Written Answers (Commons) of 13 December 1999 Series 6 Vol. 341

    1. c1W
    2. External Consultants 96 words
    3. c1W
    4. Integrated Casework Directive 138 words
    5. c1W
    6. Public Interest Defence 86 words
    7. cc1-2W
    8. Prisons (Religious Advisers) 87 words
    9. cc2-3W
    10. Fire Authorities 641 words
    11. cc3-5W
    12. Young Offenders (Custody) 493 words
    13. c5W
    14. Justice and Home Affairs Council 421 words
    15. cc5-6W
    16. Prisons 217 words
    17. c6W
    18. Correspondence 57 words
    19. cc6-7W
    20. Swords 149 words
    21. c7W
    22. Prison Officers 64 words
    23. c7W
    24. Prevention of Torture 114 words
    25. c7W
    26. Prisons (Disinfecting Tablets) 97 words
    27. c7W
    28. Operation Lancet 81 words
    29. cc7-8W
    30. Operation Dollar 172 words
    31. c8W
    32. Convention on Human Rights 231 words
    33. cc8-9W
    34. Asylum Seekers 202 words
    35. c9W
    36. Electoral Costs 91 words
    37. c9W
    38. 2 Marsham Street 90 words
    39. cc9-10W
    40. Hemp Seed 137 words
    41. c10W
    42. Drug-misusing Offenders 286 words
    43. cc10-1W
    44. Immigration 103 words
    45. c11W
    46. Port of Liverpool Police 65 words
    1. c11W
    2. Military Exports 113 words
    3. c11W
    4. Motorway Services 113 words
    5. cc11-5W
    6. World Trade Organisation 1,545 words
    7. c15W
    8. Research Council 196 words
    9. c15W
    10. Trade Negotiations 123 words
    11. cc15-6W
    12. Minimum Wage 123 words
    13. c16W
    14. Cash Dispensers 100 words
    15. c16W
    16. Mineworkers' Pensions 77 words
    17. cc16-7W
    18. Digital Television 513 words
    19. c17W
    20. Trade Union Recognition 45 words
    21. cc17-8W
    22. Ghana 144 words
    23. c18W
    24. Assisted Areas 153 words
    25. c18W
    26. Terminal Illness 133 words
    1. c19W
    2. International Court of Justice 148 words
    3. c19W
    4. British Deaths (Nigeria) 113 words
    5. c19W
    6. Kosovo 164 words
    7. cc19-20W
    8. Sri Lanka 168 words
    9. c20W
    10. UN Security Council 113 words
    11. c20W
    12. British Embassies 75 words
    13. cc20-1W
    14. UN Co-ordinator, Baghdad 51 words
    15. c21W
    16. External Consultants 41 words
    17. c21W
    18. Torture 169 words
    19. c21W
    20. Jonas Savimbi 107 words
    21. cc21-2W
    22. Venice Commission 73 words
    1. c22W
    2. Portadown, RUC 80 words
    3. c22W
    4. Company Numbers 60 words
    1. cc22-3W
    2. EU Co-operation 250 words
    3. c23W
    4. Ballistic Missiles 65 words
    5. c23W
    6. Departmental Land 76 words
    7. c23W
    8. Invincible 117 words
    9. cc23-4W
    10. Aircraft Wiring 129 words
    11. c24W
    12. Rapid Intervention 107 words
    13. c24W
    14. Northern Ireland 52 words
    15. c24W
    16. Medical Services 69 words
    17. cc24-5W
    18. Efficiency Programme 143 words
    19. c25W
    20. Kosovo 101 words
    21. c25W
    22. RAF Buchan 147 words
    23. cc25-6W
    24. Service Families 174 words
    25. c26W
    26. Green Transport Plans 99 words
    27. c26W
    28. Albion and Bulwark 103 words
    29. c26W
    30. Territorial Army 106 words
    31. cc26-7W
    32. European Strategic Defence Initiative 134 words
    33. c27W
    34. Gurkha Pensions 41 words
    35. c27W
    36. Command Vehicles 126 words
    37. cc27-8W
    38. RAID System 164 words
    39. c28W
    40. Tornado Crash 69 words
    41. cc28-9W
    42. Staff Dispositions 737 words
    43. c29W
    44. Large Transport Aircraft 46 words
    45. cc29-30W
    46. Naval Vessels 132 words
    47. c30W
    48. Nuclear Weapons 171 words
    49. c30W
    50. Royal Marines (Women) 133 words
    51. cc30-1W
    52. Royal Irish Regiment 164 words
    53. c31W
    54. Departmental Buildings 88 words
    55. c31W
    56. Satellite Television 175 words
    57. cc31-2W
    58. Medical Assessment Programme 250 words
    59. c32W
    60. Human Rights 111 words
    61. c32W
    62. RAF Chinook 105 words
    63. cc32-3W
    64. Military Air Accident Investigations 183 words
    65. c33W
    66. Depleted Uranium Ordnance 401 words
