terms and Conditions of Payment of the Balance of Compensation for British Property, Rights and Interests affected by Yugoslav Measures of Nationalisation, Expropriation, Dispossession and Liquidation [with Exchange of Notes]
26 December 1949 1 January 1950 Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia [with Schedules, Exchanges of Notes and Appendices]
28 December 1949 28 December 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland constituting an Agreement relating to Insurance and Reinsurance Contracts [With Annex]
29 December 1949 29 December 1949 Exchange of Notes Terminating the Agreement concerning Maintenance of section of Haifa-Baghdad road of July 19, 1941
30 December 1949 1 January 1950 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden
30 December 1949 Agreement between Czechoslovakia and Pakistan regarding Trade
3 January 1950 3 January 1950 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America to amend the Economic Co-operation Agreement signed at London, 6th July, 1948
19 January 1950 1 March 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Egypt regarding the construction of the Owen Falls Dam, Uganda [With Notes-Verbales]
20 January 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding the provision of additional funds for the continued operation of the United States Educational Commission in the United Kingdom
21 January 1950 Memorandum concerning Commerce
23 January 1950 7 March 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the French Republic relating to Compensation for Disablement or Death due to War Injury suffered by Civilians
26 January 1950 31 January 1950 Sterling Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Austrian Federal Government
26 January 1950 Loan Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Export-Import Bank of Washington
27 January 1950 27 January 1950 Mutual Defence Assistance Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Government of the United States of America [with Annexes and Statement]
28 January 1950 7 December 1949 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Peru regarding the continuance in force of Aricles 4 and 5 of the Anglo- Peruvian Commercial Agreement of 6th October, 1936
28 January 1950 Special Exchange Agreement between the Government of Ceylon and the Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
28 January 1950 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the Reciprocal Application of Social Security Schemes of France and Northern Ireland [with Protocols]
30 January 1950 Declaration by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Foreign Ministers of Denmark, Norway and Sweden approving recommendations for closer economic co-operation between their respective members [With Report and Appendix]
2 February 1950 2 February 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy regarding the revival of the Agreement on the Reciprocal Recognition of Proof Marks signed,London 24 June 1926
2 February 1950 2 February 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy regarding the revival of certain pre-war treaties
7 February 1950 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of San Marino adding Kenya to the list of territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
7 February 1950 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government modifying and prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 16th April, 1946
9 February 1950 1 August 1950 Agreement, Exchange of Notes. Money Orders
10 February 1950 10 February 1950 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel for the continuance in force of the Arrangement of 1947 for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income [with Annex]
14 February 1950 14 February 1950 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1951).
14 February 1950 Agreement between Norway and Canada for Air Services between Canadian and Norwegian Territories (with Annex)
21 February 1950 Agreement (and Annex) between Siam and Ceylon concerning Air Traffic
24 February 1950 Exchange of Notes between Sweden and India regarding Commerce and Navigation
2 March 1950 15 July 1950 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgium Government constituting an Agreement for the reciprocal protection of Trade Marks in the Bahama Islands and Belgium
4 March 1950 4 March 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Swiss Government extending the Agreement of 26.02/03.03.1949 prolonging the Finance Agreement of 12.03.1946 to 11.03.1950 for a further 4 months
4 March 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government modifying and prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 12th March, 1946
4 March 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government modifying and prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 12th March, 1946
8 March 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgian Government further prolonging until 30th June, 1950 the Monetary Agreement of 14th November, 1947
10 March 1950 Exchange of Notes between Italy and Ceylon concerning the Release of Italian Assets
13 March 1950 26 March 1952 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Burma for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income [ With Supplementary Protocol of 4 April 1951 ]
15 March 1950 Agreement between Ceylon and Co-operation for American Remittances to Europe (CARE) regarding Relief
15 March 1950 Treaty of Friendship between Iran and India
20 March 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy regarding the Transfer to Italy of the Provisional Administration of Somalia
21 March 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy regarding the Transfer to Italy of the Provisional Administration of Somalia
27 March 1950 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
30 March 1950 30 March 1950 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel for the settlement of financial matters outstanding as a result of the termination of the Mandate of Palestine [With Exchanges of Letters]
3 April 1950 30 June 1950 Agreement on Trade and Payments between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay
3 April 1950 Fourth Protocol of Rectifications to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
3 April 1950 Agreed Minute and Annexes concerning Trade and Financial Negotiations
5 April 1950 15 May 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Federal Government of Austria regarding Financial Aid and Credits to Austria
5 April 1950 8 June 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Federal Council for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories
6 April 1950 Exchange of Letters relating to Air Traffic
15 April 1950 Agreement between HM Government and the Superior Oil Co. concerning the responsibilities devolving on HM Government upon conclusion of an Agreement between the Superior Oil Co. and the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi
17 April 1950 10 October 1951 Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands concerning Frontier Workers
17 April 1950 12 March 1952 Convention between the Governments of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands concerning Student Employees
17 April 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Turkey which regulates the payment of the annuities due on the City of Istanbul Loan of 1909
22 April 1950 22 April 1950 Supplementary Protocol No.2 amending the Agreement of 7 September 1949 for Intra-European Payments and Compensations for 1949-50
4 May 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Thailand regarding the Settlement of outstanding Commonwealth War Claims against Thailand
9 May 1950 9 May 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Greece further modifying the Agreement of 26th November, 1945, regarding Air Services in Europe
10 May 1950 Second Additional Supplementary Protocol to Agreement of 5 December 1947 relating to Resolution of Conflicting Claims to German Enemy Assets and to the Protocol of 3 February 1949 additional to that Agreement (Vol XIa No.32 folio 38)
26 May 1950 10 January 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iceland relating to Air Transport Services [With Annex and Schedules]
5 June 1950 Agreed Minute and List of Goods and Letters concerning Commerce
7 June 1950 Agreement between the United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and Ceylon regarding Relief
12 June 1950 12 June 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Union of South Africa on the Rebate of Customs Duties on Goods Imported into South Africa for processing in the Union
17 June 1950 17 June 1950 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on their own behalf and on behalf of the Government of Southern Rhodesia and the Government of the Republic of Portugal relative to the Port of Beira and Connected Railways [With Schedule and Exchanges of Notes and Letters]
20 June 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Spanish Government [Spain] prolonging the Trade and Payments Agreement of 23rd June, 1948
20 June 1950 Agreement (with Annex) between Iraq and Pakistan relating to Air Services
22 June 1950 United Kingdom/Turkey Finance Joint Declaration
24 June 1950 28 July 1950 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Italy concerning the Employment of Italian Workers in the Somaliland Protectorate
27 June 1950 2 October 1953 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
27 June 1950 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government further extending the Sterling Payments Agreement of 26th November, 1948
28 June 1950 28 June 1950 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Australia, India, Pakistan and Ceylon, and the Government of the Union of Burma regarding a Loan to Burma
28 June 1950 28 June 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding Financial Issues arising out of the Bizonal Fusion Agreement of 2nd December, 1946 as amended by the Agreement of 17th December, 1947
28 June 1950 Status of Members of Armed Forces of Brussels Treaty Powers
29 June 1950 Agreement between Italy and Pakistan regarding Commerce
29 June 1950 Air Transport Agreement (with Annex) between Burma and Ceylon
30 June 1950 3 July 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Brazil regarding the effect of the Cultural Convention of the 16th April, 1947 upon the Entry and Residence of Foreigners
30 June 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Belgium further prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 14th November, 1947
30 June 1950 Exchange of Notes on Customs privileges to consular officers and employees.
3 July 1950 3 July 1950 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Kenya for the appointment of a Mixed Commission to demarcate the boundary between Kenya and Ethiopia
4 July 1950 Exchange of Notes excluding the Channel Islands from the provisions of the General Agreement on Social Security of 11th June, 1948 between the Government of the United Kingdom and the French Government
7 July 1950 8 July 1950 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland regarding Sterling Payments
13 July 1950 Agreement between Pakistan and Austria regarding Trade
19 July 1950 1 August 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America modifying the Leased Bases Agreement of 27th March, 1941
20 July 1950 16 March 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Spain regarding Air Services [with Schedules and amending Exchanges of Notes]
20 July 1950 15 January 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Spain regarding Air Services [with Schedules and amending Exchanges of Notes]
20 July 1950 Agreement between Switzerland and Pakistan regarding Trade
20 July 1950 Exchange of Letters concerning Treatment of outstanding debts
20 July 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Italian Government further extending the Sterling Payments Agreement of 26th November, 1948
21 July 1950 21 July 1950 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for the Establishment in the Bahama Islands of a Long-Range Proving Ground for Guided Missiles
26 July 1950 8 December 1950 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sri Lanka for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
26 July 1950 Exchange of Notes Terminating Agreement of 10 March 1944 concerning United States Copyright Law
29 July 1950 Exchange of Notes concerning Settlement of Sudanese claims against the Italian Government between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Italy
31 July 1950 Agreement between Nepal and India concerning Trade & Commerce
31 July 1950 Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Nepal and India
10 August 1950 24 August 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Italy deleting Singapore and the Federation of Malaya from the list of territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
10 August 1950 24 August 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Iceland deleting Singapore and the Federation of Malaya from the list of territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
10 August 1950 24 August 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Switzerland deleting Singapore and the Federation of Malaya from the list of territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
10 August 1950 24 August 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Sweden deleting Singapore and the Federation of Malaya from the list of territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
10 August 1950 24 August 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark deleting Singapore and the Federation of Malaya from the list of territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
10 August 1950 24 August 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands deleting Singapore and the Federation of Malaya from the list of territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
10 August 1950 24 August 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Luxembourg deleting Singapore and the Federation of Malaya from the list of territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
10 August 1950 24 August 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Norway deleting Singapore and the Federation of Malaya from the list of territories covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement
14 August 1950 20 August 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark prolonging until 19th October, 1950 the validity of the Monetary Agreement of 16th August, 1945 and the Exchange of Notes of 10th November, 1948
26 August 1950 13 September 1950 Abolition of Visa requirements for United States citizens visiting Southern Rhodesia
29 August 1950 Treaty of Friendship between Syria and Pakistan
29 August 1950 Exchange of Notes between Norway and India constituting an Agreement concerning Commercial Relations
31 August 1950 Protocol for the Prolongation of the International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar
5 September 1950 5 September 1950 Air Services Agreement (United Kingdom : Kuwait)
10 September 1950 10 September 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government Extending and Amending the Financial Agreement of 31st March, 1949
14 September 1950 Northern Rhodesia Minerals Rights Agreement. (British South Africa Co Mineral rights).
16 September 1950 20 December 1953 European Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Traffic and the Protocol on Road Signs and Signals signed at Geneva on 19 September 1949
16 September 1950 Declaration on the Construction of Main International Traffic Arteries
18 September 1950 1 July 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of Brazil regarding Commercial Transactions [with Lists]
19 September 1950 Agreement for the Establishment of a European Payments Union
20 September 1950 Loan Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Export-Import Bank of Washington
25 September 1950 1 October 1950 Protocol relating to the International Commission on Civil Status
29 September 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government further extending the Sterling Payments Agreement of 26th November, 1948, and the provisions in respect of the Territory of Somaliland under Italian Administration contained in the Exchange of Notes of 20th/21st July, 1950
5 October 1950 Exchange of Letters Dated 5th October, 1950, And 2nd February, 1951 Between The Government Of The United Kingdom And The Government Of Ceylon Concerning Ceylon�s Sterling Assets And Independent Gold And Dollar Reserves
6 October 1950 1 January 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding non-scheduled commercial Air Services between United Kingdom and French Territories
6 October 1950 Exchange of Notes between Austria and the Republic of Ireland regarding Trade
6 October 1950 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 21, 1947 [Annex IX - International Telecommunication Union]
9 October 1950 Arrangement regarding the Cancellation of certain Drawing Rights for France established under Supplement Protocol No 2 of the Intra-European Payments and Compensations Agreement of 16th October 1948
11 October 1950 Exchange of Notes. Denunciation by the United Kingdom on 30/08/1950 with effect from 28/02/1951 of the Convention between the United Kingdom and Tunis for the Exchange of Money Orders, London, 24/08/1889 and the Additional Articles to the Convention, signed between the United Kingdom and France, Paris 22/12/1910
14 October 1950 Exchange of Notes between Persia and Pakistan concerning the Abolition of Visa Fees
16 October 1950 Exchange of Notes concerning Claim by Courtaulds Ltd., for transfer in Sterling of certain sums in Lira between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Italy
19 October 1950 20 October 1950 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark
20 October 1950 23 February 1951 Agreement between Indonesia and Contracting Parties to G.A.T.T. concerning a Special Exchange Agreement
20 October 1950 23 February 1951 Agreement between Haiti and Contracting Parties to G.A.T.T. concerning a Special Exchange Agreement
23 October 1950 24 December 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America terminating the Air Navigation Arrangement of 28th March /5th April, 1935
30 October 1950 3 May 1951 Treaty between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Nepal
4 November 1950 3 September 1953 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [ETS No. 005]
4 November 1950 Exchange of Notes. Contributions to the cost of the three British Service Missions in Greece. Arrangements for period from 1 July 1950 to 30 June 1951
6 November 1950 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Norwegian Government
7 November 1950 Agreement between the United States of America and Ceylon regarding Technical Co-operation and Assistance
10 November 1950 10 November 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government modifying the Monetary Agreement of 12th March, 1946
10 November 1950 10 November 1950 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden
10 November 1950 10 November 1950 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Thailand for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories
14 November 1950 15 November 1950 Exchange of Notes extending the time-limit for the renewal of the Agreement of 22 April 1947 concerning the Participation of a Danish contingent in the Occupation of Germany
15 November 1950 19 April 1960 Agreement concerning North American Broadcasting
16 November 1950 16 November 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Greek Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Air Transport Profits from Income Tax, etc. (with application also to Cyprus)
20 November 1950 Exchange of Letters amending the Trade Agreement of 20:08:1932
20 November 1950 Exchange of Declarations concerning Vessels of War in the Antarctic
22 November 1950 21 May 1952 Agreement on the Importation of Educational Scientific and Cultural Materials
29 November 1950 29 November 1950 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the French Republic and the United States of America of the one part and the Government of Italy of the other part for the extension to Italy of the International Accord of 27 July 1946 on German-owned Patents as amended by the Protocol of 17 July 1947.
30 November 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government further modifying the Monetary Agreement of 16th April, 1946
30 November 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government further extending the Agreement of 5th June, 1947 regarding the Participation of a Norwegian Brigade Group in the Occupation of Germany
5 December 1950 Agreement between India and Sikkim regarding Administration
6 December 1950 6 December 1950 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel for Air Services between and Beyond their respective Territories [with Exchanges of Notes]
8 December 1950 2 April 1953 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government for the Settlement of Conflicting Claims to German Assets in their respective territories [together with Exchange of Notes].
9 December 1950 9 December 1950 Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany
10 December 1950 25 January 1951 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel for the reciprocal extension of the periods of priority stipulated in Article 4 of the Industrial Property Convention of 2nd June, 1934
13 December 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Danish Government regarding the Participation of a Danish Contingent in the Occupation of Germany
14 December 1950 Convention between His Majesty in Respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
15 December 1950 15 December 1950 Agreement between the United Nations and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and the United Kingdom as Administering Power of the territories of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania regarding Technical Assistance for Cyrenaica and Tripolitania
15 December 1950 15 December 1950 Basic Agreement between the United Nations, the F.A.O of the United Nations, the I.C.A.O., the I.L.O, the U.N.E.S.C.O and the W.H.O. of the one part and the Government of the United Kingdom as Administering Power of the Territories of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania of the other part for the Provision of Technical Assistance for Cyrenaica and Tripolitania
15 December 1950 31 August 1951 Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Norwegian Government
15 December 1950 4 November 1952 Convention Establishing a Customs Co-operation Council
15 December 1950 28 July 1953 Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purposes [with Annexes]
15 December 1950 11 September 1959 Convention on Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs
15 December 1950 Protocol concerning the European Customs Union Study Group
16 December 1950 30 June 1953 Fifth Protocol of Rectification to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
19 December 1950 Exchange of Notes concerning the Exchange of Official Publications
21 December 1950 21 December 1950 Sterling Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Italian Government [with Exchange of Notes applying the Agreement to the Free Territory of Trieste]
28 December 1950 28 December 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Yugoslavia granting a credit of #3,000,000 to Yugoslavia for the purchase of consumer goods foodstufs, &c.
28 December 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Czechoslovakia amending the Payments Agreement of 18th August, 1949
29 December 1950 24 September 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic for the Submission to the International Court of Justice of Differences concerning Sovereignty over the Minquiers and Ecrehos Islets
30 December 1950 1 January 1951 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Governments of Belgium and Luxembourg
2 January 1951 Exchange of Notes. Extension until 11 January 1952 of the term of service of the British Police and Prisons Mission to Greece. [See Greece No. 75 - Exchange of Notes of 12.12.1947]
6 January 1951 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Egypt concerning renewal for an indefinite period of the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of June 5/7, 1930
11 January 1951 11 January 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia granting a credit of #2,000,000 to Yugoslavia for the purchase of raw materials [with Appendices]
11 January 1951 Agreed Minute regarding The Netherlands Debt to the United Kingdom
17 January 1951 1 April 1951 Agreement and Appendices between the United Kingdom and Sweden concerning the Exchange of Money Orders
19 January 1951 Agreement. Leased bases in Jamaica.
20 January 1951 Exchange of Notes regarding relations between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Yemen
20 January 1951 Exchange of Notes between Indonesia and India concerning Commerce
24 January 1951 Agreement with the Postal Administration of Tunis for the exchange of Money Orders (with Appendices)
24 January 1951 Third additonal Supplementary Protocol to Brussels Agreement of 5th December 1947 and Final and Second Protocols additional thereto, relating to the Resolution of Conflicting Claims to German Enemy Assets
30 January 1951 24 September 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding Rights of Fishery in areas of the Ecrehos and Minquiers
31 January 1951 31 January 1951 Sterling Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and the Austrian Federal Government
2 February 1951 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Ceylon concerning the treatment of Ceylon's Sterling Balances during the Seven years beginning 01:07:1950, and the Independent Reserve of Gold and Dollars to be held by the Central bank of Ceylon
3 February 1951 Exchange of Notes regarding Financial Arrangements between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of France
4 February 1951 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Qatar concerning Civil Aviation in Qatar
6 February 1951 6 March 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America relating to a United States Fleet Anchorage in the Gulf of Paria
10 February 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Spain amending the Schedules of Routes Annexed to the Air Services Agreement of July 20, 1950
18 February 1951 Exchange of Notes embodying Financial Arrangements between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iraq
21 February 1951 Exchange of Notes amending the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 16th July, 1926 between the United Kingdom and Greece
22 February 1951 31 July 1951 Consular Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty The King of Norway (with Agreed Minute, Protocols of Signature and Exchanges of Notes)
23 February 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States Government modifying the Agreement of 1st December, 1948 regarding the duty- free treatment of American relief goods
1 March 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Egypt for the Establishment of Scheduled Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories
2 March 1951 1 March 1951 Money Orders Agreement and Appendices between the postal administration of the United Kingdom and the Regency of Tunis.
2 March 1951 17 March 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Cuba for the Abolition of Visas
3 March 1951 Treaty between Indonesia and Pakistan concerning Friendship
3 March 1951 Treaty between Indonesia and India concerning Friendship
6 March 1951 Exchange of Notes prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of 2nd March, 1948 between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Poland
6 March 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Allied High Commission for Germany and the Federal Republic of Germany constituting an Agreement on the subject of certain German External Debts
6 March 1951 Instrument of Revision of the Charter of the Allied High Commission for Germany
6 March 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Allied High Commission for Germany and the Federal Republic of Germany constituting an Agreement on the subject of certain German External Debts
10 March 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Swiss Government further extending the provisions of the Anglo-Swiss Monetary Agreement of 12th March, 1946
19 March 1951 20 October 1948 Agreement for the exchange of money orders between the Post Office of the United Kingdom and the Post Office of Pakistan, with Appendices A to E.
22 March 1951 Agreed Minute between the United Kingdom and Finland concerning Trade arrangements for 1951
23 March 1951 25 April 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Designation of an Appropriate Area within the Boundaries of the United States Kindley Air Force Base in Bermuda for the Provision of Civil Airport Facilities
25 March 1951 Exchange of Notes regarding Convertibilty of United Kingdom Airline Earnings
30 March 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark for the funding of the balance of Danish kroner held for account of the Government of the United Kingdom (with Annex)
31 March 1951 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Italy on Customs Privileges for Consuls
31 March 1951 Agreement between Iraq and Pakistan concerning Commerce
2 April 1951 1 April 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of Brazil regarding the continuance in force of Part II of the Trade and Payments Agreement of 21st May, 1948
2 April 1951 2 April 1951 Trade agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Pakistan
3 April 1951 Agreement between the French, United Kingdom and United States Governments regarding Industrial Controls in the French, United Kingdom and United States Areas of Occupation in Germany
4 April 1951 Supplementary Protocol to the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Burma for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income on 13 March 1950
6 April 1951 6 April 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Belgium relative to the construction of a deep-water quay at the Port of Dar-es-Salaam for the use of the Belgian Government [ with Exchange of Notes ]
11 April 1951 11 April 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic relating to Terms of Compensation for British Interests in French Nationalised Gas and Electricity Undertakings [with Exchanges of Notes]
17 April 1951 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 21, 1947 [Annex XI - World Meteorological Organization]
17 April 1951 Annex XI - World Meteorological Organization (WMO) - to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies, Paris, 17 April 1951
18 April 1951 18 April 1951 Convention for the Establishment of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation of April 18, 1951, as amended by the Council on April 27, 1955
18 April 1951 23 July 1952 Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
19 April 1951 19 April 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Iraq for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories [With Schedule and Exchange of Notes]
20 April 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of France providing for the Regulation of Civil Aviation in the New Hebrides
21 April 1951 Protocol concerning Application of GATT
23 April 1951 23 April 1951 Protocol supplementing the Agreement on Trade and Payments between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic of 27th June 1949 [with Schedule and Letters]
25 April 1951 Agreement between the Governments of France, the United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Submission to Arbitration of certain Claims to Gold Looted by the Germans from Rome in 1943. (With accompanying Statement.)
30 April 1951 30 April 1951 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands on the Reciprocal Waiver of Stamp Duties or Registration dues in cases where Property is acquired or leased for Diplomatic or Consular purposes
1 May 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan for the Settlement of Financial Matters outstanding as a result of the Termination of the Mandate for Palestine [with Exchanges of Notes]
2 May 1951 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Norwegian Government for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
3 May 1951 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Uruguay concerning the Resumption of Shipments of Meat to the United Kingdom
4 May 1951 Air Traffic Agreement, Schedule and Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the Dominican Republic
8 May 1951 21 January 1953 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Belgium for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories [ together with Exchange of Notes signed at London on 16 March 1951 ]
8 May 1951 Exchange of Notes adding the Route Maderia - Las Palmas to Schedule I of the Air Services Agreement of 20:07:1950 (entered into operation on 19:01:1952 provisionally for six months).
9 May 1951 11 February 1951 Exchange of Notes Prolonging the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 5th February, 1939
10 May 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding a credit of #4,000,000 for Yugoslavia for the purchase of raw materials [with Appendices]
16 May 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the allocation to Italy of a share in the proceeds of sale by the International Refugee Organisation of certain Valuables, Currencies and Securities presumed looted by the German Forces and taken from them in Italy by the Allied Forces
17 May 1951 17 May 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Turkish Government amending Schedule II of the Annex to the Air Services Agreement of 12th February, 1946
17 May 1951 17 May 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Netherlands Government for the Reciprocal Recognition of Permits for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods in Aircraft
21 May 1951 Agreement regarding Property. Provision of Buildings in the British Zone of Austria
22 May 1951 Amendments to the Statute of the Council of Europe
23 May 1951 Agreed Minute and Lists concerning Commerce
25 May 1951 17 March 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Cuba deeming that British subjects holding Channel Island Passports would be covered by the Visa Abolition Agreement of 02:03:1951
25 May 1951 25 May 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America regarding Ecomomic Co-operation
25 May 1951 11 June 1951 Agreement (with annex) for the continued operation of a South Pacific Health Service, made between the Government of New Zealand, The Government of Fiji and the Western Pacific High Commission
25 May 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium modifying the Loan Agreement of 7 September 1949
25 May 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Union of South Africa amending the Customs Union Agreement of 06:12:1948 (Annex C)
31 May 1951 Technical Assistance. Note from United States Embassy to effect that U.S. Government propose to furnish assistance of $112M in the form of machine tools for Military Equipment Programme.
1 June 1951 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America terminating the Agreement of 1st December, 1948 as modified by Exchange of Notes of 23rd February/7th April, 1951 for the Duty-free treatment of American Relief Goods
3 June 1951 1 August 1951 Parcel Post Agreement (Gold Coast Colony) and Detailed Regulations
6 June 1951 7 September 1952 Consular Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the United States of America (with Protocol of Signature)
7 June 1951 Exchange of Notes and Contract Supplementing the Ninth Bulk Meat Contract of 23 December 1949
9 June 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Swiss Government further extending the provisions of the Anglo-Swiss Monetary Agreement of 12th March, 1946 as modified by later Exchanges of Notes
15 June 1951 15 June 1951 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the French Republic of the one part and the Government of the United States of America of the other part on Technical Assistance for Libya
15 June 1951 15 June 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America on Technical Assistance for Eritrea
15 June 1951 15 June 1951 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the French Republic of the one part and the Government of United States of America of the other part on Technical Assistance for Libya.
15 June 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of France concerning Libya and the Sterling Area
16 June 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Italy for the Prolongation of Patents and Inventions
18 June 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Chile extending the Payments Agreement of 24th June, 1948
19 June 1951 Agreement regarding the Status of Forces of Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty [with Appendix]
25 June 1951 25 June 1951 Basic Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of the one part and the United Nations and certain of the Specialist Agencies of the other part for the provision of Technical Assistance to the Trust, Non-Self-Governing and other Territories for whose International Relations the United Kingdom are responsible (with Appendices)
25 June 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government [Spain] further extending the Trade and Payments Agreement of 23rd June, 1948
27 June 1951 Exchange of Notes Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Netherlands Government amending the Netherlands text of the Convention of 15 October 1948 on Double Taxation of Estates
28 June 1951 28 June 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Austrian Government providing for the continued application of the Convention of 31st March, 1931 regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters (with Annex)
28 June 1951 30 July 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government concerning the Disposal of Italian Private Property in Cyrenaica and Tripolitania
28 June 1951 23 August 1953 ILO Convention No.99 Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery in Agriculture
29 June 1951 23 May 1953 International Labour Convention No.100 concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Thirty-fourth Session Geneva, 29 June 1951 [ILO No. 100]
29 June 1951 Financial Agreement
1 July 1951 1 January 1951 Sterling Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government [with Exchange of Letters]
1 July 1951 1 January 1951 Sterling Releases Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government [with Exchange of Letters]
2 July 1951 Agreement between the World Health Organisation of the United Nations and the Government of the United Kingdom as Administering Power of the Territories of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania regarding Technical Assistance for Cyrenaica and Tripolitania
9 July 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic modifying the provisions of the Agreement of 11th April, 1951 relating to the Terms of Compensation for British Interests in French Nationalised Gas and Electricity Undertakings
10 July 1951 10 July 1951 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan of the one part and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands of the other part relative to graves in Netherlands territories of members of the Armed Forces of the British Commonwealth
13 July 1951 30 July 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding the exchange of official publications
13 July 1951 Agreement for Technical Co-operation between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in respect of the territories for the international relations of which the Government of the United Kingdom are reponsible and the Government of the United States of America
18 July 1951 18 July 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom on their own behalf and on behalf of the Governments of Southern and Northern Rhodesia and the Government of the United States of America regarding the Development of the Rhodesia Railways [with Schedule and Exchange of Letters]
20 July 1951 20 July 1951 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan of the one part and the Government of Belgium of the other part relative to graves in Belgian territory of members of the Armed Forces of the British Commonwealth
20 July 1951 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government
23 July 1951 1 August 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Peru prolonging the Payments Agreement of 20th July, 1948
28 July 1951 22 April 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, 1951
4 August 1951 Supplementary Protocol No.2 amending Agreement for Establishment of European Payments Union of 19th September 1950
7 August 1951 Exchange of Notes regarding the Temporary Suspension of Margins of Preference on certain types of Iron and Steel
10 August 1951 9 September 1951 Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Cuba [with Schedule]
15 August 1951 23 December 1952 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Lebanese Republic for Air Services between and Beyond their respective territories [with Exchange of Notes]
20 August 1951 20 August 1951 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic [with Annex]
20 August 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany regarding the Export of Scrap from Germany to the United Kingdom and the United States of America
31 August 1951 30 June 1937 International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar, with Protocol of Signature
31 August 1951 31 August 1951 Protocol for the Prolongation of the International Agreement of 6th May, 1937, regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar
31 August 1951 1 September 1951 Exchange of Notes extending the Agreement of 5th June 1947 regarding the participation of a Norwegian Brigade Group in the Occupation of Germany to 1st November 1951.
31 August 1951 28 April 1952 Sterling Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan [with Exchanges of Notes]
31 August 1951 Exchange of Notes concerning Pre-war guarantee of deposits of British Insurance Companies in Japan
31 August 1951 Sterling Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers acting in respect of Occupied Japan [with Exchange of Notes]
1 September 1951 Exchange of Letters amending the Trade Agreement of 10 August 1951 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Cuba
3 September 1951 Exchange of Notes further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of 2nd March, 1948 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland
8 September 1951 28 April 1952 Treaty of Peace with Japan (With Declarations and Protocol)
8 September 1951 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United Nations World Health Organisation (WHO) on the provision of Technical Assistance with respect to Brunei
8 September 1951 Draft Treaty of Peace with Japan (as amended)
10 September 1951 Exchange of Letters concerning Trade (relates to Agreed Minute of 22 March 1951) [Exchange of goods: Pit-props, coal and coke]
14 September 1951 Statements by Foreign Ministers of the United Kingdom, the United States of America and France on the subject of Germany
15 September 1951 26 August 1965 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Panama for the Purpose of Establishing International Air Services between their Respective Territories
18 September 1951 18 September 1951 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Ireland Amending the Air Services Agreement of 5th April, 1946
20 September 1951 18 May 1954 Agreement on the Status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, National Representatives and International Staff
28 September 1951 28 September 1951 Exchange of Notes regarding Financial Arrangements between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Yugoslavia
29 September 1951 1 July 1951 Exchange of Letters constituting a Financial Agreement
29 September 1951 30 January 1954 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Greece [with Exchange of Notes of February 23/March 4, 1953]
1 October 1951 15 October 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Norway concerning the re-imposition of the Visa requirement for foreign nationals proceeding to North Borneo and Brunei
1 October 1951 15 October 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Iceland concerning the re-imposition of the Visa requirement for foreign nationals proceeding to North Borneo and Brunei
1 October 1951 15 October 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Switzerland concerning the re-imposition of the Visa requirement for foreign nationals proceeding to North Borneo and Brunei
1 October 1951 15 October 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Sweden concerning the re-imposition of the Visa requirement for foreign nationals proceeding to North Borneo and Brunei
1 October 1951 15 October 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark concerning the re-imposition of the Visa requirement for foreign nationals proceeding to North Borneo and Brunei
1 October 1951 15 October 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government concerning the re-imposition of the Visa requirement for foreign nationals proceeding to North Borneo and Brunei
1 October 1951 15 October 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Luxembourg concerning the re-imposition of the Visa requirement for foreign nationals proceeding to North Borneo and Brunei
1 October 1951 15 October 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands concerning the re-imposition of the Visa requirement for foreign nationals proceeding to North Borneo and Brunei
2 October 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the United states of America concerning the Interpretation of Article III of the Convention of 2 March 1899, relating to the Tenure and Disposition of Real and Personal Property (IV 122)
2 October 1951 Agreement between H.M.G and United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund with respect to Jamaica
2 October 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom the Swiss Government further extending the Anglo-Swiss Monetary Agreement of 12th March, 1946 as modified by later Exchanges of Notes
5 October 1951 Exchange of Notes concerning exchange of goods between Tripolitania and Tunisia, September/December 1951
11 October 1951 1 July 1952 Meat Agreement
14 October 1951 Exchange of Notes Prolonging the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 5th February, 1939
17 October 1951 1 November 1951 Exchange of Notes concerning Extension to Netherlands Antilles, Suriname and New Guinea to the Air Traffic Agreement of 17 May 1951
17 October 1951 15 February 1952 Protocol regarding the Accession of Greece and Turkey to the North Atlantic Treaty of 4 April 1949
19 October 1951 19 October 1951 Protocol relating to the Proposed Agreement for the Termination of the Ruhr Agreement
24 October 1951 24 October 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Italian Government regarding the Carriage of Dangerous Goods in Aircraft
27 October 1951 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Thailand amending the Air Services Agreement of 10 November 1950
27 October 1951 First Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Texts of the Schedules to GATT
31 October 1951 31 October 1951 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan of the one part and the Government of the French Republic of the other part regarding British Commonwealth War Graves in the French Territory
31 October 1951 1 November 1951 Exchange of Notes. Extension until 1st May 1952 of the Agreement of 5th June, 1947, regarding the participation of a Norwegian Brigade Group in the Occupation of Germany
31 October 1951 15 July 1955 Statute of The Hague Conference on Private International Law
6 November 1951 Agreement between the Postal Administrations for the exchange of Money Orders between the British Post Office Agencies, Persian Gulf, and India, and Appendices A to F
7 November 1951 Agreement Establishing the South Pacific Commission with Agreement extending the Territorial Scope of the South Pacific Commission to Guam and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
7 November 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government concerning the disposal and future administration of Italian Poperty in Cyrenaica
12 November 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy regarding the recovery by Italcable Company of submarine cable lying disused between Gibraltar and Casablanca [with Exchange of Notes of 9th/14 June, 1949, as Appendix]
15 November 1951 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Persia regarding Air Traffic
17 November 1951 17 November 1951 Application of the Convention on Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters of 31:03:1931 to the Commonwealth of Australia and the Territories of Papua and Norfolk Island and the Trust Territories of New Guinea and Nauru.
26 November 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Dominican Republic extending to the United Kingdom the terms of the United States-Dominican Agreement of 26th November, relating to a Long-Range Proving Ground for the Testing of Guided Missiles [with Appendices]
28 November 1951 28 November 1951 Exchange of Notes concerning sugar supplies
28 November 1951 28 November 1951 Exchange of Notes concerning Sugar Supplies
28 November 1951 1 May 1953 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic on Social Insurance
28 November 1951 6 May 1953 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Italy
30 November 1951 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and The Netherlands on Diplomatic Correspondence
1 December 1951 1 December 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of India relating to Air Services
6 December 1951 1 November 1953 International Convention for the Protection of Plants and Plant Products
8 December 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Italian Government regarding the revision of certain clauses of the Italian Peace Treaty
11 December 1951 11 December 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan regarding the procedure for the liquidation of the Hong Kong-Japan Open Account
12 December 1951 8 November 1953 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
13 December 1951 13 December 1951 Temporary Financial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Libya
18 December 1951 Amendment to Article 26 of the Statue of the Council of Europe of 5 May 1949
20 December 1951 15 December 1951 Sterling Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Spanish Government [Spain]
20 December 1951 19 May 1952 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Sultan of Muscat and Oman
24 December 1951 Exchange of Notes. Interim Military Government. British Forces in Libya.
30 December 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States extending until 29.02.1952 the Financial Agreement of 06.12.1945
31 December 1951 14 January 1954 Consular Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the French Republic (with Protocols of Signature and Exchanges of Notes)
7 January 1952 7 January 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding the effect of the United States Mutual Security Act of 1951 on the Agreement of the 15th of June, 1951 for technical assistance to Eritrea
8 January 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America on United States Economic Aid
15 January 1952 15 February 1952 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Extension of the Bahamas Long Range Proving Ground by additional sites in the Turks and Caicos Islands
18 January 1952 18 January 1952 Application of the Convention on Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters of 31.03.1931 to Canada
18 January 1952 Agreements between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America on Mutual Assistance in the supply of Steel, Aluminium and Tin [with Annex and Appendix]
1 February 1952 Conference on German External Debts
4 February 1952 4 February 1952 Agreement concerning UNICEF activities in Aden
7 February 1952 1 January 1952 Second Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement of 11th June, 1948 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic on Social Security
7 February 1952 7 February 1952 Basic Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the World Health Organisation for the Provision of Technical Advisory Assistance to the Trust, Non-Self-Governing and other Territories for whose international relations the United Kingdom Government are responsible together with the Protocol to the Basic Agreement
8 February 1952 Exchange of Letters between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Indian Finance Minister relating to the Extension of the Financial Agreement of 14:08:1947
12 February 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy concerning the Disposal of Italian Private Property in Eritrea
14 February 1952 14 February 1952 Joint Declaration concerning New Zealand Meat
15 February 1952 15 February 1952 Agreement concerning the activities of UNICEF in Trinidad and Tobago.
26 February 1952 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America extending until 31 March 1952 the time limit specified in paragraph 6 of the Joint Statement of 6 December 1945
27 February 1952 1 May 1952 Guarantee Agreement (Southern Rhodesia - Electric Power Project)
28 February 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of 2nd March, 1948
29 February 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Union of South Africa on Customs Union
6 March 1952 Military Service Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic
14 March 1952 24 September 1952 Consular Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of Sweden (with Protocols of Signature and Exchange of Notes)
17 March 1952 18 March 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America on relief from Taxation of United States Government Expenditure in the United Kingdom
19 March 1952 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Libya concerning the Financial Agreement of 13 December 1951
20 March 1952 18 May 1954 Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [ETS No. 9] [Protocol No.1]
24 March 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government further extending the Monetary Agreement of 12th March, 1946, as modified by later Exchanges of Notes
27 March 1952 Supplementary documents to the Conventions signed at Bonn on 26th May, 1952 between the Governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the French Republic of the one part and the Federal Republic of Germany of the other part
27 March 1952 Loan Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Export-Import Bank ( EXIMBANK ) of Washington
31 March 1952 31 March 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Libya constituting a Temporary Civil Aviation Agreement
31 March 1952 1 April 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of Brazil regarding the Continuance in Force of certain articles of the Trade and Payments Agreement of 21st May, 1948
3 April 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal amending the Schedules to the Air Agreements of 6th December, 1945
12 April 1952 12 April 1952 Exchange of Notes amending the Schedules to the Air Traffic Agreement of 1946
12 April 1952 Correspondence regarding British Trade in China
17 April 1952 Agreement and Supplementary Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium concerning Shipping Claims
19 April 1952 Exchange of Notes concerning the Exercise of Jurisdiction over all individuals who are subjects of the Rulers of:- Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait, Qatar, Muscat and Oman or any of the Trucial States
28 April 1952 1 January 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America prolonging with modifications the provisions of paragraph 6 of the Joint Statement of 6 December 1945 regarding Settlement for Lend-Lease, Reciprocal Aid, Surplus War Property and Claims [with text of Joint Statement as Appendix]
30 April 1952 1 May 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Norwegian Government further extending the Agreement of 5th June, 1947, regarding the Participation of a Norwegian Brigade Group in the Occupation of Germany
1 May 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgian Government terminating the Agreement of 6th October, 1944 concerning Property in the United Kingdom belonging to Persons resident in Belgium
2 May 1952 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Tonga amending Article 5 of the Treaty of Friendship of 18.05.1900
9 May 1952 1 June 1952 Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement of 28 January 1950 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the Reciprocal Application of the Social Security Schemes of France and Northern Ireland
9 May 1952 8 July 1952 Exchange of Notes Constituting an Agreement extending thr Double Taxation Agreement of 05:06:1946, with respect to Income Taxes to British Guiana and St Lucia
10 May 1952 14 September 1955 International Convention on Certain Rules concerning Civil Jurisdiction in Matters of Collision
10 May 1952 20 November 1955 International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Penal Jurisdiction in Matters of Collision or other Incidents of Navigation
10 May 1952 24 February 1956 International Convention for the Unification of Certain rules relating to the Arrest of Sea-going Ships
13 May 1952 10 February 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government constituting and Agreement for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories
15 May 1952 3 August 1955 Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Belgium and France regarding the supervision and preventive control of the African Migratory Locust
16 May 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government further prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 12th March, 1946 as modified by later Exchanges of Notes
19 May 1952 Exchange of Notes concerning the Return to German Ownership of certain Submarine Cables
19 May 1952 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of South Africa for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion in respect of Taxes on Income
20 May 1952 20 May 1952 Protocol for the termination of the Brussels Agreements of November 29, 1906 and August 20, 1929 for the Unification of Pharmacopoeial Formulas for Potent Drugs
22 May 1952 9 July 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iraq regarding the Transfer to the Government of Iraq of certain Property in the Port of Basra at present held by the Government of the United Kingdom
26 May 1952 5 May 1955 Convention on Relations between the Three Powers (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , France and the United States of America) and the Federal Republic of Germany
26 May 1952 Finance Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, France, the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany
26 May 1952 Convention on the Rights and Obligations of Foreign Forces and their Members in the Federal Republic of Germany
26 May 1952 Agreement on the Tax Treatment of the Forces and their Members between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, France, the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany
26 May 1952 Convention on the Settlement of Matters arising out of the War and the Occupation between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, France, the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany
27 May 1952 Tripartite Declaration Relations with Germany
27 May 1952 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Member States of the European Defence Community Extending the Guarantees of Assistence against Aggression given in Article IV of Treaty / Economic, Social & Cultural collaborations signed Brussels 17th March 1948
27 May 1952 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty
28 May 1952 28 May 1952 Protocol extending the period of the Agreement of May 12, 1949 on North Atlantic Ocean Weather Stations
4 June 1952 16 August 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic extending to the Island of Jersey the provisions of the Social Security Agreement of 11th June, 1948 and Agreements Supplementary thereto
8 June 1952 28 February 1955 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan of the one part and the Government of Egypt of the other part regarding British Commonwealth War Cemeteries, Graves and Memorials in Egyptian Territory
10 June 1952 10 June 1952 Exchange of Notes Extending the Convention on Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters of 31/03/1931, to New Zealand, including Cook Islands and Niue and New Zealand Trust Territory of Western Samoa
10 June 1952 Agreement concerning the Waiving of all Outstanding Claims between the British Railway companies in the Argentine Republic and the Argentine Government
12 June 1952 18 May 1954 Agreement between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of Mexico for the Establishment of Telecommunication Services between British Honduras and Mexico
12 June 1952 Agreement for the Settlement of Disputes Arising under Article 15(a) of the Treaty of Peace with Japan.
19 June 1952 1 July 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Spanish Government [Spain] further extending the Trade and Payments Agreement of 23rd June, 1948
21 June 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iraq terminating the Agreement and Exchange of Notes of 31st March, 1936 regarding the Railway System of Iraq
23 June 1952 23 June 1952 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories [With Exchange of Notes]
23 June 1952 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden amending the Air Services Agreement of 27th November, 1946
23 June 1952 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Norway for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories [With Exchange of Notes]
26 June 1952 24 July 1954 Convention concerning Holidays with Pay in Agriculture
27 June 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of Brazil Amending the Air Transport Agreement of 31 October, 1946
28 June 1952 27 April 1955 Convention concerning the Minimum Standards of Social Security [ILO No.102]
30 June 1952 30 June 1952 Money and Property Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Austrian Federal Government [With Exchange of Notes]
30 June 1952 30 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium for the Discharge by Deliveries of Defence Equipment of a Debt owed to the Government of Belgium by the Government of the United Kingdom
30 June 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government prolonging the Monetary Agreement of the 2th of July, 1951
1 July 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ethiopia regarding the provision of facilities for Military Aircraft
7 July 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland prolonging until 7th October, 1952, the Sterling Payments Agreement of 7th July, 1950
10 July 1952 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iraq on Financial Arrangements
11 July 1952 1 July 1953 Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes (together with Final Protocol)
11 July 1952 1 July 1953 Universal Postal Convention [together with Final Protocol and Provisions for Letters by Air Mail with Final Protocol]
11 July 1952 Supplementary Protocol No.3 amending the Agreement of 19th September, 1950 for the Establishment of a European Payments Union
12 July 1952 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Italy amending an error in the English text of the Social Insurance Agreement of 28 November 1951 (Italy 145)
16 July 1952 5 January 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Egypt regarding the construction of the Owen Falls Dam in Uganda
22 July 1952 Agreement between the Postal Administrations for the Exchange of Money Orders between the British Post Office Agencies, Persian Gulf, and Pakistan, with Appendices A to F.
24 July 1952 Exchange of Notes amending the Agreement of 18 January 1952 regarding the Supply of Tin to the United States
25 July 1952 25 July 1952 Agreement concerning the activities of UNICEF in Grenada
25 July 1952 25 July 1952 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the United States of America amending the Agreement of 3rd April, 1951 regarding Industrial Controls in the United Kingdom, French and United States areas of Occupation in Germany
25 July 1952 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United States of America relating to the Termination of the Functions of the International Authority for the Ruhr and of the Agreement for the Establishment of an International Authority for the Ruhr
26 July 1952 Protocol Amending the Agreement on the Tax Treatment of the Forces and their Quick between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, France, the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany signed Bonn, May 26, 1952
29 July 1952 29 July 1952 Agreement concerning the Utilization of Leased Base Areas in Saint Lucia
30 July 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government further prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 12th March, 1946 as modified by later Exchanges of Notes
1 August 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic extending the Sterling Payments Agreement of 18th August, 1949 as amended by Exchange of Notes of 28th December, 1950
15 August 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan prolonging until 31 December, 1952, the Sterling Payments Agreement of 31 August, 1951
20 August 1952 Exchange of Notes regarding Financial Arrangements between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia
27 August 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ethiopia regarding the Federation of Eritrea with Ethiopia under the sovereignty of the Ethiopian Crown
28 August 1952 19 March 1953 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, France and the United States of America on the one hand and the Swiss Government on the other concerning German Property in Switzerland (with Exchanges of Letters).
