HC Deb 19 May 1909 vol 5 c536W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, in view of the fact that the fixed imports have become fuch more burdensome since the great decline in the price of cotton and other staples, he will order the removal of the export duties in the island of Montserrat, instead of retaining them merely to pile up a reserve?

Colonel SEELY

As I informed my hon. Friend in reply to a question which he put to me on 2nd November last, the Governor of the Leeward Islands is anxious to reduce taxation in Montserrat, and the Secretary of State has no doubt that as soon as it is found possible proposals for such reduction will be submitted. But the Secretary of State attaches great importance to the creation and maintenance of reserve funds in all the West Indian Colonies as a measure of precaution against unforeseen and sudden calamities.