Written Answers (Lords) of 30 June 2004 Series 5 Vol. 663

  1. Sub-Saharan Africa: Debt 198 words
  2. cc21-2WA
  3. International Development Association: Financing 222 words
  4. c22WA
  5. Speed Cameras: Installation Criteria 82 words
  6. c22WA
  7. Passenger Franchises 50 words
  8. cc22-3WA
  9. British Transport Police 197 words
  10. c23WA
  11. UK Sport: Modernisation Programme 196 words
  12. cc23-4WA
  13. Sport: Funding 167 words
  14. c24WA
  15. Sport England and UK Sport 189 words
  16. cc24-5WA
  17. Development Land: Central Government 266 words
  18. c25WA
  19. Homeless Households 142 words
  20. cc25-6WA
  21. Stoke Heath Young Offender Institution 277 words
  22. cc26-7WA
  23. Young Offender Institutions: Search Procedures 120 words
  24. cc27-8WA
  25. Prisons: Offending Behaviour Courses 362 words
  26. c28WA
  27. Asylum Seekers: Democratic Republic of Congo 159 words
  28. c28WA
  29. Motoring Offences 50 words
  30. cc28-9WA
  31. British Citizenship Applications 209 words
  32. cc29-30WA
  33. Asylum Seekers: Somalia 388 words
  34. c30WA
  35. Immigration: Leave to Remain 114 words
  36. cc30-1WA
  37. Asylum Seekers: Zimbabwe 202 words
  38. cc31-2WA
  39. European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia 256 words
  40. cc32-3WA
  41. Private Security Industry 454 words
  42. c33WA
  43. Euro 2004: Football Banning Orders 138 words
  44. cc33-4WA
  45. Access to Goods and Services: Draft European Directive 255 words
  46. c34WA
  47. Human Rights 121 words
  48. cc34-5WA
  49. Equality Legislation 273 words
  50. c35WA
  51. Energy: Global Consumption 184 words
  52. cc35-6WA
  53. Iraq: Human Rights and Humanitarian Law 451 words
  54. c36WA
  55. Armed Forces: Training Costs 63 words