Mr Thomas Ponsonby
October 23, 1930 - June 13, 1990Summary information for Mr Thomas Ponsonby
2 speeches — Mental Health (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill [H.L.] Lords January 18, 1983
Merchant Shipping Bill [H.L.] Lords January 20, 1983
2 speeches — Telemessage Service Lords January 25, 1983
Cinematograph (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 1982 Lords January 26, 1983
European Air Fares Lords January 27, 1983
Kensington Town Hall Lords February 2, 1983
2 speeches — Telecommunications Regulation Lords February 7, 1983
Merchant Shipping Bill [H.L.] Lords February 10, 1983
Transport Bill Lords March 1, 1983
Railway Station Amenities: Proposed Award Lords March 3, 1983
2 speeches — Travel Concessions for the Unemployed Bill [H.L.] Lords March 11, 1983
Licensing (International Airports) (Northern Ireland) Order 1983 Lords March 14, 1983
Data Protection Bill [H.L.] Lords March 15, 1983
Sound Broadcasting: First Report from the Select Committee, "Yesterday in Parliament" Lords March 29, 1983
Upholstered Furniture (Safety)(Amendment) Regulations 1983 Lords March 30, 1983
Motion For Adjournment Lords March 30, 1983
3 speeches — Citizens' Advice Bureaux: Funding Lords April 12, 1983
Water Bill Lords April 12, 1983
Business Statement Lords April 12, 1983
Hire-Purchase (Increase of Limit of Value) (Great Britain) Order 1983 Lords April 12, 1983
Telecommunications Bill Lords April 18, 1983
2 speeches — Telecommunications Bill Lords April 18, 1983
Building Societies: Reform Lords April 19, 1983
Cable Systems and Services: White Paper Lords April 27, 1983
2 speeches — Citizens' Advice Bureaux Lords April 27, 1983
2 speeches — Citizens Advice Bureaux: Grant Lords May 4, 1983
4 speeches — Telecommunications Bill Lords May 5, 1983
2 speeches — Telecommunications: Privatisation Lords May 6, 1983
Future Business Lords May 9, 1983
Hovercraft (Application of Enactments) (Amendment) Order 1983 Lords May 11, 1983
Future Business Lords May 11, 1983
Origin Marking Requirements Lords May 12, 1983
Motion for Adjournment Lords May 13, 1983
Airbus Industrie Project: Government Funding Lords July 5, 1983
2 speeches — Cable Systems and Services: Government White Paper Lords July 7, 1983
International Jute Organisation (Immunities and Privileges) Order 1983 Lords July 18, 1983
Weights and Measures Act 1963 (Wine and Grape Must) Order 1983 Lords July 18, 1983
Data Protection Bill [H.L.] Lords July 21, 1983
Iron Casting Industry (Scientific Research Levy) (Amendment) Order 1983 Lords July 25, 1983
Adjournment Lords July 27, 1983
Public Bills: Procedure Lords November 3, 1983
Starred Questions Lords November 16, 1983
3 speeches — Tourism: Policy Lords November 22, 1983
Televising of House of Lords Proceedings Lords December 8, 1983
2 speeches — Employment Protection (Variation of Limits) Order 1983 Lords December 21, 1983
Industrial Training Levy (Construction Board) Order 1983 Lords December 21, 1983
Adjournment Lords December 21, 1983
Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.