- Barbiturate Poisoning 165 words
- Health Service Staff (Discussions) 84 words
- Homeless Families 46 words
- Concessionary Bus Tokens 88 words
- Benefits (Cost of Living Adjustment) 156 words
- Doctors (European Economic Community) 191 words
- Invalid Vehicles 543 words
- Students (Exceptional Needs Payments) 159 words
- Birmingham General Hospital 83 words
- Acupuncturists 68 words
- Pensions (Social Contract) 39 words
- National Health Service (Agency Staff) 115 words
- Tooth Decay 69 words
- Hope Hospital (Orthopedic Facilities) 120 words
- Mentally III and Handicapped Persons 859 words
- Poplar Hospital (Casualty Department) 78 words
- Supplementary Benefit (Prosecutions) 66 words
- Whooping Cough 157 words
- Family Practitioner Committees 291 words
- General Medical Services (Working Party Report) 362 words
- Family Incomes 393 words
- Earnings-Related Pensions 378 words