Written Answers (Commons) of 6 March 2002 Series 6 Vol. 381

    1. cc307-11W
    2. Crown Prosecution Service 2,481 words
    1. c311W
    2. Criminal Justice Reports 136 words
    3. c311W
    4. Miscarriages of Justice 142 words
    5. cc311-2W
    6. Taliban/Al-Qaeda 58 words
    7. cc312-3W
    8. Gun Licences 737 words
    9. c313W
    10. Immigration Act Detainees 237 words
    1. cc313-4W
    2. Defence Evaluation and Research Agency 356 words
    3. c314W
    4. Departmental Leave Entitlements 197 words
    5. cc314-5W
    6. Departmental Expenditure 48 words
    7. c315W
    8. Private Medical Insurance 224 words
    9. cc315-6W
    10. Departmental Website 192 words
    11. c316W
    12. Union Duties 289 words
    13. c316W
    14. Building Works 66 words
    15. cc316-7W
    16. Gender Free Physical Training 524 words
    17. cc317-20W
    18. Deployments 1,426 words
    19. cc320-1W
    20. Armed Forces Pensions 212 words
    21. cc321-2W
    22. Airships 623 words
    23. cc322-3W
    24. War Graves Commission 271 words
    25. c323W
    26. Macedonia 168 words
    27. cc323-4W
    28. Afghanistan 82 words
    29. c324W
    30. Secondments 166 words
    31. c324W
    32. Television Sets 118 words
    33. c324W
    34. Legal Costs 40 words
    35. cc324-5W
    36. Industrial Action 222 words
    37. c325W
    38. Airlift/Sealift Capability 122 words
    39. c325W
    40. Departmental Expenditure Limit 103 words
    41. c325W
    42. Private Military Companies 36 words
    43. cc325-6W
    44. Strategic Lift Transport Ships 154 words
    1. c326W
    2. Reproductive Health Services 82 words
    3. cc326-7W
    4. West Africa 142 words
    5. c327W
    6. Sudan 327 words
    7. cc327-8W
    8. St. Helena 116 words
    9. c328W
    10. Replenishment Negotiations 117 words
    11. c328W
    12. Zimbabwe 120 words
    13. c328W
    14. New Partnership for African Development 97 words
    15. cc328-9W
    16. Child Poverty 127 words
    17. c329W
    18. Senegal 88 words
    19. c329W
    20. Sub-Saharan Africa 119 words
    21. cc329-31W
    22. Afghanistan 568 words
    23. c331W
    24. Corruption 116 words
    25. c331W
    26. Medicines 195 words
    27. cc331-2W
    28. Great Lakes Region 184 words
    29. c332W
    30. Brazil 117 words
    31. cc332-3W
    32. Sustainable Fishing 221 words
    33. c333W
    34. World Trade 171 words
    35. c333W
    36. Kenya 98 words
    37. cc333-5W
    38. Education 855 words
    39. c335W
    40. Accountancy Contracts 63 words
    41. cc335-6W
    42. Debt relief 150 words
    43. cc336-7W
    44. Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria 431 words
    45. c337W
    46. Capita 48 words
    47. c337W
    48. Advertising 59 words
    49. c337W
    50. Deforestation 132 words
    51. cc337-8W
    52. Civil Servants 256 words
    53. c338W
    54. Bolivia 93 words
    55. c338W
    56. LNM Holdings 69 words
    57. c338W
    58. Cameroon 77 words
    59. cc338-9W
    60. Fair Trade 72 words
    61. c339W
    62. Rural Development 179 words
    63. cc339-40W
    64. Africa Private Infrastructure Financing Facility 252 words
    65. c340W
    66. Women 212 words
    67. c340W
    68. Tanzania 56 words
    69. cc340-1W
    70. EU Directives 123 words
    71. c341W
    72. Job Advertisements 83 words
    73. c341W
    74. Catering Services 100 words
    75. c341W
    76. EBRD Projects 133 words
    77. cc341-2W
    78. Volunteers 137 words
    1. c342W
    2. Prime Ministerial Visits 21 words
    3. c342W
    4. City of London Corporation 139 words
    5. c342W
    6. Volunteers 78 words
    7. cc342-3W
    8. A400M 85 words
    9. c343W
    10. Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 42 words
    11. c343W
    12. Fort William to London Sleeper Service 89 words
    13. c343W
    14. Romania 195 words
    15. cc343-4W
    16. British Companies 46 words
