Lords Sitting of 11 December 2002 Series 5 Vol. 642

  1. Preamble 15 words
  2. Prayers—Read by the Lord Bishop of Guildford.
    1. cc217-9
    2. School Playing Fields 1,151 words
    3. cc219-22
    4. Ecstasy 1,154 words
    5. cc222-5
    6. Reverend David Peachell: Army Pension 1,043 words
    7. cc225-6
    8. Buses and Coaches: Passenger Safety 862 words
    9. cc227-9
    10. Accidents: Bogus Claims 947 words
    11. c229
    12. Business 77 words
    13. c229
    14. Business of the House: Standing Order 41 70 words
    15. c229
    16. Administration and Works: Select Committee 41 words
    17. c229
    18. Statutory Instruments: Joint Committee 46 words
    19. cc230-55
    20. Government 13,123 words
    21. cc255-65
    22. Bali: ISC Report 4,781 words
    23. cc265-77
    24. NHS Resources 6,138 words
    25. cc277-307
    26. Traffic and Transport in London 16,069 words
    27. cc308-30
    28. Angola 10,872 words