    67. cc33-4W
    68. Hostile Aircraft 93 words
    69. c34W
    70. Beef Suppliers 141 words
    1. cc34-6W
    2. Millennium Dome 1,313 words
    3. cc36-7W
    4. Departmental Transport 48 words
    5. c37W
    6. Digital Television 73 words
    7. c37W
    8. BBC World Service Television 117 words
    9. cc37-8W
    10. BBC Funding 256 words
    11. c38W
    12. World Cup 2006 179 words
    13. c38W
    14. Tourism (North-West) 148 words
    15. cc38-9W
    16. James Bond Film 67 words
    17. c39W
    18. Duty Free 96 words
    19. c39W
    20. Religious Organisations (Broadcasting Licences) 80 words
    1. cc39-40W
    2. Nuclear Deterrence Policy 207 words
    1. c40W
    2. Spending Revisions 195 words
    3. c40W
    4. Departmental Organisation 69 words
    5. cc40-1W
    6. Payment Cards 382 words
    7. c41W
    8. Parental Benefits 172 words
    9. cc41-2W
    10. Students 137 words
    11. c42W
    12. War Disablement Pensions 308 words
    13. cc42-3W
    14. Retirement Pensions 153 words
    15. cc43-4W
    16. Benefits (Automated Credit Transfer) 510 words
    17. c44W
    18. Information Technology Services Agency 126 words
    19. cc44-5W
    20. External Consultants 288 words
    21. cc45-6W
    22. Housing Benefit 606 words
    23. cc46-7W
    24. Means-tested Benefits 318 words
    25. c47W
    26. Terminal Illness 102 words
    1. cc47-8W
    2. Pakistan 318 words
    3. c48W
    4. Departmental Employees (Disabled People) 131 words
    5. cc48-9W
    6. Southern Africa 207 words
    7. c49W
    8. Target Strategy Papers 60 words
    9. c49W
    10. Civil Society Strengthening 136 words
    11. cc49-50W
    12. Drugs Control Programme 116 words
    13. c50W
    14. Kashmiri Refugees (Pakistan) 120 words
  10. HEALTH
    1. c50W
    2. National Burn Care Review 47 words
    3. cc50-1W
    4. Primary Care 122 words
    5. c51W
    6. Nursing Vacancies 401 words
    7. cc51-2W
    8. Hospital Beds 121 words
    9. c52W
    10. Runwell Medium Secure Unit 54 words
    11. c52W
    12. Care Homes 79 words
    13. c52W
    14. Nurses 103 words
    15. cc52-3W
    16. Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy 154 words
    17. c53W
    18. Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 199 words
    19. c53W
    20. Parliamentary Questions 49 words
    21. cc53-4W
    22. Biomedical Scientists 407 words
    23. cc54-5W
    24. Social Care Staff 81 words
    25. c55W
    26. Social Workers 189 words
    27. c55W
    28. Social Service Authorities 168 words
    29. cc55-6W
    30. Children (Leaving Care) Bill 176 words
    31. c56W
    32. Health and Social Care Concordat 69 words
    33. c56W
    34. Children's Homes (Regulation) 82 words
    35. c56W
    36. Home Chiropody Services 102 words
    37. cc56-7W
    38. Correspondence 40 words
    39. c57W
    40. Genetically Modified Crops 140 words
    1. c57W
    2. Appointments (Religion) 210 words
    3. cc57-8W
    4. Royal Family 166 words
    5. c58W
    6. Galileo Project 215 words
    7. cc58-9W
    8. Cologne Council 120 words
    9. c59W
    10. Intergovernmental Conference 157 words
    11. c59W
    12. Performance and Innovation Unit 182 words
    13. c59W
    14. Cabinet Joint Consultative Committee 43 words
    15. cc59-60W
    16. Helsinki Council 70 words
    17. c60W
    18. Special Advisers 30 words
    19. c60W
    20. Interdepartmental Ministerial Group on Animal Issues 156 words
    21. c60W
    22. Chinese Embassy Bombing (Belgrade) 62 words
    23. cc60-1W
    24. State Visits 152 words
    1. c61W
    2. Concrete 143 words
    3. cc61-2W
    4. Fuel Poverty 318 words
    5. c62W
    6. A41 (Aylesbury) 236 words
    7. cc62-3W
    8. Millennium Dome 203 words
    9. c63W
    10. Ladbroke Grove 156 words
    11. c63W
    12. Concessionary Fares 63 words
    13. cc63-4W
    14. Rail Services (Northampton/Euston) 131 words
    15. c64W
    16. GM Farm-scale Trials 306 words
    17. c64W
    18. Pesticides Tax 100 words
    19. cc64-5W
    20. Carbon Monoxide Emissions 138 words
    21. c65W
    22. Trains (Telephone Links) 118 words
    23. cc65-6W