    17. c344W
    18. Iraq 75 words
    19. c344W
    20. Engagements 43 words
    1. c344W
    2. Departmental Staff 153 words
    3. cc344-5W
    4. Volunteers 115 words
    5. c345W
    6. Parliamentary Questions 82 words
    7. c345W
    8. Aldeburgh Festival 108 words
    9. cc345-6W
    10. Gambling 250 words
    11. c346W
    12. Lottery Funds 137 words
    13. c346W
    14. Rail Journeys (Staff) 105 words
    15. cc346-7W
    16. Capita 246 words
    1. c347W
    2. Building Research Establishment 67 words
    3. cc347-8W
    4. Atlantic Frontier Environmental Network 259 words
    5. c348W
    6. Development 84 words
    7. cc348-9W
    8. Electricity 126 words
    9. c349W
    10. Small Businesses 256 words
    11. c349W
    12. LNM Holdings 48 words
    13. cc349-50W
    14. Steel Industry 117 words
    15. c350W
    16. Correspondence 60 words
    17. c350W
    18. Volunteers 93 words
    19. cc350-1W
    20. Miners' Compensation 606 words
    21. cc351-2W
    22. Combined Heat and Power 282 words
    23. cc352-3W
    24. E-mail 267 words
    25. c353W
    26. Regulatory Impact Unit 105 words
    27. c353W
    28. Export Promotion 188 words
    29. cc353-4W
    30. Gas Supplies 149 words
    31. c354W
    32. Credit Union 128 words
    33. c354W
    34. Parliamentary Question 289 words
    35. cc354-5W
    36. EU Delegations (Scottish Ministers) 467 words
    37. cc355-6W
    38. Rail Journeys (Staff) 97 words
    39. c356W
    40. Road Transport Fuels 69 words
    41. c356W
    42. Information and Consultation 66 words
    43. cc356-7W
    44. Sellafield 403 words
    45. c357W
    46. Fuels Market 44 words
    47. cc357-8W
    48. Post Office 184 words
    49. c358W
    50. Postal Services 131 words
    1. cc358-60W
    2. Incinerators 1,001 words
    3. cc360-1W
    4. Fuel Poverty 281 words
    5. c361W
    6. Agriculture Council 236 words
    7. cc361-2W
    8. Energy Efficiency 57 words
    9. c362W
    10. Composting 124 words
    11. cc362-3W
    12. Traffic Emissions 370 words
    13. c363W
    14. Flooding 149 words
    15. cc363-4W
    16. EU Vessels 57 words
    17. c364W
    18. Aquatic Pursuits 93 words
    19. c364W
    20. Ancient Woodland 99 words
  9. WALES
    1. c365W
    2. Cynon Valley 128 words
    3. c365W
    4. Fair Trade 33 words
    5. cc365-6W
    6. External Contracts 350 words
    7. c366W
    8. Sports 97 words
    9. cc366-7W
    10. Correspondence 390 words
    1. cc367-9W
    2. Millennium Dome 975 words
    3. c369W
    4. Strategic Rail Authority Strategic Plan 108 words
    5. cc369-70W
    6. Railtrack 414 words
    7. cc370-1W
    8. London Underground 431 words
    9. c371W
    10. Housing Benefit 107 words
    11. cc371-2W
    12. M11 Link Road 198 words
    13. c372W
    14. Traffic 107 words
    15. cc372-3W
    16. Bridges (Somerset) 222 words
    17. c373W
    18. Railway Industry 128 words
    19. c373W
    20. Shoreham Port Authority 57 words
    21. cc373-4W
    22. Airport Security 338 words
    23. c374W
    24. Motor Vehicles 121 words
    25. c374W
    26. Pilots 58 words
    27. cc374-6W
    28. Airports 554 words
    29. c376W
    30. Departmental Expenditure Limits 111 words
    31. cc376-7W
    32. Social Housing 1,066 words
    33. cc377-9W
    34. Local Government Finance 477 words
    35. c379W
    36. Rail Punctuality 226 words
    37. cc379-80W
    38. Railway Investment 149 words
    39. c380W
    40. Rail Safety 110 words
    41. c380W
    42. Road Network 76 words
    43. c380W
    44. Spring Supply Estimates 59 words
    45. c380W
    46. Western Region Trains 75 words
    47. cc380-1W
    48. Traffic Management 114 words
    49. c381W
    50. High Hedges 191 words
    51. c381W
    52. Road Accidents 72 words
    53. cc381-2W
    54. Electoral Register 106 words
    55. c382W
    56. Traffic Congestion 187 words
    57. c382W
    58. School Bus Schemes 159 words
