Written Answers (Commons) of 5 March 1997 Series 6 Vol. 291

    1. c603W
    2. Hunger Strikers 136 words
    3. c603W
    4. Taylor Inquiry 109 words
    5. c603W
    6. Child Prostitution 89 words
    7. cc603-4W
    8. Telephone Interceptions 132 words
    9. cc604-5W
    10. Knives 1,037 words
    11. cc605-6W
    12. Mrs. Ganiat Lasoye (Deportation Order) 111 words
    13. c606W
    14. Prison Staff Ratios 128 words
    15. c606W
    16. Inquest Proceedings (Oxford) 74 words
    17. cc606-7W
    18. American Prison Ship (Purchase) 117 words
    1. cc607-9W
    2. Traffic Congestion 945 words
    3. c609W
    4. M45 (Litter) 73 words
    5. c609W
    6. Ferry Safety 95 words
    7. cc609-10W
    8. Overloaded Aircraft 149 words
    9. cc610-1W
    10. Coastguard Service 538 words
    11. c611W
    12. Railtrack Debts 122 words
    13. c611W
    14. Marine Pollution 164 words
    15. cc611-2W
    16. Heavy Goods Vehicles 121 words
    17. c612W
    18. Regional Railways 173 words
    1. cc612-4W
    2. Price Indices 674 words
    3. c614W
    4. Income Tax 56 words
    5. c614W
    6. Employee Share Ownership Schemes 204 words
    7. cc614-5W
    8. Europe Community (UK Contribution) 119 words
    9. c615W
    10. Inflation 293 words
    11. cc615-6W
    12. Pneumonia Deaths 625 words
    13. cc616-7W
    14. Crude Oil Prices 94 words
    15. c617W
    16. Private Finance Initiative 222 words
    17. c617W
    18. Local Authority Borrowing 65 words
    1. cc617-8W
    2. Anglo-French Peacekeeping Missions 145 words
    3. c618W
    4. Earth Summit II 180 words
    1. c618W
    2. Parliamentary Answers 123 words
    1. cc618-9W
    2. Breakfast Tours 134 words
    3. c619W
    4. European Union Funding 302 words
    5. cc619-20W
    6. Airbus 75 words
    7. c620W
    8. Timber Exports 44 words
    9. c620W
    10. Scientists 124 words
    11. cc620-2W
    12. Research and Development 848 words
    13. c622W
    14. British Agrochemicals Association Ltd. 128 words
    15. cc622-3W
    16. Regional Selective Assistance 178 words
    1. c623W
    2. Ministerial Accountability 158 words
    1. cc623-4W
    2. Sport (Students) 544 words
    3. c624W
    4. British Academy of Sport 58 words
    5. cc624-5W
    6. National Lottery (Crewe and Nantwich) 80 words
    7. c625W
    8. Sports Council Lottery Fund 166 words
    9. c625W
    10. Earth Summit II 87 words
    1. c625W
    2. Higher Education (Leeds) 34 words
    3. cc625-6W
    4. Nursery Places 320 words
    5. cc626-7W
    6. Student Loans 562 words
    7. cc627-8W
    8. Local Education Authorities 251 words
    9. cc628-30W
    10. Graduate Employment 1,266 words
    11. c630W
    12. Student Numbers 133 words
    13. c630W
    14. Science A-levels 43 words
    15. cc630-1W
    16. Medical Training 345 words
    17. cc631-2W
    18. Bradfield House School, Cullompton 319 words
    19. cc632-3W
    20. Jobseeker's Allowance 464 words
    1. c633W
    2. Departmental Publications 219 words
    3. cc633-4W
    4. UN Earth Summit II 441 words
    5. cc634-5W
    6. Air Pollution 191 words
    7. c635W
    8. Domestic Heating 189 words
    9. cc635-6W
    10. Rough Sleeping 566 words
    1. cc636-7W
    2. Cadets 256 words
    3. c637W
    4. Schools 154 words
    5. cc637-8W
    6. Goose Bay 198 words
    7. c638W
    8. Regiments 182 words
    9. cc638-9W
    10. Junior Leader Scheme 116 words
    11. c639W
    12. A30 Improvement (Eviction of Protesters) 60 words
    1. c639W
    2. Waste Management 98 words
    3. cc639-40W
    4. Incapacity Benefit 340 words
    5. cc640-1W
    6. Social Fund 226 words
    7. c641W
    8. Jobseeker's Allowance 108 words
    9. cc641-2W
    10. Housing Benefit 308 words
    11. c642W
    12. State Earnings-related Pensions Scheme 291 words
    13. c642W
    14. Disability Appeal Tribunals 93 words
    1. cc642-3W
    2. Water and Sewerage Services 47 words
    3. c643W
    4. Scottish Grand Committee 159 words
    5. c643W
    6. Unemployment 109 words
    7. cc643-4W
    8. Shipbuilding 80 words
    9. c644W
    10. Employment Trends 52 words
    11. c644W
    12. Economy (North Ayrshire) 49 words
    13. c644W
    14. Islands Needs Allowance 58 words
    15. c644W
    16. Glenmore 60 words