28 August 1952 10 April 1954 Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters set up Pursuant to the North Atlantic Treaty
30 August 1952 Protocol for the Prolongation of the International Agreement of 6th May, 1937 regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar
5 September 1952 27 September 1952 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ethiopia regarding Financial Arrangements on the Establishment of the Federation of Eritrea with Ethiopia
5 September 1952 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ethiopia regarding Financial Arrangements on the Establishment of the Federation of Eritrea with Ethiopia
6 September 1952 19 August 1954 Protocol 3 annexed to the Universal Copyright Convention concerning the Effective Date of Instruments of Ratification of Acceptance of or Accession to that Convention
6 September 1952 16 September 1955 Protocol 1 annexed to the Universal Copyright Convention concerning the Application of that Convention to the works of Stateless Persons and Refugees
6 September 1952 16 September 1955 Universal Copyright Convention
6 September 1952 16 September 1955 Protocol 2 annexed to the Universal Copyright Convention concerning the Application of that Convention to the Works of certain International Organizations
9 September 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America Terminating the application to Western Germany of most-favoured-nation treatment agreed to in Exchange of Notes of 6th July, 1948
9 September 1952 Exchange of Letters concerning Ceylon's Sterling Assets
9 September 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany constituting an Agreement for a new Practice Bombing Range near Cuxhaven to be known as the Sandbank Range
9 September 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of 2nd March, 1948
9 September 1952 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Ceylon concerning Ceylon's Sterling Assets
10 September 1952 Agreement concerning Food and Agriculure Organisation Technical Assistance for Territories in the Caribbean Area
15 September 1952 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Japan listing Treaties that HMG do and do not wish to continue. (See Notes page for titles of Treaties)
18 September 1952 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Norway, terminating, effective on the date of these notes, the Property Agreement of 31.10.1944
25 September 1952 25 September 1952 Additional Protocol to the Protocol Relating to the International Commission on Civil Status signed at Berne on 25 September 1950
29 September 1952 29 September 1952 Exchange of Notes prolonging the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of November 23, 1937
1 October 1952 1 October 1952 Supplementary Agreement revising Article II of Agreement Annexed to Final Act of Commonwealth-United States Telecommunications Meeting signed 12th August, 1949
7 October 1952 4 February 1958 Convention on Damage Caused by Foreign Aircraft to Third Parties on the Surface
7 October 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of 7th July, 1950
9 October 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Turkey constituting an Agreement for the Abolition of Visas
11 October 1952 Exchange of Notes regarding Economic Aid for Yugoslavia
14 October 1952 Revival on behalf of Ceylon of the Exchange of Notes of 9 March 1940 on Reciprocal Judicial Assistance between the Courts of Justice of Ceylon and Japan in Civil and Criminal Cases
19 October 1952 19 October 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government for the renewal of the Provisional Commercial Agreement of 5th/7th June, 1930
21 October 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia on Financial Matters arising out of the Trade Agreement of 26th December, 1949
22 October 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States regarding the Provision of Additional Funds for the continued operation of the United States Educational Commission in the United Kingdom
25 October 1952 25 October 1952 Air Transport Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Burma
25 October 1952 International Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail
25 October 1952 Protocol additional to Conventions regarding Transport of Goods (C.I.M.) and Transport of Passengers and Baggage (C.I.V.)
25 October 1952 International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail
26 October 1952 Bureimi Oasis Standstill Agreement
30 October 1952 30 October 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government regarding an advance release of #5,000,000 under the Sterling Releases Agreement of 1951
31 October 1952 Exchange of Notes on Customs privileges to Consular Officers de Carriere.
31 October 1952 Letter from the Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs informing the United Kingdom that Lebanon intends to continue to be guided by the Articles of the 1922 Convention respecting Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters which was extended to Lebanon by France on 13 July 1928 [this document is not preserved in UK archives]
6 November 1952 11 July 1956 Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe [ETS No. 10]
6 November 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy regarding the salvage of H.M.S ' Spartan '
7 November 1952 20 November 1955 International Convention to facilitate the Importation of Commercial Samples and Advertising Material
8 November 1952 2 February 1959 Second Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the texts of the schedules to the G.A.T.T.
10 November 1952 10 November 1952 Protocol amending the Anglo-French Agreement of the 31st of August, 1945, for the Re-establishment of the International Administration of Tangier
10 November 1952 Financial Agreement with Exchange of Notes regarding the Gaza Area and Libya
10 November 1952 Convention relating to the reform of the International Jurisdicton in the Tangier Zone
12 November 1952 20 October 1953 General Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Belgium on the Establishment of a British Military Base in Belgium
12 November 1952 Detailed Agreement on the Establishment of a British Military Base in Belgium 'Gondola Agreement'
14 November 1952 14 November 1952 Exchange of Notes concerning the return to the Japanese Government of the Former Legation at Berne
14 November 1952 14 November 1952 Exchange of Notes concerning the return to the Japanese Government of Personal Effects and Archives in the Japanese Legation at Berne
21 November 1952 21 November 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark terminating the Money and Property Agreement of 6th December, 1946
21 November 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal for the Extension of Transit Facilities in the Azores to British Military Aircraft
21 November 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan regarding the Settlement of the Japanese Pre-war External Bonded Debts (Sterling Bonds) [with Memorandum of Agreement signed New York 26th September, 1952 as Appendix]
25 November 1952 25 November 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Norwegian Government amending the Cultural Convention of 19th February, 1948
28 November 1952 29 December 1952 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Ireland Amending the Air Services Agreement of 5th April, 1946 (Modification of Schedule III of the Annex)
28 November 1952 Protocol amending certain provisions of the Agreement of 16 May 1949, providing for the Provisional Application of the Draft International Customs Convention on Touring and Commercial Road Vehicles and on the International Transport of Goods by Road.
30 November 1952 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Japan. HMG consider that the perpetual leases refered to in the Exchange of Notes of 25/03/1937 had expired on 01/04/1952, and comfirm that they do not wish to revive the Agreement by the Exchange of Notes
1 December 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Luxembourg terminating the Money and Property Agreement of 11th December, 1946
9 December 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of 2nd March, 1948
12 December 1952 25 April 1953 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Austrian Federal Government [with Exchange of Notes]
12 December 1952 Agreement concerning the Settlement of the UK outstanding debt to Italy between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Italy
16 December 1952 31 December 1952 Agreement concerning the activities of UNICEF in St Lucia.
22 December 1952 1 January 1954 International Telecommunication Convention (with Annexes, Final Protocol and Additional Protocol)
23 December 1952 Exchange of Notes extending for six months the Exchange of Notes relating to the interim Military Agreement
27 December 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan further extending until 31st December, 1953 the Sterling Payments Agreement and Exchanges of Notes of 31st August, 1951
29 December 1952 31 July 1953 Air Services Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan [with Exchange of Notes]
29 December 1952 Exchange of Notes concerning Financial arrangements for maintenance of facilities at Castel Benito, now known as Idris I Airport, and Benina
29 December 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government further prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 12th March, 1946, as modified by later Exchanges of Notes
31 December 1952 31 December 1952 Further Protocol supplementing the Agreement on Trade and Payments between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic of 27th June 1949 [with Annexes and Letters]
31 December 1952 1 January 1953 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America and the French Republic supplemental to the Agreement of 3rd April, 1951 regarding Industrial Controls in the French, United Kingdom and United States Areas of Occupation in Germany
1 January 1953 Agreement on the Protection of the Islands
16 January 1953 1 June 1954 Convention on Social Insurance between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Switzerland [with Protocol]
19 January 1953 19 January 1953 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America to facilitate the interchange of patents and technical information for defence purposes
21 January 1953 21 January 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic enclosing a new consolidated Annex (with Schedules) to the Air Transport Agreement of the 28th of February, 1946
21 January 1953 Exchange of Notes between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government providing for Portuguese participation in the Shire Valley Project
22 January 1953 22 January 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic amending the Agreement for Air Services between their respective territories signed at Buenos Aires on 17 May, 1946
23 January 1953 23 January 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy amending the Sterling Payments Agreement of 21st December, 1950
6 February 1953 Exchange of Letters Prolonging the Payments Agreement of 15 July 1947
12 February 1953 12 February 1953 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government concerning Self-Government and Self-Determination for the Sudan [with Agreed Minutes, Exchanges of Notes and Statute]
21 February 1953 Agreement for Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories (with Exchange of Notes and Schedules)
23 February 1953 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Greece 29th September 1951 [with Exchange of Notes of February 23/March 4, 1953]
24 February 1953 2 March 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding the establishment by the Government of the United States of America of a High Altitude Interceptor Range
25 February 1953 25 February 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding Economic Co-operation
25 February 1953 Exchange of Notes Concerning the Arrangements for the Expenditure of Counterpart funds derived from United States Economic Aid under Section 9(c) of the Mutual Security Act of 1952
27 February 1953 1 May 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Canada constituting an Agreement extending the Double Taxation Agreement of 5 June 1946, with respect to Income Tax to Southern Rhodesia
27 February 1953 16 September 1953 Agreement on German External Debts [with Annexes and Subsidiary Agreements]
27 February 1953 16 September 1953 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany regarding the Settlement of the United Kingdom Claim in respect of Post-war Economic Assistance to Germany [With Exchange of Letters]
2 March 1953 Exchange of Letters concerning financial assistance
6 March 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland further prolonging until 9th June, 1953, the Sterling Payments Agreement of 2nd March, 1948
11 March 1953 13 March 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ethiopia providing for facilities at Asmara for United Kingdom Military Aircraft
11 March 1953 3 June 1953 Rhodesian Railways Agreement Project concerning the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development involving dollars 14 million to Northern Rhodesia with United Kingdom as guarantor (See Notes)
13 March 1953 13 March 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark amending Schedule II to the Annex to the Agreement of 23rd June, 1952 regarding Air Services between and beyond their respective territories
13 March 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden amending Schedule II to the Annex to the Exchange of Notes of 23rd June, 1952 relating to the Agreement of 27th November, 1946 regarding Air Services
13 March 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Norway amending Schedule II to the Annex to the Agreement of 23rd June, 1952 regarding Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories
16 March 1953 16 March 1953 Exchange Of Notes Between The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland And The Government Of India Constituting An Agreement To Amend Schedule I To The Air Services Agreement Dated 1st December, 1951.
16 March 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Belgium Amending the Schedules to the Agreement for Air Services between and beyond their respective territiories London, 8th May, 1951
21 March 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Libya constituting an Interim Agreement concerning certain Financial and Military matters
23 March 1953 Exchange of Notes concerning the extension for a further period of three months from 24/03/1953 of the Civil Aviation Agreement of 31/03/1952 regarding the Financial Arrangements for the Maintenance of the Standard of the Facilities Available at the Airports of Castel Benito (now known as Idris I Airport) and Benina
25 March 1953 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Libya relating to certain financial matters connected with the transfer of power to the Libyan Federal and Provincial Governments
27 March 1953 1 January 1953 Exchange of Notes and Contract Supplementing the Ninth Bulk Meat Contract of 23 December 1949
27 March 1953 17 March 1954 Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of the Belgians for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
30 March 1953 Protocol (between United Kingdom, Canada and Belgium). Use of the British Military Base in Belgium for the maintenance of Canadian Forces
31 March 1953 1 April 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of Brazil regarding the continuance in force of certain articles of the Trade and Payments Agreement of 21st May, 1948
31 March 1953 7 July 1954 Convention on the Political Rights of Women
2 April 1953 Protocol concerning Postponement of the Operation of certain Articles of the Overfishing Convention of 5th April, 1946
7 April 1953 7 April 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of 7th July, 1950
7 April 1953 13 April 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the Exchange of Official Publications
11 April 1953 Regulations concerning the Central Office for International Railway Transport
11 April 1953 Additional Protocol to the International Conventions Concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM) and of Passengers and Luggage by Rail (CIV) signed at Berne on the 25th October, 1952
13 April 1953 13 April 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom, on behalf of the Government of Southern Rhodesia, and the Italian Government regarding reciprocal payment of compensation in respect of injuries sustained during the Second World War by nationals of Italy and Southern Rhodesia respectively while employed in the territory of the other
15 April 1953 Understanding re: United Kingdom/Dominica Loan 1983
17 April 1953 14 February 1954 Consular Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of the Hellenes [with Agreed Minutes, Protocols of Signature and Exchanges of Notes] [GREECE]
30 April 1953 1 May 1953 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the French Republic, the United States of America, the Italian Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany relating to certain Libraries and Properties in Italy
30 April 1953 Agreements and Exchange of Letters between the Trustees of the Port of Aden, Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and Aden Petroleum Refinery Ltd and Agreement between British Petroleum Company Ltd. (formerly Anglo-Iranian Oil Company), B.P. Trading Refinary (Aden) Ltd and the Government of the Colony of Aden (22:06:1957)
4 May 1953 4 May 1953 Amendment to Article 25 of the Statute of the Council of Europe
6 May 1953 6 May 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic terminating the Agreement of the 29th of August, 1945, relating to Money and Property subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of France
9 May 1953 9 May 1953 Exchange of Notes concerning the Transfer of the Lake Copais Estate to the Greek Government
13 May 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel regarding the conversion into sterling of the earnings of British Overseas Airways Corporation and Cyprus Airways
22 May 1953 3 June 1953 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany
26 May 1953 1 July 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay prolonging the Trade and Payments Agreement of the 3rd of April, 1950.
1 June 1953 16 June 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Greece regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
1 June 1953 7 January 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia on Social Security
5 June 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the application to Jersey of the Social Security Agreement of the 11th of June, 1948 and Supplementary Agreements
8 June 1953 9 June 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of 2nd of March, 1948
10 June 1953 Exchanges of Notes modifying the Provisional Commercial Agreement of 5/7 June 1930
17 June 1953 17 June 1953 Exchange of Notes amending the Trade Agreement of 31 July 1948
17 June 1953 17 June 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 7th of July, 1950
23 June 1953 8 March 1963 Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in, and Use of Opium
23 June 1953 Exchange of Notes concerning the Extension until 31 July 1953 of the Air Traffic Agreement of 31 March 1952 regarding the Financial Arrangements for the Maintenance of the Standard of the Facilities Available at the Airports of Castel Benito (now known as Idris I Airport) and Benina
24 June 1953 24 June 1953 Exchange of Notes relating to Economic Co-operation which concerns a programme to be carried out in Uganda Protectorate and Tanganyika
24 June 1953 24 June 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Lebanese Republic amending the Schedule to the Air Services Agreement of the 15th of August, 1951
24 June 1953 1 July 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government further prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 12th of March, 1946, as modified by later Exchanges of Notes
25 June 1953 15 January 1954 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Greek Government for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
25 June 1953 20 May 1954 Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
26 June 1953 26 June 1953 Exchange of Letters constituting an Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America on the subject of a loan for the development of certain port facilities in Kenya and Tanganyika
30 June 1953 25 July 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Norwegian Government prolonging the Monetary Agreement of the 6 November 1950
30 June 1953 European Payments Union Supplementary Protocol No.4 amending the Agreement of 19 September 1950
1 July 1953 1 July 1953 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Italy regarding the recognition of certain organisations to implement the provisions of the Cultural Convention of the 28th of November, 1951
1 July 1953 29 September 1954 Convention for the Establishment of a European Organization for Nuclear Research (with Financial Protocol)
4 July 1953 16 July 1953 Agreement concerning Collaboration between the International Labour Organisation and the European Coal and Steel Community
8 July 1953 1 September 1953 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Luxembourg Government exempting Luxembourg Nationals from the necessity of obtaining visas for travel to Singapore, the Federation of Malaya and North Borneo (excluding Brunei)
8 July 1953 1 September 1953 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Netherlands Government exempting Netherlands Nationals from the necessity of obtaining visas for travel to Singapore, the Federation of Malaya and North Borneo (excluding Brunei)
8 July 1953 1 September 1953 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Norwegian Government exempting Norwegian nationals from the necessity of obtaining visas for travel to Singapore, the Federation of Malaya and North Borneo (excluding Brunei)
8 July 1953 1 September 1953 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Icelandic Government exempting Icelandic Nationals from the necessity of obtaining visas for travel to Singapore, the Federation of Malaya and North Borneo (excluding Brunei)
8 July 1953 1 September 1953 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Swiss Government exempting Swiss nationals from the necessity of obtaining visas for travel to Singapore, the Federation of Malaya and North Borneo (excluding Brunei)
8 July 1953 1 September 1953 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Swedish Government exempting Swedish nationals from the necessity of obtaining visas for travel to Singapore, the Federation of Malaya and North Borneo (excluding Brunei)
8 July 1953 1 September 1953 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Danish Government exempting Danish Nationals from the necessity of obtaining visas for travel to Singapore, the Federation of Malaya and North Borneo (excluding Brunei)
8 July 1953 1 September 1953 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Italian Government exempting Italian Nationals from the necessity of obtaining visas for travel to Singapore, the Federation of Malaya and North Borneo (excluding Brunei)
20 July 1953 1 July 1951 Financial Agreement and Exchange of Letters
21 July 1953 Exchange of Letters concerning Trade arrangements between France and Nyasaland
29 July 1953 7 December 1953 Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty The King of the United Kingdom of Libya [with Military and Financial Agreements and Exchange of Notes]
30 July 1953 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America and Thailand concerning the Disposition of Certain Japanese Assets in Thailand (Under Article 16 of the Treaty of Peace with Japan of 08:05:1951)
4 August 1953 12 August 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Burma amending the United Kingdom Schedule of Routes annexed to the Air Transport Agreement of the 25th of October, 1952
13 August 1953 13 August 1953 Agreement concerning repayment of outstanding balance of loan to United Kingdom
14 August 1953 14 August 1953 Exchange Of Notes Between The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland And The Government Of India Constituting An Agreement To Amend Schedule I To The Air Services Agreement Dated 1st December, 1951
19 August 1953 Scrap Agreement (Munitions and Wrecks) between the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany
20 August 1953 20 February 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden terminating as from the 20th of February, 1954 the Agreement, Protocol and Exchange of Notes of the 15th of May, 1933 and supplementary Exchange of Notes of the 27th of May/15th of June, 1935 relating to Trade and Commerce
27 August 1953 20 May 1955 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan of the one part and the Government of Italy of the other part regarding British Commonwealth War Graves in Italian Territory (with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes)
28 August 1953 1 October 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the reciprocal abolition of visas for French citizens travelling to certain British Overseas Territories and British subjects travelling to certain French Overseas Departments
2 September 1953 8 September 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 2nd of March, 1948
3 September 1953 5 September 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark prolonging the Monetary Agreement of the 19th of October, 1950
5 September 1953 1 January 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgian Government regarding the Exchange of Official Publications
8 September 1953 1 January 1953 Exchange of Letters concerning the Terms of Trade Understanding between the Maldive Islands and Ceylon during the period 01:01:1953 to 31:12:1955
19 September 1953 19 September 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Italian Government further amending the Sterling Payments Agreement of 21st of December, 1950
1 October 1953 1 October 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of Brazil for the Settlement of Brazilian Commercial Arrears with the United Kingdom
5 October 1953 5 October 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Greek Government on the submission to Arbitration of the dispute concerning the dollar / sterling exchange rate applicable to cargoes diverted from Greek Ports during the late War
7 October 1953 7 October 1953 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund for the rendering of assistance in any Territory for whose international relations the Government of the United Kingdom are responsible
8 October 1953 15 November 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the transit of British and French merchant seaman through France and the United Kingdom respectively
12 October 1953 12 October 1953 Agreement concerning the Formation of a European Organisation for Experimental Photogrammetric Research (OEEPE)
13 October 1953 1 April 1955 Convention on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg [with Protocol]
15 October 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding a Technical Assistance Housing Project in the Caribbean Territories
16 October 1953 Exchange of Notes concerning HM Government's contribution of #750,000 towards Budgetary deficit
16 October 1953 International Agreement for the Regulation of the Production and Marketing of Sugar
17 October 1953 31 December 1953 Protocol concerning the European Conference of Ministers of Transport [Protocol to Co-ordinate and Rationalise European Inland Transport of International Importance]
19 October 1953 19 October 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Libya concerning the Libyan Public Development and Stabilisation Agency
19 October 1953 15 December 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Netherlands concerning Customs Privileges accorded to Consular Officers and certain Clerks [An Understanding/Arrangement]
19 October 1953 30 November 1954 Constitution of the International Organization for Migration [formerly known as the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration]
22 October 1953 22 October 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgian Government abrogating the Treaty of the 11th March 1946, regarding Privileges and Facilities for British Forces in Belgium in connexion with the Occupation of Germany and Austria
24 October 1953 1 January 1954 Declaration of Continued Application of Schedules to GATT
24 October 1953 2 February 1959 Third Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Texts of the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
26 October 1953 26 October 1953 Protocol on the Exercise of Criminal Jurisdiction over United Nations Forces in Japan [together with Agreed Official Minutes]
29 October 1953 29 October 1953 Protocol modifying the International Convention of the 22nd of February, 1949 for the Permanent Control of Outbreak Areas of the Red Locust
14 November 1953 14 November 1953 Exchange Of Notes Between The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland And The Government Of India Constituting An Agreement To Amend Schedule I To The Air Services Agreement Dated 1st December, 1951
16 November 1953 16 November 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden prolonging the Monetary Agreement of the 10th of November, 1950
19 November 1953 19 July 1954 Exchange of Letter on behalf of Trinidad and Tobago relating to the use of five islands for recreational purposes
26 November 1953 1 February 1954 Exchange of Letters Constituting a sanitary Agreement between Belgium (for the Belgian Congo) and the United Kingdom (for Uganda)
27 November 1953 28 December 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Austrian Federal Government prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 31st of January, 1951
7 December 1953 7 December 1953 Protocol amending the Slavery Convention signed at Geneva on 25 September 1926
7 December 1953 9 December 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 2nd of March, 1948
7 December 1953 7 July 1955 Slavery Convention Signed at Geneva on the 25th of September, 1926, as amended by the Protocol agreed at New York on the 7th of December 1953 [together with the Protocol of the 7th December 1953 and the Annex to that Protocol]
10 December 1953 10 December 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Lebanese Republic amending the Schedule of Routes annexed to the Air Services Agreement of the 15th of August, 1951
11 December 1953 20 April 1954 European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas leading to admission to Universities
11 December 1953 12 June 1954 Constitution of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease
11 December 1953 1 July 1954 Protocol to the European Convention on Social and Medical Assistance
11 December 1953 1 July 1954 European Interim Agreement on Social Security Schemes relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors [ETS No. 12]
11 December 1953 1 July 1954 European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors [ETS No. 13]
11 December 1953 1 July 1954 European Convention on Social and Medical Assistance [with Protocol][ETS No. 14]
11 December 1953 1 October 1954 Protocol to the European Interim Agreement on Social Security Schemes relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors [ETS No. 12A]
11 December 1953 1 October 1954 Protocol to the European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors [ETS No. 13A]
11 December 1953 1 June 1955 European Convention relating to the formalities required for patent applications
12 December 1953 12 December 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Spanish Government [Spain] prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 20th of December, 1951
15 December 1953 17 March 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ethiopia extending the period of the operations of the Mixed Commission to demarcate the boundary between Kenya and Ethiopia
15 December 1953 1 May 1954 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark regarding payment of compensation or benefit in respect of industrial injuries (including occupational diseases)
18 December 1953 18 December 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden extending the provisions of the Anglo-Swedish Double Taxation Convention of 30th of March, 1949, to certain Colonial Territories of the United Kingdom
18 December 1953 1 January 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Cuba regarding commercial relations
21 December 1953 21 December 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of Brazil implementing the arrangements set forth in the Exchange of Notes of October 1, 1953 for the settlement of Brazilian Commercial Arrears with the United Kingdom
23 December 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan further extending until 31st of January, 1954 the Sterling Payments Agreement and Exchanges of Notes of 31st of August, 1951
31 December 1953 31 December 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding the import of British books into Yugoslavia
4 January 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding Financial and other Arrangements for the provision of economic assitance to Yugoslavia
12 January 1954 20 January 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding Technical Assistance for the Caribbean Area
14 January 1954 14 January 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Thailand regarding the Agreement of the 1st of January, 1946 for the termination of the State of War
14 January 1954 14 January 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Netherlands Government for the Settlement of War-time Debts
18 January 1954 30 May 1958 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom, the Union of South Africa, the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Belgium, the French Republic and the Republic of Portugal for the Establishment of the Commission for Technical Co-operation in Africa South of the Sahara (C.C.T.A.) [with Annex]
29 January 1954 1 February 1954 Sterling Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan [with Exchange of Notes]
30 January 1954 8 December 1955 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Syrian Republic for Scheduled Civil Air Services between and beyond their respective territories
1 February 1954 19 February 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Union of Burma regarding outstanding financial questions arising out of Article 6 of the Anglo-Burmese Treaty of the 17th of October, 1947
3 February 1954 3 April 1954 Exchange of Notes with the Government of Egypt amending the list of territories enclosed in the Exchange of Notes of 19 October 1952 concerning the Anglo-Egyptian Commercial Agreement of 5/7 June 1930.
5 February 1954 1 April 1954 Agreement between the Director-General of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones of the Republic of Syria and the Postmaster-General of the United Kingdom for the Establishment of Wireless Telegraph Service between Syria and the United Kingdom
8 February 1954 8 February 1954 Exchange of Notes supplementing the Agreement on Trade and Payments of the 27th of June, 1949 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic
9 February 1954 9 February 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic prolonging the Monetary Agreement of the 20th of August, 1951
11 February 1954 11 February 1954 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Turkish Government constituting an agreement regarding the repayment of certain credits granted to Turkey relating to armaments
18 February 1954 15 June 1955 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan of the one part and the Government of Iraq of the other part regarding British Commonwealth War Graves in Iraqi Territory
19 February 1954 11 June 1954 Agreement regarding the Status of the United Nations Forces in Japan
19 February 1954 Protocol on claims arising from joint acts or omissions of United States Armed Forces and United Nations Forces in Japan
19 February 1954 Protocol for the Provisional Implementation of the Agreement regarding the Status of United Nations Forces in Japan
22 February 1954 24 March 1954 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan of the one part and the Government of Denmark of the other part regarding British Commonwealth War Graves in Danish Territory
24 February 1954 Exchange of Notes concerning Finance (Gaza Libya Agreement)
24 February 1954 Exchange of Letters concerning renewal of 1947 Air Traffic Agreement
25 February 1954 1 February 1955 Agreement on North Atlantic Ocean Weather Stations
1 March 1954 1 July 1956 International Tin Agreement
16 March 1954 18 March 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 2nd of March, 1948
17 March 1954 General Agreement, Rules, and Annexes on Economic Regulations for International Road Transport with Additional Protocol and Protocol of Signature
20 March 1954 1 April 1955 Consular Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the United Mexican States [With Agreed Minutes, Protocols of Signature and Exchanges of Notes]
30 March 1954 30 March 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 7th of July, 1950
31 March 1954 1 April 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of Brazil prolonging certain Articles of the Trade and Payments Agreement of the 21st of May, 1948
5 April 1954 5 April 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Thailand amending the Schedule of Routes annexed to the Air Services Agreement of the 10th of November, 1950
5 April 1954 1 July 1954 Agreement relating to the frequency of Sessions of the South Pacific Commission
6 April 1954 Agreement with respect to Veterinary Surgeons
13 April 1954 Agreement and Statement for the United Kingdom association with the European Defence Community
5 May 1954 30 June 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government prolonging the Monetary Agreement of the 20th of July, 1951
12 May 1954 26 July 1958 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil
14 May 1954 7 August 1956 Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
14 May 1954 7 August 1956 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
25 May 1954 19 January 1955 Supplementary Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Convention of the 16th of April, 1945 for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income as modified by the Supplementary Protocol of the 6th of June, 1946
28 May 1954 1 July 1954 Exchange of Notes and indemnity. Minesweeping. (Between United Kingdom, United States High Commission and Federal Republic of Germany). With attached Agreement between the Royal Navy and the United States Navy.
31 May 1954 14 October 1954 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Austrian Government constituting an Agreement for the Validation in Austria of Foreign Currency Bonds
1 June 1954 29 December 1957 Consular Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the Italian Republic [With Protocols of Signature and Exchange of Notes]
1 June 1954 9 May 1958 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy concerning Contracts of Insurance and Reinsurance
4 June 1954 28 June 1956 Additional Protocol to the Convention concerning Customs Facilities for Touring, relating to the importation of Tourist Publicity Documents and Material
4 June 1954 11 September 1957 Convention concerning Customs Facilities for Touring
4 June 1954 15 December 1957 Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Private Road Vehicles
8 June 1954 15 June 1954 Exchange of Notes concerning a Special Programme of Facilities Assistance pursuant to the Mutual Defence Assistance Agreement of January 27, 1950 [United States No.259A. X-147-1096]
10 June 1954 30 June 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Paraguay prolonging the Trade and Payments Agreement of the 3rd of April, 1950.
11 June 1954 10 June 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 2nd of March, 1948
14 June 1954 12 December 1956 Protocol relating to certain Amendments to Articles 48(a), 49(e) and 61 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on 7 December 1944
14 June 1954 16 May 1958 Protocol relating to an Amendment to Article 45 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on 7 December 1944
15 June 1954 15 June 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America providing for the provision of additional funds for the continued operation of the United States Educational Commission in the United Kingdom
16 June 1954 12 October 1953 Supplementary Protocol amending and correcting the Formation of a European Organisation for Experimental Photogrammetric Research (OEEPE)
17 June 1954 22 June 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 7th of July, 1950
18 June 1954 18 June 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Luxembourg regarding Compensation for War Damage
21 June 1954 21 June 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding the terms of use by the United States Government of land at Madingley, near Cambridge, as a United States Military Cemetery
22 June 1954 Exchange of Notes and Agreed Minutes regarding United States Grant towards the Programme of Development of Special Weapons
24 June 1954 4 July 1957 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement concerning Defence arrangements for the Kingdom of Tonga
29 June 1954 12 July 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding Technical Assistance for British Guiana
29 June 1954 Exchange of Notes regarding the Postponement of Yugoslav Payments under Paragraph B of Article 7 of the Trade Agreement of 26 December, 1949
30 June 1954 30 June 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the French Government and the Government of the United States of America regarding the Archives of the Allied High Commission in Germany and connected Tripartite Agencies [with Tripartite Exchanges of Notes and Letters]
30 June 1954 Supplementary Protocol No.5 amending the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of a European Payments Union.
9 July 1954 9 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Netherlands Government for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Netherlands Government to the Union in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of the European Payments Union [with Exchange of Letters]
9 July 1954 9 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Austrian Government for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Austrian Government to the Union in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of the European Payments Union [With Exchanges of Letters of July 9 and July 28/30, 1954]
9 July 1954 9 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgian Government for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Belgian Government to the Union in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of the European Payments Union [with Exchange of Letters]
9 July 1954 1 August 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Peru further Prolonging the Payments Agreement of the 20th of July, 1948
10 July 1954 10 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Portuguese Government to the Union in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of September 19, 1950 for the Establishment of the European Payments Union [with Exchange of Letters]
10 July 1954 10 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the German Federal Government to the Union in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of the European Payments Union [with Exchange of Letters]
14 July 1954 3 August 1954 Administrative arrangement between the insurance authorities of the Brussels Treaty signatories for giving effect to the Convention to extend and co-ordinate Social Security Schemes in their application to nationals the parties to the Brussels Treaty
15 July 1954 21 July 1954 Exchange of Letters relating to Compensation for damages arising from use of the practice bombing range near Cuxhaven, Germany
16 July 1954 16 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Swiss Government to the Union in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of the European Payments Union [with Exchanges of Letters]
23 July 1954 23 July 1954 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark amending the Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark for regulating the fisheries outside territorial waters in the ocean surrounding the Faroe Islands of June 24, 1901
28 July 1954 28 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swedish Government for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Swedish Government to the Union in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of the European Payments Union [With Exchange of Letters}
29 July 1954 15 June 1956 Phyto-Sanitary Convention for Africa South of the Sahara
30 July 1954 30 July 1954 Arbitration Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom (acting on behalf of the Ruler of Abu Dhabi and His Highness the Sultan Said bin Taimur) and the Government of Saudi Arabia [With Exchange of Notes]
31 July 1954 29 September 1959 Military Service Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Chile [together with Exchange of Notes]
2 August 1954 30 September 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Canada extending the Double Taxation Agreement of 05:06:1946 with respect to Income Tax to Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda and Zanzibar
3 August 1954 3 August 1954 Agreement and Exchange of Notes concerning Air Navigation, Civil Air and Priority for Commonwealth Armed Forces Aircraft
11 August 1954 1 June 1955 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on Social Security [with Protocol]
13 August 1954 13 August 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Greece terminating the Agreement of the 21st of March, 1946 relating to Money and Property situated in Greece and the United Kingdom which have been subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of Greece
18 August 1954 13 June 1955 Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal Republic of Germany for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
19 August 1954 19 August 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Hungarian Government regarding the Settlement of certain Financial Matters
24 August 1954 24 August 1954 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Australia and India of the one part and the Government of Thailand of the other part regarding British Commonwealth War Graves in Thai Territory [with Exchange of Letters, Exchange of Notes and Plans]
31 August 1954 Exchange of Letters between the Governments of the United Kingdom and Canada regarding the Relief from Duty to be accorded to the Canadian Government in respect of Articles, Components and Raw Materials Imported by United Kingdom firms in pursuance of Defence contracts with the Canadian Government
6 September 1954 8 September 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 2nd of March, 1948
8 September 1954 19 February 1955 The South-East Asia Collective Defence Treaty [With Protocol]
8 September 1954 Pacfic Charter
16 September 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swedish Government regarding the Liquidation of German Assets in Sweden
21 September 1954 Exchange of Letters confirming acceptance by the United States of America of an Amendment to the Agreement of 9 September 1952 between the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany for a new Practice Bombing Range near Cuxhaven to be known as the Sandbank Range
28 September 1954 28 September 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand, of the one part and the Korean Government of the other part, constituting an Agreement for Settlement of Advances in Korean Currency made to the British Commonwealth Forces, Korea
28 September 1954 6 June 1960 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons
30 September 1954 21 October 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on their own behalf and on behalf of the Government of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Agreement of the 18 of July, 1951, regarding the development of the Rhodesia Railways
30 September 1954 23 February 1955 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with respect to taxes on Income
1 October 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan prolonging until the 31st of March, 1955, the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 29th of January, 1954
2 October 1954 Loan Agreement concerning Guarantee agreement on Electric Power Project, wit annexed Schedule, between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and the United Kingdom and Southern Rhodesia
2 October 1954 Loan Agreement concerning Guarantee agreement on Rhodesian Railway Project, with annexed Schedule, between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, the United Kingdom and Southern Rhodesia
4 October 1954 4 October 1954 Technical Assistance Agreement on the Appointment of an expert for Birmingham University
5 October 1954 5 October 1954 Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Italy, the United States of America and Yugoslavia regarding the Free Territory of Trieste [with Special Statute and Statement]
6 October 1954 10 December 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the French Government extending the provisions of the Exchange of Notes concerning War Damage Compensation of the 3rd of December, 1946, to United Kingdom and French overseas territories
7 October 1954 8 October 1954 Amendment to Article 3 of the Financial Protocol adopted at the first session of the Council
9 October 1954 25 April 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the application to Jersey of the Social Security Agreement of the 11th of June, 1948 and Supplementary Agreements
15 October 1954 18 October 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany amending the Agreement of the 9th of September 1952 regarding the use of the Sandbank Bombing Range
15 October 1954 15 November 1954 Passports - Visa Abolition, reciprocal, with Singapore and Federation of Malaya
18 October 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and New Zealand and the Government of the Netherlands terminating the Agreement of August 21, 1939 regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
19 October 1954 19 October 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Egypt governing Reserves of Petroleum Products in accordance with certain provisions of the Agreement of the 19th of October, 1954 regarding the Suez Canal Base
19 October 1954 19 October 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government regarding the Suez Canal Base (with Annexes, Exchanges of Notes and Agreed Minute)
20 October 1954 20 April 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgian Government regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
20 October 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and New Zealand and the Government of Sweden terminating the Agreement of May 30, 1938 respecting Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
23 October 1954 5 May 1955 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty of April 4, 1949, on the Accession of the Federal Republic of Germany
23 October 1954 5 May 1955 Protocol on the Termination of the Occupation Regime in the Federal Republic of Germany [with Schedules of Amendment]
23 October 1954 6 May 1955 Protocol Modifying and Completing the Brussels Treaty
23 October 1954 6 May 1955 Protocol No II on Forces of the Western European Union
23 October 1954 6 May 1955 Protocol No.III on the Control of Armaments
23 October 1954 6 May 1955 Protocol No.IV on the Agency of Western European Union for the Control of Armaments
23 October 1954 6 May 1955 Convention on the Presence of Foreign Forces in the Federal Republic of Germany
25 October 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iran establishing the arrangements to govern the Payments Relations between Iran and the Scheduled Territories
26 October 1954 26 October 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and New Zealand and the Government of Denmark terminating the Agreement of July 21, 1937 respecting Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
5 November 1954 25 February 1953 Exchange of Notes extending to Southern Rhodesia the Economic Co-operation Agreement of 6 July 1948 (with retroactive date of entry into force)
5 November 1954 17 March 1955 Protocol amending the Double Taxation Agreement with respect to Taxes of 14 October 1946
11 November 1954 11 November 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Polish Government regarding the Settlement of Financial Matters [with Exchanges of Notes]
11 November 1954 11 November 1954 Trade Arrangement during 1954 to 1956
11 November 1954 11 November 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 2nd of March, 1948
13 November 1954 13 November 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Spain regarding Air Services [with Schedules and amending Exchanges of Notes]
16 November 1954 16 December 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
18 November 1954 18 November 1954 Agreements between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on their own behalf and on behalf of the Government of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and the Government of Portugal with regard to the Northern Rhodesia - Angola Frontier [with Annexes] and with regard to certain Angolan and Northern Rhodesian Natives living on the Kwando River [with Exchange of Notes and further Note from the Portuguese Government]
18 November 1954 22 December 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark extending the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income of the 27th of March, 1950 to certain Overseas Territories of the United Kingdom
18 November 1954 26 October 1955 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (acting on their own behalf and on behalf of the Government of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland) and the Government of Portugal regarding the Nyasaland-Mozambique Frontier (together with Exchange of Notes)
19 November 1954 10 November 1955 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government
23 November 1954 1 January 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
24 November 1954 1 January 1955 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal on behalf of the Federation of Rhodesia, Nyasaland and Mozambique regarding Visa Abolition
25 November 1954 3 December 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swedish Government amending the Annex to the Exchange of Notes of the 18th of December, 1953, which extended the provisions of the Anglo-Swedish Double Taxation Convention of the 30th of March, 1949, to certain Colonial Territories of the United Kingdom
29 November 1954 29 November 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ethiopia relating to certain matters connected with the withdrawal of British Military Administration from the territories designated as the Reserved Area and the Ogaden
1 December 1954 1 December 1954 Administrative Agreement concerning the Arbitral Tribunal and the Mixed Commission under the Agreement on German External Debts signed at London on the 27th February, 1953
1 December 1954 Agreement concerning the International Institute of Refrigeration
13 December 1954 21 March 1955 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement modifying the Defence Agreement of 28 October and 12 November 1948 between the United Kingdom (acting on behalf of Fiji) and New Zealand [CRO No.89]
16 December 1954 Exchange of Notes concerning the Supply of Coal to the United Kingdom against Sterling Payment
19 December 1954 5 May 1955 European Cultural Convention [ETS No. 18]
19 December 1954 1 August 1955 European Convention on the International Classification of Patents for Invention
21 December 1954 23 September 1955 Agreement concerning the relations between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Coal and Steel Community [and connected documents]
21 December 1954 Agreed Minute concerning Trade and Payments during 1955
22 December 1954 22 December 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Yugoslav Government regarding certain Financial Obligations of the Yugoslav Government
22 December 1954 1 January 1955 Commerce - Trade during 1955 [Agreed minutes, Notes & Lists]
22 December 1954 17 March 1955 Agreement amending the Agreement of 14 October 1946 regarding Estate Duty
23 December 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and New Zealand and the Government of Switzerland terminating the Agreement of the 17th of May, 1938, regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
31 December 1954 31 December 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding the Import of British Books into Yugoslavia
1 January 1955 Arrangement between the United Kingdom and Italy regarding Reciprocal Waiver of Transit Visas on British and Italian Emergency Travel Documents
10 January 1955 Exchange of Letters between the Sultan of Muscat and HM Consul General, Muscat on an extension of the jurisdiction exercised by the consular court to cover any member of HM Armed Forces, Levy of Police Forces under the authority of HM Government.
17 January 1955 17 January 1955 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Turkish Republic regarding certain Financial Matters [with Exchange of Letters]
20 January 1955 20 January 1955 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark regarding Military Service
24 January 1955 24 January 1955 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and the United States of America concerning Rates on Premises occupied by United States Armed Forces
31 January 1955 31 January 1955 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories [together with Exchanges of Notes signed at Manila, March 28/June 21,1955]
18 February 1955 18 February 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden supplementing the Convention of March 30, 1949 for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
18 February 1955 22 February 1955 United Kingdom/France Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Agreement - for five years (Non-Governmental)
24 February 1955 24 February 1955 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Greece regarding the Submission to Arbitration of the Ambatielos Claim
24 February 1955 15 April 1955 Pact of Mutual Co-operation between His Majesty the King of Iraq and the President of the Republic of Turkey
7 March 1955 7 March 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Greece for the Settlement of Claims arising from the British Military Administration of the Dodecanese
10 March 1955 10 March 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy giving effect to certain provisions of the Exchange of Notes of the 20th and 21st of March, 1950 regarding the transfer to Italy of the Provisional Administration of Somalia
15 March 1955 18 June 1955 Guarantee Agreement concerning the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development relating to the East African Railways and Harbours Project
17 March 1955 17 March 1955 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark for the Settlement of certain Salvage Claims
22 March 1955 1 April 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ethiopia extending the period of the operations of the Mixed Commission to demarcate the boundary between Kenya and Ethiopia
25 March 1955 25 March 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal amending the Schedules to the Air Agreement of December 6, 1945
28 March 1955 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Philippines supplementing the Air Services Agreement of 31st January, 1955
31 March 1955 31 March 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Japan prolonging until June 30, 1955, the Sterling Payments Agreement of January 29, 1954
31 March 1955 31 March 1955 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Iran on Finance
31 March 1955 1 April 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Brazil Prolonging certain Articles of the Trade and Payments Agreement of the 21st of May, 1948
31 March 1955 1 July 1955 Agreement on Trade and Payments between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic [with Schedules and Exchanges of Notes]
4 April 1955 4 April 1955 Agreement with the United Kingdom and Egypt concerning Technical Assistance to the Sudan
4 April 1955 5 April 1955 Special Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iraq [with Exchanges of Notes]
5 April 1955 22 November 1960 Military Service Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Brazil [with Exchange of Notes]
19 April 1955 5 May 1955 Exchange of Letters (with Memorandum of Understanding & annexes thereto) constituting an Agreement regarding the application of the provisions of the Convention on the Rights & Obligations of Foreign Forces & their Members in GERMANY F R, the Finance Convention & the Agreement on the Tax Treatment of the Forces & their Members to Canadian Forces & their members in GERMANY F R.
21 April 1955 Notes about net mending in the territorial waters of the Faroe Islands
28 April 1955 28 April 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal extending the Agreement of July 10, 1954 for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Government of Portugal to the Union
30 April 1955 30 April 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iraq for the Settlement of Financial Claims
30 April 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Turkey regarding Trade and Payments (Not official title)
3 May 1955 3 May 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Egypt supplementing the Agreement of the 19 of October, 1954 regarding the Suez Canal Base (together with Agreed Minute)
11 May 1955 19 July 1956 Agreement on the Status of Western European Union, National Representatives and International Staff (With Declarations)
15 May 1955 27 July 1955 State Treaty for the re-establishment of an independent and democratic Austria
18 May 1955 18 May 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Norway extending to certain Colonial territories the Convention of the 2nd of May, 1951 for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
23 May 1955 23 May 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the continued operation of the United States Educational Commission in the United Kingdom
25 May 1955 20 July 1956 Articles of Agreement of the International Finance Corporation
30 May 1955 1 January 1955 Exchange of Letters concerning Terms of Trade Understanding between the Maldive Islands and Ceylon during the period from 01:01:1955 to 30:04:1956
3 June 1955 7 June 1955 Exchange of Notes relating to Surplus Agricultural Commodities
3 June 1955 20 June 1958 Agreement relating to the International Convention for regulating the Police of the North Sea Fisheries signed at The Hague on May 6, 1882
6 June 1955 5 May 1955 Agreement Constituting an International Commission for the International Tracing Service and Agreement on the Relations between that Commission and the International Committee of the Red Cross (together with relevant Exchanges of Notes and Letters).
10 June 1955 14 June 1955 Exchange of Notes concerning the extension of the Bahamas Long Range Proving Ground to Bahamas, St Lucia and St Vincent
15 June 1955 21 July 1955 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for Co-operation on the Civil Uses of Atomic Energy
15 June 1955 21 July 1955 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for Co-operation regarding Atomic Information for Mutual Defence Purposes
18 June 1955 Protocol 'B' drawn up by the Diplomatic Conference convened with a view to bringing into force the International Conventions of 25th October, 1952, concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM) and of Passengers and Luggage by Rail (CIV). [See also Protocol 'A'.]
18 June 1955 Protocol 'A' drawn up by the Diplomatic Conference convened with a view to bringing into force the International Conventions of 25th October, 1952, concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM) and of Passengers and Luggage by Rail (CIV). [See also Protocol 'B'.]
22 June 1955 29 March 1956 Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for Co-operation regarding Atomic Information
27 June 1955 27 June 1955 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement relating to the Extension of the Facilities Assistance Program [Extension of the Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement relating to a Special Program of Facilities Assistance for Mutual Defence Purposes, London 8 and 15 June 1954]
28 June 1955 29 June 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Paraguay prolonging the Trade and Payments Agreement of the 3rd of April, 1950
28 June 1955 1 July 1955 Trade Agreement between South Africa and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
29 June 1955 Supplementary Protocol No. 6 amending the Agreement of the 19th September, 1950 for the Establishment of a European Payments Union
30 June 1955 30 June 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan prolonging until 31st of July, 1955, the Sterling Payments Agreement of 29th of January, 1954
30 June 1955 30 June 1955 Exchanges of Letters on Defence Matters between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the Union of South Africa, June 1955.
30 June 1955 1 July 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Brazil prolonging certain Articles of the Trade and Payments Agreement of the 21st of May, 1948
1 July 1955 11 September 1959 Protocol of Amendment to the Convention on Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs, signed at Brussels, December 15, 1950
4 July 1955 20 July 1955 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Monaco regarding the Abolition of Visas for Monagasque nationals travelling to Gibraltar
5 July 1955 12 August 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ethiopia providing for Termination of the Lease of the Gambeila Enclave
8 July 1955 Agreed Minute on Trade
11 July 1955 11 July 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic concerning the Trade and Payments Agreement of the 31st of March, 1955
11 July 1955 22 July 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Agreement of the 21st of July, 1950, for the Establishment in the Bahama Islands of a Long-Range Proving Ground for Guided Missiles
12 July 1955 12 July 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the Government of Norway terminating the Agreement of October 11, 1937 regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
12 July 1955 United Kingdom Note informing Cuban Government that as from 20:07:1955 Cuban Nationals Travelling to Gibraltar would no longer require Visas
13 July 1955 29 July 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Netherlands Government extending to the Netherlands Antilles the Convention of October 15, 1948 for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
14 July 1955 Exchange of Letters concerning Financial Aid
22 July 1955 7 February 1957 Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal Republic of Germany for Air Services between and Beyond their respective Territories [With Exchanges of Notes]
27 July 1955 27 July 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Peru further prolonging Article VIII of the payments Agreement of the 20th July, 1948
29 July 1955 29 July 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan prolonging until the 31st August, 1955, the Sterling Payments Agreement of 29th January, 1954
3 August 1955 Exchange of Notes. Military Arrangement concerning the defence of Fezzan in war time.
4 August 1955 16 August 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America supplementing the Schedule of Routes annexed to the Air Services Agreement of the 11th February, 1946
5 August 1955 Protocol of Provisional Application of the European Monetary Agreement [Protocol No.1.]
5 August 1955 European Monetary Agreement (with annex and Protocol of Provisional Application)
5 August 1955 Supplementary Protocol No. 7 amending the Agreement for the Establishment of a European Payments Union of 19th September, 1950
16 August 1955 16 August 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Brazil terminating Part I of Chapter Two and further prolonging Articles 15 and 19(a) to (d) of the Trade and Payments Agreement of the 21st of May, 1948
16 August 1955 16 August 1955 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Brazil (i) terminating certain parts of, and (ii) supplementing the Agreement of the 1st of October, 1953 for the Settlement of Brazilian Commercial Arrears with the United Kingdom
18 August 1955 1 September 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Czechoslovakia prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 18th of August, 1949
25 August 1955 25 August 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden amending Schedule I to the Annex to the Exchange of Notes of the 23rd of June, 1952 amending the Air Services Agreement of the 27th of November 1946
29 August 1955 29 August 1955 Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, acting on behalf on North Borneo and the Republic of the Philippines concerning Migration of Filipino Labor for employment in North Borneo
29 August 1955 29 August 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of France terminating the Agreement of the 15th of July 1938, regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
29 August 1955 29 August 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Norway amending the Air Services Agreement of the 23rd of June, 1952
30 August 1955 30 August 1955 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Egypt concerning Financial Matters
31 August 1955 31 August 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan prolonging until 30th of September, 1955 the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 29th of January, 1954
31 August 1955 Trade and Payments Agreement Prolonged by an Exchange of Notes of August 31 / September 3, 1955 until November 30, 1955.
