HC Deb 03 June 2003 vol 406 cc1-20

The Secretary of State was asked

  1. Accident and Emergency Services 1,466 words
  2. cc4-6
  3. Digital Hearing Aids 667 words
  4. cc6-7
  5. Mental Health 721 words
  6. cc7-9
  7. Hospital Trust Deficits (Worcestershire) 565 words
  8. cc9-11
  9. Foundation Hospitals 1,067 words
  10. c11
  11. Primary Care (Elmet) 262 words
  12. cc11-3
  13. Primary Care Trusts 802 words
  14. cc13-5
  15. MRI Scans 884 words
  16. cc15-7
  17. Respite Care 753 words
  18. cc17-8
  19. GP Contracts 883 words
  20. cc18-9
  21. Hospital Service Providers 476 words
  22. cc19-20
  23. Health Care Assistants 190 words
  24. c20
  25. Waiting Lists 228 words