    24. Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre 362 words
    25. c66W
    26. Ivanhoe Line 89 words
    27. cc66-7W
    28. A6 Bus Lane 257 words
    29. c67W
    30. Drink Driving 145 words
    31. c67W
    32. Thatched Roofs 116 words
    33. cc67-8W
    34. Al2 408 words
    35. cc68-9W
    36. Land Reclamation Programme 231 words
    37. c69W
    38. Local Government Bill 337 words
    39. cc69-70W
    40. Charter of Local Self-Government 143 words
    41. cc70-1W
    42. Genetically Modified Crops 613 words
    43. c71W
    44. LSVT 76 words
    45. cc71-2W
    46. External Consultants 127 words
    47. c72W
    48. London Underground 70 words
    49. c72W
    50. Housing 81 words
    51. cc72-3W
    52. Hedges 237 words
    53. c73W
    54. Planning 149 words
    55. cc73-4W
    56. Business Rates 368 words
    1. c74W
    2. Employment 217 words
    3. c74W
    4. Income Tax 101 words
    5. cc74-5W
    6. Mortgages 122 words
    7. c75W
    8. Euro 105 words
    9. cc75-6W
    10. Gold Reserves 417 words
    11. c76W
    12. Departmental Employees (Disabled People) 200 words
    13. cc76-7W
    14. EU Accounts 128 words
    15. c77W
    16. Early Retirement (Stress) 186 words
    17. cc77-8W
    18. EU Budget 250 words
    19. c78W
    20. Fuel Prices 115 words
    21. c78W
    22. Amusement Machines 28 words
    23. c78W
    24. Revenue Estimates 85 words
    25. c78W
    26. National Changeover Plan 107 words
    27. cc78-9W
    28. Land Settlement Tenants 145 words
    29. c79W
    30. Tax Rates 38 words
    31. c79W
    32. Statistics Commission 104 words
    33. c79W
    34. Income Drawdown 53 words
    35. cc79-80W
    36. Limb Deficiency 249 words
    37. c80W
    38. CO2 Reduction Targets 161 words
    1. cc80-2W
    2. Pre-school Learning 782 words
    3. cc82-3W
    4. Pupil Expulsions (Easington) 111 words
    5. c83W
    6. Cromwell School, Tameside 147 words
    7. cc83-4W
    8. Learning Difficulties 223 words
    9. c84W
    10. Children's Education 397 words
    11. cc84-5W
    12. Higher Education 186 words
    13. c85W
    14. Learning and Skills Council 196 words
    15. cc85-6W
    16. New Deal 392 words
    17. cc86-7W
    18. Skills Improvement 198 words
    19. c87W
    20. Individual Learning Accounts 91 words
    21. c87W
    22. External Assessors 173 words
    1. c88W
    2. Animal Remains (Fuel) 41 words
    3. c88W
    4. Incineration Plants 249 words
    5. c88W
    6. Food Labelling 100 words
    7. cc88-9W
    8. Meat Industry 186 words
    1. c89W
    2. External Consultants 159 words
    3. cc89-90W
    4. Judiciary (Training) 144 words
    1. c90W
    2. IT Initiatives 202 words
    1. cc90-2W
    2. External Consultants 132 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 13 December 1999 Series 5 Vol. 608

  1. Development Council, 11 November 921 words
  2. Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Act 1999: Compensation Recovery 433 words
  3. Northern Ireland: Equality and Human Rights Commissions 334 words
  4. Health and Social Care Concordat 65 words
  5. Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Act 1999: Review of Operation 654 words
  6. Dental Strategy 38 words
  7. Agenda 2000: Agriculture Support 609 words
  8. Travel Insurance: Premium Tax 131 words
  9. Indebted Countries: 100 per cent Debt Relief 196 words
  10. IMF: Transparency and Accountability 563 words
  11. The European Union and UK Jobs 286 words
  12. Farmers: Mortality Statistics 1,207 words
  13. The Economy: Predicted Cycle 73 words
  14. Immigration and Nationality Directorate 150 words
  15. European Committee for the Prevention of Torture: UK Visit 84 words
  16. International Criminal Court 95 words
  17. Youth Offending Teams 123 words
  18. Young Offenders 438 words
  19. WTO: UK Representation 80 words
  20. The European Social Model 171 words
  21. WTO Meeting: Delegate Numbers 104 words
  22. GATT Measures and the Environment 106 words
  23. WTO: UK Policy on Poor Countries 242 words
  24. Channel Islands: Arms Exports Licensing 477 words
  25. Cats-eyes: Safety Inspections 236 words