21 September 1955 22 June 1956 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan on the one part and the Government of Japan on the other part regarding British Commonwealth War Graves in Japanese Territory
22 September 1955 22 September 1955 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Bulgaria relating to the Settlement of Financial Matters
26 September 1955 30 September 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark extending the provisions of the Military Service Agreement of January 20, 1955 to the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
28 September 1955 1 August 1963 Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929
29 September 1955 5 May 1955 Agreement concerning Prison Facilities for War Criminals [with letters and Full Powers]
30 September 1955 30 September 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan prolonging until 31st of October, 1955 the Sterling Payments Agreement of 29th of January, 1954
3 October 1955 14 October 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Vietnam for the Protection of Trade Marks
12 October 1955 28 May 1958 Convention establishing an International Organisation of Legal Metrology
17 October 1955 17 October 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan prolonging until 30th of September 1956 the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 29th January 1954
20 October 1955 3 November 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America rectifying the Agreement of the 15th June, 1955 for Co-operation on the Civil Uses of Atomic Energy
10 November 1955 5 November 1955 Exchange of Letters concerning 'Sending States' Occupation Regime in Germany Agreement of May, 1952
10 November 1955 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement with the Government of Belgium regarding the application of the Provisions of the Convention on the Rights and Obligations of Foreign Forces and their Members in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Finance Convention of 26 May 1955
14 November 1955 6 December 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Austrian Federal Government on Austrian Neutrality
15 November 1955 15 November 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for the Construction and Operation of a Weather Station on Betio Island
15 November 1955 21 March 1956 Exchange of Notes extending the Agreement of 30.04.1951 concerning the Reciprocal Waiver of Stamp Dues in cases where Property is acquired or leased for Diplomatic purposes
15 November 1955 26 June 1959 International Agreement on Olive Oil and Protocol of Amendment of April 3, 1958
15 November 1955 26 June 1959 International Agreement on Olive Oil
17 November 1955 29 November 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Czechoslovakia prolonging until 19th of May, 1956 the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 18th of August, 1949
17 November 1955 17 May 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic prolonging the Air Services Agreement of 17 May 1946 as amended by the Exchange of Notes of 22nd of January, 1953
18 November 1955 18 November 1955 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
21 November 1955 28 June 1956 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Paraguay on Trade Payments
22 November 1955 Note from HM Government to Egypt, and Sudan, about the right of the British East African territories to negotiate a share in the Nile Waters.
3 December 1955 3 December 1955 Supplementary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government for the Establishment of an International Commission to Supervise the Process of Self-Determination in the Sudan and Exchange of Notes Modifying the Anglo-Egyptian Agreement of the 12th of February, 1953 concerning Self-Government and Self-Determination for the Sudan [together with further Exchange of Notes]
13 December 1955 1 January 1956 Agreement between Member Countries of the Council of Europe on the Exchange of War Cripples with a view to Medical Treatment
13 December 1955 23 February 1965 European Convention on Establishment (with Protocol) ETS No.19
16 December 1955 Agreement on Signs for Road Works amending the European Agreement of September 16, 1950 supplementing the 1949 Convention on Road Traffic and the 1949 Protocol on Road Signs and Signals
20 December 1955 20 December 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iraq referring to the Special Agreement signed at Bagdad on the 4th April,1955
20 December 1955 20 December 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Belgium extending the Provisions of the Visa Abolition Agreement of February 5, 1947, to certain Areas provisionally under Belgian Administration
20 December 1955 1 April 1956 Agreement on Social Security with New Zealand
21 December 1955 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning Airfields assigned to the RAF
22 December 1955 22 December 1955 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden on the Repayment of part of the United Kingdom debt to Sweden owed in connexion with the European Payments Union
23 December 1955 1 January 1956 Agreed Minute concerning Trade and Payments during 1956
24 December 1955 Note from Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning Minimum Tariffs
30 December 1955 30 December 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Yugoslav Government regarding certain Financial Obligations of the Yugoslav Government
31 December 1955 31 December 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding the Import of British Books into Yugoslavia
4 January 1956 5 July 1956 Agreement regarding the Financial Support of the North Atlantic Ice Patrol
16 January 1956 Exchange of Letters extending from 31 March to 30 June 1956 the period of commitment for placing contracts under the Anglo-Iranian Guarantee Agreement
18 January 1956 18 January 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden concerning the tonnage measurement of ships
24 January 1956 31 March 1954 Exchange of Notes relating to the termination of the Agreement of 27:10:49 concerning British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines
24 January 1956 Exchange of Notes relating to the Termination of the Agreement of 27 October 1949 relating to British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines
30 January 1956 30 January 1956 Atomic Energy - Export of Uranium - modifies and extends the Agreement of 11/07/1949
15 February 1956 15 February 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Cuba modifying the Schedules annexed to the Exchange of Notes of the 18th of December 1953 regarding Commercial Relations
27 February 1956 27 February 1956 Agreed Minute of discussions between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark on arrangements relating to the import of Danish Bacon with Exchange of Letters
27 February 1956 2 July 1956 Plant Protection Agreement for the South-East Asia and Pacific Region
1 March 1956 3 October 1957 Customs Convention regarding Carnets for Commercial Samples [with Protocol of Signature]
5 March 1956 12 June 1957 Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan of the one part and the Federal Republic of Germany of the other part Regarding the War Cemetries, Graves and Memorials of the British Commonwealth in the Territory of the Federal Republic of Germany [with Exchange of Notes]
5 March 1956 12 June 1957 Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irleand, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan of the first part, the Federal Republic of Germany of the second part, and the French Republic of the third part in regard to War Cemeteries, Graves and Memorials
12 March 1956 8 February 1958 Cultural Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Turkey (together with Exchange of Notes)
14 March 1956 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the transfer to the Federal Republic of Archives of the former German Foreign Office
19 March 1956 19 March 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Austria extending the Agreement of July 9, 1954 for the Repayment of Credits granted by the European Payments Union to the United Kingdom and by Austria to the Union
22 March 1956 22 March 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Luxembourg amending Article I (c) of the Cultural Convention signed at Luxembourg on June 27, 1950
26 March 1956 Exchange of Notes clarifying the Agreement of 29 August 1955 on Filippino Labour for British North Borneo
31 March 1956 31 March 1956 Air Services Agreement (United Kingdom : Kuwait) and Exchange of Notes
2 April 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ethiopia further extending the operations of the Mixed Commission to demarcate the boundary between Kenya and Ethiopia
3 April 1956 Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Duties on the Estates of Deceased persons
9 April 1956 Passports - Arrangement on Visas with Tanganyika
12 April 1956 Exchange of Notes between Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa relating to the Operation of an Air Services between Vilanculos in Portuguese East Africa and Johannesburg.
24 April 1956 24 April 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium amending paragraph 4 (c) of Article VII of the Agreement of November 18, 1955 for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
30 April 1956 21 August 1957 Multilateral Agreement on Commercial Rights of Non-Scheduled Air Services in Europe
7 May 1956 26 January 1957 Agreement on Consultation between the Swiss Confederation and the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community
18 May 1956 20 May 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Czechoslovakia prolonging until the 19th of August, 1956 the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 18th of August, 1949
18 May 1956 1 January 1959 Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation for Private Use of Aircraft and Pleasure Boats
18 May 1956 8 April 1959 Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Commercial Road Vehicles (with Annexes and Protocol of Signature)
18 May 1956 4 August 1959 Customs Convention on Containers [with Annexes and Protocol of Signature]
18 May 1956 18 August 1959 Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles for Private Use in International Traffic [with Protocol of Signature]
19 May 1956 2 July 1961 Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR)
22 May 1956 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of South Africa, with the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income.
23 May 1956 30 June 1956 Sixth Protocol of Supplementary Concessions to GATT
25 May 1956 12 March 1957 Fisheries Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [together with Minute to Article 1 of the Agreement and Exchange of Notes on Territorial Waters]
30 May 1956 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement relating to the Operation of an Air Service between Vilanculos, in Portuguese East Africa, and Johannesburg (Rhodesia & Nyasaland - Southern Africa 1956)
2 June 1956 2 June 1956 Agreement concerning Sukhne Water Supply (rendered void by termination of Treaty of 1948)
4 June 1956 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany on the Exemption of turnover Tax on Air Traffic
5 June 1956 5 June 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America relating to the Sale of Tobacco by the United States Government and the Construction of Housing and/or Community Facilities by the United Kingdom Government
9 June 1956 1 June 1957 Convention on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden
11 June 1956 11 June 1956 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Netherlands Government concerning the Convention on the Rights and Obligations of Foreign Forces and their Members in the Federal Republic of Germany signed at Bonn on May 26, 1952, as amended at Paris on October 23, 1954
12 June 1956 25 February 1957 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Federal Council for Relief from Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes on the Estates of Deceased Persons
13 June 1956 16 July 1956 Amendment to Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for Co-operation on the Civil Uses of Atomic Energy of June 15, 1955
18 June 1956 18 June 1956 Exchange of Notes and Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Burmese Government concerning the Export of Cotton Textiles and/ or Yarn from the United Kingdom to the Union of Burma and the Acceptance in the United Kingdom of Raw Cotton from the United States
20 June 1956 25 May 1957 Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance
21 June 1956 1 August 1956 Guarantee Agreement for the Kariba Project (with annexed Loan Regulations No.4 and Loan Agreement for the Kariba Project between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Federal Power Board concerning th Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. (See also Release Agreement for Zambia of 29:07:1970 (Multi) and Amending Agreement of 16:08:1974)
21 June 1956 9 September 1956 Loan Agreement concerning the Federal Power Board of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development ( IBRD ) ( Kariba Project )
21 June 1956 9 September 1956 Loan Agreement ( Kariba Project ) between the Federal Power Board of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( IBRD )
21 June 1956 Agreement between Pakistan and Hungary regarding Trade
21 June 1956 Guarantee Agreement for the Kariba Project (with Annexed Loan Regulations No.4, and Loan Agreement for Kariba Project between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and for the Federal Power Board. See also Release Agreement for Zambia 29/07/1970 (Multi) and amending Agreement of 16/08/1974 (Multi)
24 June 1956 24 June 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government extending the relevant provisions of the Suez Canal Base Agreement of October 19, 1954 to the 'Contractor' and to British Civilian Technicians located at Abou Sueir Airfield and Fanara Flying Boat Station
25 June 1956 25 June 1956 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America Concerning the Extension of the Bahamas Long Range Proving Ground by the Establishment of Additional Sites in Saint Lucia
25 June 1956 25 June 1956 Exchange of Notes: Defence Requirements in the Caribbean
25 June 1956 25 June 1956 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America Concerning the Extension of the Bahamas Long Range Proving Ground by the Establishment of Additional Sites in Ascension Island
25 June 1956 10 January 1959 Protocol to the International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries signed at Washington on February 8, 1949
27 June 1956 27 June 1956 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Hungarian Government Relating to the Settlement of Financial Matters [Together with Exchanges of Notes]
29 June 1956 29 June 1956 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Switzerland additional to the Agreement signed on July 16, 1954 for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Swiss Government to the Union
29 June 1956 29 June 1956 Exchanges of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Netherlands Government concerning the Agreement of 9 July, 1954 for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Netherlands Government to the Union
29 June 1956 29 June 1956 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Belgium additional to the Agreement of July 9, 1954 regarding the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union to the European Payments Union
29 June 1956 Documents relating to the further support of the United Kingdom Forces stationed in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany for the period 1956-57
29 June 1956 Agreed Minute. Armed Forces and Budget. Libyan Armed Forces
29 June 1956 Supplementary Protocol No. 8 amending the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of a European Payments Union
30 June 1956 30 June 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic concerning interim arrangements to replace the Agreement on Trade and Payments signed at Buenos Aires on March 31, 1955
2 July 1956 2 July 1956 Exchange of Notes and Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Indonesia relating to arrangements for the Export of Cotton Yarn and/or Textiles from the United Kingdom to Indonesia and the acceptance in the United Kingdom of Raw Cotton, together with an Exchange of Notes and Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of Indonesia on the same subject
3 July 1956 Agreed Minute concerning Trade and Payments
5 July 1956 10 January 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines concerning the Air Services Agreement of 31 January 1955
9 July 1956 9 July 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Austria concerning Contracts and Periods of Prescription
9 July 1956 1 January 1957 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark on Payment of Compensation or Benefit in respect of Industrial Injuries (including Occupational Diseases) as relating to Denmark and Northern Ireland
10 July 1956 1 May 1958 Convention on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic (with Protocols)
16 July 1956 1 November 1956 Convention concerning the exchange of money orders in respect of the Colony of Antigua
20 July 1956 20 July 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Venezuela concerning Reciprocal Exemption from the Measurement of Ships in Port
20 July 1956 13 March 1957 Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
28 July 1956 Exchange of Notes of the granting on a Reciprocal Basis of Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities to Non-Diplomatic Personnel of the Diplomatic Mission of the Czechoslovak Republic and the United Kingdom
30 July 1956 28 December 1957 Consular Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the Federal Republic of Germany [With Protocols of Signature and Exchanges of Notes]
31 July 1956 31 July 1956 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
9 August 1956 9 August 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Austria concerning the extension on March 19, 1956 of the Agreement of July 9, 1954 for the Repayment of Credits granted by the European Payments Union to the United Kingdom and by Austria to the Union
9 August 1956 9 August 1956 Basic Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation regarding aid to United Kingdom dependent territories
9 August 1956 9 August 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Dominican Republic on Diplomatic Bags
18 August 1956 24 August 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Czechoslovakia prolonging until the 19th February, 1957 the Sterling Payments Agreement of the 18th of August, 1949
31 August 1956 Exchange Of Notes Between The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland And The Government Of The Republic Of Ireland Introducing A New Annex To The Air Services Agreement Of 5th April, 1946
7 September 1956 30 April 1957 Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade and Institutions and Practices similar to Slavery, Supplementary to the International Convention signed at Geneva on September 25, 1926
17 September 1956 19 April 1957 Amendment to the Annex to the Agreement of 15 June 1955 (XIII-30) for Co-operation in the Civil Uses of Atomic Energy
24 September 1956 24 September 1956 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America as to Disposition of Rights in Atomic Energy Inventions
25 September 1956 6 June 1958 Agreement on the Joint Financing of certain Air Navigation Services in Iceland
25 September 1956 6 June 1958 Agreement on the Joint Financing of certain Air Navigation Services in Greenland and the Faroe Islands
28 September 1956 28 September 1956 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan prolonging until October 31, 1956, November 30, 1956, December 31, 1956 and January 31, 1957 the Sterling Payments Agreement of January 29, 1954
8 October 1956 5 May 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Danish Government concerning the Convention on the Rights and Obligations of Foreign Forces and their Members in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Finance Convention signed at Bonn on May 26, 1952, as amended at Paris on October 23, 1954
8 October 1956 8 October 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Thailand amending the Schedule to the Air Services Agreement signed at Bangkok on November 10, 1950
17 October 1956 17 May 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic further prolonging the Air Services Agreement of May 17, 1946, as amended by the Exchange of Notes of January 22, 1953
18 October 1956 19 July 1958 Amendment to Article IV of the International Tin Agreement signed at London on March 1, 1954, as recommended by a Resolution of the International Tin Council
22 October 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Czechoslovakia concerning the Agreement on the Settlement of certain Inter-Governmental Debts, signed at London on September 28, 1949
22 October 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Czechoslovakia concerning the Agreement on Compensation for British Property, Rights and Interests affected by Czechoslovak Measures of Nationalisation, Expropriation and Dispossession, signed at London on September 28, 1949
25 October 1956 25 October 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Norway amending the Air Services Agreement of June 23, 1952
26 October 1956 29 July 1957 Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency [with Annex]
27 October 1956 27 October 1956 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Austria for Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories
27 October 1956 9 October 1958 Treaty Amending the Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
29 October 1956 29 October 1956 Final Declaration of the International Conference of Tangier (with Protocol).
30 October 1956 30 October 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Schedules of Routes annexed to the Air Services Agreement of February 11, 1946
31 October 1956 31 October 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic about Currency Exchange Rates
31 October 1956 1 November 1956 Convention concerning the exchange of money orders in respect of the Colony of St Christopher-Nevis and Anguilla.
1 November 1956 1 November 1956 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for the establishment in Barbados of an Oceanographic Research Station
6 November 1956 12 November 1956 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Italian Government reimposing the visa requirement for their nationals travelling to Cyprus
6 November 1956 12 November 1956 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Swiss Government reimposing the visa requirement for their nationals travelling to Cyprus
6 November 1956 12 November 1956 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Danish Government reimposing the visa requirement for their nationals travelling to Cyprus
6 November 1956 12 November 1956 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Swedish Government reimposing the visa requirements for their nationals travelling to Cyprus
6 November 1956 12 November 1956 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Netherlands Government reimposing the visa requirement for their nationals travelling to Cyprus
6 November 1956 12 November 1956 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Icelandic Government reimposing the visa requirement for their nationals travelling to Cyprus
6 November 1956 12 November 1956 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Norwegian Government reimposing the visa requirement for their nationals travelling to Cyprus
6 November 1956 12 November 1956 Text of Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Luxembourg Government reimposing the visa requirement for their nationals travelling to Cyprus
13 November 1956 12 November 1956 Passports - Reimposition of Visas for Cyprus. Note from British Embassy to State Department.
14 November 1956 1 May 1956 Exchange of Letters concerning Terms of Trade Understanding between the Maldive Islands and Ceylon for the period from 01 May 1956 to 30 June 1957.
16 November 1956 Convention concerning the exchange of money orders in respect of Montserrat
19 November 1956 4 May 1959 Protocol to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling signed at Washington on December 2, 1946
22 November 1956 Capitulations - Northern Zone - Exchange of Notes
27 November 1956 27 November 1956 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for the establishment of an Oceanographic Research Station in the Turks and Caicos Islands
29 November 1956 29 October 1956 Social Security Agreement with Malta
30 November 1956 30 November 1956 Agreement amending the Administrative Agreement signed at Bonn on December 1, 1954, concerning the Arbitral Tribunal and the Mixed Commission under the Agreement on German External Debts signed at London on February 27, 1953
1 December 1956 2 July 1957 Protocol Amending the International Sugar Agreement opened for signature at London on October 1,1953
5 December 1956 1 December 1957 Convention for the Exchange of Postal Money Orders with Antigua
6 December 1956 6 December 1956 Exchange of Notes. Security and supply of three Bristol 'Orpheus' Aero engines to Japan
6 December 1956 4 January 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning Civil Aviation facilities and Long-Range Proving Grounds for Guided Missiles in the West Indies
8 December 1956 8 December 1956 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden on the Repayment of the balance of the United Kingdom debt to Sweden owed in Connexion with the European Payments Union
10 December 1956 13 September 1960 Protocol concerning the accession of the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy to the Conventions on Frontier Workers and Student Employees, signed at Brussels, April 17, 1950
14 December 1956 29 August 1962 Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles engaged in International Passenger Transport
14 December 1956 29 August 1962 Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles engaged in International Goods Transport
15 December 1956 15 December 1956 Second Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe signed at Paris on September 2, 1949
15 December 1956 18 September 1957 European Convention on the Equivalence of Periods of University Study
18 December 1956 Social Insurance Convention
21 December 1956 21 December 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Pakistan constituting an Agreement to amend paragraph I of the Annex to the Air Services Agreement dated 27th July, 1949
21 December 1956 1 January 1957 Agreed Minute concerning Trade and Payments during 1957
26 December 1956 Exchange of Notes concerning Sterling Advances
28 December 1956 28 December 1956 Exchange of Notes amending Air Services Agreement of 11:02:1946
31 December 1956 31 December 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland further prolonging the Sterling Payments Agreement of March 2, 1948
31 December 1956 31 December 1956 Trade Arrangement
1 January 1957 Exchange of Letters relating to United Kingdom Service Establishments in Ceylon
1 January 1957 Exchange of Notes concerning an Agreement with Nigeria about Road Transport
8 January 1957 8 January 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Cuba modifying and extending the Agreement concerning Commercial Relations constituted by an Exchange of Notes of December 18, 1953, and amended by an Exchange of Notes of February 15, 1956
9 January 1957 9 January 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Burma amending the Burmese Schedule of Routes annexed to the Air Transport Agreement of October 25, 1952
29 January 1957 1 July 1958 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic on Social Insurance in Northern Ireland and Italy
31 January 1957 31 January 1957 Memorandum on the disposal of former German Assets in Thailand
8 February 1957 8 February 1957 Provisional Arrangement for Air Services
15 February 1957 19 February 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Czechoslovakia prolonging until December 31, 1959 the Sterling Payments Agreement of August 18, 1949
16 February 1957 Exchange of Notes. Termination of the Turtle Fishing Treaty of 1916 [VI-227-111] [- Refers to fishing by the Cayman Islanders]
18 February 1957 1 July 1957 Convention for the Exchange of Postal Money Orders with the British Virgin Islands
20 February 1957 11 August 1958 Convention on the Nationality of Married Women
25 February 1957 25 February 1957 Agreement with the Export-Import Bank ( EXIMBANK ) of Washington concerning Credit Facilities to the United Kingdom
26 February 1957 Trade Agreement. Minutes agreed and letters exchanged to clarify the interpretation, and for the purpose of implementing the agreement.
26 February 1957 Agreed Minute and Letters concerning Trade
28 February 1957 28 February 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and Turkey relating to the Continuance of certain Tariff Concessions
28 February 1957 28 February 1957 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Turkey relating to certain Commercial Matters
28 February 1957 Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Turkey modifying the Agreement of January 17, 1955, regarding certain Financial Matters [with Exchange of Notes]
1 March 1957 1 March 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Morocco concerning the Convention of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and the Shereefian Empire signed on December 9, 1856
1 March 1957 Public Officers Agreement (with Exchange of Letters) between the United Kingdom and Ghana
1 March 1957 Exchange of Notes on Customs Tariffs etc
6 March 1957 26 April 1957 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Financial Agreement of December 6, 1945
6 March 1957 29 April 1957 Financial Agreement to Amend Financial Agreement between Government of United Kingdom and Government of Canada, signed at Ottawa on 06:03:1946
7 March 1957 Agreed Minute relating to Trade in 1957
10 March 1957 Agreed Minute and Annexes concerning Trade. Prolonged by Exchange of Letters 30 July and 11 August 1959 to 31 December 1959 (WG1152/23 1959)
13 March 1957 13 March 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America referring to the Exchange of Notes of June 5, 1956, which related to the Sale of Tobacco by the United States Government and the Construction of Housing and/or Community Facilities by the United Kingdom Government
13 March 1957 14 March 1957 Exchange of Notes. Sale of ammunition to Jordan on termination of Anglo/Jordan Treaty.
13 March 1957 14 March 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan terminating the Treaty of Alliance of March 15, 1948 (with Joint Declaration of February 13, 1957)
15 March 1957 1 September 1957 Convention for the Exchange of Postal Money Orders with Montserrat
25 March 1957 25 March 1957 Exchange Of Notes Between The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland And The Government Of India Constituting An Agreement To Amend Schedules I & II To The Air Services Agreement Dated 1st December 1951
25 March 1957 1 January 1958 Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM),with Protocol on the Application Of the Treaty to the Non-European Parts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
25 March 1957 1 January 1958 Convention on Certain Institutions Common to the European Communities
25 March 1957 Intergovernmental Conference on the Common Market and Euratom - Final Act (See Notes for Joint Declarations adopted at Signature)
25 March 1957 Final Communique from the Bermuda Conference
27 March 1957 27 March 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iraq concerning the Settlement of Financial Claims by the Establishment of an Anglo-Iraqi Club
29 March 1957 29 March 1957 Exchange of Notes concerning Sterling Payments, Extending the Trade and Payments Agreement of 31 March 1955 to 31 May 1957
29 March 1957 29 March 1957 Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy regarding Claims by British Nationals under Article 78 of the Treaty of Peace with Italy
29 March 1957 29 March 1957 Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, France and the United States of America on the one hand and the Government of Italy on the other hand regarding German Assets in Italy
29 March 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan. Lapse of Sterling Payments Agreement of 29 January 1954
1 April 1957 1 April 1957 Agreement relating to an Assisted Passage Migration Scheme between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Australia
1 April 1957 1 April 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Extension of the Bahamas Long-Range Proving Ground to include the Island of Great Exuma
1 April 1957 Extension of Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Paraguay on Trade Payments, of 21 November 1955, to various territories.
5 April 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Indonesia amending the Memorandum of Understanding annexed to the Exchange of Notes of July 2, 1956 about arrangements for the Export of Cotton Yarn and/or Textiles from Hong Kong to Indonesia
11 April 1957 11 April 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the Disbandment of the Civilian Service Organisation maintained by the British Forces in Germany
12 April 1957 Statute of the European School
15 April 1957 Exchange of Notes authorising the East African Airways to operate a route in accordance with the Air Services Agreement of 1 December 1951
17 April 1957 1 January 1958 Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities and Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice (of EURATOM)
17 April 1957 1 January 1958 Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the EEC and Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice
24 April 1957 25 April 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning Paragraph 6 of the Joint Statement of 6 December 1945 on the Settlement for Lend-Lease, Reciprocal Aid, Surplus War Property and Claims
26 April 1957 30 April 1957 Portuguese Labour for Bermuda - Exchange of Notes and memorandum
28 April 1957 25 July 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Thailand concerning the reciprocal Waiver of Import Duties on Goods supplied under the Technical Co-operation Scheme of the Colombo Plan
29 April 1957 1 November 1957 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel on Social Security
29 April 1957 30 April 1958 European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes [ETS No. 23]
1 May 1957 1 May 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Federal Council revising the Route Schedules annexed to the Air Services Agreement signed in London on April 5, 1950
10 May 1957 19 February 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Netherlands amending the Cultural Convention of July 7, 1948
10 May 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America on the Disposal of Surplus United States Mutual Defence Assistance Programme Equipment
20 May 1957 1 June 1958 Convention on Social Security and Protocol concerning Benefits in Kind between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of the Belgians
22 May 1957 31 May 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany constituting a Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement of September 9, 1952 regarding the use of the Sandbank Bombing Range
28 May 1957 28 May 1957 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of New Zealand (Modifying and Supplementing the Trade Agreement done at Ottawa on 20 August 1932)
5 June 1957 6 February 1958 Jurisdiction - Exchange of Letters, relinquishing to Muscat, jurisdiction over Indian Nationals Amends, to that effect, Exchange of Letters 20 December 1951
6 June 1957 6 June 1957 Consular Convention (with Argentina): Preliminary Exchange of Notes in anticipation of Convention
7 June 1957 7 June 1957 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning Local Defence Costs of United Kingdom Forces stationed in the Federal Republic and related Measures of Mutual Aid in Accordance with Article 3 of the North Atlantic Treaty
7 June 1957 24 March 1958 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Netherlands Government prolonging indefinitely the Agreement constituted by an Exchange of Letters of June 11, 1956 concerning the division of responsibility between the two Governments for the Rights and Obligations of the Netherlands Forces and their Members in the Federal Republic of Germany
11 June 1957 12 June 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy concerning the practice of the medical profession by Italian and British doctors in the United Kingdom and Italy respectively
15 June 1957 8 April 1961 Arrangement concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services to which Trade Marks apply
25 June 1957 28 June 1957 Exchange of Notes. Extension to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland of the 'Fulbright Agreement Agreement' of September 22, 1948
25 June 1957 17 January 1959 Convention concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour (ILO No. 105)
25 June 1957 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Eastern Region of Nigeria concerning Her Majesty's Overseas Civil Service Special List
25 June 1957 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Northern Region of Nigeria concerning Her Majesty's Overseas Civil Service Special List
27 June 1957 27 June 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America referring to the Exchanges of Notes of June 5, 1956 and March 13, 1957 concerning the Sale of Tobacco by the United States Government and the Construction of Housing and/or Community Facilities by the United Kingdom Government
27 June 1957 Agreement Supplementary to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30:10:1947
28 June 1957 28 June 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Cuba amending the Schedules to the Air Services Agreement of March 19, 1948
28 June 1957 1 July 1957 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Belgium concerning the Agreement of July 9,1954 for the repayment of credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union to the Euroopean Payments Union
28 June 1957 Supplementary Protocol No.9 amending the Agreement of September 19, 1950 for the Establishment of a European Payments Union
9 July 1957 9 July 1957 ECSC Decision relating to the Constitution and rules of procedure of the permanent agency for safety measures in the coalmines
12 July 1957 12 July 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway regarding co-operation in the promotion and development of the peaceful uses of atomic energy
15 July 1957 Annex laying down Regulations for the European Baccalaureate
25 July 1957 1 April 1958 Convention on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway [together with Exchange of Notes of December 18, 1957 and January 7, 1958 amending Aticle 6(1) ]
25 July 1957 1 May 1958 Passports - Extension of the Agreement of 1947 to all British Protected Persons
26 July 1957 26 July 1957 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the Agreement of July 10, 1954, for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the German Federal Government to the Union
16 August 1957 16 August 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Turkey concerning the purchase of certain ships of the British Reserve Fleet by the Turkish Government
19 August 1957 15 October 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America extending the provisions of the Double Taxation Convention of April 16, 1945, as later modified, to certain Overseas Territories of the United Kingdom
19 August 1957 15 October 1958 Supplementary Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Convention signed at Washington on April 16, 1945 for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, as later modified
21 August 1957 Notification of the extension to the Seychelles of the Visa Abolition Agreement of 05:02:1947
30 August 1957 30 August 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan concerning the Grant of continuous Visas for Travel to British and Japanese Territories
2 September 1957 2 September 1957 Exchange of Notes concerning Sterling Balances, Extending the Trade and Payments Agreement of 31st March 1955 to 31st October 1957
4 September 1957 Arrangements for the Employment of Overseas Commonwealth Forces in Emergency Operations in the Federation of Malaya after Independence
12 September 1957 Exchange of Letters concerning the Assumption of Treaty responsibilities for International Rights and Obligations
19 September 1957 1 October 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Brazil further prolonging Articles 15 and 19(a) to (d) of the Trade and Payments Agreement of the 21st of May, 1948
19 September 1957 Ratification of the Commonwealth Telegraphs Agreement of 11 May 1948 [CRO No 77]
20 September 1957 20 September 1957 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
20 September 1957 10 January 1958 Agreement (with appendix) for the continued operation of a South Pacific Health Service
30 September 1957 29 January 1968 European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) with Protocol of Signature(Re-titled as 'Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road' from 01/01/2021).
3 October 1957 1 April 1959 Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes
3 October 1957 1 April 1959 Universal Postal Convention [together with Final Protocol, Detailed Regulations and Annexes, Provisions concerning Air Mail with their Final Protocol and Annexes]
3 October 1957 1 April 1959 Agreement concerning Postal Parcels
3 October 1957 9 March 1961 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium relating to Compensation for Disablement and Death due to War Injury suffered by Civilians in the 1939-45 War
10 October 1957 31 May 1968 International Convention relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Sea-going Ships [with Protocol of Signature]
10 October 1957 Stowaways Convention. Uniform Rules relating to Stowaways.
18 October 1957 18 October 1957 Air Services Agreement between and beyond their respective territories
18 October 1957 18 October 1957 Agreed Minutes and Exchange of Notes. Trade Quotas and Duties [for the period 1st October 1956 / 31st March 1958]
19 October 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland on Atomic Energy
22 October 1957 5 August 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Netherlands concerning the Reciprocal Validation of Airworthiness Certificates
30 October 1957 30 October 1957 Research - Barbados Oceanographic Station. Exchange of Notes on administrative matters concerning the Agreement of 1 November 1956 (XIII 45)
31 October 1957 31 October 1957 Exchange of Notes concerning Sterling Balances, and the Trade and Payments Agreement of 31 March 1955 to 31 December 1957
31 October 1957 19 December 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany applying to Berlin the Agreement of July 31, 1956 for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
1 November 1957 1 November 1957 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for the Establishment of Oceanographic Research Stations in the Bahama Islands
2 November 1957 Exchanges of Letters designating and authorising certain Air-lines, and Malayan Airways Ltd, to operated routes in accordance with the Air Services Agreement of 18:10:1957
17 November 1957 17 May 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic further prolonging the Air Services Agreement of May 17, 1946, as amended by the Exchange of Notes of January 22, 1953
18 November 1957 25 January 1961 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark relating to Trade and Commerce (with Exchange of Notes)
21 November 1957 1 April 1958 Passports - Abolition of Visas - Seychelles Islands.
23 November 1957 27 December 1961 Agreement relating to Refugee Seamen
25 November 1957 22 October 1958 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Governments of the States Members of the European Coal and Steel Community and the High Authority of the Community concerning Commercial Relations
25 November 1957 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic on the Consolidation of Debts
25 November 1957 Exchange of Letters concerning the Assumption of Treaty responsibilities for International Rights and Obligations
6 December 1957 1 January 1957 Agreed Minute and Exchange of Letters concerning Trade covering quotas for 1957
6 December 1957 30 June 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia terminating the Agreement of December 31, 1953 regarding the Import of British Books into Yugoslavia
9 December 1957 18 December 1957 Protocol Regulating Trade between Certain Western European Countries and Finland
13 December 1957 1 January 1958 European Agreement on Regulations Governing the Movement of Persons between Member States of the Council of Europe [ETS No. 25]
13 December 1957 18 April 1960 European Convention on Extradition [ETS No. 24]
13 December 1957 10 August 1960 European Agreement on Road Markings
14 December 1957 13 November 1961 Agreement drawn up in implementation of Article V of Protocol No. II of the Brussels Treaty of March 17, 1948 as modified by the Protocols signed at Paris on October 23, 1954
14 December 1957 Convention concerning the Agency for the Control of Armaments established by Protocol No.IV of the Brussels Treaty of March 17, 1948 as modified by the Protocols signed at Paris on October 23, 1954
19 December 1957 24 March 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning Air Services
20 December 1957 22 July 1959 Convention on the Establishment of a Security Control in the Field of Nuclear Energy
20 December 1957 Protocol on the Tribunal established by the Convention on the Establishment of a Security Control in the field of Nuclear Energy
24 December 1957 19 November 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Federal Council abrogating the Declaration of August 27, 1872 concerning Death Duties in the Canton de Vaud
28 December 1957 12 May 1958 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
31 December 1957 31 December 1957 Air Traffic: Memorandum of Agreement concerning building a Civil Aviation Terminal at Bahrain at a cost of #200,000.
1 January 1958 1 January 1958 Trade Agreement between Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa
2 January 1958 2 January 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Cuba modifying and extending the Exchange of Notes on Commercial Relations of December 18, 1953, as later amended
20 January 1958 20 January 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America about the Weather Station on Betio Island
27 January 1958 1 January 1958 Agreed Minute concerning Trade
29 January 1958 1 April 1958 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia on Social Security
30 January 1958 3 February 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the sale for sterling to the United Kingdom of certain quantities of fruit and fruit products
1 February 1958 1 May 1958 ECSC Agreement between member states meeting in council concerning freight rates and conditions of carriage of coal and steel on the Rhine
3 February 1958 Exchange of Letters constituting an Agreement to delete item (g) of the First Schedule of 20 March 1939
4 February 1958 Exchange of Notes with European Coal and Steel Community concerning errors in printed text of Agreement on Steel Tariffs between the United Kingdom and the European Coal and Steel Community of 25 November 1957 (Register XIV 119).
6 February 1958 6 February 1958 Exchange of Notes constituting a Trade Agreement between CANADA and Rhodesia & Nyasaland
6 February 1958 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Trucial States on the Unification between Rulers of Sharjah and Fujeirah - Batirah Coast, Gulf of Oman
7 February 1958 7 February 1958 Agreement Between The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland And The Government Of The Commonwealth Of Australia For Air Services Between And Beyond Their Respective Territories
10 February 1958 Exchange of Notes. Extension of the Turtle Fishing Treaty of 1916 [VI-227-111] until August 14, 1958 [- Refers to fishing by the Cayman Islanders]
10 February 1958 Exchange of Notes. Extension of the Turtle Fishing Treaty of 1916 [VI-227-111] until August 14 1958 . [- Refers to fishing by the Cayman Islands]
12 February 1958 17 February 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America referring to the Exchanges of Notes of June 5, 1956 and March 13, 1957 concerning the Sale of Tobacco by the United States Government and the Construction of Housing and/or Community Facilities by the United Kingdom Government
19 February 1958 1 January 1958 Agreed Minute concerning Trade and Payments during 1958
19 February 1958 25 February 1958 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and the Trucial States about the alteration of National Flag
22 February 1958 22 February 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Supply to the United Kingdom Government of Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (together with Memorandum)
4 March 1958 1 July 1958 Agreement for the reference of Appeals from the Supreme Court of the Federation of Malaya to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.
7 March 1958 1 January 1958 Agreed Minute constituting a Trade Arrangement for 1958
12 March 1958 Exchange of Letters Extending the Validity of the Current Agreed Minute on Trade until 31:03:1959
14 March 1958 14 March 1958 Memorandum of Understanding. Security measures in regard to Bristol 'Orpheus' aero engines (Japan No.76. 6 December 1956 - XIII-49-334)
15 March 1958 1 January 1958 Trade Arrangement for 1958 - includes Colonies
19 March 1958 19 November 1958 Agreed Minute concerning quotas for 1958 under the Trade Arrangement of 22 0ctober 1956
20 March 1958 20 June 1959 Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognitions of approvals granted on the basis of these prescriptions
20 March 1958 8 August 1960 Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles, etc.: REGULATION No. 1 - Uniform Regulations for the Approval of Motor Vehicle Headlights emitting an asymmetrical passing beam or a driving beam or both: REGULATION No. 2 - Uniform Regulations concerning approval of lamps for headlights emitting an asymmetrical passing beam or a driving beam or both.
20 March 1958 1 November 1963 Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles, etc.: REGULATION No. 3 - Uniform Provisions for the Approval of Reflex Reflecting Devices for Motor Vehicles and their Trailers
20 March 1958 15 April 1964 Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles, etc.: REGULATION No. 4 - Devices for Illuminating Rear Registration Plates.
20 March 1958 15 October 1967 Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or used on Wheeled Vehicles, etc.: REGULATION No. 6 - Uniform provisions concerning the approval of direction indicators for motor vehicles (except motor cycles) and their trailers
20 March 1958 15 October 1967 Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or used on Wheeled Vehicles, etc.: REGULATION NO. 7 - Uniform Provisions for the Approval of Position (Side) Lights, Red Rear Lights and Stop Lights for motor vehicles (except motor cycles) and their trailers
20 March 1958 15 November 1967 Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or used on Wheeled Vehicles, etc.: REGULATION NO. 8 - Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicle headlamps emitting an asymmetrical passing beam or a driving beam or both and equipped with halogen lamps (H1,H2,H3,H4,H5 and/or lamps)
20 March 1958 1 March 1969 Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles, etc.: REGULATION No.9 - Uniform provisions concerning the approval of three-wheeled vehicles with regard to noise
20 March 1958 1 April 1969 Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or used on Wheeled Vehicles, etc.: REGULATION No.10 - Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to radio interference suppression
20 March 1958 1 June 1969 Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or used on Wheeled Vehicles, etc.: REGULATION No. 11 - Uniform provisions concerning the Approval of Vehicles with Regard to the Strength of Door Latches and Door Retention Components
20 March 1958 1 July 1969 Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or used on Wheeled Vehicles, etc.: REGULATION No. 12 - Uniform provisions Concerning the Approval of Vehicles with Regard to the Protection of the Driver against the Steering Mechanism in the Event of Impact
24 March 1958 26 March 1958 Exchange of Letters concerning Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the Financial Year ending March 31, 1958
31 March 1958 31 January 1958 Protocol Terminating the Convention for the Establishment and Maintenance of a lighthouse on Cape Spartel done at Tangier 31 May 1865
31 March 1958 31 March 1958 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Switzerland concerning Suspension of Payments under the Agreement of July 16, 1954, and the Exchange of Letters of June 29, 1956, for the Repayment and Consolidation between the United Kingdom and Switzerland
3 April 1958 11 April 1958 Protocol of 3 April 1958 amending the International Agreement on Olive Oil, 1956
7 April 1958 14 April 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines amending the Schedule of Routes to the Air Services Agreement of January 31, 1955
12 April 1958 1 January 1958 Protocol Regulating Trade & Commerce between Certain Western European States and Finland
18 April 1958 17 April 1959 Cultural Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal Republic of Germany
24 April 1958 24 April 1958 Exchange of Notes [with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations] establishing an International Desert Locust Information Service
25 April 1958 1 April 1958 Trade Arrangements. Agreed Minute and Letters for the period 1st April 1958 / 31st March 1959
26 April 1958 26 April 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan concerning the Payment of Instalments due from the Jordan Government under the Treaty Termination Settlement
29 April 1958 30 September 1962 Convention on the High Seas
29 April 1958 30 September 1962 Optional Protocol of Signature concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes arising from the Law of the Sea Conventions
29 April 1958 10 June 1964 Convention on the Continental Shelf
29 April 1958 10 September 1964 Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone
29 April 1958 20 March 1966 Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas
1 May 1958 1 May 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic extending to the Island of Jersey the Anglo-Italian Social Insurance Convention of November 28, 1951
2 May 1958 3 July 1958 Guarantee Agreement concerning Nigerian Railways Project (with Annexed Loan Regulations No.4, Exchange of Letters and Loan Agreement between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Federation of Nigeria).
7 May 1958 7 May 1958 Exchange of Notes concerning a Loan by the Government of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashimite Kingdom of Jordon during the Financial Year ending March 31, 1959
8 May 1958 Exchange of Notes concerning Designation by Her Majesty's Government of Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd to operate Route 4 in Schedules of Air Services Agreement of 31 January 1955
13 May 1958 19 February 1961 International Labour Convention No.108 concerning Seafarers' National Identity Documents adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation during its Forty-first Session [ILO No. 108]
19 May 1958 19 May 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Lebanese Republic concerning the Loan of Arms to the Lebanon
21 May 1958 Notes. Release of Military Information. Note from Belgian Government in reply to British Aide Memoire of 15 April 1958.
22 May 1958 Exchanges of Letters concerning Leases of Freehold Titles in Singapore for defence purposes
24 May 1958 1 September 1958 Convention on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia
29 May 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden extending to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and to Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar the Convention of March 30, 1949, for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
10 June 1958 10 June 1958 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany on Industrial Property
10 June 1958 7 June 1959 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
12 June 1958 19 June 1958 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia relating to an Assisted Passage Migration Scheme signed at London on 1 April 1957
12 June 1958 1 January 1959 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Australia further amending the Agreement of 1 April 1957 relating to an Assisted Passage Migration Scheme
12 June 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal concerning the Extension for a period of Transit Facilities in the Azores to British Military Aircraft
16 June 1958 26 June 1958 Guarantee Agreement concerning the Rhodesia Railways Project (with annexed Loan Regulations and Loan Agreement Rhodesia Railways Project) between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland).
16 June 1958 5 December 1958 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
27 June 1958 Supplementary Protocol No.10 amending the Agreement of September 19, 1950 for the Establishment of a European Payments Union
27 June 1958 Supplementary Protocol No.2 amending the European Monetary Agreement of August 5, 1955
30 June 1958 Exchange Of Notes Between The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland And The Government Of The Republic Of Ireland Amending The Air Services Agreement Of 5th April, 1946
1 July 1958 1 July 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland amending the Exchange of Notes of November 16, 1954, regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
3 July 1958 4 August 1958 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for Co-operation on the Uses of Atomic Energy for Mutual Defence Purposes
7 July 1958 7 July 1958 Agreement concerning Cooperation between the International Labour Organisation and the European Economic Community
7 July 1958 4 August 1958 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Imperial Ethiopia Government for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories
17 July 1958 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 21, 1947 [Annex VII - World Health Organisation]
18 July 1958 18 July 1958 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
23 July 1958 23 July 1958 Exchange of Notes about film quotas.
25 July 1958 25 July 1958 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Sultan of Muscat and Oman concerning the Sultan's Armed Forces, Civil Aviation, Royal Air Force facilities and Economic Development in Muscat and Oman
26 July 1958 Exchange of Letters terminating the Treaty of 23 May 1891 on transfer of Gwadur enclave to Pakistan as from 08 September 1958
29 July 1958 Technical Assistance. Notes of meeting to discuss disposal of machine tools.
7 August 1958 Exchange of Notes. Extension of the Turtle Fishing Treaty of 1916 [VI-227-111] until August 14 1959 [- Refers to fishing by the Cayman Islanders]
9 August 1958 2 July 1959 Protocol terminating obligations arising from the Accord of May 10, 1948 regarding German Assets in Spain
18 August 1958 Exchange of Letters terminating the Agreement of 1891 ??
18 August 1958 Exchange of notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Canada amending the schedule of routes annexed to the air services agreement of August 19, 1949
20 August 1958 20 August 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Austria concerning the Repayment of Part of the Credit granted by the European Payments Union to the United Kingdom and by Austria to the Union
26 August 1958 25 May 1959 Treaty of Friendship between Her Majesty the Queen in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Her Majesty the Queen of Tonga
3 September 1958 3 September 1958 Note from the MFA about Visa Abolition for 'British Protected Persons' from certain Territories.
10 September 1958 10 September 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Iran on continuous Visa Arrangements
22 September 1958 22 September 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the continued operation of the United States Educational Commission in the United Kingdom
22 September 1958 11 December 1958 Guarantee Agreement concerning Cameron Highlands Project (with annexed Loan Regulations No.4 and Loan Agreement between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Central Electricity Board of the Federation of Malaya).
24 September 1958 24 September 1958 Commonwealth Relations Office Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ghana for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories
30 September 1958 1 October 1959 Exchange of Notes further prolonging Articles 15 and 19 (a) to (d) of the Trade and Payments Agreement of 21 May 1948
30 September 1958 Exchange of Notes of Rhodesia and Nyasaland with the Union of South Africa in respect of the pattern of Air Services provided by S.A.A. and C.A.A. for the period 01:04:1958 until 31:03:1959
30 September 1958 Exchange of Notes in respect of the Pattern of Air Services provided by S.A.A and C.A.A for the period of 01 April 1958 concerning the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland - South Africa
30 September 1958 Exchange of Notes between Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa in respect of the pattern of Air Services provided by SAA and CAA for the period 01:04:1958 and 31:03:1959
30 September 1958 Exchange of Notes with Rhodesia and Nyasaland in respect of the Pattern of Air Services provided by SAA and the CAA for the period 01:04:1958 to 31:03:1959.
