HC Deb 24 April 2002 vol 384 cc320-2
5. Mr. Gareth R. Thomas (Harrow, West)

What role he is playing in preparation for the world summit on sustainable development. [49347]

The Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State (Mr. John Prescott)

I chair a ministerial group that brings together Ministers across the Government who are working on preparations for the Johannesburg world summit on sustainable development, which is to take place in September.

I have had many meetings over the past six months to discuss the summit with Presidents, Prime Ministers and Ministers from around the world at the request of the Prime Minister, which are in addition to those held by my right hon. Friends the Secretaries of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, for Trade and Industry and for International Development and the Chancellor.

I am sure that the House recognises the leading role that the United Kingdom has played in the Kyoto protocol and other international agreements, and that it supports our efforts to make the Johannesburg world summit on sustainable development a success.

Mr. Thomas

I am grateful for that reply. Will my right hon. Friend set out the Government's priorities for that summit and confirm in particular whether the take-up of renewable energy options will be on our agenda? In addition, given some of the recent trivial coverage whipped up by the Conservatives about my right hon. Friend's meetings with world leaders in advance of the summit, will he take the opportunity to remind the House of the importance of engaging with other Governments if we are to put together a coalition to sort out climate change?

The Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State

As my hon. Friend says, it is unfortunate that the report on our efforts to secure agreement on the world summit on sustainable development, which have involved a great deal of plane travel, should be treated in such a trivial way by The Sunday Times. So what's new?

Nevertheless, it is the Government's clear objective to make globalisation work for sustainable development, especially for the poorest. Some 1 billion people earn less than $1 a day, more than 1 billion are denied access to clean water and a child dies every 10 seconds from water-related diseases. That is why our policy is to secure a commitment to improve, among other things, access to clean water and energy services, including renewable energies.

Leadership on global issues requires travel by plane because the Starship Enterprise "Beam me up, Scottie" vehicle has not yet arrived.

Bob Spink (Castle Point)

Given that open markets are a key to sustainable development, what advice would the Deputy Prime Minister give to the United States on its steel and other trade barriers?

The Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State

Both the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and the Prime Minister have made it clear at the Dispatch Box that the United States' actions are unacceptable. Achieving sustainable agreements means finding global agreements. The hon. Gentleman refers to a trade agreement; we are referring to an agreement on the environment and sustainability. Global agreements require good will. That did not seem to be apparent in recent American actions.

Ms Joan Walley (Stoke-on-Trent, North)

May I take the opportunity to thank my right hon. Friend for putting the record straight on questions that I asked his Department about the sustainable timber, or otherwise, used in the Cabinet Office refurbishment? It is much appreciated and I accept the apology. May I say how important it is that he and our Government take a leading role at the world summit in Johannesburg, South Africa? It is crucial that in terms of domestic and procurement policies,the Government take all the advantages and opportunities offered by the biodiversity conference in The Hague last week and ensure that we get things right at home so that we can play a leading role in the world summit.

The Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State

That is precisely what the Government intend to do. May I add my apologies to my hon. Friend for the wrong information? It was given in good faith, and we acknowledged to the House as quickly as we could that it was wrong. We are carrying out a further report on that, which will be made public and available to the House. However, on the certification of wood, we are taking up the weakness issues with the United Nations, at the conference on sustainable development and with the United Nations Environment Programme.

David Taylor (North-West Leicestershire)

When we take a leading role at the summit, will we tell other nations about our record on dealing with the 400 million tonnes of waste that we produce each year in this country? Will we tell them of our patchy record on re-use, recycling and composting, or will we acknowledge that we are slip-sliding towards incineration and excessive dependency on landfill that threatens the quality of life in so many communities, including Blackfordby in my constituency which is close to a new tip that is due to open shortly?

The Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State

The problems of waste management are very considerable, not only for this country, but for many others. Landfill, incineration and recycling all play a part. As my hon. Friend will know, the issue of landfill has rightly been closed off, and we have to strike a balance between recycling and incineration. The Government have increased the proportion of waste that is dealt with by recycling. Ultimately, we must strike a balance between the options available. That causes controversy, but we intend to deal effectively with the matter. [Interruption.]

Mr. Speaker

Order. Before I call the next speaker, I ask the House to come to order.