    59. cc382-3W
    60. Structure Plan (Gloucestershire) 118 words
    61. c383W
    62. Private Finance (Merseyside) 104 words
    63. c383W
    64. Congestion Charging 350 words
    1. c384W
    2. Entertainment Costs 129 words
    3. c384W
    4. Focus Groups 226 words
    5. cc384-5W
    6. Capita 94 words
    7. cc385-6W
    8. Rural Schools 616 words
    9. c386W
    10. Circulars 183 words
    11. cc386-7W
    12. School Federations 89 words
    13. c387W
    14. PFI 42 words
    15. c387W
    16. Design Champion 161 words
    17. c387W
    18. Volunteers 78 words
    19. cc387-8W
    20. Schools (Commercial Activities) 139 words
    21. cc388-90W
    22. Examination Papers 841 words
    23. c390W
    24. Specialist Schools 45 words
    25. c390W
    26. Individual Learning Accounts 54 words
    27. c390W
    28. Modern Apprenticeship Schemes 230 words
    29. cc390-1W
    30. Ministerial Meetings 78 words
    31. c391W
    32. Public Appointments (Warrington, North) 58 words
    1. c391W
    2. Romania 202 words
    3. cc391-2W
    4. Non-governmental Organisations 66 words
    5. c392W
    6. Angola 158 words
    7. c392W
    8. Non-Refoulement 142 words
    9. cc392-3W
    10. Foreign Investment (Government Assistance) 146 words
    11. c393W
    12. Far East Prisoners of War 117 words
    13. cc393-4W
    14. Montenegro 322 words
    15. c394W
    16. Europe Day 89 words
    17. c394W
    18. Hong Kong 82 words
    19. cc394-5W
    20. European Union 420 words
    21. c395W
    22. European Union 49 words
    23. cc395-7W
    24. Laeken Declaration 127 words
    1. c397W
    2. Tax Evasion 247 words
    3. c397W
    4. New Enterprise Support Initiative Helpline 58 words
    5. cc397-8W
    6. Debt (Customs and Excise) 133 words
    7. c398W
    8. Parliamentary Questions 148 words
    9. c398W
    10. Brownfield Sites 78 words
    11. cc398-9W
    12. Construction Industry 181 words
    13. c399W
    14. Regulatory Impact Unit 93 words
    15. c399W
    16. Export Licences 171 words
    17. cc399-400W
    18. Financial Questionnaire 598 words
    19. cc400-1W
    20. Capital Gains Tax 232 words
    21. c401W
    22. Press Releases 74 words
    23. c401W
    24. Press and Public Relations 66 words
    25. c401W
    26. Relocation Expenses 51 words
    27. cc401-2W
    28. Email Mailing List 143 words
    29. cc402-3W
    30. Intrastat System 326 words
    31. c403W
    32. Insurance Cover (Overseas Treatment) 60 words
    1. c403W
    2. Publicity Expenditure 89 words
    3. c403W
    4. Union Duties 61 words
    5. cc403-4W
    6. Entertainment Costs 336 words
    7. c404W
    8. Legal Costs 35 words
    1. cc404-5W
    2. Marriage and Relationship Support 516 words
    3. c405W
    4. Rail Journeys (Staff) 150 words
    5. cc405-6W
    6. Magistrates Pilot (Bristol) 299 words
    7. cc406-8W
    8. Court Closures 777 words
    9. c408W
    10. Magistrates 119 words
    11. cc408-9W
    12. Non-Governmental Organisations 144 words
    13. c409W
    14. Special Urgency Provisions 67 words
    15. c409W
    16. Auld Report 253 words
    17. cc409-10W
    18. Retrospective Legislation 112 words
    1. c410W
    2. Benefits (Epsom and Ewell) 134 words
    3. cc410-1W
    4. Pension Credit 256 words
    5. c411W
    6. Benefits (Yorkshire) 149 words
    7. c411W
    8. Fraud 150 words
    9. cc411-3W
    10. Child Support Agency 821 words
    11. c413W
    12. Jobcentre Plus 126 words
    13. cc413-4W
    14. Automated Credit Transfer 113 words
    15. c414W
    16. Universal Bank 129 words
    17. c414W
    18. Jobseeker's Allowance 210 words
    19. cc414-5W
    20. Minimum Income Guarantee 74 words
    21. cc415-7W
    22. Debt Recovery 379 words
    23. cc417-8W
    24. Vibration White Finger 217 words
    25. c418W
    26. Pension Service 153 words
    27. c418W
    28. Civil Servants 69 words
    29. cc418-9W