1 October 1958 1 November 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Morocco for the Mutual Abolition of Visas on Passports
3 October 1958 6 June 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning Local Defence Costs of United Kingdom Forces stationed in the Federal Republic
11 October 1958 25 September 1959 Agreement with Rhodesia & Nyasaland regarding the extension of South West Africa of the reciprocal arrangements for the Compensation of Workmen as agreed in the E of N of 21:01:1949 & 04:02:1949
11 October 1958 Agreement between Rhodesia & Nyasaland and South Africa regarding the extension to South West Africa of the Reciprocal Arrangements for the Compensation of Workmen as agreed in the Exchange of Notes of 21 January and 4 February 1949.
18 October 1958 18 October 1958 Exchange of Notes (with Annex) giving formal effect to the Statement of Principles agreed between the two countries for Co-Operative Economic Development of the West Indies.
27 October 1958 24 October 1959 Agreement on German Assets in Portugal and on certain Claims regarding Monetary Gold
31 October 1958 4 January 1962 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Lisbon)
31 October 1958 1 June 1963 Agreement for the Prevention of False or Misleading Indications of Origin on Goods
6 November 1958 6 November 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Cyrenaica on the Mutual Cancellation of all Outstanding Claims
17 November 1958 17 May 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic further prolonging the Air Services Agreement of 17 May 1946, as amended by the Exchange of Notes of 22 January 1953.
19 November 1958 19 November 1958 Exchange of Notes. Settlement of administrative and financial matters following the withdrawal of British Forces of occupation
22 November 1958 11 May 1959 Proces-Verbal extending the validity of the declaration extending the stand-still provisions of Article 16 of GATT
22 November 1958 1 June 1960 Declaration and Resolution inviting Switzerland to participate in session of the Contracting Parties until she accedes to GATT (Declaration of provisional accession)
25 November 1958 25 November 1958 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Turkish Republic concerning a Loan by the United Kingdom Government to the Turkish Government
28 November 1958 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic concerning exemption from Turnover Tax on Royalties
29 November 1958 26 June 1959 Trade Agreement between the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and Portugal
1 December 1958 1 January 1959 International Sugar Agreement of 1958
3 December 1958 13 January 1959 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and Luxembourg concerning the Abolition of Visas for British Protected Persons from certain Territories
3 December 1958 30 May 1961 Convention concerning the Exchange of Official Publications and Government Documents between States adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation at its Tenth Session
3 December 1958 23 November 1961 Convention concerning the International Exchange of Publications, adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation at its Tenth Session
15 December 1958 1 January 1959 European Convention on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin [ETS No. 26]
15 December 1958 1 July 1961 European Agreement concerning Programme Exchanges by means of Television Films
17 December 1958 30 December 1978 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Exchange of Notes of May 10-13, 1957 concerning the Disposal of Surplus United States Mutual Defence Programme Equipment
17 December 1958 Exchange of Notes concerning Convention to be concluded. Refers to application of Article 34 (2)
18 December 1958 18 December 1958 Utilities Claims Settlement Agreement between the Government of the United States of America as Unified Command, on its own behalf and on behalf of Certain Other Governments, and the Government of the Republic of Korea
18 December 1958 1 January 1959 Agreed Minute concerning Trade
22 December 1958 1 January 1959 Protocol Regulating Trade with the Finlands and certain European Countries for 1959
22 December 1958 EURATOM Agreement realating to the establishment of a common customs tariff for the products on list A1 and A2 of Annex IV of the Treaty establishing the EURATOM
22 December 1958 Exchange of Notes further amending the Route Schedules of the Air Traffic Agreement of 8 May 1951
23 December 1958 23 December 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Cuba modifying and extending the Exchange of Notes on Commercial Relations of December 18, 1953, as later amended
30 December 1958 30 December 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America relating to the Establishment of Hurricane Research Stations on Jamaica and Grand Cayman Island
30 December 1958 15 February 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America relating to the Establishment of Hurricane Research Stations on Jamaica and Grand Cayman Island
1 January 1959 Boundary Agreement between Ajman and Muscat
1 January 1959 Boundary Agreement between Dubai and Muscat
1 January 1959 Boundary Agreement between Abu Dhabi and Muscat
12 January 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Turkey modifying the Agreement of August 16, 1957, for the Purchase by the Turkish Government of Certain Ships of the British Reserve Fleet
14 January 1959 Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the International Labour Organisation concerning the establishment of an African Field Office in Lagos
15 January 1959 7 January 1960 Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods by Road [TIR CARNETS]
17 January 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark extending to the Federation of Rhodesia and Tanganyika and Zanzibar the Convention of March 27, 1950, for the Avoidance of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
20 January 1959 20 January 1959 Exchange of Notes and Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Burma concerning the Export of Cotton Textiles and/or Yarn and the Acceptance in the United Kingdom in Partial Payment of Raw Cotton from the United States
24 January 1959 27 June 1963 North-East Atlantic Fisheries Convention
26 January 1959 26 January 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic concerning Mining Regulations to be applied in the New Hebrides
26 January 1959 26 January 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic concerning the Revision of the Penal System in the New Hebrides
30 January 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ireland amending the Air Services Agreement of 5th April, 1946
3 February 1959 3 February 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia regarding a Credit of #3,000,000 for Yugoslavia for the Purchase of Goods in the United Kingdom
3 February 1959 13 February 1959 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America amending the Exchange of Notes relating to a Special Program of Facilities Assistance for Mutual Defence Purposes, signed at London on 8 June 1954 and 15 June 1954, as extended
3 February 1959 30 September 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia concerning Air Services
4 February 1959 4 February 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
4 February 1959 4 February 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic concerning the Agreement on certain Inter-Governmental Debts, signed at London on September 28, 1949
6 February 1959 6 February 1959 Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong, acting with the consent of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Government of the Union of Burma for the Supply of Cotton Textiles and/or Yarns to the Union of Burma, partially against Raw Cotton to be delivered from the United States PL 480 Programme [with Exchange of Notes]
27 February 1959 27 February 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Bulgaria concerning the Agreement of September 22, 1955, on Settlement of Financial Matters
27 February 1959 Exchange of Notes on prompt granting of Visas to Czechoslovak and British Officials in the Investigation of Air Accidents
28 February 1959 28 February 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Arab Republic concerning Financial and Commercial Relations and British Property in Egypt
3 March 1959 Anglo-Soviet Communique on the discussions of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Mr Harold Macmillan, and the Foreign Secretary, Mr Selwyn Lloyd, with the Chairman of the Council of Mininsters of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Mr N S Khrushchev
5 March 1959 5 March 1959 Protocol modifying the Agreement concerning the Archives of the Allied High Commission in Germany and connected Tripartite Agencies, signed at Bonn on June 30, 1954
5 March 1959 5 March 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic on the Repayment of the Debt by the French Government to the United Kingdom Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
11 March 1959 Treaty of Commerce, Establishment and Navigation between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Iran
14 March 1959 14 March 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Austria respecting the Repayment of Debts by the United Kingdom to the Austrian Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
15 March 1959 Convention Between Great Britain, Austria for the establishment of a Line of Telegraph between Ragusa and Alexandria
16 March 1959 16 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Establishment and Operation of a Radar Station on the Island of Grand Turk in the Turks and Caicos Islands
19 March 1959 1 January 1959 Exchange of Letters constituting a Trade Agreement
25 March 1959 1 April 1959 Exchange of Notes concerning Trade Arrangements from 01:04:1959/31:03:1960
25 March 1959 1 April 1959 Exchange of Notes concerning Trade Arrangements from 01:04:1959/31:03:1960
26 March 1959 1 May 1959 Exchange of Notes regarding a Loan by the State of Brunei to the Federation of Malaya
31 March 1959 Deed between the Secretary of State for the Colonies, the Government of North Borneo, and the Shell Company of North Borneo Ltd.
2 April 1959 Agreed Minute relating to Trade
3 April 1959 3 April 1959 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People's Republic of Poland concerning the Introduction of Air Services between the United Kingdom and Poland
6 April 1959 16 July 1959 International Wheat Agreement
8 April 1959 30 December 1959 Agreement establishing the Inter-American Development Bank Washington 8 April 1959 as amended with General Rules Governing Admission of Non-regional Countries to Membership of the Bank
10 April 1959 10 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Repayment of the Debt by the United Kingdom Government to the Federal German Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
13 April 1959 13 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal on the Repayment of the Debt to the United Kingdom by the Portuguese Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
14 April 1959 14 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy respecting the Repayment of the Debt by the United Kingdom Government to the Italian Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
17 April 1959 17 April 1959 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement on Reciprocal Overflying, Landing and Staging Facilities to be granted to State Aircraft on both Countries
18 April 1959 18 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden for the Repayment of the Debt by the United Kingdom to the Swedish Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
20 April 1959 4 September 1960 European Agreement on the Abolition of Visas for Refugees [ETS No. 31]
20 April 1959 12 June 1962 European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters [ETS No. 30]
23 April 1959 14 April 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium respecting the Repayment of the Debt by the United Kingdom to the Belgium Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
23 April 1959 23 April 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway respecting the Repayment of the Debt by the Norwegian Government to the United Kingdom Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
24 April 1959 5 May 1959 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Turkey regarding Commercial Debts
27 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark modifying the Convention of June 24, 1901, as later Amended, concerning concerning the Regulation of Fishing around the Faroe Islands
28 April 1959 28 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark respecting the Reciprocal Repayment of Debts by the United Kingdom and Danish Governments on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
30 April 1959 1 January 1959 Agreed Minute on 1959 Trade
30 April 1959 30 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Netherlands respecting the Repayment of the Debt by the United Kingdom Government to the Netherlands Government on the Liquidation of European Payments Union
6 May 1959 6 May 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government respecting the Repayment of the Debt by United Kingdom Government to the Swiss Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
6 May 1959 25 November 1960 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Imperial Government of Iran
7 May 1959 20 July 1959 Amendment to the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for Co-operation on the Uses of Atomic Energy for Mutual Defence Purposes of July 3, 1958 [With Exchange of Notes]
8 May 1959 15 May 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Austria regarding certain claims in connexion with Article 26 of the State Treaty for the re-establishment of an independent and democratic Austria of May 15, 1955
11 May 1959 11 May 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the International Atomic Energy Agency relating to the Supply of Enriched Uranium
11 May 1959 16 November 1962 Agreement on Commercial Debts owed by Residents of Turkey.
14 May 1959 14 May 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iceland respecting the Repayment of the Debt by the Icelandic Government to the United Kingdom Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
14 May 1959 14 May 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Greece on the Final Settlement of the Diverted Cargoes Claims
19 May 1959 15 July 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic extending to the Island of Jersey the Social Security Convention signed at Paris on 10 July, 1956
21 May 1959 21 May 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Greece respecting the Repayment of the Debt by the United Kingdom to the Greek Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
22 May 1959 22 May 1959 Cancellation of re-imposition of Visas for entry into Cyprus [Sweden]
22 May 1959 22 May 1959 Cancellation of re-imposition of Visas for entry into Cyprus [Switzerland]
22 May 1959 22 May 1959 Cancellation of re-imposition of Visas for entry into Cyprus [Iceland]
22 May 1959 22 May 1959 Cancellation of re-imposition of Visas for entry into Cyprus [Denmark]
22 May 1959 22 May 1959 Cancellation of re-imposition of Visas for entry into Cyprus [Luxembourg]
22 May 1959 22 May 1959 Cancellation of re-imposition of Visas for entry into Cyprus [Norway]
22 May 1959 22 May 1959 Cancellation of re-imposition of Visas for entry into Cyprus (Netherlands]
22 May 1959 22 May 1959 Cancellation of re-imposition of Visas for entry into Cyprus [Italy]
24 May 1959 24 May 1959 Five Year Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
30 May 1959 3 November 1958 Exchange of Letters about the legal status of the Joint Military Training Mission
8 June 1959 8 June 1959 Exchange Of Notes Between The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland And The Government Of India Constituting An Agreement To Amend Schedules I And II to the Air Services Agreement Dated 1st December, 1951
8 June 1959 8 June 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Lebanese Republic amending the Schedule of Routes annexed to the Air Services Agreement of August 15, 1951
10 June 1959 11 June 1959 Exchange of Notes concerning a Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan during the Financial Year ending March 31, 1960
13 June 1959 Agreement on Technical Matters relating to the Agreement on Commercial Matters owed by Residents of Turkey of May 11 1959 (with Annex)
13 June 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Turkish Republic on Technical Matters relating to the Agreement on Commercial Debts Owed by Residents of Turkey of May 11, 1959
18 June 1959 13 November 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of South Africa for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion in Regard to Income imposed in the Union of South Africa and in Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland
22 June 1959 1 July 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America extending for a period of five years from July 1, 1959 the Agreement regarding Technical Assistance for British Guiana constituted by an Exchange of Notes dated June 29/July 12, 1954
23 June 1959 23 June 1959 Exchange of Notes permitting the United States to establish a 'LORAN' Station (Long- Range Aid to Navigation) on Jamaica.
24 June 1959 1 July 1959 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia on the Mutual Recognition of Aircrew Licences
27 June 1959 1 February 1960 Convention for the Exchange of Postal Money Orders with Saint Christopher, Nevis and Anguilla
1 July 1959 4 August 1960 Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Atomic Energy Agency
7 July 1959 7 July 1959 Protocol to the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund for the rendering of assistance in any Territory for whose international relations the Government of the United Kingdom are responsible signed at London on October 7, 1953
13 July 1959 15 July 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Hungarian Government Terminating the Anglo-Hungarian Payments Agreement of August 6-12, 1946
27 July 1959 Public Officers Agreement Between The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland And The Government Of The Federation Of Malaya
28 July 1959 1 March 1960 Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Finland on Social Security
3 August 1959 1 July 1963 Agreement on the Abrogation of the Conventions and the Agreement signed at Bonn on 26 May 1952, concerning Rights and Obligations, Financing and Tax Treatment of the Foreign Forces in the Federal Republic of Germany, as amended by the Protocol on the Termination of the Occupation Regime, signed at Paris on October 23, 1954 (Known as 'Abrogation Agreement')
3 August 1959 1 July 1963 Agreement to Supplement the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) regarding the Status of their Forces with respect to Foreign Forces stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany (Also Known as the 'Supplementary Agreement') (With Protocol of Signature)
3 August 1959 1 July 1963 Agreement to implement paragraph 5 of Article 45 of the Agreement to Supplement the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forces with respect to Foreign Forces stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany (Known as 'Implementary Agreement') (With Protocol of Signature and Annex)
3 August 1959 1 July 1963 Administrative Agreement to Article 60 of the Agreement to supplement the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forces with respect to Foreign Forces stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany (Known as 'Administrative Agreement')
3 August 1959 1 July 1963 Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the Conduct of Manoeuvres and other Training Exercises in the Soltau-Luengourg Area (known as 'SOLTAU' agreement)
3 August 1959 1 July 1963 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal Republic of Germany on the settlement of Disputes arising out of Direct Procurement
3 August 1959 Agreement between India and Argentina regarding Trade Payments ( barley , maize , wheat , hessians )
11 August 1959 Exchange of Notes. Extension of the Turtle Fishing Treaty of 1916 [VI-227-111] until December 31 1960 [- Refers to fishing by ther Cayman Islanders]
12 August 1959 25 November 1958 Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of New Zealand
14 August 1959 1 November 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany regarding the re-application or extension to certain United Kingdom dependent territories of the Convention concerning Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at London on March 20, 1928
15 August 1959 Exchange Of Notes Between The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland And The Government Of The Republic Of Ireland Amending The Air Services Agreement Of 5th April, 1946
24 August 1959 25 August 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Practical Application of the Agreement of June 25, 1956 for the Addition to the Bahamas Long Range Proving Ground of Sites in Ascension Island
27 August 1959 1 March 1960 Convention on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark
7 September 1959 7 September 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan postponing Payment of the Second Instalment of the debt incurred by Jordan on the Termination of the Treaty of Alliance of March 15, 1948
9 September 1959 9 September 1959 Agreed Minute and Annexes concerning Financial Provisions
9 September 1959 1 June 1961 Convention on Social Insurance between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey (With Exchange of Notes)
11 September 1959 Loans Agreement with Bailey ( Malta ) Ltd
15 September 1959 15 September 1959 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and the Union of South Africa supplementary to the Air Services Agreement of 26:10:1945.
15 September 1959 Agreement regarding Air Services Across the Southern Indian Ocean to Australia
21 September 1959 1 January 1959 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement concerning financial arrangements for the defence of Fiji
24 September 1959 1 October 1959 International Coffee Agreement
28 September 1959 1 October 1959 Exchange of Notes prolonging for one year Articles 15 and 19(a) to (d) of the Agreement on Trade and Payments of 21 May 1948.
29 September 1959 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Brunei
29 September 1959 Agreement concerning Defence and External Affairs
29 September 1959 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Brunei about Associated States
1 October 1959 2 January 1959 Arrangement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic for Visa Abolition for day trips by Air. (Expires 19:04:1960)
6 October 1959 6 October 1959 Technical Agreement between Atomic Energy of Canada Limited and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) concerning Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
6 October 1959 18 November 1959 Agreement between the Government of Canada and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
16 October 1959 16 October 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany regarding German War Graves in the United Kingdom
22 October 1959 1 November 1959 Trade Agreement (with Guinea)
23 October 1959 1 November 1959 Customs Clearance arrangement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands for British forces, Civilian Components and their dependents. Implements Article II of the NATO Status of Forces Agreement
26 October 1959 5 November 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Thailand amending Section I of the Schedule of Routes annexed to the Air Services Agreement of November 10, 1950
30 October 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of South Africa, with Rhodesia and Nyasaland, amending the Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
4 November 1959 29 December 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel amending the Air Services Agreement of December 6, 1950
12 November 1959 12 November 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Federal Council concerning an Amendment to the Revised Route Schedules annexed to the Air Services Agreement signed in London on April 5, 1950
13 November 1959 1 January 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Mexico concerning the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
16 November 1959 1 November 1959 Trade Agreement (Tunisia)
17 November 1959 17 May 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic extending the validity of the Air Services Agreement of May 17, 1946
19 November 1959 26 September 1961 Convention placing the International Poplar Commission within the Framework of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
20 November 1959 16 November 1960 Agreement for the Establishment on a Permanent Basis of a Latin America Forest Research and Training Institute under the Auspices of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
21 November 1959 1 July 1960 Supplementary Convention on Social Insurance between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Federal Council
25 November 1959 Protocol concerning the accession of Greece, Norway and Sweden to the Convention concerning Student Employees signed in Brussels on April 17, 1950
1 December 1959 1 December 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Relations in the Scientific, Technological, Educational and Cultural Fields 1960-61 [with Communique]
1 December 1959 23 June 1961 The Antarctic Treaty
7 December 1959 Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with respect to Taxes on Income in the Union of South Africa, and in Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda and Zanzibar
8 December 1959 18 December 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan concerning the Disposal of the Special Fund
8 December 1959 Exchange of letters with Canada concerning Social Security
14 December 1959 28 June 1960 Cultural Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Iraq
14 December 1959 27 November 1961 European Convention on the Academic Recognition of University Qualifications
16 December 1959 30 December 1959 Exchange of Notes concerning Import of Wines produced in Cyprus into the Federal Republic of Germany
21 December 1959 1 January 1961 International Telecommunications Convention
23 December 1959 1 January 1960 Protocol to the Convention on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic signed at Paris on the 10th July, 1956, relating to French Supplementary Allowances
23 December 1959 Exchange of Notes. Extension of the Turtle Fishing Treaty of 1916 [VI-227-111] Until June 30 1960 [Refers to fishing by the Cayman Islanders]
1 January 1960 Boundary Agreement between Fujaira and Muscat
1 January 1960 Boundary Agreement between Abu Dhabi and Muscat
1 January 1960 Federal Development Loan and Guarantee Fund for the West Indies
4 January 1960 3 May 1960 Convention Establishing the European Free Trade Association
4 January 1960 3 May 1960 Protocol relating to the Application of the Convention Establishing the European Free Trade Association to the principality of Liechtenstein
7 January 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Nations Special Fund concerning Assistance from the Special Fund
15 January 1960 15 January 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic for Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories
15 January 1960 Supplementary Protocol No. 3 Amending the European Monetary Agreement ( OEEC ) of 5 August 1955
19 January 1960 29 March 1961 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Spain for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy [with Exchange of Notes]
20 January 1960 30 December 1958 Exchange of Notes terminating with effect from 30 December 1958 the Agreement of 31 October 1956 concerning Currency Exchange Rates
20 January 1960 Exchange of Notes concerning a Reaffirmation of Intention to Fulfill Obligations to the United Kingdom in accordance with the Agreement on the Consolidation of Debts of 25:11:1957
27 January 1960 27 January 1960 Trade Arrangement providing a basis for trade for three years
28 January 1960 4 February 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Exchange of Notes of January 30/February 3, 1958 concerning the sale of fruit and fruit products
28 January 1960 30 November 1961 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning Contracts of Insurance and Contracts of Treaties of Reinsurance
29 January 1960 24 September 1960 Articles of Agreement of the International Development Association
30 January 1960 1 January 1960 Agreed Minute concerning Trade
5 February 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Spain regarding Air Services [with Schedules and amending Exchanges of Notes]
9 February 1960 1 November 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany regarding the re-application or extension to certain United Kingdom dependent territories of the Convention concerning Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at London on March 20, 1928
9 February 1960 Air Traffic Arrangement (with Afghanistan)
15 February 1960 15 February 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America on the Setting up of a Ballistic Missile Early Warning Station in the United Kingdom
23 February 1960 25 February 1960 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Kuwait on Visa Abolition
23 February 1960 1 September 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals signed at Bonn on February 23, 1960, together with an Exchange of Notes of July 16, 1960 bringing the Agreement into Force
1 March 1960 1 April 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Turkey constituting an Agreement for the Abolition of Visas
2 March 1960 EEC Agreement relating to the determination of part of the Common Customs Tariff in respect of the products in list G as provided in the Treaty establishing the EEC - Protocol XVII relating to Flying Machines and Parts thereof
3 March 1960 29 March 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics amending the Air Services Agreement signed at London on December 19, 1957
18 March 1960 18 April 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Bolivia regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
23 March 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway extending to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed at London on May 2, 1951
24 March 1960 24 March 1960 Arrangements between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic for no-passport excursions on:- (a) Sea & Air between France and the Channel Islands (b) Sea & Air between France and the United Kingdom
29 March 1960 2 May 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ireland on Social
1 April 1960 10 April 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium concerning Arrangements to Facilitate Travel between the United Kingdom and Belgium
1 April 1960 10 April 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg concerning Arrangements to Facilitate Travel between the United Kingdom and Luxembourg
1 April 1960 10 April 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning the Arrangements to Facilitate Travel between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
1 April 1960 12 July 1960 Guarantee Agreement concerning Southern Rhodesia African Agricultural Projec (with annexed Loan Regulations No.4, Loan Agreement between the Bank and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and Project Agreement between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Colony of Southern Rhodesia).
1 April 1960 12 July 1960 Guarantee Agreement (Southern Rhodesia African Agriculture Project)
4 April 1960 26 October 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the state of Israel on Extradition
8 April 1960 3 May 1960 Agreement on Agriculture between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark
9 April 1960 9 April 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iran concerning the Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income derived from Air Transport Services
9 April 1960 Agreement on Desert Locust Control, Plan of Operation
12 April 1960 12 April 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Peoples Republic of Yugoslavia regarding the Import of British Books and Films into Yugoslavia
13 April 1960 13 April 1960 Exchange of Letters concerning the Offers made by the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic and by the Skoda works, Plzen in Settlement of certain Sterling Bonded Debts
13 April 1960 Trade Arrangement for 1960/1962
13 April 1960 Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic Of Ireland (Supplementing the Trade Agreement of 1938 and 1948).
20 April 1960 1 August 1961 Social Security Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany [With Protocols]
20 April 1960 1 September 1961 Convention on Unemployment Insurance between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany [With Final Protocol]
21 April 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany amending the Agreement regarding German War Graves in the United Kingdom, signed at London on October 16, 1959
22 April 1960 24 August 1961 Multilateral Agreement Relating to Certificates of Airworthiness for Imported Aircraft
26 April 1960 Agreement between Ajman and Muscat concerning the frontier between Ajman and the Bani Ka'ab Tribe
26 April 1960 Agreement between Fujairah and Muscat concerning the frontier between Fujairah and the Shihuh tribe
28 April 1960 29 July 1960 Agreement on the Temporary Importation, Free of Duty, of Medical, Surgical and Laboratory Equipment for Use on Free Loan in Hospitals and other Medical Institutions for Purposes of Diagnosis or Treatment [ETS No. 33]
2 May 1960 27 January 1966 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Imperial Government of Iran for Air Services between and Beyond their respective territories
4 May 1960 4 May 1960 Exchange of Notes concerning a Loan by Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the Financial Year Ending March 3, 1961
4 May 1960 Exchange of Notes about deferment of loan repayments to the United Kingdom
13 May 1960 13 May 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Spain regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
16 May 1960 1 July 1960 Trade Agreement between the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa
16 May 1960 1 July 1960 Trade Agreement between the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa
16 May 1960 Trade Agreement between Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa
19 May 1960 Additional Amending Regulations with respect to the Health Part of the Aircraft General Declaration of the International Sanitary Regulations
20 May 1960 20 May 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark regarding Co-operation in the Promotion and Development of the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
20 May 1960 1 July 1960 Trade Arrangement
23 May 1960 23 May 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People's Republic of Poland modifying the Agreement for the Settlement of Outstanding Financial Questions signed on June 24, 1946
24 May 1960 24 May 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Kuwait for Air Services between and Beyond their respective territories
25 May 1960 25 May 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America extending the area of the Civil Air Terminal in Bermuda
27 May 1960 30 June 1960 Guarantee Agreement concerning Kenya and the African Agricultural Project (with Exchange of Letters, annexed Loan Regulations No.4 and Loan Agreement (African Agricultural Project) between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya).
28 May 1960 28 May 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Ruler of Dubai and H M Political Agent for the Trucial States concerning Civil Aircraft and any aircraft under the control of the Royal Air Force.
29 May 1960 29 May 1960 Air Services between Hong Kong & Seoul
2 June 1960 2 June 1960 Exchange of Notes deferring payment of #50,000 to the United Kingdom by Jordan
2 June 1960 2 June 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan modifying the Annex to the Exchange of Notes of March 13, 1957, terminating the Treaty of Alliance of March 15, 1948
4 June 1960 4 June 1960 Exchange of Letters relative to the Hearing by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council from Courts or Judges in Ghana the records in which have been registered in the Privy Council Office before 01:07:1960
7 June 1960 7 June 1960 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Malaya concerning the Tropical Fish Research Centre at Batu Beredam in the State of Malacca
7 June 1960 7 June 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federation of Malaya for the Establishment of the Tropical Fish Culture Research Institute at Batu Berendam in the State of Malacca.
17 June 1960 26 May 1965 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960
20 June 1960 7 July 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning Arrangements to Facilitate Travel between the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic
21 June 1960 6 September 1961 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the French Republic, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States of America for the Establishment of the Caribbean Organization [with annexed Statute of the Organization]
22 June 1960 1 July 1961 European Agreement on the Protection of Television Broadcasts
22 June 1960 Exchange of Notes extending until September 30, 1960 the Treaty of 1916 for the regulation of Turtle Fishing by the Cayman Islanders in Nicaraguan territorial Waters
24 June 1960 24 June 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Establishment in the Bahama Islands of a Long Range Aid to Navigation Station
24 June 1960 26 December 1963 Consular Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal Republic of Austria [with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes]
26 June 1960 26 June 1960 Exchange of Letters concerning the continued Availability of Currency of the East African Currency Board in Somaliland for a transitional Period
26 June 1960 26 June 1960 Agreement regarding Interim Arrangements in respect of the Somaliland Scouts
26 June 1960 26 June 1960 Agreement and Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Somaliland in connexion with the Attainment of Independence by Somaliland
2 July 1960 25 October 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People's Republic of Poland concerning Civil Air Transport
3 July 1960 3 July 1960 Heads of Agreement and Exchanges of Notes (with map) relating to Sharjah and concerning the Extension of the Air Services Agreement of 15 November 1951 for a further ten years and amendments
4 July 1960 28 November 1962 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
5 July 1960 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement concerning the Colonial Stock Acts, 1877 to 1948
8 July 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of the one part and the United Nations, certain Specialised Agencies of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency of the other part for the Provision of Technical Assistance to the Trust, Non-Self-Governing and other Territories for whose International Relations the United Kingdom are responsible [With Exchange of Notes]
12 July 1960 14 June 1961 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Spain [with Exchange of Notes of 28 July 1960]
14 July 1960 14 June 1961 Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters [with Protocol of Signature]
15 July 1960 1 April 1960 Trade Arrangements for the period 1 April 1960/31 March 1961
21 July 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ireland Amending the Air Services Agreement of 5th April, 1946
22 July 1960 Air Services Agreement 1951 (Summary of Conclusions) Exchange of Letters confirming understanding reached in discussions on Air Services
28 July 1960 14 February 1961 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden for the Relief from Double Taxation with respect to Duties on the Estates of Deceased Persons
28 July 1960 14 February 1961 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
28 July 1960 22 March 1961 Protocol on the Legal Capacity, Privileges and Immunities of the European Free Trade Association
29 July 1960 1 April 1968 Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy
5 August 1960 5 August 1960 Exchange of Notes concerning the Supply of Canadian Wheat Flour for Emergency Stock-piling in the United Kingdom
6 August 1960 5 October 1960 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and South Africa amending and extending the Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income signed at London on 14 October 1946 to embrace the Governments of Cyprus, The Gambia, Grenada, Mauritius, Seychelles, Sierra Leone and Trinidad and Tobago
15 August 1960 15 August 1960 Exchange of Letters transferring to Iraq the buildings and installations of Habbaniya airfield
16 August 1960 16 August 1960 Cyprus Treaty of Guarantee
16 August 1960 16 August 1960 Treaty concerning the Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus
18 August 1960 1 September 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the State of Israel concerning the Import into Israel of British Books and Other Material of an Educational or Cultural Nature
23 August 1960 5 May 1960 Protocols renewing and amending the Agreements of June 6 1955 constituting an International Commission for the International Tracing Service and concerning the Relations between the Commission and the International Committee of the Red Cross [with Exchanges of Notes and Letters]
24 August 1960 24 August 1960 Agreed minute about subsidy, supplementary Agreed Minute, and three supporting documents. Revision of Sultan's Service and Civil Development Programme
27 August 1960 Exchange of Notes amending the Air Services Agreement between Rhodesia & Nyasaland and South Africa of 12:04:1956 & 30:05:1956
29 August 1960 29 August 1960 Agreement amending the Administrative Agreement of December 1, 1954 concerning the Arbitral Tribunal and the Mixed Commission under the Agreement of February 27, 1953 on German External Debts
1 September 1960 3 September 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth of Australia relating to an Assisted Passage Migration Scheme signed at London on 1 April 1957
1 September 1960 21 February 1962 Second International Tin Agreement
6 September 1960 6 September 1960 Exchange Of Notes Between The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland And The Government Of Canada Amending The Schedule Of Routes Annexed To The Air Services Agreement Of August 19, 1949
19 September 1960 12 January 1961 The Indus Basin Development Fund Agreement
21 September 1960 12 November 1960 Agreement for the Mutual Safe-Guarding of Secrecy of Inventions relating to Defence and for which applications for Patents have been made
5 October 1960 5 October 1960 Agreement relating to the teaching of English
6 October 1960 2 December 1960 Public Officers Agreement between the United Kingdom and Trinidad and Tobago
6 October 1960 15 March 1962 Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Packings
7 October 1960 7 October 1960 Arrangement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan regarding the Settlement of Certain British Claims [with Exchange of Notes]
14 October 1960 14 October 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics amending the Air Services Agreement signed at London on December 19, 1957
14 October 1960 14 October 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Establishment, for Scientific Purposes, of a Space Vehicle Tracking and Communications Station in the Island of Zanzibar
19 October 1960 19 October 1960 Communications - Tracking Station in Nigeria
19 October 1960 Exchange of Notes amending the Air Services Agreement between Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa of 12:04:1956 and 30:05:1956.
19 October 1960 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement amending the Air Services Agreement of 12:04:1956 and 30:05:1956 concerning the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland - South Africa.
19 October 1960 Exchange of Notes Amending the Air Services Agreement between Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa of 12:04:1956 and 30:05:1956
21 October 1960 21 October 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Chile concerning a Loan to Chile of #2,000,000
25 October 1960 3 May 1961 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic concerning Civil Aviation
31 October 1960 31 October 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark extending to the Faroe Islands the Convention of March 27, 1950 for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
31 October 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark amending the Annex to the Exchange of Notes of January 17, 1959, extending to certain British overseas territories the Convention of March 27, 1950 for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
9 November 1960 5 September 1962 Agreement on the Status of the Central Treaty Organization, National Representatives and International Staff with Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Secretary-General of the Organization
10 November 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Romanian People's Republic relating to the Settlement of Financial Matters [with an Exchange of Notes]
17 November 1960 3 March 1961 Fishery Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway [with Annexes and Exchange of Letters]
17 November 1960 17 May 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic extending the Validity of the Air Services Agreement of May 17, 1946
23 November 1960 23 November 1960 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories
1 December 1960 27 February 1961 Agreement setting up a Preparatory Commission to study the possibilities of European Collaboration in the field of Space Research
3 December 1960 8 July 1961 Cultural Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan [with Exchange of Notes]
9 December 1960 9 December 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey concerning Financial Arrangements for the period ending June 1, 1961, relating to the Agreement of February 11, 1954
9 December 1960 12 June 1962 European Convention on Customs Treatment of Pallets used in International Transport
13 December 1960 10 October 1962 Protocol as to the Transitional Period preceding the coming into force of the EUROCONTROL Convention
13 December 1960 1 March 1963 Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation (Eurocontrol)
14 December 1960 30 September 1961 Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [with Supplementary Protocols]
14 December 1960 22 May 1962 Convention against Discrimination in Education adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation at its Eleventh Session
28 December 1960 22 February 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Thai Government amending the Schedule of Routes annexed to the Air Services Agreement signed at Bangkok on November 10, 1950
1 January 1961 1 April 1961 Memorandum of conditions between the United Kingdom and the Gambia for application of the scheme for Service with Overseas Governments to the Gambia (No.17)
5 January 1961 Proposed Defence Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federation of Nigeria
9 January 1961 9 January 1961 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Relations in the Scientific, Technological, Educational and Cultural Fields, 1961-63 [with Communique]
12 January 1961 26 January 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the distribution in the Soviet Union of an English magazine in the Russian language
16 January 1961 10 November 1961 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of the Sudan for Air Services between and beyond their Respective Territories
18 January 1961 Parcel Post Agreement and regulations of Execution with Hong Kong
20 January 1961 20 January 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning Space Vehicle Tracking Stations in the United Kingdom
24 January 1961 15 February 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Peoples Republic of Yugoslavia amending the Exchange of Notes of April 12, 1960 concerning the Import of British Books and Films into Yugoslavia
24 January 1961 15 February 1961 Exchange of Notes amending the Exchange of Notes of April 12, 1960, concerning the Import of British Books and Films into Yugoslavia.
26 January 1961 26 January 1961 Agreement concerning Cooperation between the International Labour Organisation and the European Atomic Energy Community
2 February 1961 14 February 1961 Exchange of Notes Amending the 1960 Trade Agreement between the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa
2 February 1961 14 February 1961 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement to amend the Trade Agreement between the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa dated 15 May 1960
3 February 1961 16 February 1961 Exchange of Notes amending Schedule I to the Air Services Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Peru signed at Lima on December 22, 1947
9 February 1961 15 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Icelandic Government concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for travel between the United Kingdom and Iceland
14 February 1961 15 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic concerning Arrangements to Facilitate Travel between the United Kingdom and France
15 February 1961 15 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Spain concerning the Acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for Travel between the United Kingdom and Spain
15 February 1961 2 June 1961 Exchange of Notes betweenthe Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Thailand amending the Schedule of Routes annexed to the Air Serivices Agreemen t of November 10, 1950
16 February 1961 20 February 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations concerning the Desert Locust Information Service
16 February 1961 30 December 1971 Agreement revising the Agreement signed at The Hague on 6 June, 1947 concerning the Establishment of an International Patents Bureau
20 February 1961 20 February 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passports for travel between the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany
21 February 1961 15 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgian Government Concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for Travel between the United Kingdom and Belgium
21 February 1961 15 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Netherlands concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for travel between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
21 February 1961 15 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Luxembourg concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for travel between the United Kingdom and Luxembourg
21 February 1961 15 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy concerning the Acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for Travel between the United Kingdom and Italy
24 February 1961 15 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for travel between the United Kingdom and Portugal, including the Azores and Madeira
25 February 1961 1 January 1965 International Convention and Additional Protocol concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail (CIV)
25 February 1961 1 January 1965 International Convention and Additional Protocol concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM)
27 February 1961 15 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Swiss Confederation concerning Arrangements to Facilitate Travel between the United Kingdom and Switzerland and between the United Kingdom and Liechtenstein
28 February 1961 1 April 1961 Notes exchanged between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Uruguay concerning the Mutual Abolition of Visas
1 March 1961 15 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of San Marino concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for travel between the United Kingdom and San Marino
8 March 1961 1 October 1964 Consular Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty The King of the Belgians [With Protocols of Signature]
11 March 1961 11 March 1961 Exchange of Notes Settling the Fisheries Dispute between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iceland
15 March 1961 15 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Establishment, for Scientific Purposes, of a Space Vehicle Tracking and Communications Station in Bermuda
17 March 1961 Exchange of Letters (with Sri Lanka) regarding the Loan of #2,500,000 to Finance the Greater Colombo Telephone System
27 March 1961 26 June 1961 Agreement creating an Association between the Member States of the European Free Trade Association and the Republic of Finland [with Protocol]
29 March 1961 29 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning Joint Participation in Intercontinental Testing in connexion with Experimental Communications Satellites
29 March 1961 11 April 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Principality of Monaco concerning Arrangements to Facilitate Travel between the United Kingdom and Monaco
30 March 1961 13 December 1964 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961
6 April 1961 6 April 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the establishment in Canton Island of a Space Vehicle Tracking and Communications Station
6 April 1961 1 May 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Greece concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for travel between the United Kingdom and Greece
11 April 1961 Trade Agreement: Signature of Protocol Governing Quotas for 1961
17 April 1961 23 June 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic exempting from Italian Dues and Taxes, Fuels and Lubricants used by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission acting under the Agreement signed in Rome on August 27, 1953
18 April 1961 24 April 1964 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes [This is the record for the main Vienna Convention]
18 April 1961 24 April 1964 Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes, to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
24 April 1961 5 June 1963 Declaration of Understanding regarding the International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries
25 April 1961 25 April 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the Settlement of the Outstanding Claim of the United Kingdom in respect of Post-war Economic Assistance to Germany, arising out of the Agreement of February 27, 1953
2 May 1961 2 May 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany providing for Reciprocal Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Police Authorities of the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany
3 May 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Solomon Islands (No.2)
5 May 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Seychelles (No.9)
5 May 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Gibraltar (No.8)
5 May 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Tanganyika (No.5)
5 May 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Kenya
5 May 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and British Guiana (No.14)
5 May 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement (No 10) of 1961
5 May 1961 27 April 1961 Public Officers� Agreement between the Government of Sierra Leone and the Government of the United Kingdom
5 May 1961 1 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for travel between the United Kingdom and Sweden
5 May 1961 5 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland regarding the Abolition of Visas for travel between the United Kingdom and certain British Territories, and Finland
6 May 1961 1 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for travel between the United Kingdom and Norway
9 May 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Singapore (No.11)
9 May 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement No.15 of 1961
9 May 1961 1 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Chile regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
9 May 1961 23 January 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic on the mutual recognition of the Acceptability of Vehicle Rear Lights and Red Reflectors
9 May 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ireland Amending the Air Services Agreement of 5th April, 1946
10 May 1961 1 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for travel between the United Kingdom and Denmark
12 May 1961 12 May 1961 Exchange of Notes modifying the Agreement on the Consolidation of Debts between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic, signed at Buenos Aires on November 25, 1957
15 May 1961 19 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Luxembourg extending the Agreement of February 21, 1961, to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
22 May 1961 30 May 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal extending the Agreement of February 24/27, 1961, to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
23 May 1961 23 May 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgian Government extending the Agreement of February 21, 1961, to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
26 May 1961 25 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Colombia regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
29 May 1961 1 June 1961 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom and Nigeria on incorporating the Northern Cameroons into the Federation of Nigeria
29 May 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iceland extending the Agreement of February 9, 1961 to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
30 May 1961 21 September 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Federal Council extending to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with respect to taxes on income, signed at London on September 30, 1954
30 May 1961 12 April 1963 Consular Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Excellency the Head of the Spanish State
31 May 1961 Agreed Minute Extending until 01:12:1961 the Agreement concerning Financial Arrangements constituted by the Exchange of Notes of 09:12:1960
3 June 1961 3 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Greece extending the Agreement of April 6, 1961 to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
3 June 1961 3 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Spain extending the Agreement of February 15, 1961, to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
8 June 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Uganda (No.6)
8 June 1961 8 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan modifying the Annex to the Exchange of Notes of March 13, 1957, terminating the Treaty of Alliance of March 15, 1948
8 June 1961 9 March 1962 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia on the Establishment of a United Kingdom Information Agency in the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia
8 June 1961 1 July 1962 Customs convention on the Temporary Importation of Professional Equipment
8 June 1961 13 July 1962 Customs Convention concerning facilities for the importation of goods for display or use at exhibitions, fairs, meetings of similar events
9 June 1961 24 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany extending the Agreement of February 20, 1961 to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
9 June 1961 1 July 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for travel between the United Kingdom and Finland
9 June 1961 24 June 1965 Agreement on Cooperation between the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) and the Government of the United States of Brazil concerning the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
12 June 1961 6 April 1962 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway providing for the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil Matters.
13 June 1961 13 June 1961 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of New Zealand for Air Services between and beyond United Kingdom Territory and the Trust Territory of Western Samoa
15 June 1961 15 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government extending the Agreement of February 27, 1961, to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
15 June 1961 26 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic extending the Agreement of February 14, 1961, to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
19 June 1961 19 June 1961 Exchange of Notes regarding Relations between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the State of Kuwait
19 June 1961 21 March 1963 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic
21 June 1961 17 July 1962 Protocol relating to an Amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on 7 December 1944
22 June 1961 28 August 1961 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement relating to the closing of Accounts and the Payment of Adjustment Refunds in Connection with Certain Agricultural Commodities Agreements
23 June 1961 Guarantee Agreement concerning the British Guiana Credit Corporation Project (with related letter, annexed Loan Regulations No.4 and Loan Agreement between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and British Guiana).
26 June 1961 5 February 1962 International Labour Convention No.116 concerning the partial revision of the Conventions adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its first Thirty-two Sessions for the purpose of standardising the provisions regarding the preparation of reports by the governing body of the International Labour Organisation on the working of Conventions, adopted by the Conference at its fourty-fith session
26 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay prolonging the Agreement on Trade and Payments signed at Asuncion on November 21, 1955.
27 June 1961 Public Officers Agreement between the United Kingdom and Barbados
28 June 1961 1 September 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for Travel between the United Kingdom and Turkey
28 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey modifying the Visa Abolition Agreement of March 1, 1960
29 June 1961 29 June 1961 Basic Arrangements on Trade and Economic Relations (UK on behalf of Singapore)
5 July 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Fiji (No.26 of 1961)
9 July 1961 31 August 1962 (i) EEC Agreement on Measures and Procedures required for the Implementation of the Agreement establishing an Association between the EEC and Greece (ii) Agreement on the financial Protocol
12 July 1961 14 August 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany applying to any force of the Federal Republic serving in the United Kingdom the Provisions of the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation regarding the Status of their Forces, signed at London on June 19, 1951
14 July 1961 15 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of San Marino extending the Agreement of March 1-8, 1961, to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
14 July 1961 17 July 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway extending the Agreement of May 6-10, 1961, to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
14 July 1961 29 July 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Principality of Monaco extending the Agreement of March 29-April 11, 1961, to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
14 July 1961 14 June 1962 Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria for the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
15 July 1961 17 July 1961 Exchange of Notes concerning a Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the Financial Year ending March 31, 1962
17 July 1961 22 July 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of San Marino concerning a Payment made to San Marino in respect of War Damage
18 July 1961 18 July 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America on the Setting up of a Missile Defence Alarm System Station in the United Kingdom
21 July 1961 21 July 1961 Loan Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of Brazil [With Exchange of Notes]
21 July 1961 21 July 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia extending Credit Facilities to Yugoslavia in connexion with the Yugoslav Foreign Exchange Reform Programme
27 July 1961 27 July 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark extending the Agreement of May 10, 1961, to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
31 July 1961 10 July 1962 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal for the Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income derived from Sea and Air Transport
4 August 1961 Air Traffic Agreement
9 August 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Grenada (No.24)
10 August 1961 10 August 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland extending the Agreement of June 9, 1961, to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
16 August 1961 Exchange of Letters constituting an Administrative Understanding
16 August 1961 Guarantee Agreement with International Bank for Reconstruction and Development concerning Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission Project (with Loan Agreement).
25 August 1961 25 August 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden extending the Agreement of May 5, 1961 to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
25 August 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay prolonging the Agreement on Trade and Payments signed at Asuncion on November 21, 1955.
30 August 1961 13 December 1975 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness
4 September 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Malaysia (No.20)
6 September 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Dominica (No.19 of 1961)
8 September 1961 8 September 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America on Co-operation in Space Research
11 September 1961 11 September 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic amending the Route Schedules to the Air Transport Agreement, signed on February 28, 1946, and amended on January 21, 1953
18 September 1961 1 May 1964 Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air Performed by a Person other than the Contracting Carrier
26 September 1961 26 September 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on Logistic and Training Facilites for West German Forces in the United Kingdom
26 September 1961 26 September 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Operation of the Weather Station on Betio Island
27 September 1961 1 October 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Cameroon agreeing that Southern Cameroons should become part of Cameroon
5 October 1961 5 January 1964 Convention on the Conflicts of Laws relating to the form of Testamentary Dispositions
5 October 1961 24 January 1965 Convention abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents
11 October 1961 11 October 1961 Protocol to amend the Phyto Sanitary Convention for Africa South of the Sahara signed at London on July 29, 1954
12 October 1961 12 October 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway extending to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed at London on May 2, 1951
18 October 1961 26 February 1965 European Social Charter [ETS No.35]
19 October 1961 1 October 1960 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Northern Nigeria
19 October 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Malaysia (No.21)
19 October 1961 Agreement Granting the Right to Prospect For and Mine Diamonds in Basutoland
20 October 1961 22 December 1961 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Federal Council for a Loan by Switzerland to the Government of the United Kingdom
22 October 1961 22 October 1961 Exchange of Notes modifying the terms of Exchange of Notes of July 15/17, 1961, concerning a Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the Financial Year ending March 31, 1962
25 October 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey amending the Agreement concerning Financial Arrangements constituted by the Exchange of Notes of December 9, 1960
26 October 1961 18 May 1964 International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations
6 November 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and St Helena (No.35)
7 November 1961 10 November 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Exchange of Notes of May 10/13, 1957 concerning the Disposal of Surplus United States Mutual Defence Programme Equipment
7 November 1961 25 November 1961 Exchange of Letters and Memorandum. Conditions of Service of United Kingdom Personnel seconded to the Sultan's Armed Forces (See Exchange of Letters of 25.07.1958 (Muscat No 20 XIII-60-424) and Agreed Minute of 24.08.1960 (Muscat No 22. XIII-76-560)
7 November 1961 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Canada on Social Security.
10 November 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Mauritius (No.22)
14 November 1961 14 November 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and Australia constituting an Agreement concerning Customs arrangements for Civil Aircraft making non-scheduled Flights
14 November 1961 14 November 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Arab Republic concerning Exchanges of Professors, Experts and Students in the fields of Science and Education.
