- Private Security Firms 86 words c532W
- Combined Heat and Power 61 words c532W
- Sizewell B 57 words c532W
- Paternity Leave 55 words c532W
- NATO Exercises 29 words cc532-3W
- Global Warming 243 words c533W
- Departmental Energy Policy 103 words c533W
- Energy Efficiency 45 words c533W
- Nuclear Fusion 44 words cc533-4W
- Energy Paper Projections 93 words c534W
- Electricity Code of Practice 92 words c534W
- Combustion Plants Directive 242 words cc534-5W
- Amoco Application 63 words c535W
- Generation Prices 63 words c535W
- Electricity Interconnector 82 words c535W
- Scottish Electricity 69 words c535W
- Neptune Consortium 57 words c535W
- Mining Skills 31 words cc535-6W
- Coal 354 words c536W
- Union of Democratic Mineworkers 94 words