    30. Capita 134 words
    31. c419W
    32. HIV 58 words
    33. c419W
    34. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder 195 words
    35. cc419-20W
    36. Foster Carers 321 words
    37. cc420-1W
    38. Compulsory Retirement 182 words
    1. c421W
    2. Rail Journeys (Staff) 141 words
    3. cc421-2W
    4. Official Visits 250 words
    5. c422W
    6. Global Crossing 61 words
    7. c422W
    8. City of London Corporation 54 words
    9. c422W
    10. Secondments 190 words
  18. HEALTH
    1. cc422-3W
    2. Special Advisers 223 words
    3. c423W
    4. Waiting Lists 236 words
    5. cc423-4W
    6. GPs 94 words
    7. c424W
    8. Ambulance Services 169 words
    9. cc424-5W
    10. Arthritis 386 words
    11. cc425-6W
    12. Care Homes 463 words
    13. c426W
    14. Correspondence 90 words
    15. c426W
    16. Bolton South East Primary Care Group 167 words
    17. cc426-7W
    18. Enron 153 words
    19. cc427-8W
    20. NHS (Directors' Secondments) 659 words
    21. cc428-9W
    22. PFI/PPPs 192 words
    23. c429W
    24. NHS Walk-in Centres 158 words
    25. cc429-30W
    26. Fire Injuries 104 words
    27. cc430-1W
    28. Mental Health 951 words
    29. cc431-2W
    30. Correspondence 262 words
    31. cc432-3W
    32. Health Action Zones 79 words
    33. c433W
    34. Social Work Training 73 words
    35. c433W
    36. Foot Health Care 121 words
    37. cc433-4W
    38. Herbal Medicines 338 words
    39. c434W
    40. Equipment Leasing 66 words
    41. c434W
    42. Emergency Readmissions 39 words
    43. c434W
    44. Domiciliary Care 96 words
    45. cc434-5W
    46. NHS Estate (Repair and Maintenance) 204 words
    47. c435W
    48. Alcohol and Drug Misuse 191 words
    49. cc435-6W
    50. Private Hospital Treatment 152 words
    51. c436W
    52. Cystic Fibrosis 108 words
    53. cc436-7W
    54. Waiting Times 557 words
    55. cc437-8W
    56. NHS Procurement 394 words
    57. c438W
    58. Three Star Hospitals 75 words
    59. cc438-9W
    60. Autism (West Sussex) 305 words
    61. cc439-40W
    62. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 597 words
    63. cc440-5W
    64. Elderly Care 2,353 words
    65. cc445-7W
    66. Gynaecologists 1,944 words
    67. c447W
    68. Compensation 65 words
    69. cc447-9W
    70. Dentists 412 words
    71. cc449-50W
    72. Hearing Aids 640 words
    73. c450W
    74. Health Expenditure 41 words
    75. cc450-1W
    76. Asthma 66 words
    77. c451W
    78. NHS Catering 98 words
    79. cc451-61W
    80. Quality Protects 4,979 words
    81. c461W
    82. Strategic Health Authorities 116 words
    83. cc461-2W
    84. Community Health Councils 66 words
    85. c462W
    86. Free Nursing Care 183 words
    87. cc462-4W
    88. Heart Services 518 words
    89. c464W
    90. Television Sets 90 words
    91. c464W
    92. Capita 50 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 6 March 2002 Series 5 Vol. 632

  1. Payments to Witnesses and Pre-trial Publicity 157 words
  2. Marriage and Relationship Support 636 words
  3. Curling: Lottery Funding 124 words
  4. Defence Exports 288 words
  5. Seat Belts 145 words
  6. Local Bus Services 176 words
  7. Lower Air Space Radar Service 105 words
  8. Mode S Transponders: Swanwick Centre 70 words
  9. National Private Pilots Licences 59 words
  10. National Air Traffic Services 529 words
  11. A303 Stonehenge Improvement Scheme 104 words
  12. A11 Trunk Road: Litter Clearing 283 words
  13. Housing: One-person Households 127 words
  14. Battle of Trafalgar Bicentenary 148 words
  15. BSE 439 words
  16. Food Poisoning 384 words
  17. Care Standards 338 words
  18. NHS: Patient Records 183 words
  19. NHS: Access 582 words
  20. Negative and Affirmative Instruments 641 words
  21. Northern Ireland: Republican Terrorist Murders 67 words
  22. Police Service of Northern Ireland 172 words