15 November 1961 15 November 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denark establishing a Commission of Enquiry to investigate certain incidents affecting the British trawler 'Red Crusader'
22 November 1961 22 November 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning Air Routes between The West Indies and the United States
22 November 1961 Joint Statement by the Governments of the United Kingdom and of the Federation of Malaya.
24 November 1961 24 November 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey extending the Agreement of June 28, 1961 to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
27 November 1961 27 November 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden extending to Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland the Convention of July 28, 1960, for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
27 November 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay prolonging with certain amendments the Agreement on Trade and Payments signed at Asuncion on November 21, 1955
29 November 1961 Guarantee Agreement with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development concerning the Kenya Land Settlement and Development Project (with Loan Agreement) (and Supplementary Agreement to the above, of 02:04:1964, UN Vol. 503, p.340 by I.B.R.D. on 05:08:1964)
30 November 1961 Agreed Minute Extending until 01:06:1962 the Agreement concerning Financial Arrangements constituted by the Exchange of Notes of 09:12:1960
2 December 1961 10 August 1968 International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants
5 December 1961 5 December 1961 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland for the Mutual Recognition of Tonnage Certificates of Merchant Ships
6 December 1961 30 July 1963 Customs Convention on the 'A.T.A. Carnet' for the Temporary Admission of Goods
9 December 1961 14 December 1961 Exchange of Letters between the President of the EURATOM Commission and the Director General of the FAO
9 December 1961 Agreement between Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda on the establishment of the East African Common Services Organisation
9 December 1961 Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern on behalf of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika on the establishment of the East African Common Services Organisation.
9 December 1961 Agreement between Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda on the establishment of the East African Common Services Organisation
9 December 1961 Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (on behalf of Kenya and Uganda) and Tanganyika for the establishment of the East African Common Services Organisation (with Annexed Constitution of the said Organisation)
12 December 1961 Supplementary Protocol No.4 amending the European Monetary Agreement of August 5, 1955
15 December 1961 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and St Kitts Nevis Anguilla (No.28)
16 December 1961 16 December 1961 Fourth Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe Provisions concerning the European Court of Human Rights
16 December 1961 17 January 1962 European Agreement on Travel by Young Persons on Collective Passports between the member countries of the Council of Europe
16 December 1961 Protocol concerning the accession of Denmark and other Members of the Council of Europe to the Convention concerning Student Employees, signed in Brussels on April 17, 1950
2 January 1962 1 April 1961 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Nyasaland concerning Employment of certain Officers in the Public Service of Nyasaland
5 January 1962 1 October 1960 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Eastern Nigeria
11 January 1962 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Northern Rhodesia concerning the Employment of certain Officers in the Public Service of Northern Rhodesia
16 January 1962 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and the West Indies Associated States (No.36)
19 January 1962 European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (with Protocol of signature)
23 January 1962 1 April 1962 Agreement on certain measures to facilitate Customs Clearance of products covered by the ECSC treaty carried by rail
24 January 1962 Romania: Agreed Minute on Trade
26 January 1962 Annual Trade Agreement (Hungary)
5 February 1962 1 January 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia regarding the import of British books and films into Yugoslavia
20 February 1962 28 October 1966 International Agreement regarding the Maintenance of Certain Lights in the Red Sea
21 February 1962 21 February 1962 Protocol prolonging the agreement setting up a Preparatory Commission to study the possibilities of European Collaboration in the field of Space Research
28 February 1962 1 May 1962 Agreement between the Postal Administrations of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan concerning the Exchange of Money Orders
7 March 1962 Interim Agreement relating to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
13 March 1962 3 April 1962 Agreement with the International Development Association ( with annexed Development Credit Agreement between Swaziland and Development Credit Regulations No.1 ) relating to assistance to be supplied to Swaziland in carrying out the terms of the said Credit Agreement
14 March 1962 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Tanganyika
16 March 1962 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and St Vincent (No.29)
20 March 1962 20 March 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic concerning the Agreement on certain Inter-Governmental Debts signed at London on September 28, 1949
21 March 1962 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement
21 March 1962 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Swaziland (No.31)
21 March 1962 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Lesotho (No.32)
24 March 1962 Exchange of Letters. Cultural Relations. A British Council programme.
27 March 1962 Exchange of Notes extending the Assisted Passage Agreement until 28 May 1962
29 March 1962 29 February 1964 Convention for the Establishment of a European Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers with Protocols
29 March 1962 Agreement between Canada and the EEC and the Member States of that Community with respect to ordinary Wheat
2 April 1962 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement (No.33 of 1962)
2 April 1962 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement No.34 of 1962
5 April 1962 5 April 1962 Air Services Agreement between and beyond the respective territories plus Schedule [SIERRA LEONE]
11 April 1962 1 June 1962 Notes Exchanged between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Uruguay extending the Mutual Abolition of Visas to certain territories for whose international relations the United Kingdom Government are responsible
11 April 1962 18 May 1967 Amendments to Articles I-X, XIV, XVI and XVIII and Annexes A and B to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, signed at London on 12 May 1954
13 April 1962 Protocol on the setting-up of the European Schools with reference to the Statute of the European School
19 April 1962 1 August 1962 International Wheat Agreement, 1962
26 April 1962 26 April 1962 Agricultural Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning Fiji
26 April 1962 30 May 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Honduras agreeing to the Abolition of Visas
7 May 1962 7 May 1962 Exchange of Letters concerning Reciprocal Staging and Overflying Rights
9 May 1962 9 May 1962 Protocol establishing a Preparatory Group with a view to the creation of a European Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers with Supplementary Agreement
14 May 1962 15 June 1962 European Agreement on Mutual Assistance in the Matter of Special Medical Treatments and Climatic Facilities (ETS No.038)
14 May 1962 14 October 1962 European Agreement on the Exchanges of Blood-Grouping Reagents
25 May 1962 30 May 1962 Exchange of Notes concerning a Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the Financial Year ending March 31, 1963
28 May 1962 28 May 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning an Amendment signed at London on July 22, 1955
28 May 1962 1 June 1962 Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Australia relating to a Assisted Passage Migration Scheme
28 May 1962 27 September 1962 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of South Africa for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
6 June 1962 6 June 1962 Agreed Minute between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the Currency Difficulties arising from the Maintenance of British Forces on the Continent of Europe
6 June 1962 13 April 1963 Arrangements for the Regulation of Antarctic Pelagic Whaling
14 June 1962 20 March 1964 Convention for the Establishment of a European Space Research Organisation
19 June 1962 19 June 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia terminating the Agreement of December 23, 1948, on Money and Property subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of Yugoslavia
21 June 1962 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Jamaica (No.39)
22 June 1962 22 May 1963 Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
23 June 1962 23 June 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey amending the Agreement concerning Financial Arrangements constituted by the Exchange of Notes of December 9, 1960
27 June 1962 28 July 1962 Exchange of Notes Terminating the Trade Agreement of 17.11.1938 and the Trade Agreement of 30.10.1947
27 June 1962 23 March 1963 Consular Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of Denmark with Protocols of Signature (with Memorandum of Interpretation regarding Article 31)
29 June 1962 29 June 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning a Weapons Production Programme in accordance with the terms and Conditions of the Mutual Defence Assistance Agreement signed at Washington on January 27, 1950
7 July 1962 7 August 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Tunisian Republic regarding the Abolition of Visas
10 July 1962 Arrangement of behalf of Hong Kong concerning Cotton Yarns.
11 July 1962 1 April 1961 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Trinidad and Tobago (No.38)
18 July 1962 18 September 1962 Exchange of between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic terminating the Convention respecting Postal Communications signed in London on August 30, 1890
23 July 1962 23 July 1962 Declaration and Protocol on the Neutrality of Laos
7 August 1962 7 August 1962 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Arab Republic supplementary to the Agreement of February 28 1959 concerning Financial and Commercial Relations and British Property in Egypt
8 August 1962 8 August 1962 Agreement concerning Loan of #3,575,000 (1OM) (under Section 3 (2) of the Export Credit Guarantee Act 1949)
8 August 1962 19 December 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of South Africa extending to South West Africa the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed at Cape Town on May 28, 1962
15 August 1962 1 April 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Arab Republic prolonging the Agreement signed at Cairo on November 14, 1961 concerning Exchanges of Professors, Experts and Students in the field of Science and Education
16 August 1962 1 October 1962 Agreement with Australia modifying and extending the Social Security Agreement of 19 January 1958
20 August 1962 19 September 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of El Salvador regarding the Abolition of Visas
29 August 1962 29 August 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the use of the Airfield at Wideawake in Ascension Island by aircraft of the Royal Air Force
4 September 1962 23 April 1963 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income
10 September 1962 19 April 1964 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and Pakistan and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia respecting the War Cemeteries, Graves and Memorials of the Commonwealth in Indonesian Territory
11 September 1962 15 September 1962 Exchange of Notes concerning a Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the Financial Year ending March 31, 1963
15 September 1962 11 September 1975 Protocol relating to an Amendment of Article 48(a) to the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on 7 December 1944
20 September 1962 20 September 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the Exchange of Official Publications
26 September 1962 26 September 1962 Convention on Methods of administrative Co-operation implementing Articles 7 and 8 of the Agreement establishing an Association between the EEC and Greece with Exchange of Letters signed in Athens 9 July 1961
26 September 1962 13 February 1963 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the State of Israel for the avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income
28 September 1962 27 December 1963 International Coffee Agreement 1962
5 October 1962 24 June 2002 Convention establishing a European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
5 October 1962 Financial Protocol annexed to the Convention establishing a European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
10 October 1962 16 February 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia concerning the Reciprocal Abolishment of the Requirement for the Presentation of Aircraft Passenger Manifests
10 October 1962 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Uganda
10 October 1962 Agreement between Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda on the East African Common Services Organisation (Amendment to CRO 235)
10 October 1962 Amendment to the Agreement for the establishment of the East African Common Service Organisation between the United Kingdom and Tanganyika
11 October 1962 20 November 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Thailand concerning the privileges to be granted to experts provided by their respective countries under the Technical Co-operation Scheme of the Colombo Plan
16 October 1962 16 October 1962 Agreement (with annexes) between the Federation of Malaya and the United Kingdom (on behalf of Singapore) and Australia concerning the transaction of money order business between Malaya and Christmas Island.
16 October 1962 16 October 1962 Agreement (with schedules) between the Federation of Malaya and the United Kingdom (on behalf of Singapore) and Australia concerning the exchange of postal parcels subject to trade charges between Malaya and Christmas Island.
16 October 1962 Agreement (with schedule) between the Federation of Malaya and the United Kingdom (on behalf of Singapore) concerning the exchange of parcels by parcel post between Malaya and Christmas Island
24 October 1962 Notes Exchanged between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Uruguay extending to Antigua the arrangements for the Mutual Abolition of Visas
25 October 1962 25 October 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the establishment of a Peace Corps in North Borneo
25 October 1962 25 October 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the establishment of a Peace Corps in Sarawak
27 October 1962 1 November 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Lebanese Republic revising the Schedule to the Air Services Agreement signed at Beirut, August 15, 1951
29 October 1962 Sugar Purchase Agreement. Exchange of Letters confirming arrangements under Draft Sugar Purchase Agreement.
1 November 1962 1 November 1962 Promissory Notes constituting a Loan
2 November 1962 2 December 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan regarding the Abolition of Visas
7 November 1962 1 October 1960 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Western Nigeria
13 November 1962 1 October 1964 Convention to Amend the Treaty Setting Up the European Economic Community with the object of making the Special System of Association defined in part four of that Treaty Applicable to the Netherlands Antilies, with Protocol concerning Imports into the European Community of Petroleum Products refined in the Netherlands Antillies and Final Act.
14 November 1962 4 May 1963 Treaty of Commerce, Establishment and Navigation between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Japan [with Protocols and Exchanges of Notes]
19 November 1962 Between Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and Portugal). Convention in respect of the Beira- Feruka Oil Pipeline and Exchange of Notes in respect of the continued application of the Convention by the Government of Southern Rhodesia
19 November 1962 Agreement on Extradition between the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Malawi) and South Africa.
19 November 1962 Extradition Agreement between the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa.
19 November 1962 Agreement on Extradition between the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa.
21 November 1962 24 November 1962 Amendment No.2 of the Agreement for the establishment of the East African Common Services Organisation between the United Kingdom and Tanganyika
23 November 1962 19 April 1963 Second Protocol prolonging the Agreement setting up a Preparatory Commission to study the possibilities of European collaboration in the field of Space Research.
24 November 1962 Further amendment to Agreement between Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda on the East African Common Services Organisation of 09:12:1961
26 November 1962 26 November 1962 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Kuwait abrogating the Treaty of 29:07:1911
27 November 1962 27 November 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic revising the Route Schedules annexed to the Air Services Agreement signed at Rome on June 25, 1948
27 November 1962 Exchange of Letters constituting an Agreement for the supply of arms and military equipment for defence against Chinese aggression
28 November 1962 1 January 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia relating to the import of British books and films into Yugoslavia
29 November 1962 29 November 1962 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the Development and Production of a Civil Supersonic Transport Aircraft
30 November 1962 30 November 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government fo the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Vietnam concerning the Exchange of Official Publications
6 December 1962 6 March 1963 Agreement for an exchange of Money Orders between the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and the Commonwealth of Australia
7 December 1962 1 January 1963 Trade Arrangement for 1963/1965 Exchange of Letters and Quotas
10 December 1962 10 December 1962 Agreement Supplementary to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
10 December 1962 9 December 1964 Convention on consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages
17 December 1962 27 December 1963 Agreement between the member States of the Council of Europe on the issue to Military and Civilian War-Disabled of an International Book of Vouchers for the repair of Prosthetic and Orthopaedic Appliances
17 December 1962 15 February 1967 Convention on the Liability of Hotel-Keepers concerning the Property of their Guests [ETS No. 41]
20 December 1962 20 December 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic concerning the Agreement on certain Inter-Governmental Debts signed at London on September 28, 1949
20 December 1962 27 December 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands extending to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed at London on October 15, 1948
20 December 1962 Agreement on Trade and Economic Co-operation with Tanganyika
27 December 1962 27 December 1962 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey amending the Agreement concerning Financial Arrangements constituted by the Exchange of Notes of December 9, 1960
1 January 1963 Documents concerning New Zealand forces serving in Malaya
3 January 1963 9 January 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Thailand concerning the Exchange of Official Publications
9 January 1963 12 August 1970 Extradition Treaty between Her Majesty The Queen in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria
18 January 1963 18 January 1963 Air Traffic Agreement with Federal Republic of Germany
21 January 1963 1 January 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Mexico extending to British Honduras the Agreement concerning the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas constituted by the Exchange of Notes of November 13, 1959
21 January 1963 21 January 1963 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Relations in the Scientific, Technological, Educational and Cultural Fields, 1963-1965
24 January 1963 24 January 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia constituting an agreement to amend the Schedule to the Air Services Agreement dated 7th February, 1958
31 January 1963 4 December 1974 Convention Supplementary to the Paris Convention of 29 July 1960 on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy with Additional Protocol
7 February 1963 7 February 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Libya postponing the Review of the Treaty of Friendship and Alliance, the Military Agreement and the Financial Agreement signed at Benghazi on July 29, 1953
9 February 1963 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement relating to the Re-siting of the UK Instrument Flying Area in Cyprus.
27 February 1963 11 March 1963 Exchange of Letters Amending the Trade Agreement of 16:05:1960 between the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa
27 February 1963 11 March 1963 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement to Amend the Trade Agreement between the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa dated 16:05:1960, as Amended
6 March 1963 6 March 1963 Trade Agreement between Ceylon and the Maldive Islands
7 March 1963 14 March 1963 Exchange of Notes concerning a Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the Financial Year ending March 31, 1963
17 March 1963 19 March 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan modifying the Annex to the Exchange of Notes of March 13, 1957, terminating the Treaty of Alliance of March 15, 1948
2 April 1963 2 April 1963 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Burma for the Supply of Cotton Yarns to the Union of Burma, partially against Raw Cotton to be delivered from the United States of America under the United States Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act Programme
2 April 1963 2 April 1963 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, acting in respect of Hong Kong, and the Government of the Union of Burma, for the Supply of Cotton Yarns to be delivered from the United States of America under the United States Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act Programme
3 April 1963 Exchange of Letters relating to Appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
5 April 1963 1 April 1963 Culture. One-year programme of exchanges.
6 April 1963 6 April 1963 Polaris Sales Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America
11 April 1963 1 April 1963 Cultural Relations. Further programme for two years [See 24:03:1962] [CR 60912/11 1963].
11 April 1963 Notes between United Kingdom and Dubai Petroleum Company also Correspondence about transfer of 22 and a half per cent of Concession (BT 1534/13/1964 etc).
17 April 1963 17 April 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic amending the Protocol concerning the New Hebrides signed at London on August 6, 1914
24 April 1963 19 March 1967 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations with Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes and Optional Protocol concerning Acquisition of Nationality
24 April 1963 19 March 1967 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations with Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes and Optional Protocol concerning Acquisition of Nationality ( This record is for the Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes)
25 April 1963 27 April 1963 Exchange of Notes concerning a Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the Financial Year ending March 31, 1964
26 April 1963 29 March 1966 Extradition Treaty between Her Majesty the Queen in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of Sweden
1 May 1963 Purchase by the Board of Trade of Promissory Notes
6 May 1963 28 March 1968 Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality [ETS No. 43]
6 May 1963 21 September 1970 Protocol No. 3 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, amending Articles 29, 30 and 34 of the Convention
6 May 1963 21 September 1970 Protocol No. 2 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, conferring upon the European Court of Human Rights competence to give Advisory Opinions
8 May 1963 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Jamaica amending the Public Officers Agreement of 1961
10 May 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Technical Assistance Board of the United Nations, amending the Agreement for the Provision of Technical Assistance to the Trust, Non-Self-Governing and other Territories for whose International Relations the United Kingdom are responsible, signed at New York on July 8, 1960
11 May 1963 11 May 1963 Protocol to the Agreement on Agriculture between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark signed in London on April 8, 1960
15 May 1963 15 May 1963 Exchange of Letters recording an Agreement relating to the Import of Butter into the United Kingdom
16 May 1963 3 July 1963 Guarantee Agreement concerning the Singapore Power Project (with annexed Loa Regulations No.4 and Loan Agreement between the State of Singapore and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
16 May 1963 11 July 1963 Guarantee Agreement concerning the Edwaleni Power Project (with annexed Loan Regulations No.4, Loan Agreement between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Swaziland, and Project Agreement between the Bank and Swaziland Electricity Board)
17 May 1963 17 May 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Laos regarding Economic Aid to Laos
21 May 1963 12 November 1977 Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage
21 May 1963 Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes
28 May 1963 1 July 1963 Trade Arrangement
29 May 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey deleting the New Hebrides from the Annex to the Visa Abolition Agreement of March 1, 1960
2 June 1963 2 June 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Kuwait revising the Route Schedules annexed to the Air Services Agreement signed on May 24, 1960
5 June 1963 5 June 1963 Loan Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic [with Exchange of Notes]
5 June 1963 31 July 1963 Amendment to Article IV of the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for Co-operation in the Civil Uses of Atomic Energy signed at Washington on June 15, 1955
6 June 1963 1 July 1963 Agreement concerning the provision of treatment in Singapore hospitals of Asian residents of Christmas Island
17 June 1963 17 June 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey amending the Agreement concerning Financial Arrangements constituted by the Exchange of Notes of December 9, 1960
20 June 1963 17 March 1964 International Olive Oil Agreement 1963
21 June 1963 21 June 1963 Third Protocol prolonging the Agreement setting up a Preparatory Commission to study the possibilities of European collaboration in the field of Space Research.
21 June 1963 30 June 1964 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with respect to Duties on the Estates of Deceased Persons
27 June 1963 27 June 1963 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Nations for the Provision of Operational and Executive Personnel to Overseas Territories of the United Kingdom (O.P.E.X.) [with Exchange of Letters]
27 June 1963 Sugar Agreement
9 July 1963 Public Officers Agreement between the United Kingdom and Malaysia in respect of Singapore
15 July 1963 29 April 1966 Protocol to extend the provisions of the International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries signed at Washington on 8 February 1949 to Harp and Hood Seals
25 July 1963 25 July 1963 Commonwealth Telegraphs Agreement
29 July 1963 29 July 1963 Agreement on Commercial and Economic Co-operation between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Cameroon with Protocol and Exchange of Letters
30 July 1963 30 July 1963 EEC Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting in Council adopting certain Measures regarding the Importation of Greek Wine into the Community
1 August 1963 1 January 1964 Protocol for the Prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement of 1958
5 August 1963 10 October 1963 Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water [London version]
5 August 1963 Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water [Washington version]
5 August 1963 Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water [Moscow version]
7 August 1963 Agreement concerning Cloves [concerns Zanzibar]
20 August 1963 15 July 1964 Agreement for Cultural Co-operation between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Cameroon
20 August 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Federal Council extending to certain British overseas territories the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with respect to Taxes on Income, signed at London on September 30, 1954
27 August 1963 1 October 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Swiss Confederation concerning Arrangements to Facilitate Travel between the United Kingdom and Switzerland
27 August 1963 19 November 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of The Netherlands concerning the Graves of Netherlands Servicemen who died in the United Kingdom during the Second World War
28 August 1963 28 August 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Exchange of Notes of May 10/13, 1957 concerning the Disposal of Surplus United States Mutual Defence Programme Equipment
28 August 1963 22 November 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic revising the Route Schedules annexed to the Air Services Agreement signed at Rome on June 25, 1948
30 August 1963 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Singapore for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
6 September 1963 4 December 1963 Guarantee Agreement concerning Malta Electricity Board Project (with annexed Loan Regulations No.4 and Loan Agreement between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the State of Malta).
8 September 1963 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Maldive Islands regarding the re-establishment of the Maldivian Government's authority in Addu Atoll
12 September 1963 17 November 1964 (A) EEC Agreement on Measures and Procedures required for the Implementation of the Agreement establishing an Association between the Member States of th EEC, the EEC and Turkey (B) Agreement on the financial Protocol (Brussels, 2 November 1970) (C) Internal Agreement relating to the Financial Protocol (Brussels, 23 November 1970) (d) Act of Notn. & Minutes of the coming into force of (B) + (C) - (Brussels, 23 November 1970)
12 September 1963 22 March 1967 Military Service Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic [with Interpretative Exchanges of Notes]
13 September 1963 13 October 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ecuador regarding the Abolition of Visas
14 September 1963 4 December 1969 Convention on Offences and certain other Acts Committed on board Aircraft
16 September 1963 2 May 1968 Protocol No. 4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, signed at Rome on November 4, 1950
16 September 1963 Protocol No. 4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, securing certain rights and freedoms other than those already included in the Convention and in the first Protocol thereto (ETS No 046)
23 September 1963 23 September 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America extending the Agreement signed at London on March 15, 1961, for the Establishment in Bermuda of a Space Vehicle Tracking and Communications Station
23 September 1963 23 September 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America extending the Agreement signed at London on April 6, 1961, for the Establishment in Canton Island of a Space Vehicle Tracking and Communications Station
23 September 1963 6 April 1964 Guarantee Agreement concerning the Power Project (with annexed Loan Regulations No.4, Loan Agreement between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Mauritius, and Project Agreement between the Bank and the Central Electricity Board).
23 September 1963 Agreement concerning the exchange of Money Orders between the Trust Territory of Nauru and the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony
10 October 1963 14 October 1963 Exchange of Notes agreeing that Swiss and Liechtenstein citizens do not require a visa to visit Malta provided they have a valid passport and their stay does not exceed 3 months
11 October 1963 11 October 1963 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for the Establishment in the Bahama Islands of an Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Centre (with Agreed Minutes)
14 October 1963 Commercial Agreement between the EEC and the Imperial Government of Iran with Exchange of Letters of 3 October 1967
24 October 1963 2 September 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of the Lebanon constituting an Agreement for the avoidance of Double Taxation on Profits derived from Shipping and Air Transport
28 October 1963 Agreement concerning an International Observer Scheme for Factory Ships Engaged in Pelagic Whaling in the Antarctic
28 October 1963 Protocol amending the Treaty of Commerce, Establishment and Navigation between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Imperial Majesty the Shahanshah of Iran signed at Tehran, March 11, 1959
30 October 1963 30 October 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning the Safeguarding of Secrecy of Inventions relating to Defence and for which Applications for Patents have been made
31 October 1963 23 February 1968 Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the European Space Research Organisation
5 November 1963 1 July 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in respect of Jersey, and the Government of the French Republic concerning the avoidance of Double Taxation on Income derived from Sea and Air Transport
6 November 1963 6 November 1963 Arrangement on behalf of Hong Kong concerning export of Cotton Yarn to Indonesia
9 November 1963 9 November 1963 Agreement concerning the Voluntary Contributions to be given for the Execution of the Project to save the Abu Simbel Temples
18 November 1963 18 November 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic concerning the Agreement on certain Inter-Governmental Debts signed at London on 28 September 1949
18 November 1963 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Governments of Kenya, Tanganyika, and Uganda and the East African Common Services Organisation
18 November 1963 Public Officers� Agreement between Her Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Governments of Kenya, Tanganyika and Uganda and the East African Common Services Organisation.
18 November 1963 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Governments of Kenya, Tanganyika and Uganda and the East African Common Services Organisation
20 November 1963 14 April 1967 Convention to amend the Revised Convention for Rhine Navigation signed at Mannheim, on 17 October 1868.
21 November 1963 26 November 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway extending to Kenya and Zanzibar the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed at London on May 2, 1951
22 November 1963 9 May 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Trinidad and Tobago amending the Public Officers Agreement signed at London in 1960
25 November 1963 Agreement between the Government of Southern Rhodesia and the Government of Northern Rhodesia Relating to the Central African Power Corporation
25 November 1963 Agreement between the Government of Northern Rhodesia and the Government of Southern Rhodesia relating to the Central Power Corporation
27 November 1963 1 August 1980 Convention on the Unification of Certain Points of Substantive Law on Patents for Invention
29 November 1963 29 November 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (acting on their own behalf and on behalf of the Government of the Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland) and the Government of the Portuguese Republic accepting the Report of the Nyasaland- Mozambique Boundary Commission of the 27th of August, 1956
2 December 1963 Overseas Service Agreement between the United Kingdom and Tanganyika (No.40)
3 December 1963 Exchange of Notes Constituting the E.C.G.D. Credit Agreement 1963
4 December 1963 Agreement between the Government of Southern Rhodesia, the Government of Northern Rhodesia and the Government of Nyasaland relating to the Central African Airways Corporation
5 December 1963 Agreement between the Government of Southern Rhodesia, the Government of Northern Rhodesia and the Government of Nyasaland relating to the Central African Airways Corporation.
5 December 1963 Agreement between the Government of Southern Rhodesia, the Government of Northern Rhodesia and the Government of Nyasaland relating to the Central African Corporation (with annexes)
5 December 1963 Agreement between the Government of Southern Rhodesia, the Government of Northern Rhodesia and the Government of Nyasaland relating to the Central African Airways Corporation (with Annexes).
10 December 1963 Public Officers Agreement between the United Kingdom and Tanzania in respect of Zanzibar
10 December 1963 Agreement for the reference of Appeals from the Federal Court of Malaysia to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Amending the Agreement for the reference of Appeals from the Supreme Court of the Federation of Malaya to the Judicial Committee dated 04:03:1958
13 December 1963 13 December 1963 Fourth Protocol prolonging the Agreement setting up a Preparatory Commission to Study the possibilities of European collaboration in the field of Space Research
13 December 1963 18 December 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government concerning the extension of the Convention of 30:09:1954 to Rhodesia and Nyasaland until 30:05:1961 on the dissolution of the Federation
18 December 1963 1 January 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia relating to the import of British books and films into Yugoslavia
19 December 1963 Development Credit Agreement with the International Development Association concerning the Tanganyika School Construction and Equipment Project
20 December 1963 Boundary definition on the dissolution of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. 'Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia (Boundaries) Order in Council, 1963. No 2083:1963
20 December 1963 Boundary definition on the dissolution of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. 'Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia (Boundaries) Order in Council, l963 No 2083:1963.
20 December 1963 Boundary definition on the dissolution of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 'Northern and Southern Rhodesia (Boundaries) Order in Council, l963' No 2083:1963
21 December 1963 21 December 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden on Double Taxation on Income
24 December 1963 24 December 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Laos amending the Exchange of Notes regarding Economic Aid to Laos signed at Vientiane on May 17, 1963
24 December 1963 24 December 1963 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Laos regarding the creation of a Foreign Exchange Operations Fund for Laos
24 December 1963 20 February 1964 Exchanges of Notes concerning the Repayment of Loans granted by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
24 December 1963 20 February 1964 Exchange of Notes concerning request to defer six instalments of Development Loans due 1963 until 31/12/1969
24 December 1963 20 February 1964 Exchange of Notes concerning Repayment of Loans granted by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hasemite Kingdom of Jordan
24 December 1963 Exchange of Notes. Request to defer, until 01/05/1969, the instalment of #50,000 due for payment on 01/05/1963 under the ammunition agreement of 14/03/1957
27 December 1963 1 January 1964 Exchange of Notes between Australia and Southern Rhodesia constituting an Agreement relating to the continued application as between Australia and Southern Rhodesia of the Trade Agreement of 30:06:l955, as amended, between Australia and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Australian TS No.003/l955)
30 December 1963 30 December 1963 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey concerning Postponement of Repayment of Capital and Interest due from the Turkish Government on 1 October 1964 under the Agreement of 25 November 1958
30 December 1963 1 January 1964 Guarantee Agreement (Kariba Project) between the United Kingdom, Northern Rhodesia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
30 December 1963 1 January 1964 Guarantee Agreement ( Kariba Project ) between the United Kingdom, Southern Rhodesia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( IBRD )
30 December 1963 Loan Assumption Agreement concerning Rhodesia Railways Project, between Northern Rhodesia, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development the Rhodesia Railways and the United Kingdom.
30 December 1963 Guarantee Agreement concerning the Kariba Project (with related Letter and annexed Loan Regulations No.4) between the United Kingdom, Northern Rhodesia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. See also Release Agreement of 29:07:1970.
30 December 1963 Loan Assumption Agreement concerning the Rhodesia Railways Project between Southern Rhodesia, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development the Rhodesian Railways and the United Kingdom
30 December 1963 Loan Assumption Agreement concerning the Southern Rhodesia African Agricultural Project between Southern Rhodesia, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the United Kingdom.
30 December 1963 Loan Assumption Agreement concerning the Kariba Project (with related Letter between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Unite Kingdom and the Central African Power Corporation.
30 December 1963 Loan Assumption Agreement concerning the Kariba Project (with related Letter between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Unite Kingdom and the Central African Power Corporation.
30 December 1963 Guarantee Agreement concerning the Kariba Project (with related Letter and annexed Loan Regulations No.4) between the United Kingdom, Southern Rhodesia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
1 January 1964 Agreement on National Insurance 1964 (Malta)
1 January 1964 Trade Agreements between Southern Rhodesia and South Africa
3 January 1964 3 January 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of the Congo concerning a Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom to the Government of the Republic of the Congo
6 January 1964 6 January 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan concerning the transfer to Japan of the United Kingdom quota under the Arrangements for the Regulation of Antarctic Pelagic Whaling, 1962, in connexion with the sale to Japan of the 'Southern Harvester'
6 January 1964 7 January 1964 Trade Agreement between Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia
6 January 1964 Trade Agreement between Southern Rhodesia and Zambia
7 January 1964 7 January 1964 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Nyasaland
7 January 1964 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Bahama Islands
16 January 1964 16 January 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey relating to the Agreement concerning Financial Arrangements constituted by the Exchange of Notes of 9 December 1960
16 January 1964 16 January 1964 Public Officers Agreement between the United Kingdom and Kenya
16 January 1964 Exchange of Letters between H.B.M. Political Agency, Trucial States, and the Ruler of Dubai. Two off-shore concession partnership Agreements. Dubai Marine Areas and Dubai Petroleum Company.
28 January 1964 1 April 1968 Additional Protocol to the Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy
28 January 1964 4 December 1974 Additional Protocol to the Convention of 31 January 1963 Supplementary to the Paris Convention of 29 July 1960 on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy
31 January 1964 7 January 1964 Exchange of Letters between Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia Amending the Trade Agreement of 06:01:1964
31 January 1964 7 January 1964 Exchange of Letters between Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland Amending the Trade Agreement of 06:01:1964 between Southern Rhodesia and Zambia
7 February 1964 15 October 1973 Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Italy for the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters
14 February 1964 14 February 1964 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden supplementing the Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, signed at Stockholm on September 20, 1957
25 February 1964 Credit Agreement (Pakistan)
26 February 1964 1 January 1964 Cultural Relations. Programme for 1964/5 ( Czechoslovakia )
28 February 1964 2 March 1964 Exchange of Notes concerning the Final allocation of the Unallocated balance of a loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hasemite Kingdom of Jordan during the Financial Year ending March 31, 1964
5 March 1964 Exchange of Letters between H.B.M. Political Agency, Trucial States, and the Ruler of Ras al Khaimah . Off-shore oil concession partnership Agreements (two) between the Ruler and Union Oil Exploration and Production Company and the Southern Natural Gas Company.
9 March 1964 9 March 1964 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Nations extending to Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland the Agreement for Provision of Operational and Executive Personnel, signed at New York on June 27,1963
9 March 1964 18 March 1964 Protocol of Provisional Application of the Fisheries Convention, 1964 and Agreements as to Transitional Rights
9 March 1964 15 March 1966 Fisheries Convention
13 March 1964 Cultural Relations. British Council Programme for 01:04:1964 to 31:03:1966 ( Romania )
17 March 1964 British Loan Assistance to India for Balance of Payments support
19 March 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ireland amending the Air Services Agreement of 5th April, 1946
31 March 1964 31 March 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Turkish Republic modifying the Loan Agreement signed in Paris on November 25, 1958
31 March 1964 31 March 1964 Credit Agreement 1964 : Board of Trade
31 March 1964 6 April 1964 The Indus Basin Development Fund (Supplemental) Agreement 1964
4 April 1964 31 December 1963 Exchange of Letters constituting an Agreement amending the Agreement of 31 August and 21 September 1959 concerning Financial Arrangements for the Defence of Fiji [Agreement between United Kingdom acting on behalf of Fiji and New Zealand].
7 April 1964 7 April 1964 Air Services Agreement between and beyond their respective territories
7 April 1964 7 April 1964 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Portugal relative to the Construction of Connecting Railways between Swaziland and Mozambique
10 April 1964 10 April 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic concerning the Status of Previous Fisheries Agreements in relation to the Fisheries Convention opened for signature on London from March 9 to April 10 1964
13 April 1964 13 April 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the Mutual Abolition of Consular Fees on Visas
15 April 1964 15 April 1964 Exchange of Notes Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding the changes which the Government of the United Kingdom propose to introduce in the Production and Trade Policies Relating to Cereals
15 April 1964 15 April 1964 Exchange of Letters and Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Governments of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia , the Argentine Republic and the United States of America regarding the Changes which the Government of the United Kingdom propose to introduce in their Production and Trade Policies Relating to Cereals
15 April 1964 15 April 1964 Exchange of Letters regarding the Changes which the Government of the United Kingdom propose to introduce in their Production and Trade Policies relating to Cereals
15 April 1964 15 April 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic regarding the Changes which the Government of the United Kingdom propose to introduce in their Production and Trade Policies relating to Cereals
16 April 1964 17 March 1968 European Code of Social Security [ETS No. 48]
21 April 1964 ECSC Protocol of Agreement concerning Problems of Energy
23 April 1964 23 April 1964 Protocol for the Prolongation of the Five Year Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Soviet Socialist Republics signed on May 24, 1959
24 April 1964 29 April 1964 Protocol A drawn up by the Diplomatic Conference convened with a view to Bringing into Force the International Conventions of 25 February, 1961, concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM) and the Carriage of passengers and Luggage by rail (CIV)
29 April 1964 1 January 1965 Protocol B drawn up by the Diplomatic Conference convened with a view to Bringing into Force the International Conventions of 25 February, 1961, concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM) and the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail (CIV)
4 May 1964 10 October 1965 Consular Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Japan (with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes)
6 May 1964 6 May 1964 Interim Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Australia and the European Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers for the Conduct of the Phase I Firings of the Intial Programme of the Organisation
27 May 1964 Central African Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Governments of Southern Rhodesia Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland
27 May 1964 Central African Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Governments of Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland
30 May 1964 30 May 1964 Exchange of Notes relating to the purchase of military supplies. Jordan guarantee payment of agreed instalments.
30 May 1964 30 May 1964 Exchange of Notes concerning a #1,500,000 gift to Jordan during financial year ending 31/03/1965
3 June 1964 3 June 1964 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic establishing a Joint Commission of Surveillance for the Geological Survey in connexion with the Channel Tunnel Project
3 June 1964 4 July 1964 Protocol to the European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas leading to Admission to Universities
5 June 1964 Exchange Of Letters Between The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland And The Government Of Southern Rhodesia Regarding The Changes Which The Government Of The United Kingdom Propose To Introduce In Their Production And Trade Policies Relating To Cereals
9 June 1964 Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal Republic of Germany concerning Compensation for United Kingdom Nationals who were Victims of National Socialist Measures of Persecution (with Exchange of Notes)
18 June 1964 12 March 1965 Agreement between Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for Co-operation regarding Atomic Information
18 June 1964 Security Annex to the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for Co-operation regarding Atomic Information AND Technical Annex to the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for Co-operation regarding Atomic Information
19 June 1964 19 June 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America in Anticipation of Visits if N.S. 'Savannah' to Ports in United Kingdom Territory
22 June 1964 22 June 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of South Africa regarding the Changes which the Government of the United Kingdom propose to introduce in their Production and Trade Policies Relating to Cereals
22 June 1964 29 June 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America extending for a further period of five years from July 1, 1964, the Agreement regarding Technical Assistance for British Guiana constituted by an Exchange of Notes dated June 29/July 12, 1954
22 June 1964 7 February 1968 Protocol required by Article 8(1)(e)(ii) of the Convention for the Establishment of a European Organisation for the Development of Space Vehicle Launchers, concerning the Use of Technical Information for Purposes not within the Field of Space Technology
23 June 1964 16 July 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Tonga amending the Treaty of Friendship signed on August 26, 1958
25 June 1964 Revisional Sugar Agreement
29 June 1964 4 December 1964 Amendment to the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for Co-operation on the Civil Uses of Atomic Energy signed at Washington on June 15, 1955
29 June 1964 26 January 1967 Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Launcher Organisation with Protocol of Signature
30 June 1964 30 June 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden regarding the Changes which the Government of the United Kingdom propose to introduce in their Production and Trade Policies Relating to Cereals
30 June 1964 30 June 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark on the Application of Uniform Testing Rules for the Structural Fire Protection of Ships to comply with the Requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1960
30 June 1964 Exchange of Notes concerning changes which the United Kingdom Government proposes to introduce in their production and trade policies relating to cereals
1 July 1964 1 July 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of France regarding the Changes which the United Kingdom Government Propose to Introduce in their Import Arrangements for Cereals and certain Derivative Products
1 July 1964 18 August 1972 Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sale of Goods
1 July 1964 23 August 1972 Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
1 July 1964 Proposed Agreement on Mutual Defence and Assistance between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Malta (with Draft Exchange of Letters on the Civil Dockyard)
1 July 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America providing that treaties and other international agreements between the United Kingdom and the United States of America which were applied to th Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland shall be regarded as continuing to apply to Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland
2 July 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus regarding the changes of the Government of the United Kingdom in their Production and Trade Policies Relating to Cereal
2 July 1964 Exchange of Letters with Southern Rhodesia amending the Trade Agreement of 06:01:1964
9 July 1964 9 July 1964 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Malaysia in Respect of Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak.
10 July 1964 1 January 1966 Agreement concerning Giro Transfers [with Detailed Regulations]
10 July 1964 1 January 1966 Agreement concerning Postal Parcels [with Final Protocol, Detailed Regulations and Final Protocol thereto]
10 July 1964 1 January 1966 Agreement Concerning Insured Letters and Boxes [with Final Protocol and Detailed Regulations]
10 July 1964 1 January 1966 Universal Postal Convention
10 July 1964 1 January 1966 Constitution of the Universal Postal Union [with Final Protocol, General Regulations and Final Protocol thereto]
22 July 1964 8 May 1974 Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia [ETS No. 50]
23 July 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Southern Rhodesia continuing the 1955 Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
29 July 1964 Exchange of Letters regarding financial obligations under the Malaysia Defence Agreement [CRO No.219 Agreement of 12:10:1957].
31 July 1964 31 July 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of India regarding the changes of the Government of the United Kingdom in their Production and Trade Policies Relating to Cereals
31 July 1964 13 October 1964 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and Pakistan relating to the Supply and Use of Nuclear Material for peaceful Research Purposes
31 July 1964 Agreement (with annexed Development Credit Agreement (Road Project) of 03:08:1964 between the International Development Association and the Bechuanaland Protectorate, and Development Credit Regulations No.1) relating to assistance to be furnished to the Bechuanaland Protectorate in carrying out the terms of the said Development Credit Agreement.
7 August 1964 Public Officers (Nyasaland) Supplementary Agreement 1964 between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Malawi
11 August 1964 5 August 1965 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Confederation of Switzerland for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
14 August 1964 Exchange of Letters regarding the changes of the Government of the United Kingdom in their Production and Trade Policies to Cereals (See also Zambia Agreement, 20:11:1964, CRO No 308)
18 August 1964 18 August 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Laos amending the Exchange of Notes regarding Economic Aid to Laos signed at Vientiane on May 17, 1963
18 August 1964 7 November 1964 Agreement with New Zealand (in respect of New Zealand's Island Territories, UK (in respect of Fiji, Western Pacific High Commission and Tonga) and Western Samoa for the continued operation of a South Pacific Health Service
20 August 1964 20 August 1964 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey relating to the Agreement concerning Financial Arrangements constituted by the Exchange of Notes of December 9, 1960
20 August 1964 20 August 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Future Status and Use of Beane Field in St. Lucia
20 August 1964 20 August 1964 Agreement establishing Interim Arrangements for a Global Commercial Communications Satellite System (with Special Agreement concluded pursuant to Article 11 of that Agreement)
20 August 1964 20 August 1964 Special Agreement concluded pursuant to Article II of the Agreement establishing Interim Arrangements for a Global Commercial Communications Satellite System
25 August 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Kenya regarding the changes of the Government of the United Kingdom in their Production and Trade Policies Relating to Cereals.
31 August 1964 31 August 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic regarding the Changes which the Government of the United Kingdom have introduced in their Production and Trade Policies Relating to Cereals
31 August 1964 31 August 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan concerning proposals for an interest-free loan during the financial year ending March 31, 1965
31 August 1964 2 September 1964 Exchange of Notes concerning provision of audited accounts relating to expenditure of development loan during financial year ending 31:03:1965
1 September 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Malawi regarding the changes of the Government of the United Kingdom in their Production and Trade Policies Relating to Cereals
2 September 1964 2 September 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar regarding the changes of the Government of the United Kingdom in their Production and Trade Policies Relating to Cereals
2 September 1964 2 September 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Netherlands regarding the Changes which the United Kingdom Government Propose to Introduce in their Cereals and certain Derivative Products
12 September 1964 12 September 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Finland regarding the Changes which the Government of the United Kingdom have introduced in their Production and Trade Policies Relating to Cereals
12 September 1964 22 July 1968 Convention for the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
15 September 1964 15 September 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Vietnam concerning an Arrangement for Air Services between and beyond Saigon and Hong Kong
15 September 1964 15 September 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel about the Trade in Cotton Yarn
16 September 1964 16 September 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark regarding the Changes which the Government of the United Kingdom have introduced in their Production and Trade Policies Relating to Cereals
19 September 1964 19 September 1964 Exchange of Notes concerning a Credit Agreement for #2 0 million
21 September 1964 21 September 1964 Agreement on Mutual Defence and Assistance between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Malta (with related Exchanges of Letters) - Exchange of Letters on the Civil Dockyard in Malta
21 September 1964 21 September 1964 Agreement on Financial Assistance between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Malta
21 September 1964 1 April 1965 Agreement on Mutual Defence and Assistance between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Malta (with related Exchanges of Letters) - Exchange of Letters on the Military use of the Flight Information Centre in Malta.
21 September 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom and Malta on Customs Procedures concerning the Agreement on Mutual Defence and Assistance (21:09:1964 - CRO 346)
21 September 1964 Exchange of Letters on the Civil Dockyard in Malta.
26 September 1964 30 September 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Polish People's Republic regarding the Rights to be Accorded to Polish Vessels within the British Fishery Limits to be established on September 30, 1964
28 September 1964 28 September 1964 Air Traffic - Agreed Minute
28 September 1964 11 March 1965 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway for the Continuance of Fishing by Norwegian Vessels within the Fishery Limits of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
30 September 1964 30 September 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on matters arising from the Establishment by the United Kingdom of the Fishery Regime provided for by the Fishery Limits Act, 1964
2 October 1964 Guarantee Agreement concerning the Second Kariba Project between the United Kingdom and the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (Loan Number 392 RNS). See also Release Agreement of 29 July 1970 and amending Agreement of 16 August 1970 - (Multi).
2 October 1964 Loan Agreement (Second Kariba project) between the United Kingdom, the Federation of Rhodesia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) 1964 concerning the Central African Power Corporation Loan No.392 RNS
6 October 1964 15 July 1965 Agreement amending the Agreement Establishing the South Pacific Commission signed at Canberra on 6 February 1947, as amended by Agreements signed at Noumea on 7 November 1951 and Canberra on 5 April 1954
9 October 1964 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Ghana on the Deed of surrender in respect of Land and buildings at Accra
14 October 1964 14 October 1964 Loan Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of Brazil (with Exchange of Notes)
14 October 1964 10 March 1965 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Duties on the Estates of Deceased Persons
16 October 1964 Exchange of Notes relating to the Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal, done at Lisbon on 21:10:1964, concerning the Northern Rhodesia/Angola Frontier
20 October 1964 9 November 1964 Exchanges of Notes concerning the Repayment of Loans granted by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
20 October 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom and India for the Duty Free entry of Relief Supplies and Packages
21 October 1964 21 October 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Portuguese Republic with regard to the Northern Rhodesia-Angola Frontier
22 October 1964 22 October 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Arab Republic prolonging the Agreement signed at Cairo on November 14, 1961, concerning Exchanges of Professors, Experts and Students in the Fields of Science and Education
24 October 1964 24 October 1964 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Zambia
7 November 1964 16 November 1964 Exchange of Letters relating to Trade in Cotton Textiles with Hong Kong
18 November 1964 Basic Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the World Health Organisation for the Provision of Technical Advisory Assistance to the Trust, Non-Self-Governing and other Territories for whose international relations the United Kingdom Government are responsible, signed at Geneva on February 7, 1952 together with the Protocol to the Basic Agreement signed at Copenhagen, November 18, 1964
19 November 1964 19 November 1964 Exchange of Notes concerning Air Services between Hong Kong & Seoul
20 November 1964 24 October 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Zambia regarding the changes of the Government of the United Kingdom in their Production and Trade Policies Relating to Cereals
20 November 1964 20 November 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of India agreeing the terms and conditions of a Special Defence Credit to the Government of India for assistance towards the Mazagon Dockyard and Leander Frigate Project
26 November 1964 30 January 1967 Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal Republic of Germany for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion
27 November 1964 Exchange of Letters concerning the provision of the United Kingdom personnel to assist in the staffing, administration and training of the Armed Forces in Kenya.