    17. cc644-5W
    18. Local Government Finance 356 words
    19. c645W
    20. Teaching Posts 40 words
    21. cc645-6W
    22. Flood Prevention 173 words
    23. c646W
    24. Dumfries and Galloway Health Board 60 words
    25. c646W
    26. Scottish Enterprise 34 words
    27. c646W
    28. Clinical Services 100 words
    29. c646W
    30. Income Tax 50 words
    31. cc646-7W
    32. Electronic Tagging 106 words
    33. cc647-8W
    34. Felling Licence (Balblair) 615 words
    35. cc648-9W
    36. Prison Population 226 words
    37. c649W
    38. Community Councils 257 words
    39. cc649-52W
    40. Nutritional Standards 979 words
    41. c652W
    42. Meat Hygiene Inspectors 68 words
    43. cc652-3W
    44. Scientists 372 words
    45. c653W
    46. Research and Development Expenditure 276 words
    47. cc653-4W
    48. Veterinary Surgeons 90 words
    49. c654W
    50. Veterinary Scientists 78 words
    51. cc654-6W
    52. Assisted Places Scheme 913 words
  14. HEALTH
    1. c656W
    2. Emergency Beds 102 words
    3. cc656-7W
    4. Admissions 95 words
    5. c657W
    6. Cancelled operations 73 words
    7. c657W
    8. Doctors 28 words
    9. c657W
    10. Cancer Patients 35 words
    11. c657W
    12. Accident and Emergency Services 27 words
    13. c657W
    14. Breast Screening 38 words
    15. cc657-8W
    16. Cryptosporidium 81 words
    17. c658W
    18. Operation Waiting List 73 words
    19. c658W
    20. Mental Health 122 words
    21. c658W
    22. Unlicensed Medicines 157 words
    23. cc658-9W
    24. Broadmoor Special Hospital 146 words
    25. c659W
    26. Recombinant Factor 8 61 words
    1. c659W
    2. Newcastle Disease 113 words
    3. cc659-60W
    4. Action for Community Employment (Staff Reductions) 313 words
    5. c660W
    6. Punishment Shootings 180 words
    7. cc660-1W
    8. Meat Hygiene Inspectors 120 words
    9. cc661-2W
    10. Food and Agriculture Scientists 437 words
    11. c662W
    12. Veterinary Surgeons 158 words
    13. cc662-3W
    14. Veterinary Scientists 61 words
    15. c663W
    16. Scientific Establishments 116 words
    17. cc663-4W
    18. Research and Development Expenditure 677 words
    19. cc664-5W
    20. Local Government Finance 72 words
  16. WALES
    1. c665W
    2. Cold-related Illnesses 468 words
    3. cc665-7W
    4. Winter Mortality Rates 425 words
    5. cc667-8W
    6. Welsh Language Electoral Forms 392 words
    7. c668W
    8. BSE 272 words
    9. cc668-71W
    10. Local Authority Employees 1,472 words
    11. cc671-2W
    12. Greenmeadow Inn (Demolition) 101 words
    13. c672W
    14. Gastroschisis 355 words
    15. cc672-4W
    16. Research and Development 580 words
    17. c674W
    18. Veterinary Surgeons 56 words
    19. c674W
    20. Meat Hygiene Inspectors 45 words
    1. c674W
    2. Research and Development 50 words
    3. c674W
    4. BSE 71 words
    5. cc674-5W
    6. British Agrochemicals Association 96 words
    7. c675W
    8. Drug-resistant Parasites 123 words
    9. cc675-9W
    10. Scientists 1,500 words
    11. cc679-80W
    12. Meat Hygiene Inspectors 312 words
    13. cc680-1W
    14. Vitamin B6 Supplements 375 words
    15. c681W
    16. Food Safety Investigations 88 words
    17. cc681-2W
    18. Sustainability Indicators (Agrochemicals) 342 words
    19. cc682-3W
    20. Diseased Animals (Compensation) 348 words
    21. c683W
    22. Intervention Storage 395 words
    23. cc683-4W
    24. Rendering Industry 176 words
    25. cc684-5W
    26. Veterinary Scientists 343 words
    27. c685W
    28. Research Establishments 83 words
    29. cc685-6W
    30. Veterinary Surgeons 556 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 5 March 1997 Series 5 Vol. 578

  1. Karen Refugees 149 words
  2. Gibraltar 96 words
  3. NATO and Russia 502 words
  4. EU Fisheries Council: Total Allowable Catches 261 words
  5. MAFF Research Establishments 93 words
  6. Trunk Road Programme Cancellations: Respondents' Expenses 119 words
  7. DoT Research Site, Crowthorne: Sale 126 words
  8. Local Air Pollution Control: Revised Charges 198 words
  9. 9mm Centrefire Weapons and Ammunition 217 words
  10. Royal Parks: Facilities for Cyclists 926 words
  11. Fluoridation of Water 126 words