§ Lord Avebury asked Her Majesty's Government:
§ Whether, in the light of recent reports of armed conflict in several parts of Somalia, they will suspend the enforced return of Somalian failed asylum seekers. [HL3339]
§ Baroness Scotland of Asthal: All Somali asylum and human rights applications are considered by the Home Office on their individual merits, in accordance with our obligations under the 1951 UN Refugee Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Each application is considered against the background of the latest available
§ Decisions on applications for an extension of leave to remain1 in the United Kingdom and settlement2, by category, excluding EEA nationals, 1999–2002
§ United Kingdom Number of decisions percentage refused Category 1999 2000 2001 2002 1999 2000 2001 2002 All decisions Of which: 178,810 249,920 277,375 337,650 2.4 4.5 5.6 5.5 Fiancé(e)s Spouse 45 95 85 100 23.3 24.5 22.4 22.4 (probationary year applications)3 16,555 27,645 24,910 19,235 1.6 4.5 7.4 3.8
§ 1 Excludes dependants of principal applicants, asylum related decisions, the outcome of appeals and withdrawn applications. 2 Excludes "in line" dependants and the outcome of appeals. 3 Data include unmarried partners.
§ Data on whether an application for leave to remain was made after existing leave had expired are not available.
§ Data for the number of residence documents issued to non-EEA spouses of EU nationals are not available for the period requested.
30WA§ information about the situation in the country of origin. These sources include intergovernmental organisations, governmental sources and human rights organisations.
§ We recognise that conditions in Somalia are such that there are individuals who are able to demonstrate a need for international protection. But we do not accept that each and every individual who presents himself as an asylum seeker from Somalia has a protection need and should automatically be allowed to remain in the UK.
§ Individual asylum seekers found by both the Home Office and the Independent Appellate Authority not to be at risk of persecution and not in need of humanitarian protection are considered for removal on a case by case basis. The Home Office will not return vulnerable groups and will enforce the return only of those Somalis it is satisfied are not in need of protection.