30 November 1964 30 November 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium concerning the importation into the United Kingdom of cereals and other deriviative products
30 November 1964 1 December 1964 Trade Agreement between Southern Rhodesia and South Africa
1 December 1964 11 December 1965 Customs Convention concerning Welfare Material for Seafarers
10 December 1964 1 March 1967 Agreement on the Implementation of the Convention on Social Security between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal Republic of Germany
14 December 1964 (i) Declaration as to mineral rights in Zambia.(ii) Agreement regarding mineral rights in Zambia (signed by Zambia and British South Africa Co.).(iii) Classified note regarding mineral rights in Zambia.(iv) Communique re (iii) above.
15 December 1964 Letters of Intention of the Board of Trade for ECGD to be known as the United Kingdom/Nigeria (Telecommunications) Credit Agreement 1964
16 December 1964 16 December 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the World Meteorological Organisation relating to the Agreement with the United Nations for the Provision of Operational and Executive Personnel, signed at New York on 27 June, 1963
30 December 1964 30 December 1964 Second Credit Agreement 1964 : Board of Trade
6 January 1965 6 January 1965 Agreed Minute on Co-operation in the Field of Agricultural Research between the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
8 January 1965 Agreement between Southern Rhodesia and Australia for the Exchange of Money Orders
12 January 1965 7 October 1966 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic for Air Services Between and Beyond their respective Territories
15 January 1965 15 January 1965 Exchange of Letters concerning Quotas of Imports of Cotton Yarn into the United Kingdom
22 January 1965 22 January 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Norway agreeing to an Additional Route to Schedule I to the Annex to the Agreement for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories, signed at London on June 23, 1952
22 January 1965 24 March 1965 Protocol to the European Agreement on the Protection of Television Broadcasts signed at Strasbourg on 22 June, 1960
22 January 1965 19 October 1967 European Agreement for the Prevention of Broadcasts transmitted for Stations outside National Territories
25 January 1965 29 May 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands terminating the Agreement of 22 October 1957 concerning the Reciprocal Validation of Airworthiness Certificates
11 February 1965 11 February 1965 Agreement concerning the Export-Import Bank ( EXIMBANK ) of Washington Credit Facilities to the United Kingdom
13 February 1965 13 February 1965 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Relations in the Scientific, Technological, Educational and Cultural Fields for 1965 / 1967
18 February 1965 United Kingdom / Liberia Credit Agreement 1965
22 February 1965 22 February 1965 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Gambia
22 February 1965 1 October 1965 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan for the Exchange of Money Orders
25 February 1965 1 March 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic on the Payment of Family Allowances to Persons going from France to Jersey for Seasonal Agricultural Work
27 February 1965 1 March 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan concerning Proposals for the further Allocation of the Interest-free Loan made during the Financial Year ending 31 March, 1965
1 March 1965 1 January 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia relating to the Import of British Books and Films into Yugoslavia
10 March 1965 29 June 1965 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway relating to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between the two Countries
11 March 1965 11 March 1965 ECSC Decision to amend the decision of 9 July 1957 concerning the Terms of Reference and Rules of the Permanent Agency for Saftey Measures in the Coalmines
12 March 1965 26 April 1965 Exchange of Notes containing an Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities in the United Kingdom of the South-East Asia Treaty Organisation
18 March 1965 16 August 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Iraq regarding the changes which the Government of the United Kingdom have introduced in their Production and Trade Policies relating to Cereals
18 March 1965 14 October 1966 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States
22 March 1965 16 July 1965 Protocol for the Extension of the International Wheat Agreement, 1962
24 March 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of the Ivory Coast concerning the Abolition of Visas
25 March 1965 25 March 1965 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Finland for Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories
1 April 1965 Agreement for Arbitration (Compromiso) of a Controversy determined by the United Kingdom
2 April 1965 3 August 1965 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Jamaica for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
2 April 1965 Cultural Relations. British Council Programme for 01:04:1965 to 31:03:1967 ( Romania )
7 April 1965 7 April 1965 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Laos modifying the Agreement creating a Foreign Exchange Operations Fund for Laos signed on 24 December, 1963
8 April 1965 2 March 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Revolutionary Government of the Union of Burma amending the Air Transport Agreement signed at Rangoon on 25 October 1952
8 April 1965 1 July 1967 Treaty establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the European Communities, with Protocol , Final Act and Decision (Known as the Merger Treaty)
9 April 1965 9 April 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Luxembourg about the Arrangements for importing Cereals and certain Derivative Products in the United Kingdom
9 April 1965 5 March 1967 Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic
12 April 1965 1 October 1964 Memorandum of Agreement modifying the Annex to the Agreement signed at London on 13 August 1946 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Netherlands for certain Air Services
12 April 1965 1 July 1965 Parcel Post Agreement between Postal Administration of the United States and the Postal Administration of the Colony of Fiji
12 April 1965 1 July 1965 Parcel Post Agreement between the Postal Administration of the United States and the Postal Administration of Fiji
15 April 1965 15 April 1965 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel on the Settlement of outstanding Financial Matters [Compensation for former Employees of the Mandatory Government of Palestine]
19 April 1965 1 September 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia concerning the Waiver of Fees on Visas
19 April 1965 30 November 1967 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Government of Afghanistan
20 April 1965 20 April 1965 Credit Agreement 1965 : Board of Trade ( Turkey )
21 April 1965 5 April 1966 Consular Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (with Protocols of Signature)
28 April 1965 29 April 1965 Gift of #1,400,000 to Jordan during financial year commencing 01:04:1965 ( Jordan )
7 May 1965 1 January 1964 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Malaysia concerning certain Overseas Officers serving in Sabah and Sarawak
10 May 1965 10 May 1965 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for Financing Certain Programmes of Educational and Cultural Exchange
21 May 1965 1 July 1968 Agreement on Trade an Technical Co-operation between the European Economic Community and the Member States of the first part, and the Republic of Lebanon, of the second part
25 May 1965 Agreement regarding co-operation in mapping and survey operations by the exchange of maps, aeronautical charts and survey data covering Kenya
29 May 1965 18 August 1965 Investment Guaranty Agreement with British Guiana
31 May 1965 31 May 1965 Exchange of Notes amending the Credit Agreement of 19:09:1964 ( Iran )
1 June 1965 1 June 1965 Air Traffic Arrangement with Hong Kong
1 June 1965 21 March 1967 Third International Tin Agreement
4 June 1965 21 November 1966 Agreement on Arbitration supplementary to the Agreement establishing Interim Arrangements for a Global Commercial Communications Satellite System open for signature at Washington between 20 August 1964 and 20 February 1965
8 June 1965 8 July 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Greece for the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
8 June 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan concerning an Interest-Free Loan during the Financial Year ending 31 March 1966
10 June 1965 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of South Africa, with Southern Rhodesia, for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
11 June 1965 Exchange of Notes with Southern Rhodesia Amending the Trade Agreement of 06:01:1964
14 June 1965 14 June 1965 Agreed Minute. United States Experimental Radio Station in the Fiji Islands
22 June 1965 Exchange of Notes amending the Air Services Agreement of 5 April 1946 ( Ireland )
23 June 1965 23 June 1965 Agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the application of Safeguards in respect of the Agreement between those Governments concerning Co-operation in the Promotion and Development of the Peaceful uses of Atomic Energy
24 June 1965 19 November 1967 Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment Underground in Mines (ILO No.C.123)
24 June 1965 Notification of Kenya's withdrawal from the Double Taxation Agreement of 17:12:1959 between the United Kingdom and South Africa, extended to Kenya on 23:06:1965
29 June 1965 29 June 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey relating to the Agreement concerning Financial Arrangements constituted by the Exchange of Notes of 9 December, 1960
3 July 1965 5 July 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Arab Republic [Egypt] prolonging the Agreement signed at Cairo on 14 November 1961 concerning Exchanges of Professors, Experts and Students in the Fields of Science and Education
7 July 1965 7 July 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Establishment on Ascension Island of an Additional Facility to be operated for the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration
7 July 1965 9 February 1967 Treaty for Conciliation, Judicial Settlement and Arbitration between United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Confederation
8 July 1965 Agreed Minute on Trade ( Yugoslavia )
13 July 1965 13 July 1965 Supplementary Agreement to the Interim Agreement between United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Australia and the European Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers for the Conduct of the Phase I Findings of the Initial Programme of the Organisation
13 July 1965 Exchange of Notes constituting an Export Credits Guarantee Agreement
15 July 1965 20 July 1965 Amendment to the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for Co-operation on the Civil Uses of Atomic Energy signed at Washington on June 15, 1955
20 July 1965 20 July 1965 Protocol for the Extension and Modification of the Agreement of 27 July 1964 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for Off-setting the Foreign Exchange Expenditure on British Forces in the Federal Republic
26 July 1965 26 July 1965 Agreement between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Maldive Islands (with Exchange of Letters)
26 July 1965 Protocol No.1, Co-operation in the Joint Publication of Documents on the History of Anglo/Soviet Relations Arrangement of Exhibitions of Historical Documents on these questions and Exchange of Micro-Film Material from Soviet and British archives
6 August 1965 Exchange of Notes - regulation of reciprocity in the payment of the Visa fees between the Czechoslovak Republic and the United Kingdom
11 August 1965 3 September 1965 Exchange of Notes with Southern Rhodesia Amending the Trade Agreement of 06:01:1964
23 August 1965 23 August 1965 Trade Agreement between Ceylon and the Maldive Islands
1 September 1965 23 April 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic concerning the Exemption from Customs Duties of Material imported by Cultural Institutes in the United Kingdom and Italy
1 September 1965 23 April 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic concerning the Exemption from Local Taxation of the Premises of Cultural Institutes in the United Kingdom and Italy
2 September 1965 2 September 1965 Credit Agreement 1965 Turkey )
10 September 1965 10 September 1965 Exchange of Notes. Cultural Relations ( Mongolia )
13 September 1965 7 May 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia revising the Annex to the Agreement concerning Air Services signed at London on 3 February 1959
18 September 1965 18 September 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan concerning the Further Allocation of the Interest-Free Loan made by the Government of the United Kingdom to the Hasemite Kingdom of Jordan during the Financial Year ending 31 March 1966
21 September 1965 6 November 1965 Film Co-Production Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic
26 September 1965 31 October 1968 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Arab Republic.
6 October 1965 23 December 1966 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands relating to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf under the North Sea between the two Countries
6 October 1965 23 December 1966 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands relating to the Exploitation of Single Geological Structures extending acros the Dividing Line on the Continental Shelf under the North Sea
20 October 1965 Loan Agreement (General Purposes Loan) ( India )
21 October 1965 21 October 1965 Loan Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey
22 October 1965 8 September 1969 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco for Air Services between and beyond their Respective Territories
1 November 1965 1 January 1966 Protocol for the Further Prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement of 1958
4 November 1965 Loan Agreement 1965 ( Ceylon )
9 November 1965 9 November 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Federal republic of Yugoslavia amending the Exchange of Notes of 24 January/15 February 1961 concerning the Import of British Books and Films into Yugoslavia
12 November 1965 1 January 1967 Optional Additional Protocol to the International Telecommunications Convention, Montreux 1965 Compulsory Settlement of Disputes
12 November 1965 1 January 1967 International Telecommunications Convention with Final Protocol, Additional Protocols I to III and Optional Additional Protocol (with Additional Protocol IV of 21 October 1965)
15 November 1965 10 February 1969 Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters
15 November 1965 23 October 1978 Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Recognition of Decrees relating to Adoptions
18 November 1965 18 November 1965 Exchange of Letters between EURATOM and the International Bureau of Weights and Measures
18 November 1965 Note from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Italy reimposing the Visa Requirement for their nationals travelling to Southern Rhodesia
18 November 1965 Note from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Sweden reimposing the Visa Requirement for their nationals travelling to Southern Rhodesia
18 November 1965 Notes from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Switzerland reimposing the Visa Requirement for their nationals to Southern Rhodesia
18 November 1965 Note from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Iceland reimposing the Visa Requirement for their nationals travelling to Southern Rhodesia
18 November 1965 Note from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Belgium reimposing the Visa Requirement for their nationals travelling to Southern Rhodesia
18 November 1965 Note from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Denmark reimposing the Visa Requirement for their nationals travelling to Southern Rhodesia
18 November 1965 Note from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Luxembourg reimposing the Visa Requirement for their nationals travelling to Southern Rhodesia
18 November 1965 Note from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Norway reimposing the Visa Requirement for their nationals travelling to Southern Rhodesia
18 November 1965 Note from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of San Marino reimposing the Visa Requirement for their nationals travelling to Southern Rhodesia
18 November 1965 Note from Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Netherlands reimposing the Visa Requirement for their nationals travelling to Southern Rhodesia
19 November 1965 1 December 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic on the Payment of Family Allowances to Persons going from Guernsey to France or from France to Guernsey for Seasonal Agricultural Work
19 November 1965 1 December 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic extending the Convention on Social Security, signed at Paris on 10 July 1956, to the Islands of Guernsey, Alderney, Herm and Jethou
23 November 1965 23 November 1965 Loan Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Chile with Exchange of Notes
26 November 1965 26 November 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the reciprocal granting of licences to amateur radio operators
26 November 1965 Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Government of New Zealand and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland relating to the Territory of Nauru
29 November 1965 29 November 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic further amending the Route Schedules to the Air Transport Agreement signed on 28 February 1946
29 November 1965 19 December 1969 Protocol to the International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries signed at Washington on 8 February 1949 relating to Measures of Control
29 November 1965 19 December 1969 Protocol to the International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries signed at Washington on 8 February 1949 relating to Entry into Force of Proposals adopted by the Commission
30 November 1965 7 October 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Argentine Republic amending Schedule I of the Annex to the Air Services Agreement signed at London on 12 January 1965
1 December 1965 1 December 1965 Amendments to the Constitution of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, signed at Quebec, 16 October 1945 adopted at Rome by the 13th Session of the Conference of the Organization on 1 December 1965
2 December 1965 22 September 1968 Consular Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Praesidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with Protocol
4 December 1965 22 August 1968 Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank
6 December 1965 29 March 1966 Protocol amending the Extradition Treaty between Her Majesty the Queen in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty The King of Sweden signed at London on 26 April 1963
6 December 1965 12 May 1966 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Canada for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with respect to Taxes on certain Classes of Income
8 December 1965 Second Revised Text of Annex II to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations, adopted by the Thirteenth Session of the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1965
14 December 1965 14 December 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan by which Agreements concluded between the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority and the Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute for the Exchange of Information and Collaboration on Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Reactors shall be regarded as falling within the provisions of the Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy signed at London 16 June 1958
14 December 1965 1 July 1966 Agreement establishing a Free Trade Area (with related Agreements, Exchanges of Letters and Record of Understandings)
16 December 1965 16 December 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Peru further amending Schedule I to the Air Services Agreement signed at Lima on 22 December, 1947
17 December 1965 19 February 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Hellenic Government concerning the Restoration to the Royal Hellenic Government of the Land on which the Anglo-French Crimean War Cemetry at New Phaleron is situated
20 December 1965 Loan Agreement (Non project loan) ( India )
22 December 1965 31 December 1965 Notice of Termination by the Government of the United States of America of Article VI of the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America signed at Washington on 16 April 1945 and Exchange of Notes modifying the termination to exclude United Kingdom territories
30 December 1965 30 December 1965 Second Credit Agreement 1965 : Board of Trade ( Turkey )
7 January 1966 6 February 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Panama concerning the Abolition of Visas
17 January 1966 17 January 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America prolonging the Agreement of 20 January 1961 concerning the Establishment and Operation of Space Vehicle Tracking Stations in the United Kingdom
20 January 1966 20 December 1971 Protocol No.5 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, amending Articles 22 and 40 of the Convention
27 January 1966 1 June 1966 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
29 January 1966 29 January 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Loas further modifying the Agreement creating a Foreign Exchange Operations Fund for Loas signed on 24 December 1963
2 February 1966 1 January 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia relating to the Import of British Books and Films into Yugoslavia
8 February 1966 8 February 1966 Exchange of Notes regarding the Investment Guarantees Agreement concerning British Honduras
9 February 1966 Development Credit Agreement between Lesotho (Basutoland) and the International Development Association concerning the Credit No. 82 BL. Road Project.
11 February 1966 Agreed Minute, concerning the Continental Shelf, relating to a Line Dividing the Continental Shelf between Iran and Qatar and certain parts of the Trucial coast preparatory to negotiations a final Agreement.
11 February 1966 Loan Agreement (Food Emergency Loan) ( India )
15 February 1966 9 February 1968 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Duties on the Estates of Deceased Persons
17 February 1966 17 February 1966 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in consultation with the Government of British Guiana, and the Government of Venezuela, concerning the Frontier between British Guiana and Venezuela
17 February 1966 Exchange of Letters relating to the United Kingdom / Uganda Loans No. 1 & 2 and the United Kingdom / Uganda Compensation Loan 1962
21 February 1966 27 March 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Nations concerning Service with the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus of the National Contingent provided by the Government of the United Kingdom (including the Exchange of Letters between the United Nations and the Government of Cyprus and Regulations for the United Nations Force on Cyprus)
21 February 1966 Notes to Ruler from Political Resident Abrogating the Agreement of 1911, about the granting of Concessions to Foreigners for Pearl and Sponge Fishing
26 February 1966 1 January 1972 Protocol A amending the International Conventions concerning Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM) and Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail (CIV) signed at Berne on 25 February 1961
26 February 1966 1 July 1972 Protocol B to Additional Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail (CIV) of 25 February 1961 relating to the Liability of the Railway for the Death of and Personal Injury to Passengers
26 February 1966 1 January 1973 Additional Convention to the International Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail (CIV) of 25 February 1961 relating to the Liability of the Railway for the Death of and Personal Injury to Passengers (with Protocol B)
28 February 1966 4 April 1966 Social Security Agreement ( Ireland )
3 March 1966 6 February 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark relating to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between the Two Countries
7 March 1966 4 January 1969 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
12 March 1966 Loan Agreement ( Ireland )
17 March 1966 9 September 1966 Supplementary Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income signed at Washington on 16 April 1945, as modified by the Supplementary Protocols signed at Washington on 6 June 1946, 25 May 1954 and 19 August 1957
22 March 1966 22 March 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Rumania regarding the changes which the Government of the United Kingdom have introduced in their Production and Trade Policies relating to Cereals
22 March 1966 Correspondence about a new type of British Visitors Passport ( France )
25 March 1966 21 July 1968 Protocol Amending the Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income signed at London on 28 July 1960
28 March 1966 1 April 1966 Exchange of Notes relating to the Oceanic Area Control Centres at Prestwick and Shannon (Shanwick Oceanic Control Area) and Memorandum of Understanding
4 April 1966 Protocol for the further Extension of the International Wheat Agreement, 1962
5 April 1966 5 April 1966 Interim Agreement and Agreed Minute on the Renegotiation of Schedule XX ( United States ) to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( Hong Kong )
5 April 1966 21 July 1968 International Convention on Load Lines, 1966
13 April 1966 Credit Agreement 1966 ( Turkey )
17 April 1966 17 April 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Portugal regarding the estabishment of a Local Air Service between Matsapa and Lourenco Marques
18 April 1966 18 April 1966 Agreement and between the Government of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Inter-American Development Bank to Provide for the Administration by the Bank of Certain Funds to be made available by the Government of the United Kingdom for Economic Assistance to Countries which are members of the Bank with Exchange of Letters concerning the Shipment of British Goods financed under the Agreement
20 April 1966 Loan Agreement (Sindri Loan) ( India )
24 April 1966 24 April 1966 Notes. Reciprocal Arrangements for Licensing of Radio Amateurs [Arrangement with the G.P.O). ( Israel )
3 May 1966 27 June 1966 Exchange of Notes amending the Credit Agreement of 19:09:1964 ( Iran )
5 May 1966 5 May 1966 Grant-in-aid of #1.3 million during period 01:04:1966 - 31:03:1967 (Documents sent to O.D.M. via Eastern Department on 29:11:1966 File ref. EJ 2322/50 1966 but check 'Jordan No.40' for papers)
10 May 1966 Loan Agreement ( Second Bhopal Loan )
10 May 1966 Loan Agreement (General Purposes Loan) ( India )
10 May 1966 Loan Agreement (Non project Loan) and Letter of 14:09:1970 concerning Contract and Payments certificates (FSE 6/1/5(5)1970) ( India )
14 May 1966 21 March 1969 International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, done at Rio de Janeiro on 14 May 1966
14 May 1966 Loan Agreement 1966 ( Ceylon )
26 May 1966 26 May 1966 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Guyana
26 May 1966 26 May 1966 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Guyana regarding the Status of Her Majesty's Forces in Guyana
27 May 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Air Services Agreement of 11 February 1946
1 June 1966 16 February 1971 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Peru on Technical Co-operation
2 June 1966 15 July 1966 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for Co-operation in the Civil Power Applications of Atomic Energy
2 June 1966 15 July 1966 Amendment to the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for Co-operation on the Civil Uses of Atomic Energy signed at Washington on 15 June 1955
2 June 1966 1 August 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America extending to Tonga the Provisions of the Extradition Treaty signed at London on 22 December 1931
6 June 1966 7 June 1966 Exchange of Notes about procedural arrangements to apply to future Development Loans (Check for papers with Jordan No.41) (Documents sent to O.D.M. via Eastern Department on 29:11:1966, file ref. EJ 2322/50 1966)
6 June 1966 1 August 1966 Exchange of Notes extending the application of the Extradition Treaty between Her Majesty the Queen in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty The King of Sweden, signed at London on 26 April 1963, as amended by the Protocol of 6 December 1965, to Certain Territories for whose International Relations the United Kingdom Government are responsible
6 June 1966 Exchange of Notes amending the Agreement establishing a Free Trade Area [Annex C and Trade in Cotton Textiles] ( Ireland )
6 June 1966 Loan Agreement of 1966 between the United Kingdom and Malawi
8 June 1966 Loan Agreement ( Kenya )
8 June 1966 Loan Agreement No. 2 between the United Kingdom and Kenya 1965 / 1966
11 June 1966 Exchange of Letters between HM Government and Shaikh of Fujairah whereby the latter agrees that the Agreement between him and 'BOMIN' granting Oil and Other Natural Resources Concessions in the land and Territorial and off-shore waters of Fujairah shall be subject to the attached Agreement between HM Government and 'BOMIN' (See also BT 12/4 (70) 1967).
13 June 1966 11 August 1966 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of New Zealand for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
14 June 1966 20 December 1966 Protocol between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Federal Council amending the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with respect to Taxes on Income signed at London on the 30th September 1954
16 June 1966 19 February 1971 Protocol Amending the Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Finland for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income signed at London on 12 December 1951
20 June 1966 1 September 1966 Agreement and Supplementary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards with regard to the Bradwell Nuclear Power Station
23 June 1966 Loan Agreement concerning Railway Electrification and Amendment by Exchange of Letters ( Pakistan )
24 June 1966 6 November 1968 International Labour Convention No. 126 concerning Accommodation on Board Fishing Vessels adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Fiftieth Session
29 June 1966 29 June 1966 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Turkey
29 June 1966 24 September 1967 Protocol amending the Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income, 1951
29 June 1966 Exchange of Letters relating to the Agreement establishing a Free Trade Area signed at London on 14 December 1965 [Interpretation of Article XXII (4) and Extension to Channel Islands and Isle of Man]
29 June 1966 Protocol No 2, Co-operation in the Joint Publication of Collections of Documents on the History of Anglo-Russian relations. Exchange of Photocopies of Documents. Preparation of Joint Exhibition of Historical documents. Exchange of Microfilms of Documents drawn from British and Soviet Diplomatic archives. Discussion on an Exchange of all Official Publications.
30 June 1966 Exchange of Notes amending the Air Services Agreement of 5 April 1946 (Ireland]
5 July 1966 17 November 1967 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
7 July 1966 16 February 1967 Protocol Amending the Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income signed at London on 27 March 1950
8 July 1966 21 September 1964 Exchange of Letters amending the Agreement on Mutual Defence and Assistance of 21 September 1964 [CRO No. 346].
11 July 1966 11 July 1966 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Commission of the European Atomic Energ Community (Euratom) for the Settlement of a Dispute concerning the Taxation Liability of EURATOM Employees working in the United Kingdom on the Dragon Project
18 July 1966 19 July 1966 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Malawi concerning the Extra Contributions to be made by the Government of the United Kingdom towards the Cost of Increases in the Emoluments of Officers in the Public Service of Malawi
19 July 1966 19 July 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America further prolonging the Agreement of 20 January 1961 concerning the Establishment and Operation of Space Vehicle Tracking Stations in the United Kingdom
25 July 1966 26 July 1966 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
28 July 1966 28 July 1966 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Zambia concerning British Aided Conditions of Service in respect of certain British Officers in the Public Service of Zambia
28 July 1966 28 July 1966 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Zambia concerning the Extra Contribution to be made by the Government of the United Kingdom towards the Cost of Increases in Emoluments paid to Officers in the Public Service of Zambia
4 August 1966 7 October 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Chile for the Execution of a Technical Co-operation Programme concerning proposed Irrigation Schemes at La Paloma and in the Aconcagua Valley
12 August 1966 Loan Agreement No. 2 1966 ( Pakistan )
22 August 1966 22 August 1966 Exchange of Notes to amend the Schedule to the Air Services Agreement of 7 February l958
15 September 1966 15 September 1966 Loan Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic with Exchange of Notes
26 September 1966 Loan Agreement 1966 (Ceylon )
30 September 1966 30 September 1966 Public Officers Agreement between the United Kingdom and Botswana
30 September 1966 30 September 1966 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Goverment of Botswana regarding the Status of the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom in Botswana
3 October 1966 3 October 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey relating to the Agreement concerning Financial Arrangements constituted by the Exchange of Notes of 9 December 1960
13 October 1966 15 November 1966 Exchange of Notes concerning the Shueib / Kafreia Storage Dams
20 October 1966 Loan Agreement No. 3 1966 ( Pakistan )
27 October 1966 27 October 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning Indemnification for Third Party Liability arising from the Carriage in the United Kingdom or in British Ships travelling to or from the United Kingdom of Conventional-Type Ammunition owned by the United States Government
27 October 1966 27 November 1966 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay concerning the Abolition of Visas
14 November 1966 1 January 1967 Protocol for the Further Prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement of 1958.
16 November 1966 10 November 1967 Protocol to amend Article IV of the Convention relating to International Exhibitions, signed at Paris on 22 November 1928 as amended by the Protocol signed at Paris on 10 May 1948
17 November 1966 21 November 1966 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Malawi concerning British Aided Conditions of Service in respect of certain British Officers in the Public of Malawi
23 November 1966 12 December 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for the Continued Operation of Hurricane Research Stations in the Cayman Islands established under the Agreement of 30 December 1958 as amended by the Agreement of 15 February 1960
23 November 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay further prolonging the Agreement on Trade and Payments signed at Asuncion on 21 November 1955
24 November 1966 1 January 1967 Agreement between the Postal Administration of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Postal Administration of the State of Kuwait for the Exchange of Money Orders
24 November 1966 1 January 1967 Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of New Zealand (with related Exchanges of Letters)
26 November 1966 23 November 1967 Cultural Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the State of Kuwait
26 November 1966 Exchange of Letters between the Sultan of Muscat and Oman and the United Kingdom concerning the BBC Relay Station of Masirah Island.
1 December 1966 1 December 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia concerning the losses incurred by the Government of the United Kingdom and by British Nationals as a result of the disturbances in Indonesia in September 1963
1 December 1966 23 March 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Singapore for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
3 December 1966 3 December 1966 Exchange of Notes concerning a Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Peru
5 December 1966 Loan Agreement (Second Non project Loan 1966) (India )
6 December 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Use by Civil Aircraft of the Airfield at the Auxiliary Air Base on Grand Turk Island
8 December 1966 Exchange of Notes concerning the Grand Turk Island Airfield
12 December 1966 23 March 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Canada for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital Gains
13 December 1966 1 January 1966 Agreement for including in Pensionable Employment, under the Canada Pension Plan, certain employment in Canada by the Government of the United Kingdom
19 December 1966 3 January 1976 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
19 December 1966 23 March 1976 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
19 December 1966 23 March 1976 Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
20 December 1966 20 December 1966 Exchange of Notes arising from the Treaty of Commerce, Establishment and Navigation of 14 November 1962:- 1) concerning voluntary export control (Classified) 2) constituting an agreement in accordance with the Second Protocol concerning trade relations
28 December 1966 1 January 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America replacing the Agreement of 20 January 1961 concerning the Establishment and Operation of Space Vehicle Tracking Stations in the United Kingdom
29 December 1966 23 March 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Trinidad and Tobago for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
30 December 1966 30 December 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the United States Tracking and Telemetry Facilities in the Island of Mahe in the Seychelles
30 December 1966 30 December 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Availability for Defence Purposes of the British Indian Ocean Territory
5 January 1967 1 January 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia relating to the Import of British Books and Films into Yugoslavia
9 January 1967 Exchange of Notes relating to the 'Nicosia Airfield' concerning the intentions and understandings of the two Governments
11 January 1967 11 January 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Laos further modigying the Agreement creating a Foreign Exchange Operations Fund for Laos signed on 24 December 1963
17 January 1967 23 January 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Proposed Establishment of a Station for Space Vehicle Tracking and Communications on Antigua
17 January 1967 Trade Agreement (Hungary)
19 January 1967 19 January 1967 Air Services Agreement, Schedule, Annex and Classified Note to the Ruler of Abu Dhabi.
19 January 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Paraguay further prolonging the Agreement on Trade and Payments signed at Asuncion on November 21, 1955.
23 January 1967 23 January 1967 Exchange of Notes concerning the Proposed Establishment of a Station for Space Vehicle Tracking and Communications on Antigua
27 January 1967 10 October 1967 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies [London version]
27 January 1967 10 October 1967 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies [Washington version]
27 January 1967 10 October 1967 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies [Moscow version]
31 January 1967 4 October 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees
7 February 1967 United Kingdom/Ceylon Loan No.1 1967
8 February 1967 15 March 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel concerning the Abolition of Visas
9 February 1967 Loan Agreement No. 3 between the United Kingdom and Kenya 1966
10 February 1967 1 November 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic revising the Route Schedules annexed to the Air Services Agreement signed at Rome on 25 June 1948
11 February 1967 Exchange of Letters of Understanding between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Soviet Union concerning the Settlement of the 1939 Agreement
14 February 1967 14 February 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic amending the Protocol respecting the New Hebrides signed at London on 6 August 1914 and authorising new Joint Labour Regulations
14 February 1967 11 December 1967 Additional Protocol II to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America [Treaty of Tlatelolco]
14 February 1967 11 December 1969 Additional Protocol I to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America [Treaty of Tlatelolco]
15 February 1967 15 February 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic amending Article 9 of the Protocol respecting the New Hebrides signed at London on 6 August 1914 with regard to the Registration of the Births, Marriages and Deaths of Natives of the New Hebrides
16 February 1967 16 February 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Agreement for Financing Certain Programmes of Educational and Cultural Exchange, signed at London on 10 May 1965
17 February 1967 17 February 1967 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Lesotho
17 February 1967 19 March 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic concerning the Abolition of Visas
23 February 1967 14 July 1971 Consular Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Polish People's Republic (with Protocols of Signature and Exchange of Notes)
24 February 1967 24 February 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Relations in the Scientific, Technological, Educational and Cultural Fields for 1967-1969
27 February 1967 28 February 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ghana on Medium-Term Commercial Debts Owed by the Government of the Republic of Ghana and Residents of Ghana
27 February 1967 Letter Extending the Loan Agreement of 04:11:1965
28 February 1967 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Botswana concerning a Loan in respect of the Gaborone - Lobatoi Water Supply Project
1 March 1967 1 March 1967 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Trinidad and Tobago for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories
1 March 1967 1 April 1967 Memorandum of Agreement modifying the Route Schedule to the Agreement signed at Vienna on 27 October 1956 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Austria for Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories
9 March 1967 9 March 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland acting on their own behalf and on behalf of the Government of New Zealand, and the Government of the Republic Austria on the Status of the Commonwealth War Cemetery at Klagenfurt, Carinthia
9 March 1967 9 March 1967 Agreement for Science and Technological Co-operation between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Rumania
16 March 1967 Loan Agreement No. 1 between the United Kingdom and Kenya 1967
17 March 1967 1 November 1968 Air Services Agreement ( Zambia )
21 March 1967 21 March 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay temporarily prolonging the Agreement on Trade and Payments signed at Asuncion on 21 November 1955
30 March 1967 25 November 1967 Protocol for the Extension of the International Olive Oil Agreement, 1963
11 April 1967 Loan Agreement No. 1 1967 ( Pakistan )
12 April 1967 6 November 1967 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and Pakistan of the one part and the Imperial Ethiopian Government of the other part respecting the War Cemeteries, Graves and Memorials of the British Commonwealth in Ethiopian Territory
13 April 1967 Exchange of Notes amending the Air Services Agreement of 5 April 1946 ( Ireland )
14 April 1967 1 January 1967 Agreement between the Postal Administration of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Administration of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones of the Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for the Exchange of Money Orders
21 April 1967 21 April 1967 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Turkey
24 April 1967 15 December 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Arab Republic supplementary to the Agreement of 28 February 1959 and the Supplementary Exchanges of Notes of 7 August 1962 concerning Financial and Commercial Relations and British Property in Egypt
24 April 1967 26 April 1968 European Convention on the Adoption of Children [ETS No. 58]
24 April 1967 Guarantee Agreement concerning the Second Power Project Swaziland between th United Kingdom and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( Loan No. 492 SW )
2 May 1967 2 May 1967 Exchange of Notes concerning the Consolidation and Modification of Financial Agreements and Arrangements between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
3 May 1967 3 May 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic modifying and prolonging the Film Co-Production Agreement signed at London on 21 September 1965
3 May 1967 22 September 1970 Convention on the International Hydrographic Organisation
5 May 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for Offsetting the Foreign Exchange Expenditure on British Forces in the Federal Republic of Germany
9 May 1967 9 May 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of India amending the Air Services Agreement, dated 1 December 1951
12 May 1967 12 May 1967 Additions to the Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin signed at Paris on 15 December 1958
15 May 1967 16 July 1967 Protocol for the further Extension of the International Wheat Agreement 1962
18 May 1967 Notes, Letters or Minute concerning Financial Assistance ( Jordan )
24 May 1967 3 July 1968 Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital
27 May 1967 15 August 1977 Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Assistance and Salvage at Sea signed at Brussels on 23 September, 1910
27 May 1967 International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Maritime Liens and Mortgages
27 May 1967 International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Carriage of Passenger Luggage by Sea
1 June 1967 26 September 1976 Convention on Conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic
2 June 1967 1 October 1967 Arrangement between the Minister of Transport of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Minister of Transport of the United Kingdom concerning the international carriage of goods by road.
5 June 1967 Memorandum among the Governments contributing to the Foreign Exchange Operations Fund for Laos, concerning the subscription of the Government of Japan in 1967
6 June 1967 1 June 1967 Australia/United Kingdom Assisted Passage [Migration] Agreement
7 June 1967 1 July 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic extending the Convention on Social Insurance, signed at Rome on 28 November 1951, to the Islands of Guernsey, Alderney, Herm and Jethou
7 June 1967 18 April 1972 Amendment to the Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purposes done at Brussels on 15 December 1950
12 June 1967 12 June 1967 Exchange of Notes Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America modifying the Exchange of Notes regarding Visits of N.S 'Savannah' to Ports in United Kingdom Territory signed at London on 19 June, 1964
14 June 1967 27 November 1967 Protocol amending the Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of South Africa for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed at Cape Town on 28 May 1962 (with Exchange of Notes extending the Protocol to South-West Africa)
15 June 1967 26 May 1966 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Guyana concerning the Provision of Personnel of the United Kingdom Armed Forces to assist in the Staffing, Administration and Training of the Armed Forces of Guyana
16 June 1967 16 June 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Cameroon concerning an Interest-Free Loan towards the Cost of Modernising the Cameroon Telecommunication System [United Kingdom/Cameroon Loan 1967]
20 June 1967 20 June 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Dominican Republic regarding the Abolition of Visas
20 June 1967 27 June 1968 Agreement on Technical Co-operation between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of El Salvador
25 June 1967 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Western Region of Nigeria concerning Her Majesty's Overseas Civil Service Special List
29 June 1967 29 June 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Swiss Confederation concerning the reciprocal granting of Licences to amateur radio operators
30 June 1967 1 July 1967 Second Revisional Sugar Agreement ( Ireland )
30 June 1967 1 July 1968 Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic, the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Government of Canada, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Government of the United States of America relating to Cereals.
4 July 1967 4 July 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Repulic of Turkey relating to the Agreement concerning Finacial Arrangements constituted by the Exchange of Notes of 9 December 1960
7 July 1967 Loan Agreement No. 2 1967 ( Ceylon )
10 July 1967 10 July 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and the Government of Malta for Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories
10 July 1967 30 May 1968 International Agreement on the Procedure for the Establishment of Tariffs for Scheduled Air Services
11 July 1967 13 July 1967 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations concerning the Desert Locust Information Service
13 July 1967 3 April 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark extending to the Faroe Islands the Protocol of 7 July 1966 amending the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed at London on 27 March 1950
14 July 1967 12 December 1964 Exchange of Letters establishing a British Training Team in Kenya to assist in the training and development of the Armed Forces of Kenya (and Exchange of Letters (Understanding): para 6(b) Non payment of duty on personal effects & Exchange of Letters (Understanding): Financial Arrangements for the provision of the Training Team
14 July 1967 12 December 1964 Exchange of Letters concerning the Status of the Forces of the United Kingdom in Kenya
14 July 1967 26 February 1970 International Convention further revising the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886 with Protocol regarding Developing Countries
14 July 1967 18 March 1970 Agreement revising the Nice Agreement of 15 June 1957 concerning the Classification of Goods and Services for the purpose of the Registration of Marks
14 July 1967 26 April 1970 Act Additional to the Madrid Agreement for the Suppression of False or Misleading Indications of Origin on Goods of 14 April 1891, as later revised Date(s): 14/07/1967 to 26/04/1970
14 July 1967 26 April 1970 Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization
14 July 1967 International Convention further revising the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 20 March 1883
17 July 1967 1 July 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the 1950 and 1956 Agreements concerning the Bahamas Long-Range Proving Ground in respect of British and United States Representation
17 July 1967 21 December 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Malaysia for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
21 July 1967 26 December 1969 Health Services Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Polish People's Republic
21 July 1967 Protocol of Understanding between representatives of the Afghan Civil Air Authority and the United Kingdom Aeronautical Authority
24 July 1967 Exchange of Notes amending the Air Services Agreement of 5 April 1946 ( Ireland )
25 July 1967 1 July 1967 EEC Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting in Council providing Special Provisions in respect of oleaginous Products from the Associated African and Malagasy States and Overseas Countries and Territories
26 July 1967 7 August 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway prolonging the Agreement of 12 July 1957 regarding co-operation in the promotion and development of the peaceful uses of atomic energy
29 July 1967 Loan Agreement No. 2 1967 ( Pakistan )
1 August 1967 1 August 1967 Air Services Agreement for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories ( Singapore )
1 August 1967 1 August 1967 Air Services Agreement between and beyond the respective territories ( Malaysia )
1 August 1967 1 August 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on Certain Commercial Debts
9 August 1967 9 August 1967 Agreement for Co-operation in the Field of Applied Science and Technology between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic
9 August 1967 15 August 1967 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the Financial Year ending 31:03:1968
17 August 1967 Exchanges of Letters (Understandings). CLASSIFIED PT. XA Consultation (i) 1965/66 Trade Practices (Bill) Act (ii) 1965/66 Trade Practices (Bill) Act as affecting 1957 Trade Agreement
22 August 1967 22 August 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan revising the Schedule to the Air Services Agreement of 29 December 1952
25 August 1967 25 August 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the Establishment of a Direct Communication Link between the Residence of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in London and the Kremlin
29 August 1967 17 March 1970 Convention between Her Britannic Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of the Belgians for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
7 September 1967 15 January 1967 Memoranda of Agreement further modifying the Annex to the Agreement signed at London on 13 August 1946 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Netherlands for certain Air Services
7 September 1967 1 February 1970 Protocol on the Accession of Greece to the Convention on the Provision of Mutual Assistance by their Customs Authorities, concluded between the Member States of the European Community
7 September 1967 1 February 1970 Convention between Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on the Provision of Mutual Assistance by their Customs Authorities
13 September 1967 13 September 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay temporarily prolonging the Agreement on Trade and Payments signed at Asuncion on 21 November 1955
19 September 1967 19 September 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden prolonging the Agreement of 20 September 1957 for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
26 September 1967 26 September 1967 Agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Government of Japan and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the Application of Agency Safeguards in respect of the Bilateral Agreement between those Governments for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
29 September 1967 29 September 1967 Agreement relating to Investment Guarantees with Swaziland
30 September 1967 25 November 1967 Films Co-Production Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic
10 October 1967 29 March 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Polish People's Republic for Co-operation in the field of Applied Science and Technology
15 October 1967 1 July 1968 Food Aid Convention [Incorporated in the International Grains Arrangement, 1967]
15 October 1967 1 July 1968 Wheat Trade Convention [Incorporated in the International Grains Arrangement, 1967]
25 October 1967 7 August 1969 European Agreement on the Instruction and Education of Nurses
25 October 1967 Resolution to amend the Regulations annexed to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960 adopted by the Assembly of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation [Resolution A.122 (V)]
26 October 1967 26 October 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden to Facilitate the Interchange of Inventions and Proprietary Technology Information for Defence Purposes
31 October 1967 13 April 1968 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital
2 November 1967 16 August 1969 Amendment of the Plant Protection Agreement for the South-East Asia and Pacific Region signed at Rome on 27 February 1956 adopted by the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations at its Forty-Ninth Session
15 November 1967 15 November 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of South Africa concerning Reciprocal Customs Privileges for Consular Officers and Employees
15 November 1967 15 November 1967 Treaty of Cession between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Sultan of Muscat and Oman relating to the Kuria Muria Islands
15 November 1967 21 November 1967 Amendments to the Constitution of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, signed at Quebec, 16 October 1945 adopted at Rome by the 14th Session of the Conference of the Organization on 15 and 21 November 1967
17 November 1967 20 June 1969 Convention between Her Majesty the Queen in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands providing for the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil Matters
17 November 1967 17 March 1970 Convention Supplementary between Her Majesty The Queen in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Her Majesty The Queen of the Netherlands regarding Legal Proceedings
21 November 1967 21 November 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey further modifying the Agreement of 16 August 1957 for the purchase by the Turkish Government of certain Ships of the British Reserve Fleet
21 November 1967 5 September 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden on the International Carriage of Goods by Road
22 November 1967 1 January 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of France concerning the Reciprocal Granting of Licences to Amateur Radio Operators
24 November 1967 24 November 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Space Research Organisation concerning the establishment and use of a Telemetry Station in the Falkland Islands
27 November 1967 27 November 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic extending the Military Service Agreement of 12 September 1963 to Jersey and the Isle of Man
29 November 1967 29 November 1967 Exchange of Notes amending the Agreement for the Provision of Technical Assistance to the Trust, Non-self-Governing and other Territories for whose International Relations the United Kingdom are responsible, signed at New York on 8 July 1960 (to include the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultive Organisation)
29 November 1967 Memorandum of Agreed Points relating to Independence for South Arabia (the People's Republic of Southern Yemen)[With Financial Note and Final Communique]
1 December 1967 30 September 1966 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Botswana amending the Public Officers Agreement signed at Gaberone on 30 September 1966
2 December 1967 2 December 1967 Exchanges of Notes concerning an Interest-Free Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
5 December 1967 16 September 1963 Exchange of Letters to provide personnel to assist in the staffing, administration and training of the Armed Forces of Malaysia (with Exchange of Letters (Understanding) Jurisdiction).
7 December 1967 8 May 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital Gains
13 December 1967 17 January 1971 Amendments to the Convention recommended for acceptance by the Council at the 36 Session
15 December 1967 Exchange of Letters terminating the Agreement of 18/20 September 1904 concerning participation of British Shipping in the Coasting Trade of Italy [text in State Papers Vol. 100, p 542] With Letter of Intent concerning British shipping undertaking coasting trade in the next two years.
19 December 1967 19 December 1967 Exchange of Notes concerning a Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Peru
29 December 1967 29 December 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Brazil for the Avoidance of Double Taxation on Profits derived from Shipping and Air Transport
5 January 1968 5 January 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the Settlement of Mutual Financial and Property Claims
17 January 1968 17 January 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America further modifying the Agreements of 15 March 1961 and 23 September 1963 concerning the Space Vehicle Tracking and Communications Station in Bermuda
18 January 1968 18 January 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on behalf of the Government of Bahrain, and the United Nations Development Programme extending to Bahrain certain Technical Assistance Agreements between the Government of the United Kingdom and the United Nations and its Specialised Agencies
18 January 1968 18 January 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on behalf of the Government of Qatar, and the United Nations Development Programme extending to Qatar certain Technical Assistance Agreements between the Government of the United Kingdom and the United Nations and its Specialised Agencies
18 January 1968 5 September 1968 Agreement on Technical Co-operation between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Brazil
19 January 1968 19 January 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for Co-operation in the Fields of Applied Science and Technology
12 February 1968 5 September 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden in respect of the Regulation of the Taxation of Road Vehicles in International Traffic
21 February 1968 24 October 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Zambia concerning the Provision of Personnel of the United Kingdom Armed Forces to serve as a Training Team with the Armed Forces of Zambia
21 February 1968 1 April 1969 Convention on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern and Switzerland (with Final Protocol)
21 February 1968 1 April 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia revising the Annex to the Agreement concerning Air Services signed in London on 3 February 1959 as amended on 7 May 1965
22 February 1968 1 January 1967 Exchange of Notes concerning Financial Arrangements for the Defence of Fiji. [Exchange of Notes between United Kingdom (acting on behalf of Fiji) and New Zealand]. [See Agreement of 24 March & 4 April 1964].
23 February 1968 23 June 1977 Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading signed at Brussels on 25 August 1924 [Hague-Visby Rules]
29 February 1968 Convention on the Mutual Recognition of Companies and Legal Persons
4 March 1968 4 March 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey for an Interest-free Development Loan and to facilitate a Commercial Credit Agreement
6 March 1968 15 October 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy with Memorandum of Understanding
7 March 1968 12 July 1968 Agreement amending the Arrangement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
7 March 1968 Double Taxation Agreement amending the Arrangement
8 March 1968 12 March 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Nations on the United Nations Seminar on Freedom of Association
11 March 1968 1 January 1967 Exchange of Notes relating to the Agreement establishing a Free Trade Area [amending Annex D concerning watches, watch movements and parts and Art. VIII(13a) of the Record of Understanding concerning removal of export controls]
11 March 1968 11 March 1968 Exchange of Notes concerning the Provision of a British Army Training Team to assist in the Technical Training of Citizens of the Republic of Cyprus
12 March 1968 12 March 1968 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Mauritius
12 March 1968 12 March 1968 Exchange of Letters for the Provision of Assistance or Advice in connection with the Staffing, Administration and Training of the Police Force of Mauritius (With Exchange of Letters (Understanding). Financial Arrangements).
12 March 1968 12 March 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Mauritius on Mutual Defence and Assistance
12 March 1968 12 March 1968 Agreement regarding the Provision of Facilities for a Detection Station
12 March 1968 Exchange of Letters regarding Service Lands in Mauritius (with Appendix and 4 Plans)
13 March 1968 21 December 1968 Consular Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Praesidium of the National Assembly of the People's Republic of Bulgaria (with Protocols and Exchange of Notes)
13 March 1968 20 January 1969 Medical Services Convention Between The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria (with administrative protocol and Exchange of Notes).
15 March 1968 18 March 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay temporarily prolonging the Agreement on Trade and Payments signed at Asuncion on 21 November 1955
18 March 1968 9 April 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland acting on behalf of the Government of Bahrain, and the United Nations Childrens Fund extending to Bahrain the Agreement signed at London on 7 October 1953 and the Protocol signed at New York on 7 July 1959
18 March 1968 9 April 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland acting on behalf of the Government of Qatar, and the United Nations Childrens Fund extending to Qatar the Agreement signed at London on 7 October 1953 and the Protocol signed at New York on 7 July 1959
18 March 1968 30 December 1968 International Coffee Agreement, 1968
18 March 1968 16 January 1969 Agreement Amending the Arrangement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sierra Leone for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
26 March 1968 26 March 1968 Agreement for Co-operation in the Field of Applied Science and Technology between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
27 March 1968 17 January 1969 Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Portugal for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
29 March 1968 29 March 1968 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest - Free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Turkey
1 April 1968 12 July 1968 Agreement amending the Arrangement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of The Gambia for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
1 April 1968 Agreement between the United Kingdom and St Vincent on Double Taxation
2 April 1968 5 September 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey providing for the Reciprocal Exemption from Road Taxes of Goods Vehicles
2 April 1968 13 September 1968 Agreement supplementing to and amending the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Malawi for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
3 April 1968 3 May 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Austria concerning the Abolition of Visas
3 April 1968 24 April 1972 Treaty on Merchant Navigation between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
5 April 1968 15 April 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Greece regarding Safeguards applicable to an Atomic Facility on Transfer to Greece by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
5 April 1968 Double taxation Agreement amending the Agreement between the United Kingdom and St Lucia
10 April 1968 10 April 1968 Letters of Understanding concerning a Loan
11 April 1968 11 April 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for Offsetting the Foreign Exchange Expenditure on British Forces in the Federal Republic of Germany
19 April 1968 13 January 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for Co-operation in the Fields of Applied Science and Technology
22 April 1968 3 December 1968 Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space [Washington Version]
22 April 1968 3 December 1968 Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects launched into Outer Space [Moscow Version]
22 April 1968 3 December 1968 Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects launched into Outer Space [London Version]
23 April 1968 Agreement between the Christmas Island Phosphate Commission and the British Phosphate Commissioners in relation to the Purchase of Phosphates
26 April 1968 3 May 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding the Establishment of an Apollo Unified S-Band Facility on Grand Bahama Island
2 May 1968 2 May 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey amending the Agreement for and Interest-free Development Loan constituted by the Exchange of Notes of 4 March 1968
2 May 1968 2 May 1968 Tarbela Development Fund Agreement 1968
6 May 1968 6 May 1968 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-Free Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
13 May 1968 13 May 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the State of Kuwait terminating the Agreement of 19 June 1961 regarding relations between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the State of Kuwait
16 May 1968 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 21, 1947 [Annex XII - Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization]
22 May 1968 22 May 1968 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest - Free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Turkey
22 May 1968 29 October 1969 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
24 May 1968 20 February 1969 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Finland for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (with Exchange of Notes)
4 June 1968 4 June 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding the additional Civil Airport facilities at the United States Kindley Air Force Base, Bermuda
7 June 1968 7 June 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Laos further modifying the Agreement creating a Foreign Exchange Operations Fund for Laos signed on 24 December 1963
7 June 1968 17 December 1969 European Convention on Information on Foreign Law [ETS No. 62]
7 June 1968 14 August 1970 European Convention on the Abolition of Legalisation of Documents executed by Diplomatic Agents or Consular Officers [ETS 63}
11 June 1968 5 September 1969 Customs Convention on the temporary Importation of Scientific Equipment
25 June 1968 Exchange of Letters of Intention and Understanding concerning Financial Aid relating to the United Kingdom / Mauritius Loan No. 1 , The Compensation Loan and the Commutation Loan
26 June 1968 31 July 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Honduras amending the Agreement of 26 and 30 April 1962 regarding the Abolition of Visas
26 June 1968 12 September 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Dominican Republic amending the Agreement of 20 June 1967 regarding the Abolition of Visas
27 June 1968 27 June 1968 Investment Guarantees Agreement concerning Grenada
27 June 1968 30 December 1968 Supplementary Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden amending the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed at London on 28 July 1960, as modified by the Protocol signed at London on 25 March 1966
28 June 1968 8 August 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Finland amending the Agreement of 5 May 1961 regarding the Abolition of Visas for Travel between the United Kingdom and Certain British Territories, and Finland
1 July 1968 5 March 1970 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [Washington Version]
1 July 1968 5 March 1970 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [London Version]
1 July 1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [Moscow Version]
3 July 1968 10 July 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of El Salvador amending the Agreement of 20 August 1962 regarding the Abolition of Visas
3 July 1968 25 July 1968 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Grenada on Double Taxation
3 July 1968 28 March 1969 Agreement amending the Arrangement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
9 July 1968 11 September 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan amending the Agreement of 2 November 1962 regarding the Abolition of Visas
10 July 1968 Exchange of Letters renewing the Agreement of 1958 for a period of 10 years until 10:07:1978
15 July 1968 15 July 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Turkey relating to the Agreement concerning Financial Arrangements constituted by the Exchange of Notes of 9 December 1960
15 July 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Chile amending the Agreement of 9 May 1961 regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
16 July 1968 16 July 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal prolonging the Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy signed at London on 18 July 1958
16 July 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania concerning the Supply of certain Nuclear Research Material and Equipment to Romania
19 July 1968 Exchange of Letters (Understanding) concerning Defence Aid Arrangements 1968, and Appendices A, B, B (1), C, C (1), D, E.
22 July 1968 3 December 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay amending the Agreement of 27 October 1966 concerning the Abolition of Visas
22 July 1968 Exchange of Notes concerning arrangements for an Air Services Agreement
23 July 1968 14 August 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ecuador amending the Agreement of 13 September 1963 regarding the Abolition of Visas
29 July 1968 30 July 1968 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
1 August 1968 Indemnity by the Government of the Repoublic of Kenya in respect of Pool Properties and the East African Land Forces Organisation (EAFLFO) Properties
6 August 1968 6 August 1968 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Turkey
6 August 1968 Letters of Intent concerning the Trans-Gambia Highway Ferry Interest Free Loan by the Ministry of Overseas Development
9 August 1968 9 August 1968 Investment Guarantees Agreement concerning St Lucia
12 August 1968 12 August 1968 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest - Free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Turkey
12 August 1968 12 August 1968 Exchange of Notes concerning and Interest - Free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Turkey
14 August 1968 1 September 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel amending the Agreement of 8/9 February 1967 concerning the Abolition of Visas
14 August 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the abolition of visas for crew members of B.E.A. and Aeroflot aircraft
16 August 1968 16 August 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Thailand amending the Air Services Agreement signed at Bankok on 10 November 1950
2 September 1968 28 November 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Greece amending the Agreement of 8 June 1965 for the Abolition of Visas
8 September 1968 8 September 1968 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Swaziland
11 September 1968 21 April 1971 Consular Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Socialist Republic of Romania
13 September 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic further prolonging the Film Co-production Agreement signed at London on 21 September 1965
16 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
16 September 1968 16 February 1971 European Agreement on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Detergents in Washing and Cleaning Products
18 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
18 September 1968 Revised Text of Articles XVIII and XIX and Schedule I of the Convention for the Establishment of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation of 18 April 1951 adopted by the Council of the Organisation at its 18th Session
19 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Iceland
19 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
19 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchange of Notes concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Barbados
19 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
19 September 1968 Exchange of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by the East Caribbean Currency Authority ( ECCA )
20 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
20 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchange of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Hong Kong
20 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments
20 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Guyana
20 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Ghana
20 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchange of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by the Bahamas
20 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Fiji
21 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Cyprus
21 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by India
21 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Gambia
21 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
21 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Bahrain and Dependencies
22 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
22 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchange of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
23 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Bermuda
23 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Ireland
23 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
23 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
23 September 1968 27 September 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay temporarily prolonging the Agreement on Trade and Payments signed at Asuncion on 21 November 1955
23 September 1968 13 November 1968 Agreement on Administrative Arrangements for Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power and Irrigation Development Project.
24 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
24 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchange of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreement)
24 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchange of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
24 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments
24 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments
24 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments
24 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchange of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by British Honduras
24 September 1968 24 October 1968 Protocol on the Authentic Trilingual Text of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago 1944)
25 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Australia ( The Sterling Area Agreements )
25 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Brunei
25 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments
25 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
27 September 1968 25 September 1968 Sterling Agreement as constituted by UK Saving telegram No.15 of 27:09:1968 to Gibraltar (FP 1/42 (32) 1968) and Tonga reply telegram No.117 of 21:10:1968 (MF 9/501/1 (11) 1968/9)
27 September 1968 27 September 1968 Air Services Agreement between United Kingdom and Malawi and beyond their respective territories
27 September 1968 28 March 1969 Amendment to the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for Co-operation on the Uses of Atomic Energy for Mutual Defence Purposes of 3 July 1958
3 October 1968 4 November 1968 Social Security Agreement with Ireland [extending the scope of the Agreement of 28 February 1966]
8 October 1968 Guarantee by the United Kingdom and Maintenance of Minimum Sterling Proportions
8 October 1968 Sterling Arrangements. Guarantee by the United Kingdom and Maintenance of Minimum Sterling Proportions
8 October 1968 Letters of Intent concerning the St Christopher Nevis Anguilla Compensation Loan 1968
8 October 1968 Letters of Intent concerning the St Christopher Nevis Anguilla Compensation Loan 1968
8 October 1968 Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs, as amended on September 28, 1979
8 October 1968 Exchange of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Grenada
8 October 1968 Guarantee by the United Kingdom and Maintenance of Minimum Sterling Proportions
9 October 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
9 October 1968 9 October 1968 Investment Guarantees Agreement concerning Antigua
9 October 1968 30 December 1968 Arrangrement between certain member States of the European Space Research Organisation and the European Space Research Organisation concerning the execution of a Special TD Project
10 October 1968 14 October 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco amending the Air Services Agreement signed at London on 22 October 1965
11 October 1968 11 October 1968 Investment Guarantees Agreement concerning Dominica
15 October 1968 15 October 1968 Exchange of Letters relating to the Agreement establishing a Free Trade Area, signed at London on 14 December 1965 [Amendment of Annex C in respect of Wines]
15 October 1968 15 October 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of Japan and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Agency Safeguards in respect of the Agreement between those Governments for Co-ooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
17 October 1968 11 December 1968 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of the Sudan (United Kingdom/Sudan Loan 1968)
18 October 1968 18 October 1968 Trade Arrangement
22 October 1968 26 November 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic amending the Agreement of 17 February 1967 regarding the Abolition of Visas(Argentina 60)
22 October 1968 30 June 1969 Agreement between the Royal Hellenic Government of the one part and the Governments of Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of the other part concerning the Graves of Members of the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth in Greek Territory
28 October 1968 28 October 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia revising the Route Schedule annexed to the Air Services Agreement signed at London on 23 November 1960
29 October 1968 Arrangement between the European Economic Community and Switzerland with a view to the provisional maintenance of reduced customs duties on certain woven fabrics, in the form of an Exchange of Letters
30 October 1968 Exchange of Notes amending the Air Services Agreement of March 17,1967
31 October 1968 31 October 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on certain Commercial Debts
8 November 1968 21 May 1977 Convention on Road Traffic
8 November 1968 6 June 1978 Convention on Road Signs and Signals
11 November 1968 11 November 1968 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-Free Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (United Kingdom/Indonesia Loan (No. 2), 1968)
11 November 1968 Extension to 31:03:1970 of the Trans-Gambia Highway Ferry Interest Free Loan by the Ministry of Overseas Development
12 November 1968 19 December 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica concerning the Abolition of Visas
13 November 1968 22 June 1972 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Chile
18 November 1968 22 October 1969 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Chile for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. (with Exchange of Notes)
21 November 1968 21 November 1968 Investment Guarantees Agreement concerning St Christopher Nevis and Anguilla
21 November 1968 29 June 1969 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of South Africa for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital Gains
25 November 1968 Protocol for the Further Prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement of 1958
26 November 1968 26 November 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Agreement of 15 February 1960 on the Setting up of a Ballistic Missile Early Warning Station in the United Kingdom
26 November 1968 18 March 1969 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
26 November 1968 Resolution to amend Chapter V of the Regulations annexed to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960 adopted by the Assembly of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation [ Resolution A.146 (ES.IV) ]
27 November 1968 27 November 1968 Exchange of Notes constituting an Understanding between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Vietnam revising the Air Services Arrangement of 15 September 1964 for Air Services between and beyond Hong Kong and Saigon
28 November 1968 28 November 1968 Headquarters Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the International Wheat Council
28 November 1968 28 November 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization regarding the Headquarters of the Organization
3 December 1968 17 June 1969 International Sugar Agreement 1968
5 December 1968 Negotiation and signature of the Anglo/Hungarian Cultural Exchange Programme for 1968/1970.
11 December 1968 11 December 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium on the Reciprocal Recognition of Driving Licences
11 December 1968 Exchange of Letters between the British High Commission (Mauritius) and the Ministry of Overseas Development concerning the United Kingdom/Mauritius Loan No.2 1968
12 December 1968 12 December 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Confederation of Switzerland concerning the transfer from Sweden to Switzerland of certain Nuclear Material supplied by the United Kingdom
12 December 1968 18 December 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Colombia amending Schedules I and II of the Annex to the Air Services Agreement signed at Bogota on 16 October 1947
13 December 1968 20 February 1971 European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport [ETS No.65]
17 December 1968 1 January 1969 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ghana on Medium-term Commercial Debts owed by the Government of the Republic of Ghana and Residents of Ghana
18 December 1968 24 August 1969 Supplementary Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark amending the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed London on 27 March 1950, as modified by the Protocol signed at London on 7 July 1966
19 December 1968 19 December 1968 Exchange of Letters constituting the United Kingdom/Uganda Interim Loan 1968
21 December 1968 21 December 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Spain for the Avoidance of Double Taxation on Profits derived from Air Transport
23 December 1968 23 December 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Panama amending the Agreement of 7 January 1966 concerning the Abolition of Visas
23 December 1968 23 December 1968 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Malta amending the Air Services Agreement signed at Valletta on 10 July 1967
1 January 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning the United Kingdom / Malawi Compensation Loan ( Increase ) 1969
3 January 1969 11 March 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning a Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Chile towards the cost of a Nuclear Research Reactor (United Kingdom/Chile Loan 1969)
9 January 1969 14 January 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
15 January 1969 12 August 1970 Protocol Amending the Extradition Treaty between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Austria signed at Vienna on 9 January, 1963
16 January 1969 16 January 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (United Kingdom/Indonesia (Project) Loan, 1969)
22 January 1969 16 January 1970 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital
27 January 1969 1 April 1969 Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation Financial Agreement
27 January 1969 1 April 1969 Agreement terminating the Commonwealth Telegraphs Agreements signed at London on 11 May 1948 and 25 July 1963
30 January 1969 30 January 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Space Research Organisation concerning the use of the ESRO launching range (ESRANGE) by the United Kingdom for a Special Project
2 February 1969 Exchange of Letters between HM Government and the Ruler of Fujairah whereby the latter agrees that the Agreement dated 13 July 1968 between him and 'BOMINS' giving permission to assign to Shell Minerals NV 60% of 'BOMINS' interest in the oil & other mineral (natural) resources Concession Agreement 11 June 1966 shall be subject to the attached Political Agreement signed at London on 26 June 1964 between HM Government and Shell Minerals N.V.
3 February 1969 3 February 1969 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Atomic Energy Community prolonging the Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy signed at London on 4 February 1959
3 February 1969 1 January 1970 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the International Carriage of Goods by Road
5 February 1969 7 March 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Nicaragua concerning the Abolition of Visas
6 February 1969 6 February 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Lebanese Republic revising the Schedule to the Air Services Agreement signed at Beirut on 15 August 1951
7 February 1969 21 December 1969 Agreement regarding the Making Available by the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of the United States of America of Accommodation to International Military Headquarters of NATO in the Federal Republic of Germany
7 February 1969 Agreement regarding the Status of Personnel of Sending States attached to an International Military Headquarters of NATO in the Federal Republic of Germany
8 February 1969 Trade Agreement (Hungary)
10 February 1969 17 February 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Peru further amending the Schedules to the Air Services Agreement signed at Lima on 22 December 1947
10 February 1969 25 December 1970 Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Japan for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income (with Exchange of Notes)
11 February 1969 14 April 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics further amending the Air Services Agreement signed at London on 19 December 1957
13 February 1969 13 February 1969 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Imperial Ethiopian Government concerning the Establishment and Functions of the British Council in Ethiopia
13 February 1969 2 May 1970 Agreement Establishing the European Molecular Biology Conference
25 February 1969 Exchange of Letters of Intention and Amendment concerning the United Kingdom/Nigeria Loan 1969
27 February 1969 27 February 1969 First Supplement to the Arrangement regarding the Development and Production of a Civil Supersonic Transport Aircraft signed on 29 November 1962 - CONCORDE
27 February 1969 7 March 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland acting on behalf of the Governments of the Trucial States, and the United Nations Childrens Fund extending to the Trucial States the Agreement signed at London on 7 October 1953 and the Protocol signed at New York on 7 July 1959
28 February 1969 28 February 1969 Agreement for Co-operation in the Field of Applied Science and Technology between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria
3 March 1969 11 March 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning a Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Chile towards the cost of a Nuclear Research Reactor (United Kingdom/Chile Loan 1969)
4 March 1969 11 March 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning a Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Chile towards the cost of development of a Steelworks ( The United Kingdom / Chile Loan No. 2/1969 )
7 March 1969 15 January 1970 Protocol for the further extension of the International Olive Oil Agreement 1963
13 March 1969 13 March 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (United Kingdom / Indonesia (No.2) Loan, 1969)
13 March 1969 13 March 1969 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on certain Commercial Debts
19 March 1969 27 March 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
25 March 1969 28 March 1969 Memorandum of Understanding ( Draft Form ) and Exchange of Letters concerning the United Kingdom / Mauritius Loan No. 2 1968 and Draft Amendment to Loan No. 2 1968
28 March 1969 28 March 1969 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Relations in the Scientific, Educational and Cultural Fields for 1969-1971
28 March 1969 1 September 1969 Agreement establishing an Association between the EEC and the Tunisian Republic and documents appended thereto
28 March 1969 4 November 1969 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic in respect of the Regulation of Taxation of Road Vehicles used for the International Carriage of Goods
28 March 1969 1 February 1970 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic on the International Carriage of Goods by Road
31 March 1969 31 March 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Nepal concerning Financial Assistance by the United Kingdom to Nepal towards the Construction of the East-West Highway (United Kingdom / Nepal 1969 (No.1) Financial Agreement)
31 March 1969 11 April 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay temporarily prolonging the Agreement on Trade and Payments signed at Asuncion on 21 November 1955
10 April 1969 Letters of Intent concerning a development loan of #2,000,000, with amendments of 14:07:1969
28 April 1969 5 November 1973 Protocol amending the Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed at London on 4 July 1960
28 April 1969 Convention on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Italian Republic
28 April 1969 Declaration on Europe by the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Italy
29 April 1969 29 April 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (United Kingdom / Indonesia (No.3) Loan, 1969)
29 April 1969 14 May 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia concerning the Abolition of Visas
30 April 1969 13 November 1970 Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Austria for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
1 May 1969 5 February 1970 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in respect of the Regulation of the Taxation of Road Vehicles used for the International Carriage of Goods
6 May 1969 20 November 1970 European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage [ETS No. 66]
6 May 1969 17 April 1971 European Agreement relating to Persons participating in Proceedings of the European Commission and Court of Human Rights
7 May 1969 7 May 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Kuwait amending the Schedule to the Air Services Agreement signed at Kuwait on 24 May 1960
8 May 1969 24 May 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
9 May 1969 31 July 1969 Agreement amending the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Jamaica for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed at London on 2 April 1965
13 May 1969 19 May 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning interim arrangements for Offsetting the Foreign Exchange Expenditure on British Forces in the Federal Republic of Germany
15 May 1969 15 May 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ceylon revising the Route Schedule annexed to the Agreement for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories signed at Colombo on 5 August 1949
23 May 1969 27 January 1980 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
27 May 1969 4 February 1970 Arrangement between the Minister of Transport of the United Kingdom and the Minister of Trade, Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Austria concerning international carriage of goods by road.
28 May 1969 28 May 1969 Headquarters Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the International Coffee Organisation
29 May 1969 29 May 1969 Headquarters Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the International Sugar Organisation
3 June 1969 1 July 1969 Long Term Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
9 June 1969 9 July 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Austria amending the Agreement of 3 April 1968 regarding the Abolition of Visas
9 June 1969 9 August 1969 Agreement for Co-operation in dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil
10 June 1969 26 February 1970 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel
12 June 1969 1 June 1970 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Rumania on International Road Transport
13 June 1969 Letters of Intent concerning a Development Loan
17 June 1969 17 June 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan further amending the Schedule annexed to the Air Services Agreement of 29 December 1952 as amended by the Exchange of Notes of 22 August 1967
17 June 1969 17 June 1969 Exchange of Letters amending Annex C to the Agreement establishing a Free Trade Area signed at London on 14 December 1965
19 June 1969 1 January 1970 Agreement on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of New Zealand
19 June 1969 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Pakistan for Air Services
20 June 1969 20 June 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ceylon concerning the Payment outside Ceylon of Pensions and Allowances Covered by the Public Officers Agreement, 1947
23 June 1969 23 June 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Turkey (United Kingdom / Turkey Loan, No.1, 1969)
23 June 1969 18 July 1982 International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969
25 June 1969 25 June 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (United Kingdom / Indonesia No.4 Loan (1969))
26 June 1969 26 June 1969 Agreement Amending the Administrative Agreement of December 1, 1954 concerning the Arbitral Tribunal and Mixed Commission under the Agreement on German External Debts
26 June 1969 26 June 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria concerning the provision of a British Training Team to assist in the Training and Development of the Naval Forces of Nigeria
1 July 1969 3 July 1971 Convention for the Reciprocal Recognition of Proof Marks of Small Arms [with Regulations of the Permanent International Commission (CIP) and Annexes I and II]
5 July 1969 5 July 1969 Exchange of Letters of Intention concerning the United Kingdom/Ceylon Loan No.1 1969
9 July 1969 9 July 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Government of Cambodia concerning the Interest-free Loan towards the cost of the Prek Thnot Power and Irrigation Devlopment Project
10 July 1969 Exchange of Notes and Note of Understanding Concerning the Establishment of a Broadcasting Network for Radio Laos ( ORL )
12 July 1969 12 July 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning the United Kingdom/Guyana Sea Defence Loan 1969 and Exchange of Letters amending the foregoing (06:05:1976 - SANG 093/548/1 (19) 1976)
12 July 1969 12 July 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning the United Kingdom/Guyana Development Loan 1969/1971, and Exchange of Letters amending the above, of 06:05:1976 (ANG 093/548/1(20)1976)
17 July 1969 17 July 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal prolonging the Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy signed at London on 18 July 1958
17 July 1969 17 July 1969 Exchange of Notes constituting the United Kingdom / Uganda Development Loan No. 3/1969
17 July 1969 5 February 1970 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Finland for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital
21 July 1969 Letters of Understanding relating to Financial Arrangements concerning HM Forces who are seconded to the Forces of the Sultan of Muscat and Oman (See Exchanges of Notes of 30/31 March 1967 & 19.04.1967 Muscat No 35 NIR).
23 July 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Western Samoa concerning the Guarantee by the Government of the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by Western Samoa (Sterling Area Agreement)
25 July 1969 1 January 1971 International Health Regulations (1969) adopted by the Twenty-second World Health Assembly
29 July 1969 1 January 1971 EEC Internal Agreement concerning the Financing and Administration of Community Aids
29 July 1969 1 January 1971 EEC Internal Agreement on the Measures and Procedures required for the Implementation of the Convention of Association between the EEC and the African and Malagasy States associated with that Community
1 August 1969 Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of India on Trade in handicraft products in the form of an Exchange of Letters
1 August 1969 Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of India on Trade in Coconut Products, in the form of an Exchange of Letters
8 August 1969 8 August 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Nepal towards the Construction of a Secondary School for Boys
9 August 1969 9 August 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Laos concerning the participation of the United Kingdom in the Foreign Exchange Operations Fund for Laos
9 August 1969 1 October 1969 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories
12 August 1969 12 August 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic relating to Cereals
23 August 1969 23 August 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan (United Kingdom/Sudan Loan (No.1) 1969)
1 September 1969 1 September 1969 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for Offsetting the Foreign Exchange Expenditure on British Forces in the Federal Republic of Germany
1 September 1969 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Botswana concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of Reserves in Sterling by the Government of Botswana (Sterling Area Agreement)
15 September 1969 15 September 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest - Free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Turkey (United Kingdom/Turkey Loan No.2, 1969)
19 September 1969 26 June 1970 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the International Carriage of Goods by Road
23 September 1969 25 September 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Reciprocal Payment of Social Security Pensions
24 September 1969 1 January 1971 EEC Agreement on the Measures and Procedures required for the Implementation of the Agreement of Association between the EEC and the United Republic of Tanzania, the Republic of Uganda and the Republic of Kenya associated with that Community
25 September 1969 22 February 1971 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia to provide for the Establishment and Operation in Australia of a Large Optical Telescope
27 September 1969 9 October 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay further prolonging the Agreement on Trade and Payments signed at Asuncion on 21 November 1955
30 September 1969 Exchange of Notes of 30 September and 16 October 1969 and 15 December 1970 amending the Annexes to the Agreement establishing an Association between the EEC and the Kingdom of Morocco and documents related thereto signed on 31 March 1969
1 October 1969 13 October 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
1 October 1969 15 December 1971 Protocol to the International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries signed at Washington on 8 February 1949 Relating to Panel Membership and to Regulatory Measures
6 October 1969 6 October 1969 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus on Social Insurance
10 October 1969 10 October 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal further prolonging the Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy signed at London on 18 July 1958
16 October 1969 8 April 1970 Amendment to the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for Co-operation on the Uses of Atomic Energy for Mutual Defence Purposes of July 3 1958
18 October 1969 26 January 1970 Agreement establishing the Caribbean Development Bank
22 October 1969 22 October 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (United Kingdom/Indonesia No.5 Loan (1969))
23 October 1969 1 November 1969 Agreement on Social Security (Bermuda)
26 October 1969 26 October 1969 Public Officers Agreement between the United Kingdom and St Vincent
3 November 1969 3 November 1969 Agreement with the Export-Import Bank ( EXIMBANK ) of Washington concerning Credit Facilities to the United Kingdom
4 November 1969 4 November 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic amending Schedule I of the Revised Annex to the Air Transport Agreement signed at London on 28 February 1946
10 November 1969 Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of India on Trade in Jute Products, in the form of an Exchange of Letters
14 November 1969 14 November 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest - Free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Turkey (United Kingdom/Turkey (Polyethlyene Plant Expansion) Loan No.3 Agreement 1969)
14 November 1969 1 July 1971 Insured Letters and Boxes Agreement [With Detailed Regulations]
14 November 1969 1 July 1971 Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union (with Declarations, General Regulations, Final Protocol and Rules of Procedure of Congresses)
14 November 1969 1 July 1971 Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union (with Declarations, General Regulations, Final Protocol and Rules of Procedure of Congresses)
14 November 1969 1 July 1971 Universal Postal Convention (with Final Protocol and Detailed Regulations)
14 November 1969 1 July 1971 Giro Transfers Agreement [With Detailed Regulations]
14 November 1969 1 July 1971 Postal Parcels Agreement (with Final Protocol and Detailed Regulations]
15 November 1969 15 November 1969 Exchange of Notes concerning a Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Ecuador (United Kingdom/Ecuador Loan, 1969)
15 November 1969 Exchange of Letters of Intention concerning Loan No. 3 1969
18 November 1969 18 December 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Korea concerning the Abolition of Visas
28 November 1969 12 August 1971 Amendment to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965
28 November 1969 Letters of Intention concerning: Maintenance Loan 1969 (#16,000,000), Mixed Project Loan 1969 (#2,000,000), I.C.I.C.I. Loan (#l,000,000), Mixed Imports Loan (#4,000,000), Capital Investment Loan (#7,500,000), with Extension of the terminal withdrawal date until 31:03:1971 (New Delhi, 25:03:1970 - FSE 6/1/5(l) 1970)
29 November 1969 6 May 1975 International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties
29 November 1969 19 June 1975 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage
5 December 1969 Anglo/Hungarian Cultural Agreement for 1970/1972
10 December 1969 10 December 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Inter-American Development Bank supplementing the Agreement of 18 April 1966 for the Administration of Funds to be made available by the Government of the United Kingdom for Economic Assistance to Countries which are Members of the Bank
10 December 1969 24 March 1970 Protocol amending the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Trinidad and Tobago for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed at Port of Spain on 29 December 1966
11 December 1969 11 December 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America extending to certain overseas territories the Agreement of 26 November 1965 concerning the reciprocal granting of licences to amateur radio operators
12 December 1969 2 October 1971 European Agreement on Continued Payment of Scholarships to Students Studying Abroad [ETS No. 69]
16 December 1969 8 January 1970 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Canada amending the Annex to the Agreement signed on 11 September 1964 on Arrangements regarding the Status of Canadian Forces in Bermuda
16 December 1969 21 June 1983 Convention on Special Missions and Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes with Resolution on the Settlement of Civil Claims Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 8 December 1969 [OPTIONAL PROTOCOL]
16 December 1969 21 June 1985 Convention on Special Missions and Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes with Resolution on the Settlement of Civil Claims
19 December 1969 19 December 1969 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Space Research Organisation concerning the use by the United Kingdom of ESRANGE for a Special Project
22 December 1969 Exchange of Letters concerning the United Kingdom / Mauritius Loan No. 3 1969
1 January 1970 Letters of Intent constituting The United Kingdom / Malawi Central African Pension Fund Loan 1970
25 February 1975 6 January 1976 Basic Agreement on Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Mexican States (with Exchange of Notes)
25 February 1975 12 January 1977 Agreement on Cultural Cooperation between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Mexican States
27 February 1975 13 May 1975 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho concerning Public Offciers' Pensions
28 February 1975 28 February 1975 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Relations in the Scientific, Educational and Cultural Fields for 1975 - 1977
28 February 1975 1 April 1976 ACP-EEC Convention of Lome and Agreement on Products within the Province of the European Coal and Steel Community (with related documents)
1 March 1975 1 March 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Brazil concerning the Settlement of Claims of certain British Companies
6 March 1975 6 March 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Australia further amending the Agreement on Social Security signed at Canberra on 29 January 1958
6 March 1975 1 April 1975 Health Care Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Malta
8 March 1975 10 March 1975 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-Free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
8 March 1975 8 October 1977 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital
11 March 1975 11 March 1975 Exchange of Notes concerning Grain to be supplied by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of India within the framework of the Cereals Food Aid Programme of the European Economic Community (United Kingdom Food Aid Grant:India Agreement, 1975)
11 March 1975 11 March 1975 Exchanges of Notes of Intention and Understanding to be referred to as the UNITED KINGDOM/INDIA Maintenance Loan 1975
20 March 1975 20 March 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Nicaragua amending the United Kingdom/Nicaragua Loan no. (1) 1974
25 March 1975 19 June 1975 Protocol for the further Extension of the Food Aid Convention, 1971
25 March 1975 19 June 1975 Protocol for the Further Extension of the Wheat Trade Convention, 1971
26 March 1975 26 March 1975 Headquarters Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the International Cocoa Organization
1 April 1975 1 April 1975 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Pakistan (United Kingdom/Pakistan Loan Agreement 1975)
2 April 1975 3 April 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America further amending the Agreement concerning Procedures for the Implementation and Enforcement of Rules for Advance Booking Charter Flights signed at Washington on 30 March 1973
3 April 1975 14 October 1976 Consular Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
8 April 1975 24 June 1976 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Finland on International Road Transport
8 April 1975 Protocol to the International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries signed at Washington on 8 February 1949
9 April 1975 Agreement establishing a Financial Support Fund of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
16 April 1975 16 April 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Inter-American Development Bank amending the Agreement establishing the United Kingdom Development Fund for Latin America signed at Washington on 1 June 1971
25 April 1975 25 April 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden suspending part of the Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy signed at Stockholm on 20 September 1957
7 May 1975 7 May 1975 Onchocerciasis Fund Agreement 1975
7 May 1975 7 May 1975 Exchange of Notes concerning an Interest-free Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Peru (United Kingdom/Peru Loan Agreement No. 1/1975)
15 May 1975 15 July 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium supplementing Article I of the Treaty for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals signed on 29:10:1901 as amended
19 May 1975 6 August 1975 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba on the Development of Economic and Industrial Co-operation
20 May 1975 Exchange of Notes concerning the Allocation of #4,512,600 to the Water Supply Corporation for the Installation of a 24' Mains Water Transmission pipeline from Za'atari to Haufa
28 May 1975 28 May 1975 Exchange of Notes concerning the arrangements for the second stage of the Suez clearance operations undertaken by ships of the Royal Navy.
30 May 1975 30 October 1980 Convention for the Establishment of a European Space Agency
3 June 1975 23 September 1975 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ireland with respect to Certain Exemptions from Tax
4 June 1975 4 June 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America further extending the Agreement concerning Procedures for the Implementation and Enforcement of Rules for Advance Booking Charter Flights signed at Washington on 30 March 1973
5 June 1975 19 January 1976 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic for the avoidance of Double Taxation of Air Transport Undertakings and their Employees
6 June 1975 16 June 1975 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of South Africa terminating the Agreements signed at London on 30 June 1955 relating to the Simonstown Naval Base
11 June 1975 24 February 1976 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt for the Promotion and Protection of Investments
11 June 1975 1 December 1988 Agreement on Economic, Industrial and Technological Co-operation between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt
21 June 1975 Letters of Intention concerning the United Kingdom/Tanzania Grant No.1/1975 (and Land Transfer Programme) and the United Kingdom/Tanzania Grant No.2/1975
23 June 1975 19 July 1977 International Labour Convention No.142 concerning Vocational Guidance and Vocational Training in the Development of Human Resources adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Sixtieth Session ( ILO No. 142 )
24 June 1975 24 June 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic relating to the Abandonment of the Channel Tunnel Project
24 June 1975 24 June 1975 Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community meeting in Council of 24 June 1975 opening tariff preferences for Products within the province of that Community originating in the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and in the overseas countries and territories associated with the Community
25 June 1975 12 August 1976 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica further amending the United Kingdom / Costa Rica Loan 1973
26 June 1975 26 June 1975 Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) meeting within the Council, opening Tariff Preferences for Products covered by that Community and originating in Israel
30 June 1975 30 June 1975 Exchange of Notes Terminating the Agreement on Trade and Commerce signed at London on 1 December 1936 and Extended by Notes Exchanged at Buenos Aires on 13 March 1947 and 19 March 1947
30 June 1975 23 September 1975 Agreement with respect to Certain Exemptions From Tax With Exchange of Notes of 23/09/1975, bringing the Agreement into Force ( WLE 20/1 (17) 1975 )
1 July 1975 14 June 1977 International Tin Agreement, 1975
2 July 1975 2 July 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning an Exchange Programme of Fellowships in the Arts to celebrate the Bicentennial Year of the United States of America
3 July 1975 3 July 1975 Exchange of Notes constituting the United Kingdom / Bangladesh Population Project Grant 1975
3 July 1975 3 July 1975 Exchange of Notes concerning Cereals to be supplied by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Bangladesh within the framework of the Cereals Food Aid Programme of the European Economic Community ( The United Kingdom Food Aid Grant : Bangladesh Agreement 1975 )
3 July 1975 31 July 1975 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Mauritius concerning Public Officers' Pensions
3 July 1975 11 January 1976 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Portuguese Republic on International Road Transport
8 July 1975 11 July 1975 Exchange of Notes amending the 1973 Financial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Nepal concerning Assistance towards the Construction of a Road from Dharan to Dhankuta
8 July 1975 Exchange of Letters of Understanding concerning a Grant to meet the Costs of Emergency Repairs to the Dharan Town Water Supply
10 July 1975 10 July 1975 Arbitration Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic
10 July 1975 1 October 1977 Treaty amending certain Provisions of the Protocol on the Statute of the European Investment Bank
10 July 1975 Exchanges of Notes of Intention and Understanding concerning the United Kingdom / Kenya Grant 1975
11 July 1975 1 April 1976 Internal Agreement on the Financing and Administration of Community Aid
11 July 1975 1 April 1976 Internal Agreement on the Measures and Procedures required for Implementation of the ACP - EEC Convention of Lome
15 July 1975 15 July 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Provisional Government of National Union of Laos concerning the Participation of the United Kingdom in the Foreign Exchange Operations Fund for Laos
17 July 1975 17 July 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark bringing into force the Provisions of Article 27 paragraph (2) of the Consular Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark signed on 27 June 1962
21 July 1975 31 May 1978 Protocol amending the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Singapore for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed at Singapore on 01/12/1966
22 July 1975 22 July 1975 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Singapore for the Promotion and Protection of Investments
22 July 1975 1 June 1977 Treaty Amending certain Financial Provisions of the Treaties establishing the European Communities and of the Treaty establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the European Communities
23 July 1975 3 September 1975 Agreement concerning Public Officers Pensions
25 July 1975 Letter of Intention concerning the United Kingdom/Burma Grant 1975
26 July 1975 26 July 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Kuwait concerning Nuclear Co-operation
29 July 1975 29 October 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic concerning the extension to Hong Kong of the Convention for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments signed at Paris on 18 January 1934 ( With Notification of Extension )
31 July 1975 10 November 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic concerning the Protection of Designations of Origin of certain Alcoholic Beverages
1 August 1975 Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (With Final Recommendations of the Helsinki Consultations agreed on 08:06:1973)
4 August 1975 4 August 1975 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland concerning Public Officers' Pensions
6 August 1975 28 August 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia amending the United Kingdom/Indonesia Loan Agreement (No.3) 1973 Project Development
6 August 1975 5 February 1981 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Lebanese Republic concerning the Mutual Recognition of Tonnage Certificates of Merchant Ships
7 August 1975 7 August 1975 Exchange of Notes concerning a Development Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Ecuador (United Kingdom / Ecuador Loan 1975)
15 August 1975 15 August 1975 Tarbela Development Fund ( Supplemental ) Agreement, 1975
19 August 1975 Exchange of Notes recording an Understanding about the Introduction of Advance Booking Charter Flights between Ghana and the United Kingdom
21 August 1975 21 August 1975 Headquarters Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the International Whaling Commission
29 August 1975 29 August 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic concerning the Establishment of a Representative Assembly for the New Hebrides ( With further Exchange of Notes signed at London on 14 November 1975 )
3 September 1975 Exchange of Letters of Understanding constituting the Cotton Ginnery Improvement Lashkargah Project Fund 1975
4 September 1975 4 September 1975 Exchange of Notes concerning a Loan by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Peru (United Kingdom/Peru Loan Agreement No. 2/1975)
5 September 1975 Exchange of Letters concerning the United Kingdom/Ghana Development Loan 1975
12 September 1975 26 November 1975 Films Co-Production Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Canada
16 September 1975 1 February 1977 Supplementary Convention on Social Security between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Austria
18 September 1975 18 September 1975 Long Term Agreement on Economic Collaboration and Industrial and Technological Co-operation between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Socialist Republic of Romania
18 September 1975 22 January 1976 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
18 September 1975 22 November 1977 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital Gains
23 September 1975 22 November 1975 Exchange of Notes bringing into force the Provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 41 of the Consular Convention of 24 June 1960 [AUSTRIA]
24 September 1975 24 September 1975 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel for Air Services between and beyond their respective Territories
25 September 1975 25 September 1975 Exchange of Notes concerning a Grant by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Pakistan (United Kingdom/Pakistan (Tarbela No 9) Agreement 1975)
25 September 1975 15 February 1996 Additional Protocol No. 2 to amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929 as amended by the Protocol done at The Hague on 28 September 1955
25 September 1975 15 February 1996 Additional Protocol No. 1 to amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929
25 September 1975 14 June 1998 Montreal Protocol No. 4 to amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929 as amended by the Protocol done at The Hague on 28 September 1955
25 September 1975 Additional Protocol No. 3 to amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929 as amended by the Protocols done at The Hague on 28 September 1955 and at Guatemala City on 8 March 1971
25 September 1975 Final Act of the International Conference on Air Law held under the Auspices of the International Civil Aviation Organization
26 September 1975 6 May 1976 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Polish People's Republic on International Road Transport
26 September 1975 20 May 1976 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Liberia for Air Services Between and Beyond their Respective Territories
30 September 1975 24 December 1975 Resolution to extend the International Sugar Agreement 1973 [Approved by the International Sugar Council on 30 September 1975]
13 October 1975 28 October 1975 Agreement concerning Public Officers' Pensions
15 October 1975 11 August 1978 European Convention on the Legal Status of Children born out of Wedlock [ETS No. 85]
20 October 1975 1 November 1975 Agreement concerning Public Officers' Pensions
21 October 1975 Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Spain for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital
24 October 1975 7 November 1975 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Grenada concerning Public Officers' Pensions
29 October 1975 12 August 1976 Extradition Treaty between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Finland (With Exchange of Notes signed at Helsinki on 12 May 1976 extending the Treaty to certain territories)
31 October 1975 11 December 1975 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Fiji concerning Public Officers' Pensions
3 November 1975 3 November 1975 Exchange of Notes concerning a Grant by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Republic of Bolivia ( The United Kingdom / Bolivia Grant No. 1 1975 )
6 November 1975 20 October 1976 Agreement with the Government of the Associated State of St Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, concerning Public Officers' Pensions
10 November 1975 7 November 1978 International Cocoa Agreement, 1975
13 November 1975 13 November 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ecuador amending the Exchange of Notes concerning the United Kingdom / Ecuador Loan No. 1/1973
15 November 1975 15 March 1983 European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries (AGR)
17 November 1975 Decisions of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) meeting in Council, opening, allocating and providing for the Administration of Tariff Quotas for certain Steel Products Originating in Developing Countries and Opening Tariff Preferences for certain Steel Products Originating in Developing Countries
20 November 1975 Protocol introducing amendments to the Arrangements between Certain Member States of the European Space Research Organisation and the European Space Research Organisation concerning the Execution of an Aeronautical Satellite Programme
21 November 1975 17 August 1976 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and th Government of Fiji for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
21 November 1975 27 August 1976 Consular Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Mongolian People's Republic
22 November 1975 27 November 1985 Additional Protocol 1 relating to the Abrogation of the European Broadcasting Convention (Copenhagen 1948) and the annexed Copenhagen Plan
23 November 1975 23 November 1975 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Cultural and Technical Co-operation
24 November 1975 23 January 1976 Arrangement between the Secretary of State for the Environment of the United Kingdom and the Federal Minister of Transport of the Republic of Austria on the carriage of goods by road.
26 November 1975 26 November 1975 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Malawi concerning Public Offciers' Pensions (Public Officers' Pensions (Malawi) Agreement 1975)
29 November 1975 Succession by Suriname on Independence to the Convention between the United Kingdom/Netherlands for the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements in Civil Matters signed at The Hague on 17 November 1967, as Extended to Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles by an Exchange of Notes of 02 September 1970
3 December 1975 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Fiji amending the United Kingdom / Fiji Development Loan 1971
8 December 1975 13 January 1975 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Korea amending and extending the Agreement of 12 January 1971 concerning the Establishment of an Institute of Technology in Korea
11 December 1975 11 December 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium concerning the entry into operation of paragraph (2) of Article 39 of the Consular Convention signed at Brussels on 08 March 1961
15 December 1975 28 February 1980 Supplementary Protocol to the Protocol of 13 April 1962 on the setting-up of European Schools
15 December 1975 Convention for the European Patent for the Common Market
15 December 1975 Protocol on the Provisional Application of the Supplementary Protocol to the Protocol of 13 April 1962 on the setting up of European Schools
17 December 1975 29 April 1977 Protocol concerning the Exploitation of a Pre-Operational Meteorological Satellite (Meteosat)
31 December 1975 25 April 1980 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital Gains with amending Exchange of Notes of 13 April 1976
1 January 1976 20 March 1978 Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention)
5 January 1976 31 March 1976 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Fiji Amending and Extending the Fiji (Overseas Service) Agreement 1971 (The Overseas Service (Fiji) (Continuance) Agreement 1971/1976)
6 January 1976 6 January 1976 Exchange of Letters of Understanding between the Government of India (Ministry of Commerce) and the United Kingdom (Department of Trade) on the establishment of an Indo-British Economic Committee
12 January 1976 12 January 1976 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania relating to the Settlement of certain Financial Matters
19 January 1976 Exchange of Letters of Understanding concerning the Allocation of Funds to Provide part ( Stage II, #1,233,000 ) of the Finance required by the Amman Electricity project
20 January 1976 1 April 1976 Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community, meeting within the Council, on the opening of Tariff Preferences for Products within the Province of that Community originating in the Overseas Countries associated with the Community
20 January 1976 30 September 1977 Protocol amending the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Kenya for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital Gains, signed at Nairobi 31 July 1973
21 January 1976 Exchange of Letters of Understanding concerning the Release of #26,422 Towards the Cost of Financing the Al Azraq Co-operative Project
22 January 1976 Exchange of Notes amending and extending the Overseas Service (Gibraltar) Agreement 1970 (The Overseas Service (Gibraltar) (Continuance) Agreement 1971/76
27 January 1976 27 January 1976 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Malta concerning Public Officers' Pensions
29 January 1976 29 January 1976 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Italy concerning the Sale in Italy of Scrap, Surplus and Waste Material belonging to the Command of the Royal Air Force in Italy
31 January 1976 1 August 1977 International Coffee Agreement 1976
2 February 1976 2 February 1976 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Bolivia to amend the United Kingdom/Bolivia Loan Agreement No.1 1973 (The United Kingdom/Bolivia Loan Agreement No.1 1973 (Amendment) 1975)
2 February 1976 16 June 1976 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ecuador amending the United Kingdom / Ecuador Loan No. 2/1973 ( United Kingdom / Ecuador Loan No. 2/1973 Amendment 1976 )
3 February 1976 22 November 1976 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania amending the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital Gains, signed at Bucharest on 18:09:1975
10 February 1976 8 January 1976 Exchange of Letters between the United Kingdom and the Sultan of Oman concerning the BBC relay Station on Masirah Island (See also Muscat and Oman 25/26:11:1966)
16 February 1976 16 February 1976 Exchange of Notes concerning a Grant by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan (United Kingdom/Sudan Grant Agreement 1976)
17 February 1976 17 February 1976 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (on behalf of Belize) concerning Foreign Investment Insurance.
23 February 1976 26 February 1976 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ghana concerning Public Officers' Pensions (Public Officers' Pensions (Ghana) Agreement 1976)
23 February 1976 31 March 1976 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Malaysia Extending the Overseas Service (Malaysia) Agreement 1971 and 1972 (The Overseas Service (Malaysia) (Residuary) Agreement 1971/76)
23 February 1976 Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community, meeting within the Council, extending the Decision of 24 June 1975 opening Tariff Preferences for Products within the province of that Community originating in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States and in the Overseas Countries and Territories associated with the Community
24 February 1976 21 June 1976 Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, Indonesia, 24 February 1976, as amended by the First Protocol amending the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia , 1987 and the Second Protocol Amending the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, 1998 [and the Third Protocol amending the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, 2010]
24 February 1976 25 June 1976 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Botswana concerning Public Officers' Pensions (The Public Officers' Pensions (Botswana) Agreement 1976)
8 September 1926 Convention concerning Equality of Treatment for Workmen's Compensation for Accidents [ILO 19]
1 April 1927 Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation for Accidents [ILO No. 17]
16 April 1928 International Labour Convention No. 23 concerning the Repatriation of Seamen [ILO No. 23]
15 July 1928 Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Agricultural Workers [ILO No.25]
15 July 1928 Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Workers in Industry and Commerce and Domestic Servants
14 June 1930 Convention Concerning the Creation of Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery (ILO No.26)
1 April 1932 Convention concerning the Protection against accidents of workers employed in loading or unloading ships [ILO No.28]
29 August 1933 Convention concerning the Regulation of Hours of Work in Commerce and Offices (ILO No. 30)
30 October 1934 Convention concerning the Protection against Accidents of Workers employed on loading and unloading Ships [ILO 32]
18 October 1936 Convention concerning Fee Charging Employment Agencies [ILO No.34]
10 June 1938 Convention for the Reduction of Hours of Work in Glass Bottle Works No. 49
17 September 1946 General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations
13 December 1946 Cameroons Under United Kingdom Trusteeship Text of Trusteeship Agreement as Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations
16 August 1949 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 21, 1947 [With Annexes]
29 September 1949 Convention concerning compulsory Widows' and Orphans' Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakings [ILO No.40]
11 October 1949 Amendments to the Schedule of the International Whaling Convention signed at Washington on 2nd December, 1946
11 January 1950 Further Amendment to the Schedule of the International Whaling Convention signed at Washington on 2nd December, 1946 adopted at the First Meeting of the International Whaling Commission
7 April 1950 Convention concerning the Organisation of Labour Inspection in Industry and Commerce [ILO No.81]
21 June 1950 Further Amendments to the Schedule to the International Whaling Convention signed at Washington on 2nd December, 1946 adopted at the Second, Third and Fourth Meetings of the International Whaling Commission Oslo, July 1950, Cape Town, July 1951 London, June 1952
18 July 1951 ILO Convention No.98, Application of the Principles of the Right to Organise and Bargain Collectively [ILO No.98]
18 July 1951 ILO Convention No.96 Concerning Fee - Charging Employment Agencies (Revised), 1949
22 January 1952 ILO Convention No.97 concerning Migration for Employment
20 September 1952 ILO Convention No.94 concerning Labour Clauses in Public Contracts
24 September 1952 ILO Convention No.95 concerning Protection of Wages
1 October 1952 International Sanitary Regulations adopted by the World Health Assembly on May 25, 1951
29 January 1953 ILO Convention No.92 concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ships [ILO No.92]
13 February 1953 Convention concerning Maximum Lengths of Contracts of Employment of Indigenous Workers [ILO No.86]
26 June 1953 List of Further Amendments to the Schedule to the International Whaling Convention signed at Washington on the 2nd of December, 1946 adopted at the Fifth Meeting of the International Whaling Commission London, June 1953.
1 July 1953 Convention concerning the Rights of Association and Settlement of Labour Disputes in Non-metropolitan Territories [ILO No.84]
19 June 1955 Convention concerning Social Policy in Non-metropolitan Territories [ILO No.82]
26 July 1955 Convention concerning Labour Inspectorates in non-Metropolitan Territories [ILO No.85]
1 October 1956 Additional amending Regulations to the International Sanitary Regulations adopted by the World Health Assembly on May 25, 1951 [Smallpox and Pilgrim Traffic]
1 October 1956 Additional amending Regulations to the International Sanitary Regulations adopted by the World Health Assembly on May 25, 1951
23 June 1957 Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work to Forty a Week (ILO No. 47)
17 September 1957 Amendments to Article 7 of the Statute of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, Rome, 15 March 1940
17 September 1957 Amendments to Articles 2, 4, 6, 7, 7 bis, 7 ter, 8, 12 bis, 15 and 17 of the Statute of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, Rome, 15 March 1940
1 January 1958 Additional Regulations amending the International Sanitary Regulations adopted by the World Health Assembly on the 25th of May, 1951
15 April 1959 Amended Text of Article 13 of the Convention of the World Meteorological Organisation, signed at Washington on October 11, 1947, adopted by the Third Congress of the Organisation, Geneva, April 15, 1959
16 May 1960 Amendment of Article 56 of the Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
15 June 1960 Convention concerning Discrimination in respect of Employment and Occupation (ILO Convention No.111), with Recommendation
23 June 1961 Schedule to the International Whaling Convention, 1946 Revised to include the Amendments that came into Operation after the Thirteenth Meeting of the International Whaling Commission in London, 1961
1 July 1961 Correspondence of Non-Treaty character, about Visa requirements. Partial Abolition pending an Agreement
7 July 1961 Amendments to the Customs Convention regarding Carnets for Commercial Samples, signed in Brussels on March 1, 1956
3 November 1961 Amendment to Article 26 of the Statute of the Council of Europe
7 November 1961 International Labour Convention No.114 concerning Fishermen's Articles of Agreement [adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its 43rd Session]
30 April 1962 The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 1st Antarctic Consultative Meeting
17 June 1962 International Labour Convention No.115 concerning the Protection of Workers against Ionising Radiations, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation during its Forty-Fourth Session
15 November 1962 Amendments to the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
1 January 1963 Decision Amending the list contained in Annex 1 of the Treaty (ECSC)
11 January 1963 The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 2nd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
31 January 1963 Amendment to Article VI.A.3 of the statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency
6 May 1963 Amendment to Article 26 of the Statute of the Council of Europe
1 June 1963 Amendments to the Convention for the Regulation of the Meshes of Fishing Nets and Size Limits of Fish, signed at London on May 5, 1946, adopted at the Eleventh Meeting of the Permanent Commission held at London
1 October 1963 Additional Regulations amending the International Sanitary Regulations with respect to Notifications
30 October 1963 The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 4th Consultative Meeting
4 December 1963 Amendment to the Commonwealth Merchant Shipping Agreement, Signed At London on 10th December, 1931
24 May 1965 Amendment to Article 26 of the Statute of The Council of Europe
31 August 1965 Amendments to Articles 23, 27 and 61 of the Charter of the United Nations signed at San Francisco on 26 June 1945 adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations
1 September 1965 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea adopted by the International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea, 1960
30 September 1965 Recommendation of 8 December 1960 concerning the amendments to the Convention on Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs (signed at Brussels on 15 December 1950), annexed to the Protocol signed at Brussels on 1 July, 1955
17 December 1965 Amendment to Article III of the Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Loans to the International Finance Corporation
1 January 1966 Additional Regulations amending the International Sanitary Regulations in particular with respect to Disinsecting of Ships and Aircraft and International Certificates of Vaccination or Revaccination against Yellow Fever and against Smallpox
29 March 1966 International Labour Convention No.120 concerning Hygiene in Commerce and Offices adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Conference at its Forty-eighth Session
15 July 1966 International Labour Convention No. 122 concerning Employment Policy adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Forty-eighth Session [ILO No. 122]
27 July 1966 The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 3rd Consultative Meeting
6 June 1967 Amendment to Article 2 of the Convention concerning Customs Formalities for Touring, done at New York on 4 June 1954
14 September 1967 ILO Convention No.91 concerning Vacation Holidays with Pay for Seafarers
6 October 1967 Amendments to Articles 17 and 18 of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation, signed at Geneva on 6 March 1948
21 November 1967 Amendment to Article IV of the Convention placing the International Poplar Commission within the Framework of FAO, signed 19 November 1959
13 December 1967 International Labour Convention No.124 concerning Medical Examination of Young Persons for Fitness for Employment Underground in Mines adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Forty-ninth Session
1 January 1968 World Health Organisation Nomenclature Regulations 1967 adopted by the World Health Assembly at Geneva
26 April 1968 Amendment to Article 6 of the Statute of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, 15 March 1940
26 May 1968 Amendments to Articles 5, 16 and 18 of the Statute of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, 15 March 1940
12 June 1968 Amendment to Article 109 of the Charter of the United Nations signed at San Francisco on 26 June 1945 adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 December 1965
26 June 1968 Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Theraputic Substances of Human Origin, signed at Paris on 15 December 1958 [as revised January 1968]
9 July 1968 Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchanges of Blood-Grouping Reagents, signed at Strasbourg on 14 May 1962 [as revised January 1968]
24 October 1968 Protocol instituting a Conciliation and Good Offices Commission to be responsible for seeking Settlement of Disputes which may arise between States Parties to the Convention Against Discrimination in Education
3 November 1968 Amendment to Article 28 of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation, signed at Geneva on 6 March 1948 adopted by the Assembly of the Organisation
4 November 1968 Amendments to Article V of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation adopted by the General Confernence of the Organisation at its Fifteenth Session on 4 November 1968
1 January 1969 Amendments to the International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM) done at Berne, 25 February 1961
28 July 1969 Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
24 November 1969 Amendments to the Constitution of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, signed at Quebec, 16 October 1945 adopted at Rome by the 15th Session of the Conference of the Organization on 24 November 1969
24 November 1971 Amendments to the Constitution of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, signed at Quebec, 16 October 1945 adopted at Rome by the 16th Session of the Conference of the Organization on 19 and 24 November 1971
26 May 1972 The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 5th Consultative Meeting
17 February 1973 Convention Concerning the Prevention of Occupational Accidents to Seafarers adopted at the 55th Session of the International Labour Organisation [ILO No. 134]
30 April 1973 Revised Text of the Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin (with Annexes 7, 8, 9 and 10)
1 June 1973 Amendment to Article VI of the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency
30 June 1973 International Labour Convention No. 135 Concerning Protection and Facilities to be afforded to the Workers' Representatives in the Undertaking, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Fifty-Sixth Session [ILO No.135]
24 September 1973 Amendment to Article 61 of the Charter of the United Nations for the Enlargement of the Economic and Social Council
10 October 1973 The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 6th Consultative Meeting
1 January 1974 Additional Regulations amending the International Health Regulations (1969) in particular with respect to Articles 1, 21, 63-71 and 92
2 January 1974 Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement,1971
25 September 1974 Annex E3 Concerning Customs Warehouses SIMPHARM ANNEX
2 January 1975 Statutes of the World Tourism Organisation (WTO)
21 May 1975 Amendments to Articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization signed at New York on 22 July, 1946 Adopted by the Twentieth World Health Assembly
29 May 1975 The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 7th Consultative Meeting
8 August 1975 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the Protocol of 25 March 1972 amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961
5 November 1975 Annex E5 Concerning Temporary Admission subject to Re-Exportation in the Same State SIMPHARM ANNEX
26 November 1975 Amendments to the Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), adopted at Rome by the 18th Session of the Conference
21 December 1975 Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat
23 September 1976 International Labour Convention No.140 concerning Paid Educational Leave adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Fifty-ninth Session [ILO 140]
29 September 1976 Amendments to Articles 5, 11 and 16 of the Statute of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, Rome, 15 March 1940
2 October 1976 Amendment to Article 26 of the Statute of the Council of Europe
8 November 1976 Amendments to Article V of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation adopted by the General Conference of the Organisation at its Nineteenth Session on 8 November 1976
3 February 1977 Resolution of the Twenty-Sixth World Health Assembly amending Articles 34 and 55 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization, adopted on 22 May 1973.
13 July 1977 Annex B1 Concerning Clearance for Home Use SIMPHARM ANNEX
1 October 1977 Annex E1 Concerning Customs Transit SIMPHARM ANNEX
14 October 1977 Annex F6 Concerning the Repayment of Import Duties and Taxes SIMPHARM ANNEX
18 November 1977 Annex A2 Concerning the Temporary Storage of Goods SIMPHARM ANNEX
18 November 1977 Annex A1 Concerning Customs formalities prior to the lodgement of the Goods declaration SIMPHARM ANNEX
24 November 1977 International Labour Convention No 141 concerning Organisations of Rural Workers and their Role in Economic and Social Development adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Sixtieth Session ( ILO 141 )
28 November 1977 Amendments to the Constitution of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, signed at Quebec on 16 October 1945, adopted by the Nineteenth Session of the Conference of the Organization, Rome 12 November - 1 December 1977.
6 December 1977 Annex D1 Concerning Rules of Origin SIMPHARM ANNEX
6 December 1977 Annex D2 Concerning Documentary Evidence of Origin SIMPHARM ANNEX
6 December 1977 Annex E6 Concerning Temporary Admission for Inward Processing SIMPHARM ANNEX
20 January 1978 Amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil , 1954
1 April 1978 Amendments to Articles 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 28, 31 and 32 of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, signed at Geneva on 6 March 1948 [Resolution A.315 (ES.V)]
1 April 1978 Second Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund adopted 24 March 1976
20 April 1978 Annex E8 Concerning Temporary Exportation for Outward Processing SIMPHARM ANNEX
16 June 1978 International Labour Convention No.144 concerning Tripartite Consultations to promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Sixty-first Session [ILO No.144]
16 December 1978 The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 8th Antarctic Consultative Meeting
11 March 1979 Amendments to Annexes I and II to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter (concerning Incineration at Sea)
19 March 1979 Annex F1 Concerning Free Zone SIMPHARM ANNEX
1 July 1979 Amendments to Articles XIV and XVI of the convention on Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs signed at Brussels on 15 December 1950 adopted pursuant to the recommendation of 13 June 1978 of the Customs Co-operation Council.
27 November 1979 Amendments to the FAO Constitution adopted by the Conference of the Organization at its Twentieth Session [by resolution 10/79]
22 April 1980 Annex F5 Concerning Urgent Consignments SIMPHARM ANNEX
29 January 1981 Annex C1 Concerning Outright Exportation SIMPHARM ANNEX
13 February 1981 Annex F4 Concerning Customs Formalities in respect of Postal Traffic SIMPHARM ANNEX
13 February 1981 Annex B3 Concerning reimportation in the same state SIMPHARM ANNEX
4 October 1981 Amendments to Article V of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation adopted by the General Conference of the Organisation at its Twenty-first Session on 4 October 1980
1 December 1981 Amendments to Annex I of the International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972
1 January 1982 Additional Regulations amending the International Health Regulations (1969), as amended, in particular with respect to Articles 1, 7, 18, 19 and 47.
18 March 1982 Annex A3 Concerning Customs formalities applicable to commercial means of transport SIMPHARM ANNEX
7 May 1982 Agreement establishing the African Development Bank, done at Khartoum on 4 August 1963, as amended by Resolution 05-79 adopted by the Board of Governors on 17 May 1979
22 May 1982 Amendments to the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Consultative Organization (IMCO), signed at Geneva on 06 March 1948 and Adopted by the Assembly of the Organization (Resolution A.358 (IX) and Resolution of Correction A.371 (X) Adopted by the IMCO Assembly on 9 November 1977)
1 October 1982 Resolution to extend the International Coffee Agreement 1976 [Resolution No.318]
26 November 1982 Annex D3 Concerning the Control of Documentary Evidence of Origin SIMPHARM ANNEX
1 June 1983 1981 Amendments to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972
1 July 1983 Regional Agreement for the Medium Frequency Broadcasting Service in Region 2
8 September 1983 The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 9th Antarctic Consultative Meeting
8 September 1983 Annex F3 Concerning Customs facilities applicable to Travellers SIMPHARM ANNEX
1 December 1983 Annex G1 Concerning Information supplied by the Customs Authorities SIMPHARM ANNEX
1 December 1983 Annex E2 Concerning Transshipment SIMPHARM ANNEX
1 December 1983 Annex H1 Concerning Appeals in Customs Matters SIMPHARM ANNEX
28 January 1984 Annex G2 Concerning the Relationship between Customs Authorities and Third Parities SIMPHARM ANNEX
1 September 1984 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 [ Adopted by Resolution MSC 1 (XLV) ]
10 November 1984 Amendments to the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation, signed at Geneva on 6 March 1948 adopted by the Tenth Assembly of the Organisation
1 January 1985 Additional Protocol to the Agreement on the Temporary Importation, Free of Duty, of Medical, Surgical and Laboratory Equipment for the use on Free Loan in Hospitals and other Medical Institutions for Purposes of Diagnosis or Treatment [ETS No. 110]
1 January 1985 Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin (Council of Europe No.109)
1 January 1985 Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchanges of Blood Grouping Reagents (Council of Europe No. 111)
28 January 1985 Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Long-Term Financing of the Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP)
1 March 1985 Protocol No. 6 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms concerning the Abolition of the Death Penalty [ETS No. 114]
19 April 1985 Protocol amending Article 14(3) of the European Agreement of 30 September 1957 concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
7 January 1986 1984 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, signed at London on 02/11/1973 [MARPOL]
1 July 1986 1983 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974. (Resolution Nos. MSC 4. (48), 5 (48), and 6 (48), [1096]). Amendments to chapters II 1, II 2, III, IV and VII of the Convention, including the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) and the ICC Code.
1 July 1986 1983 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974. (MSC.5(48)). Volume 3. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
1 October 1986 Amendments to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended, adopted by the Conference of Contracting Governments on 05/03/1986
28 January 1987 Annex F2 Processing of Goods for Home Use SIMPHARM ANNEX
6 April 1987 1985 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (relating to Annex II of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto) [MARPOL]
6 April 1987 1985 Amendments to the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (relating to Protocol I to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto) [MARPOL]
13 April 1987 Amendment to Article XI paragraph 3(a) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, signed at Washington on 3 March 1973, Adopted at Bonn on 22 June 1979
24 April 1988 International Labour Convention No. 160, concerning Labour Statistics (Adopted by the Conference at its Seventy-First Session)
1 January 1989 1987 Amendments to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended [Resolution FAL.1(17)]
1 April 1989 1987 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (Resolution MEPC.29(25)) [MARPOL]
3 June 1989 Annex B2 Concerning relief from Import duties and Taxes in respect of goods declared for home use SIMPHARM ANNEX
1 August 1989 Amendments to Annexes 2 and 7 of the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) done at Geneva on 14 November 1975
1 October 1989 Resolution to extend the International Coffee Agreement, 1983 [Resolution No 347 adopted by the International Coffee Council at its 53rd session]
22 October 1989 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 with text of Resolution MSC.11 (55) Adoption of Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, concerning Passenger Ro-Ro Ferries.
19 November 1989 1987 Amendments to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea [Resolution A.626(15)]
29 April 1990 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (MSC.12 (56))
11 May 1990 Amendments to Annexes I and II to the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft, done at Oslo on 15 February 1972
19 May 1990 Amendment to Annex III of the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter [characteristics and composition of matter]
1 August 1990 Amendments to Annexes 2, 6 and 7 of the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) done at Geneva on 14 November 1975
2 September 1990 Convention on the Rights of the Child
13 October 1990 1989 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code)
13 October 1990 1989 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (Appendices II and III of Annex II of MARPOL 73/78)
13 October 1990 1989 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)
13 October 1990 1989 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)
6 November 1990 Amendment to Article 26 of the Statute of the Council of Europe
18 February 1991 1989 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 [MARPOL]
19 April 1991 1989 Amendment to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 [Resolution A.678(16)]
11 July 1991 Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the Abolition of the Death Penalty
1 August 1991 Amendment to Annex 6 of the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) done at Geneva on 14 November 1975
27 August 1991 Convention concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship (Supplementary Provisions) adopted at the 55th Session of the International Labour Organisation [ILO No. 133]
1 September 1991 1990 Amendments to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended [Resolution FAL.2(19)]
23 January 1992 Terms of Reference of the International Copper Study Group
1 February 1992 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (MSC.19 (58))
1 February 1992 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended
1 February 1992 Amendments to the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 concerning Radio communications for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
7 March 1992 Amendments to Appendix I to the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, done at Berne 19 September 1979 (Adopted by the Standing Committee on 6 December 1991)
17 March 1992 1990 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 [MARPOL]
24 April 1992 Amendments to Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 22 and Annex of the European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR), done at Geneva on 1 July 1970
27 May 1992 Adoption of Annex D to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, concluded at Montreal on 16 September, 1987 [NAIROBI 1991]
24 July 1992 1991 Amendments to the Annex to the Protocol relating to the Intervention on the High Seas in cases of Marine Pollution by Substances other than Oil,1973 [Resolution MEPC.49(31)]
1 August 1992 Amendment to Annexes 2 and 7 of the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention), done at Geneva on 14 November 1975
10 August 1992 Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, done at Montreal on 16 September 1987 [LONDON 1990]
30 October 1992 Amendment to the Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Commercial Road Vehicles Done at Geneva on 18 May 1956
11 November 1992 Third Amendment of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
1 December 1992 1991 Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 [Resolution MSC.21(59)]
1 January 1993 1991 Amendments to Annexes I and II to the International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC), 1972 [Adopted by Resolution MSC.20 (59)]
5 February 1993 Amendment to Article 26 to the Statute of the Council of Europe
4 April 1993 1991 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (new regulation 26 and other amendments to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78) [Resolution MEPC.47(31)]
4 April 1993 1991 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, regarding the designation of the Wider Caribbean area as a special area under Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 [Resolution MEPC.48(31) ]
28 April 1993 Amendments to Articles II and VII of the Articles of Agreement of the International Finance Corporation
1 August 1993 Amendment to Annex 6 of the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) done at Geneva on 14 November 1975
16 August 1993 Amendments to Article 10 and Article 12 of the Convention on the Control and Marking of Articles of Precious Metals, done at Vienna on 15 November 1972
1 September 1993 1992 Amendments to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic 1965, as amended [Resolution FAL.3(21)]
1 January 1994 1991 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (incorporates the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk (MSC.23(59))
19 February 1994 Amendments to Annex I of the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter concerning Incineration at Sea
20 February 1994 Amendments to Annexes I and II of the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter concerning Disposal at Sea of Radioactive Wastes and Other Radioactive Matter [Resolution 51 (16)]
20 February 1994 Amendments to Annexes I and II of the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter concerning phasing out sea disposal of industrial waste [Resolution LC 49(16)]
1 March 1994 Annex 1 to the Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol 1), as amended on 30 November 1993
4 March 1994 Amendments to Appendix 1 to the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats done at Berne 19 September 1979
1 April 1994 Decision concerning amendments to the Agreement for Co-operation in dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and other Harmful Substances, 1983
1 May 1994 Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat, Ramsar, 2 February 1971, as amended by the Paris Protocol of 3 December 1982, with amendments to Articles 6 and 7 of the Convention adopted at the Extraordinary Conference of the Contracting Parties at Regina, Canada, 28 May to 3 June 1987
1 July 1994 1992 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) [Resolution MEPC.55(33)]
1 July 1994 1992 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code), Adopted at London on 11 December 1992 in accordance with Article VIII of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 [MSC 30 (61)]
1 July 1994 1992 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (Designation of the Antarctic Area as a Special Area and Lists of Liquid Substances in Annex II) [Resolution MEPC.57(33)]
1 July 1994 1992 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) [Resolution MSC.28(61)]
11 July 1994 Amendments to Articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization Adopted by the Thirty-ninth Session of the World Health Assembly
1 September 1994 Amendments to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic 1965, as amended [adopted by Resolution No. FAL.4(22) of 29 April 1993]
1 October 1994 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 [Resolution MSC.24(60)]
1 October 1994 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 [Resolution MSC.26(60)]
1 October 1994 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 [Resolution MSC.27(61)]
28 February 1995 Amendments to the European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR)
1 July 1995 Grains Trade Convention, 1995
31 July 1995 Amendments to the Agreement Establishing the Inter-American Development Bank, the Regulations of the Board of Governers and The General Rules Governing Admission of Non Regional Countries to Membership in the Bank
4 November 1995 1993 Amendments to the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 [Resolution A.736 (18)]
1 January 1996 Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union with Instruments amending the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, Decisions, Resolutions and Recommendations
1 January 1996 1994 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 [Resolution MSC.31(63)]
27 April 1996 Amendments to Appendices II and III of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, Done at Bern on 19 September 1979
1 July 1996 1994 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 [Resolution MSC.42(64)]
19 July 1996 Amendment to the Convention relating to International Exhibitions, signed at Paris on 22 November 1928, amended and supplemented by the Protocols of 10 May 1948, 16 November 1966 and 30 November 1972 and by the Amendment of 24 June 1982
27 July 1996 Third Protocol to the General Agreement on Trade in Services, Done at Marrakesh on 15 April 1994 (Movement of Natural Persons Protocol), with Decision on Movement of Natural Persons Commitments
2 October 1996 Schedule to the International Whaling Convention, 1946. Revised to include the Amendments adopted at the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the International Whaling Commission held in Aberdeen, 24 to 28 June 1996
19 November 1996 Text on the Establishment of a Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization
1 January 1997 Adjustments to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone layer, done at Montreal on 16 September 1987 [VIENNA 1995]
1 February 1997 1995 Amendments to the Annex to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, with Final Act
20 February 1997 Agreement establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development, done at Rome on 13 June 1976: Amendments to Articles 3.3, 3.4, 4.2. 4.5, 5.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, 6.6, 12 (a) and 13.3 and Schedules I and II effected by Resolution 86/XVIII
7 March 1997 Amendments to Appendices I and II to the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, Done at Berne on 19 September 1979
1 May 1997 1996 Amendments to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as Amended
1 July 1997 1995 Amendments to the Annex to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (Resolution 1 of the Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974)
1 July 1997 1995 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (Amendments to Regulation 2 and new Regulation 9 of Annex V)
1 July 1997 Agreement between the European Community and the United Mexican States on the mutual recognition and protection of designations for spirit drinks
29 September 1997 Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxes
19 December 1997 1996 Amendments to the Annex to the Protocol Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oil, 1973.
1 January 1998 1994 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) [Resolution MSC.32(63)]
1 January 1998 1996 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973. (Amendments to Protocol 1)
15 March 1998 Amendments to the Appendix to the Anti-Doping Convention
5 June 1998 Adjustments to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. Adopted at the Ninth Meeting of the Parties held at Montreal 15-17 September 1997
1 July 1998 1996 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) Resolution MSC.59(67)
1 July 1998 1996 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (Resolution MSC.57(67)
1 July 1998 1996 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) Resolution MSC.58(67)
1 July 1998 International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures (Resolution MSC.61(67))
1 July 1998 Amendments to the Regulations under the Patent Co-operation Treaty, done at Washington on 19 June 1970, adopted by the Assembly of the International Patent Co-operation Union on 1 October 1997
1 July 1998 1996 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code), Adopted in accordance with Article 16 of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 and Article VI of the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto.
1 July 1998 1994 Amendments to the Annex to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (Annex 1 & 2) Resolution 1 of the Conference of Contracting Governments for the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
1 July 1998 1996 Amendments to the Guidelines on the Enchanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (Resolution A744(18)) (Adopted in Accordance with Article VIII of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974)
1 July 1998 1996 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) (Adopted in Accordance with Article VIII of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974). Resolution MSC.50(66)
1 July 1998 International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code MSC.48(66)
1 July 1998 1996 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at sea, 1974. (Resolution MSC.47(66))
10 July 1998 1997 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code, vague expressions)
30 July 1998 Additional Protocol to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be excessively injurious or to have indiscriminate Effects (Protocol IV, entitled Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons)
3 December 1998 Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices as Amended on 3 May 1996 (Protocol II as amended), Annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects
1 January 1999 1997 Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, as amended (MSC 66(68)).1997 Amendments to the Seafarers' Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code (MSC 67(68))
15 January 1999 Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel
1 February 1999 1997 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (MEPC.75(40))
17 February 1999 Amendments to the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) and to Annexes 6 and 8
1 July 1999 1999 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code)
1 July 1999 Food Aid Convention, 1999
1 July 1999 1997 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended. (MSC 65(68))
1 July 1999 1997 Amendments to the Annexe to the International Convention for the Safety of life at Sea, 1974
10 November 1999 Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer Adopted at the Ninth Meeting of the Parties held at Montreal 15-17 September 1997
8 January 2000 1995 Amendment to the Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats
3 February 2000 1990 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
3 February 2000 1990 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 [MARPOL]
3 February 2000 1990 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)
22 April 2000 Convention concerning the Inspection of Seafarers' Working and Living Conditions (ILO Convention No 178), with Recommendation.
25 August 2000 Agreement concerning the establishing of Global Technical Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles
30 August 2000 Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic, 1992. New Annex V on the Protection and Conservation of the Ecosystems and Biological Diversity of the Maritime Area, and a related Appendix 3.
19 November 2000 Amending Protocol to the Convention for the Establishment of a European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) done at Geneva on 24 May 1983, adopted at the 15th Meeting of the EUMETSAT Council on 4-5 June 1991
19 November 2000 The prohibition and immediate action for the elimination of the worst forms of Child Labour Convention (ILO 182)
22 December 2000 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women
15 June 2001 Amendments to Articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization
27 June 2001 Protocol of 2000 to amend the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992
31 July 2001 1998 Amendments to the Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organisation
31 July 2001 Amendments to the Operating Agreement on the International Mobile Satellite Organisation
30 October 2001 Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
25 February 2002 Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer [BEIJING 1999]
27 March 2002 2000 Amendments to the International Safety Management Code (ISM) (adopted in accordance with article VIII of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974)RESOLUTION MSC.104 (73) adopted on 5 December 2000
1 April 2002 Modifications of Article 22 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and Amendments of the Regulations under the PCT adopted by the Assembly of the International Patent Cooperation Union (PCT Union) at its Thirtieth (13th Ordinary) Session on 3 October 2001
8 June 2002 [2000] Amendment to the Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats
1 July 2002 2000 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)
1 July 2002 2000 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
1 July 2002 Amendments to the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (Resolution A.744(18) as amended)(Resolution MSC.105(73))
1 July 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
1 July 2002 1998 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (Resolution MSC. 69(69))
1 July 2002 2000 Amendments to the International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures (FTP Code)
1 July 2002 2000 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (Resolution MSC.99(73))
1 July 2002 1999 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)
8 August 2002 Convention concerning Seafarer�s Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships (ILO 180)
7 November 2002 Amendments to Articles 16, 17 and 19(b) of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, signed at Geneva on 6 March 1948, adopted by the Eighteenth Session of the Organization [Resolution A.735 (18)]
1 January 2003 2001 Adoption of Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (Resolution MSC. 117 (74))
1 January 2003 Amendments to the Regulations under the papent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Adopted by the Assembly of the International Papent Cooperation Union (PCT Union) at its thirty-first (18th extraordinary) session on October 1, 2002
10 January 2003 Protocol to the Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention 1976 (ILO147)
24 April 2003 Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas
1 May 2003 2002 Amendments to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended
31 May 2003 Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Seabed Authority
4 November 2003 Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air
29 November 2003 Amendments to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972
23 December 2003 Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs
24 February 2004 Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
13 May 2004 Protocol of 1996 to amend the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976
17 May 2004 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
18 May 2004 Amendment to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects (CCW)
20 May 2004 2004 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amended (MSC.153(78))
1 January 2005 2003 Amendments to the Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (MSC.143(77))
22 December 2005 Patent Law Treaty
1 January 2006 2004 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amended (MSC.152(78)
1 June 2006 2004 Amendments to the Protocol of 1988 relating to International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amended (MSC.154 (78)
22 June 2006 Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
1 January 2007 Revised Annex II to MARPOL 73/78 adopted at the IMO Legal Committee by Resolution LEG.4(91) on 27 April 2006 concerning Implications for the Reference in Article 1.56(a)(ii) of the HNS Convention to 'Noxious Liquid Substances Carried in Bulk'
1 February 2007 International Convention Against Doping in Sport
18 March 2007 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
1 April 2007 Amendments to the Regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). Adopted by the Assembly of International Patent Cooperation Union (PCT Union) at its thirty-fifth (20th extraordinary) on 3 October 2006, with effect from April 1st 2007.
11 May 2007 Amendment to Article 26 of the Statute of the Council of Europe fixing the number of representatives of Montenegro in the Consultative Assembly
15 June 2007 International Health Regulations 2005 Adopted by the fifty-eighth World Health Assembly
7 July 2007 International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism
3 February 2008 Amendments to the Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas
17 September 2008 International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships, 2001
15 December 2008 Agreement for the Establishment of the African Legal Support Facility
20 February 2009 Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention 2006 [ILO 187]
26 November 2009 Declaration by Certain European Governments on the Launchers Exploitation Phase of Ariane, Vega and Soyuz from the Guiana Space Centre with Final Document
15 May 2010 2009 amendments to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965 (as amended)
6 June 2010 Amended Convention establishing the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Centre
28 July 2010 Protocol of 2005 to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation
28 July 2010 Protocol of 2005 to the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms located on the Continental Shelf
22 October 2010 Instruments Amending the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998), by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002) and by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) (Amendments adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Guadalajara, 2010))
3 March 2011 Amendment of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund to Enhance Voice and Participation in the International Monetary Fund
7 December 2011 International Tropical Timber Agreement, 2006
1 January 2012 2012 Amendments to the Anti-Doping Convention
1 May 2013 European Council Decision amending Article 136 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union with regard to a stability mechanism for Member States whose currency is the euro [Council Decision 2011/199/EU)
7 August 2014 Maritime Labour Convention 2006
14 April 2015 The Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks
28 July 2016 Protocol of Amendments to the Convention on the International Hydrographic Organization adopted by the Third Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference, held at Monaco, 14 April 2005, with Consolidated version
2 August 2017 Instruments Amending the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto,1994) and by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998)(Amendments adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002))
2 August 2017 Instruments Amending the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998) and by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002) (Amendments adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006))
2 August 2017 Instruments Amending the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva,1992) and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto,1994) (Amendments adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference(Minneapolis, 1998))
16 November 2017 Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188)
25 September 2018 Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products
7 October 2019 Amendment of the text of and annexes II to IX to the 1999 Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone and the addition of new annexes X and XI
31 December 2020 Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol
Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation for Occupational Diseases [ILO No.18]
The Antarctic Treaty - Measures adopted at the Twenty-Eighth Consultative Meeting held at Stockholm, 6-17 June 2005
The Antarctic Treaty - Measures adopted at the Twenty-Ninth Consultative Meeting held at Edinburgh, 12-23 June 2006
2007 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC) Code) Adopted by Resolution MEPC.166(56) on 13 July 2007
The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 11th Antarctic Consultative Meeting
The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 12th Antarctic Consultative Meeting
The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 13th Antarctic Consultative Meeting and Final Report of the Sixth Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 14th Antarctic Consultative Meeting
The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 15th Antarctic Consultative Meeting
The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 16th Antarctic Consultative Meeting
The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 17th Antarctic Consultative Meeting
The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 18th Antarctic Consultative Meeting
The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 19th Antarctic Consultative Meeting
2002 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea. 1974, as amended. International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities (ISPS Code)
Revised Text of Annexes I, II and III to the European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors,1953
The Antarctic Treaty - Measures adopted at the Thirtieth Consultative Meeting held at New Delhi, 30 April - 11 May 2007
Amendment to the Operating Agreement on the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (EUTELSAT) (Article 22e)
Council Decision of 27 November 2001 on the association of the overseas countries and territories with the European Community (Overseas Association Decision)
Exchange of letters with the Republic of Moldovia concerning transfer of payments under the Patnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) signed at Brussels 28 November 1994
Amendments to the Protocol of 1988 Relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (LL PROT 1988)Resolution MSC.143(77) adopted on 5 June 2003Resolution MSC.172(79) adopted on 9 December 2004Resolution MSC.223(82) adopted on 8 December 2006Resolution MSC.270(85) adopted on 4 December 2008Resolution MSC.329(90) adopted on 24 May 2012Resolution MSC.345(91) adopted on 30 November 2012Resolution MSC.356(92) adopted on 21 June 2013Resolution MSC.375(93) adopted on 22 May 2014
Amendments to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (LL 1966)Resolution A.972(24) adopted on 1 December 2005Resolution A.1082(28) adopted on 4 December 2013Resolution A.1083(28) adopted on 4 December 2013
Amendment to the Operating Agreement on the European Telecommunications Satellite Organisation (EUTELSAT) (Article 15)
1996 Amendments to the Convention on the European Telecommunications Satellite Organisation.(EUTELSAT)(Articles II,X,XI,XVI and XVIII)
Declaration by Certain European Governments on the Ariane Launcher Production Phase, with Final Document
Fourth Amendment of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
Amendments to the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data [ETS No. 108] allowing the European Communities to Accede
Amendment of Article XIV of the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency
Amendment of Article VI of the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency
Amendment to Article 9(3) of the Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation
The Antarctic Treaty-Measures adopted at the Thirty-second Consultative Meeting held at Baltimore 6-17 April 2009
Amendment to Article 6 of the 1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972
2002 Adoption of Technical Provisions for Means of Access for Inspections (Resolution MSC. 133((76))
Agreement between Greenland and the British Virgin Islands on the Access to Mutual Agreement Procedures in Connection with the Adjustment of Profits of Associated Enterprises (concluded under Deed of Entrustment)
Amendments to Annex II and Annex III to the OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment in the North-East Atlantic in Relation to the Storage of Carbon Dioxide Streams in Geological Formations
Amendment to Article 16 of the Framework Agreement between the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom of Sweden, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning measures to Facilitate the Restructuring and Operation of the European Defence Industry, Signed at Farnborough on 27 July 2000, adopted at the 25th Executive Committee (ExCo) Meeting in Brussels on 13 March, 2008.
Amendment of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund to Expand the Investment Authority of the International Monetary Fund
Luxembourg Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters Specific to Railway Rolling Stock
Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930
The Antarctic Treaty: Measures adopted at the Thirty-fourth Consultative Meeting held at Buenos Aires, 20 June-01 July 2011
Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons who are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled
Protocol on the concerns of the Irish People on the Treaty of Lisbon
Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, Adopted on 21 May 2010 by the Maritime Safety Committee at its eighty-seventh session, by resolution MSC.294(87), in accordance with article VIII(b)(iv) of the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended.
Agreement amending for the second time the Partnership Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member states, of the other part, signed in Cotonou (Benin) on 23 June 2000 as first revised in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005
2001 Amendments to the International code of safety for high-speed craft (Resolution MSC.36 (63)) Resolution MSC. 119 (74)
Amendment of the Agreement Establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in order to allow the use of Special Funds in Recipient Countries and Potential Recipient Countries (Resolution No. 138)
Amendment of the Agreement Establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in order to enable the Bank to operate in Countries of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (Resolution No. 137)
The Antarctic Treaty - Measures adopted at the Thirty-first Consultative Meeting held at Kyiv 2-13 June 2008
The Antarctic Treaty-Measures adopted at the Thirty-third Consultative Meeting held at Punta del Este, Uruguay, 3 May - 14 May 2010
Recommendation of the Customs Co-operation Council concerning the amendment to the Convention establishing the Customs Co-operation Council (concluded at Brussels on 15 December 1950), recommended by the Council at its 109th / 100th Sessions in June 2007
2001 Amendments to the International code for the safe carriage of packaged irradiated nuclear fuel plutonium and high-level radioactive wastes on board ships (INF CODE) RESOLUTION MSC.118 (74)
Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
Treaty on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol
Protocol of 1997 to amend the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto. [MARPOL Annex VI]
Amendment to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
Tanganyika Text of Trusteeship Agreement as Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations
Convention for the establishment of the European Telecommunications Office (ETO)
Amendments to the Constitution and the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation at its Twenty-eighth Session on 13 November 1995
Proposal for the amendment of the Convention on the Control of Marking of Articles of Precious Metals (without the Annexes) Agreed by the standing committee at its forty-sixth meeting held in Geneva on 23 and 24 November 1998.
1999 Amendments to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL), 1965
Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for the Security of Information
Amendments to the Convention on the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (EUTELSAT)
Resolution to extend the International Coffee Agreement 1994 Approved at the 78th Session of the International Coffee Council, London 21 July 1999
Protocol amending the European Convention on Transfrontier Television [ETS No. 171]
1999 Amendments to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
1999 Amendment to the Operating Agreement on the European Telecommunications Satellite Organisation (EUTELSAT)
Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material
Annex V to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
Amendments to Part B of the Seafarer's Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code
Annex J1 Concerning Customs applications of Computers SIMPHARM ANNEX
Annex E7 Concerning the Duty Free Replacement of Goods SIMPHARM ANNEX
Annex A4 Concerning Customs Treatment of Stores SIMPHARM ANNEX
Amendment to Article 26 of the Statute of the Council of Europe
Amendments to Article 17 and Article 18 of the Convention Against Torture an Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Opened for signature at New York, 4 February 1985
1992 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
1992 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (Revised Annex III) [MARPOL]
1992 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code)
Protocol amending the Protocol of Provisional Application of the Agreement for the Establishment of a European Payments Union
Amendments to the Regulations under the Patent Co-operation Treaty done at Washington on 19 June 1970 adopted by the Assembly of the International Patent Co-operation Union (PCT Union) on 29 September 1993
Amendment to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, concluded at Basel on 22 March 1989
Amendment to Article 43, paragraph 2, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 20 November 1989
Amendment to the International Convention on Load Lines [Resolution A.784(19)]
Amendment to the Convention on the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (EUTELSAT) (Article XIX)
Convention concerning Safety and Health in Mines (ILO Convention No. 176), with Recommendation
Second Protocol to the General Agreement on Trade in Services, Done at Marrakesh on 15 April 1994 (Financial Services Protocol), with Decisions
Amendment to the Operating Agreement relating to the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT), Done at Washington on 20 August 1971
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty with Annexes and Protocol
Amendment to the Agreement relating to the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT), done at Washington on 20 August 1971
Convention between the European Community and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugess (UNRWA) concerning aid to refugees in the countries of the Near East (2002 to 2005)
2004 Amendments to the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979 as amended (MSC.155 (78))
Amendments to the Regulations under the Patent Co-operation Treaty done at Washington on 19 June 1970 adopted by the Assembly of the International Patent Co-operation Union (PCT Union) on 29 September 1992
Proposed Amendment to Article 1, paragraph 1 of the Convention on the Control and Marking of Articles of Precious Metals, done at Vienna on 15 November 1972
1992 Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, regarding Oil Discharge Criteria and New Oil Tanker Design and Measures for Existing Tankers [MARPOL]
Convention regarding Reduction of Hours of Work in the Textile Industry (ILO No. 61)
The Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959: Recommendations of the 10th Consultative Meeting
Annex XVII to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations of 21/11/1947 approved by the Industrial Development Board of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization at its Third Session
Amendments to Chapter II of the Regulations annexed to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960 Resolutions adopted by the Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative Organization on 30 November 1966
Amendments to the Agreement for the Establishment of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council
Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 concerning Radiocommunications for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System with Resolution 1 of the Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 on the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System adopted on 9 November 1988
Revised Text of Annexes I, II and III to the European Interim Agreement on Social Security Schemes relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors, 1953
Protocol of Decisions amending the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) signed at Berne, 9 May 1980, adopted by the Revision Committee in the course of the first session held at Berne from 14 to 21 December 1989
Protocol of Decisions amending the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) signed at Berne, 9 May 1980, adopted by the Revision Committee in the course of the second session held at Berne from 28 to 31 May 1990
Resolution to further extend the International Coffee Agreement, 1983 (Resolution No 352 adopted by the International Coffee Council at its Seventh Plenary Meeting)
Schedule to the International Whaling Convention, 1946. Revised to include the Amendments that came into Operation after the Tenth Meeting of the International Whaling Commission at The Hague, June 1958.
Schedule to the International Whaling Convention, 1946. Revised to include the Amendments that came into Operation after the Eleventh and Twelfth Meeting of the International Whaling Commission in London, 1959-1960.
International Coffee Agreement 2007
Revised Text of Annex XII to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the Council of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization on 16 May 1968
Resolution to Amend the Regulations and Safety Certificates annexed to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960 adopted by the Assembly of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization
Amendments to the Schedule of Fees annexed to the Regulations under the Patent Co-operation Treaty ( PCT ) done at Washington on 19 June 1970 adopted by the Assembly of the International Patent Co-operation Union on 28 September 1984
Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community, meeting within the Council, allocating to that Community Supplementary Revenue for 1980
Revised Text of the Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin [with Annexes]
Amendments to the Plant Protection Agreement for the Asia and Pacific Region, signed at Rome on 27:02:1956, relating to Mandatory Contributions by Contracting Governments, approved by the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ) of the United Nations at its 84th Session.
Resolution to amend the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 adopted by the Thirteenth Session of the Assembly of the International Maritime Organisation on 17 November 1983
Amendment to the Convention on Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs
Revised Text of the Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Tissue-Typing Reagents and Annex to the said Protocol ( With Certificate of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe )
Annex H2 Concerning Customs Offences SIMPHARM ANNEX
Annex F7 concerning carriage of goods coastwise SIMPHARM ANNEX
Decisions of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), meeting within the Council Establishing Supervision for Imports of Certain Products originating in Austria
Decisions of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), meeting within the Council Establishing Supervision of Imports of certain Products originating in Sweden
Resolution to amend the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (Resolution A.319(IX)
Resolution to further extend the International Sugar Agreement 1973
Recommendation of the Customs Co-operation Council concerning the amendment of Article XVIII of the Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purposes of 15/12/1950 (See also United Kingdom's Denunciation)
Annex XV to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations of 21 November 1947 adopted by the Co-ordination Committee of the World Intellectual Property Organization at its Eleventh Session
Amendment to Article 74 of the Constitution of the World Health Organisation adopted by the Thirty First World Health Assembly
Resolution to amend Articles XI, XIV and XV of the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter of 29 December 1972 (adopted by the Third Consultative Meeting of Contracting Parties at London on 12 December 1978)
Decision of the Council of the European Communities concerning Budgetary Discipline
ILO Convention No.93 concerning Wages, Hours of Work on Board Ship and Manning [ILO No. 93]
Convention concerning Night Work in Bakeries (ILO No.20)